• 2 days ago
Summer House's Ciara Still Doesn't Know Why Lexi Is Upset With Her Over Jesse


00:00Alright, well this season, based on the trailer, we appear to see you get dragged into a little
00:04drama with Jesse Solomon and our new friend Lexi.
00:07Going into the summer, what was your friendship like with Jesse?
00:10Me and Jesse were really cool.
00:13I mean, we're still really cool.
00:14Honestly, I feel like me and Jesse fight, and it's fine.
00:16We're gonna get over it.
00:18Like, I... and it's typically always me mad at him for something, or he's annoyed that
00:25I said something or it was a little bit too honest.
00:28But that's, like, our relationship, but, yeah, you know?
00:33As he was going into his second season, were you expecting him to change any of his behavior
00:37or still just be that little Jesse Solomon that we fell for last year?
00:41Yeah, no.
00:42I mean, the one... like, when we were filming this past summer, one thing I would, like,
00:47look over at him sometimes, and I would just be like, you're, like... he's so himself sometimes
00:55where I'm like, be different.
00:57But I feel like he's so himself, and he can't help it.
00:59But I also think it's, like, one of the best things about him is that he can't really fake
01:05He is...
01:06Everything that you're seeing is so him.
01:08He cannot fake it.
01:09I wish that he would fake it.
01:10It would really save us a lot of drama.
01:13But, like, that's also what's, like, so charming about him, too.
01:18When he does get a little flirty just with his personality, what do you make of that?
01:21You just chalk it up to that's Jesse Solomon.
01:23No, it's just Jesse.
01:24It's just Jesse.
01:25He's a flirt.
01:27He loves his female friends.
01:29Like, he loves the female species.
01:31He does a little gossip sesh when in the first episode we see you guys in bed all just chatting.
01:36Like, that's... he's just one of the girls sometimes.
01:37No, like, I... if you want to gossip, you call Jesse.
01:40Like, he's like, you got tea?
01:42You got tea for me?
01:44I love a FaceTime with him.
01:46And him getting in the bed is, like, so normal.
01:49Yeah, no.
01:52A man that can gossip well is amazing because Kyle...
01:55Not so good.
01:57I think they're born with it or not.
01:58No, it's truly...
01:59Yeah, like, either you get it or you don't.
02:01So how do we get...
02:02I know you can't tell me everything, but what can you tease about how we get here where
02:04all of a sudden Lexi is accusing you of, like, being flirty with him or whatever is going
02:10on in that thing where she's clearly trying to make it... it becomes a point of contention
02:14for her.
02:15Um, honestly, I don't really know.
02:17And I'm gonna watch and figure it out with the rest of you guys because I still don't
02:22You still don't know?
02:23I don't really know.
02:25And maybe this is just my world.
02:26I don't really see it as a big deal, but we'll see how it all plays out.
02:31But I don't think it's as serious as we're making it out to be, but if that's just me...
02:37I mean, it could be.
02:38Okay, it could be.
02:39We don't know.
02:40We haven't watched it all back.
02:41And then once that happens, like, once we watch it back and we see, I guess then I'll
02:43see you at the reunion.
02:44I don't know.
