00:00oh so we went to an amazon return and liquidation warehouse and we picked up a few computer parts
00:05and there's a surprise so obviously this thing's pretty beat and this was a pc case that i bought
00:10and this thing was really heavy and i was like these cases aren't generally that heavy
00:14so this looks like it was the nzxt build series do you see that there's a whole pc in here
00:22so we're gonna open this thing up and i've only seen the outside i haven't really checked out
00:27the inside of this thing gpu sag no that's something that's cracked or bent that doesn't
00:36look good all right hold please yeah i knew that was going to happen yikes and let's see the
00:46motherboard because that's going to be a concern too you see that a piece of the motherboard's
00:51coming off there's usually not traces right there so it should be okay with a motherboard like this
00:57i wouldn't use it because now you have these traces and these little contact points that
01:01could be bent and swapped and if you've got a power one touching the wrong thing you can
01:05definitely break the gpu and fry everything so this motherboard's toast it could still work
01:09but i'm not going to test it so the pads don't look bad there's a chip out of it and you can
01:15see how much of that pad is gone that rubbed off these are really short pads anyways this is a 40
01:2070 ti oh wait is that a ti super