• 2 days ago


00:30You still haven't got anything to cook with.
00:59I'm fine.
01:01You have to eat properly.
01:02You can't just live off instant noodles.
01:04These look good.
01:06Yeah, those would be really practical for uni.
01:10Very practical.
01:21Come on!
01:22Hold this.
01:23Gotta go.
01:29Good morning.
01:42Good morning, Mrs. Addingham.
01:55You're on time.
01:56And you are late, Mrs. Starling.
01:59I'm so sorry.
02:00You have the key?
02:01Of course.
02:02It's almost as if I should get you your own copy.
02:06The crypt is your responsibility.
02:09Oh, here we are.
02:15I'll be an hour.
02:16Maybe longer.
02:17It's terribly dusty down here.
02:26What on earth is going on?
02:28Are you okay?
02:29I'm great.
02:31This is me being great.
02:36Mrs. Addingham.
02:38Why does mrs. Eddingham need access to the crypt? Well, that's obvious. She's measuring herself up for a new coffin to sleep in
02:45She's researching her family history
02:48Trying to work out what century she was born
02:52Excuse me
02:54Hello Judith Fox
02:56I'm mr. Potts. That's Peter Bailey. I hope you don't mind me calling. I got your number from mrs. Eddingham
03:01I want to invite you to a party. I'm sorry this afternoon celebrate my marriage tomorrow
03:06What do you say what I would say sir Peter is that we've never met
03:12It's your reputation besiege you and I'm worried
03:16something might happen
03:18Something me back
03:21Come to the party I'll tell you already there
03:24It is from 230. Will you be there? Oh, of course on one condition
03:29That I can bring two friends with me
04:21This is something isn't it? Oh say that again. It's quite a lot of something
04:34Thank you, baby, thanks, so what's the plan let's start with sir Peter does anyone know what he looks like
04:50I think we found him. What is it with the red trousers? They are rather vivid. At least we won't lose him in the crowd
05:08He's the groom he's in demand, so how about we try and find a bride-to-be
05:16Peter said it was his grandma's engagement ring and then his mom's and now it's yours
05:24That's our tune and seriously you become a lady I
05:32Jenny pays today lady Bailey tomorrow
05:35Not that the party matters
05:37I'm so lucky
05:57Changed my mind. How dare you do this to your father? I want to celebrate the happy couple blood-thickens
06:14Look what you've done
06:24I'm really gonna pretend that didn't just happen. It's the English way
06:30Come Judith Ponce, I think you might need another one
06:35Thank you
06:37Christian Bailey Oh, it's a Peter son
06:40Sadly for both of us. Yes, it can be complicated
06:43Apparently Mary, especially when the person your dad's marrying is his nurse
06:48This is from I reckon he's just doing it to get out of paying her wages. You have a sister. Hmm
06:52Rosanna she should be knocking about yes
06:59To the happy
07:05Didn't sound good
07:21What was that where's dad he came from downstairs
07:45Get out the way what's going on Rosanna?
07:56Move away
08:07Help me lift this come on all together now
08:23We need to call an ambulance
08:32Is that
08:42We need to get you out
08:48Come on she's right
08:55How did it happen ask for the police to we need to clear this room come on people we need the police
09:01This is a crime scene. Don't touch anything, please
09:25Jason round up the witnesses Alice prepare an area to take statements odd
09:30Thank you for coming. It's been the most terrible accident. Please. Take a few steps back for me
09:35My name is DC Jason Kennedy. Okay, Susie. Thanks. You stay here. Talk to people hunt around
09:41We need to start investigating what to make a mind might she'll believe it
09:47Until she tells us we can't move around we can do what we like. Yeah, I like it. Where are you going?
10:03Anyone found the key to the store in his pocket
10:14Mrs. Potts
10:17What are you doing here, I don't think this was an accident, I'm sorry
10:21I think someone killed sir Peter. Hello Judith. Hello Tanika. How's shanty? She's great. Thanks
10:27Not sure. This is the right moment. No, no, of course not
10:31Sir Peter rang me this morning invited me to the party. He was worried that something bad might happen. Well
10:39Here we are
10:42Detective sergeant you might want to look at the side of the cabinet
10:45There's an old hook on the wall for keeping it upright only it's been
10:54Oh, yeah
10:56Yes, mrs. Potts is right it doesn't mean it's done recently though
11:01Look, the family is saying it was an accident. The door to the room was locked, which is why it had to be broken through
11:06I know I was with them at the time and they found no one else in the room when they got into it and no
11:11Other way in or out the windows don't open
11:13So if this was murder, just how did the killer push that cabinet onto Sir Peter and then get through the locked door afterwards?
11:21I'm still working on that bit
11:30It all started when Tristram arrived it all started with my dad hired a gold digger for a nurse
11:35I loved your dad. He loved me. I don't doubt that for a second
11:38It was in your interest to make sure he did your financial interest, please
11:45Judith I'm
11:48sorry to intrude I
11:50Know how hard this is for you
11:53But Sir Peter
11:55Wanted me here
11:57He suggested that there were tensions in the family about the upcoming wedding
12:03You can say that again and you're his daughter
12:07Rosanna Bailey, it's Tristram. You need to speak to yes your arrival at the party made your father very angry
12:14Is that true?
12:16My brother was stupid enough to let father know his opinions about his stepmother to be
12:20He was banned from attending when you I can do what I like what happened
12:26Jenny went for me a huge scene in front of all the guests and then flow to the house. I was upset
12:32Where did you go?
12:34I I
12:36Had to get away. I
12:39May have wanted a cigarette not that I smoke. No, normally
12:42Peter has a pack in our bedroom. That's where I went
12:45You didn't see him come into the house after you
12:47I didn't know he'd even followed me and I never went into the house
12:50So I have no idea what happened either, but if we're talking about tensions
12:54Why don't you tell everyone about yours and dad's big bust up? What's this?
12:58It was nothing my sister's company need alone and dad said he wouldn't throw good money after bad
13:04Isn't that right?
13:07Where were you when the crash happened I was outside with the other guests
13:11I don't remember seeing you and I'm sure I did remember such a
13:15Distinctive jacket. Oh, you've lost a button on your cuff
13:21It's vintage button fell off Oh
13:30Jenny I'm so sorry
13:32Rosanna Tristram, this is the most terrible news. Excuse me
13:36of course
13:38Apologies, I'm Andrew Hussleby the family's lawyer. I'm here to collect Sir Peter's most recent will what I mean most recent
13:46Peter made a new will three weeks ago
13:51What's in the new will it was all rather irregular he wouldn't tell me but you're his lawyer
13:57And your father just wanted me to witness it along with Adam your gardener he didn't tell either of us what was in it
14:05The safe is over here Peter said he'd changed the combination to the date of our wedding
14:13Tell me what was in the old will the one he was replacing left his entire estate to crystal
14:24I'm sorry
14:26Come on, let's sit you down
14:29It's in a long white envelope. I don't see an envelope in here
14:34Right, it's not there
14:36So if the new will can't be found and the old will still stands how very interesting Judith
14:43Think I can take it from here
14:45Thank you
14:50What a good idea
14:53Have you found something? Yep, we have someone was hiding in the bushes
14:59Right outside Sir Peter's study
15:03This is good
15:09The soil's damp
15:12Someone's recently watered this bed
15:14And the prints have been there since then. Oh
15:17And there's a cut across the left sole
15:20These prints were left by a pair of ladies hunter wellies. You can tell from the pattern on the heel
15:25Hold on, you know this how it's my specialist subject posh wellies of Marlow
15:32Wonderful. So there was a woman here. So what are we saying?
15:36Could this be our killer? Well, it's possible. Although Tanika thinks Sir Peter's death was an accident. What about you? What do you think? I
15:46Think my house tomorrow morning
15:49See you both
16:05No, these are not for you no, no, no see Tom I've got fish and chips
16:12I'll even let you watch your favorite TV show Zita
16:22I guess it's just you and me girl
16:37Any cup of tea coming up
16:40So sorry about mrs. Eddingham. Oh, she told you a great length
16:45She wants to raise the matter of crypt access and X PCC. Wow, I bet you can't wait for that meeting
16:59When we first met you used to hang out with rock stars, I really just wanted to hang out with you
17:06Well now our life is the kids mrs. Eddingham and the parochial Church Council would have been murder on the side
17:15We should go on a date
17:18What us yes odds just us no kids. How long has that been?
17:42Don't remember seeing you Peter made a new will three weeks ago. It all started with my dad hired a gold digger for a nurse
18:33Guess who has something to hide
19:35I've been running background checks on the family. There was a domestic three months ago
19:40We were called to Sir Peter's house by Adam Warner. He's their gardener
19:44Okay, everyone. What else have we got on the Bailey case? Oh
19:48Well, so suppose water was in and the cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head
19:55so no surprises there seen as a bloody great big cabinet fell on to him and
20:01The time of death is about 3 p.m. Which fits with the witness statement. What did our witnesses say?
20:06No one saw anything. They were all outside at the party apart from Jenny Paige. She was upstairs. What we found out about her
20:12Well, so Peter hired Jenny Paige as his living nurse last year for his diabetes
20:17He started dating a few months later, and then he proposed to her soon after and what happened to the first lady Bailey?
20:23No, they divorced three years ago. She lives alone in Marlow and she wasn't invited to the party
20:30So what else have we got?
20:32Well, I spoke to the family and the key to the door that we found in Sir Peter's pocket is the only key for that room
20:39So seeing as he was on his own when he was found suggests he was on his own when he died
20:43Hmm, but what we're saying Sir Peter went into a study locked the door and then pulled the cabinet onto himself
20:49Maybe he was trying to reach for something on top of it. That's possible. It was full of heavy scientific kit. Maybe it was top-heavy
20:57Brendan Jason speak to Adam Warner about that domestic and
21:01Alice can you check with local locksmiths? Is it possible someone made a copy of the study key?
21:07Got you, but without any evidence to the contrary
21:11DCI Greenlee told me she wants us to treat this as an accidental death
21:30It was murder
21:32Old cabinets don't just throw themselves onto prospective grooms the day before a wedding. Yep
21:37Someone was in there pushing it on to him. How do they get out of the room afterwards?
21:42Well, that's the million-dollar question
21:44Could they have left through the window? They were painted over hadn't been opened in years
21:48How about the chimney or is that a stupid idea? No, I looked at the flue, but it was only a few inches wide
21:54Well, if there's no way for the killer to have got in or out can't have been murder
21:58Someone was in there and killed Sir Peter somehow
22:01If only he told me what he was worried about when he rang me
22:09Keeping this simple. There was only one other person in the house at the time
22:15You think he's bright to be killed him
22:18She said she was upstairs at the time. But how do we know that's where she was? No, I don't buy it
22:23All Jenny had to do was wait until she was married and then killed him. She'd have been a millionaire
22:28Well, there is that she'd have had the title as well. Lady Bailey exactly
22:33Why kill someone today when you can be rich and an aristocrat if you kill them tomorrow I looked her up on her agency website
22:40She's worked all over Europe
22:42Blowing references from France Germany Switzerland. She's one of their top nurses
22:49All right, what's going on what the phone
22:54It's just Colin. Mrs. Eddingham is giving a speech at the PCC and he's texting me live updates
22:59Wow life in the first lane, she's just said back in my day for the sixth time
23:06Rosanna Bailey said she was outside at the party when her father died, but I don't remember seeing her. She was wearing a rather
23:15distinctive vintage jacket
23:17Hmm. No, that doesn't ring a bell me neither
23:20What wouldn't I give for proper access to the crime scene Tanika laughs? No way
23:35Hope you don't mind me contacting you. It's Jenny Paige. No. No, of course not Jenny
23:42How can we help
23:44Can you come to the house? I know Peter trusted you and I want you to help me find his new will
23:51of course
24:07Just was hanging around here a few months ago and then I noticed a packet of rat poison was missing
24:15In there on that shelf
24:21And you think Tristram took it
24:24So Pete was always so worried about his son
24:27What he'd do to get his hands on his money I had to tell him
24:32When Sir Peter confronted him about it Tristram lost his temper
24:40It's Brian he's gonna hurt his father. Yeah, he didn't did he?
24:48Peter chose not to press charges. He was a gent
24:56You go on with him
24:59He loved this garden as much as I do
25:03And how did he treat you
25:04Always looked out for me. Mr. Warner. Is it possible?
25:09You just misplaced throughout poison. I'd have remembered if I'd moved it
25:22It's a waste of time
25:53Never planned to fall in love with one of my patients but under all that bluster
25:58Peter was
26:01So kind vulnerable, I loved him
26:09Go where you like pull the house apart. I want his new will found
26:23No way
26:25Mrs. Eddingham still going 33 minutes and counting
26:29Sounds like you and Colin are really getting along. We're going on a date. Oh, oh planning to when we find the time. Oh
26:37Hang on
26:38What's this doing here?
26:41Everything smashed when the cabinet fell over
26:44So why is this jar still in one piece? It was lucky
26:49Hmm Susie, would you
26:54Hang on magnesium. Is that safe? Yes. Don't you remember your chemistry lessons?
26:59Magnesium's a metal. I wasn't always in chemistry lessons. You started off school. No
27:06Why just chemistry?
27:13Who'd have thought travel suites could be so versatile it's been polished clean not a single fingerprint on it
27:29Thought you should know we saw mrs. Potts and her friends at so Peter's house you did what were they doing?
27:35Don't know. They could have just been visiting
27:38Thanks for letting me know
27:59Spoken to two locksmiths about the key to subpoena study. They say you can't use modern machines to copy old keys like that
28:06Apparently I need to speak to some blacksmiths. So that's what I'm doing. Okay. Thank you
28:22So Zita's off to uni next week
28:25In her head she left months ago. At least you can spend these last few days together. I've hardly seen her. I
28:33mean, you're desperately your children to become independent and
28:36How'd they pay you back?
28:38By being independent. Thank you
28:43So Judith
28:45What's the goss? Goss?
28:48Don't do gossip. Oh, yeah, you are all gossip
28:52Well as it happens, I've started doing the crossword in the Maidenhead advertiser and that's your gossip
28:57Whoever sets it is putting in secret messages. The answers in the four corners are always a location a day and a time
29:06What do you think of that? Oh
29:11What's this doing here
29:13What is it I happened to notice there was a button missing on Rosanna's jacket
29:19So what's it doing in her father's dressing room?
29:25It's this turning on the right
29:44I'm sure this is the right address 17. It's all it says on the website
30:07You're Lady Bailey, aren't you? It's lovely to meet you. I'm Beck Starling. I'm the wife of a vicar of all Saints
30:15These are my friends
30:18At least you referred to me correctly
30:21It's not mrs. Bailey. Oh god forbid moose Bailey. It's Lady Bailey. Of course. These things are important
30:29They are
30:31It's your daughter in
30:34Rose Anna has an office in my garden
30:39Can I interest to any of you ladies in a gin and tonic? No, I'm sure we'll be fine. Thank you. Thank you
31:01What are you doing here we want to know how a button from your jacket ended up in your father's dressing room
31:19In families like ours
31:21The firstborn son gets everything so Tristram who doesn't have a job
31:28Isn't in any kind of relationship isn't a serious person gets whatever he wants
31:33Monthly allowance got it money to travel
31:38You spent three months in the south of France last year. What was he doing there? He thinks he's an artist
31:45Says he wants to move to the Cote d'Azur
31:48For the light. Where is you? Oh, I'm just the daughter. I get nothing
31:53Tell me about your eco business. I
31:56run a consultancy that helps people make greener choices, but
32:00People don't have as much money as they used to and the grants aren't what they once were
32:05So you argued with your father first Tristram said I needed a bridging loan
32:11Just for a few months
32:13But father refused
32:16And it all came out I couldn't help myself how I'd always been treated like a second-class citizen in my own family
32:22I didn't even get a penny in his will
32:25well, he'd say was that he had no choice, that's how it's been for generations, but
32:30It got nasty. It had been building for years
32:35Few days later. I went back. I had to clear the air. I
32:40saw father
32:42With our lawyer and Adam Warner signing something
32:47It all seemed cloak and dagger. So I kept out of the way and that's when I found out that father had a new girl
32:54And was putting it in his safe
32:57Had he finally listened to me?
33:01But that's why I was in father's bedroom before he died
33:05Everyone was at the party and I went upstairs to try and open his safe. I
33:10Had to know had he left me anything I
33:20Tried the combination Tristram's birthday, but he must have changed it and then I heard someone come upstairs
33:29It was Jenny
33:32So you hid in his dressing room did Jenny see you no
33:38But I could see her through a crack in the door
33:45And then I had a crash I waited till the coast was clear before I dared go downstairs myself
33:54But my father was a difficult man and we fought but
34:01He was still my father. I
34:03loved him and I
34:05Know he loved me in his own way. I just wish he'd liked me
34:18You killed him, sorry, I
34:20Think you opened the safe that day and you found the new will and it still gave you nothing
34:26So you got rid of it tore it up
34:28And then you went downstairs and pushed that cabinet onto your dad
34:31Yeah, the man who didn't believe in saving the planet. We didn't believe in you. No, I was upstairs when he died
34:38Yeah at some point, but how do we know that's where you were when the cabinet was pushed onto your dad?
34:43Look I hate Jenny
34:45I'll admit it
34:47She was only ever after father's money. It was the one thing Tristram and I agreed on she was upstairs when he died
34:53I'll vouch for her even though it puts her in the clear because that's where I was as well as
34:59this button proves
35:06This family all they care about is the money but this is bad news
35:10Isn't it if Rosanna was upstairs with Jenny at the time? That's two suspects that couldn't okay
35:15It just means that someone else killed it
35:17Like who the only person that's ever benefited from the death is Tristram and he was outside with us at the time. I
35:24Know what if he had an accomplice?
35:28It was inside the study killing sir Peter while he stayed outside like how about the loyal gardener
35:35You mean Adam all his name does keep cropping up then we need to go and talk with him
35:40You know, I love the idea of Tristram having a compass
35:55Miss have you got an update on the study key? I spoke to two blacksmiths
35:59They said if anyone had tried to make a copy of the key
36:01There'd be marks on the original it was gripped in a vice whatever and there weren't any marks
36:05No one's ever made a copy of that key. It's the only one
36:18Detective sergeant just wanted to check in on the Bailey case, of course any credible suspects a few possibles
36:25But they've all got alibis
36:26Then any theories on how someone might have killed him and then got out of the room afterwards?
36:30None that makes sense, but there's something not right about it
36:33We still can't find Sir Peter's latest will and he contacted Judith parts that morning. He said he was worried about what?
36:40He thought something bad would happen
36:43What evidence is there a foul play
36:46Nothing that would stand up in court
36:48We only have limited resources and a backlog of cases
36:51If I know unless until a new and concretely develops it's time to move on. Yes, ma'am
36:57But good work. This is important to be thorough
37:18When the DCI first asked me to act up she told me I should trust my instincts
37:25She wants us to drop the Bailey case
37:32And what do your instincts say
38:02What are you talking about? I didn't lay a hand on it. What do you think you're doing? This is my house
38:07I decide who stays in it or not. No, it isn't. Excuse me
38:11But I think you don't get anything until your father's estate clears probate
38:16Not his money not this house and you certainly don't get to throw anyone out of it. Jenny stays
38:30That cooler display said cupcakes
38:33Cupcakes, do you know who that is?
38:37I thought Rosanna said he didn't have a girlfriend. That's right. He doesn't
39:42We can't get away
39:47Bob yes, Susie. I need a favor
41:35Okay, have either of you seen this woman before
41:39Is it it's always about you
41:46I've got to drop the Peter Bailey case what I can't prove any crimes been committed
41:50But Sir Peter knew something was up. That's where he read me the cabinet had been removed from its hook beforehand
41:56And fingerprints were wiped from evidence in the room. You know about that and Sir Peter's new will is still missing
42:02I don't know who did it or how it was done or why it was done for that matter
42:07But I know he was killed. I
42:10Think I agree. We even have a prime suspect
42:14Tristram Bailey, but he was outside talking talking to us. I know
42:18But what if I told you he was working with someone?
42:22It might have been her who was inside killing Sir Peter
42:25While he was outside with us. We think he's got an accomplice. He's got an accomplice
42:32Let's meet up but no one