00:00Good afternoon, greetings to those who tune in from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, here in the Dominican Republic, to our followers on social media, and to our faithful TV viewers of Channel 11.
00:11The news is starting. We start with great concern that has generated in the country the high death rates in traffic accidents,
00:20which led the director of Intran, Milton Morrison, to explain to senators what is being done to prevent more than 3,000 Dominicans from losing their lives a year in these accidents.
00:30Eliana Cuevas is now live from the legislative headquarters and tells us that the official asked legislators to modify the traffic law.
00:40Go ahead, Eliana. Good afternoon.
00:44Thank you, Evelyn. Good afternoon.
00:47We are in the Senate, and here is the director of the Intran Institute for Land Transport, Milton Morrison,
00:58and at the request of the senators, who made an invitation for him to come to the hemicycle to expose what is being done from that institution to prevent traffic accidents,
01:14which has generated great concern in all of Dominican society in the last few days,
01:20and only last weekend, 20 people died because of these atrocities.
01:26Morrison asked the senators to modify Law 63-17 on traffic and land transport,
01:37to impose greater measures and sanctions to somehow prevent traffic accidents.
01:46Let's listen to part of what he said in this exposition to the senators, which he has not yet concluded.
01:53Legislative populism is, according to my definition, the term created.
02:00When you participate, you make a law, and then you come and go, changing the subject of the law.
02:06Here, people participated in the creation of the law, and now they say,
02:10you have to lower your voice so much, graciously, because that's what's popular, that's what's beautiful.
02:15But what I'm saying is that this is what's popular.
02:18But I repeat, my commitment as a public servant is with transparency and truth.
02:24After that, people will say, because that's what we are public servants for.
02:30Morrison asked the legislators to modify Law 63-17 on traffic and land transport,
02:39to impose greater measures and sanctions to somehow prevent traffic accidents.
02:49Morrison also gave alarming figures for the number of people who die in the country
02:56due to traffic accidents, and said that these, per year, exceed 3,000 deaths.
03:02He also pointed out that during 2020, in the Dominican Republic,
03:08more people died due to traffic accidents than due to COVID-19.
03:15He said that the number of deaths due to traffic accidents exceeded those of the disease by almost 300 people.
03:24He also said that in the three months of the year,
03:29about 300 people have died in traffic accidents,
03:34with the provinces with the most traffic accidents being Santo Domingo, Santiago, San Cristobal, and La Vega.
03:45He also pointed out that legislators have questioned Morrison on several aspects,
03:52and one of the aspects that caught a lot of attention was the issue of the DGZ agents and their role on the roads.
04:00Morrison pointed out that there are provinces in the country where there are no DGZ agents,
04:07among them Baruco, which is supplemented by the agents of the Barahona endowment,
04:13as well as Independence, where he said that there are no DGZ agents,
04:18so he understands that with a new legislation, agents can be endowed to these demarcations where they do not exist.
04:26He also talked about the resources for the fines that drivers pay,
04:32which must be equitably allocated,
04:36pointing out that the DGZ and the Intranc organs, which have to do directly with traffic,
04:43are the ones with the least resources on this road,
04:47pointing out that 5% of them go to the Attorney General's Office of the Republic.
04:53We will continue here in the Senate of the Republic until this visit of Milton Morrison concludes,
04:59to give you more details.
05:01Evelyn, that's all for now. I return with you.
05:04Thank you very much, Eliana, for this very complete report.
05:07Lately, it is still an ongoing information, and we continue to follow it closely.
05:12And fish sales business owners on Boca Chica Beach
05:17refused to alter the prices of the products offered to visitors,
05:20and made a call for them to go directly to the businesses when buying,
05:25so as not to be deceived by scammers.
05:27As Ana Mañón informs us,
05:29they are backing the operations carried out by ProConsumidor to verify the complaint.
05:36The president of the Boca Chica Beach sales union
05:40said on Thursday that they have been waiting for ProConsumidor
05:44to be able to organize in a more appropriate way
05:47everything concerning the businesses and the products such as the fish they offer to the public.
05:52For the people who visit us to come and feel safe when they leave,
05:57and for more people to come, which is what we want,
05:59we are already here regulating the prices,
06:01setting the tone for the consumer,
06:03and we are very attuned to the presence of ProConsumidor,
06:07who we have been waiting for a long time,
06:09and for them to help us with our work here.
06:11For this reason, they support the measure to guarantee the development
06:15of small businesses on Boca Chica Beach,
06:18and deny that the prices have been altered as a result of visitors.
06:23Now they are not demanding that, we agree,
06:25we are going to put it back, we are reunited,
06:27to put back the menu with the prices,
06:30so that the client who does not visit,
06:32realizes that it is not like they are telling him
06:34that in Boca Chica a pecado costs 3,000 pesos,
06:36that is a lie.
06:37Well, I myself have been here for 30 years,
06:39the best prices are found here,
06:41I sell from 500 forward,
06:43the rest, I do not know.
06:46They also indicated that the food is prepared with quality and hygiene,
06:50and they exhort visitors to always go directly to the businesses
06:54so as not to be deceived by the so-called buscones that circle the beach.
06:58We tell the visitor to come to Boca Chica Beach,
07:01to go directly to the businesses,
07:03that we are aware so that they are not deceived,
07:08we do not deceive anyone here in Boca Chica.
07:11Through a pre-consumer notification,
07:14they were granted a 15-day deadline to the shops here in Boca Chica,
07:19so that they place in a visible place the cost per unit
07:24and per pound of the products that we commercialize here.
07:29For Telenoticias, Ana Mañón.
07:33We change the subject and the night of this Wednesday,
07:36a fire destroyed 20 homes,
07:38which unfortunately were reduced to ashes.
07:41And as Onelio Domínguez directly informs us,
07:44the disaster occurred on 10th Street in Ensanche Caonabo,
07:48known as Los Platanitos, in the northern area of Santiago.
07:51Go ahead, Onelio. Good afternoon. Tell us.
07:53Good afternoon, certainly.
07:55As you advance, I am in Ensanche Caonabo,
07:58specifically on 10th Street, the chosen sector here in this city of Santiago,
08:02where a fire occurred at 8 p.m.
08:05It resulted in at least 20 affected homes.
08:09We were talking with some of the affected
08:13and they tell us everything that was experienced yesterday.
08:16Let's listen.
08:17I saw that my little sister was sitting outside with her boyfriend
08:21and she said, daddy, the house is on fire.
08:24And when we came in, my father saw that the house was on fire
08:28and he said, Angel, get a bucket.
08:30So, with the boy over there, with the smoke, he was helping me.
08:33Because they are all grouped together in a single nest,
08:35like there was a nest, they are all stuck together in one,
08:37up to the top, it was affected.
08:39Without being able to go, you know.
08:41I was sleeping and when I heard Aleita's voice,
08:46I thought that my little sister's house was closer to where the fire started.
08:51I went to help her as much as I could,
08:54and I found out from my daughter, what happened?
08:57That the fire, instead of going down,
09:00what it did was that it went the other way,
09:03it came up here, and I found out about it, but nothing.
09:06Very sad.
09:08No one wants to be in that moment, no one.
09:11The fire chief in this city of Santiago,
09:14Alexis Moscat, highlighted the good performance of the community
09:18so that the fire would not spread to other homes.
09:21Let's listen.
09:23I want to congratulate and thank the residents,
09:28the residents of this place,
09:32who joined to work and collaborate with the firefighters.
09:38A good behavior, understanding the reality that was being experienced,
09:43understanding the work of the firefighters.
09:45We must also reflect,
09:47see how we, in terms of regulations,
09:50accompanied, for example, by the firefighters,
09:53create some regulations that can help prevent things like that.
09:58Regulations that have to do with wiring,
10:01electric, which is what they tend to do the most, short circuits.
10:04Several commissions, both from the City Council of this city of Santiago
10:08and from the provincial government,
10:10were doing a survey here in the sector.
10:14With this information, from Santiago, I say goodbye.
10:17Good afternoon.
10:19Good afternoon to you, Anelio. Thank you for your report.
10:22Let's change the subject.
10:23The director of the Northeast Regional Department of Livestock
10:26of the Ministry of Agriculture, Eduard Paulino,
10:29confirmed an outbreak of African swine fever
10:32in the community of El Pino, Dajabón,
10:34an area that had previously been affected
10:37by this lethal disease for deer.
10:40The detail is an outbreak of African swine fever,
10:44from the information we have,
10:46the investigations we have done,
10:48which has come again, to resurface there,
10:51because it is a repopulation.
10:53A year ago, we have the data
10:56of who was paid, who was killed by the pigs.
11:00They were eliminated because there was a focus in that area.
11:04So the virus of African swine fever
11:06is a very particular virus and very difficult to treat.
11:10In fact, the disease has been around for a long time
11:14and does not have a vaccine.
11:16According to our correspondent, Goidy Reyes,
11:19swine fever has caused the death of more than 100 pigs in Dajabón,
11:23so the breeders expect economic help from the government.
11:28We continue with other news.
11:31The Public Ministry can continue the investigation
11:35for the disappearance of the tourist Zudisha Konenki,
11:39or otherwise the case will remain in limbo,
11:42according to lawyers consulted by this media.
11:45Paola Baez provides us with this information.
11:51The request made by the parents of the American-Indian tourist
11:54to be declared dead at the departure of the country
11:57of the young man who saw her for the last time
11:59could leave the Dominican authorities
12:01without enough elements to continue the investigation
12:04and the case would be closed.
12:06The person who could be the first accused
12:09is already in a jurisdiction that cannot be requested
12:13by the Dominican Republic, which is the United States.
12:16The case could be said to have ended there.
12:21The case would be closed if no one is responsible.
12:24Why? Because certainly the evidence,
12:28the research that has been done,
12:30does not indicate that this young man
12:33had anything to do with this disappearance.
12:37Despite this scenario that could leave the incident unsolved,
12:41as in other occasions, some jurists understand
12:44that the Public Ministry has the duty and obligation
12:47to act as an official, although the victims
12:49would have reached an agreement with the other party.
12:52It is enough that there is a crime and that it is proven
12:55and that there is a body so that the Public Ministry
12:58continues the investigation.
13:00And if the body appears, then the country
13:03will be involved in a legal battle
13:06to extradite that American
13:08who should not have let him go.
13:11And it is precisely because the United States
13:14usually does not extradite Americans to the country.
13:18We do send people from here once to the United States.
13:23Because, tell me, we have to investigate.
13:26The relatives of this young woman
13:29said that she was declared dead.
13:31Although it does not proceed,
13:33in some circumstances it does not proceed here in this country
13:36to declare her dead because it is a civil procedure
13:39that could be carried out after 10 or 15 years.
13:42The disappearance of Sudik Sakonanki
13:44has been investigated beyond an accidental fact,
13:47without the authorities having issued
13:49an official statement about it until now,
13:52or evidence of a possible crime has been given.
13:55For Telenoticias, Paola Baez.
13:59Speaking of the subject,
14:01the founder of the Punta Cana group, Frank Rainieri,
14:04lamented the disappearance of the American tourist.
14:06However, he assured that these types of cases
14:09can occur anywhere in the world.
14:11Eliana Cuevas spoke exclusively
14:13with the businessman of Dominican tourism
14:15and tells us the story.
14:18However, Frank Rainieri valued the work
14:21and management of the Dominican authorities
14:23with the disappearance of Sudik Sakonanki
14:26on March 6, at the beach of Hotel Rio.
14:29That happens in France,
14:31that happens in the United States,
14:33in Miami at all times.
14:35Well, this same week in Miami,
14:37a person was diving and drowned.
14:40So that's normal.
14:43Given this fact that has impacted
14:45Dominican society and the world,
14:47Rainieri and Angie Lendor,
14:49vice president of Asonaore,
14:51agreed that this will not affect
14:53the arrival of more visitors to the country.
14:56That was a lamentable fact
14:58that can happen anywhere in the world
15:02and will always happen,
15:04because there are millions of people
15:06who visit the beaches of all countries in the world.
15:10I don't think it will affect it.
15:12I think it was clear,
15:14the security of the country,
15:16the response that the country had
15:18to a case like this,
15:20where we are all saddened by what happened.
15:23The tourist businessman called on users
15:26of social networks to be more careful
15:29in the way they address these cases.
15:32You have to be more careful
15:34because to catch fans, followers,
15:38whatever you want to call them,
15:40on many occasions they make statements
15:44that are totally false and should not be.
15:49They do a lot of damage to the country.
15:51Tourist businessmen spoke
15:53when they attended the first edition
15:55of the Impact Women's Forum,
15:57a platform created with the aim
15:59of highlighting the contribution
16:01of female leadership to the development
16:03of the tourist industry,
16:05carried out by the Association of Hotels
16:07and Tourism of the Dominican Republic
16:09in Asonaore.
16:11For Telenoticias, Eliana Cuevas.
16:16Una lamentable información falleció este jueves
16:19el fotógrafo deportivo Carlos Alonso,
16:21quien también era parte del periódico Hoy
16:24de este grupo corripio y el Ministerio de Deportes.
16:27Alonso se encontraba ingresado
16:29en un centro de salud.
16:31Ha sido calificado por allegados
16:33que lamentan su partida como un buen padre,
16:35esposo ejemplar, amigo
16:37y un hombre de honor y lealtad.
16:39Sirvió por más de 20 años
16:41al círculo deportivo militar
16:43y a los juegos deportivos militares.
16:45¡Descanse en paz!
16:47Continuamos con otras informaciones
16:49en Telenoticias y la Oficina
16:51para el Reordenamiento del Transporte.
16:53Entregó las autoridades a un usuario
16:55del metro que provocó un incidente
16:57que terminó a golpes.
16:59Según la OPRED, el pasajero
17:01no respondió al llamado del personal operativo
17:03que no las pico.
17:05Trabaja para garantizar la seguridad
17:07de miles de pasajeros que usan este transporte.
17:09Un usuario descartó
17:11las indicaciones
17:13del personal operativo,
17:15empujó a un colaborador de la OPRED
17:17y descendió por las escaleras
17:19corriendo sin esperar su turno.
17:21Al llegar al andén,
17:23un miembro del Cuerpo Especializado
17:25para Seguridad del Metro intervino
17:27para controlar la situación.
17:29Momentos en que el usuario
17:31lo agredió físicamente provocándole
17:33una mordida, dice un comunicado
17:35de la OPRED.
17:37El incidente ocurrió ayer en la estación
17:39Pablo Duarte, que es el transfer
17:41de las líneas 1 y 2.