Anna Faris on If She'd Return for a 'House Bunny' Sequel: Shelley Is 'Always in Me'
00:00Oh gosh, that would be, it would be so fun.
00:03I haven't yet.
00:04I haven't really explored it.
00:06I wonder if, I mean, gosh, I would,
00:09I'd love to think that there would be a market for it.
00:14And I do, for a weird reason,
00:16I always imagine Shelly as like,
00:19as either a country singer or a flight attendant.
00:24I don't know, but I would love to play her again.
00:29She's always in me, sweet Shelly.
00:32I think, you know, when I got cast in the first scary movie,
00:38I mean, I was shocked.
00:40I never thought I would be able to make a living
00:42as an actor.
00:43It was, it felt like the most impractical choice
00:47I could make, but I had never done comedy before.
00:52I was never a comedic person
00:54and now I can't seem to get out of comedy.
00:57And so I think I've really embraced and appreciated the,
01:07I think there's personal liberation
01:11that kind of, that comes with nurturing comedic growth.
01:18And I guess what I mean by that is I'm more comfortable
01:22making a fool out of myself, I guess.
01:27I was thinking this morning how sad I'm going to be
01:29when this project is over,
01:30because it has been so incredible to work with these women
01:35under these circumstances.
01:37We keep like fantasizing about a sequel
01:42and we're all at this stage in life where we're like,
01:46I think we feel,
01:50we just feel so appreciative of each other.
01:53And I think Leslie's most likely to break.
01:57Isla is like, she is just a fountain
02:02of like frenetic comedic energy.
02:06Michelle is amazing with her improv.
02:12I just feel so lucky in a way that I haven't ever before.
02:17It's, I don't know if that's like my age or being a mom
02:23and like getting to be here shooting in Australia.
02:29It's just been a magical experience.
02:34I feel, yeah, just so lucky.