• 2 days ago
We got a truckload of parts and I figured I would take some home and get some of these tested/repaired. You really never know what you are going to get when it comes to condition on these. You can get brand new in box and completely stripped boards. Here goes nothing! #pcrepair #laptoprepair #gamingpc #pctips #computerrepair #pcbuild #nvidia
00:00I just bought a bunch of returns and overstock pc components. Let's try them out. This time we might
00:04try out some other boards. This one looks like he's going to need a little work. Let's try something
00:08else. This motherboard would probably be the most exciting because it's the most expensive one that
00:12we have. Even though this is Z690, it is still a $900 board. It used to be $1100. As you can see,
00:19it's definitely been used and we do see some issues right here. We are going to fix those
00:24bent pins. This seems like it's totally fixable. To fix this motherboard, we're using the ESD15
00:29tweezers. They can be found on Amazon. They are super sharp. Holding the camera and doing this at
00:33the same time, which is a little difficult. We're getting closer. We're just trying to lay this guy
00:41at the tip down. The problem is you have a bend in the middle and then you want to get this bend
00:44in the top. So the cute thing is you see the little ball tips on the end? That's what matters
00:49most. It's not necessarily what matters about the bends in the very bottom base of it. You want to
00:53watch where the tips are placed. At the end of the day, talk is cheap. Put a CPU in there. Let's
00:59see what we can do. Let's add some RAM, hook up some power, and see what happens. All right,
01:03so we're going to need to find some DDR5. DDR5, let's make it light up. 12th gen CPU. All right,
01:13now we're putting in the CPU. All right, we're going to need a tester graphics card. This will
01:17do. Tester graphics card going in. Motherboard power going in. CPU power. Power to the GPU.
01:27Now plugging in the display. Plug in our fan. Press the start button.
01:36We are getting the 00 CPU error. Let's reseat that and try it again.
01:41So exciting. After finagling with this thing, I've continuously
01:45actually got this thing to finally boot. Just in case you don't believe me, check that out.
01:50Fragile. So this is a Li and Li 011 build. It's got some damage on here, but let's see if we can
01:56make it work. Well, whoever put this back together does not know how this works. All right, let's
02:02just see what we have inside. So checking the build out for the first time, we have a used
02:09build. You can see all the dust build up, but overall it is not cheap. This is a 4070.
02:13Got lots of Corsair fans. I mean, between that and the AIO, you're looking at a few hundred
02:17dollars just in fans. And we have an X570 Aorus build. So let's check out to see what's wrong
02:23with this thing. Plug up the GPU. Plug in the PSU. I mean, just if this powers on and most
02:30things work, I mean, this is going to be a steal over price on this thing. That might be the
02:36problem. And oh yes. All right. So off the rip, we have the power on, power off. We're going to
02:45see if it's memory training. If not, we're going to have to dive in this bad boy and see what's
02:48going on. All right. So after letting this thing boot up for a bit, we did get this. Computer
02:54cannot. Oh, so off the rip, I'm going to say this is probably bad. We're going to do a few
03:01things to try it out. But when you see signs like that, usually the GPU die is dead. I did just
03:06notice. So it was probably dropped. You can see that this might've actually cracked the board.
03:12Since we're already having issues with this, let's just swap it out to a known working GPU
03:15to see if we can get something going. Release the mounting bracket right here.
03:24Throw in this guy in here since we know it works. Connect a little power to the guy.
03:29Give him a little HDMI love. Let's try this again. Right now we're going to reboot. Spam the delete
03:35button. That way we can try to get into the BIOS and see what's going on here. What's good is you
03:39can actually delete the SSD and wipe it from there. All right. So we're actually in the BIOS.
03:44Let's see if we can delete this SSD and then reformat. The Windows setup. Oh, there we go.
03:50Now we know the GPU is broken. SSD is fine. We can go ahead and reformat this out of GPU. And
03:54now we have a working system. I opened up this one and you can see some of the stuff that you'll
03:58get right here. This. But that's totally fixable. I'll show you. But first, let's test this one.
04:05Bro, whoever returned this literally got thermal paste in the RAM slots. Like, what were you doing?
04:11Gonna need some DDR5. We're going to go ahead and use the clean RAM slots first.
04:18Let's put the CPU in the socket and see if this thing works.
04:24I'll throw in a GPU.
04:28Motherboard power. Power for the CPU. This is one of those moments. It's like the do as I say,
04:33not as I do. All right. Let's see if we can get boot. Gonna boot. We're not getting any flashes.
04:42It's saying there's a RAM issue, but ah, DDR5. Let's try this again.
04:48Make sure the CPU is cooled down. Second time's the charm.
04:53Do we have? I kept getting a DRAM issue, so I'm going to try a different motherboard
04:57and see if we have the same problem. Ooh, two issues. CPU and RAM. I reseated the CPU on this
05:06board. I don't know what's going on. It's acting weird, but I know it's going to work. I just know.
05:10Listen, you. See? See that? Like, why? You couldn't do it the first time.
05:15See that? Like, why? You couldn't do it the first time. We have boot. One of the items that came in
05:20a box is a motherboard with a CPU cooler and CPU installed. So this is a 10th gen Intel motherboard,
05:26so anything can, from an i3 to an i9 can be in here. So we're just going to throw some RAM,
05:30test it, see if anything works. When testing PC components, you always want to make sure
05:34that you have trusted sets that you know that work, aka this RAM here.
05:39I'm just going to assume the motherboard and CPU work. Obviously, we don't know if anything works,
05:43but we're going to test things out. CPU power. We do not know if this has integrated graphics,
05:50so we're going to go ahead and put in a graphics card. Power up the graphics card.
05:58Well, that right there is a good sign. Let's see if it powers on.
06:03Ooh, I like where this is going. We have some lights moving around, so that's good.
06:07Let's see. It looks like we're going to get boot. Sweet. So now we have an Intel 10900 to work with,
06:11and we can build this thing out. Follow the series if you want to
06:14see all this stuff get tested and where it's getting sold.
