• yesterday


01:10I met Susie on the towpath.
01:12Thought I'd come and see what all the fuss was about.
01:14Oh, blimey. They don't look too well.
01:17Well, Fred's been dead for 1,500 years.
01:19Fred? Shouldn't it be something like Ethelred or Osbert?
01:22Huh. I thought he looked like a Fred.
01:25Mr. Eddingham found him with his trusty metal detector.
01:28What I thought was yet another bit of old piping
01:30turned out to be Fred's ceremonial sword.
01:32Nice one. So, who owns the land?
01:35It was gifted to the landlady at the Bounty Pub by an ill regular.
01:39But it's designated grazing land.
01:41More or less worthless to them, unfortunately.
01:43And she gave us permission to set up the dig.
01:45Thank you so much for joining, Mrs. Starling.
01:47Susie? Ah, another VIP.
01:50Excuse me one moment.
01:52I thought you'd retired.
01:55So did I.
02:03Bex, come on.
02:05Let's go.
02:21According to his sailing club lanyard,
02:23the victim's Kit Harcourt, 34 years old.
02:27Club Commodore James Wickham's on his way now.
02:29Thank you. Who called it in?
02:31They did. Apparently birds come out to feed after a storm.
02:35They were hoping to see a red-necked father rope.
02:37Like they got more than they bargained for.
02:41Time of death?
02:43Pathologist reckons somewhere between 4 and 6.30am.
02:46Looks like the boom struck him in the back of the head.
02:49So you think it's an accident?
02:51Uh, well, I was a sea cadet as a boy
02:54and risk of injury from a boom strike drilled into you.
02:58I've had you down as a sailor, Brendan.
03:01All I'm saying is that he must have been mad
03:03to even think about sailing this morning.
03:05The wind was gusting 45 knots.
03:07And why did he try?
03:09Do we have any witnesses?
03:11We're working on it.
03:13The incident could have been seen from numerous vantage points.
03:18Jason, can you ask the Twitchers
03:20if I can borrow their binoculars, please?
03:25Excuse me.
03:45Of course they're here.
03:54Oh, my God.
04:21Of course, Tanika.
04:23If I hear anything, I'll let you know.
04:25Well? What's going on?
04:27There's been a death at the sailing club.
04:29Is it murder?
04:31Well, they're thinking accident, but keeping an open mind.
04:34And they're looking for witnesses, so if you hear anything...
04:37May I introduce Darius Gifford,
04:39professor of early medieval archaeology at the university.
04:43Mrs Potts, I know you by reputation.
04:46Your remarkable research into the Ostia Antica excavation.
04:50That's required reading in our ancient history department.
04:53Well, that was some time ago, but thank you.
04:55Will you be joining us today?
04:57Sadly, no.
04:59I just came down to review the drone footage
05:01from this morning's aerial land survey.
05:03Oh, how exciting.
05:05Yeah, well, it would have been,
05:07but the high winds made the drone impossible to control.
05:10Ended up being blown back over the river.
05:17May I see the footage?
05:19Yes, of course.
05:21I'll forward the download to the side laptop.
05:24But then I'm afraid I must go.
05:27I have a lecture to give.
05:31But it really was a pleasure meeting you.
05:33Likewise, Professor Gifford.
05:35Oh, Darius, please.
05:38I think she likes him.
05:40Well, maybe she just admires his academic prowess.
05:43No, she likes him.
05:46Thank God Michael didn't live to see this.
05:49It's all so awful.
05:51Excuse me.
05:55James Wickham, Club Commodore,
05:57and this is Ursula Liddington, our honorary secretary.
05:59Hello. DC Hackett. Hello.
06:01DS Malik. Thank you both for coming in.
06:03How well did you know the victim, Mr Wickham?
06:05Well, outside of sailing, not very well.
06:07He'd only been with us for just over a year.
06:09Kit was dedicated to the club,
06:11and an extremely generous donor.
06:13So he was well liked?
06:15No issues with any of the club members?
06:17No. No, nothing like that.
06:21Would you agree, Mrs Liddington?
06:23Sorry, I'm not quite myself.
06:30I think she's still in shock.
06:32It's probably best if I answer your questions for now.
06:36Why was Mr Harcourt attempting to sail so early?
06:40Well, Kit worked in the city.
06:41He had to be at his desk when the markets opened.
06:43And sunrise is the perfect time for a summer sail.
06:46I often do the same myself.
06:48And this morning?
06:50No, it was gusting at force nine.
06:52I'd never go out in those conditions.
06:54Would anyone else be at the club at that time of day?
06:57Greg Cooper, maybe.
06:59He's our rear Commodore.
07:01He's responsible for opening up,
07:03although he doesn't normally get in until about 8am,
07:06unless he's had a few naval goals,
07:08and then he sometimes crashes at the club.
07:10So he's a drinker?
07:12Rather over fond of the sauce, but perfectly amiable.
07:16Sarge, just finished securing the perimeter.
07:19Looks like the boat's door's been broken into.
07:35This is the second time in as many months.
07:37What's been taken?
07:38A consignment of outboard motors.
07:40They were delivered earlier in the week.
07:42Is the boat's door alarmed?
07:43Yeah, the panel's in the corner.
07:45I'm their first point of contact,
07:46but the alarm company didn't call me.
07:48Then here's why.
07:57Professor Gifford seems like an interesting man.
07:59Oh yes, and highly respected in his field.
08:02And not bad looking either.
08:04Really? I didn't notice.
08:07Blushed. I knew it.
08:09There you are, Mrs Spot.
08:11Primed and ready to go.
08:13I'll leave you to it.
08:15You're not just interested in potential burial sites, are you?
08:18Not entirely.
08:21According to the timestamp, the footage starts at 5.17am.
08:28Larry has said the drone gets blown off course over the river.
08:33There it goes.
08:36And over the river is the sailing club.
08:40Ah, Judith, you are clever.
08:45The body was found near the slipway.
08:47Oh, there. Is that it?
08:49Can you zoom in?
08:53There's the body.
08:57Who's that?
09:00Call me old-fashioned, but if this was an accident,
09:04why would anyone prioritise the boat over helping their mate?
09:09Well, the rest of the footage may answer your question.
09:12Oh, see that? A flash of yellow in the water.
09:16Yes, there.
09:18Looks like a bag.
09:19And it's moving.
09:22That's it, I'm afraid.
09:24That may not be our only witness.
09:27What's that?
09:29The Marlow donkey timetable. Never without it.
09:32So the first train leaves Maidenhead at 5.15am,
09:36meaning it would pass the sailing club at roughly 5.22am.
09:42Around the time, the person on the footage will be making their escape.
09:46Any potential burial sites, Mrs Potts? Undiscovered settlements?
09:50Sadly not.
09:52And I'm afraid we have to leave as a matter of some urgency.
09:56As does he.
09:57I think she might actually be stalking me.
09:59We always do our big shop on Thursdays,
10:01and we're hosting the parish council supper tonight.
10:05This is stunning.
10:07I have seen you, by the way.
10:11Well, come on. The fridge won't fill itself.
10:15I'm afraid I can't, dear. Someone has to man the fort.
10:19We cancelled bridge twice. We've missed the bowls tournament.
10:23This silly little hobby is ruining our lives,
10:26and you're encouraging him.
10:30Sorry about that.
10:32She's used to getting her own way.
10:35You've got to love a strong woman.
10:45Something's troubling me, Sarge.
10:47In order to get the boat on the water in those winds,
10:50you'd never raise the sail on shore.
10:52So why did he?
10:54This is starting to look well dodgy.
11:01We're on our way over now.
11:03There's something you need to see.
11:06Evidence that suggests it wasn't an accident.
11:09It was murder.
11:23Looks like you're right, Judith.
11:25And the victim suffered significant facial injuries,
11:28like he'd been in a fight.
11:30So whoever this is assaulted Kit Harcourt,
11:32struck him with the boom and then left him for dead.
11:34And then raised the sail to give the impression
11:36that the force of the wind swung the boom into the back of his head.
11:39You and Brendan are turning into the dream team.
11:41Maybe I should make you partners.
11:43You could be Watson to my Sherlock.
11:45No, I was thinking more the other way round.
11:48There's also a break in here the same night.
11:50Are the incidents connected?
11:52It's not straightforward.
11:53According to the security company,
11:55the alarm was disabled at 2.09am.
11:57If this footage is right,
11:59then Kit Harcourt was murdered three and a half hours later.
12:02Shouldn't take that long to shift a few motors.
12:07Find out what time the first train passes the club.
12:09We already have. 5.22.
12:12We need to speak to everyone who was on that service.
12:14Hi, thanks for calling back.
12:15My mate Jackie takes that train.
12:17She works at Tynum's Boatyard.
12:19Yeah, I'll call in on my way home.
12:21Does anyone at the club have any idea what happened?
12:23Only committee members have access at that time.
12:26So far, the only people we've spoken to
12:28are Club Commodore James Wickham
12:30and long-time member Ursula Lidington.
12:32I know Ursula quite well.
12:34She's a regular at church.
12:35James Wickham told us Kit Harcourt was well-liked,
12:37but I got the impression Mrs Lidington didn't agree.
12:40Uniform's at Greg Cooper's house.
12:42He's not there and neither is his car.
12:44We need to find him.
12:46Ursula Lidington's still in the clubhouse.
12:48Maybe you'll have more luck than I did.
12:57Oh, I am never joining this club.
13:00I thought sailors were supposed to be sexy.
13:02Wait, or was that pirates?
13:05Oh, I'm so sorry, Ursula.
13:07This must all be a terrible shock.
13:09May I introduce Judith Potts and Susie Harris,
13:12my fellow civilian advisors.
13:14When something like this happens,
13:16the police draft us in to help gather information on the ground.
13:20And your inside knowledge could be crucial to the investigation.
13:23But I know nothing, really.
13:24We should be talking to James.
13:26He told the police that Kit Harcourt was popular here.
13:30James likes to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.
13:33But you're not sure he deserved it?
13:35Kit was always charming to me, but he was ambitious,
13:38determined to be a key player at the club.
13:41It's fair to say he ruffled a few feathers.
13:44Anyone in particular?
13:46Sorry, James, I've completely forgotten the time.
13:48I'm happy to wait.
13:49No, no, it's nice of you to offer me a lift.
13:51I'll get my coat.
14:00Well, I think you might be right.
14:02Ursula does seem a bit cagey.
14:04She gave the impression that Kit Harcourt wasn't as popular
14:07as James Wickham would have you believe.
14:09But she didn't name any names.
14:10No, but she's down to help with the church flowers later.
14:13I can see if I can find out a bit more.
14:15Sarge, the car's here.
14:16I need to get back for the briefing.
14:18Keep me updated.
14:19Oh, gosh, I've got to get back too.
14:20Yeah, and I'll pop in and see Jackie,
14:22see what she saw from the train.
14:23We didn't mention the bag.
14:25Oh, Brendan, one more thing.
14:27Hit me.
14:28There's a yellow sailing bag on the drone footage.
14:32Beck spotted it close to the slipway
14:34before it was carried downstream to Marlow.
14:37Good spot.
14:38You've got time to look into it, be our guest,
14:40but we're still combing the crime scene for any evidence.
14:43Oh, then you might be interested in that tiny gold link.
14:51Just there.
14:55Oh, yeah.
14:57Thanks, partner.
14:59I'm not a cowboy, dearest Perry.
15:02No, you're not.
15:03Let's forget that one.
15:04I think that's best.
15:07Mrs Potts, there's an app that can track local river conditions.
15:12According to today's data,
15:14the current should have taken that bag to the weir.
15:16I see.
15:18How clever.
15:19If you want to check it out, I'm happy to take you there.
15:21It's on my way back to the station.
15:23Well, that would be most kind, Jason.
15:25And I can use you as a guinea pig
15:27for my latest set of clues for the Marlow Free Press,
15:30all archaeologically themed.
15:32It would be my honour.
15:35Let's start with an easy one.
15:39Just like old times.
15:41You and me sharing a flask of tea
15:43while those school-gay queens sip lattes at Lorenzo's.
15:47We never quite made the cut, did we, Jackie?
15:49Cos we didn't have a bloke.
15:51Or the right accents.
15:52Or any dosh.
15:56But now our amazing girls are amazing women.
16:00We can be proud of that.
16:04And everything else we've achieved.
16:08Did I tell you?
16:09I'm coaching the youth squad at the sailing club.
16:16So you'd have heard about the murder then?
16:18Some guy called Kit Harcourt.
16:23When was this?
16:24This morning.
16:25Right about the time your train passes the sailing club.
16:29Thought you might have seen something.
16:32I was on the roadside.
16:33The only person I saw was Greg Cooper.
16:35But he's often there.
16:37They also had a break-in.
16:40What did they take?
16:41Load of outboard mowers.
16:43Police think it could be related.
16:45Word is there's an inside man at Marlow Marine.
16:47They supply all the boat engines round here.
16:53So how did you find Kit?
16:55As a person?
16:58Sounds like you rubbed a few people up the wrong way.
17:04He did more than that to Dad.
17:07What do you mean?
17:08You know Dad was running the club members bar.
17:10Kit accused him of fiddling the accounts.
17:14No way.
17:15Dad denied everything.
17:17But he was forced to resign.
17:21Thinks Kit deliberately set him up.
17:23Poor Harry.
17:26He's a broken man now, Suze.
17:28Everyone in the boat community thinks he's a criminal.
17:33Business has never been so bad.
17:36You don't think the police will think he's got something to do with this?
17:41They might want to know where he was this morning.
17:44He just needs an alibi to put him in the clear.
17:48Can I talk to him?
17:50Could be important.
17:52You can try.
17:53But I've not heard from him since yesterday.
18:20Morning, Tom.
18:23Have you lost something, Mrs Potts?
18:25Not personally, but perhaps you can help.
18:28A bag fell into the river at the sailing club.
18:31And the current should have brought it to the weir, but I can't see it.
18:35After a summer storm, the river rises, washes everything downstream to Dagger's End.
18:39Thank you, Tom.
18:40You've been extremely helpful.
18:45We're investigating the murder of Kit Harcourt, a highly successful investment banker.
18:5034 years old, single, with no criminal record.
18:53We need to understand who might want him dead and why.
18:56Key person of interest is this man, Greg Cooper.
18:59He's not at home, his car is missing, and he's not responding to calls.
19:02And we did find that broken bottle of naval gold close to the slipway.
19:06Which is the brand Greg Cooper's known to drink.
19:08Check out his phone and bank records. They could help us trace his movements.
19:12Other people of interest at the sailing club are James Wickham and Ursula Liddington.
19:16They gave conflicting accounts of Kit Harcourt's character.
19:18Do they both have alibis for the time of death?
19:20Well, James Wickham's wife, Hayley, confirmed he was at home at the time of the murder.
19:24Mrs Liddington said she was in bed, but lives alone. We only have her word for it.
19:29We're still talking to other club members, but so far nothing of interest.
19:32Is Hayley Wickham involved with the club?
19:34Oh, yes. She's the house manager.
19:39She's in charge of maintenance, staffing and club Kit.
19:43Her statement backs up her husband's. Kit was a decent bloke.
19:47The break-in was the same night as the murder. Are the two incidents connected?
19:51Could be a case of wrong place, wrong time. Victim saw something, had to be silenced.
19:56Anything else that might help us?
19:58Oh, we found a single gold link in the grass near the body.
20:04It's been identified as coming from a vintage wristwatch.
20:07But no one's reported one missing.
20:09It looks like solid gold, so it's valuable.
20:12Who does it belong to? Greg Cooper, or one of the thieves, or someone who's not on our radar yet?
20:17Get the link and bottle fast-tracked for DNA. And we need to find Greg Cooper.
21:45Thought you might want a heads up. About what?
21:49I overheard Greenlee on the phone to DI Hoskins.
21:53They were talking dates. Do you think he's coming back from sick leave?
21:59Just as I'm getting good at this.
22:02It might not be that.
22:12If this is my last case as SIO, I've got to solve it.
22:30You really didn't need to come today, Ursula.
22:33I'm afraid I did. I'm in a terrible quandary.
22:43Whatever you're holding on to is making you very unhappy.
22:48Something happened at the club last night. Something terrible.
22:54We'd had a committer meeting that didn't end well.
22:57Greg had been passed over as Vice Commodore, a role he expected to be his.
23:01Everyone else had gone home, and I was missing Michael dreadfully.
23:06Always felt closer to him looking out over the river.
23:10And then I saw them. Greg had been drinking more heavily than usual.
23:15He was angry, humiliated, wanted to take revenge.
23:19You are going to leave this club and never come back, or I will not be responsible for the consequences.
23:25Stop embarrassing yourself. You're done here.
23:30But do you think Greg is capable of murder?
23:33Last night, I saw a man I didn't recognise.
23:37Recognise? A man pushed to the edge?
23:43So, I'm afraid I do.
23:49Sarge, Uniform just found Greg Cooper's car in Frith Woods.
23:52Traces of blood on the interior and another empty bottle of naval gold.
23:56But no phone, no wallet, and no Greg Cooper.
23:59Well, we've got his mobile and bank records back.
24:03No activity since his phone was turned off at 23.38.
24:07Where is he now? He can't have just vanished without a trace.
24:10If it's Greg Cooper you're talking about, we might be able to help.
24:14The yellow bag I mentioned, I managed to track it down.
24:17What yellow bag?
24:19This one.
24:20We spotted it on the drone footage, a few feet away from the victim's body before it was swept away.
24:25You were all terribly busy, so I decided to try to locate it myself.
24:32Its contents identify the owner as Greg Cooper.
24:40So that's why we couldn't track him?
24:42Spoke to my mate Jackie, she said she saw Greg Cooper from the train this morning.
24:46So he was there, but why would he throw a bag containing all his valuables into the river?
24:52To cover his tracks, if he wanted to disappear?
24:54Or it got blown into the water and he panicked, had to let it go and run back to the car.
24:58I managed to get Ursula to open up. Greg and Kit had a fight outside the sailing club last night.
25:03Which explains Kit Harcourt's other injuries.
25:06What were they fighting about?
25:08Greg accused Kit of waging a dirty tricks campaign against him.
25:11Said if Kit didn't leave the club, he'd come for him.
25:14Doesn't sound like the harmless drunk James Wickham made him out to be.
25:17And we have evidence that places him at the scene.
25:20Where is he now?
25:22If I wanted to disappear in Marlow, I'd hide out in one of them boats.
25:26There's hundreds of them.
25:27We can't search them all.
25:28You've got a better idea, Brendan.
25:31And there's something else.
25:33According to Jackie, Kit Harcourt falsely accused her dad, Harry Tynum, of stealing from the club members bar.
25:40Even produced accounts to prove it.
25:43Forcing poor Harry to resign.
25:45We need to follow that up.
25:57So you are still alive then, Dad?
26:00I was getting worried.
26:02Tried calling you loads of times.
26:04Left me charging here.
26:06But you heard about Kit Harcourt?
26:08Yeah. I saw it on the news.
26:10Remember Susie? Amy and Zeta were mates at school.
26:13Of course I do. Why?
26:15Well, she works for the police sometimes. Was asking if I saw anything from the train.
26:20Did you?
26:21Only Greg.
26:24Did James Wickham get hold of you?
26:26No, I told you. My phone was off.
26:28It's about the keel on the Marlow maiden.
26:30He's querying the need to replace it.
26:32Wickham doesn't believe a word I say.
26:34What shall I tell him?
26:35Well, he can come this afternoon. Look for himself.
26:38I'll show him the rotten keel and the paperwork.
26:40Then he can't accuse me of trying to surrender them.
26:54So that's it then?
26:56We're out at the end of the month.
26:58Landlord's refusing to give us any more time.
27:00All that land. Nothing we can do with it.
27:03We can't give up yet, Mum.
27:12Heard anything?
27:14No, me neither.
27:16Just need to keep our heads down.
27:19Got to go.
27:21I wonder if there's a link between the theft and the murder.
27:24What exactly are you looking at?
27:26I'm not quite sure yet.
27:28I need to go back to the sailing club.
27:30Try to make sense of it.
27:38Do you smell anything?
27:52Do you know where it is, Mum?
28:07Just needed a few minutes to think about the case.
28:13Carry on.
28:16Is it just me or was that really weird?
28:18It was certainly unorthodox.
28:21It's time for Cecil's walk.
28:23I'm going to go back along the river
28:25and check those boats for any signs of Greg Cooper.
28:30Kit Harcourt's house.
28:32He's en route to the club.
28:34I may just pop in on my way.
28:37See if the police missed anything.
28:39How are you going to do that without a warrant?
28:42Well, I'll worry about that when I get there.
28:45I'll worry about that when I get there.
29:16Relax, mate.
29:18There's no way they'd want to take you.
29:20No offence.
31:06There's always something.
31:15Come on.
31:22Hey, Susie. Coffee?
31:24Oh, yeah, make it a large one.
31:26It's been a long day.
31:29Terrible, isn't it?
31:31One of our regulars had his whippet snatched out his garden.
31:34It's getting like the Wild West round here, isn't it?
31:37Did you hear about the murder at the sailing club?
31:40Yeah, it's partly why I came in.
31:41Who was killed?
31:43Some young bloke, Kit Harcourt.
31:46They thought it was an accident.
31:48Drone footage proves it wasn't.
31:50When was this?
31:51Between 5 and 6.30 this morning.
31:53Police are looking for witnesses.
31:55I'll ask around.
32:08Coffee, Dad?
32:10No, thanks.
32:12I'm going out.
32:14But we've got the meeting at the bank, remember?
32:17I'll be there.
32:34Nice. Give me a minute.
32:35Ah, Mrs Potts.
32:37Got another crossbow clue for me?
32:38Not this time, Jason.
32:40I was hoping you'd be here.
32:42There's something I need to borrow.
34:13Um, Judith Potts.
34:16I work with the police in a civilian capacity.
34:19Are you Hayley Wickham?
34:21Yes, James's wife.
34:23Can I ask what this is about?
34:24I need someone who might be able to tell me
34:27what Kit Harcourt was doing with this committee photo from 2003.
34:33Kit came to the house.
34:35Said he needed photographs of members of the committee.
34:38Said he needed photographs of members' younger selves
34:41for a fundraising event at the club.
34:43It was the only thing I could find.
34:45But the event never happened.
34:47I suspect he obtained it under false pretenses.
34:50Why would he do that?
34:52I'm afraid I have no idea,
34:53but it wouldn't be the first time he manipulated the truth
34:56to get what he wanted.
34:57You didn't like him much, did you?
34:59That's not what I said.
35:01Can I ask where you were between 5 and 6 this morning?
35:04At home, in bed.
35:06James always brings me tea around that time.
35:09So if you're asking if I had anything to do with what happened,
35:13the answer is no.
35:26Anyone for a top-up? Please.
35:28Hayley Wickham claims that Kit Harcourt was dangerously manipulative.
35:33He'd made enemies of Greg Cooper and Harry Tynum,
35:36giving them both motive.
35:38Which backs up Ursula Lidington's statement.
35:41Both lines of inquiry are being followed up by the police.
35:44But there was something I couldn't get out of my head.
35:47The possibility that the theft and the murder were...
35:50connected somehow.
35:54These are copies of photographs taken by forensic officers.
35:57I was curious about this oil spill
36:00and the smaller patches leading towards the door.
36:03Had our thief stepped in oil while stealing one of the motors?
36:07And then I remembered reading that engine oil
36:11is now injected with dye
36:14to facilitate detection of leaks
36:18under ultraviolet light.
36:22So, I borrowed Jason's UV torch.
36:25Nice one.
36:27Under UV light, the residue on the thief's shoes shows up as a trail,
36:32as illustrated here.
36:34So, as you can see, someone walked from the boat store
36:37to the area where Kit Harcourt's body was found.
36:40The trail ends there.
36:43But it confirms the connection between the theft and the murder.
36:47That's brilliant.
36:49I think we can work out what that connection might be.
36:55There's been a development.
36:58Someone spotted Greg Cooper from the river
37:00walking down the Thames Path at Bourne End.
37:03Our officers haven't located him yet, but we're getting closer.
37:06He'll be hiding out on a boat. I keep telling you.
37:09You might be right. We're looking into it.
37:11But there's something else.
37:13Alice managed to catch Harry Tynum at the boatyard.
37:16He denies any involvement, but has no alibi for last night.
37:19Harry is a lovely, kind bloke.
37:22And he's been a brilliant dad to Jackie ever since her mum died.
37:26No, he wouldn't hurt anyone.
37:28But we've got to face facts.
37:30Kit accused him of stealing money. It destroyed his reputation.
37:34Harry's got a clear motive.
37:38And there is just one more thing.
37:44I need to apologise for earlier.
37:46I was hiding from DCI Greenlee.
37:49D.I. Hoskins is coming back.
37:51Once Greenlee informs me of that officially, I'll be off the case.
37:57I need you to help me solve it before that happens.
38:02We might be closer than you think.
38:17So what exactly are we doing?
38:19Well, the engines were bought here, but stolen after they've been delivered.
38:23We need to find out how that could link to the murder.
38:27I'll take the sales office. Set the plan in motion.
38:31What do we do?
38:33Go to the loading bay.
38:35Spread the word that I'm placing an extremely valuable order.
38:39You're masterminding some sort of trap, aren't you?
38:42I may very well be.
38:44But that's strictly off the record.
38:52I'd like to order a top-of-the-range outboard motor.
38:56Money, no object.
38:58All right. What's the spec?
39:02I'm not exactly sure.
39:08What model boat have you got?
39:12Oh, well, it's a bit like that one.
39:15Only it's blue, not red.
39:17It's blue, not red.
39:26Looks like he's in charge.
39:29Keep watch, and I'll check it out.
39:35Susie, did you hear me?
39:37Yeah, of course.
39:47I'm sorry.
39:49I'm sorry.
40:37The Aurora 214 is our top-of-the-range motor, but it's pricey.
40:42Stop worrying about money, Kevin.
40:44I don't.
40:45I just want the best outboard motor you have.
40:48In fact, I'll take two.
40:50Then I'll have a backup.
41:13Can I help you?
41:15Hello, Des.
41:18My friend is spending a small fortune in the sales office,
41:21so I decided to go for a wander.
41:24So, what's she buying, this friend?
41:27Outboard motors.
41:29Yeah, the ones she has are kaput.
41:31She cannot bear a day without sailing,
41:33so it's a bit of an emergency purchase.
41:35Do you do next-day delivery?
41:37Yeah, but for big orders.
41:39Is she local, this friend?
41:41Oh, yes. Massive house on the river.
41:44Bit too lonely for me.
41:46Do you like a bit of company, do you?
41:52Oh, look, there's my other friend.
41:54She's been for a wander, too.
41:55Got to go.
41:59You were supposed to be keeping watch.
42:00Where were you?
42:01I thought Greg Cooper might be on one of them boats.
42:03Well, next time, I'll be your captain.
42:28Stage one of Operation Coliseum is complete.
42:31Coliseum? What's that about?
42:33All will become clear tomorrow.
42:35How did you get on?
42:36I told the warehouse manager you were placing a big order
42:38for urgent delivery, and you live in an isolated spot.
42:42Everything is perfectly in place for my plan.
43:00Uh, Harry.
43:04I was just checking the keel to save time.
43:07The door was open.
43:09Hope you don't mind.