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#ep36 #SupermarketSimulator #MrFarts
00:00Check out our tote bags for the buy-and-leave. They're gusseted. There's a gusset. Enjoy game grumps
00:05Oh last time on game grumps at this point. It's a fever dream. Yeah, I know
00:09I know I've lost all sense of everything. Look at all those cheese men. Yeah, there's quite a few men of cheese
00:15It's unfortunate that the one that most
00:18Looks like the real one. Is that monstrosity right there with his shifty eyes
00:23Looking at you like don't touch me. You'll die. You'll die instantly. Don't touch me
00:30The game grumps
00:32Hello and welcome back to supermarket simulator I
00:38Was just playing Aaron a little song called fart meditation
00:43It's uh, it's by mr. Farts
00:48I am that was my number one played song on Spotify this year
00:54Yes. Oh, yes. I mean, I mean the top point zero one percent
01:00Fart meditation listeners. It's total like
01:07Just with farts
01:09Mr. Farts is great. Have we ever talked about?
01:13Yeah, but fart meditation is in my opinion his crowning achievement
01:19It's just you know, there's just something about it it really wore me down. Yeah. Yeah
01:24Yeah, I was just like I was so like like just tired from the day
01:37Yeah, the extremely long held out keyboard
01:44Jesus Christ, I know it's wonderful. Life is worth living big shout out to mr. Farts. Mr. Farts is a genius as always
01:53Daddy who's a genius? Mr. Farts, of course
01:58Sorry, I think it's on his fourth album, please don't hurt me. It's probably four albums in two years
02:04Yeah, that's amazing that really recently. Yeah, my god. Let me say I mean, he's a fucking icon. Yeah, he's a legend
02:12He's a renaissance man. He'll never stop
02:14Hold on, and I don't want him to stop. No, why would you I?
02:19Wish success upon mr. Farts forever. Let's check the mr. Farts discography
02:24Mr. Farts forever 100 years. Mr. Farts. Oh five albums five albums in a year. Well, no, no, no
02:31No in in four years. Oh
02:342020 was fart music 2021 was farty
02:372022 is fart songs 2023 was Christmas farts
02:412024 was fart tunes. Oh for the latest releases the farts on the bus
02:46The farts on the bus go round and round. Yes. That's how it is. Yep. Whoops. It's a lot of salt
02:52Mr. Farts tours the world. I would absolutely see him in concert, dude. Oh, I should reach out to mr. Farts and do tour
02:59Ring-a-ding-ding. Hello
03:01Mr. Farts, is this you? Yes
03:03This is Aaron from Game Grumps your favorite show. I love that show. I love your music Wow
03:08This is my head cannon. Yeah, of course in real life. He'd be like, how'd you get this number? Maybe like we stole it
03:15That I would actually it's 100% be like
03:18Mr. Farts here and I'd be like, oh
03:21What's going on? Well, I called him in this scenario. Yeah, well you but still your hands are sweating and you're nervous
03:26And my palms are spaghetti. Hey, mr. Farts. Uh, oh
03:39Honor it's honor to meet you. Mr. Sir, mr. Sir
03:44Hello, I'm mr. Farts, but you can go please call me Dave. Mr. Farts is my father
03:49Dave farts
03:52Dave farts
03:54This is good. Okay
03:57Stop judging me. Well, you had a lot of products when you go, uh, you're thinking of something to criticize me for I know
04:02I'm not yes a hundred percent. That's every time really like oh, I guess we should do this now
04:07Afterwards, you're like, ah, it looks like you're doing the as you always do it
04:13You sure about that?
04:15hundred percent really yeah
04:22You might have a lot of boxes outside, yeah, I
04:25Do yeah, not a criticism though. Oh, is it not just a sharing of a statement? Oh, okay
04:32More like a helpful suggestion for a bro
04:36So for people who are just joining in sounds like you need to chill out to a little fart meditation
04:39Can we give it I should actually that would be great, but we'll get copyright struck
04:44Those pads are very identifiable. Yes and non-generic and those farts unique
04:50So you might have noticed at the beginning of the episode that I took my I was up some levels
04:54So I bought a boy and I bought another boy. Mm-hmm. I bought a boy this boy and then I bought a boy this boy
05:01So I've been buying boys left and right and I have to give a very special shout out to Tony
05:05Tony our producer on this show grinding like a maniac only took some time out of their day and
05:11Fucking grinded like a maniac and
05:15Now we have these beautiful
05:17Levels to work with god bless you Tony. God bless you. Don't bless you Tony. You're the best
05:27Kisses to Tony I
05:29Never understood that line. What is he saying? God bless us every one of us
05:34Yeah, okay. It's such a strange way to say it. Why I got it
05:39God bless us everyone. Well, it just
05:42Why don't you say like god bless everyone?
05:46Because it's more dramatic if you like, right, you know bond James Bond like
05:50Just it sounds cooler. I'm sorry. I'm sorry
05:54Oh, why don't why don't why doesn't anybody in any movie just say like hello? I'm going to beat you now
06:02That would be great I would watch that movie. Let's run. Oh, really? I think I'm gonna beat you. Yeah, I'm scared. Let's escape
06:09Who cares? Honestly, you are describing several movies
06:13out there
06:15That has that level. Why'd you say like that? It's so weird
06:19Have you ever known someone perhaps not like a close friend, but like an acquaintance?
06:23It's like yeah, I made my own movie a couple years ago
06:26You want to see it and then you watch it? You're like, oh my god source. I've ever seen
06:31It's fucking terrible
06:35No, but I have a friend who told me about that exact scenario
06:38It's rough where they they like hung out and they like got super high at their house and they were like
06:43Oh, you should check out this movie I was in and then they watched the whole movie. They were like
06:50It is what you realize there are so many more bad movies than there are good ones
06:55You just barely ever hear about them. Oh, man
06:58But can you imagine like not only because it's watching bad movies is great sure it's so much fun
07:04You make fun of it. You scream at the screen a bad movie. You can't make fun of
07:09And you're fully aware that it sucks within the first like three minutes, but you're strapped in for the entire
07:17Avengers like runtime of oh my god, sir
07:22It's like a horror movie in and of itself I was actually gonna turn down the graphics a little bit why is that?
07:28Because it's it's kind of chugging now that there's like so many Wow
07:32So many things. Yeah. All right
07:36See if it's spit. Nope. It actually made it shittier rate. Holy crap. Are you kidding me bad?
07:42Whoa, boy shouldn't mess with a winning formula. Okay
07:47That's gonna look even worse
07:50Every time you change anything. Oh, really don't you cap anything? All right save
07:54What the fuck that's so weird that is very weird. Oh
08:02You want low quality? We'll give you low quality. That's so crazy. No, how strange. All right. All right, cool
08:10Keep boosting them boys. Um, oh, yeah, sorry. Sorry. No, it's no problem. Yeah
08:14See, I didn't preface it with our anything like that. I just came right out with the criticism
08:18that's how you know a game I mean, that's a
08:21This game rules and obviously it's one of my favorite games of all time
08:24absolutely, but it is it is clearly like a very small independent team and
08:29It's like something like that happens. You're like, I don't understand it. There's probably some bug where they're like, oh
08:36Okay. Yeah, that makes sense because we actually
08:40did a workaround where when you lower the
08:44pixels the density of the pixels is actually
08:47Creating some LODs that are increasing the
08:52the textile density
08:54So it actually splits the kishkies
08:58Can't understand you gotta watch out for those kishkies you don't want to split kishk
09:02Nobody wants to split the kishk, not a single person. What's up Statham you back for more? No, that's Stone Cold Steve Austin
09:07That's not Stone Cold. That's Jason Statham. That's not Stone Cold. That's Jason. He's the transporter. He's transport
09:14Destined by goods and services
09:17He's transport. That's Jason Statham from crank. He needs to keep his hair rate up every day
09:25At one point he has to make love to his girlfriend to keep his hair rate up. Is that true? Yeah, Amy Smart
09:31That's crazy. That movie was I never seen it pretty silly. I've never seen the transporter. Whoops
09:37Not the transporter crank crank never seen crank
09:40Never seen the transporter though. I think there was a crank to was there cranking it. No, no, no
09:45No, they did the crank electric crank a loo
09:49Electric crank a loo. Yeah, I like that
09:54Roll in run in and run in run in excuse me run in run in and okay. Just a couple boxes
10:07Boy needs boosting
10:10My boys
10:12Look at how they boosted my boys. There's not enough people for all these fucking checkouts. They're going so fast now
10:18I know I know all these men check out these people so quickly
10:22It's uh, I don't even need to keep this open. Oh god
10:25clean dish
10:27Thank you for buying from us. Are you overpaying your boys?
10:31I'm not overpaying. I'm paying fairly. I have crazy money. No, but I mean for the fact that they're not working very much
10:38Do you have do you have too many boys? It's hourly, dude. I
10:43Don't mind financing these boys. I make fucking mad profits every day. I have two million dollars liquidity
10:50Do you really? Yeah. Oh
10:52my god
10:54That is that is seven digits. It's a lot of money
10:58My god, I could pay them whatever I want I don't but yeah, I mean I do pay them the minimum wage I
11:07Pay I pay them the absolute bare minimum that they could possibly claim to maybe make a living off of
11:14So don't even stop me about that don't even joke yourself don't even fib yourself about any of that
11:19All right. I pay them just enough to eat the dirt off their windowsill
11:25But I could pay them whatever I want
11:27God, I'm rich. Yeah, I'm a nice guy. Yeah, I have fantasy sometimes that I would pay them like so much money
11:33And they'd be like, thank you, sir. I have fantasies about that. Do you know that about me?
11:36But instead I've decided to help them by teaching them self-reliance. Yes, exactly. They need to work hard and I will not reward them
11:45Work hard stay right where you are on the corporate ladder
11:48Well, that's not necessarily true because because every time I look at them I give them like $12 each. Oh, that's nice
11:55They're they're they're boosted and then they get a little unboosted and then boom 12 bucks in the pocket
12:00Wow, so I'm actually paying them way more than you think
12:04They should actually be grateful. I should tally up how much I've been boosting. I'll probably head to medical school after this
12:10I think so. Look at that. That's nine dollars in his pocket right there
12:15That's just boot. That's just boost money. That's it. That's just classic boosted. That's a little boost EA that I'm wearing
12:23That's boost EA
12:25Man, I really don't need to check these fuckers out. No, there's so many checkouts. There's a little baby cheeseman
12:32He knows he knows a good value when he sees it
12:35Yeah, you can box this up
12:37I'm not gonna box it up and keep it here. It's beautiful
12:41Listen, it adds a sense of regalness to my regalness. Yes, because it makes it seem like I'm doing more business than I am
12:49People come in and they're like, wow, what a successful marketplace I should work here
12:53You never walked into a fucking Erewhon or like a Whole Foods and it just looks great
12:57I've never walked into an Erewhon period and you're like
13:02You're like wow
13:04You know what? I mean?
13:05You're like, oh, I should I don't know if I can afford it here
13:08You know like that happened to me with medieval times dinner in tournament
13:12What what you walked in and you were like at a medieval times
13:17You can't like looking around all amazed and happy. Oh, I can't even afford this
13:21And then they gave you a fucking watery soup and a piece of stale bread. I
13:27hate oh
13:30Man I must have heard you wrong cuz for a second. I thought you were making fun of fucking dragon soup
13:40That's the case well, hmm
13:42We're gonna have some we're gonna be throwing hands. Is it dragon soup? That's what they call it
13:46Yeah, or that's what they called it when I was a kid. Anyway, like it's made of dragons
13:49I don't know. They never really go into it, even though it's a vegetarian soup. Well, it's
14:06You know what that reminds me of what's that there's a old
14:10Like way back. I want to say like 13 for 14 years ago. There was a video that
14:16peanut butter gamer and John Tron made where he was like
14:20Peanut butter gamer answered the door and he was like do you need anything?
14:24That's what it reminds me of the way he delivers that line makes me laugh every time
14:29medieval time soup name
14:32I've never met peanut butter gamer. Oh, he's great. Seems like a nice fellow super nice guy
14:37Beautiful time soup name. No, don't give me that bullshit like zero results tomato soup, you know, you know
14:44You know, oh I can finish the day. There's nobody here. Oh
14:48We mean two products not found are my boys not boosted enough. Are they not boosted enough? Do I ask?
14:54Raclette is cheese, by the way. Yes, we asked that off-camera
14:58Raclette is like melty cheese because it's on it's on the and it's on those taters. It's on them taters on them tater
15:04It's on them tater. Oh, can I level up the store to now that this is leveled up?
15:10medieval times
15:16Bigger store. Oh bigger storage. Oh, you know, you gotta buy
15:21Dragon blood soup dragon blood how awesome that's crazy aka tomato bisque
15:32You know, I never knew
15:34What aka stood for?
15:37What isn't that strange? I just always heard aka and I was like, okay
15:40That's what you say when there's another name for something
15:42But it never I never stopped to think that it means also known as that's wild
15:48Isn't that crazy? It is crazy. Yeah, I
15:52Well, I mean when I heard it, I was like, oh, of course
15:55Yeah, that's I mean that's there's a lot of stuff like that like as a kid sure
15:58I didn't put together that like dill pickle from Rugrats was a pun. Oh, yeah, like Tommy pickles dill pickles. Yes
16:07What's the name dill? It's a weird name. Yeah, of course. I'm gonna name my son dill
16:12So I can be like what's the dill? Oh
16:15What's the dillio dude, yeah, dude, look at this look at that corner. Yeah. Oh, man. The only thing is it's not painted
16:25Have paint. I love door paint. That's our paint
16:28That's yellow you knocked it over it's okay. It's it's it's already hard. Yes. It's very like it's very keep it together paint
16:42Good job. Yeah
16:48Still got paint. Yep
16:52Perfect that's it. Right? That's it. All right, it's beautiful
16:59Just had to paint left over I do have tons of I have a new a whole bag here
17:05Marvelous, I got lights as well. Put some lights there cuz there won't be. Oh
17:12Man, dude, you're so right. You're so right about everything and I never listened to you and I really should it's Wow
17:19What character growth?
17:23After 9,000 episodes of Game Grumps, you know, I really grew a little bit you say an intelligent thing every now and then really
17:33Wow, man, I
17:37Called my mom like I always knew this day would come
17:39Don't don't don't don't mess this up. Don't look at his mind. Why would I tell my mom not to mess it up?
17:49No, no, as in your mom saying this to you. Oh
17:51Don't make a big deal. You might change his mind
17:55Head down head down
17:59Good golly miss Molly. I do love jokes. That's too big. Oh, it's not though. Are you seeing this shit right now?
18:07Seeing it
18:11Wait, no, you didn't you said effin no, I said
18:15Okay, I
18:17Mean obviously this is all gonna have to be bleeped out. Anyway, but I thought you said are you seeing this?
18:22Oh, no. No, wait, I screwed up
18:26Now I'm backwards I thought you said are you effin seeing this? Oh, sorry. I said fuck
18:35That's what I thought
18:38Clearly oh my god, are we abducted by aliens right now? I feel a fool. It's crazy
18:44I can't keep a hold of all this stress in my mind and brain
18:48All right, you know, it's pretty wild what we're coming up on like 10 years of zog noids in our life
18:54Because I believe that concert that we
18:57Will you that came up with it at is?
19:02Yeah, isn't that madness?
19:0510 years
19:0710 years of listening things to things with my human ears funny because you say zog noids like oh man that concert zog noise
19:14but all I remember was that they fucking
19:16They they started there. They ended their first set and began their intermission with 46 and 2
19:22Yes, and it was like the coolest should have ever heard of my life. It was wonderful a tool. It was a tool concert
19:28And which you know tool has its share of like very serious metal heads that go there so
19:35in the crush of people afterwards having Aaron
19:40yell, I
19:41Enjoyed that concert it was with my human ears. Yeah, which was it was even more wonderful
19:47Would you consider them heavy metal?
19:49No, but they like they're that's part of the Venn diagram that makes them up so they have like those fans
19:55I see better like it's like I think it's progressive metal is what they would be called. It's almost like gentee
20:00I don't know what that means gent
20:04Really? Mm-hmm. Okay. It's like, um
20:08How do you describe it it's it's like it's a lot of like
20:16Like wait, oh wait, oh, but they were Bainer Bainer like with that kind of sound, you know, it does sound like tool. Yeah
20:23Some tool I'm sure there's more qualities to it, but that's the like that's when I hear that riff
20:28Yes, I'm just like wait. Oh wait. Oh, I'm like, oh, that's Jen. That's a gent song interesting. Yeah
20:35weird time signatures
20:43Odd timing stuff. Yeah. Yeah, they're great. They're they're like, they're almost like a heavy heavy Pink Floyd
20:50Wow, yeah
20:53It's a strange way to put it but if you if you pass through a membrane of time and space
20:59And came out on the other side and like Pink Floyd was evil. I think they'd be kind of similar to tool
21:08We doggy we doggy or I
21:15That's good, yes
21:18Another one hold on I better look up ways to say yes
21:23Let's see
21:29Affirmative do we have an affirmative yet by all means
21:32By all means that's great by all means. Oh my god, if you spelled it B U Y, that would be an amazing
21:39Way to uh, by all means that would be an amazing name for the store. We don't have an affirmative yet
21:45We don't we've got a darn tootin, but by all means is very funny. Yeah
21:56Mm-hmm. Yes, I'm
21:58dubitably abstitutely fart corner
22:05But you can't you can't that's the one corner you can't forget about all right, I'm gonna you know
22:10I'm going full cuz if you wander in all willy-nilly to the fart corner you sir are in for a rude awakening in for
22:18Like a great awakening
22:23All right, what's this one if you want to do affirmative you can do that
22:32Do we have an okie-dokie?
22:34Okie-dokie. I thought we did
22:36No, I don't know if we haven't I think we have an okie-doke. I
22:41Don't think so. We don't have an okie-dokie. No okie-dokie is happening. Oh fantastic
22:48Here we go
22:50Make it say okie-dokie
22:56That's nice okie-dokie what else we got like chuh
23:15One more yeah, yeah two more. Oh shit. Yeah, how about a lot of signs to get through? Yeah have a righty-ho
23:28Can't see it. There you go. There you go. That's look. That's beautiful. Yeah one more. Oh damn
23:35Mmm, maybe like here you can hear maybe yeah right here
23:41Do we do we do indeed indeed is done? Yeah, okay? Um ah
23:47Oh, sorry
23:48Is there an indeed? There's got to be an indeed. Yeah
23:53So stupid hold on let me let me try different languages. Oh, okay?
24:06We did we right yes, and we've yeah, and we've got sure I believe right no. We don't have sure don't have sure
24:15No, no, we don't at all. Oh my god
24:23Helpful signs, I've ever seen in my life. We have a sure thing
24:29No, I think no, that's our first thing
24:40That's great. Yeah, C is a good one for next time C. Yeah C. Senor. I'll put C Senor on it
24:48How long can it be? I don't know let's find out get another one. Yeah, okay cool
24:55This fucking this this shop runs itself at this point. It really does I can just customize it. It's fantastic. Let's see
25:04Let's see Senor. Nice. All right here we go
25:09It's that long
25:11How many letters?
25:131 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16, okay cool
25:20Sextane Sextane Sextane Sextane letters Sextane what are they going for C Senor?
25:30C Senor yeah
25:35That's fantastic
25:37Substitutely chuh sure thing darn tootin and fart corner big fan whoops big fan big fan
25:45big fan
25:47Should I do like approved or something? Unquestionably?
25:54Oh no something happened
25:58My body my god, it's not quite right
26:03Is this guy oh, oh no it's Salmon. Oh no it's Salmon
26:08Where's the Salmon fuck we forgot to run the supermarket did I just see an eyeball what I swear
26:14I saw an eyeball like a giant eyeball it could have been
26:17What was that? I don't know. I don't know. What was that you go around the corner stop
26:21What are you talking about a giant eyeball?
26:24Maybe we saw like a glimpse of someone's face. You saw a glimpse of someone's face. Yeah, yeah
26:29Light it needs to be a light over here
26:32Where's the Salmon?
26:34Is that it there it is yeah, and we have abstitutely I
26:39Have Salmon. It's just not on the shelves yet. Well
26:44If you had some god damn boost boys, I got him oh you're right
26:49I gotta keep boosting my boys this boy's not even boosted anymore fuck. I'm such a fool. He's not even running
26:54He's walking brisk walk that won't get you safely through the far corner. Nope
26:59You can't be lollygagging around that corner. I'm not gonna do anything, but gag
27:04In a lolly manner, I mean in a non lolly manner
27:08But gag that's just an anal plug. Oh, no a butt gag
27:14Someone showed me a video of a human centipede. I guess of a
27:18Stainless steel butt plug being made in the factory. It's shocking. Well. It's like amazing well. I mean it just
27:25Just seeing like all that technology put to the use of like
27:31And then it files it down perfectly
27:34And then you're like wow
27:36That's a butt plug. It just gets shoved up someone's ass. Yeah, eventually
27:40Given given a long enough timeline
27:44It's for the stimulation of the prostate correct. I don't know I've never used one I
27:50Mean neither of I I've never
27:52I've never looked into it
27:54I'm just just asking out of curiosity not out of checking to see if I was correct
27:58I'm not gonna put that one in my Google search history
28:01Go ahead check it out. Why don't you?
28:03Yeah, I already have fart meditation in there like 40 times
28:08And that I am proud of followed by medieval time soup
28:15I'm gonna have a great Saturday night, dude. Yep, and ways to say yes, so like
28:24Absolutely I want that soupy
28:27That's soupy. Oh my god. I'm dying inside. No you're doing great. I was just stretching I understand
28:33Hurry up and get the fuck out of here
28:35Thank you, sir
28:42Two shop owners like good cop bad copping every customer
28:49Thank you so much for coming you stupid bastard, okay doors on your left
28:57Why do you keep coming to my fucking store drive safely now
29:04Yeah, that is funny
29:06yeah, people just like it no matter who you are and what you like if you like to
29:12If you like to be spoken to politely or you have a shame kink
29:16Has you covered Oh God?
29:18I'm gonna. I'm I seriously. I'm gonna rip off an arm
29:22After this mine one of mine, not yours. Okay. Don't worry. I know you seem stressed when I said that yeah, yeah
29:29I'm cool
29:32You have two million dollars buy and leave, baby
29:36well, Dan we did it we got through another cycle of
29:41shopping and
29:42Buying and leaving it was wonderful put up some signs someone we won't take this idea, but someone did say on
29:50In the comments we should have a sign that says buy over the cash registers and leave over the door. Oh
29:58All right, yeah, maybe we do okay, okay, all right great never mind. We will steal that idea
30:02Thank you so much for whoever came up with that
30:05What do you think I wasn't gonna do it? No? I just I just was making conversation. Oh
30:10Well, I said oh cuz I was like that's a good idea
30:15Kind of messes with our steez a little bit, but it's okay
30:23I can change the color of the signs and stuff too. Really? Yeah. Oh
30:28Well, then you may just want to oh dear
30:31space for it
30:33No, you don't block the chuh. I'll be blocking chuh
30:37That's fine, yeah, I think leave is fine enough. Or you could change it to fart door
30:43Also possible
30:46You know what I could do I could do this
30:55No, you gotta put an eight at the beginning if you're gonna do the dick. No, no, I'm not doing the dick of all right
31:00I'm just over emphasizing the leave
31:06There we go
31:09Are you going ham with the signs now? Yeah, okay, of course
31:12I think we've I think we've uh fuck off
31:20That's great, let's do that
31:26Wow that looks real that actually looks like something that would be in a super no
31:30All right, leave you bitch leave my bitch where yeah, all right, and we can change the yeah
31:42I can change the text color and the background colors
31:45Whoa pink? Whoa doesn't look great. I get yellow. Yeah makes the text color blue
31:53Maybe a little more blue
31:55Text color blue
31:57Maybe a little more blue
32:00These are kind of like subtle. Oh
32:02Man, yeah like purple. You can change the text to green so like no one's gonna make it like toilet paper. Yeah
32:12Have a shitty day
32:15There we go, all right
32:29Okay, we've you bitch
32:33Dude what are those four boxes out there doing you have so many boys
32:38They're picking them up. No just the one boy doing that the two boys. What are those other four boys for?
32:43I think they realize I'll take care of it and then they just
32:47They assign the boys to the jobs, are they starting a boy band? Oh, no. No see the boys. They're picking up work
32:53There we go. Okay boys now, we're all clear if you bitch
32:57I wish you could on the other side be like hello you bitch, you know, absolutely. Oh, you know what I could do
33:10Hey, bitch
33:17It's not like put it right here
33:19No, that's that's the opposite of what you want. No. Oh, okay. That'll be the leave you bitch sign. Got it
33:29Welcome bitch. Yeah. Hey, what the fuck? Oh, I have to be inside
33:46I love running a supermarket with you. Yeah, this is great. You know, you get to you get to live out your fantasy of
33:54You get to live it out
33:59Okay, so it's not bothering anybody yeah, yeah not confusing any of these bitches, yeah
34:10You know, it's one of those um, you know those like promotional videos where it's like the buy and leave and it's like
34:17You know, I do love it. Do you want to make the leave you bitch also green?
34:22Just for continuity green. Well, it's yellow bro. That's yellow. That looks that looks lime green ish to me. Whoops. Oh
34:35Approve oh and I gotta make it the toilet
34:40Toilet oh and you gotta change the text a little lighter blue
34:47Oh, it's perfect. Mm-hmm. It's incredible
34:54Hey bitch
34:55You betcha. Oh, man, you betcha. You got it that in another world. I could have been like, you know
35:03Meat bitch
35:05Clean cleaning products bitch. Oh, yeah
35:08If we had another bit going, yeah. Yeah a bitch bit
35:13There's always time. All right. Well, congratulations Aaron this store is killing it. Goodbye everyone. Bye
35:23I'm gonna go chop myself in half. All right, and I'll see you guys later. You've earned it. Mm-hmm
