• 2 days ago


00:05Hope you don't mind me calling. I want to invite you to a party. I'm sorry, and I'm worried something might happen
00:14Peter son
00:19Yes, that I
00:21Don't think this was an accident. It was murder. What if he had an accomplice?
00:28Got to drop the speed of any case what so Peter's new will is still missing
00:33Let's meet up, but no one can know
00:57What we got
01:02Well, we don't want to get you into trouble so he won't be interested in Sarah Fitzherbert
01:06Who lives at 18 Allison Road runs the coffee cart at the station and could well be Tristan Bailey's accomplice
01:15So if it's Herbert 18 Allison Road not interested in her at all
01:19And I suppose you don't want to know we've still not found. So Peter's most recent will it's in relevance
01:25Nor have we not even listening
01:27And you also don't want to know there wasn't a second key to the room
01:31The only way that door could have been locked was with the key we found in Sir Peter's pocket
01:40Well, there's something else the gardener Adam Warner said he thinks Tristan stole some rat poison a while back
01:46But since no one's died of rat poison actually might not be of interest
01:49And that's it. That's why the case has been put on the backburner
01:53Let me not follow up on that lead
01:57And whatever you do don't go to the train station and get yourself a coffee good thinking
02:46Of course I have more cupcakes for you tomorrow, that'll be 595, please
02:53Thank you
02:54It's going through to voicemail again
02:56I don't know what to do. He says he loves me, but he won't take my calls and then he's angry when he does
03:00Good morning, ladies. Can I help you an Americano, please and
03:05Latte, please with oat milk semi-skimmed if you have it, of course coming up. You know what I think
03:10He can't keep you at arm's length. You need to tell him what's what if I do that? I'm worried. I'll drive him away
03:17nonsense, I
03:18Don't know what to do
03:28Your friends right? He won't drive him away. Not if it's meant to be. I'm sorry. I couldn't help overhearing
03:35Is that your experience?
03:38I've been dating the same guy since I was 16 years old
03:42It's impressive on and off be straight sometimes, but he always comes back. Well, that must cause a few arguments
03:48Oh, you have no idea
03:51So, how do you handle him
03:57His father died last week
04:00Was truly tragic a horrible thing, but then he said it was over between us
04:05Can you imagine after all that time together exactly?
04:09But sometimes you just have to be patient
04:12He came back. He always does
04:15But childhood sweethearts will always be together
04:21Where were you at 3 p.m. Last Friday
04:26I'm sorry, your boyfriend's Tristram Bailey, isn't he? Where were you when his father died?
04:33At the bounty pub watching a band. Can you pay up and go?
04:48I've got a book. I want to give you
04:50Older places you'll go. What's that? It's a dr. Sue story about
04:56All the places you go to in your life mom. I'm going to Manchester
05:00Zita that's for her. It's just up the m6. Well, it's not just about that
05:07Uni it can be really intense. I know mom. It's just I am 18 now. That's not that old. It's old enough to leave home
05:16I just want you to know that
05:19If it ever gets too much
05:21You just come straight home
05:24Call me day or night anytime
05:26I'll keep my phone right by my side
05:35What about you
05:37What about me?
05:39This is your first time without me. How are you going to cope?
05:41I use away for most of the summer. I was okay. Well, that was a holiday. So
05:46You know me Zita, I'll be fine. I'm always fine. There you are then
05:53What do you mean no, I'll be fine you'll be fine why are we still talking about this
06:17No, sorry, I don't recognize her she said she was here last Friday 3 p.m
06:22I could ask around if you like that would be really helpful. Thank you
06:27Is this it Sarah lied to us about being here because she was in the study pushing the cabinet on to Sir Peter for Tristram
06:37Sorry, should you be taking that well, there's a another crossword to solve
06:41So, yes, you really think the crossword setter is sending secret messages I do actually Oh
06:49Perfect timing. I've got an appointment with Colin. Is this your hot date? Not quite yet
06:55Okay, come by Wednesday evening MUC committee meeting how about a lunch
07:00Clothes got work experience all week at the Wickham Swan. It's a lunchtime drop-off and I'm picking up
07:05I've got half an hour window at 630 on Friday
07:35Just think happened today
07:37Hmm these two women came to the coffee cart wanting to know all about you
07:46Why who was it just two women tell me everything that they said well, I don't remember me
08:17Don't think many crossword setters deal drugs in their spare time. I know you sold murders. I suppose I do
08:29Good morning, lady Bailey. Good morning
08:38Okay, here we go, it's 11 Oh
08:43Suspicious runner approaching coming this way. This is it a jogger right on time
08:54Another jogger it's copy
09:01They're just joggers
09:03There must be something else going on. I don't think there is
09:07Never mind. It was worth a shot
09:13Hold on
09:17Look at this look at what lady Bailey's
09:28Lady Bailey, could we have a word why?
09:32Because you're wearing hunter wellies with a cut across your left soul
09:37Why aren't earth that of interest you were at the party when your ex-husband died when of course I wasn't
09:43You were hiding in the flowerbed outside to Peter's study and you left rather distinctive boot prints in the earth
10:01You're right I was there I
10:07Had to see what she looked like
10:10There's a way into the garden through the stables. I
10:13Don't know what Peter saw in her
10:16There's no way she'd have lasted not with her unable to get through a party without having a nervous breakdown
10:23When she went into the house, I knew I'd seen enough and left
10:30Did you see anyone in the study no
10:32I was too far away and I remember now the Sun chose that moment to come out
10:38It was shining on the study windows. I couldn't see inside
10:42But congratulations. I was there
10:45You want a medal? No, I want to catch your ex-husband's killer. He died in an accident
10:52So you say?
10:53You now admit you were hiding by Sir Peter's study
10:57What was stopping you from going into the house pushing the cabinet onto him and then slipping away again?
11:02It was his new woman. I had a problem with not Peter, but that's not true. Is it?
11:08We learned how important your name is to you when we first met and the only way you can keep your
11:13aristocratic title is if Sir Peter never remarries
11:16Which he now never will will he lady Bailey?
11:20How dare you speak to me like that?
11:24How dare you?
11:31Wow Bex, well done you really rattled her cage
11:43I've done that background report for you. Thank you Alice
11:48Alice, what did the sergeant background check on a Marlowe resident Sarah Fitzherbert for the Bailey case?
12:06I can't find Adam the gardener anywhere. Oh
12:10Oh, what's that? It's where Lady Bailey came into the garden. It's the same boot print. Oh
12:23Is that him? Come on
12:27You found it. What's going on?
12:30We found it finally
12:31The new will or I don't found it. Miss Paige asked me to work on the lawn. I was getting some compost
12:40And look, oh
12:43This is the signature
12:45signed by Sir Peter Bailey
12:47Come on, we can help really
12:50It'll be like a jigsaw. Okay. What's that? Yeah
12:54Pass me the pieces great. They're quite wet. Oh, this is stinky. What about in that corner?
13:00Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. What's this?
13:03There anymore I can see
13:06This is all of them
13:08Do we need more pieces no, this should be enough if I die
13:14before my
13:16That should be wedding day. I leave
13:21entire state
13:23to Jenny Paige
13:25And it will have been
13:30And it will have been my son Tristan who killed me
13:35He named his killer
13:40Think for me
13:41Were you expecting something? It's a bit always say look off to me. I've worked for this family for 30 years
13:49Is this valid not torn up like this, I'm sorry
13:56Then he's done it hasn't he Tristram he's got everything he's won
14:05We best call to Nico
14:08This is why sir Peter rang me, isn't it?
14:11He was worried that Tristram was going to kill him, but it can't have been him. Oh, man
14:16We're going around in circles here. Will this be enough to reopen the case? It's unlikely Greenlee's dead against it
14:23Adam can I ask what were you expecting? Sir? Peter to leave you in his will
14:28He never mentioned specifics, but he said he'd look after you which he didn't did he in the new will?
14:35Which you witnessed?
14:37But I didn't know what was in it. He wouldn't tell us. Why burn you at the party?
14:43It was a family event I wouldn't be invited
14:46Why not? Where were you when sir? Peter died in the garden where?
14:51Well at the back working. Can you prove that?
14:55and I
14:57saw Lady Bailey
14:59by the stables
15:00Looking a bit shifty if I'm honest
15:04This is important. Did you see Lady Bailey at the stables?
15:08Before or after you heard the crash I heard the church bells first
15:15Then I saw her I saw her and and then I had to crash
15:21But you didn't go and investigate I just thought something to do with the party
15:26Can I go now yes, of course
15:29This isn't good, is it? I mean if he's saying that Lady Bailey was over by the stables at 3 p.m.
15:38Then she couldn't have been inside the house killing Sir Peter
15:41Nor could Adam have been if he was out there which brings us right back to Sarah Fitzherbert
15:46She's in a secret relationship with Tristram. You know her alibi does not check out
15:51She even has a motive if she kills Sir Peter
15:55She can marry Tristram get all that money the big fancy house and the title of Lady Bailey
16:02Yeah case closed
16:05It's Jason
16:07What have you got? I'm at Sarah Fitzherbert's house
16:09Good wait for me there. I've got some questions. I need to put to her. Yeah, that's going to be hard. Why is that?
16:16I'm sorry. Her neighbors just found her
16:18She's dead
16:26I tell Brendan I want Tristram Bailey bought him for questioning immediately
16:42Okay, right, mr. Bailey come on this one come on mind you
17:00What if it's because of us that she's dead it's because of who killed her that she's dead Tristram
17:09Sarah killed Sir Peter for him thinking he'd marry her and instead he kills her so he doesn't have to share his fortune
17:15Yes, like Jenny said he's one
17:20Tonika I was just passing has Tristram confessed. No, he denies everything
17:25So if it's Herbert died from an overdose of bromodiline rat poison
17:29Which we found in the glove compartment of Tristram's car covered in his fingerprints. No, no, this can't be right
17:36Everything about the first murder was meticulous. And now we're saying that Tristram just left all that evidence lying around
17:48It's from Lynn at the bounty she says the band filmed their performance that afternoon
17:58There she is Sarah Fitzherbert, oh poor woman at 3 p.m
18:03At least two miles away from Sir Peter when he died, but that's impossible
18:07Everyone on that board has an alibi
18:12Where are you going? I'll catch up with you later. See yourselves out
19:05You've led me a merry dance
19:09Who are you Judith Potts? I set the crosswords in the Marlow free press. Oh you pepper
19:16It's a play on my surname Judith Potts pepper pot and you set the crossword for the Maidenhead advertiser
19:23How'd you know that?
19:28Exactly I know all about your secret codes. I saw you in Higginson Park. I didn't think anything of it at the time
19:37Are you meeting the same woman again? Oh
19:41There we are
19:42Now, I know it's none of my business
19:45But I think you're romantically entangled with the woman over there and your wife doesn't know does she you're mostly right
19:52But my wife knows and she doesn't mind
19:55That's what they all say. I'll go even further and say that she approves of the liaison
20:03I'm afraid we've been rumbled
20:05She thinks we're having an affair
20:08How wonderful
20:11You see we are married to each other
20:15Look, I'm very happily
20:17I go to exercise class most mornings and then I sit down with a Maidenhead advertiser and do the crossword
20:24I see the secret message and then we meet up
20:29As if we're having an affair
20:31It adds a little spice to our lives
20:34Well, I must say I've never been so happy to be proven wrong
20:39Water fill it up. Oh
20:43Don't move
20:50That's it, isn't it?
20:52It's Stonehenge. It's a cariff of water. No, no, it's
20:58Machu Picchu
21:00And she thought we were odd
21:10What is it
21:12Colin I finally managed to arrange our date
21:15It's in the half hour after even song before I have to pick Sam up from football
21:20Can't even get five minutes with Zita. No, she's off tomorrow. She hasn't even got a pot or a pan to cook with
21:30Am I a bad mom
21:32No, you're not
21:34You can order a son then arrive by tomorrow. No, that's a good idea
21:39Ladies good morning. Oh here she comes. I think I've made a bit of a breakthrough
21:49Come on we haven't got long
21:52What do we know about the Sun the Sun? It's the key to unlocking the entire case
21:57I don't know. It's at the center of the solar system exactly which means everything else moves around it
22:03But from our perspective it moves around us subjectivity being what it is. Are you all right?
22:09It's basic celestial mechanics Susie as was understood by the Celts when they built Newgrange or the Mayans
22:17Chichen Itza or the Incas Machu Picchu all of which line up with the Sun
22:24How many coffees is she had?
22:26Not that I know how it was done. Not yet. The party was at 3 p.m. Just as it's 3 p.m
22:35There we are right on cue and this is where Lady Bailey was standing when she looked back at the house
22:44Saw Lady Bailey by the stables
22:48What do you see but remember it was morning when we looked at the jar that hadn't broken
22:59Was that it is that what she saw
23:04But why
23:06That's the question
23:09You've got to tell us what's going on. I've just been to the secret meeting set up in the crossword puzzle. No way
23:16The messages are sent from the setter to his wife. They pretend they don't know each other in public to keep the spice in there
23:28Hello earth-calling Judith. I said
23:32Isn't it?
23:34Finally we have it
23:37Who killed Sir Peter?
23:39why he had to die and how the killer managed to escape from a locked room, but
23:46If we're going to prove it I'm going to need your help I
23:50I don't understand.
23:54I'm very sorry, but I think your life's in danger.
23:58Then we have to tell the police.
24:00They won't believe us.
24:02They'd never believe Sir Peter was murdered, not officially.
24:04We need Tristram to reveal himself when he's released on bail.
24:08You think he'll be released?
24:10We've spoken to Tanika. They don't have enough to hold him.
24:13They're letting him go now.
24:15And he'll come here.
24:17Do you think he's going to try to kill you next?
24:22Tristram's the killer?
24:24He's always been the most credible suspect.
24:26Sir Peter was right all along.
24:28But how to prove it, that's always been the question.
24:32Which is why we have to catch him in the act.
24:35By using me as bait?
24:37We'll be watching out front.
24:39He'll have to pass us to get to you.
24:41We'll protect you.
24:56Where's DS Malik?
24:58What's she up to?
25:01Be sure this is a good idea.
25:03It's the only way to prove my theory.
26:01Help me!
26:07This is what you get!
26:09Police! Police! Drop it!
26:12Cup him! Cup him!
26:14What the hell? Idiot!
26:17Alright, come on. You're hurting me.
26:19I'm so sorry.
26:20Call my lawyer!
26:21Are you okay?
26:22Come on, let's get her up.
26:24Come on, Jenny.
26:26You said he'd approach from the front.
26:28Well, we caught him, didn't we?
26:29Not really. Tanika did.
26:31You get so caught up in your own ideas, don't you?
26:33Thinking that you're so clever.
26:35And Jenny could have been killed.
26:39You have gone too far this time.
26:44You're right, he followed you.
26:45What's going on here?
26:46Tristram Bailey just attacked Jenny Page.
26:48What are you doing here, Mrs Potts?
26:50This is all my fault. I couldn't let it go.
26:53Then I'd better take over.
26:55I'll go back to the station, get an interview room ready.
26:57And I'll be making a full report to the DCI.
27:02I'm not interested in a lecture.
27:04It's about staying safe, Mrs Potts.
27:08Miss Page, are you sure you're going to be alright?
27:11I can stay with her while you get Tristram off the premises.
27:28I am so sorry.
27:33He killed Peter.
27:36I can show you how Sir Peter died if you like.
27:44We all broke in here together with Tristram.
27:47He was outside the locked door the whole time.
27:50I know.
27:51So how did he do it?
27:53Well, that's the thing.
27:55I never said he did.
27:58Because he's not the killer.
28:00It was you who killed Sir Peter Bailey.
28:03Just as it was you who killed Sarah Fitzherbert.
28:07You're the killer.
28:17What are you talking about? I was upstairs when Peter died.
28:20That's not true.
28:21After the argument with Tristram, you came straight in here.
28:30What's he got?
28:44Sir Peter died from blunt force trauma.
28:52But not when the cabinet fell on him.
28:55When you murdered him.
29:00You then used the one key to the room to leave.
29:03Locking the door behind you.
29:05And heading upstairs.
29:07Here you had a piece of bad luck.
29:09Rosanna was hiding.
29:11But also, good luck.
29:13She couldn't quite see what you were doing.
29:16It meant that when the cabinet crashed onto Sir Peter,
29:19she was your alibi.
29:23You're saying I managed to push the cabinet onto Peter
29:27from the floor above.
29:29Yes, I am.
29:30Then it was simply a matter of coming downstairs.
29:33Letting Tristram break through a locked door.
29:36And plunging the key on Sir Peter's body when you went to him.
29:40Why would I do any of that? I loved him.
29:42So you keep saying.
29:43But as everyone's always suspected,
29:45you were really only ever in it for his money.
29:49I didn't get his money.
29:51Nor his title.
29:52Nor the big house.
29:54But that was always part of the plan, wasn't it?
29:57What could your motive be if only Tristram benefitted?
30:02But then, we always wondered if he had an accomplice.
30:07And he did.
30:10You worked in France.
30:12Rosanna told me he was there, too.
30:29I think it's where you and he fell in love.
30:34I don't know.
30:36I don't know.
30:37You fell in love.
30:42Which is when you learned of the fortune and title and grand house
30:47that Tristram would get the moment his father died.
30:50So you and he made a plan.
30:52His father needed a nurse.
30:54You'd make sure he hired you.
30:57Then you'd make him fall in love with you and ask you to marry him.
31:02And then, on the eve of your wedding, you'd murder him.
31:06After all, who'd suspect a bride of killing her husband
31:10the day before she'd get hold of his fortune and title?
31:15When you arrived in Marlow, you and Tristram pretended you didn't know each other.
31:20Like a couple I met earlier today.
31:22Although, unlike them, you pretended you hated each other.
31:30But what you didn't know was that Tristram had an on-off girlfriend.
31:35He couldn't keep away from.
31:38The plan had always been for you and Tristram to get together after a decent amount of time had passed.
31:44And if eventually you married your dead fiancé's son, well, tongues might wag.
31:51But where's the crime?
31:54But if he married Sarah, you'd get nothing.
32:00You acted fast.
32:03You used the rat poison Tristram had stolen
32:06when, I imagine, the two of you were considering poison as your method of dispatch.
32:12And you murdered Sarah to remind Tristram that his future was with you and no one else.
32:20That's how I knew he'd come for you when he was released on bail.
32:24Sarah was an innocent.
32:26You killed her because you were jealous.
32:29Tristram wouldn't forgive that.
32:31I wasn't jealous.
32:33What Sarah had with him was better than what you had with him.
32:36How dare you?
32:37Which is why he always went back to her.
32:43He betrayed me.
32:46You. Who'd risked so much?
32:50You who trusted him.
32:53You who even killed for him.
32:56I didn't kill for him. I killed for me.
32:59Which is what we in the trade call a confession.
33:06No one will believe you. It's your word against mine.
33:09That isn't entirely true, is it, Tanika?
33:16I didn't kill for him. I killed for me.
33:18Hello, Jenny.
33:21No, I saw you leaving your car.
33:23No, we took a leaf out of your book and decided to stage an argument.
33:27Jenny could have been killed.
33:28You have gone too far this time.
33:30Which started a chain of events that allowed me to be here.
33:34You saw my car leave, but it wasn't me driving.
33:41And that is how I'm still here.
33:44When you thought it was just you and Judith.
33:47You tricked me?
33:48No, you tricked Sir Peter.
33:52I worked out how, and she is going to arrest you.
33:57I'm sorry.
34:13You used me, didn't you?
34:15No idea what you're talking about.
34:17I hear congratulations are in order.
34:19Boss, you should know...
34:20That it was all thanks to Brendan here.
34:23He had his idea to arrest Tristram to create the perfect conditions for Jenny to make her confession.
34:28Without Brendan, our double killer would still be out there.
34:31Isn't that right, Detective Sergeant?
34:36Yeah, that's right, Mum.
34:38It was really a joint effort.
34:40Well, very good.
34:41Very good.
34:44Well done, team. Let's get this processed.
34:50We got her.
34:51We did.
34:53No, seriously, amazing!
34:55And, um...
34:56I'm sorry about what I said.
34:58Did I go too far?
34:59Did I?
35:00I mean, I didn't mean any of it.
35:02I mean, we're your friends, you know.
35:04We get you, Judith.
35:06Even if sometimes we like to tease you.
35:08It's because we love you.
35:12And this is the bit where you say the same thing back to me.
35:18Where's Bex?
35:19And where's my car?
35:26Where are you?
35:27I'm sorry we were catching the killer.
35:30Don't worry. I'm still here to pick up Sam.
35:32But I missed our date.
35:34It's all right. You can tell me all about it when you get home.
35:36Love you.
35:46Is that... Is that my mum?
35:52Mum, where did you get this?
35:54Believe it or not, I stole it.
35:56You've stolen a police car?
35:58From the police?
36:00Let's get you home.
36:02Can we put the lights on?
36:03And the siren?
36:05I think that's exactly what we should do.
36:11That's sick!
36:13See you later!
36:15See you later!
36:23It's still so hard to believe.
36:26What a mess.
36:33For catching Father's killer.
36:35It's the least he deserved.
36:43Miss Bailey?
36:45Under UK law, no-one's allowed to benefit from a crime they commit.
36:49Your brother won't inherit a penny.
36:52Your father's entire estate, his house and money
36:54will go to his next closest living relative.
37:01I'll make sure good comes of this.
37:08Look, I understand the why of it, but not the how.
37:10How did Jenny manage to push that massive cabinet onto Sir Peter
37:13without being in the room?
37:15Oh, it was Lady Bailey who revealed the truth to me.
37:18You see, I'd worked out there was something wrong with her testimony.
37:22But it was only when I saw sunlight through a carafe that I realised.
37:27When I inspected the jar of magnesium tape,
37:32it was in a sunbeam.
37:34It was morning, and the sun was shining through the window.
37:37But if the sun was shining through the window in the morning,
37:40how could it still be shining through the window in the afternoon?
37:45So if what Lady Bailey saw wasn't sunlight, what was it?
37:50And that's when I remembered the magnesium tape.
37:54When you light it, it burns white-hot.
37:58And it's strong.
38:01This is what happened.
38:03Jenny got the study ready before the party.
38:05She arranged all the equipment from the cabinet onto the floor in front of it.
38:10And tied magnesium tape from the top of the cabinet to the hook on the wall.
38:17That way, when she pushed it forward, it would lean over, but not fall.
38:26You see, all along we've known that it was impossible
38:29for someone to get out of that room once it was locked.
38:32But there was one way in and out, even if it was only inches wide.
38:38Hold on.
38:47Here you go.
38:51Lady Bailey told us that Sir Peter's bedroom was directly above his study.
38:57I knew no one would be on that side of the house.
39:00There's only Peter's study and his bedroom above it.
39:03They shared the same flue.
39:05All she had to do was run the magnesium tape down the flue
39:08and connect it to the tape already attached to the hook.
39:11Except, when she put the jar back, it wasn't quite in the right place.
39:16So it didn't smash when the cabinet fell.
39:19Which Judith noticed. Of course she did.
39:22Jenny had created a fuse that ran from the bedroom, down the flue,
39:28across the room, to the cabinet.
39:31May I?
39:32You may.
39:37Rosanna thought Jenny was lighting a cigarette.
39:43But she was doing much more than that.
39:46This was the bright light Lady Bailey saw.
39:49Not sunlight. Magnesium tape.
40:02Then, when everyone heard the racket of the cabinet crashing...
40:10...they presumed that was the moment that Sir Peter died.
40:14When, in reality, he'd been killed.
40:17He'd been shot.
40:19He'd been shot.
40:21He'd been shot.
40:23He'd been shot.
40:25He'd been shot.
40:27He'd been shot.
40:29When, in reality, he'd been killed a few moments before.
40:34And the will? How does that fit into this?
40:37That was a piece of improvisation from Jenny.
40:40Her whole plan was based on her having no motive.
40:43But Sir Peter made up a new will.
40:46She must have been in such a panic when she heard about it.
40:49What was in it would she now inherit?
40:51As soon as she saw it, she hid it.
40:54She was right to.
40:55It left everything to her, giving her a red-hot motive.
40:59But it also named Tristram as the killer, her partner in crime.
41:03She had to protect him.
41:05Until she learned that Tristram had an old girlfriend who was still on the scene.
41:09Do you know who that is?
41:12Which is why she decided she'd make sure that it was now found.
41:17Pointing the finger at Tristram.
41:19This page asked me to work on the Lord.
41:22She needed to remind him of the power she had over him.
41:27How did it go?
41:29Did we do it?
41:31Did we get her?
41:32Bex, it all went wrong.
41:34She got away.
41:37It went exactly as Judith said.
41:40We got her!
41:44I know you said you didn't want it, but you never know.
41:46Oh, no. Wait, wait, wait.
41:49One last thing.
41:50What, Mum?
41:52I ordered it on Amazon last night.
41:54Just in case, you know?
42:04I am so proud of you.
42:09I have to get there today, Mum.
42:11I know.
42:12All right, you go.
42:14You go. Have the best time.
42:21I love you.
42:23Love you too.
42:28You'll be fine.
42:31You and me, we're always fine.
42:39Stay safe.
43:03We thought you might want some company.
43:05Seeing as you're our friend and...
43:09..we love you.
43:11Well, you'd better come in, then.
43:16Yum, yum.
43:20We got margaritas.
43:21Oh, that's my favourite. Thank you.
43:23Did you know they were named after Queen Margarita of Seville?
43:26I didn't know.
43:27She visited Naples in 1889.
43:29All that matters is that it tasted good.