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#ep38 #SuperMarketSimulator #painting
00:00Detective Dick Gumshoe will be made to complete a full course of firearm training,
00:04regardless of the verdict. Gumshoe's eyes widened at this revelation.
00:08Wait, really? I mean, yeah, sure, I'll take the training. I understand that part. But,
00:13but Von Karma's accusation of me feels pointless if my punishment's the same either way.
00:18What is even the point of this whole damn trial?
00:19I know!
00:22Silencing him immediately, Von Karma lashed her whip hard against the detective's ass yet again.
00:33Last time on Game Grumps!
00:36For this particular product, these guys won't put racks on unlabeled shelves!
00:41But if I duh...
00:46I gotta find, um, I gotta find which, uh, which product it is.
00:50Wait a second, wait a second. Go to the other side of this wall.
00:54Like this one?
00:55Oh bro, turn left. Turn left. You gotta repaint that wall.
01:02Hey, I'm Grump!
01:03I'm not so Grump!
01:04And we're the Game Grumps!
01:07Well, everybody, welcome back to Supermarket Simulator!
01:12Oh man, the game that you can't get enough of, and we can't get enough of.
01:17Which is good. Everybody's on the same page.
01:21Uh, it says buy a baseball bat from market.
01:24Excuse me?
01:25I believe there is a shoplifter thing going on here.
01:28Oh man, no kidding.
01:31Uh, yeah. Oh, I was rearranging everything, that's right!
01:35I was rearranging everything.
01:37And you did a good job!
01:38Oh, sick. Um, okay, I'm gonna, okay, yep.
01:43Products not found! 226!
01:46What are these guys doing?!
01:48You didn't do such a great job. You do have three million dollars, though.
01:52Well, okay, sure. Three million dollars, good for me.
01:58I guess you must have upgraded a bunch of stuff that never got put on the shelves.
02:04Yeah, yeah. I sure did. Dan, I sure did.
02:08Arin, you know what? I don't like to throw the term unmitigated disaster around a lot.
02:13But, uh, wow! Wowee!
02:17All right, man.
02:17If you were Grundor, Master would be punishing you.
02:21Dude, I'm...
02:22It's tough to keep track, man.
02:24I had all this new stuff I had to deal with, and there's so many customers coming in, and...
02:29Back under the sink with you, Grundor.
02:33Drags feet.
02:35Kickin' sand.
02:37Uh, Peanuts song plays.
02:44Oh, man. That song does make me, uh, emotional when I hear it.
02:49It's such a bummer. It's like, aww.
02:50It's beautiful.
02:53Been squirreldy, man.
02:54I was about to call you beautiful, but then I realized it's true.
03:00Restocking all kinds of stuff.
03:03I'm excited, Dan.
03:05To buy that baseball bat?
03:06Well, yes.
03:09And also...
03:10What? Tell me.
03:11Uh, to reorg the store, bruh.
03:13Oh, oh, oh. I thought you...
03:15Well, where's Two Fat Cocks oil?
03:18Oh, you buy it there. Sorry.
03:22Hold tab to open the tool wheel.
03:23Pick the baseball bat.
03:24Use the bat to hit shoplifter and force them to drop the stolen items.
03:29Customers displaying suspicious behavior.
03:31Ooh, that's fun.
03:34Now I have to hit a shoplifter with a bat.
03:37Wonder what constitutes a suspicious behavior.
03:40Uh, this guy.
03:41Wait, wait, wait. We're not open.
03:42What? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We're not open.
03:45He's already suspicious.
03:48Fuck outta here.
03:49Arin, don't...
03:50What do you mean don't? We're not open.
03:52Yeah, but you just...
03:54You don't know if he's shoplifting.
03:56We're not open.
04:00Why would he be in here if we weren't open?
04:03Maybe he just randomly missed the sign.
04:05It says closed.
04:07You missed the sign, you get hit with the bat.
04:10It's a simple tit for tat.
04:12All right, everybody, listen up.
04:15I got a bat now.
04:17You coming in, you get hit with the bat.
04:19You're going out, you're not getting hit with the bat.
04:23Good job, bitch.
04:24Could you not hit her with the bat?
04:25No, she's not in my store.
04:26Oh, wow.
04:28My boys are working.
04:29Good news, everybody is safe from the vengeance of the bat.
04:34And besides, I have so much money, I don't even care.
04:36Every customer could be shoplifting.
04:37I don't give a fuck.
04:41I'm practically giving this shit away.
04:42I love a supermarket owner with a devil-may-care attitude about the food I'm gonna eat.
04:48It's just fun.
04:49It's a good feeling.
04:50Well, you know, the devil may care, but I don't care.
04:55God, that's a lot of products.
04:57Yeah, well, I'm working on it, okay?
05:00All right, so here's the deal.
05:01I have crate now.
05:03I have crate.
05:04So this is all teas and coffees and drinks and sugars.
05:07Okay, that's this area right here.
05:10So now we got cleans.
05:12We got cleanies.
05:14The cleans, as they say.
05:16The royal couple, the king and clean.
05:19I thought that was pretty funny.
05:25Okay, thank you.
05:26Thank you, man.
05:27That was fun.
05:28I'll give you a pity laugh.
05:29No, it wasn't a pity laugh.
05:31Just pity laugh, please.
05:33Do you remember saying that?
05:34Yes, I do.
05:35Of course I do.
05:36So funny.
05:38Pity laugh, please.
05:41Yes, yes, of course.
05:42It made me giggle hysterically.
05:45Special times.
05:46All right, so here's...
05:47Oh no, there's not enough room.
05:50I have to shave, man.
05:51I got really beardy lately.
05:53Well, yeah, it's probably because you weren't shaving.
05:56Shaving any money?
06:03I was so confused by everything you said
06:05that by the time I'd recovered,
06:07you would say something else really weird.
06:11I want there to be like a cleaning section.
06:13I don't want this to just be like a boring open plan.
06:16I want some shenanigans going on.
06:20I want a fart corner.
06:21There's gonna be shenanigans, man.
06:22We got shoplifters now.
06:25I just want like a little variety.
06:27It's like this is a whole wall of coffees and stuff and things.
06:31Just open the store, man.
06:32I want to reorg stuff.
06:34Yeah, but you don't know how to do it.
06:36You spent the entire last episode doing it.
06:37I know, but I'm figuring it out now.
06:40I'm trying to figure out where the stuff goes.
06:42Jeez Louise, dude.
06:44Give me a freaking break over here.
06:45Gosh, dang.
06:51Boy, the idea of like you getting legit furious,
06:56but only using gentle curse words is the best.
07:00Like, gosh, dang it.
07:02Like smashing the table with your fist.
07:04I mean, come on.
07:06All right.
07:07All right.
07:09So this isn't the right size.
07:11I need a little bit more.
07:12I need a little bit more, Dan.
07:14And it's not gonna fit.
07:15It's simply not gonna fit.
07:16Look at that.
07:16I need a little bit more.
07:18So that's really pissing me off.
07:19That's the first thing that's really pissing me off.
07:20The second thing that's really pissing me off is now,
07:22I don't know where to put the cleaning supplies.
07:24Maybe they should be over here,
07:25because this is kind of not like a,
07:27oh, and they're already a little bit over here.
07:31Clean, clean.
07:31This is milk.
07:32I don't want that.
07:33No, it's very clean milk.
07:36No, I know that the milk is clean.
07:38All of my products are clean.
07:41I'm just saying.
07:43I'm just saying I want...
07:44What can I buy and leave where all our products are clean?
07:47They're clean.
07:48They're tight.
07:49They're clean.
07:52I'm taking them.
07:53Oh, look at those just disappear.
07:54Yeah, I think because they're modded, they're like...
07:58You know, they're fricking up.
08:00Uh, okay.
08:01And then...
08:01No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
08:03Oh, man.
08:04You motherfucker!
08:06God damn, these fucks, they're so fast.
08:09You gotta stay on top of them.
08:10Well, because you boosted them all to shit.
08:12I know.
08:12Dude, stop.
08:15You're yelling at me.
08:17Shit, there's...
08:18Oh, there's some on the shelves.
08:22Uh, no, no, no, no, no, no!
08:27God damn you!
08:29There's fucking things all over the ground now,
08:31and I can't even see them.
08:32And they're so expensive.
08:34Are you serious?
08:36F, go away.
08:39God damn it.
08:43This is nasty stuff.
08:46You need to, um...
08:48There you go.
08:50You need to restock, um...
08:52Your, your little...
08:54Extendo Jam as well.
08:55What do you mean, Extendo Jam?
08:56This, uh, facing the shelf that you were just working on.
09:01With the beverages.
09:02Like, full turnaround.
09:03There you go.
09:07Smart, smart-aleck guy over here.
09:09That's a lot of juices.
09:12Okay, okay.
09:13So this is all clean over here.
09:14It's- Oh, there, right there!
09:15I can replace this with the clean!
09:17Check that out.
09:18Check that out!
09:20That's a good idea.
09:23That's a good idea.
09:23That's gonna move this over here,
09:25That's gonna move it over here.
09:36Oh, I blocked myself.
09:37Oh wow.
09:38Oh, man.
09:39Look at this. This is already cleaning supplies over here
09:45and... done!
09:47I will now perform
09:49Quatre Caisons
09:51The Four Seasons by Vivaldi
09:53Using only the word daddy
10:05I'd pay for it
10:07Really? Oh yeah
10:09Yeah! Take that
10:11Yo-yo ma
10:13Yo-yo ma
10:15Yo-yo, yeah, yo-yo ma
10:17Yeah, no, but you say it like yo-yo ma
10:19Yo-yo ma
10:21Yeah, yeah
10:23Freaking, there's a new sheriff in town
10:31How many more cleanings is there?
10:33Oh, there's a whole system of cleaning over here
10:35Maybe you can swap the corners
10:37Uh, I already did
10:39Oh my god
10:41So don't worry about it, don't worry
10:43You're freaking out already and I need you to stay calm
10:45In this trying time, okay
10:47Oh my god
10:49Dude, what did I tell you? You need to stay calm
10:55Bro-deo, bro-deo, bro-deo
10:57Please, please, please, please
10:59Calm down
11:01Put it on the shelf
11:03No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
11:05This has
11:07Inventory on it
11:09I thought I erased this, but it did not work
11:11Oh lord
11:13No, here he comes, here he comes
11:15He's dumb, he has no idea what he's doing right now
11:19What a relief
11:21No, no
11:23You just had fucking
11:25Toilet paper
11:27Where did you come from, where did you go?
11:29He came from the land of
11:31Appie's wave 1
11:33Dude, I'm just RPGs, dude
11:35I think this food is called Appie's
11:39I think so
11:41I don't think that said RPGs
11:43Bro, that's my product
11:45I know it's your product, I'm just reading the label
11:47No, it says RPGs
11:49Does it really? Yes
11:51They're the figures that you can buy eventually
11:53I take your word for it
11:55What is this? My shit's broken
11:57That's what's happening
11:59I have RPGs in my fucking inventory
12:01On my thing
12:03Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop
12:05Stop, oh
12:07Oh no, he's different, no, no, no
12:09No, no, no, no, no
12:11Oh my god, you gotta be fucking
12:13kidding me, dude
12:15Alright, alright, alright, alright
12:17Available now?
12:19I don't know, I don't remember
12:21I don't think so
12:23I don't think they're available right now, they will be soon
12:25Available soon
12:27Alright, here's what I'm gonna do
12:29Just know that they're well stocked at the buy and leave
12:31If you need any
12:33Listen, I'm just gonna move these over here with the cheeseman
12:35I'm gonna move these over here with the cheeseman
12:37I'm gonna take my crate out, and I'm gonna start placing the RPGs
12:41Apparently I just have a fucking
12:43Carton absolutely
12:45Brimming full of them
12:47Why are they invisible? I don't know, dude
12:51Some broke
12:53Will they always be like that?
12:57Oh, they got rid of the like
12:59I see the crate on the floor option
13:01Oh no
13:05That was such a good thing though
13:07Or maybe
13:09Yeah, they did
13:13Oh, I pressed the wrong button
13:15Alright, we're good now
13:17I was pressing F when I should have been pressing R
13:19I was zigging when I should have been zagging
13:21Ah, dude, I fucked up
13:23Goofing when you should have been gaffing
13:25I did, it's exactly right
13:27Now we're good
13:29Open the store? No
13:31Why would I open the store, dude?
13:33Because that's what this game is
13:35I know, but I'm organizing my shop
13:37Why don't you want me to have any joy anymore?
13:39What is this all just a job?
13:41Like, oh, you're gonna fucking put the
13:43Open the store and do it by the numbers
13:45It's like I'm trying to fucking have a
13:47Experience where I enjoy myself
13:49My life
13:51I wanna see the shoplifters
13:53That's exciting to me
13:55You beat a man
13:57You definitely beat a man with a baseball bat
13:59There's stuff on the floor
14:01He lifted no shop though
14:03Why can't I place this anywhere?
14:05Why can't I place this anywhere?
14:07I might need to just start this
14:09I think this shit bugged out
14:11Oh really?
14:13I think all the mods are bugging the shit out
14:15Oh man, alright, let's do it
14:17We'll be right back
14:19Well, I mean, it takes two seconds
14:21Okay, we're back
14:23Oh, I can't drop the fucking box
14:25We'll be right back
14:27Holy shit, dude. Alright, here it is
14:29We're back. Hold on
14:31Uh, save
14:33There you go. And quit the menu
14:35Alright, listen up
14:37We're back. Just found out that we can expand the store
14:39So we're doing it. Okay
14:43Daddy dad
14:45Whoa, so many licenses. Oh my god
14:47We're level 59? Wow
14:49Holy F
14:51Can we expand our store by three more sections?
14:55That's crazy
14:57Oh, nevermind
14:59Storage can get way bigger
15:01I never saw it happen. I know, that was exciting
15:03Are you ready for this? You excited for this?
15:05Dude. I was on top of it
15:07Dude. Yeah. You like that?
15:11I like that a lot
15:13I'm glad you do
15:17And boom. Well done
15:19Look at that. Corner. Looks great
15:21Oh, I'm out. I'm out. That was enough
15:23Paint can. Chuck it
15:25I have another one over here though. Check this out
15:29Picking up the paint can
15:31Picking up the paint can. Oh, man
15:33Good thing you didn't finish organizing the store
15:35It would have changed
15:37It would have all changed on you
15:39Oh, man. The paint can's out
15:41I know. I gotta buy a new paint can
15:43Man, you're the one who's always making it paint can oriented
15:45I know
15:47Can't argue with you there
15:49I don't even care about the paint
15:51I could be happy with the yellow
15:53I would be happy
15:55I look at the stars. Look how they shine for you
15:57And all the things you do. It's all yellow
15:59Is that, uh
16:03Yeah. Yeah, it's Coldplay
16:05Wanna start something about it?
16:07I don't. I just, you know
16:09Every time somebody sings a Coldplay song
16:11I'm like, I know that song
16:13But is it Coldplay?
16:15That's like a good
16:17Will it Coldplay?
16:19Yeah, that's a good, like, you know
16:21What's the word?
16:23Fun game you can play?
16:25No, what's the word?
16:27Game show. Yes
16:29Is it Coldplay?
16:31I'll play
16:33I'll do
16:35Is it Coldplay with you? Okay
16:37Okay, hold on
16:39Alright, text from Tony that says expand your store, you wieners
16:41Thank you, Tony, just in time
16:43Appreciate it
16:45Man, wiener
16:47Wiener cuts deep
16:49That's what I'm saying, man. Clean insults are like the new
16:51Dirty insults
16:59It's still fucking RPGs in my crate
17:09Is it Coldplay?
17:13Every teardrop is a waterfall
17:17It is Coldplay
17:19Son of a bitch
17:23We have to remove the fucking RPGs mod, god damn it
17:25Is it Coldplay? Hold on, I'll be right back
17:27Buildings and bridges are made of stars that
17:29Twinkle at night
17:33You're right. Hell yeah, that's right
17:35Alright, keep going
17:39Is it Coldplay?
17:47Fuck, I was gonna say yes
17:49I'm so stupid
17:51Oh man, okay
17:53See, I need to stop second guessing myself
17:55I'm just gonna fire off the cuff
17:57Princess of England? Coldplay
17:59It is not Coldplay. Damn it
18:01Princess of China? Coldplay
18:03It is Coldplay. Yes!
18:07One and a half, so let's go
18:09I hope we're keeping Tali on screen
18:23Not Coldplay
18:29Yeah, dude
18:31Come on, bonus round
18:35Ooh, not Coldplay. It is Coldplay
18:39This is good, this is a good game
18:41It's really
18:43Life in Technicolor
18:45Coldplay. It is Coldplay. Yeah!
18:47Of course it would be, it's cold
18:51A head full of dreams
18:55I'm gonna say Coldplay
18:57It is Coldplay. Yeah!
18:59Army of One
19:01Coldplay. It is Coldplay. Yeah!
19:05This is so dumb
19:07I don't know anything about Coldplay
19:09This is so dumb
19:11Come on, come on
19:13This is final
19:15Jeopardy round
19:17Magic at Midnight
19:19Not Coldplay. It is not Coldplay. Yes!
19:23True Love
19:25Not Coldplay. It is Coldplay
19:27Alright, last one, last one
19:29A sky full of stars
19:31Alright, can I write it on a
19:33Beat? What you wanna
19:35Yeah, like true Final Jeopardy
19:37Oh yeah, sure
19:39Alright, I'm gonna write it on my phone
19:41Okay, and I'll give you Jeopardy music
19:43But Coldplay
19:47Do do do do
19:49Do do do do
19:51Do do do
19:53Do do do do
19:55Do do do do
19:57Do do do do
19:59Boom boom
20:01What's your final answer? Alright, I'm gonna flip it
20:05Here we go
20:07A sky full of stars
20:11He said it's Coldplay. It is Coldplay
20:13It is Coldplay. Congratulations
20:15You did pretty well
20:17Thank you. You did pretty well
20:19Oh, that's awesome
20:21Hey, congratulations me and you
20:23For hosting such a great game
20:25That's fantastic
20:27We'll be right back after these messages
20:29Check it out, it's a tote bag
20:31Named after our video game supermarket
20:33So buy it and leave!
20:35That's a little harsh, Arin. Yeah, I don't care
20:37Get out of here! But buy it
20:39First, and then get out of here!
20:41Please, and thank you
20:45Hello, it's the same episode
20:47But later. No. No?
20:49Well, yes. No, you're right, 100%
20:51Yeah, totally. Sorry, it's just my impulse
20:53To be a contrarian, just kept saying
20:55It's amazing that you have that level of self-awareness
20:57Yeah, so
20:59We couldn't get the new products
21:01Working, but
21:03Now it's a new day
21:05A new dawn. It's a new day
21:07It's a new day! And I noticed that corner's
21:09Unpainted. Did you notice that?
21:11Oh my god, dude
21:13You better get on that, baby. I'm gonna slap you
21:15You can
21:17As long as you slap me with paint on the walls
21:19That's in a stripey formation
21:21Well, you can just knock them over
21:23And it doesn't matter, huh? Yeah, it's pretty sweet
21:25Just like real paint
21:27You can also paint while
21:29Stuff is already in front of it
21:31Oh, good fucking job
21:33I ran out of paint! I'm sorry!
21:35You only have so much paint! Nice choice!
21:37You had two choices! Yeah, well
21:39This one also is low on paint. This one's gonna have a million
21:41It's not. It's gonna have like
21:43Two, and it's gonna be like this old
21:45Boom, baby! And we're out
21:47No, I'm just kidding. We're good, we're good, we're good
21:49Yeah, yeah
21:51Looking great
21:54What about storage?
21:56What about storage?
21:58We need to paint in the storage
22:00Fuck! Oh my god
22:11I'm hyperventilating
22:13There is a
22:15A breathing technique
22:17I learned once called skull shining breath
22:19Which is kind of
22:21It's quick like that
22:23It's supposed to
22:25According to
22:27Theory, it's supposed to flush oxygenated
22:29Blood through your
22:31Like, through your brain
22:33And, uh, I don't know if it does that
22:35But I sure as shit almost passed out doing it
22:37Oh, wow. Yeah, I think
22:39I don't know if that's true
22:41Because that's just hyperventilation
22:43It's hard to know
22:45Whether it worked not at all or too well
22:49Um, I have
22:51I have had a positive experience with Wim Hof breathing
22:53What's that?
22:55It's like you do like a constant cycle
22:57Of like 30 breaths and then you breathe all the way out
22:59And hold your breath for like a minute
23:01Oh, yeah, that's awesome
23:03And then you breathe in and hold and then you do that three times
23:05Um, and it feels great
23:07Breathing exercises were wonderful because
23:09Uh, when I quit smoking weed
23:11Um, I was like, wow
23:13Now I'm stressed out all the time
23:15I remember why I smoked
23:17That was also stressing me out
23:19So that's when I got introduced to breathing exercises
23:21And I was like
23:23This gives me the feeling of being like
23:25A little bit stony
23:27Um, but it's good for me
23:29And it's free
23:31Wow, it is free
23:33Air's just like fucking floating around
23:35You know what's not free? What's that? Section 15
23:37Oh my god, $64,000
23:39And storage
23:41What are we even talking about over here?
23:43I don't know if you even know what we're even talking about over here
23:49He's just hyperventilating
23:51Past that
23:53I'm painting, I'm painting
23:57Was that right?
23:59Yeah, you're right
24:01We're all right
24:05Yeah, you're right about me being right
24:09There you go
24:11Do I color the corners or do I not color the corners?
24:13Completely inconsistent
24:15Oh my god, you really
24:19No, it's good
24:21Oh, there's no paint in the bucket
24:25No, it's good, it's good, I got it, I got it
24:27I cocked it up
24:29Cocked it!
24:31I mean, you might as well just buy like 10 paints
24:33And keep them down here
24:35I don't want to, that's a waste
24:37It's not, you'll use them all
24:39The very definition of not a waste
24:41I don't know
24:43I just don't want to have them around
24:45Look at him moving around, is that new?
24:47Did the paint ever move like that before?
24:49It's not moving
24:51I thought I saw it creeping up on the side of the
24:53Oh, it's only when I move
24:55If I move the camera, it doesn't move
24:57How weird is that?
25:01Just throw it over the shelf
25:07Oh man
25:09Oh god, oh man
25:11No! What do you mean no?
25:13Oh god, look at that corner
25:15Oh my god, so you want it to be crisscross applesauce
25:19Now you gotta buy some more yellow paint
25:21My man
25:23But you don't want it cornered
25:25See the value of keeping the paint
25:29Yeah, so convenient
25:31Yeah, yeah, yeah
25:33So convenient
25:35Yeah, yeah, yeah
25:37Get the yellow paint
25:43Boy, that's your finest wall
25:47Just gorgeous
25:49I mean, come on
25:51Who even wants to have a wall?
25:53Me? Yeah
25:55Fuck you, me
25:57I do
25:59I love my walls
26:03Alright, push that ish back
26:05Uh, what if I don't want to push that ish back?
26:07Well then, expanding this door
26:09Didn't have much effect
26:13What should I make this little tiny section though?
26:17It should be coffee and stuff?
26:21Why not put the thing first?
26:23It goes against the wall
26:25Because it's not the same
26:29Uh, yeah, because it's not the same
26:31There's not enough room back here
26:33I gotta figure out how to make more room back here
26:35There's not enough room back here
26:37Oh, wait, you might be able to do it
26:39Oh man, oh man
26:41Oh, you can't have it close to the window
26:45So I can't fit this back here anymore
26:47This actually decreases the amount of space that I have
26:49Yeah, that's not true
26:51But I know what you mean
26:53Emotionally it does
26:57It makes me mad like I had less space
27:01I need to figure out what we're doing with these freezers
27:03And everything and these fridges
27:05And everything
27:07Now we're back at square one
27:09Of like, how do we
27:11The store looks amazing
27:13Square four, I don't know
27:15I mean, we're at level 60 now
27:17We're square 60
27:19Well, okay, so here's what I'm talking about
27:21I need to start organizing by section
27:23I need snack sections, right?
27:25So this is
27:27Prilosec is snacks
27:29And whatever this is
27:33Is also snacks, right?
27:35Cheeseman is collectibles
27:37So cheeseman goes in like a collectible section
27:39That doesn't exist yet
27:41I thought it was cheese, silly me
27:43You know what, I feel like maybe cheeseman
27:45Should be with RPGs
27:47Because that's also a collectible
27:49You know what I mean?
27:51And then we got cereals
27:53And floor almonds
27:55Chocopick, bees, and
27:57Monokuku crunch
27:59Are cereal? They're not just almonds?
28:01I think they were originally cereal
28:03They have a cereal box
28:05I don't know
28:07Yeah, they're cereal
28:09All Grundor eats is almonds
28:11You can make anything cereal as long as you
28:13Throw milk in it
28:15In a bowl
28:17Then it's just cereal
28:19Aaron, please, don't spoil Grundor
28:21He already, once a year
28:23For Christmas
28:25For Christmas
28:27Dips his sponge in soy sauce
28:29For an extra flavorful
28:31Holiday taste
28:33I think about that
28:35Way more than I should
28:37Alright, oils
28:39This is alcohols
28:41The alcohols should be facing away
28:43From the customer base
28:45It should be hidden
28:47Because we don't want people to think this is a place where drunkards go
28:49It is though
28:51We want people to think this is a place where
28:53Drunkards go
28:55Drunkards are everywhere
28:59Come on man
29:01You've never seen a drunkard at
29:03Whole Foods? I have
29:05I've been him
29:07I was
29:09The drunkard
29:11I'll take all your gummies
29:13And your walnuts
29:15All of my what?
29:17Walnuts and gummies
29:19My what?
29:23With a G, Aaron
29:25I saw where you were going with that
29:29Gummies say what?
29:31Okay, rice
29:33Rice and flour
29:35This is flour
29:37Sublets flour
29:39What? Sublets?
29:43What is that? I don't know
29:45I think it's just in the game
29:47I don't know how to organize all this
29:49I don't think you have to
29:51I think I do have to actually
29:53I think you're being real weird about it when like shit's been going fine
29:55For like, I don't know
29:57A million days
29:59Um, no actually
30:01I think that you're wrong about that
30:05Just you
30:07Jauntily tossing products on the floor
30:09While you're like, no actually
30:15This is actually one of the cooler things that's happened
30:17Oh man, that's a
30:21Fine potato raclette, Aaron
30:27Please don't hurt me
30:29You've got a bat
30:31To defend yourself
30:33One and two
30:37And then kill that, kill this bad boy baby boy
30:39But where will your extra raclettes go?
30:41Where will your raclettes go?
30:43The f-
30:47I can shelve some potatoes and I don't want any of that action
30:49Is he?
30:51Yeah he's coming with the fucking potatoes, I can see it, I can sense it
30:53Really? I can smell his fear
30:55Nowhere to be found
30:57I think he was carrying away the purees
30:59No? Was he?
31:01Did I dream that? I don't think
31:03Maybe you just like
31:05Shoot him away
31:07Yeah, it's okay, it's fine
31:09We have two different kinds of pastas
31:11And I think that's it
31:13Do pastas go with flour or do they go with rice?
31:15Where do they go?
31:17They go with pasta
31:21You know, I've never really thought about it
31:23This is gonna make me actually look at
31:25The supermarket groupings
31:27Next time I'm
31:29Next time I'm at the Sprouts
31:31I think bread and pasta go together
31:33Just in my head
31:35They're like the same thing
31:37They're just wheat
31:39Semolina wheat
31:41You know what I'm saying?
31:43I do
31:45Semolina wheat
31:51Hold on, I got something in my throat
31:53I can tell
32:01Alright, drinks, okay snacks
32:03Okay snacks
32:07So this is all coffee stuff
32:09This is fucking milk and stuff
32:11That goes here
32:13Who would ever put milk near coffee?
32:15Do we have a dairy section?
32:17I feel like
32:19You're asking me?
32:21Eggs and cheese go together, right?
32:23Eggs, milk, and cheese
32:25Those all go together
32:27And this is cheese, and there's
32:29Mimolette in there, but then there's water in there
32:31Water's its own thing
32:35So right
32:37Look how much water you have
32:41I'm gonna put water over here
32:43I'm gonna make it just a water shelf
32:47Put that away
32:49Take these off
32:55Why not just move that whole
32:57Fridge of water somewhere else
32:59And focus on the
33:01Waters that are mixed in with
33:03Other products that you don't want them to be
33:05Because I want there to just be a water
33:07You want there to be like a big water thing
33:09Well there's two different kinds of water
33:13I don't think you were noticing
33:15The kind of peed in
33:17And other
33:19The kind of peed in
33:21And the kind of peed in with a twist of lime
33:23It is weird, it is weird
33:25To know
33:27Oh no, no
33:31It is weird to think of
33:33The juxtaposition of there being like a terrible
33:35Drought somewhere, and then like just
33:37Other people peeing into water
33:41It's like
33:43That's like a super villain move
33:45Just like peeing into the water
33:47Be like ha ha ha ha
33:49You'll never catch me
33:51Yeah, but thirsty aren't you
33:55It's fucked up when you think about it
33:57Thirsty aren't you
34:01That's okay, I'll fill this whole
34:09Cut it out dude
34:11Why you gotta be making fun of me all the time
34:13I'm sorry, it's just
34:15That was a sound made for teasing
34:21You're good
34:23I mean hey
34:25If it was a kid that did that
34:27I wouldn't tease him, but like
34:29If it's you, hell yeah
34:31What if I was a kid man
34:33You were, but you missed that window
34:37We're not there anymore
34:39Lost your privileges, I'm sorry
34:41Okay, water, we got a water container
34:43That's a good looking water
34:47And then juice, juice
34:49Goes together
34:51I feel like juice should go with the water
34:53Yeah, it was there
34:57You just picked up a fridge
34:59And threw it right back down
35:01Good suggestion
35:03Looks like I'm crushing it
35:05Maybe I should get a double door
35:07Yeah, why not just move that big
35:09Juicy double door next to the water
35:11Cause I'm just gonna buy one
35:13I'm just gonna buy a new one, it's easier to just buy
35:15It's easier to just consume
35:17You living that Amazon life
35:19Oh yeah
35:21Fashion baby
35:23I'll buy a shirt and I'll wear it once and throw it away
35:25That's my style
35:27I'm joking by the way
35:29I don't want anyone to think I'm being serious about that
35:31I try to save
35:33As much of my shirts as possible
35:35Have you ever heard of
35:37Visual mending, Dan?
35:39No, I never have
35:41As they call it
35:43As it's known to everyone else
35:45Fixing shit
35:47Visual mending
35:49What does it mean?
35:53If your shirt is ripped or something
35:55Then you put a patch over it
35:57And it looks cool
35:59Visual mending
36:03I thought there was already words for that
36:07But that's fine
36:09But TikTok made it a thing
36:11I'm doing a visual mending trend
36:13If it makes people happy
36:15But it's cool
36:17Because it's like you get to repair your own clothes
36:19We're in the
36:21We're in the inshitification of
36:23Of all products
36:25Especially electronic in nature
36:27Does that mean shit's getting worse?
36:29Yeah, inshitification
36:31Boy that
36:33That carton
36:35With the orange juice
36:37Reminds me of Five Alive
36:39I mean Five Alive had a
36:41Dark carton
36:43But it's just very nostalgic
36:45Dark carton sounds pretty cool
36:47Dark carton
36:49Hold on let me look that up to make sure I'm
36:51Remembering correctly
36:53Stay away from me
36:57Oh yeah you have to go
36:59You have to go back to like the old Five Alive
37:03Packages but like how cool is that
37:07Isn't that an enjoyable carton
37:09To look at?
37:11Here I'll send it to you editor
37:15God that is 80's nostalgia
37:17For me
37:19Hey look at this now we got a juice shelf
37:21Bro we got a juice shelf
37:23That's pretty nice pretty fun stuff
37:25Dad's happy
37:27Daddy over here dad daddy's happy
37:29I'm daddy
37:33Call me daddy responds to me
37:35Go ahead
37:39He's not doing it
37:41He's calling my mom
37:43What do I do he's not doing it
37:49She's like trying to
37:51Tell you to
37:53Get rid of one of the shelves
37:55In your fake supermarket
37:57But you like don't understand
37:59Because it's a bad connection
38:01She's like kill your shelf
38:03And you're like what
38:05I gotta go
38:09Okay eggs
38:11Okay look at all these eggs
38:13Damn I mean what
38:15It's like stop
38:17It's like yo though
38:19So let's put these
38:21Hungry man's
38:23Stouffer's delicious
38:29That was a struggle
38:31That was a struggle
38:33Of a sentence
38:35I'm sorry I'm sorry we can't all be perfect
38:37It's pronounced lasagny
38:39Especially me
38:43I've been disowned by my rents
38:45Do you remember the married with children where
38:49Is trying to read
38:51Uh the Garfield
38:53Comic and she's like Garfield don't take my
38:59We're on a road trip to
39:03Wait who is this
39:05Christine Applegate
39:07Yeah yeah
39:09That's what you said
39:11I did
39:13Hoping that you would connect
39:15In your brain the words with the show it was
39:17Yeah yeah I did eventually
39:19She was great on that show
39:21She was
39:23So the thing about the milk and eggs situation
39:25Is they should be in the back
39:29The fact that it's a situation already indicates that this is not going well
39:33They should be in the back
39:35Milk and egg and cheese and stuff should be in the back
39:37Because everyone needs them all the time
39:39So it's like you put them in the back
39:41So that people have to walk all the way
39:43Through the store
39:45To get what they need
39:47Okay and you don't have to do this
39:49I just I seem to remember this from
39:51When I was a kid helping my parents shop
39:53Uh huh
39:55I think like the milk
39:57And the refrigerated stuff like the milk
39:59And the cheese and the meats and everything
40:01Was on like the outer
40:03Like walls
40:05Around the ring and then in the center aisles
40:07Was the cereal and the dry goods
40:11Why do you have to remember being a kid
40:13That's how grocery stores are
40:15I know but like that was the last time I had to think about it
40:17Now I'm just like
40:19Duh look at the signs
40:23But when I was helping my parents
40:25They were like can you go get the outer stuff
40:27And I was like okay
40:29Really heavy but okay
40:35I got three pints of milk mom
40:37Yeah well yeah the cold stuff
40:39Yeah so meats are on the outer
40:41Rims as well
40:43Yeah maybe I gotta rethink
40:45My strategy
40:47Oh god I don't think we can start from scratch
40:49No I'm not starting from scratch I'm just moving shelves around now
40:51It's easier
40:53The stuff that's been taking a long time
40:55Individualizing the shelves
40:57With the crateage
40:59But now I don't really have to do that as much
41:01I'll still do it but I don't have to do it as much
41:03Oh Tony says we can turn off restockers
41:05Yeah but what's the fun in that
41:07It's more fun to fend them off
41:11When you don't do it in time
41:13A hundred percent
41:15That's my M.O
41:17Sorry T-Dog
41:19I know I'm just trying to help
41:21I was just watching a couple episodes
41:23Oh sad face from T-Dog
41:25I'm sorry T-Dog
41:27Okay please continue
41:29I just have a very particular taste
41:33Is this all cheese
41:35We got cheese we got butter
41:37We got this
41:39And then we got cheese
41:43Oh my god
41:45Okay so that is cheese
41:49I'm sorry I care okay
41:51I'm sorry
41:53It's just so funny you're like you're level 60
41:55You have almost three and a half million dollars
41:57In the bank
41:59And you just refuse to open the store
42:01Because you're like I just need to rethink everything
42:03This whole thing's been a failure
42:05Well exactly why I don't need to open the store I have enough money
42:09What a bold
42:11I mean like
42:13This is for me this isn't for the community
42:15Like a trance record shop
42:19I don't need to open today
42:21I don't feel like it
42:25Run a store where all I do is paint
42:27My own postage stamps
42:29So if you want to come in and buy one you can
42:31If not
42:33Fuck if I can
42:35That's damn right Dan
42:37I love stores like that
42:39You see it in like little towns
42:41Oh yeah
42:43Where it's closed at like
42:451.15 on a Wednesday for no reason
42:47That's meat time
42:49Didn't feel like it
42:51That's just meat time
42:53Okay we got meats
42:55Okay look at these eggs
42:57Pretty sick
42:59I'm actually going to populate these shelves
43:01With more eggs
43:03That's a great idea
43:05Boom boom boom
43:07Egg section
43:09This is good
43:11This is really good
43:13Next cheeses
43:15So cheeses can go with the here
43:17So I'm going to do that
43:19I'm going to crate these fuckers up
43:23Can't fit them all
43:25There was just
43:27No way you could have possibly
43:29Fit another small can
43:31Of tuna in that gigantic crate
43:33Can't do it
43:35Boss can't do it
43:37Alright eliminate that
43:39And now we got Stark
43:41Wow I didn't
43:43Like the look of his neck
43:45What's wrong with his neck?
43:47I don't know it was more like rumply than I wanted it to be
43:49He's like a freshly born puppy
43:53You know like little rumpled puppies
43:55Just like
43:57Like a basket of them just tumbling around
43:59Rumpled puppies is a great
44:01Band name? Phrase
44:03Rumpled puppies
44:05Is this like a whole
44:07Wasn't this like added on to another episode
44:09That was already like a thousand years
44:13We should end this episode
44:15Also Tony says you have so many
44:17Empty shells in the freezers
44:19No I don't
44:21Everything's good
44:25In the fridges
44:29Yeah I got a couple
44:31I'm figuring it out
44:33Oh Tony
44:35Maybe you want to be careful
44:37Cause you know who ends up in the fridges
44:41Oh yeah
44:43Tony in the fridges
44:51Drink should be up here right
44:53Drink should be up here right
44:57Thank you for answering the question
44:59Yeah that's good
45:01Drink should be up here
45:03It's hummus
45:05I thought it said hormones
45:08I'm gonna put the hummus
45:10In here to move it over to there
45:12And then I'm gonna keep drinks
45:14Going strong
45:18Baby baby baby baby
45:20Baby baby baby
45:22It's a remix
45:26When we first became friends
45:30It is amazing how we've known each other
45:32For so long that I can just feel
45:34When a silence is going to yield
45:40Cause I mean there's just
45:42It's always when like
45:44It's preceded by something super confident
45:46Like baby baby baby baby baby
45:48Baby baby baby baby
45:56You should consolidate those pink drinks
45:58That's what I'm planning
46:00That feels bad to look at
46:02Thinking about it right now
46:05I'm gonna make it feel good in a second
46:07Look at this ropico
46:09I think it's tropico
46:11I don't see a T
46:13I thought the T was like a palm tree or something
46:15But perhaps not
46:17Might just be ropico
46:19Turned on caps lock
46:21Turned off caps lock
46:23Bro I'm shooting ropicos
46:25Yeah it just says ropico
46:27It just says ropico
46:29From the beachy ropics
46:31Alright next time
46:34You and your fucking Pillsbury Doughboy laugh
46:36I know you don't like it
46:38But I can't help it
46:40What started out as like a joke
46:42Has now actually become your real laugh
46:44Yeah a little bit
46:46It's amazing
46:48Alright we'll see you next time on Game Grumps
47:03There is a fourth line
47:05What do you mean?
