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En Vivo I Emisión Vespertina con #Claudiogomez de #informativosTA 20/03/2025


00:00Saludos, República, buenas tardes, y muy buen provecho, tiempo de informarse en este jueves 20 de marzo del año 2025.
00:09Soy Claudio Gómez. A partir de ahora, acomódese y suelte el control, porque ya arranca la emisión vespertina de informativos.
00:18Presidente del Grupo Punta Cana, Frank Rainieri, lamenta desaparición de Sudik Shakonenki,
00:26pero asegura casos similares pueden ocurrir en otros países.
00:32Angustia agobia familia de Dominicana desaparecida mientras salió a Estados Unidos por la vuelta de México.
00:43Incendio en el ensanche Caonabo en Santiago afecta decenas de viviendas.
00:51Déficit de enfermeras afecta servicios de salud.
00:57Confirman brota de fiebre porcina africana en el Pino de Dajabón.
01:05Y Canadá informa que autoridades de China ejecutaron a cuatro canadienses acusados de narcotráfico.
01:21¡Nuevamente agradecemos el favor de Sus Sintonía!
01:34Y, también iniciando hoy nuestra emisión, le informamos que mañana, 21 de marzo, y el lunes 24 de marzo,
01:43We will be broadcasting this show at 12 noon because Teleantillas, a big league channel,
01:51will be covering Juan Soto's games in the Spring Training from 1 and 10 in the afternoon.
01:57So you already know.
01:59Tune in at 12 noon tomorrow and on Monday due to this important event
02:05that will also cover the whole weekend of Teleantillas,
02:10the official channel of the MLB in the Dominican Republic.
02:14And the night of this Wednesday is a devastating fire.
02:18It was recorded on 10 Caonabo Street, known as Los Platanitos,
02:23in the northern area of Santiago.
02:25This unfortunate event left around 20 homes affected,
02:30many of which were reduced to ashes.
02:34Our partner, Onelio Domínguez, came to the scene and tells us.
02:37Go ahead, Onelio.
02:40Good afternoon. As you can see, I am in Insanche, Caonabo,
02:45specifically on 10 Caonabo Street, the chosen sector here in this city of Santiago,
02:49where a fire occurred at 8 p.m.
02:52It resulted in at least 20 affected homes.
02:56We were talking to some of the affected and they tell us everything that happened yesterday.
03:03Let's listen.
03:04I saw that my little sister was sitting outside with her boyfriend
03:08and she said, Daddy, the house is on fire.
03:11And when we came in, my dad saw that the house was on fire.
03:15And he said, Angel, get a bucket.
03:17So, with the boy there, with the light, I was drowning.
03:20Because they are all grouped in a single nest.
03:22As there was a nest, they are all stuck together in one.
03:24Up to the top, it was affected.
03:26Without being able to, you know.
03:28I was sleeping and when I heard Aleita's voice,
03:33I thought that my little sister's house was closer to where the fire started.
03:38I went to help her as much as I could.
03:41And I found out that the fire, instead of going down,
03:46what it did was that it went the other way and came up here.
03:51And I found out about it, but nothing.
03:53Very sad.
03:55Nobody wants to be in that moment. Nobody.
03:58The fire chief in this city of Santiago, Alicia Moscat,
04:02highlighted the good performance of the community
04:05so that the fire would not spread to other homes.
04:08Let's listen.
04:09I want to congratulate and thank the residents,
04:15the residents of this place,
04:18who joined to work and collaborate with the firefighters.
04:25A good behavior, understanding the reality that we are living,
04:30understanding the work of the firefighters.
04:32It should also lead us to reflect,
04:34see how we, in terms of regulations,
04:37accompanied, for example, with the firefighters,
04:40create some regulations that can help prevent things like that.
04:45Regulations that have to do with wiring, electricity,
04:49which is what they tend to do the most, short circuits.
04:51Several commissions, both from the City Council of this city of Santiago
04:55and from the provincial government,
04:57were doing a survey here in the sector.
05:01With this information, from Santiago, I say goodbye.
05:04Good afternoon.
05:06The same for you, Onerio.
05:07Veterinary doctor Eduard Paulino,
05:10Director of the Northwest Regional Directorate of Livestock
05:13of the Ministry of Agriculture,
05:15confirmed a outbreak of African swine fever
05:18in the community of El Pino in Dajabón,
05:20an area that had already been affected previously by this disease,
05:25which is lethal to pigs.
05:28The detail is an outbreak of African swine fever,
05:32from the information we have,
05:34the investigations we have done,
05:36which has come again, to resurface there,
05:39because it is a repopulation.
05:41A year ago, we have the data of who was paid,
05:46who the pigs were eliminated.
05:48They were eliminated because there was a focus in that area.
05:52So the African swine fever virus is a very particular virus
05:56and very difficult to treat.
05:58In fact, the disease has been around for a long time
06:03and has no vaccine.
06:05According to our correspondent, Goydi Reyes,
06:08swine fever has caused the death of more than 100 pigs in Dajabón,
06:13so the breeders expect economic help from the government.
06:19The National College of Nursing Professionals
06:23denounces a shortage of staff in the sector,
06:26so they demand the appointment of hundreds of nurses
06:30who are unemployed.
06:33We have a deficit of approximately 6 nurses,
06:37because we currently have 4.1 nurses
06:42per thousand inhabitants.
06:44But we need approximately 6 to 8 nurses.
06:49In another order, she announced that she is looking for an agreement
06:52with the Ministry of Education
06:54to implement nursing services in the educational centers.
06:59The Gremialista spoke prior to the start of an annual General Assembly
07:03to balance the needs of the sector
07:07and to present to its members the memories of the Gremio.
07:13Well, let's go to the break.
07:15You stay tuned with Informativos Teleantillas.
07:18Don't miss it.
07:25Well, back.
07:26We continue with more,
07:27since the deposed Minister without a portfolio for regional integration policies,
07:31Miguel Mejia,
07:32requested this Thursday to the Central Electoral Board
07:35the revalidation of the United Left Movement
07:38to participate in the electoral processes.
07:42We have been advancing with the recognition of our party,
07:47the United Left Movement,
07:49and we have been received by the head of the political party,
07:53Dr. Lenín García.
07:56And we have already started the procedures
07:59of the requirements that the Central Electoral Board has.
08:03And that is the reason for this visit that we have made.
08:05We are very pleased with the guidelines they have given us
08:09and the attention they have given us.
08:13Mejia took advantage of the campaigns,
08:15from time to time, by officials who seek to be candidates in the PRM
08:19who, according to him, disobey their obligations.
08:23In another order, Mejia reiterated that,
08:25prior to his deposition by President Abinader
08:29as Minister without a portfolio for regional integration policies,
08:33he had already presented three times his resignation to the president.
08:40The representatives of the World Association of Jurists,
08:44Jacobo Docampo, Gabriel Fernández and Miranda Cabral,
08:49announced that the country will be the headquarters
08:52for the World Congress of Jurists,
08:55an event that will address important issues
08:58such as the use of artificial intelligence
09:01in migratory and judicial processes
09:03and challenges to the freedom of the press.
09:07But what we want is to put together
09:09this great collection of legal knowledge and experiences
09:12to, together with the Dominican society,
09:14analyze where we are going.
09:16In the end, in the global sphere,
09:18and I mean, there is no need to see everything that has happened
09:21in the previous years,
09:23the empire of the law is under siege,
09:26either by some characteristics that we all know
09:29in the British sphere, or in Israel, or in the United States.
09:35The event will take place on May 4, 5 and 6 of this year
09:40and will have the presence of 80 invited countries
09:44and more than 300 speakers.
09:47These statements were issued in the morning program El Día.
10:03Donald Trump cancels funds of $175 million
10:09to universities for the inclusion of transgender athletes
10:13and Canada reports that Chinese authorities
10:16executed four Canadians accused of drug trafficking.
10:21Reina Ramírez explains.
10:25The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, Melanie Joy,
10:28reported this Wednesday that Chinese authorities
10:31executed four Canadian citizens at the beginning of the year
10:34imprisoned in the country,
10:36supposedly for crimes related to drug trafficking.
10:40The minister also indicated that the four men
10:43had been accused of crimes related to drugs
10:46and added that the Canadian government will continue
10:48in contact with the Chinese authorities
10:50to request clemency for other Canadians
10:52who remain imprisoned in the Asian country.
10:57US President Donald Trump
10:59frozen $175 million in federal funds
11:03for the University of Pennsylvania, UPenn
11:06for its use of transgender athletes in women's sports.
11:10The university center could lose all its federal funding
11:14in the framework of the investigation for potential violations
11:17of a historic federal civil rights law
11:19approved in 1972
11:22and that prohibits discrimination for sex
11:25in any school or educational program
11:27that receives federal funds.
11:30Venezuelan teachers concentrated in Caracas
11:33to demand on the day of the university worker
11:36the recovery of purchasing power
11:38through better wages,
11:40as they claim that they owe between
11:42$5 and $8 a month in exchange in Bolívares,
11:46the local currency that has been depreciated
11:48since the last minimum wage increase
11:50in March 2022.
11:53Reina Ramírez, Informativos de Lentillas.
12:04Welcome back.
12:05A Dominican woman disappeared almost three months ago
12:08after embarking on a trip to the United States
12:11in the so-called Vuelta por México.
12:14In the country, her family at the time
12:17has described her as a hell
12:19when they did not know the whereabouts
12:21of Andrea García Manzanillo.
12:23Our colleague Fabiola Núñez talked to her daughter
12:26who precisely lives in Punta Cana and has details.
12:31Con una maleta cargada de sueños,
12:33Andrea García Manzanillo de 46 años de edad
12:36salió del país el pasado 15 de diciembre
12:38con la esperanza de llegar hasta los Estados Unidos.
12:41Tras haber pagado unos $16,000
12:44a una persona quien prometió cumplir con este acuerdo,
12:47los familiares de Andrea perdieron toda comunicación
12:50con ella el 21 de diciembre
12:52luego de que la mujer llegó a El Salvador
12:55desde donde iniciaría la ruta
12:57para llegar al país norteamericano.
13:00Esa persona lo que le ofertó a mi mamá
13:03fue un mundo de telenovela.
13:05Le dijo que no iba a haber riesgos,
13:07que iba a ser todo aéreo.
13:09Mi mamá no tenía conocimiento de esas travesías.
13:12Los familiares han movido cielo y tierra
13:14para lograr dar con su paradero
13:16sin tener éxito hasta el momento.
13:18Explicaron que han sido casi tres meses de angustia.
13:22Nosotros hemos canalizado todas las situaciones posibles
13:25para localizar si mi mamá ha estado detenida,
13:28si está en algún hospital, si está en cualquier sitio.
13:32Un infierno.
13:33Puedo definir esta temporada, este tiempo
13:36como un tiempo incierto,
13:38un tiempo de mucha incertidumbre.
13:42Su hija Andreina Rojas señaló que la desesperación
13:45los ha hecho caer en chantajes de desaprensivos
13:48obligándolos a gastar miles de dólares.
13:51Un aproximado de $7,500
13:55entre mi padrastro, yo, mi esposo y así por el estilo.
13:59Si nos dicen que la tienen,
14:01que si no le depositamos,
14:03que le van a hacer esto, que le van a hacer aquello,
14:05entonces uno con la presión de no saber si eso es cierto o no,
14:08uno accede ante el soborno.
14:10Andrea se dedicó los últimos nueve años
14:13como supervisora de aviones
14:15y fue definida por sus parientes
14:17como una mujer dedicada y trabajadora.
14:19Los familiares clamaron por la ayuda de las autoridades,
14:23el uso del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
14:26para dar con el paradero de Andrea.
14:28Desde Punta Cana en la provincia de La Alta Gracia.
14:31Fabiola Núñez, Informativos de Leantillas.
14:35Una historia muy lamentable y seguimos ahora
14:37con la oficina para el reordenamiento
14:39del transporte terrestre
14:41que entregó a las autoridades a un usuario del metro
14:44que provocó un incidente que terminó a golpes.
14:48Según la OPRED, el pasajero no respondió
14:50al llamado del personal operativo
14:52mientras PICO trabaja para garantizar
14:54la seguridad de miles de pasajeros
14:56que usan este transporte.
14:58El usuario desacató las indicaciones
15:01del personal operativo,
15:03empujó a un colaborador de la OPRED
15:05y descendió corriendo por las escaleras
15:08sin esperar su turno.
15:10Al llegar al andén, un miembro del cuerpo
15:12especializado para seguridad del metro
15:14intervino para controlar la situación,
15:17momento que el usuario
15:19usó para agredirlo físicamente
15:22provocándole una mordida,
15:24pero bueno,
15:25dice el comunicado de la OPRED.
15:27El incidente ocurrió ayer
15:29en la estación Juan Pablo Duarte,
15:31que es el transfer de las líneas 1 y 2
15:34del metro de Santo Domingo.
15:36¡Qué terrible!
15:38El director de cirugía cardíaca
15:40del Ohio Hair Mansfield,
15:43José Joaquín Norberto Vargas,
15:45manifestó que el país no cuenta
15:47con los recursos suficientes
15:49para enfrentar el número de pacientes
15:52que deben hacerse alguna intervención quirúrgica.
15:56Considera que por la cantidad de habitantes
15:58que tiene el país,
16:00deberían realizarse 11,000 operaciones al año
16:04y sostiene que no cree que se realicen
16:06más de 1,000 al año.
16:08Yo sí creo que hay una situación
16:11lo que llamo gerencial y administrativa
16:15y lo que digo con eso
16:17es que no tiene nada que ver
16:19con la calidad del servicio.
16:21Yo conozco a los cirujanos cardíacos
16:23y los cardiólogos de aquí.
16:25Aquí el problema es
16:27que los recursos,
16:29no tenemos los suficientes recursos
16:31para poder enfrentar epidemiológicamente.
16:37También afirmó que los factores
16:39que inciden en las enfermedades cardíacas
16:42son diabetes, obesidad,
16:44fumar, hipertensión y colesterol.
16:46Estas informaciones
16:48fueron emitidas en el programa
16:50Telematógeno 11
16:52de Telesistema Canal 11.
16:56Bueno, y hoy inicia la primavera, señores.
16:58En cuanto al tiempo atmosférico
17:00sobre República Dominicana
17:02seguirá siendo mayormente seco y estable,
17:04lo que va a permitir disfrutar
17:06de actividades al aire libre
17:08ya que habrá un cielo poco nuboso
17:10y escasa lluvia.
17:12A pesar de esto, se espera un leve aumento
17:14de nubosidad en zonas montañosas
17:16del suroeste y centro del país,
17:18lo que podría generar
17:20algunas lluvias aisladas
17:22debido a la intervención del viento
17:24con la orografía local.
