• 18 hours ago
It went 🎵'Boom boom digga, boom digga'🎵

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#NoMoreLabs #ep49 #DanganronpaV3
00:00Last time on game grumps
00:02Well, that's understandable. There are barely any clues
00:06And clearly any bears mostly lions
00:10Oh God I'm losing it
00:14Since the incident
00:18Since the incident yesterday
00:20He just goes cross eyed and falls over
00:22Kaido won't look me in the eyes
00:24on account of their crossing
00:26He must still be angry
00:29But I had no choice. He big man. I had no other options
00:34Hey I'm grump
00:36I'm not so grump
00:38And we're the game grumps
00:40Hello everyone
00:42Welcome back to Danganronpa
00:46Let's effing go
00:48Uh no
00:50Let's bumping stay
00:54You know what
00:56We could never
00:58Go off this screen for 45 minutes
01:00And just shoot the breeze
01:02And call it art
01:04Remember that really arty episode of game grumps
01:06You know what really pisses me off
01:08Tell me
01:10There was this one time
01:12I have a
01:14I always got group chat with their friends or whatever
01:16One of those group chats with some friends
01:18They sent a tweet
01:20A long time ago
01:22That was like
01:24Gamers will say let's fucking go
01:26And then sit in the same chair for 16 hours
01:28Yeah oh yeah
01:30And I was like
01:32What the fuck that's my tweet
01:34Somebody else tweeted it and it like went viral
01:36When they tweeted it
01:38And I was like you gotta be fucking kidding me
01:40And I looked up my old tweet
01:42And it still went more viral so
01:44Then I wasn't as mad
01:46Wow thank god
01:48Now I can sleep
01:50But they copied it you know
01:52But now it's like
01:54I was just like what the hell
01:56I thought I tweeted that
01:58And then once I found out that I tweeted it
02:00And it also did well
02:02I was like oh you know what it did so well
02:04That it went outside the
02:06So then I wasn't mad anymore
02:08What a glorious ending to that story
02:10That began you know what pisses me off
02:14Alright here we go
02:18Is it because the monocubs are gone
02:20No one can control the exosauls anymore
02:22No one
02:26What about me
02:28What no one can control them anymore
02:30Oh shit
02:32Am I wrong am I fucking wrong
02:34You gonna look at me and tell me that I'm wrong
02:36She came down in a bubble
02:38And wore a crown dog
02:42Oh don't worry about my reaction
02:44Just now
02:46I thought a somewhat over the top reaction
02:48Would put you guys on the defensive
02:50What does that mean
02:52You know what put us on the defensive
02:54When 12 of our friends died
02:58No no don't get so worked up
03:00You may be a machine but you're not a demon model
03:02Oh there we go
03:06Excellent timing
03:12Just 30 seconds of silence
03:14That's not true
03:16The deactivated exosauls
03:18Is this hanger pointless
03:20Now that the monocubs are gone
03:24If that's true is nothing threatening us anymore
03:26Oh shit
03:28I mean monokuma can step in one
03:30Do I have to examine every fucking exosaul
03:32There's five of them
03:34Just do it man
03:36It'll be alright
03:38All five exosauls are being stored here right now
03:40They aren't moving at all
03:42I should check each one individually
03:44Are the exosauls not going to move anymore
03:46Are they no longer going to be used against us
03:50I don't know
03:52Nope that's it you're good
03:58Washing machine
04:02I need a shower
04:04This looks like a car wash is it for cleaning the exosauls
04:06Oh my god it's an actual photo of a brush
04:08Is it really
04:10That's so funny
04:12That's strange
04:14He's comfortable
04:16Comfortable huh
04:20He like touches his face a little too much
04:30Little slaps you know
04:34What is this door
04:36What is this behavior
04:38Exosaul hanger
04:40Stop you're so funny
04:42Is this where the exosauls take a shit
04:44This is a bathroom
04:46It doesn't look like it's been used in a long time
04:48Possibly because they didn't program the exosauls
04:50To shit
04:52Unlike me
04:54I suppose that makes sense
04:56I'm sure the first person to be in here in a while
04:58Monokuma and the monocum
05:00Certainly don't need to use the bathroom
05:04But then why is there a bathroom here in the first place
05:06Oh my god the plot thickens
05:08If they were under the impression we would never be here
05:10Why make a bathroom
05:12Does that mean
05:14I was wrong
05:16Well that's nothing
05:18There's nothing that concerns me here
05:20So I'll go back
05:22You go ahead I'll catch up
05:26You're mustard and I'm the ketchup
05:30Wait there's nothing to examine in this fucking room
05:34It's a robot bathroom
05:36I guess you're right
05:38It could be nice
05:40It could be a little nicer
05:42You're right
05:44Robots are dying for the
05:46Pleasurable comforts of man
05:50This hangar is pointless huh
05:52I bet Mio would have found a purpose for this place
05:54I miss her
05:56She would have been excited to dismantle the exosauls
05:58And study them further
06:00By the way
06:04I was going to sing to her
06:06If I
06:08Were the king of the forest
06:12I can assert with confidence
06:14Because her actions are documented in my memory bank
06:16When it came to machines
06:18And technology Mio was
06:20Very genuine
06:22She had a natural innocence
06:24That she kept hidden deep inside
06:26Like where she plunged that thing in me
06:28One time
06:30Deep inside
06:32Just one
06:34Just so he could analyze her turds right
06:38So he could print out
06:40The picture of the circle
06:44That was part of this plot
06:48I imagine when he sings it would sound like
06:50You know when old computers didn't have sound chips
06:52They would just make sounds with the computer
06:56It would be like
06:58Yeah oh yeah
07:00Those were good times
07:04I yearn for them
07:06Investigate around here some more
07:08I'd like to investigate
07:10Oh there's an arm
07:12This huge machine
07:14Has several moving arms
07:16What is this used for?
07:18Hugging? Jerk
07:20This machine is probably just used to paint the exosauls
07:22You're right
07:24It does kind of smell like paint thinner
07:28Which reminds me
07:30Thank god
07:32Which means I could potentially use this machine to give myself a makeover
07:38I don't think you need a makeover
07:40You're great just the way you are Kibo
07:42Stop touching me
07:44Why the face
07:46Well of course I am
07:48Then why bring it up
07:50Idiot what the fuck
07:52Is that it?
07:54Are we done?
07:56Do I have to examine every exosaul?
07:58Oh hydraulic press
08:00Look at that
08:02This is a huge powerful machine
08:04Perfect for crushing a student
08:06This hydraulic press is probably used to scrap decommissioned exosauls
08:10Scrap them?
08:14Even the exosauls could not withstand being crushed by a giant metal slab
08:16I want to say that like in a game like this
08:18In a story like this
08:20It's like oh Kibo's gonna get crushed
08:24And it's like oh who did it? I don't know
08:26Because the door was locked
08:28With the fucking electricity
08:30How would they know?
08:32But I don't know
08:34This game's always throwing dumb curveballs
08:36Yeah I know
08:38A robot character died in the last one
08:40And he just got beat up I think
08:42There was a robot?
08:44Yeah it was
08:46I can't remember his name
08:48But he was the big tough gym coach
08:50Who got blown up and then
08:52Rebuilt as a robot
08:54Yeah yeah yeah
08:56Yeah yeah yeah
08:58Alright we'll get back to that
09:00Memory lane
09:04I can't do that
09:06Damn it
09:08It's perfect for that
09:10Also it seems you can control the hydraulic press
09:12Using that control panel over there
09:14No that's wrong
09:18There's an up and down button as well as an emergency stop button
09:22There's an up and down button
09:24As well as an emergency stop button
09:28Are you making fun of me?
09:32Sorry sorry
09:34There's a safety notice written here
09:36The hydraulic press has an infrared sensor
09:38When it detects a living being
09:40It automatically stops for safety reasons
09:42But it wouldn't stop for Kibo
09:44Oh no
09:46Not my boy Kibo
09:48If someone accidentally ended up in the press
09:50The machine would stop
09:52What do you think Shuichi?
09:54Am I going to die?
09:56Narratively am I going to die?
09:58Of the safety function?
10:00I don't know
10:02Let's give it a try
10:04Try what?
10:06Stand in there
10:08As I stood there confused Kibo suddenly got under the press
10:10Going straight forward
10:14Shuichi please
10:16Please what?
10:22Is number Johnny 5 alive?
10:24Yeah what is this existential shit
10:26Happening right away
10:28I guess they are the exosauls
10:34Are you calling me not a human?
10:40Just when it's too late
10:48Just for now
10:50Rest in peace
10:52He's not going to change his mind about this
10:54This is ridiculous
10:56So when I go on trial for murder now
10:58He'll be like he asked me to
11:00Yeah he totally wanted it
11:04Okay sure
11:06If it's dangerous
11:08You're in a hydraulic press
11:12Convinced by Kibo's enthusiasm
11:14I press the button
11:16It moved like way faster than I thought it would
11:26Oh no
11:28That was a close one
11:32Why did you do that?
11:34Why didn't you press the force stop button Shuichi?
11:36It's not my fault
11:38But at least we know now
11:40You didn't tell him to
11:42Well he's just misplacing his anger
11:44It seems I'm not
11:46I'm only perceived as a machine
11:48Not a human
11:50A machine wouldn't get angry like that
11:52Well to this hydraulic press that is
11:54Uh yeah
11:56Definitely this hydraulic press
11:58And not Kaido Maki
12:00Witch girl me and the other
12:04I've investigated everything here
12:06I want to set
12:08Kibo as
12:10Kibo in the hydraulic press as my
12:12Lock screen and then when I unlock it
12:14It just plays the animation of it rolling out
12:16Animation heavy quotes
12:20This is definitely a hangar for the exosauls
12:22But they're deactivated
12:24Monokuma might be right
12:26This place no longer has any purpose
12:28Other than nearly crushing your friends
12:30Hey Shuichi
12:32There you are I was looking for you
12:34Yeah I wonder who it is three question marks
12:38Hey come to the dining hall
12:40Tsumugi says she wants everyone to meet there
12:42Is it a costume?
12:44No it's cutlet day
12:50She told me she found something
12:52It's probably the flashback light
12:56Anyway come as soon as you can
12:58I'm gonna go on ahead
13:00Jumps on a head and flies away
13:02The next flashback light
13:04What will we remember this time
13:06Alright I should head to the dining hall
13:08I remember that I hate robots
13:10You stay here non-living being
13:14Oh god
13:18I would like to leave
13:26Oh god
13:28School building
13:30This is the place
13:32Come with me Kibo
13:34Fly with me
13:40The dining hall
13:42Who's making our food?
13:44I don't know
13:46Is everyone here?
13:48Guys it's serious
13:50Yeah you found the flashback light
13:52Didn't you?
13:54Let's use it already
13:56Yeah well I found an unused robot toilet
13:58Oh sorry for the flashback light
14:00Some velcro fell off of my
14:02Lollipop chainsaw costume
14:04Now I can't do the cufflinks
14:06I wanted
14:08It's not
14:10I honestly thought that's what this was all about
14:12Then why did you call us all here
14:14I had to go to the bathroom
14:18I found something pretty serious
14:20I thought I should tell everyone right away
14:22It's a first edition Charizard
14:24Pretty serious?
14:26Definitely PSA 10
14:32You can
14:34Actively talk to her
14:36So what did you find?
14:40Those letters go to the front of the courtyard
14:42There's more added to them again
14:44The letters in the courtyard
14:48It looks like the message is complete now
14:50We can finally read it
14:52Look in these blades of grass
14:54It says eeeee
14:58And it says
15:00It says
15:04The world is mine
15:06This world is mine
15:08Kokichi oh my
15:10Oh my
15:12That's what's written there
15:14What if
15:16It said Kokichi oh man just kidding
15:22The world is mine
15:24What's going on
15:26Why is Kokichi's name
15:28Well that's what it means
15:30It was all just a prank by Kokichi
15:32What if this is all Kokichi's place
15:36That'd be wild
15:38He kept adding that message just so he could make fun of us
15:40Seriously what a messed up guy
15:42I see
15:44That definitely seems like something
15:46Kokichi would do
15:48Where the fuck is that little guy anyway
15:50That is true but
15:52Is that all there is to it
15:54That's not true
15:56Horse ass
15:58This game of basketball
16:00Is over
16:02When Kanza had first found the word
16:04Writing all it said was horse
16:10Over time more letters were added
16:12The worse
16:16The worse is Nima
16:22The worst is Nima
16:26This world
16:28Is mine
16:30What if next it's going to say
16:32This world is your world
16:34This world is mine world
16:36Kokichi oh man this is a fun thing to write
16:40Can we really just
16:42Describe it to Kokichi's pranks
16:44You know
16:46Well who cares about Kokichi
16:48That guy fucking sucks
16:50More importantly what about the flashback light
16:52It seems no one has found it yet
16:54Maybe that's Kokichi's fault too
16:56He probably found it first and hid it
16:58I see
17:00That is possible
17:02Anything's possible in this
17:04Damn world
17:06We need to do something
17:08Well you just said the something that you need to do
17:10At the end of that sentence
17:12We need to do something and find him and tape him
17:14You could have just said we need to find him
17:16No there's no need to bother with him
17:18We need to do that thing where we like
17:20Hold him up and then duct tape him to the wall
17:22And then he's just stuck on the wall
17:24And we need to breathe
17:26And we need to talk to each other
17:28Eat and go to the bathroom
17:30And sleep for at least 7 hours
17:32The best way to deal with guys like him is to ignore them
17:34So let's just leave them be
17:36What's wrong
17:38You say that but you're the angriest out of all of us
17:42There was something I was just thinking about
17:44Thinking about
17:46I mean
17:48You know that song
17:50Boom digga
17:52Boom digga
17:54Boom digga
17:56Boom digga
17:58Boom digga
18:00How does it go
18:02Boom digga
18:04Boom digga
18:06Boom digga
18:08I wasn't listening how does it go
18:10Boom digga
18:12Boom digga
18:14Still a little too early to tell you guys but
18:16Leave it to me
18:18Just leave it to me
18:20There's no need for you guys to worry
18:22I'll figure it all out
18:24It's like boom boom digga
18:26Ken Fligget I believe
18:28Ken Fligget
18:30Figure what out
18:32I mean I'm going to get you guys out of here
18:34Kaito is going to get us out of here
18:38There's that reckless confidence in him
18:42I'm always wrecking stuff
18:44You guys just don't get it
18:46Jeez heroes are always misunderstood
18:48Hero or whatever
18:50It doesn't matter
18:52Just don't overdo it
18:54Leave it to me
18:56And with that
18:58Kaito died
19:00Perhaps Kaito's confidence is baseless
19:02All his baselesses belong to usless
19:04But it's sort of a relief
19:06To have someone so confident in a time like this
19:08A hero
19:10He might really be one
19:14How'd that song go?
19:16It's like boom boom digga
19:18It's like boom boom digga
19:20Boom digga
19:22Trent Fligget I believe
19:24We weren't able to
19:26Find the flashback light
19:28So we all left the dining hall
19:30And returned to our rooms
19:36Oh there it is
19:38My room once again assembled itself
19:40Oh I have a new monocob
19:42Yeah you got two new ones
19:44There's still some time left today
19:46What should I do?
19:48Well Gonta's dead so there's no point
19:50Yeah you will never become friends with anybody
19:54Get some rest
19:56Get some rest
19:58Now that I took a nap it's time to sleep
20:02It's time to sleep
20:04It's time to sleep
20:06I'm gonna sleep today
20:08I'm gonna sleep every night and day
20:10I'm gonna sleep every night and day
20:20Gonna sleep every night and day
20:22Rhymes with
20:24Ding dong bing bong
20:26One of the most rhymeable words
20:30This is an announcement
20:32From the ultimate academy
20:34The time is now 10pm
20:36Night time
20:38Has officially begun
20:42This is your chance to strike
20:46You have my condolences
20:48He's really just going for it now
20:50Will you sleep like a baby tonight
20:52Or sleep with the fishes
20:54Either way
20:56Sweet dreams
20:58Incidentally we unfortunately looked
21:00Did a google image search for penis fish earlier today
21:02Looks pretty much as you would
21:04What does it look like Dan?
21:06It's a fish that looks like a penis
21:08And the worst is where there's like a thousand of them
21:10Oh yeah
21:12Mashed together in some sort of jar situation
21:14That's like one of my dreams
21:16I mean nightmares
21:18It's night time
21:20I would have been training
21:22Ding dong
21:24Oh someone's at the door
21:26Somebody woke me from my dream
21:28I was thinking of a song
21:30It went boom boom dig it
21:37Do you have a minute?
21:39Maki what's wrong?
21:41Kaito asked me earlier
21:43To show him my research lab
21:45I showed him my research lab
21:47And then he showed me his research lab
21:51Your lab?
21:53Is that a euphemism or?
21:55I might as well show him
21:57Since I know he won't take no for an answer
21:59So you have to come too
22:01So I can kill you both
22:04She wants me to go
22:06But I haven't drank water in a while
22:08Maki invited me so I should go
22:10Okay let's go
22:12Sounds fucking great
22:14Who doesn't love content?
22:18Maki said the content is this way
22:20I guess I'll
22:22Warp there
22:24Why is everyone out?
22:26Isn't everyone supposed to be in bed?
22:28Oh wait that's right
22:30The rules don't apply anymore
22:32I think we killed everyone who had anything to do
22:34With that curfew
22:38Magician girls
22:40Oh yeah
22:42Where the fuck
22:44Is it this one?
22:48Boom boom dig it
22:50Ah the ultimate caretaker's lab
22:52Good stuff
22:58Good to see you
23:00Sorry I'm late
23:02Yeah we're done
23:04Showing each other our labs
23:08Oh so you came too
23:20As if utterly
23:22Bored by the painful silence
23:26Maki started up a conversation
23:28What were they trying to fuck?
23:30Is that the implication?
23:32I think Kaito
23:34Maybe thought he was going to make out with her
23:36Why did you ask to see my research lab
23:38So suddenly Kaito
23:40Well I just wanted to see what kind of weapons were here
23:44You know
23:46Wow there's a ton of stuff here
23:48Can you use all these Maki Roll?
23:50Yes more or less
23:54But there's no swords of any kind here
23:56You're western right?
23:58That's true
24:00I don't use swords of any type
24:02Not after I botched a mission with a katana
24:04That's not true
24:06Denying her life story
24:08It literally sounds like something like a
24:10Like a delusional kid in middle school would say
24:12I know
24:14She has a lot of god and anime on her side
24:18Oh I see
24:20Either way I don't feel like weapons really suit women
24:24Didn't I tell you
24:26Didn't I tell you this morning
24:28I got a plan figured out
24:30Oh what's in that black case over there
24:32Oh it's Shuichi getting the fuck out of here
24:34As if backing away from the conversation
24:36Kaito headed to the far bookcase
24:40What's in it
24:42Is it some kind of weapon
24:44If you want to know why don't you open it
24:46Huh let's see
24:48It says explodes if opened
24:52Explodes if opened
24:54Just like my fly
24:56And then Kaito pulled something
24:58From the black case
25:00What's this
25:02It's a bunch of parts
25:04It's a disassembled crossbow
25:06I can't put this together
25:08I'll just throw the arrows really fast
25:10I didn't know you were into legos
25:12So when you put them together they become a crossbow
25:14Looks interesting
25:16Hey Makiro
25:18Can you teach me how to put it together
25:20Um yes
25:22Sounds romantic
25:30This reminds me of
25:32Doki Doki Lovers Club when they would have like a nice moment together
25:34Oh yeah
25:40Why is everyone more colorful now
25:42Yeah that is a real party
25:44Did she always have green hair
25:46Yeah that's kind of what was bumping me
25:48Oh my bad
25:50It goes this way
25:52Then next it's
25:56While watching those two
25:58The memory of a similar scene came to my mind
26:02She touched my hand
26:04It was the first time
26:06I ever scored
26:10Kaito struggling
26:12While Maki gave him instructions
26:14Made me think I should probably leave
26:16I didn't make it to first base
26:18But you know
26:20Holding heads is like a bunt
26:22Eventually they succeeded in putting together the crossbow
26:24A bunt
26:26It's like a foul where you get hit by the ball
26:28Yeah it still counts
26:30I'll take my base
26:32Since I built it it became an extra cool crossbow
26:34Dragging one dead leg down the base path
26:38So what
26:40It doesn't matter who builds it though
26:42Seems like it's a bit complicated
26:44Maybe I should do it myself next time
26:46Yeah her hair's not green
26:48It's like brown
26:50Shuichi do you want to learn too
26:54No that's alright
26:56I sort of understand from watching anyway
27:00I guess I better hit the old dusty trail
27:04Yeah I guess you should
27:06Let's put it away
27:08You can easily take it apart by reversing
27:10Are you serious
27:12Do I have to do it
27:14Who else is going to do it
27:16The disassemble man
27:20Sorry I don't feel too good again
27:24Seems like I'm not at 100%
27:26So I'm going to go back first
27:32Well well well
27:34Ignoring Maki trying to stop him
27:36Kaito fled the room
27:42I knew he wasn't the type to clean up
27:44But I never thought he'd run away with a crappy lie
27:46How frustrating he's the worst
27:48Well let's just
27:52You're the worst too
27:54Me me
28:00I'm sure you know why I invited you right
28:04Yeah I do
28:06Trying to make up
28:08It's not like he hates you or anything
28:10He's just being stubborn
28:12What's going on with them
28:14I guess they had a falling out for some reason
28:16But I can't recall what it was
28:18Was it because you didn't want to do push ups
28:24It was about the trial
28:26It was about the trial
28:28Well we have many dangerous things to get to
28:30Before then it's fine
28:32But I just don't know what to say to him
28:36I had no choice
28:38If I didn't do something everyone would have died
28:40I don't think it would be right to
28:42Apologize for that
28:44I'm sorry Maki
28:46I just need more time
28:50I didn't realize you two would require such
28:52High maintenance
28:56I'm an edge lord
28:58But now that she mentions it
29:00I didn't realize it either
29:02I didn't realize Maki would be so concerned about us
29:04Thank you
29:06Thank you Maki
29:12In the end I was the one who ended up
29:14Disassembling the crossbow
29:16After I finished I returned to my room
29:20And exposed and deadly
29:22And easily murdered
29:28Just like always
29:30We're surrounded by problems
29:32The bitch ain't one
29:34This academy is full of mysteries
29:36And I'm worried about Kokichi
29:38Actually he's the bitch
29:40And then there's the thing with me and Kaito
29:42Alright I need to make up with him
29:44For us and for Maki
29:46Sweet Maki roll
29:48Who loves it when I call her that
29:50I fell asleep thinking about it
29:52And then that song came to me again
29:54It's like boom boom dig it
29:56Boom dig it
29:58Kevin Fligget I believe
30:02Damn it
30:10Why now
30:12Why me
30:14Damn it
30:16I'm running out of time
30:18I can't die like this
30:20Like how am I gonna
30:22Die here
30:24I still
30:26Haven't gone
30:28To space
30:30Oh yeah
30:32Uh huh
30:34I can't stop eating these jelly sandwiches
30:36Damn it
30:40I know the doctor said
30:42I was diabetic but
30:44I just can't stop
30:46Recklessness is a beautiful thing
30:48It's so beautiful
30:50I wanted to print the words reckless beauty
30:52On a t-shirt I could be saying anything
30:54Right now it doesn't matter
30:56Because recklessness is the stuff that dreams are made of
30:58It's what makes you run at full speed
31:00With no regard for your limitations
31:02It's what makes you excited for anything
31:04Some say it's foolish
31:06But recklessness is what causes
31:08No events to unfold
31:10So while you're alive live your life
31:12So recklessly that it makes you immortal
31:14And if haters laugh at you
31:16Let them they just don't appreciate
31:18Reckless beauty like you do
31:20Wow a direct appeal to the audience
31:22To love yourself
31:24How interesting
31:26Big bug
31:28Ding dong
31:30Big bug
31:34This is an announcement
31:36From the Ultimate Academy
31:38Rise and shine kiddos
31:40It's another gorgeous day
31:42For a killing game
31:44You know I gotta say
31:46I'm happy he's back
31:48You know
31:50There's not been many rise and shine earth signs lately
31:52Yeah he's brief
31:54So get out there
31:56Embrace your homicidal urges
31:58And have a fabulous day
32:00He's not talking about fucking his sister or whatever
32:02Eh hard to know
32:04This is great
32:06Yeah this is really
32:08Really good
32:10I'm sure everyone
32:12Is gathered in the dining hall
32:14I should go too
32:16Is Kokichi just like dead
32:18One can only hope
32:40Kokichi's not here
32:42Well if he was it'd be complete chaos
32:44He's dead he's gotta be dead
32:46What are you thinking of
32:48What are you thinking like
32:52You were worried about
32:54You were worried about Kokichi right
32:56We're all worried too
32:58I searched everywhere for him
33:00But I couldn't find him at all
33:04Sure enough he's a master of hide and seek
33:06Or he's dead
33:12No as long as Monokuma's here
33:14I do not think that is possible
33:16I miss him so much
33:18Maybe I should just forget about him
33:22Anybody got any jelly
33:24No reason
33:26Listen up everybody I gotta tell you guys something
33:28Kaito has an idea
33:30That's a thing that can happen
33:32It's a little awkward with Kaito right now but I should listen
33:34What do you mean
33:36I fucking hate him I'm not gonna listen
33:38I'm gonna exit the room
33:42What's your great idea Kaito
33:46Huh oh yeah
33:48Lacking subtlety Kaito averted his eyes from me
33:50And looked around
33:52Looks like Monokuma isn't here
33:54Well I wouldn't care if he was
33:58Kaito turned to us his expression suddenly serious
34:00Listen up
34:02Didn't I tell you guys yesterday
34:04I'm gonna get you guys out of here
34:06But to do that I need your guys help
34:10So please help me out of here
34:12In order to help you guys
34:14I need you all to work with me
34:16Hold on what are you talking about
34:18Here try this Kool-Aid
34:22I need you to jerk me off
34:24Work with you what do you mean
34:26Got it
34:28Fight Monokuma with me
34:30Fight Monokuma
34:32Now's our best chance
34:34Since the Monocubs are gone the eggs of souls that were protecting
34:36Can't move
34:38Now's our chance to get together
34:40Kick Monokuma's ass
34:42Punch him
34:44Yeah punch his ass
34:46I'm going to punch your ass
34:48I see
34:50That must be why Kaito was looking for weapons
34:54Monokuma's probably got more spares
34:56Wouldn't it be pointless no matter how many we beat
34:58Remember that from the second game
35:00Or was it the first game
35:02Then all we need to do
35:04Is destroy them one by one
35:06Till there aren't any left
35:10We don't know what Monokuma's got up his sleeve
35:12Could be cards
35:16Another red ball
35:18Even without the eggs of souls
35:20This academy is still under his control
35:22Likely there's at least one string of yarn
35:24Then you're fine with the way
35:26Things are now
35:28Just a big long
35:30Rainbow tissue
35:32Just keeps coming out
35:34More and more colors
35:36Do you guys really want to continue this killing game
35:38Are you okay with that
35:40You want to kill each other, you want to slap each other in the face so hard they die
35:42The only way to change things now
35:44Is to fight and I'm going to punch his butt
35:46Get ready
35:48Hold him, turn him around
35:50That's not true
35:52If you want to put an end to this killing game
35:54Then we gotta fight
35:56And if we don't stand up now
35:58Then when
36:00We're all standing Kaito
36:02I mean metaphorically
36:04Then we can fight like Gonta or Tenko
36:06Or that's it
36:10I'm literally the best fighter
36:12Then I'll just have to fight on their behalf
36:16As the ultimate caretaker
36:20I know an assassin wouldn't say this
36:22But I'm sick of all this killing
36:26Just because I do it for a living doesn't mean I love it
36:30Let's do it
36:38That line had so many vowels
36:50It was in Monokuma's voice
36:52Isn't that weird
37:04I don't want to fight again
37:08I've been waiting for those words
37:10Very well, I'll lend you my power
37:12Wouldn't it be great if she actually had magic now
37:14Wingardium levitates
37:18Were you really waiting for that
37:20I don't want to lose any more friends
37:22I don't want to lose
37:24Any more of my friends now
37:28It's even more painful than losing yourself
37:30That's why I'll fight
37:32I'm not afraid of Monokuma
37:38We can't let the killing game go on like this
37:40Her enthusiasm
37:42She's the first to die
37:44You're gonna join as well, right Shuichi
37:46Yeah, right
37:48So we all agree
37:50Then it's decided
37:52We're all on the same page
37:54We're as a team
37:56Let's do it
37:58We're gonna beat Monokuma to a pulp
38:02Yes, let's show him what we're made of
38:04Steel, metal, plastic
38:06I won't even need to use my magic
38:12I think that
38:14I think that
38:16If you can use magic
38:18Now's the time for it
38:20And when did you guys want to start
38:22I'm finally starting right away
38:24Well, don't get ahead of yourself
38:26Because this will be the final battle
38:28There needs to be a lot of build up
38:3020 or 40 hours of build up
38:32We should make sure we're prepared
38:34Prepared for what
38:36The fight
38:38Hey, you fucking listening
38:40God damn it
38:42Prepared for battle, of course
38:44I'll take care of that for you guys
38:46Say you can make preparations but you can't clean up after yourself
38:48I make a duty, I clean up
38:50That's what happens
38:52I make a duty on the floor, on the couch
38:54In my pants, I clean it up
38:56Since I was the one who brought this up
38:58So you guys just gotta prepare yourselves
39:00Mentally, physically
39:06This battle's gonna be tonight
39:08Once it's night time, let's meet up at the gym
39:14Operation Secret Battle Plan
39:16Starting in the gym at 7
39:18Say it louder
39:20Into the speakers
39:22After that, we ate breakfast
39:24And prepared for our final battle
39:26We separated for rooms
39:30We separated for now and returned to our rooms
39:32Dude, I read we separated for our rooms too
39:34Oh man, oh man
39:36Isn't that crazy?
39:38What's wrong with us?
39:40It's like we're both on our cycle
39:42But the cycle is stupidity
39:44It's fine
39:46I fight with Manakuma
39:48It's true that this is our chance
39:52What is the sense of Oonies?
39:56You're a Oonie!
39:58It's because Manakuma's
40:00Probably two steps ahead of us
40:02And Kokichi too
40:04Where's that lovable hunk of coal?
40:06Where's that little scamp?
40:08I can't imagine he'd just ignore this
40:10He must be planning something
40:12We have to be cautious
40:14Free time season
40:16I'm gonna go hang out
40:18Just give me one of those
40:20I'm gonna go hang out
40:22I love that plan
40:24I hate fucking learning useless shit about people
40:26That end up dying anyway
40:38Maybe I'll listen to some music
40:40It's like boom boom take it
40:44I'll watch some TV
40:46It will help me to relax
40:48Roger Flickit
40:52Oh my god
40:54Ding dong
40:56Bing bong baby
40:58You know it's night time
41:00Where'd he go?
41:02Where's the boy?
41:06Where's the boy?
41:08Maybe he's preparing
41:12Manakuma isn't here
41:14What was that?
41:16Is Dan's mouth semi full of crackers?
41:20Is the plan compromised?
41:26I love five
41:28Simultaneous lines from my character
41:30I should get to the gym
41:32I'm sure everyone is already gathered there
41:34Who's gym?
41:38I guess I'll fucking
41:40Fast travel
41:42Oh man yes
41:46Da da da da
41:48Where's the gym?
41:50Where's the gym?
41:52Where the fuck is the gym at?
41:54Where's the gym?
41:56Where's the gym?
41:58I think you were on it
42:00Was I?
42:04Oh there's the gym
42:06Oh yeah it started me on it
42:10All the way to the gym
42:12Maybe I should read instead of just look at the things
42:14All the way to gym
42:16Who is gym?
42:18Why is he here?
42:20The home of the future
42:28Here's the pyre
42:30Alright everyone's here
42:32I hope you're all ready
42:34We didn't make up yet
42:38Are those weapons?
42:40No they're candy
42:42So you went to my lab yesterday to find weapons
42:44To use against Monokuma
42:46Yeah that's right
42:48Anyway let's get started you guys better be ready
42:50You better be so ready
42:52You don't mean ready to die right?
42:54Shut the fuck up
42:56What no I mean ready to fight and win
42:58Obviously not die nobody's dying
43:00Ready to fight and win
43:02Yeah we challenged him a bunch of times
43:04But it never worked out right
43:06So this time it will
43:08That's because we gave up
43:10We can't give up because this is our final chance
43:12We're going to beat up Monokuma
43:14And end this ridiculous killing
43:18Oh damn
43:20What a coinkydink
43:22What a coinkydink
43:24I was planning on ending this killing game too
43:26Upon hearing that voice
43:28We all spun on a dime
43:30And saw him
43:32Standing before us
43:34He looked sexier than ever
43:36Oh boy
43:38Oh he's with us
43:40He's got the crazy eyes
43:52One little guy
44:02It's a bomb
44:04It's exactly that
44:06If you don't want to be blown to pieces
44:08Then you need to listen to what I'm about to tell you
44:10I'm already falling to pieces
44:16Everybody gets a mallet
44:22Bro did you miss free mallet day at Wells Fargo Bank
44:24They're giving away mallets
44:26You just gotta sign up for a credit card
44:28I know it's your fifth one
44:30You have student debt
44:32Alright check out these mallets
44:34Monokuma with them they go
44:36Wait what was I going to tell you
44:40You're the one
44:42You little
44:44What are you going to do with that bomb
44:48Oh god I can't stop
44:50Oh yeah
44:52I was going to tell you my purpose
44:54You know how it says in the rules
44:56That the killing game will continue
44:58Until there are only two left
45:00But it never mentioned anything about how many you can kill
45:06So here's a question for everyone
45:08Who wants to survive with me
45:10Just the two of us
45:12We can make it if we try
45:14Just the two of us
45:16It can't be you
45:18What did you say
45:20Are you planning to kill us all with that bomb
45:22Then the way we're going to end the killing game is
45:28I thought maybe I should kill everyone
45:30Except for me and like one other person
45:32Not like one other person
45:34One other person
45:36Kill everyone
45:38If I did that I'd be able to end the killing game
45:40And still abide by school rules right
45:42Well then who wants to live
45:44It's first come first serve
45:46On the count of three
45:48First one to raise their hand wins
45:52Don't screw up
45:56Quit screwing around
45:58That's not the plan
46:00Even if you threaten to destroy me
46:02I have no intention of being manipulated by you
46:06I'm scared of dying
46:08But nothing good will come from surviving with you
46:10What was that
46:12I also don't want to survive with someone who'd do such a thing to Kota
46:14You bastard
46:16I'd rather kill you
46:18Is that alright
46:22You just don't care
46:24We're not going to do what you want
46:28What a surprise
46:30I didn't think this would go exactly as I predicted
46:34I lied about killing everyone
46:36I just wanted to test your determination
46:38It was just a joke
46:40You guys
46:42He starts losing twitter followers
46:50That's it
46:52Kokichi is over parted
46:54You guys were determined enough to end this killing game
46:56So let's work together
46:58We can use the ultimate
47:00Anti-monokuma weapons
47:02Here's another thing I don't love
47:04The ultimate
47:06Anti-monokuma weapon
47:10It rolls right off the tongue
47:14Okay bye
47:16My god
47:20No Arin