These QTEs from the past are strange, ridiculous, and sometimes downright bad.
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0:00 Intro
0:33 Number 20
2:09 Number 19
3:12 Number 18
4:59 Number 17
7:15 Number 16
8:33 Number 15
9:53 Number 14
11:31 Number 13
12:48 Number 12
13:59 Number 11
15:24 Number 10
17:58 Number 9
19:37 Number 8
21:01 Number 7
22:11 Number 6
23:14 Number 5
24:51 Number 4
26:11 Number 3
27:04 Number 2
28:26 Number 1
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0:00 Intro
0:33 Number 20
2:09 Number 19
3:12 Number 18
4:59 Number 17
7:15 Number 16
8:33 Number 15
9:53 Number 14
11:31 Number 13
12:48 Number 12
13:59 Number 11
15:24 Number 10
17:58 Number 9
19:37 Number 8
21:01 Number 7
22:11 Number 6
23:14 Number 5
24:51 Number 4
26:11 Number 3
27:04 Number 2
28:26 Number 1
00:00Quick time events were all the rage in the 7th generation of consoles.
00:09Every game had buttons appear on the screen that you'd have to press or you'd die.
00:14Games are generally a lot better with QTEs nowadays, and that's a good thing, because
00:19these QTEs of the past are strange, ridiculous, and sometimes downright bad.
00:24Hi folks, it's Falcon, and today on Gameranx, 20 of the worst yet bizarre quick time events
00:31in video games of all time.
00:33At number 20, it's punching a boulder from Resident Evil 5.
00:36Hey, you ever get mad at a rock so mad you punch it?
00:40Yeah, one of the silliest sequences ever comes at the very end of Resident Evil 5, and everyone
00:46already knows it.
00:47You know it, we know it.
00:48It's the boulder punching scene.
00:50In a moment of rage, muscle freak protagonist Chris Redfield pursues a superpowered villain
00:55in a volcano, you know, all in a day's work, and there's a giant boulder blocking the path.
01:00Instead of simply pushing it, the only way to get the boulder out of the way is by punching
01:04it multiple times.
01:06Normally, one might explain why that's silly on a list like this, but I don't think I need
01:12It is, however, ridiculous in all the best ways that Resident Evil can be ridiculous.
01:26It's a moment of red-blooded, hot-headed, old-fashioned shonen drama.
01:31I am here for it.
01:32Look at him punch that boulder.
01:33I deserved it.
01:35Luckily, it's not like a hard QTE.
01:38A lot of other Resident Evil QTEs on this list actually are.
01:41But what's funnier is that in this cooperative game, you can also play as a second character
01:45that doesn't have to punch the boulders, and her sequence is actually way harder.
01:50You gotta press buttons desperately for way, way too long to stay alive as Sheeva.
01:54You're better off biting the bullet and just punching the boulder if you're playing single-player,
01:57because Sheeva's QTEs are way worse.
02:09Number 19, fighting a rat in Battlefield 3, hey.
02:13Finding a big ol' rock?
02:15Fighting a rat?
02:17Early in the game, you gotta sneak through a tunnel while avoiding alerting enemy guards,
02:21and so a nemesis of the highest caliber appears, a common rat.
02:26Well, maybe not so common.
02:28Most rats would turn tail.
02:30Not this one.
02:31It starts biting your fingers.
02:33I don't know.
02:34But if you don't press the QTE input at the right time, the rat alerts his buddies, and
02:38a soldier appears and shoots you dead.
02:50Statistically, the rat didn't do it per se.
02:53Certainly doesn't get the credit for it, but you're dead.
02:55I mean, it's one of the weirdest things to ever happen.
02:59When you die, your guy flips the bird at the rat.
03:03So like, I guess we can confirm the rat was in cahoots with the soldiers?
03:07It's at the very least the rat's fault that you died before the campaign could even begin,
03:12At number 18, dodging furniture in the Indigo Prophecy.
03:16When it comes to QTEs, David Cage is a name you're gonna hear.
03:20Like, he's the director behind games like Heavy Rain and Detroit Become Human, but his
03:25weird narrative tics first got started in Indigo Prophecy.
03:30It's a PS2 game.
03:31It's a pre-Heavy Rain adventure game, follows similar beats to all the other games in the
03:36It has a weird Simon Says interface where you need to copy movements to big multicolored
03:42It's like a rhythm game without the rhythm.
03:45There's no rhyme or reason for the buttons you need to press, unlike in future games
03:48that try to sort of map your actions to something that seemed at least logical.
03:52This was the Wild West of QTE, and everything is rough.
03:55The scenes themselves, the gameplay, but the longest, weirdest, and dumbest scene of Indigo
03:59Prophecy happens real early.
04:01Your main character just committed a murder, he's losing his mind, and he's trying to avoid
04:06getting caught by the cops, and that's when something unexpected happens.
04:10Well, his entire apartment tries to kill him.
04:13In a grueling 5 minute scene, you have to painstakingly dodge every single object in
04:18his apartment as it flies at him.
04:30Every 3D object gets a close up and a special sequence of QTE button presses to dodge, and
04:35it just keeps going.
04:36This is the moment where the interesting promise was squandered, and game would be total schlock.
04:44The Indigo Prophecy was fulfilled.
04:46That's both a bad thing and a good thing for us.
04:58At number 17 is Carrying Those Books in Shenmue 2.
05:02This is a series that is legendary for lavishing in the mundane details of Ryo's quest for
05:08violent revenge.
05:09You could call Shenmue a martial arts action game, but while it's probably what it's designed
05:15to be, I'm not sure that's an accurate thing.
05:19Kind of more of a life simulator with some fighting thrown in.
05:22You spend your days doing odd jobs and slowly investigating the murder of your father.
05:28It's basically the game that invented our modern understanding of QTEs.
05:33Cutscenes play, you press buttons to survive, and they went too far in the second Shenmue.
05:38The developers really ceased to be messing around here.
05:41They included one of the most evil QTEs in video game history.
05:44Later in the story, Ryo must prove himself to a martial arts school by moving books out
05:48of the library to dry outside.
05:50Instead of carrying the books safely one at a time, you have to move stacks of books as
05:55quickly as possible, and you need to get them all outside before the invisible timer
05:59runs out.
06:00Doesn't look that hard, but this is one of the most difficult QTEs in any video game.
06:04You can't cheat, you can't skip, you just have to get those books outside so they can
06:09frickin' dry.
06:10If you go too slow, they won't dry fast enough, I guess, and it's over.
06:14You can't drop the books for obvious reasons.
06:16Waterlogged books, uh, disintegrate into nothing upon any impact, I guess.
06:30There's dire consequences, or at least you would think there are based on the fact you
06:35have to do this QTE over and over again until you get it perfect.
06:38It's patently ridiculous.
06:39We've all carried a stack of books before, right?
06:42I'm a bird.
06:43If I've done it, you've done it, okay?
06:46We aren't martial arts masters like Ryu, but he's stumbling around like the floor is covered
06:51in vegetable oil, or actual frozen vegetables like the market in heavy rain.
06:57Ah, but he can barely walk a foot without tripping over his shoelaces.
07:01This QTE makes one of the simplest tasks in history one of the most impossible.
07:05And number 16, a close shave, also in Shenmue 2.
07:19If that first one wasn't enough, this one's one of the silliest QTEs.
07:23Um, I guess it's not really a QTE, but whatever.
07:26Uh, well, learning about the three blades, look, it's a Shenmue thing, not gonna bore
07:31you with the details of that.
07:32You have to pass a special test from the barber.
07:35He'll only give you important information if you pass the test.
07:38His test is that he gives Ryu a shave.
07:41A button prompt appears, but that's a trick.
07:45In a game where all you do is press buttons that appear on the screen, this is the moment
07:48you have to hold back.
08:03The fake QTE is actually a little clever, but we have to ask, does Ryu just assume everyone's
08:07trying to kill him?
08:08The barber even tells him not to move, no matter what.
08:11Um, maybe it's a combination of silly voice acting and stilted animation, but this scene,
08:16it got us bad.
08:17I just wish that if you pressed it and triggered the bad ending, quote unquote, the scene in
08:22Dumb and Dumber happened where Lloyd Christmas uses the ketchup packet to pretend that the
08:28barber killed him.
08:29You can't tell me that wouldn't have been the best thing ever.
08:33And number 15 is the ringing doorbell from Sonic Unleashed.
08:36Sonic Unleashed turned Sonic into God of War, basically.
08:39Like the hedgehog becomes a werehog with stretchy arms that works suspiciously like Kratos'
08:44Blades of Chaos.
08:46Now while that sounds completely awesome, I wouldn't say it is.
08:50While it doesn't quite hit the lofty standards of God of War, it is swimming in QTEs in the
08:55same way that God of War was.
08:57Every enemy encounter, every platforming section, every random object, there's QTEs.
09:02And they're all bad, for the silliest reasons.
09:04That doorbell sound effect.
09:06Every time you get a QTE correct in Sonic Unleashed, you hear the basic ding that sounds
09:09like a doorbell.
09:20Hearing it once is fine, hearing it twice is fine, hearing it ten times honestly would
09:24have been fine.
09:25But you're going to hear it hundreds of times.
09:27That doorbell becomes very annoying.
09:29As a meme, very funny.
09:31Put that thing in like any other piece of media, instant laugh.
09:48If I'm playing Sonic that doorbell though, man I've heard it enough.
09:53In at number 14, mismatch in Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth, the Yakuza games don't take
09:58themselves too seriously, but sometimes we're still begging the developers at Sega to give
10:03us a little bit more dignity.
10:05For years they've been shoehorning these weird FMV cutscenes in their games with very real
10:11They're very awkward as your in-game dude attempts to interact with them.
10:14In a way that, I mean I assume that it's funny to people in Japan, but it's full-on cringe
10:19in not Japan, which is a lot of places if you didn't know.
10:23And the QTEs and cutscenes return in the, I mean it's an easy to miss minigame in Like
10:28A Dragon Infinite Wealth, but it's there.
10:31The bizarre goofy dating minigame where you have to select responses that the best match
10:35to your prospective date blah blah blah.
10:37It's very pointless.
10:38In this particular one you get to lie to people on the internet to make them like you, which
10:52is not something an actual bird like myself would ever do, I'm a bird of prey, a real
11:00Alright fine, that part of the dating game makes total sense, it's the rest of it we
11:03don't understand.
11:04Why is our boy Ichi trying to date women when he already has a crush that's central to the
11:08game's story?
11:09Why do these bizarre QTE minigames feel so random?
11:13And the reward feels more like punishment, FMV sequences are like omega level embarrassment
11:20You'd have to do the eye thing from Clockwork Orange to get me to watch all of them, and
11:24that would by proxy mean you'd probably also have to watch all of them, which maybe makes
11:29it not worth it for you.
11:31Game number 13 is Failing the Bomb in Spider-Man 3.
11:34The game is based on the movie from a few console generations back, it belongs in the
11:40bad QTE hall of fame.
11:42Every QTE is funnier than the last, with the ridiculous flailing character models, the
11:47greatest of all time tear failures, best of the worst is of course the bomb scene.
11:52Early in the game Spider-Man has to save a woman tied to a bomb.
11:56Instead of navigating through the burning building doing all the things a spider can,
11:59you know, like the song says, we're forced to endure a dumb QTE sequence of jumping and
12:05webbing around PS3 era fires, you know, real scary ones.
12:13So the silliness starts when Spider-Man encounters the bomb we mentioned.
12:16When you miss the QTE, instead of gracefully swinging in to defuse, he literally belly
12:21flops onto hard cement, the woman exclaims that she's going to die, and then they all
12:27blow up.
12:37Burnt to a crisp, oh my god.
12:39Everything about Spider-Man 3 is super weird.
12:41Look at that woman, look at her face.
12:43These character models are not normal.
12:46Something is very wrong here.
12:48At number 12 is press F to show respects from Call of Duty Advanced Warfare.
12:53After the opening mission your character is taken out of the war zone to a state funeral
12:57for a fallen comrade, the solemn proceedings become a total farce when you're prompted
13:02to press F to pay respects.
13:04You know, F for respects.
13:06It's so ubiquitous, F is a common meme.
13:10It's everywhere and it's not going anywhere.
13:13It's the perfect encapsulation of this very dumb bit of game design.
13:16There's a lot of QTEs we enjoy, but just like being forced to press a button to progress
13:21a cutscene that, I mean, there's no reason for it to be interactive at all.
13:25It's not our idea of fun.
13:27This one is so obviously absurd, it circles back from being annoying to funny.
13:31It's also the point where Call of Duty campaigns decided to start pulling back on QTEs to focus
13:36more on gameplay.
13:37Why do you think they did that?
13:44Everyone comment Fs to pay respects to pressing F to pay respects.
13:58At number 11 is pressing X to find Jason in Heavy Rain.
14:03Heavy Rain, like Indigo Prophecy, a narrative adventure game where you wander around, sometimes
14:08press buttons to do action scenes.
14:10The delivery system, however, way better than Indigo Prophecy in this game.
14:15That doesn't mean Heavy Rain does not have its own infamously goofy sequences.
14:19I've referenced them already.
14:21I mean, I can't think of QTEs without thinking of Heavy Rain.
14:26You play as the father of some boys caught in a familiar and scary situation.
14:30One of your kids is missing and you're given free reign to press X as many times as you
14:34want to shout that kid's name over and over again.
14:37Press that button too often and what started out as a harrowing scenario becomes comedy
14:42The QTE isn't that bizarre if you press the Jason button once or twice.
14:57But rapid fire and oh, it's funny.
14:59I mean, it's so funny they did the gag a second time with Sean.
15:04They changed the Jason button to the Sean button and wow, it's a completely different
15:08thing, right?
15:09Um, yeah.
15:10At number 10 is destroying the Star Destroyer in The Force Unleashed.
15:27You want a little Devil May Cry energy in Star Wars?
15:30Yeah, answer is yes.
15:31The Force power in this game, they're unlike anything we've seen before.
15:34Your fallen Jedi can shoot lightning through dozens of dudes, blow through an entire squad
15:39Stormtroopers like with a force push push them over a railing or something. I mean there's fun to be had here
15:57Gets ridiculous though when you use the force to pull down an entire Star Destroyer
16:02It should be one of the coolest scenes in the game
16:04Honestly a marquee moment to show off the cinematic action on an unbelievable scale, but it's one of the worst QT's of all time
16:11Honestly, I still don't know exactly how this works. They do a pretty bad job of explaining
16:16You don't get any feedback to correct yourself tells you what to do, but finally button prompts that appear
16:21It's not enough makes what could be the best moment in the game into an exercise in pure frustration
16:27The buttons just don't work
16:28What you're supposed to do is twist the Star Destroyer
16:30So the nose is facing you and then push down all while TIE fighters are
16:34Bombarding with laser blasts and whatnot you try to move the Star Destroyer too much
16:38You'll get blown away
16:39If you release it to destroy the TIEs the Star Destroyer moves none of it works on PC for one and it really barely
16:46Works on console a sequence like this really shouldn't be this difficult and while a sequel is I mean
16:52It's not as good of a game as the first but none of the QT's are this bad at least
16:56I also want to quickly resolve the idea that somehow it's canon breaking
17:00It's not Yoda basically tells Luke that it really doesn't matter what the hell you're lifting with the force the size and weight and mass
17:07And all that's all in your head
17:08Unfortunately the instructions for moving the Star Destroyer in this QT. They aren't in your head or on the screen or anywhere
17:57And number nine is fighting for a gun with no bullets in the order
18:011886 sometimes QT's are all smoke and mirrors seems they matter in the moment
18:06But actually nothing changes whether you win or lose
18:08That's what happens in this impressively silly QTE in the order
18:121886 after being captured by the order your hero escapes his dungeon cell sneaks towards the exit
18:18You know that old chestnut on the way he finds gun got no bullets in the chamber
18:23Remember that the player and the character both know the revolver has no bullets in it
18:34Later you need the weapon to stick up a guard the guard doesn't know that the gun is empty though
18:38But you'll obviously keep surrendering as long as you have gun pointed at him later after riding an elevator
18:44the guard tries to get his hands on the gun a QT fistfight ensues where you'll have to fight over the empty gun and
18:50Whether you succeed or not, the guard gets the gun and pulls the trigger discovering that it's empty
18:54So our question is why do you need to fight over a gun that is empty?
18:58Why not?
18:59Just let him have it and punch him as hard as you can in the face
19:03Knowing the zero bullets are going to tear through your flesh at any time
19:07There aren't bullets giving him the gun could even be a distraction while you rear back for the biggest haymaker
19:15You can conjure but no this doesn't make any sense. The developers just want a cool action scene, right? That's it
19:36At number eight is Balan's bout and Bailey in Wonderland one of the biggest flops in video game history
19:42I don't know what Yuji Naka did to get Square Enix to front the cash for this one. It's aggressively bad
19:48I mean a train wreck on every front and the QTEs are among the worst you've ever seen in a video game to earn some
19:54Of the important collectibles you'll enter a weird minigame called Balan's bout from time to time
19:58I said taking direct control or fighting a boss
20:01You basically watch a cutscene and try to press buttons as shadows fly into Balan shadows in scare quotes
20:08They're totally imprecise impossible to figure out not clear when the shadows are
20:13Optimally intersecting with Balan to press the button they move fast enough
20:17You kind of have to jam buttons and pray that you're doing it, right? There's no feedback
20:21No clear visual cues. No real enjoyment to be had either the QTEs are just straight-up bizarre. They look dumb
20:26They make no sense and we kind of hate everything about them. They're also basically identical
20:31So enjoy seeing this cutscene 48 times if you're insane enough to chase through a hundred percent completion
21:01Number seven everything is bad in Afro samurai to Balan Wonderland is bad
21:06But it's also still available to buy on digital storefronts Afro samurai 2 it was so bad
21:11It got pulled completely from everywhere and trying to find a copy now is actually kind of tricky
21:16We grabbed this game as soon as we learned how legendary the badness really was the first Afro samurai game wasn't a masterpiece
21:22But it wasn't whatever the sequel is top to bottom piece of garbage. It's shocking
21:27This game was ever released actually look at this QTE like look at it
21:39The animation the stiff awkward button prompts the jank we played plenty of games with disappointing final bosses
21:46But this has to be the most disappointing final boss ever after switching to kuma a reconstructed samurai character
21:52You walk into a temple where this QTE battle begins instead of a boss fight
21:56You jam buttons throw this chump on the ground poke his eyes out the animation of the eyes squishing is it's so bad
22:02It's weird to even call it violence
22:03It doesn't look like this model even had eyes to begin with honestly after completing the QTE the chapters over took 10 seconds
22:10And number six is a strip club distraction from dead to rights this hits us with the terrible QTE
22:16Right at the start of the game by level 2 in this Max Payne inspired shooter our hero Jack slate takes a break to let
22:22His girlfriend distract guards with one of the weirdest mini games in video game history to help Jack sneak into the strip club
22:28The stripper does a routine on a pole and we get to press all the buttons and enjoy these sweet
22:34PS2 graphics you could cut a board with those polygons
22:37Buttons fly across the screen and the more you hit close to the center the more heat you'll build up
22:43Presumably to distract guards with I don't know something they watch every night
22:47I guess I would think they wouldn't be that distracted
22:49Maybe they'd be a little bored and we'd be bored too if we weren't laughing at the absolute primitive character models these things weren't made to
22:55Stretch and squish this much. It's like watching a paper doll teenagers in 2002 really really had to take what they could get on
23:13And number five
23:14Wagging the stick in Resident Evil 6 Resident Evil 6 has a big QTE problem on
23:19Consoles QTEs were far far too difficult when the game first released and then later re-releases barely fixed the problem
23:26There's non-stop QTEs Resident Evil 6 and they're tough to pull off in some sections of the game. Some of them were even impossible
23:39It's all cuz of a mechanic that just wasn't explained in
23:42Resident Evil 6 you were forced to wag the d-pad to complete QTEs in one level
23:46Chris and his little soldier buddy fight a big old monster through the streets of ruined war-torn cities
23:52Your goal is to damage the creature and then you jump on the back
23:56Waggle the big control rod and unfortunately the time would move faster than the meter
24:00Failing you before you knew what you were doing. The HUD symbol doesn't make it clear
24:04The wagging is what you're supposed to do
24:06You're meant to rock the d-pad left and right which looks like you're supposed to make a circle motion
24:10Both interpretations are wrong despite the game only showing one d-pad
24:13You're actually meant to waggle two d-pads at the same time game registers both of them at the same time making QTEs actually
24:19Impossible, but only if you knew to do something the game doesn't show at all
24:23It's confusing and very aggravating but you're stuck humping a giant metal rod for hours trying to get these stupid things to work
24:50Number four is a big squat in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
24:54One of the most hated minigames in the remake returns in Rebirth instead of going easy on your poor fingers
25:00Rebirth decided the squatting minigame is gonna be at a beachy region outside Costa del Sol and
25:05They made it even harder with pull-ups
25:07The squatting minigame is about pressing buttons to an invisible timer the buttons disappear
25:11You're forced to memorize a button order and then jam on certain buttons randomly when they appear in gold the pull-ups challenge
25:17Mixes things up by changing the order you press buttons. No longer a simple circular motion
25:22Now you need to jump buttons in reverse order
25:25Memorizing a much more complex series of invisible button presses that feel totally random whether you win or not
25:41Like a ton of minigames in Rebirth, we wouldn't mind if some were left on the cutting room floor. That's that's all I'm saying
25:59Number three is dying in Rebirth. It's a game where you have to die in order to get to the end of the level
26:04You have to die in order to get to the end of the level. You have to die in order to get to the end of the level
26:10Number three is dying instantly in Bayonetta. Bayonetta started life as a remixed version of Devil May Cry with wackier sensibilities
26:17But there's one aspect the first game had that we're glad didn't make into the sequels the random instant death QTEs
26:23It's hard to even describe them
26:24Honestly, you could be running around a crumbling city and suddenly a button prompt appears
26:28If you don't press the button you're restarting from a checkpoint. It happens a lot weirdly often during boss fights sometimes
26:34But it's these weird QTEs that appear without any prompting in the middle of these platforming sections
26:38That really really get us. You climb the clock tower camera pulls back. You can't see yourself anymore
26:43So you don't know what's happening anymore. The button appears so fast. You can't easily miss it
26:47It's the opposite of what we'd expect from a glamorous character like Bayonetta, you know dying randomly in a bunch of rubble
27:04Number two pushing away a small child in God of War Chains of Olympus what we're talking about uncharacteristic actions
27:10Let's talk about one oddball QT from God of War
27:12Most of us forgot Chains of Olympus is the first of the two PSP
27:15Adventures for Kratos and one of the least memorable by a lot
27:19He'll be fighting mythological monsters and traveling to Greek themed locations on a mystical quest for something
27:25I don't remember details don't matter either
27:27What matters is it Kratos wrestles a small child late in the story Kratos finds his lost family in the underworld
27:34He's given the choice to renounce all his power and just stay with him and he agrees until discovering the gods have a plot to
27:39Destroy everything so he has to leave his daughter old yeller style instead of shooing her away
27:44You have to jam buttons and forcefully remove your clingy heartbroken child
27:59It's meant to be sad and I mean it is until you remember you're playing as the living embodiment of a high school network doodle
28:05And this God of War is struggling to defeat an extremely precocious child images burnt in my brain forever
28:25Finally at number one every QTE final boss like our favorite games get us hyped up with the promise of an epic final
28:32Confrontation a chance to test the skills we've learned during the course of the game against a worthy opponent like boss fights aren't always fun
28:38In video games, but a well-made boss can be one of the most exhilarating experiences
28:42You have in video games because I mean you played the game. You've learned the skills
28:46You know what you're capable of and here's the test
28:49Not every developer has the time or budget to deliver that that when it's crunch time and a game needs to get done
28:54Boss fights are the first things that get cut and that's why there's a plague of QTE final bosses in video games
28:59particularly from the era that we mentioned
29:49Gives like Warhammer 40k Space Marine
29:51They don't lean in their mechanics and give us a meaningful final challenge instead you beat on a big cutscene bad guy by pressing buttons
30:07Shockingly similar final boss appears in Bionic Commando on Xbox 360 to beat on a thing will fall into the sky
30:22Then there's the real
30:23Disappointments like the fight against Sauron and Shadow of Mordor turns out you never needed that army and all that power to face down
30:29The Lord of the Rings
30:31He had pressed a few buttons
30:32Easily defeat him by the QT final boss the ultimate letdown the shrug it leaves you with is just a bad feeling
30:38These fights might be easy, but they're really unsatisfying to play and that's why they've been almost completely cut from video games
30:44Space Marine 2 corrected the issue great final boss encounter
30:47But that doesn't mean the QTE final boss is dead
30:50Even relatively recent games like Metro Exodus have a few weird QTE boss at the end games have to end somehow
30:56So they might as well end with a weird bad QTE, right?
31:00Those are least favorite
31:01But weirdly memorable QTE sound off and let us know what we missed there in the comments
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31:17I'm Falcon. You can follow me on Twitter and book me on cameo at Falcon the hero. We'll see you next time right here on Gameranx