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00:00We came all the way to freaking Nashville for the best option ever you ain't racing this Kia. I know that. Oh, man. You don't know that
00:10This car is damn near 10 years old
00:14What is going on guys welcome back to the channel as you guys know josh my editor he had a mustang
00:19Well, unfortunately, I say that in past tense because he sold it
00:22He got a truck truck is super nice. But unfortunately once he got it back home, it stopped starting
00:30Don't know what's going on with the truck long story short
00:33I'm doing what any good friend does and i'm gonna load up my cars and bring him my whipple supercharged s650 mustang
00:40We're also going to bring the 720s
00:41Loaded up in the trailer and pick up a new vehicle in today's video as well quite a bit to explain
00:46But first let me get these things loaded up in the trailer
00:49Going to freaking nashville what?
01:06Nashville baby. Yeah
01:07I'm bringing the mclaren with us because I think tonight we're gonna go meet up with a few other content creators as well
01:11So taking this car to kind of play around in nashville go downtown. There we go
01:15I'll see a few things well before then like I said, I have a new vehicle to pick up
01:18I'm gonna be dropping off the s650 and we'll have an open spot in the trailer
01:21So I figured why not purchase the absolute worst vehicle ever created worse than the pontiac fierro worse than the dodge neon
01:28Can't wait to show you guys but as excited as I am
01:30I'm, even more excited to tell you guys about today's video sponsor skims now
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02:33Huge thanks to skims for sponsoring today's video. But now let's get back into it
02:37I know a ton of you guys have been missing our junk of the month series
02:40And so me and josh had an idea to bring it back in the most epic way possible
02:44I think he's gonna really enjoy having this car for a bit. Can't wait to see what he thinks about it
02:47How was your drive? Oh, dude, it was a blast. Yeah, it really was not too bad
02:52It's actually really cool special delivery for you, my friend
02:55Brought you a little supercharged mustang. Thank you helping out big time
03:14Well, it is officially time I posted on my snapchat last night
03:17I asked you guys what we should buy for the next junk of the month
03:20I gave you guys three options and we came all the way to freaking nashville for the best option ever this thing is special
03:26Yes, it's a kia. Yes. It's a kia soul. Yes. It's the worst vehicle in existence, but there's a cool thing about it
03:32It's a freaking manual
03:36So we're here to buy
03:49Look at it's not as perfect as I was expecting. I was feeling bad about it if it looked too good
03:54It's got faded headlights
03:57Those a pillars look at the mirror caps, dude. What is this? Oh, it's for an rv hookup
04:02They were pulling it behind an rv. What a beautiful vehicle. So I found this on market
04:06I say I josh found this on marketplace josh sent this to me and whenever he sent it to me
04:11I knew we had a freaking winner man. This car is so
04:14So cool. It is low mileage believe it or not
04:17And it's a pretty clean example of a freaking booger green kia soul might name this thing booger. Oh, bro
04:23Look at that interior though
04:25Plush this is this a good this is a good purchase right here
04:30Yeah thinking about it though. It only says 50 something thousand miles
04:34But who knows how many miles they pulled this thing with an rv that's fair. That's a good point
04:40That's true
04:42Yeah, well, thanks for ubering over here and
04:46He had to come help us drive this thing back because this is a stick shift and this is a mclaren
04:50So we can't really figure out how to get them both back. But luckily enough. It wasn't too far
04:54So i'm going inside I guess pay for this freaking kia and then head out for a little bit of fun with the old kia
05:00We got to get this back to atlanta before we do too too much crazy stuff
05:04But I have the trailer here with an open slot now since you have the s650 so
05:07Oh, yeah, it worked out. Perfect. It really did a few moments later. Well, that was crazy
05:12We literally just walked in there for like two seconds
05:14He was like, oh, yeah here go ahead and take it and so they gave us a tag to put in the dash and the keys
05:20He said go have fun. Okay
05:24Hey, so we walked in there and I was like, you know, we're looking to see the kia and he's like
05:28Here's a plate put that in the dash. Here's the keys go have fun that quick like you saw how long I was in there
05:32Yeah, i've heard the gopro turn on
05:36So here we are
05:38Let me put this in the dash per requested and next request. He said have fun
05:42So shoot i'll trade in the freaking mclaren on this damn kia, dude
05:45I really do kind of think this is a better deal than mclaren dude. I might trade it in
05:49There's got to be lower monthly payments
05:59That's okay
06:00I've never driven a manual kia. I wonder if i'll stall it. There's no backup camera either
06:04Perfect clutch feels okay. You think it'll scrape right here? Uh, you can probably make it scrape
06:10Damn, she's she got some clearance flush off out the dealership. It'll be wild
06:21Oh, she's cold I forgot and it's a 2016 that's the year I graduated freaking high school here to graduate comment down below
06:28Hey, I must say this is a smooth sailor right here freaking oh twitchy twitchy with the steering is this car for a wheel drive
06:34It's got to be right. I think so. I would think so too. Yeah, it's gotta be for a wheel drive
06:39So no easy donuts, but e-brake probably works good
06:47Yeah, okay, oh look at this they're trying to race right now, let's go full throttle
07:00The stick shift kia
07:02Unbelievable, dude, what should we test before we get it?
07:04We just got to make sure he said it was a test drive and to go have some fun
07:07So I think we should do some kind of testing
07:09E-brake works good. Yeah clutch works. Okay gas works brakes work
07:14Oh shit, how many horsepower you think this has like 85 to the wheel? I guess 180. What?
07:20Let me make sure that
07:22I can't even be serious
07:24Let me make sure that the uh
07:26Let me make sure the e-brake works around turns
07:31I wonder if he'd be mad if he knew what we were doing
07:34Maybe he did say have fun though. He did. Yeah, he was really mean in it too. Like he had that demeanor to him
07:41He was like
07:42You know
07:44Oh, yeah, no, this is it this is it this is perfect
07:47That's all I needed to see might need a new e-brake in a little bit
07:50But so I mean that'll be good shots sound good so far. It sounds like it could hold a jump or two
07:58Holy shit
08:03Oh, it's kind of got like a little two-step run up your engine
08:10All right, we're not gonna get out
08:15Where are we
08:19Sure. Oh, there's one right there. I was about to hit it typically though
08:22If a cop passes that means that there's not another one in like the nearest radius, I think
08:34Bro this thing is on screen
08:36This thing actually that was not bad for a front-wheel drive car. No, that was a nice little turnaround. No, this is good
08:43Imagine though you're leaving your lunch break or something and you see the lime green kia soul doing a freaking just complete 180 in the road
08:51It's kind of a shame. This would make a pretty decent commuter for someone. I keep thinking that yeah
08:55This is a sad one. This one only has 50 000 miles dude. The burb has two or no three hundred thousand
09:00I think there's enough hate for these
09:03It'll still be okay, maybe like a kia enthusiast page like a kia soul page. Are there that there's no way there's that
09:12All right down below kia soul or wrx i'm about to honk it off too
09:20I knew it. I knew we were gonna get that ass. Let's go
09:22I wonder how long this has been here because look at that
09:24That looks old whenever I called he sounded like he just didn't believe that I wanted it
09:29He was like, yeah, but it's a manual. I was like perfect. That's what we're looking for
09:33Okay, like he just didn't believe me. I like it. Yeah, that's perfect. Oh, okay, so she drives reverse
09:41Hold up. Mm-hmm. Okay. Oh, yeah
09:46That's okay
09:49Thank you, dude, I appreciate you man
09:52Thank you. You're beautiful car, too
09:54What's up, dude? How you doing?
09:56Great, bro about to buy a little car
10:00I appreciate that man. Thank you. Good to see you, bro. Get safe or get
10:10You guys had that car for a bit just got it what really okay just got it
10:15You ain't racing this Kia. I know that. Oh, man, you don't know that
10:20I don't know
10:24Let me explain something to you that Kia's gonna go through it, brother
10:29Thank you so much for helping make it super simple and quick absolutely car gonna make some nice dreams come true right there. Oh, yeah
10:37Bro, i'm the proud owner of a Kia Soul
10:40I've been thinking of this day since I was just this tall. I've been wanting a Kia Soul since they came out, bro
10:45We just bought that. Yeah, I know it's all your story. We got the registration and everything. It's ready to go. That's crazy
10:51It's a bad bitch right there
10:53We were skirting it everywhere. It's so fun, dude
10:56It's a blast. Thank you very much again. I appreciate you stay out of trouble with it
11:03Might be a little hard but even hell man
11:05Well off we go with the Kia. Josh is gonna drive it back over to his house
11:09We're gonna take the McLaren and get some rollers in this thing going down the highway and then I guess figure out the next steps
11:14This is gonna be fun though that little thing is fun
11:18Look at this, dude
11:34There's not a soul on this road that thinks that the McLaren and this soul
11:38Not a soul that wasn't even intended
11:41No one thinks that these two cars belong with each other
11:57I'm gonna give her a nice little launch. See how she does
12:07She bogs a little i'm flat out and I can't keep up with Gavin about to hit the highway for the first time
12:12Give her the beans. I don't think she has much top end though or bottom end or mid-range
12:27Oh, okay looks good got a similar vehicle behind me there. Oh
12:36I think you're flexing on them right now
12:42The next day, ah
12:46Did you see my new car?
12:48Ikea. Yeah, I went to nashville to go buy this. I it's a manual. It's a manual. They came in manual, I guess
12:56I don't know, but it's the most fun thing ever. No, it's not. It's kind of cool
13:00What's is this a build? Is this a gift? What is this for?
13:02I don't even really know if i'm being real we were thinking about that
13:06But then after getting it and realizing how nice this thing is really
13:10You're still trying to sell you paid less than 10 for it. Yeah
13:13Technically out the door was like 9300. We talked him down 58 50k miles 56k miles. That's not bad. No, it's really not
13:20It's kind of fire and it's green. Are you going through a crisis? Gavin? Of course I am
13:28Some can be but I don't think this one is i've never popped the hood on the hood actually thinking about it
13:332jz no shit
13:36God damn
13:40God damn it. I'm gonna see if I can flip it. Oh, yeah. Oh god with the e-brake off, too. Oh
13:48Actually, you know what dude this thing might be track ready that's some good suspension we could test it for certain stiff
13:54What do you love about it? Uh, I love the fact that it feels like i'm driving a kia soul
13:58So like I don't have to care about anything at all
14:01Okay, I love the fact that it drifts better than most rear-wheel drive cars even be a front-wheel drive car
14:08Yeah, you got that too so you can do that
14:13He's gotta grab it like a man. Am I bad turn the traction control off. Oh, it's already there. Oh
14:19He's like brother
14:22Clutch dump this thing. Oh my holy shit. Oh my god. What a fucking in what a machine, bro
14:29I'll tell you what
14:31Oh, man
14:35All right, there's a turn it's like it's like a front-wheel drive brake brother it feels good job
14:40It's got aero from hell, but it feels good. It's got aero
14:44It's got a bump in sound system
14:47That's as loud as it goes. It's as loud as it goes. Yeah
14:50That's what we're gonna play. It's so loud. I can't hear you. We gotta put sounds in the back
14:56I want to go to walmart and get like the kicker set up. I'm telling you it actually slides surprisingly good. All right
15:04It's actually quite nice very low mileage. It's been very well taken care of which is uh, it actually looks brand new
15:10I'm, not gonna lie. If it does look brand new. This car is damn near 10 years old
15:17What the fuck
15:22What the fuck is wrong with you
15:25Just doing 40 rips the e-brake into a day. Jesus christ gavin. That was actually so fucking cool though
15:30I I saw your I saw the gears in your head turning and I was like, thank you
15:35This motherfucker's about to do some shit. Did we bring the car? It didn't even move. Look how well it sits
15:40You could put your baby back here. Like if you had a baby
15:49Okay, now you're pissing me off
15:52You're selling me on it. You really are. I know it's fun. It's so funny. It's like you bought like probably the nicest
15:59Carry ever and you're like what a piece of shit. It's fucking ripping the e-brake. This is fantastic, man
16:06Why are you you already did the racer mod turning it side? No, okay. You're ready
16:10Dude, there's a bus you're gonna hit the bus. No, i'm not. Okay
16:19Are you fucking kidding me this thing? This thing whips dude. Oh my god
16:25Doesn't even add up to make sense. That is unreasonably funny. That is so stupid. What the fuck?
16:32The person in front of us. It's like the people who drive that generation of cadillacs. They're always like 900 years old
16:38That guy just saw you do that shit behind them. He's like he's like good god good heaven. We were in front of him first
16:45And they came back
16:50If that guy knew how to use a cell phone he'd call the cops
16:55What another one
16:58You're such a shitter
17:00The guy that works here is gonna call the cops. It's another kia. No, it's not a sia. It's not a sold though
17:08Dude you had those kids
17:11Looking at you. They're like what the fuck is wrong with that guy
17:14Before we get into one last giant front wheel drive burnout with the kia. I gotta remind you guys
17:19We actually are about to call the winner for the twin turbo s650 mustang for everybody that's been asking and waiting
17:25That'll be in next video. So stay tuned for that subscribe if you haven't already, but I gotta remind you
17:29We also have the bmw 800 horsepower m4, by the way
17:33That is live still on it's just a six dot com and right now you can get bonus entries to win this car
17:39So go check out our new designs. It's just a six dot com
17:42But anyway, let's get into one last hoorah with the nam kia. All right, let's get it
17:47E-brake on traction off gear one
18:02Holy moly
18:17Ah, damn it
18:43I'm, sorry. Sorry. This car is a lot of fun. I don't really know what to do with it. I feel bad
18:47Destroying it's only got 50 000 miles on it
18:50So many more miles left to enjoy it. So comment down below. Let me know what we should do
18:55Go to it's just six dot com grab entries. And for now guys, let's see the next video