00:00Hey, everybody, I want to talk about what's happening in terms of our attitude, the good
00:05news and the bad news, you know, the good news is about the bad news. And that's that a lot of
00:10people are waking up, a lot of people are creating content, a lot of people beginning to understand
00:15the larger picture here, the attack on our government, the attack on our democracy, clearly
00:21coming from inside the house, people who really want to dismantle the federal agencies of this
00:27government in order to convince people that our government doesn't work anyway. This is not just
00:33about weeding out fraud, waste and abuse. And people are getting that. So that's the good news.
00:39What comes up then, however, is that many people are going, well, holy, you know what?
00:45They've got it locked up. If you're looking at it strictly from that perspective, you're right.
00:52It's really bad. But this is where attitude and energy comes in. I want to tell you a story that
00:59one of my favorite books about American history was by Doris Kearns Goodwin. And all of her books
01:06are so great. But she wrote one called No Ordinary Time about Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt during
01:11the 1930s. When Hitler began marching, he spent two years building up his own military, we had
01:20nothing, nothing. Britain had nothing. So the book tells the story of Franklin Roosevelt. He goes out,
01:27he takes a road trip, he sees what we had and how out of shape the very small number of people
01:34were that we even had. He had to build an army to be able to take out Hitler from scratch.
01:42That generation did not even spend a second saying, well, I guess maybe we better give up.
01:49You know, I have a relative actually was telling me the other day, she said, well, some very good
01:54friends, smart people I know, she said, are saying, well, there's nothing we can do. Scratch that,
01:59please cancel, cancel, cancel. Right now, it is the energy of the American people that are going
02:05to make this all okay. You know, I want to tell you another story. I was reading in one of the
02:08books that might have been that book, Strongman, or maybe Ann Appleby, I'm not sure who it was or
02:16where I read it. But it was talking about what happened when Viktor Orban, you know, who our
02:22president thinks is such a great guy, was basically, you know, he has shifted a free democracy to an
02:27illiberal democracy and basically a dictatorship in Hungary. And it was this article that I'm not
02:36sure which book it was. Anyway, it was saying something very interesting. And it was saying
02:39that one of the reasons the Hungarian people caved, and I don't want to minimize the heroism
02:45of those who have tried to really stand up to Orban. But one of the reasons he was able to pull
02:50it off is because there have been so many generations under Soviet rule. In Hungary, the people,
02:59first of all, were used to it. Second of all, when they had a liberal democracy for a while,
03:03that liberal democracy messed up so bad, the people were like open to a dictatorship.
03:08That's not the case here. We have been a free people. America, if we had a lot of problems,
03:12oh yeah. If we've done a lot of wrong things, oh yeah. But we have been absolutely more than not
03:19a democracy that works. And we must not be the generation, the first generation of Americans
03:25who wimps out on doing what it takes to get this thing back on track. So this is just a little,
03:30you know, motivation, inspiration, hopefully. Don't even go there. I've had to say to several
03:36people, you know, you just got to cancel, cancel, cancel, cancel. This thing has only just started.
03:41And consciousness creates form. Form doesn't create consciousness. The energy is building.
03:46The energy is building. The energy is building. People are understanding. Call Congress,
03:50202-224-3121. Call your congressman. Call your senators. Call the White House. Email the White
03:58House. Jam the lines. You know, people, and they are getting the message. Even some, you know,
04:04Republican congresspeople out there are saying, hey, wait a minute, my constituents aren't liking
04:08this. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Keep pushing. Every single person,
04:14every single day, just make sure you're doing something.
04:18None of this giving up. This thing has only just begun. Okay. Have a beautiful day.