• 22 hours ago
Yes, we’re in the desert. Yes, we’re in the tomb. But neither one is the end of the story.

The question is how to navigate the darkness, in ourselves and in the world. Our task is to bring forth an even greater Light.

Others have done it. It’s our turn now.

For more from Marianne, please visit MarianneWilliamson.Substack.com

#thehill #trump #moses #acim #democrats #republicans


00:00Hey everybody, I want to give a bit of a spiritual pep talk today because if we only look at
00:07our current situation through the eyes of the material world, so I want to overlay some
00:19spiritual and religious themes on what's happening in our world today.
00:25So let's start with the two major ones, the ones that we are most familiar with in this
00:31country, although all of the great religious and spiritual traditions contain this basic
00:39So that would be that in the Old Testament, there is the relationship between the slavery,
00:46the enslavement of the Israelites by the Pharaoh, the rising up of Moses, the 40 year journey
00:52through the desert and ultimately arrival in the Promised Land.
00:56In the New Testament, there is the crucifixion of Jesus and ultimately the resurrection after
01:02three days.
01:03So in both of these cases, whether it is the enslavement of the Israelites by Pharaoh or
01:12the crucifixion of Jesus, there is the acknowledgement of a destructive force.
01:20There is the acknowledgement that there is, within the material world, a force of harm,
01:26oppression, destruction, all that is not love.
01:31What could be a more potent example of this than the torture and the murder of an innocent
01:37man who had harmed no one and had helped so many, which was the case, obviously, of Jesus.
01:46But in both of those examples, both in the Old as well as the New Testament, the story
01:51does not end with the slavery of the Israelites.
01:54The story does not end with the crucifixion of Jesus.
01:57That is the setup for the miracle of God.
02:00The miracle of God is that Moses arose and led the Israelites out of Egypt and ultimately
02:07they arrived in the Promised Land.
02:09In the New Testament, the story does not end with the crucifixion of Jesus, three days
02:17in the tomb, and then, of course, his resurrection three days later.
02:22How does any of this apply?
02:24What is the significance?
02:26What is the practical relevance of any of this to us?
02:32Because ultimately, spirituality and religious truth is the same thing as psychotherapy in
02:41that they both are the healing of the mind.
02:44So the great religious and spiritual stories have deep psychological relevance.
02:50They are code, in a way, for how we are to live within the spaces of darkness of the
02:57For those of us who are American, for those of us who are seeing our democracy, the pillars
03:03of our government, our constitutional principles being demolished in front of our eyes, this
03:08is what you would call psychologically and spiritually the enslavement of truth and justice,
03:13the crucifixion of all that we hold dear in terms of governmental functioning and so forth.
03:19What are we being told?
03:21We are being told two things that really matter here for us to focus on that I wanted to bring
03:27up tonight.
03:28First of all, the consciousness of a Moses.
03:31Second of all, the consciousness of a Jesus.
03:34The story of Moses means someone rises up in the material world and leads us out of
03:41the condition of enslavement.
03:45And in the world at this time, don't think of the Moses figure as just one person.
03:50Think of the Moses figure as an aspect of consciousness that we are all being called
03:56That's number one.
03:57The age of Moses is the age where the evolution of the human race is such that all of us are
04:02finding that aspect of personhood within ourselves, which will lead us from the darkness into
04:10the light.
04:11And second of all, it's the consciousness of Jesus, whereas it was the behavior of Moses
04:15that led the Israelites out of Egypt.
04:19It was the consciousness of Jesus that caused the resurrection.
04:23So we are being called to both.
04:24We are being called to leadership.
04:26We are being called to do what we can.
04:30And we are also being called to the space of consciousness of pure love, which is the
04:34space out of which miracles occur naturally.
04:39The other thing I want to mention that I think a lot of us can relate to as we look at what's
04:43happening in this country is finally the Pharaoh said, take your, you know, take your people
04:50and get out of here.
04:51He was done with the locusts.
04:53He was done with the plagues.
04:54God had made it clear to him.
04:56Let my people go.
04:57He said, get out of here, Moses.
04:59They weren't happy about it at first.
05:00They thought within the slave condition, at least they could survive.
05:05They didn't know what this road ahead would be, but they went.
05:10And ultimately they hit the Red Sea and the Red Sea, man, talk about between a rock and
05:15a hard place.
05:16If they had gone forward, they would have all been drowned.
05:20And at about that same time, the Pharaoh had decided, I want my slaves back, had sent
05:26his soldiers to chase after the Israelites.
05:30And their choice was either go forward and drown in the sea or turn back to be surely
05:37either killed or taken back into slavery by the Egyptian soldiers.
05:41At that time, Moses holds up his rod because his rod is the heightened consciousness of
05:48He is told to move into the water, goes all the way up to here, demonstrate your faith,
05:54demonstrate your faith, hold high your consciousness and your faith.
05:58And the Red Sea parts got me.
06:03We need a Red Sea to part the Red Sea parts.
06:06The reality tunnel, as it is often said, is going to emerge.
06:11And I know this is a really hard time for all of us because right now, politically and
06:15the crucifixion pattern is really obvious.
06:19The enslavement pattern is really obvious.
06:22The injustice, the authoritarianism, so many things that are in worldly terms, kind of
06:30the biggest, scariest forces, things that we can't even believe are happening here,
06:37all of that stuff.
06:39Right now, remember the higher truth and apply it here.
06:46That three days between the crucifixion and the resurrection, that symbolic 40 years between
06:50enslavement of the Israelites and the trip to the promised land.
06:53Yeah, we're in the desert.
06:55We're in our tomb time.
06:58But during that tomb time, profound alchemical changes take place.
07:02And those alchemical changes are taking place in who we are.
07:08I love that when the women went to get the body after those three days, they were told
07:16he is not here, he has risen.
07:19What that means, you know, you don't even have to go into the specific religious doctrine
07:23or just keep it with the metaphysics of this, with the psychological psychotherapeutic meaning
07:28of this.
07:30We're not even going to be the same people on the other side of this.
07:33And I know it's hard what we're going through.
07:35And everybody I know is waking up in the middle of the night, panic attacks, you know,
07:39I don't know any of us.
07:40How can you not be anxious at times.
07:42But I know for myself when I'm really about to spiral down about all this, Mary, and you
07:46can't spiral down because if you spiral down and people who are maybe looking to you for
07:51some hope and encouragement, then they'll spiral down.
07:53And that's true of all of us.
07:55There's a certain point you feel the grief, you feel the panic, you feel the anxiety and
07:59then get right back up there because we have to hold each other up.
08:04We are in that tomb time.
08:08It's it's tough.
08:09You know, the most powerful line in the New Testament is Jesus wept.
08:16But this is also putting us through some changes inside.
08:19Some things we're realizing.
08:21So you find the Moses within yourself and you find the consciousness of the enlightened
08:25master, teacher, teacher, Buddha, mind, Christ, self, whatever your tradition, whatever your
08:31truth is.
08:33That's what we're being challenged to do right now.
08:37We have come to a point in the evolution of the human race where, you know, just like
08:42we were taught as kids, if a species gets to the point where its behavior is no longer
08:49survivable, sustainable for its continuance, it will either change, evolve or go extinct.
08:59And we have come to a point where the collective behavioral patterns of the human race are
09:06We must evolve.
09:08We must become different people.
09:10We must become more reverent.
09:11We must become more loving.
09:14There are a lot of things that we can see if we look deep and are willing to do it about
09:18what led us to this place.
09:22There's some changes that have to take place and all of our consciousness and all of our
09:25willingness to show up and stand up.
09:29So pass it on, you know, whatever encouragement, whatever insight, whatever hope, pass it on.
09:39One other thing I want to say before I get off, I have noticed in my own friendships
09:42and in my own relationships that people are joining together for deeper conversations.
09:50You don't even have to know what ultimately something will lead to.
09:56Go deep and get real with people, because even though the moment of kind of collective
09:59activation has not arisen yet, that kind of collective Moses thing where, OK, let's go,
10:05let's create the new, that collective activation has not occurred yet, but get ready.
10:13Be radically available.
10:16Prepare yourself.
10:17I know we're in a death spiral, but we're also in a birth process.
10:22Keep your eyes on the light ahead.
10:27Bye, everybody.
10:28Transcribed by https://otter.ai
