• 2 days ago


00:50I'd have done that for you, babe.
00:52Well, I should have been brought in last night and me pre-washing now.
00:55Don't worry. It's only a few towels.
00:57Oh, that racket.
00:59She's not supposed to start before nine.
01:01OK, don't stress. We all know what she's up to.
01:04Well, it's not going to work.
01:07Maybe it's time to listen to Gracie's offer.
01:10Look at what he's doing to you.
01:12I don't care.
01:13Yeah, well, I do.
01:14You mean more to me than bricks and mortar.
01:17This is our home, Dean.
01:19And moving would solve all of our problems.
01:23It might solve everything for us.
01:24We can't let Caroline and Phil down like that.
01:26I don't trust Phil anymore, Kerry.
01:29You shouldn't either.
01:30Oh, you're being completely and utterly ridiculous.
01:37Just leave it.
01:54Thanks, Mum, but I don't feel it.
01:56There's trouble at the mill, I'm telling you.
01:58And I keep thinking I'm about to go into labour.
02:01It sounds like the Braxton Hicks, darling.
02:03Braxton Hicks? Who does he play for?
02:05It wasn't funny the first time, Dad.
02:07You've got a few weeks to go yet.
02:09The first ones tend to be late anyway.
02:11According to this baby podcast I've been following.
02:14You subscribe to a baby podcast?
02:16Oh, Dad!
02:17Anything for my Evie.
02:19Look who I found hiding in the loft.
02:21I'm free!
02:23No way!
02:24I stitched his eye back on.
02:26It's perfect.
02:27Thanks, Mum.
02:28What do you think?
02:30Cease and desist.
02:32What's this for?
02:33Next door's wheelie bins.
02:35They can consider themselves served.
02:37You're going legal?
02:38I'm sick of them dumping their rubbish in our bins.
02:40Are you sure that's what they're doing?
02:42And the rest.
03:04Oh, thank you so much for the invitation.
03:07I'd be delighted to join you on your yacht for cocktails.
03:11Shall we say eight o'clock?
03:13I prefer a gin and fizz.
03:15No, I'm going to be busy at the opera.
03:18Ha, ha, ha!
03:19I'm going to be busy at the opera.
03:21Ha, ha, ha!
03:22Ha, ha, ha!
03:23Ha, ha, ha!
03:24Ha, ha, ha!
03:25Ha, ha, ha!
03:26Ha, ha, ha!
03:27Ha, ha, ha!
03:28Ha, ha, ha!
03:29Ha, ha, ha!
03:30Ha, ha, ha!
03:31Ha, ha, ha!
03:33Oh, that's another one sorted.
03:35Don't you want to hang on to a few pieces?
03:37Do not give her the option. A clear out's a clear out.
03:40Susie's right.
03:41And while we're here, we could shift your great-aunt's newspapers.
03:44Just say the word.
03:45Might have to hire a lorry.
03:47A fleet of lorries, more like.
03:48Oh, stop it, the pair of you.
03:49The mint can go, the newspapers stay.
03:52Oh, has your great-aunt always been so glamorous?
03:56Well, she used to be, and then she changed.
03:59But I never knew why.
04:06You're on checks.
04:08I'm so sorry.
04:12How clumsy of me.
04:15Oh, nice.
04:21How's Lisa getting on?
04:23Loving it.
04:24She said things have calmed down a bit since Freshers' Week.
04:27What does she get up to?
04:28I didn't ask.
04:30Look at this.
04:34Who's that?
04:35I have no idea.
04:37Aunt Jess never married, never had a boyfriend.
04:40She told me she was proudly single her whole life.
04:47You go first.
04:48No, no.
04:50After you.
04:53For heaven's sake.
04:56The two of you are just behaving...
05:00Oh, my God.
05:01Oh, my God.
05:02Oh, my God.
05:03Oh, my God.
05:04Oh, my God.
05:05Oh, my God.
05:06Oh, my God.
05:07Oh, my God.
05:08Oh, my God.
05:09Oh, my God.
05:10Oh, my God.
05:11You're behaving...
05:23He was with her all these years.
05:25Not years.
05:28You dark horse.
05:30Great aunt Jess.
05:32Judith, you have to find out who he is.
06:44What have we got?
06:45Stabbing. Male.
06:47Appears to be in his thirties.
06:49Hasn't got any ID on him.
06:50No phone, no wallet, no keys.
06:52Not even a receipt from a coffee shop.
06:54Pockets are clean.
06:55Murder weapon?
06:56There's nothing found at the body,
06:57but the pathologist believes
06:59the victim suffered a penetrating wound
07:01to the right kidney.
07:02Blade would have been about an inch wide.
07:04Death would have been fast.
07:07Possibly even within seconds with the internal bleeding.
07:10Do we have a time of death?
07:12She thinks within the last three hours.
07:15Any signs of a struggle?
07:16Not that she could see, no.
07:18Anything else?
07:19Oh, yeah, just one thing.
07:21There's pollen on his trousers.
07:24Could be something.
07:26Could be nothing.
07:27I want the whole close searched.
07:28Storm drains, gutters, bins,
07:30and tell the team to look out for the victim's ID.
07:32Killer might have dumped it.
07:33Got it.
07:34Where are we up to?
07:35Only two houses in the close are occupied.
07:38We've been talking to the four witnesses
07:40who found the victim just after 8 a.m.
07:43So at 22 Linnick Close,
07:45there's Kerry and Dean Butler,
07:47both in bed until 8 a.m.
07:49Didn't hear or see anything before that.
07:51It's the same story with Caroline and Phil Wingrove
07:53at number 24.
07:54The first time they knew something was wrong
07:55was when they saw the body.
07:57Oh, come on.
07:58They all say they've never seen him before.
08:00Well, maybe it's an act for our benefit.
08:03It's a bit risky, isn't it?
08:05Killing someone and then leaving them on your own doorstep.
08:07Well, despite what some people might think,
08:10criminals aren't very smart.
08:12That's why they end up in jail.
08:13Tell you this much, he had money.
08:16Suit's worth at least a grand.
08:17A grand?
08:19If I had spare cash to flash, I wouldn't waste it on clobber.
08:22Yeah, we can tell.
08:24A peaceful weekend away, nobody getting on my nerves.
08:27Now that's worth a grand.
08:32Any more updates?
08:33Three more posts all saying the same thing.
08:35Police have locked down Linnick Close.
08:37God bless Facebook community groups.
08:39Oh, hold on, there's a new post.
08:40What is it saying?
08:42Someone called Graham says he's got some pallets for sale.
08:44What is it with people who are trying to sell pallets?
08:50Okay, I've seen Tanika.
08:52We need to get inside the courtroom.
08:54There's a little path through the woods around the back.
08:57Little dog walkers know all the best shortcuts.
09:03I'm with you.
09:04I don't buy it.
09:06How do you mean?
09:08A man with no identity is stabbed
09:10first thing in the morning in a suburban close.
09:13The only four witnesses to the crime
09:15are right next door to the murder,
09:16and yet they all heard and saw nothing.
09:19And they all claim they've never seen the victim before.
09:22One of them's lying.
09:24Or all of them.
09:26And why have these two houses stuck it out
09:28when the whole estate is up for development?
09:30Maybe they're holding out for a better deal.
09:33Hello, Tanika.
09:34I don't believe it.
09:35Are you three telepathic or something?
09:37And a good morning to you, Brent.
09:39Yeah, I remember when these houses were bought up.
09:41About five years ago now?
09:43It's all over the papers.
09:44Now, what was the name of that developer?
09:46Grace Earl somebody or other.
09:48Okay, thanks, but you can't be here.
09:50This is a live crime scene.
09:52We've not even identified the victim yet.
09:55They didn't have any ID on him.
09:58Oh, here we go.
10:00I suppose you can tell us who he is.
10:01As a matter of fact, I think I can.
10:13I couldn't help noticing that our friend here
10:17is wearing rather an expensive suit.
10:20Yeah, that's what Jason said.
10:22Oh, and the stitching on his shoes
10:25suggests they're handmade.
10:27Oh, how very gratifying.
10:33I suggest you call George Withers
10:37and ask for the details of client 1479.
10:44Thank you, Judith.
10:46How are you?
10:47Well, apart from standing next to a dead body,
10:49I'm good, thanks.
10:50And Shami?
10:51Oh God, he's so excited.
10:52It's the parents' assembly this week,
10:54and Shanti's opening it with a poem about Shanti.
10:56Did she write it herself?
10:57She did.
10:58This particular masterpiece is called The Hedgehog.
11:01Wait, what actually rhymes with hedgehog?
11:03So, the company says the shoes belong to a man
11:06named Louis Oldham from Maidenhead.
11:09He's just getting up his details now.
11:12Well done, Mrs. Potts.
11:14Oh, come on, Brendan.
11:16It's Judith.
11:18Well done, Judith.
11:22No, no, that doesn't work.
11:23Am I?
11:24Yes, yes, yes, I'm sorry.
11:25Okay, I can hire you as civilian advisors.
11:28When I get back to the station,
11:29I can sort you out with accreditation, lanyards.
11:34You came prepared.
11:36And by the way, the pollen on his trousers.
11:39We're on it, samples are going to the lab.
11:41It's ragweed.
11:42It gets everywhere when I'm out walking the dogs.
11:45There's loads of it in the woods out there.
11:47I'll tell Alice and Jason to search the woods.
11:52Well, as Tanika's so busy,
11:56I suggest we make ourselves useful.
11:59Come on.
12:03You see?
12:07I've already told the cops everything we know.
12:10He's in bed till eight o'clock
12:11and we've nothing more to add.
12:13If you don't mind.
12:18Should we try next door?
12:20I don't think any of them are going to want to chat
12:22to a bunch of civilian advisors.
12:25Then how about they don't talk to them?
12:27I am still the vicar's wife.
12:36I've got to give them up, mate.
12:37I've got to give them up, mate.
12:50Do you want to come through?
12:52So lovely to put a name to the face, Mrs. Wingrave.
12:54I recognize you from church.
12:56Oh, yes.
12:57Our Evie got married at All Saints.
12:59The vicar did a perfect sermon, not too long or boring.
13:02Not too many bad jokes.
13:04They had to leave something
13:05for the father of the bride to do.
13:07Walked into that one, didn't I?
13:08Ah, what a beautiful home.
13:11Yeah, nice lady with the wings.
13:14Ah, when we bought the house,
13:15we got a local carpenter to make the staircase
13:18and a few other pieces out of reclaimed boat wood,
13:21like our coffee table.
13:23Why didn't you take a look?
13:24Oh, excuse me.
13:25Could I use your loo?
13:27Yes, it's by the front door.
13:29It's how Caroline and I met
13:30through the Born In Sailing Club.
13:34That's a boat.
13:35And a coffee table.
13:37The house felt so impersonal when we moved in.
13:39We wanted to make it feel like a proper home.
13:42Ah, all the love you've poured into this place.
13:45The memories.
13:46It's no wonder you don't want to leave.
13:47It's been a tough few years.
13:50A home's not just bricks and ice.
13:52Something Grace Willingbrake doesn't understand.
13:54She talks about community,
13:55then destroys perfectly good homes.
13:57I bet she's used every trick in the book to force you out.
14:00She tried.
14:01The woman is desperate.
14:03You don't think she would stoop to murder?
14:05No, of course not.
14:08Well, I don't think so.
14:10And how are your neighbors feeling about all this?
14:13Something's going on,
14:14judging by the way they were sniping this morning.
14:16Phil, you sound like an old gossip.
14:19They weren't exactly keeping their voices down.
14:21What time was that?
14:23About half seven, quarter to eight.
14:26A development like this
14:27puts everyone under a lot of strain.
14:31Will Kerry and I still get on?
14:33We always have.
14:35We're holding out against Grace together.
14:39How about I make us all a nice pot of tea?
14:46What are you doing in here?
14:48Oh, sorry.
14:49I got drawn in.
14:51Your daughter's so beautiful.
14:54Inside and out.
14:55We got very lucky.
14:57And where is she now?
14:58In the Dordogne.
15:00She met a lovely Frenchman called Jean-Claude,
15:03and they're expecting their first baby in a few weeks.
15:06I couldn't help noticing you're packing up.
15:10Not really.
15:11More of a root and branch clear out,
15:13so we're ready for a visit from my new grandson.
15:16It's amazing how much rubbish you accumulate
15:18over 30 years.
15:20He's going to spoil that baby, Ron.
15:22He's already planning a nursery and a playroom.
15:24I'm surprised you're not going over to France.
15:26Spend a few weeks with Evie?
15:29We hope to, eventually.
15:33Well, it's been an eventful morning.
15:36We could really do with some space.
15:38Oh, of course.
15:48I get the distinct impression they're moving out.
15:50Yeah, despite all that flannel about nurseries
15:53and playrooms.
15:55A smear way of finding out for certain.
15:57How about the developer, Grace Wellingborough?
15:59She'll know.
16:11What now?
16:12Well, there's no time to hide the present.
16:13I know exactly where her office is.
16:14It's behind the woods, the other side of the close.
16:17Actually, I've got to run.
16:18I've got an appointment.
16:19It's too late to cancel.
16:21What appointment?
16:23It's parish stuff.
16:24It's a task, I think, and it's important.
16:27Don't worry.
16:29We'll fill you in if we discover anything interesting.
16:33How curious.
16:36Come on.
17:03Your press, my thoughts, and prayers
17:05are with the victim's families.
17:07Other than that, no comment.
17:09No, we're working with the police.
17:13We're looking for the owner of the site.
17:15You're looking at her, Grace Wellingborough.
17:18You've had a tough few years.
17:19It must be a pain not being able to get your hands
17:22on those last two houses.
17:24All good things come to those who wait.
17:26And Maxim to live by.
17:28I'm sorry.
17:29I'm sorry.
17:30I'm sorry.
17:31Maxim to live by.
17:32Although it's only one house now, isn't it?
17:35Phil and Caroline Wingrove have sold.
17:39Who told you that?
17:40Well, they did.
17:41In a roundabout way.
17:44They asked me to keep quiet because of Kerry and Dean.
17:47Find the right time to tell them
17:48that they're moving to France.
17:49But now, now they'll sell her.
17:50And what if they don't?
17:51I'll make sure of it.
17:53There's nothing like a dirty great digger
17:54in the back of your garden to concentrate the mind.
17:56Doesn't it bother you?
17:58Driving people out of their homes.
18:00Driving people out of their homes, please.
18:03They get above market rates.
18:04Most of the other houses,
18:05they couldn't take the money fast enough.
18:08When you put it like that.
18:09This whole development's gonna be carbon neutral.
18:12The apex of future Marlowe.
18:15There'll be solar panels, proper, proper insulation,
18:18heat pumps.
18:19I'm not just throwing houses out and building a vision.
18:22Very impressive.
18:24Have you got like one of them fancy models
18:26of how it's gonna look?
18:28Actually, I do.
18:29It's in my office.
18:30I'd love to see it.
18:32After you.
18:34Oh, I have a question too.
18:38The digger.
18:39Do you really control it from that box?
18:43Could you show me how it works?
18:47I'll be one minute.
18:50You wanna think of this box
18:51as the center of the whole operation.
18:54So this lever here.
18:56Control, raise, and then this one, dig and release.
19:15This one?
19:49It's good.
19:51Oh, extraordinary.
19:53And what does this one do?
19:55Just wait, wait there, will you?
20:02Oh, how can I?
20:07Oh, oh no.
20:17It seems to have a mind of its own.
20:20Someone, please.
20:22What are you at?
20:23No, I was, um.
20:25It's me.
20:29Don't worry about me.
20:34Oh, no.
20:40Oh, Jesus.
20:43Press the red button.
20:45Lever on the left.
20:46Oh no.
20:52I couldn't stop it.
20:57Too close for comfort.
21:00Gib, I'm so terribly sorry.
21:03Must press the wrong button.
21:05That's why I do all the driving.
21:23We found some ragweed.
21:25Yeah, let's start here.
21:26Just be careful.
21:55Alice, I found his wallet.
21:58Looks like the killer dumped Louis' stuff.
22:01And we've got ragweed.
22:04And you see those branches,
22:05the way they've been snapped off?
22:07And how the ground's all flattened.
22:15Louis Oldham was killed here.
22:17And then his body was moved to the close.
22:20Okay, I'll go and get the bag.
22:23I'll call it in.
22:32Any more thoughts on your great-aunt's mystery boyfriend?
22:36We don't really know he was her boyfriend.
22:38He was her boyfriend.
22:40All her old letters are in that bureau.
22:42I'll have a dig around when I get a moment,
22:44see what I can find.
22:53Hi, ladies.
22:54There you are.
22:55Yes, here I am.
22:56Did you get your, what was it, thing done?
22:59I did.
23:00How did you get on with the property developer?
23:02We got everything we needed.
23:03Susie was so clever.
23:05Grace Wellenburgh is behind
23:07in all sorts of payments to the bank.
23:09Oh, she's in debt?
23:11Hanging by a thread.
23:13These kind of developments have huge upfront costs.
23:16And she's had years of delays, so...
23:19I'm sure she's got a lot of money.
23:20And she's had years of delays, so money must be tight.
23:23Where did you get that?
23:25Oh, that's his work website.
23:26Louis Oldham's head of accounts for a loans company.
23:29So someone who fixes loans has been killed,
23:31and we have a property developer who's drowning in debt.
23:34Got it in one.
23:34What do you think?
23:36Why did no one see anything or hear anything?
23:43Looks like we've discovered why no one
23:44in the only two occupied houses in the close
23:47heard or saw the murder this morning.
23:49Our victim was killed in the woods.
23:51And then what?
23:52His body was moved to the close?
23:54How fascinating.
23:57DS Malik has hired us as civilian advisors.
24:02Oh, don't worry, you carry on.
24:04You won't notice us.
24:05Yes, if you could just stay near the back.
24:07We'll be as quiet as mice.
24:09You won't hear so much as a peep from us.
24:11So if our victim was killed in the woods,
24:13why was his body then moved and dumped in the close?
24:16Well, it's a message, isn't it?
24:17To the last four residents on the close.
24:19Or a warning.
24:20Well, it could just as easily be a warning.
24:21Thank you, ladies.
24:23What else do we know about the residents?
24:25Well, we've got Caroline and Phil Wingrove.
24:29She's a retired magistrate.
24:30He's the clerk of Marlow Town Council.
24:34Next door, we have Kerry and Dean Butler.
24:36He runs a carpentry company, Soul Trader,
24:39and she's a nurse in a care home.
24:41I've run all their names
24:43and there's no flags on any of them.
24:45I've been going through Dean Butler's financials.
24:48He's taken out three personal loans in the last six months.
24:50He's up to date with payments,
24:51but it looks like his business is struggling.
24:54It also looks like Dean and Kerry lied
24:57about their movements this morning.
24:59Dean said they didn't wake up until 8 a.m.,
25:01but Phil heard them having a stand-up row
25:03in their garden at 7.45.
25:05Did he say what it was about?
25:06He just said they were sniping at each other.
25:09What did we have on the developer, Grace Wellingbrown?
25:13When I spoke to her, she said she was in her office,
25:15on the phone to a supplier at the time of death.
25:17No, I'd double-check that, Jason.
25:19She's another one up to her eyeballs in debt.
25:22Which is interesting, isn't it?
25:24Grace has money problems, as does Dean,
25:27and Louis worked for a loans company.
25:30What do we know about the victim?
25:32Judith, do you mind?
25:38What do we know about the victim?
25:40Very little.
25:41He was single, luxury apartment in Maidenhead,
25:44but no close family, no record, and no links to Marlowe.
25:49So what was he doing here?
25:50We've been able to pull some CCTV.
25:52Build a bit of a timeline.
25:54Hold on.
26:01There he is.
26:02He arrived in Marlowe at 6.55 a.m.
26:05on the train from Maidenhead.
26:06He's traveling alone.
26:08And no luggage either.
26:09Well, he wasn't expecting to stay long.
26:12We pick him up again,
26:14on a doorbell camera.
26:1612 minutes later, heading towards the close.
26:19Yep, he knows where he's going.
26:22And that's it.
26:23What time was he killed?
26:26Somewhere between 7.30 and 8.00 a.m.
26:29So, Louis Oldham, a man with zero connection to Marlowe,
26:32arrives on the train,
26:34goes straight to the woods behind Linnick Close,
26:36and then within minutes of arriving,
26:37he's brutally murdered,
26:39and his body is dumped in front of two houses
26:41that he also doesn't have any connection to.
26:44Yeah, but he could have just been killed
26:47by some random psycho.
26:48He wasn't.
26:50There is a connection between our victim
26:52and those four people.
26:54His body wasn't just left to be found in the woods.
26:56It wasn't dumped somewhere else.
26:59It was placed deliberately and with purpose
27:01in front of their houses.
27:06Let's start with Louis Oldham.
27:08Who was he?
27:09Why was he in Marlowe this morning?
27:10And what links does he have
27:11to the four people in the Close?
27:13And us?
27:14You've given us some great leads.
27:16Lay low until I have something for you.
27:22Morning, Mum.
27:24I've never really thought of us as the laying low types.
27:27Have you?
27:28Yes, we're looking into all potential suspects now.
28:11What do you want now?
28:12My husband's at work and he's already said-
28:15We know you lied to the police.
28:20This used to be a great place to live
28:23when people started selling up.
28:25But you weren't tempted.
28:27This is my home.
28:29Why should I sell it?
28:30Because someone wants to make a fortune.
28:31You told officers that you woke at eight o'clock.
28:35I'm not going to sleep.
28:36I'm not going to sleep.
28:37I'm not going to sleep.
28:38I'm not going to sleep.
28:38That you woke at eight o'clock.
28:41But you were, in fact, in the garden
28:43arguing with your husband at a quarter to eight.
28:48Well, what difference does it make anyway?
28:50Well, it means you might have heard
28:51or witnessed the murder of Louis Oldham.
28:53Or maybe one of you carried it out.
28:56But we didn't.
28:57Then why lie?
29:00Dean said it would just be easier.
29:02What was the argument about?
29:05Dean's starting to think we should sell up.
29:08But he knows I won't.
29:10Caroline said you both get on.
29:15Yeah, we're close in our own way.
29:18We tell each other stuff.
29:19We've known each other for 16 years or so.
29:23And Phil?
29:24Well, him and Dean used to be close,
29:26but it's all gone a bit downhill.
29:31Caroline and Phil are leaving.
29:34No, that's impossible.
29:35We had a pact.
29:37Grace Wellingborough confirmed it.
29:39Well, then she's lying.
29:40Because that's what she does to try and get us to fall out.
29:42I'm so sorry.
29:44But they're moving to France to be with their daughter.
29:49No, she can't.
29:53Can you go now?
29:55No, I can't.
29:56I can't.
29:58Can you go now?
30:03I've just one last question.
30:05Do you or your husband ever go
30:07into the woods behind the clothes?
30:10The police think that's where Mr. Oldham was killed.
30:13And then was moved here.
30:16What do you mean?
30:17I'm a nurse.
30:18Have you any idea how much a body weighs?
30:23Your husband must be very strong.
30:26You know, all that joinery work.
30:30No, he wouldn't hurt a fly.
30:32No way.
30:33He doesn't have it in him.
30:36You have to believe me.
30:38Does anyone else feel the Lady doth protest too much?
30:41She's got a point about moving the body.
30:44No, you don't think it can be done?
30:45Whenever someone faints during service,
30:47they're impossible to move.
30:48Oh, is that a thing?
30:49How often do people faint?
30:51It's a lot standing up.
30:56Good afternoon, Mr. Wingrove.
31:00Good afternoon, ladies.
31:02You've been playing cricket.
31:03Didn't exactly trouble the scorers,
31:05but nice to get some fresh air.
31:06Do you often cut through there?
31:10Of course.
31:12It's the quickest way to Marlow Cricket Club.
31:14We were talking with Kerry before.
31:17I am so sorry to hear that you and Dean have fallen out.
31:21You think you know someone, but you never do, do you?
31:23And what changed?
31:26A few months ago,
31:27Dean started causing problems with the bins.
31:31Find me two neighbours who are not in the middle of bin wars,
31:34because I know I am.
31:35What are you dealing with?
31:36My neighbour puts my bins back into my gardens
31:40before they've been emptied.
31:43I can beat that.
31:44Dean started dumping his rubbish in our bins.
31:46No, that's out of order.
31:48Gets worse.
31:49Lately, he's even shoved rotting chicken carcasses
31:52in our drains.
31:54Bins, drains.
31:58Where will it end?
32:00But surely you're not saying Dean's...
32:03Why not?
32:04He's certainly capable.
32:05Did you say that you found rotting chickens in your drains?
32:13Excuse me.
32:19Why aren't you picking up?
32:21No, I mean, you're going to tell me you're off.
32:24Ah, so the news is out.
32:27It's for the best.
32:27Couldn't keep it a secret forever.
32:29Were you even going to tell us you were buggering off?
32:32Kerry, I was waiting for the right time.
32:35So whereabouts in France are you moving to?
32:37The Dordogne.
32:38Mon Paysier.
32:39Oh, lovely.
32:42I think I'd better go and see if I can restore
32:44Entente Cordiale.
32:47Ladies, always a pleasure.
32:48Always a pleasure.
32:50Au revoir.
32:51We just wanted to ask you, who do you think...
32:54If we're saying the killer was strong,
32:58then I reckon you get a fair few muscles
33:00from hitting a cricket ball.
33:01You think that Phil could have carried the body?
33:04But don't forget what Kerry said.
33:05It's hard to move a body.
33:06Well, someone did.
33:09I've got an idea.
33:11Why don't we find out for ourselves?
33:22You just have to pretend to be a corpse.
33:24Susie, you see if you can pick him up.
33:26You'd rather even call me a corpse?
33:28Sorry, Colin.
33:29The Reverend Corpse.
33:31That's more like it.
33:32All right, let's do this.
33:36Hold on.
33:37Let's get this over with.
33:38I lift you.
33:44I'm not that heavy, am I?
33:45Oh, don't worry.
33:46It's because you're a deadweight.
33:47Deadweight is not much better than corpse.
33:52I have got this.
33:53We are going.
33:54Come on.
33:54Wait, no, that's cheating.
33:57There'd have been signs on the victim's body
33:58if he'd been dragged through the woods.
33:59Wait, so if I can get some,
34:00can I get some purchase in this?
34:02Let's go.
34:03No, no.
34:20Oh, then I give up.
34:20It can't be done.
34:21But that's the point.
34:22It was done.
34:23Do you mind if we leave it there?
34:24There's somewhere I've got to be at 7.30.
34:26Of course.
34:27Can you show yourselves out?
34:33Who are you off to?
34:35It's nothing.
34:36It's just an art class.
34:37Oh, the one in the old auction house.
34:39Yeah, I've got that leaflet.
34:39Chiltern Arts.
34:41I've been doing Zumba there.
34:42Have you?
34:43Yeah, and Brazilian drumming.
34:44I love it.
34:44Oh, marvelous.
34:46But you've got more time now that Zita's away.
34:48Every day's an adventure.
34:50Seize the day and all that.
34:51You know, try something new.
34:52Like an art class?
34:53Why don't we join you?
34:55Uh, what?
34:56Well, the art class.
34:57Sounds fun.
34:57Don't you think it sounds fun?
34:59I think it sounds like lots of fun.
35:00I think you have to book it in advance.
35:02What a shame.
35:03No, no, the leaflet said that all the sessions are drop-ins.
35:07Are they?
35:08Well, great.
35:19Can I get out now?
35:23Knock, knock.
35:24So we've spoken to his boss.
35:26Louis was conscientious and reliable.
35:30So that's hardly what we're looking for.
35:33And there's nothing in his phone records, emails,
35:35socials that indicate any contact with the Wingro's,
35:38Butler's, or Grace Wellingborough.
35:41Tell the team I need a few more hours from them tonight.
35:48Hey, how are you doing?
35:49Good, good, good.
35:50Can I speak to Shanti?
35:51Yeah, she's here.
35:53Hey, Peanut.
35:55How are you doing?
35:56Oh, I'm great.
35:58I told Judith and Susie all about your poem.
36:01They're very excited to find out what rhymes with hedgehog.
36:04You'll see at my assembly.
36:06A witness called.
36:06Saw someone matching Phil Wingro's description,
36:08checking something in the river today.
36:10Sorry, sweetie, I'm listening.
36:11Just hang on.
36:14Contact the underwater search and rescue unit.
36:15Tell them to comb the area.
36:17That could be our murder weapon.
36:18Got it.
36:21Peanut, I'm so sorry.
36:22I'm going to have to go.
36:24Bye, Mummy.
36:25I love you.
36:34Do you know what?
36:34I can't remember the last time I picked up a paintbrush.
36:39It'd be like to go back to teaching.
36:48I don't know.
37:04Welcome, everyone, to Still Life, Deep Waters.
37:09I'm your tutor, Daniel.
37:11Good evening.
37:12Hi, Daniel.
37:15This week, think less about memorializing
37:18the flower's presence.
37:20Instead, explore the layers of symbolism and emotion.
37:26Let each stroke of your brush whisper profound truths.
37:30Sorry, travel, sweet.
37:34Went down the wrong way.
37:35I'll be fine.
37:37Shall we begin?
37:45Any more thoughts after this morning?
37:48No, I'm happy.
37:49No pressure.
38:05Will you show me yours?
38:07You promise you won't laugh?
38:08Of course not.
38:13Well, you very definitely captured
38:14what Daniel would call the soul of the flowers.
38:17The soul of the flowers.
38:19I like it.
38:21Well, come on then.
38:22I showed you mine.
38:24Oh, now that's clever.
38:26You didn't even paint the flowers.
38:28Well, what are you talking about?
38:29My work whispers the profound truths of the universe.
38:36So, Bex and Daniel, what was that all about?
38:41Do you think it was him she went to see this morning?
38:43Yeah, it was him.
38:45She wouldn't.
38:46No, of course not.
38:48Not Bex.
39:11I don't know.
39:12I don't know.
39:13I don't know.
39:14I don't know.
39:15I don't know.
39:16I don't know.
39:17I don't know.
39:18I don't know.
39:19I don't know.
39:20I don't know.
39:21I don't know.
39:22I don't know.
39:23I don't know.
39:24I don't know.
39:25I don't know.
39:26I don't know.
39:27I don't know.
39:28I don't know.
39:29I don't know.
39:30I don't know.
39:31I don't know.
39:32I don't know.
39:33I don't know.
39:34I don't know.
39:35I don't know.
39:36I don't know.
39:37I don't know.
39:38I don't know.
39:40I don't know.
39:59Not Jess.
40:09Oh, Jasper. She kept them all.
40:39Oh, my.
41:10You OK, love?
41:12Yeah, fine.
41:14What about you?
41:18Don't stay up too late.
41:39I'm fine.
42:09We'll carry on, I still get on.
42:24Tell each other, son.
42:28You're a full water ride.
42:30You think you know someone, but you never do, do you?
42:32After everything that I have done for you.
42:40Janika, it's Judith.
42:43There's something we're missing about those two families.
42:46There's something else going on in that close beyond the murder of Louis Oldham.
42:50I'm convinced of it.