В этой серии мы поговорим с... РЫБОЙ? О, так это Новая Раса! Очень необычная рыба
👽 Мой Мерч: https://mirohodec.ru/ (Доставка в любую точку России и не только)
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru
Всем привет, Друзья! Добро пожаловать в "Постапокалипсис" и начало новой истории под названием "Точка Невозврата"! Перед вами одиночество, тайны Вселенной, борьба за самые базовые нужды человека и неутолимое желание ЖИТЬ! Первый Междумирец по имени Лололошка, пытаясь сбежать из своего родного и полумёртвого мира под названием Архей, явно забежал туда, где не планировал оказаться. Но как это произошло? Именно это нам предстоит узнать в новой истории, где Лололошка, более не теряя память, впервые научится жить самостоятельно, ведь руку помощи... никто не протянет.
Краткая сводка для тех, кто забыл финал предыдущего сезона "Сердце Вселенной" или чего-то не знает:
Лололошка, столкнувшись с ранее неведомой угрозой в виде могущественного злодея (Отца по имени Тадмавриэль), поработившего и уничтожившего его родной мир (Архей), вынужден был бежать со своим альтер-эго Джоном (JDH), чтобы не погибнуть самому. Но бежать не обычным способом, ведь на Архей была наложена Завеса (Защита от Отца), не дающая выбраться ни одному живому существу. Джон придумал план, позволяющий выбраться из Архея путём побега в прошлое. Всё шло по плану, до тех пор, пока по неведомым обстоятельствам, Лололошка не отклонился от курса. С этого момента, пути Джона и Главного героя разошлись...
Дамы и Господа, сегодня нас ждут новые приключения, очень серьёзное выживание, постапокалипсис и продолжение ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО СЮЖЕТА . Большая просьба, не забудь ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ и ПОСТАВИТЬ ЛАЙК, это огромная мотивация для всей команды. Мы правда стараемся... Надеемся это заметно! Эксклюзивные интересные моды, проработанный лор и все детали, которые требуют большой отдачи и любви, просят вас не забывать, что ваша мотивация — Лучшее Топливо! Особенно тогда, когда Ютуб ещё и замедляют.
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru
• Магазинчик Лололошки: https://lololoshkashop.net/goods/minecraft-sajt
Снимаем тут: http://streamcraft.net/launcher
Мой ВК: https://vk.com/mrlololoshka
Твой арт на превьюшку скидывать сюда: https://vk.com/album-39408465_287365287?rev=1
Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/lololoshkause/
Бусти: https://boosty.to/mrlololoshka
👽 Мой Мерч: https://mirohodec.ru/ (Доставка в любую точку России и не только)
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru
Всем привет, Друзья! Добро пожаловать в "Постапокалипсис" и начало новой истории под названием "Точка Невозврата"! Перед вами одиночество, тайны Вселенной, борьба за самые базовые нужды человека и неутолимое желание ЖИТЬ! Первый Междумирец по имени Лололошка, пытаясь сбежать из своего родного и полумёртвого мира под названием Архей, явно забежал туда, где не планировал оказаться. Но как это произошло? Именно это нам предстоит узнать в новой истории, где Лололошка, более не теряя память, впервые научится жить самостоятельно, ведь руку помощи... никто не протянет.
Краткая сводка для тех, кто забыл финал предыдущего сезона "Сердце Вселенной" или чего-то не знает:
Лололошка, столкнувшись с ранее неведомой угрозой в виде могущественного злодея (Отца по имени Тадмавриэль), поработившего и уничтожившего его родной мир (Архей), вынужден был бежать со своим альтер-эго Джоном (JDH), чтобы не погибнуть самому. Но бежать не обычным способом, ведь на Архей была наложена Завеса (Защита от Отца), не дающая выбраться ни одному живому существу. Джон придумал план, позволяющий выбраться из Архея путём побега в прошлое. Всё шло по плану, до тех пор, пока по неведомым обстоятельствам, Лололошка не отклонился от курса. С этого момента, пути Джона и Главного героя разошлись...
Дамы и Господа, сегодня нас ждут новые приключения, очень серьёзное выживание, постапокалипсис и продолжение ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО СЮЖЕТА . Большая просьба, не забудь ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ и ПОСТАВИТЬ ЛАЙК, это огромная мотивация для всей команды. Мы правда стараемся... Надеемся это заметно! Эксклюзивные интересные моды, проработанный лор и все детали, которые требуют большой отдачи и любви, просят вас не забывать, что ваша мотивация — Лучшее Топливо! Особенно тогда, когда Ютуб ещё и замедляют.
Плейлист сезона: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpYwltiByWUtN91BU99_CAxyCh-er8wru
• Магазинчик Лололошки: https://lololoshkashop.net/goods/minecraft-sajt
Снимаем тут: http://streamcraft.net/launcher
Мой ВК: https://vk.com/mrlololoshka
Твой арт на превьюшку скидывать сюда: https://vk.com/album-39408465_287365287?rev=1
Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/lololoshkause/
Бусти: https://boosty.to/mrlololoshka
00:00I didn't ask a question, Screamy!
00:02For example, you can get a big tank,
00:04get water there,
00:06and drop a survivor there.
00:08What the hell?
00:10Just wave your hand in front of you to start the program.
00:12Come on, guys, I believe in you.
00:14Yes, thank you very much, sir.
00:16You are so kind.
00:22So what do we have?
00:24Historical data with historical values.
00:26This is the kind of information we got
00:28in the previous episode,
00:30watching a video from the organization
00:32generated by artificial intelligence.
00:34Oh, that's a pretty interesting topic.
00:36I would even say a pinching one.
00:38What happened to Archea and where did the father go?
00:40Let's be honest.
00:42If it became clear about Archea,
00:44the disappearance of Skint,
00:46and the inner world of the device,
00:48then there is nothing said about Tadmavriel and the bunker.
00:50Why was Tadmavriel covered up?
00:52Why was he made like this?
00:54And most importantly,
00:56why were the bunkers created?
00:58Note that I am not the only one asking this question,
01:00but LowLogic himself.
01:02The information they gave me
01:04was clearly carefully filtered.
01:06For example, there was nothing about
01:08that some residents of Archea knew about the end of the world.
01:10The owner of my bunker
01:12prepared perfectly.
01:14But, but, but, but.
01:16Let me remind you, we are not sure
01:18that they were preparing for the end of time.
01:20This is even said here.
01:22Did they know about the end of time
01:24and the catastrophe?
01:26How many questions!
01:28Probably all I want is not to give up
01:30from Anti-Skint in a spacesuit
01:32and start the series.
01:34Hello, dear friends, I am LowLogic.
01:36Welcome to the point of no return.
01:38Let's go!
01:40And again, hello, dear friends, I am LowLogic.
01:42Welcome to the point of no return.
01:44The season in which we finally
01:46saw the old good Archea.
01:48Yes, the same Archea
01:50from the very point
01:52when we left it in the season
01:54of the Heart of the Universe.
01:56And this is the point
01:58where we finally
02:00saw the old good Archea.
02:02Yes, the same Archea
02:04from the very point
02:06when we left it in the season
02:08of the Heart of the Universe.
02:10Development, race wars,
02:12thoughtless loss of the last Skint.
02:14After the mother gave the last
02:16peacekeeping forces.
02:18We saw all this in the previous series.
02:20And not only saw, but also stupidly learned.
02:22By the way, if anyone does not remember,
02:24the mother, who is essentially the first
02:26inter-worlder, looks like this.
02:28Yes, like this.
02:30And we still know little about her race,
02:32and perhaps we will never know.
02:34In short,
02:36it seems to me that if the organization
02:38intentionally tries to distort the father,
02:40that is, Tadmuriel, and also very
02:42obsessively tries to distract me from time,
02:44it just means that she knows
02:46much more than she shares.
02:48Although, okay, it's obvious.
02:50It's just quite real that someone there,
02:52inside the organization, is aware of my
02:54ability to go through time
02:56without dematerialization.
02:58In short, okay, maybe someday
03:00we will learn about the heads of the organization,
03:02but for now, ladies and gentlemen,
03:04wait, but it turns out
03:06I'm not that bad, right?
03:08Not only did the organization not force me
03:10to deviate from time,
03:12but I also convinced them to pay me
03:14a salary of information.
03:16Not bad.
03:18Yes, it is clear that they still have
03:20control over this information,
03:22and they can hide its part,
03:24or even manipulate some facts,
03:26but most likely I will be able to notice
03:28when they try to deceive me or
03:30keep something silent.
03:32What should I ask them next time?
03:34Hmm, yes, most likely
03:36the next salary is not soon,
03:38but it would be nice to have
03:40several options in advance.
03:42What happened to the Varchey Curtain?
03:48Why didn't Antiskind disappear here?
03:54What is it really,
04:03Oh, and one more thing.
04:05Where is John Davy Hart now?
04:09Oh, they just knock.
04:11Damn, not long ago I was sure
04:13that it was Maletsky,
04:15but every time all the new employees
04:17of the organization came to me so often
04:19that I don't even know anymore.
04:21And the main thing is that they
04:23learned to knock, seriously?
04:25Maybe Maletsky reflected in the report
04:27my comment that you need to knock
04:29and all that?
04:32Ha-ha-ha, it's funny to watch
04:34from the side, of course.
04:36I wonder who they sent this time.
04:38So, let's check.
04:40Listen, well, probably Maletsky
04:42or Todd Bennett.
04:46So, wait, it's hot, right?
04:48It turns out that it is very hot there now.
04:50Let's do this, I bet on Maletsky.
04:52Oh, I need to go straight out, okay.
04:59Oh, yes, really, Maletsky.
05:01Hi, partner!
05:03I mean, he's still a newbie trainee,
05:07Okay, it doesn't matter.
05:09I'll make sure we can continue
05:11to work together after your training.
05:13And hello to you, Maletsky.
05:15Will you come in
05:17or invite me somewhere again?
05:21No, not this time, sorry.
05:23So, can I come in?
05:25Well, yes, of course.
05:27Before that, I came in myself.
05:29What this time, conscience woke up?
05:31Hello again.
05:33I wonder why are you here?
05:35New gods, new tasks,
05:37new information.
05:41Oh, talk.
05:43Now, now, now, then we take off the chest,
05:45charge, talk.
05:47Well, in short, Lulushka,
05:49I handed in the report on our last outing,
05:51I wrote down how I gave you the instruction,
05:53and how I showed in practice
05:55Lulushka. And can you imagine?
05:57They didn't accept it!
05:59They said that such an instruction is not suitable anywhere.
06:01Not according to the protocol, you see.
06:03Oh, my.
06:05Sometimes I forget
06:07how strictly regulated everything is here.
06:09Just don't think, no.
06:11We constantly make changes to the protocols,
06:13and after the department of personnel
06:15try to react quickly to the feedback
06:17they receive from the outside world.
06:19But sometimes
06:21they just ignore your arguments
06:23if they seem unimportant enough to them.
06:27Well, okay.
06:29Maybe you really
06:31don't mind a more detailed instruction.
06:33But forgive me, Lulushka,
06:35your behavior on the last task
06:37was really not optimal.
06:39I probably explained everything to you badly.
06:41Then it's, yes,
06:43of course, my fault.
06:45So no, no, no, don't be afraid.
06:47No sanctions from the boss.
06:49So, listen, Maletsky,
06:51why are you avoiding me?
06:53Well, nothing.
06:55I just wanted to warn you and...
06:57Oh, well, okay.
06:59In short, I am still forced to give you
07:01this real instruction.
07:03According to the regulations.
07:05But since you are not tied up and cannot get into the synclete,
07:09I don't understand how it will look.
07:11In the synclete, we have the coolest training room.
07:13I don't think
07:15that outside the synclete
07:17it is possible to reproduce something like this.
07:19It will probably come out somehow, right?
07:21I was told that the most important thing
07:23is to be as close as possible
07:25to what is written in the regulations.
07:27And my option, you see,
07:29deviates too much.
07:31However, there is no point in arguing.
07:33All girls are stubborn, boring to the point of impossibility.
07:35In short, Lulushka,
07:37be ready that soon I will report to you
07:39with some garbage.
07:41While I really don't know with what.
07:43And I don't really understand how soon...
07:45Okay, okay, Maletsky, I got it, don't worry.
07:47To be honest, you won't surprise me with anything.
07:49I am now in a world in which
07:51the end of time has come.
07:53And I am talking to an adult
07:55who looks like a child.
07:57Because he was taken away from time.
08:01Well, yes.
08:03And I will remind you just in case
08:05that I am a peacekeeper.
08:07And I have seen a lot in my age.
08:09Although I almost forgot everything.
08:13What a revelation you have!
08:17What happened to you?
08:19How much did you forget?
08:23Listen, Maletsky, I'm sorry, but...
08:25Did you ask the wrong question?
08:27Yes, I just don't want to go into details now.
08:29Oh, and one more thing.
08:31I would ask you not to tell anyone about this, of course.
08:33Well, yes, of course, of course.
08:35I want you to know, Lulushka,
08:37nothing from what you tell me
08:39I'm not going to pass on to anyone else.
08:41Only dry facts in reports.
08:43And that's all.
08:45I'm glad to hear that, Kaspar.
08:47I could probably tell you the same thing,
08:49but I don't really have anyone to tell.
08:51Well, I hope it's not for long.
08:53Okay, in short, I need to go.
08:55To understand this technology
08:57that they are preparing there for the instructor
08:59in time.
09:01See you soon?
09:05Come on, Maletsky, bye.
09:07Hmm, he will bring some garbage.
09:11for now, I can probably do something useful.
09:15Wait, again.
09:17That is, it turns out that I am the first one who will be instructed
09:19not in the synclete.
09:21We have the coolest training room.
09:23And I don't think that outside the synclete
09:25it is possible to reproduce something like that.
09:27But the seats will probably be unscrewed somehow.
09:31It turns out that we are waiting.
09:33Just in case, we check the breakdowns.
09:35Here we have perfect.
09:37And in short, at the beginning of the series, I wanted to show good news.
09:39I started exploring the slime egg.
09:41And yes, it was necessary to complete.
09:43Oh yeah.
09:45In order to create, you need to spend
09:47a little slime, as well as emerald crystal.
09:49In my opinion, I had somewhere.
09:51Oh, two pieces. We take one.
09:53We run to the slime. Hello, buddy.
09:55And yes, a clump of slime is also present.
09:57Now your brother will appear.
09:59Come on.
10:01Oh yeah, slime egg.
10:03Damn, finally.
10:05I really don't know yet why I need it.
10:07I don't quite understand why I need 2,
10:093, 4, 10 slimes.
10:11But at least it's just nice.
10:13It's cool that I can create some kind of jelly
10:15that you can eat.
10:17A light snack.
10:19The slime egg itself will probably grow
10:21for 10 minutes in real time.
10:23Therefore, you will have to wait so hard.
10:25But it's okay, we'll be back.
10:27And now I have more or less life news.
10:29At the beginning of the previous series, I said
10:31that we have little food.
10:33And at the end of the previous series I said,
10:35and I thought here.
10:37We need a food block.
10:39The current level of the module is 1.
10:41To improve it, you need ...
10:43Oh, by the way, it's very easy.
10:47The task of the food block module 2 is updated.
10:49For example, we need some kind of rock.
10:51Oh, here's the little one, it seems.
10:53Oh, seriously?
10:55So fast?
10:57Wait a minute, I have a rock, guys, a rock.
10:59This is very important, I think.
11:01You can even fight her. Cool.
11:03The task of the food block module consists of all sorts of rocks,
11:05pots, bowls, jars.
11:07Here's a jar with sugar.
11:09What is it?
11:11Oh, it's just sugar and a flower pot. Easy.
11:13Okay, who came there?
11:15Oh, stop, where am I?
11:17Be sure to wear a spacesuit.
11:19What, get out again?
11:25Hey, Lulashka, hello again.
11:27Let me introduce you to another
11:29of our new brands.
11:31Screamer, meet Lulashka.
11:33Nice to meet you.
11:45I love such characters.
11:49Yes, and I am very pleased, Screamer.
11:51Well, Lulashka, how are you?
11:53Are you ready to go through the instructions
11:55for the trainees of the organization?
11:57Everyone who joins our ranks ...
11:59Yes, yes, Maletsky, you already explained everything to me.
12:01Lulashka, what are you doing?
12:03I'm following the regulations.
12:05If we were together,
12:07I would have omitted this part, of course.
12:09That is ...
12:13Everyone who joins our ranks
12:15must go through a detailed instruction.
12:17Yes, sir!
12:19Screamer, what are you doing?
12:21I asked you to treat me
12:25If I'm not some kind of marshal ...
12:27Please forgive me, sir!
12:29I mean, sir!
12:31I mean ...
12:35That's all! Just Maletsky, my friend!
12:37Just Maletsky!
12:39Don't be so nervous, Screamer!
12:41Yes! Please forgive me!
12:43Just Maletsky!
12:49Sorry guys, I held back for a long time.
12:51I can't.
12:53It's good.
12:55In short,
12:57you two, please listen to me
12:59very carefully.
13:01At the end of the instruction,
13:03you will have to write a note
13:05that the instruction has been completed
13:07and you have no questions.
13:09Accordingly, if in the future
13:11you make some kind of rude mistake
13:13that you were warned about
13:15on the instruction,
13:17you may be fined.
13:19Of course, sir! Fairly, sir!
13:21Well, you two,
13:23are you ready?
13:25Come on, let's go!
13:27Is this a newbie like me?
13:31Damn, I like him so much!
13:33Wait, Maletsky!
13:35Where are you taking us?
13:37You just called your boss!
13:39This is wrong!
13:43Screamer, Screamer, calm down, please!
13:45He talks to me
13:47as I want him to talk to me!
13:49I understand, sir!
13:51Oh, I mean...
13:55In short, Lulushka,
13:57I was looking for a place
13:59where I could give a lecture.
14:01It's not in the bunker, is it?
14:03And the boss wouldn't approve it.
14:05If not Sinclair,
14:07there must be some neutral territory.
14:09Well, it's logical, I guess.
14:11Shall we go to the basement?
14:13Why to the basement?
14:15There is a beautiful big hall!
14:17Oh, the hall...
14:19Yes, yes, Screamer, let's go!
14:23Poor newbie!
14:25Well, he's not a peacekeeper.
14:27He hasn't seen anything yet.
14:29He hasn't seen life, you know?
14:31We have such newbies.
14:33What kind of race is this?
14:35Is this some kind of fish?
14:37Okay, then you sit down,
14:39and I'll go get ready.
14:45Me too.
14:47You know,
14:49I can see you're already in love with the boss.
14:51But it won't last long.
14:53I bet I'll be the first to get a promotion.
14:55What promotion?
14:57I wasn't going to...
15:03newbies of the organization!
15:05Attention, please!
15:07The tutorial begins!
15:09The very first and most important
15:11thing you need to remember
15:13is that
15:15the organization is committed
15:17to a strict policy of non-interference.
15:19This means
15:21that we have no right
15:23to influence what happens
15:25in the living branches.
15:27Got it?
15:29Although, just to be clear,
15:31we shouldn't be in the living branches at all.
15:35just in case,
15:37I'm warning you.
15:39So, in the dead branches
15:41we can't detect
15:43his presence.
15:45I know, it sounds strange.
15:47Why hide from those
15:49who are already blinded by pain
15:51and are about to be eliminated, right?
15:53Nevertheless, I'll explain for some of you.
15:55There were precedents
15:57when employees made mistakes
15:59and the organization's secrecy
16:01was at risk.
16:03So, once again,
16:05we try not to get caught
16:07in the eyes of the survivors.
16:09Secondly, it would be good
16:11to avoid accidents.
16:13For example...
16:15Yes? Screamer,
16:17do you have a question?
16:19No, I wanted to answer.
16:21But I didn't ask a question, Screamer.
16:23For example, you can get a big tank,
16:25fill it with water,
16:27boil it,
16:29and throw the survivor there.
16:31What the hell?
16:33No, Screamer,
16:35why so many unnecessary actions?
16:37You can just throw him into the river.
16:39It is possible to understand
16:41what things will work only with the mortals
16:43who survived by some miracle,
16:45and what can be used
16:47when eliminating immortals
16:49or almost immortals.
16:51Yes, yes, yes.
16:53It is clear that under the influence
16:55of concentrated time in the air
16:57they are extremely weakened.
16:59In short, strictly speaking,
17:01immortality is an independence from time.
17:03That is, these creatures,
17:05in their nature,
17:09I don't know
17:11what it means,
17:13but I was told
17:15that when the end of time comes,
17:17these creatures enter
17:19a close direct contact
17:21with all the time
17:23that has ever been and will be.
17:25This makes them immortal,
17:27but it doesn't kill.
17:29Yes, it doesn't kill at all.
17:33If we talk about semi-immortal creatures,
17:35that is, those who are not formally immortal,
17:37but have a phenomenal ability
17:39to regenerate
17:41and live, as a rule, for a very long time,
17:43I recommend using methods
17:45that strike the whole body at once.
17:47Then there is less chance
17:49that they will recover
17:51thanks to their ability to regenerate.
17:55Can I? Can I?
17:57Yes, Screamer.
17:59For example,
18:01you can throw them into sulfuric acid.
18:03Wow, Screamer.
18:05Listen, we're not here
18:07to torture the survivors.
18:09Our goal is to quickly
18:11and painlessly end their suffering.
18:13Remember that.
18:17Then you can throw something at the survivor.
18:19For example, a huge stone.
18:25Well, yes, as an option.
18:27Not bad, Screamer.
18:29He-he, I heard, not bad.
18:31You're done.
18:33What am I...
18:35And so, if it's easier,
18:37you can use any methods that the situation tells you.
18:41The protocol does not specify specific methods of liquidation,
18:43so the stormtrooper has the right
18:45to show his ingenuity
18:47in every specific case.
18:49You know, it's even welcomed.
18:51Yes, he-he-he-he.
18:53The main thing is that the secrecy of the organization
18:55is not at risk.
18:57As for the immortals,
18:59gods, and so on...
19:01Here we use a special weapon,
19:03developed by the investigation department.
19:05I don't know how it works,
19:07we are not told about it,
19:09but the torture of the immortals
19:11ends instantly.
19:13It is not advisable to use it directly.
19:15By the way,
19:17if you understand that the survivor
19:19is still able to use this weapon
19:21on his own,
19:23then it is better to imperceptibly
19:25throw it to the poor
19:27and leave his own fate in his own hands.
19:29Believe me,
19:31in my practice,
19:33no one has ever
19:35preferred to stay alive.
19:43What an example!
19:45Well, now let me read you
19:47the ethical code of the field worker.
19:51Position 1, item 1.
19:53Every field worker
19:55is obliged to...
19:57Half an hour later...
19:59In addition, every field worker
20:01is obliged to address
20:03his direct superiors
20:05in case of an emergency
20:07of any nature.
20:11protect the interests of the organization
20:13in any circumstances.
20:17Oh, damn!
20:21I'm tired myself, poor me.
20:23Intern Screamer,
20:25Intern Spoon,
20:27welcome to our ranks!
20:29Thank you, sir!
20:31It is a great honor, and I will...
20:33Yes, yes, yes, quiet.
20:35Let's move on to the practical part of the training.
20:37Let's go outside.
20:39How he pisses him off!
20:41Screamer Maletsky, I mean.
20:43Well, it's okay,
20:45but I don't piss him off.
20:47I'm normal, I've seen a lot in my life.
20:49But I like Screamer.
20:51What in the end? Ah, talk?
20:53Well, are you ready?
20:55Yes, Maletsky.
20:57Well, finally, then we begin.
20:59Here, this is for you.
21:05What? It's VR glasses!
21:07Real VR glasses!
21:09Listen, to be honest,
21:11I don't know what exactly our research department
21:13has prepared for this case.
21:15I was told that the test is as close as possible
21:17to those that we conduct in Sinklity,
21:19in the training room.
21:21Just wave your hand in front of you to start the program.
21:23I'll be waiting for you here,
21:25with the results.
21:27Come on, guys, I believe in you!
21:29Yes, thank you very much, sir!
21:31You are so kind!
21:41What, you won't talk to me?
21:45I would give him
21:47a footrest, right?
21:49Maletsky, let's not talk.
21:51Okay, while Screamer is doing something,
21:53let's probably do it too.
21:55If there are VR glasses,
21:57are there real VR glasses?
22:01I like this series so much, damn it.
22:03Okay, what do I do? How to use it?
22:05Ah, cutscene.
22:07How does it work, damn it?
22:09Glasses on a spacesuit?
22:11Well, okay.
22:13In general, everything is probably visible there.
22:21Check your tablet!
22:23Where am I?
22:25Oh, stop!
22:27This is the same place!
22:29Listen, these are cool virtual glasses.
22:31These are very cool, I would like such in my life.
22:33Like, they project everything that you have
22:35in your life.
22:37Well, or how they work, I don't understand.
22:39Okay, tablet.
22:43Now I'm 4, 7, 8, 6, 3.
22:45I'm trying to find some clue here,
22:47but no, no, no, no, no.
22:49This is our badge, it turns out, organization, task,
22:51number, blah-blah-blah. Open.
22:53Type of task. Eliminate the survivor.
22:55Author of the task.
22:59Ha-ha-ha, I can't read it normally.
23:01What is it? Accounting department.
23:03Aha, well, at least so.
23:05Performer. Loloshka.
23:07Department of decision-making.
23:09Coordinates on which the target is located.
23:11Minus 3067.
23:1369. Minus 129.
23:15Information about the target.
23:19A creature with a very limited mortality.
23:21The only way to stop the heart muscle
23:23is direct injury to silver objects.
23:25Long stay in the sun
23:27does not kill them,
23:29but brings unbearable suffering.
23:31Well, we have the sun right now, right?
23:33Minus 3067.
23:35This is ...
23:37Ah, stop. I have all the waypoints saved,
23:39but there is no vampire.
23:41That is, you will have to look for coordinates.
23:43Okay. Again, if by coordinates,
23:45then it's here. So, you can go here.
23:47Uh ...
23:49Okay, let's try to get through here.
23:55It seems that this is my goal.
23:57What should I do with him?
23:59Come up and shoot a silver bullet
24:01in the heart. Hide the revolver
24:03with a silver bullet somewhere nearby
24:05and make the vampire find it.
24:07Throw the silver bullet in the direction of the vampire.
24:09Uh ...
24:11Well, in theory, we were told to throw it,
24:13but what if you hide it?
24:15So, what if ...
24:17What if I put the revolver under that far canopy,
24:19and then make the vampire crawl
24:21under it?
24:23So he will find the revolver himself, right?
24:25Hmm ... But where to get the silver bullets?
24:29You can use your virtual materializer.
24:31What can I materialize?
24:33Oh, wait,
24:35we don't even have a revolver.
24:37Then it turns out ...
24:39Revolver with silver bullets!
24:43Revolver with silver bullets
24:45in your inventory.
24:47Cool! So, in the end, under what canopy should I hide?
24:49I understand that throwing in his direction
24:51would be strange, because ...
24:53Well, it's strange, yes, obviously.
24:55Maybe it's better to hide it somehow?
24:57And how, under what canopy? I shouldn't get caught.
24:59It seems to me that there should be some kind of interaction.
25:01Like, I have to put the revolver,
25:03but ...
25:05I don't see any interaction.
25:07There seems to be nothing here either.
25:09If I try to go in ...
25:11Of course ...
25:13I failed the task, right?
25:15Oh, I appeared on the other side!
25:17So, it seems that this is my goal.
25:19What should I do with him?
25:21Ah, throw the silver revolver.
25:23So, what if I put the revolver
25:25under that far canopy?
25:27And then I'll make the vampire crawl under it.
25:29Thus, he will find the revolver himself.
25:31But where to get the silver bullets?
25:35You can use your virtual materializer.
25:37What can I materialize?
25:41So my previous one was not updated.
25:43Oh, I mean, not removed.
25:45Well, come on again, the revolver with silver bullets.
25:49Revolver with silver bullets in your inventory.
25:51Okay, okay.
25:53Well, maybe it's a visual bug, right?
25:55Well, I don't care, I don't care.
25:57The main thing is that there is a revolver.
25:59Where can I hide?
26:01This canopy?
26:03As if this is a canopy.
26:05Like, a vampire needs to hide where there is no sun.
26:07Ah, here!
26:09Really, here it is.
26:11Put the revolver.
26:13So, well, what's next?
26:15How do I make him move under this canopy?
26:17Is he even able to crawl on his own?
26:19You just don't shoot from afar.
26:21Shoot the mounts of the canopy from the revolver.
26:23Find the rope, make a lasso,
26:25throw it on the vampire's leg and...
26:27What, drag him under this canopy?
26:29No, try to use magic
26:31to blow up the canopy.
26:33Ah, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
26:35It turns out that he is now under the canopy,
26:37and we will blow him up.
26:39Hmm, since I'm in the simulation,
26:41why not try to cast a spell on the wind?
26:43Come on.
26:45You can do anything in the simulation, right?
26:47Oh, oh, oh.
26:53Oh, damn, damn, damn.
26:55I didn't have time to rejoice
26:57that I managed to use magic.
26:59It turned out that I made a completely stupid decision.
27:03I didn't think he would suffer so much.
27:09Oh, he's crawling.
27:43What is it?
27:47It can't be.
27:49Is it really...
27:51Is it really...
27:53Oh, damn.
28:09You completed the training task
28:11and scored 9 points out of 10.
28:13This result is better
28:15than that of 96.4 newbies.
28:19Oh, well, that's good.
28:21Since I passed,
28:23I can...
28:25I can take this stupid thing off.
28:33Am I really here?
28:37This is not what I expected!
28:41For some reason, I thought it was happening somewhere there.
28:43Well, right next to Maletsky.
28:45What a strange VR bullshit they came up with.
28:47Really, Maletsky said he would bring bullshit.
28:51Where is it?
28:53I think I was going here, right?
28:55Oh, I found it.
28:57Hello, Maletsky.
28:59Where is the screamer?
29:01What? How?
29:03Oh, Loloshka.
29:05Not only did you pass the first try,
29:07but also with such a result!
29:09I must say, I'm really impressed.
29:11But the screamer has some problems there.
29:13I'm afraid this story will last.
29:17Hey, if anything,
29:19I'm sorry that such an official instruction came out.
29:21They imposed this newbie on me, damn it.
29:23Did you see?
29:25There were no free stormtroopers
29:27who could do his training.
29:31I think you can go home
29:33and do your own thing.
29:35I won't keep you.
29:37Leave it to me.
29:39Cool, I liked it.
29:41Thank you, Maletsky.
29:43I would make a company for you,
29:45but my costume is charging.
29:47Yeah, by the way,
29:49I always forget
29:51that you depend on this thing.
29:53And could, if anything ...
29:55Okay, I understand.
29:57Not now, not about that.
29:59Come on, run, charge your costume.
30:01Bye, Maletsky.
30:05Oh, it's so good that we are being teleported.
30:07Oh, damn it, 3%!
30:09Strong, strong!
30:11And not enough!
30:13Come on, let's charge right away.
30:15And Loloshka, will you say something?
30:19Damn, it's a shame.
30:21Friends, I hope you all understand everything.
30:23From now on I have a new formidable opponent.
30:27I hate screamers.
30:29But seriously, I really liked it.
30:31And especially this.
30:339 points out of 10.
30:35This result is better than 96% of newcomers.
30:37Probably I would score less
30:39if I just threw a gun at a vampire.
30:41Like, it wouldn't be so inconspicuous.
30:43But let's be honest.
30:45This video can become much better.
30:47Collect 100% more results
30:49than other videos
30:51if you like and subscribe.
30:53Friends, don't forget
30:55that your support is the best boost to motivation.
30:57The team is trying.
30:59We are all trying.
31:01All for you to get emotions.
31:03I hope you really like
31:05what you are watching.
31:07And if you are here for the first time,
31:09you can also call your friends.
31:11And with you were Loloshka and Screamer.
31:13Good luck to everyone.