• 6 hours ago
Welcome back guys!!! Which suit was your favourite?

Snapchat: Kalogerassunday
TikTok: @sundaykalogeras
Instagram: @sundaykalogeras

Snapchat: Demitrakalog
TikTok: @demitrakalogeras
Instagram: @demitrakalogeras

Snapchat: ElianaKalogeras
TikTok: @eliana.kalogeras
Instagram: @eliana.kalogeras

ALL BUSINESS: Kalogeras@night.co


00:00Professional YouTubers coming to you guys from Simons.
00:02Why are we here?
00:03May you ask?
00:04Pass the camera.
00:05Could you imagine if I just took that and my pet started clapping?
00:07Oh my god.
00:08Wait, ready? Jump.
00:11Jump again.
00:13Now turn around and jump.
00:16What type of suit should we be looking for today?
00:18Uh, one that...
00:19I don't give a f**k.
00:20I'm gonna get Noah whatever the f**k I want.
00:22He's gonna have to wear it.
00:24You're not allowed to deny it.
00:25You guys are gonna give me some stupid n***** suits.
00:27No, we're not. We're giving you all good ones.
00:29I think Noah has to wear this mini slip thong.
00:32Oh, perfect.
00:33A couple days ago, we got Ellie's prom dress.
00:35So what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be picking out a matching...
00:38Gender bender! We're doing it to Noah!
00:40Noah, are you excited for Ellie to be choosing?
00:43Actually, we all are gonna be choosing.
00:44I think I'm most excited for Ellie to choose it,
00:46because you guys are stupid.
00:47How about that?
00:48Yo, listen.
00:49If you don't like my sisters, I don't like you.
00:51Thank you, Ellie.
00:52What type of suit do you usually endorse?
00:55Uh, I usually don't.
00:55Guys, that crotch is way in the back.
00:57Let's turn around.
00:57Keep it, keep it, keep it, keep it.
00:59Basically, this is gonna be similar to Ellie's prom video,
01:03where basically...
01:03If you haven't seen it, go see it now.
01:05Like, subscribe, and comment.
01:07Why don't we do that anymore?
01:09Remember when we used to do that?
01:10When we always used to be like,
01:11Bye, everybody. Love you guys.
01:13Now we just end the video.
01:14But we still love you guys.
01:15Yeah, we used to not swear.
01:17We have grown.
01:18We are comfortable with you guys.
01:19You have not grown since you were 11 years old.
01:22Wait, let me say something.
01:23Where did you go?
01:24This isn't a discussion.
01:25I just went on my Snapchat.
01:28Does Ellie know Noah best, or are the rumors true?
01:31Or do I know Noah best, and the rumors are true?
01:34If Kayla picks out the best outfit,
01:37they get to date each other.
01:38If I pick out the best outfit...
01:42I can't say it.
01:43You have to say it, or else it's just weird if I say it.
01:44Yeah, it is weird. Let's just not.
01:46Let's just cut that out.
01:46Cut that out of the video.
01:47Guys, are we not gonna talk about
01:48how caked up this f***ing mannequin is?
01:51Like, damn.
01:51Damn, Vicky got a fat ass.
01:53Guys, do I have to leave?
01:54Oh, man.
01:56The most important part about this
01:57is that it matches Ellie's dress,
01:58because Ellie's dress is way more important
02:00than Noah's suit, obviously.
02:02Get him these.
02:02Just so you can have it like Loki hanging out of his suit.
02:05I love the bananas on the cock.
02:06Or do you think he'd prefer these, Ellie?
02:08What are you doing?
02:09Your man drops his drawers.
02:10He's wearing these.
02:11The striped ones.
02:12The stripe is crazy,
02:12because it creates an illusion that it's a dick.
02:14The dick is huge.
02:15You're like, yo!
02:16And he's like, ooooh.
02:18Hypnotize you.
02:19Who is making these mannequins?
02:21I want to know who they referenced,
02:23and then I want him to let me.
02:26Noah's got a shelf.
02:27Yeah, let's not lie.
02:28Noah does have a shelf.
02:29Noah walks and it clacks.
02:30I'm like, what is that noise?
02:32And Noah's just like, let me.
02:34We're not even in the suit section.
02:35Wait, do you guys want to go and get bubble tea?
02:37So the reason why we chose Simon's
02:39is because there's also a women's section at Simon's,
02:41and he's waiting in the change room.
02:43So he won't know if we're shopping for ourselves.
02:44He won't know where we go, bro.
02:45He won't know where we are.
02:47Noah's just going to be sitting there
02:48playing with his thumbs, bro.
02:49These are so cute.
02:50Wait, I love this.
02:51Oh, it's pajama.
02:52Okay, why don't we get one of these,
02:53but we also get one for Noah
02:54so he thinks we're getting it for him.
02:56I like that.
02:56Wait, that's so smart.
02:57Okay, wait, this is tied on there.
02:58So that kind of looks nice.
02:59Oh, the red.
03:02What size is he, Ally?
03:04He's a size medium.
03:06Okay, these are 40.
03:07Oh, God.
03:07What does that mean?
03:09Should I call him?
03:11Noah, what size are you?
03:12Are you size 40R?
03:14I don't know what this means.
03:15No, no, no, for the top.
03:16It doesn't have like small.
03:17It's just one that has like 30, 35, 36.
03:20Well, what's the one that OCD fits me the most?
03:23I don't know.
03:24Noah, how don't you know your own size?
03:26Noah doesn't even know.
03:27Noah just said I'm asking the wrong person.
03:30What size he is.
03:31No, guys, I like it with the red to match Ally.
03:33But guys, you don't keep that on the suit.
03:35Yeah, you do.
03:36You don't rip this shit off.
03:37Yeah, you do.
03:38Wait, what the heck?
03:40I feel like Noah would fuck with this.
03:42I don't think Noah would fuck with it, but it's cool.
03:43Guys, let's just get him suspenders and shit.
03:45This is so cute.
03:47Noah would look stupid as fuck in that.
03:50Yes, 100%.
03:50Yes, yes, yes, grab it, grab it.
03:52I love it.
03:52That's just stupid.
03:54Yes, stop it.
03:55And get him these pants with the chain.
03:59What size are these?
04:01I won't be able to look at them the same.
04:02Ally, come on.
04:04Why don't we get him some corduroy and we can make him fucking
04:07flap like a little floppable.
04:07Okay, we need matching pants with this.
04:09Ally, he has matching pants.
04:12I forgot.
04:14And this is the top.
04:15Love it.
04:16Why don't we just get him women pants and fuck them up.
04:18This, but with nothing under.
04:20I love it.
04:21Grab it, grab it.
04:22I like that.
04:23And we should get him like a pair of shorts to match it.
04:25Because, Ally, you know what?
04:27You have to be the star of the show if he's looking.
04:28Of course.
04:29Like, he's looking flat next to you.
04:31It just shows, like, wow.
04:33It just showcases the woman.
04:34How did she pull him?
04:36I know.
04:36How did he pull her?
04:38Yeah, that's what I heard.
04:39I love that hat.
04:40I love this.
04:40I'm going to buy this.
04:41You're going to fuck up your hair.
04:42Filming is crazy.
04:43Oh, that's really cute.
04:44You're going to fuck up your hair, bro.
04:45I mean, for real, should I actually get this hat?
04:47Yeah, bro.
04:48Hold this hat while you're at it too.
04:50Put it on my chest.
04:50I found the shorts, guys.
04:52Can we get bubble tea?
04:54We leave.
04:55He's like, where are you?
04:56We're looking hard.
04:57Looking for the toys.
05:00Can we get a tarot?
05:01That won't match.
05:02That's going to clash with you.
05:04Do you really want him to clash with you just so he can look good?
05:07Obviously, bro.
05:08Why did you think you're going to get a permanent stretch?
05:10Like, the fuck?
05:12Like, you're not going to be flexing your fucking performance stretch.
05:14Those are dumb asses.
05:16To match the red and all these dresses.
05:18He doesn't take off the tag.
05:19Actually, Noah sometimes does that.
05:20Like, Noah, you didn't take off the tag.
05:21He's like, I know.
05:22Oh, God.
05:23You're going to return it?
05:24Oh, God.
05:25He's just fucking weird.
05:26Okay, how do you guys feel about these?
05:28I feel like they're going to land around a quarter into the thigh.
05:30His ass will be sticking out of the back of those.
05:32You know it.
05:33You know it.
05:34If you don't know Noah, you don't realize how fat his ass is.
05:36That mannequin has nothing on Noah.
05:38We have no pants for him.
05:39Oh, my God, guys.
05:40We forgot an undershirt and a tie.
05:43Okay, let's go get the undershirt.
05:44With that dress, it's just one piece.
05:46Okay, why am I annoyed at Noah?
05:48Okay, what tie?
05:49This one.
05:50Yeah, no.
05:50Let's get him a handkerchief.
05:52Let's get him a handkerchief.
05:53I'm going to get him this so he can stick it out of his thing.
05:55Have I been looking good in this video?
05:56So then when he has to, like, wipe his ass, he could just use his handkerchief.
05:59You imagine.
06:00It sticks in back in.
06:02What's in your thing?
06:02This is shit stain.
06:03Oh, red, red, red.
06:04Matches with Ellie's dress.
06:05That's an ugly one.
06:06Yeah, Mia, that's so ugly.
06:08Are we like...
06:09Okay, why don't we try to find him a good suit, guys?
06:11That's what I'm trying to do.
06:12Me too.
06:13Okay, should he go try on these?
06:14Wait, we don't even have a pair of pants.
06:16And he needs something underneath and above.
06:18Wait, I don't know how this works.
06:19We need to bring dad.
06:20Oh, wait, something like this.
06:22This is what they wear under it.
06:23Okay, so let's get him...
06:26On what size?
06:27Bro, I don't know.
06:27Like, what the f*** is this?
06:2939, 45.
06:30Ellie, you didn't even check the size.
06:31Who cares, Kayla?
06:32That hue is perfect.
06:34Guys, guys, guys, guys.
06:35Let's just f*** with them and not tell them it's women's.
06:40No, that's just rude.
06:41That's just rude.
06:43That wouldn't fit on.
06:45That one is so powerful.
06:46The red on red.
06:47So both you and Nora are wearing red.
06:49Okay, you have to grab it.
06:50The power that one brings.
06:51No, let's go upstairs.
06:52The power suit is crazy.
06:54Okay, bro, stop checking yourself out.
06:56Someone's gonna fall down the stairs.
06:58We're here as your personal shoppers,
07:00and we have a couple of fits for you to try on.
07:02I'm actually sweating.
07:03Holding the camera and walking up the stairs was a lot.
07:05Oh my god, you're okay.
07:06The first pick that we chose for our model, Noah.
07:10Is from all three of us.
07:11You guys got me underwear.
07:12Yeah, bro, of course.
07:14I don't try on underwear.
07:15You're gonna try them on.
07:16That's so like you can low-rise
07:18and have like a little bit of the monkey sticking out.
07:20Who the f*** got me a pink suit?
07:22That is red with hues of violet.
07:24I think it's cute.
07:25We like it because it's...
07:26I'm so happy you guys all picked me a pink suit.
07:28After this is f***ing red, but...
07:30So try this red one on.
07:32That's red.
07:32That's the same color as my cheeks when they're rosy
07:34when I see Ellie in at midnight.
07:36You know what I mean?
07:37Let's start trying.
07:38Okay, Noah, because you're a dumbass
07:40and you didn't know your size,
07:40we got you two sizes.
07:42Yeah, how did you try on size, bro?
07:44Did you guys give me a dress shirt?
07:45Yeah, yes, obviously.
07:47The f*** you think this is, bro?
07:48We were slacking, bro.
07:49Well, we obviously knew we'd get it for you right away.
07:52I don't know how to tie a tie.
07:53You don't know how to tie a tie?
07:54I don't know how to tie a tie.
07:55I'll stretch it up a tie.
08:00I'm not putting that on.
08:00Come back.
08:01Come back, Noah.
08:03The f***?
08:04Good boy.
08:05What a good boy.
08:06Okay, how do you guys think we did?
08:07I think we did amazing.
08:08I found such a cute hat.
08:09But guys, we have to get bubble tea after this.
08:11I'm feeling hungry.
08:13I had a rotten kiwi.
08:14I asked my dad, hey, dad, is this rotten?
08:15He's like, no, babe.
08:17And I was like, there's like a piece of red in it.
08:18He's like, that's how the kiwi comes, babe.
08:20It's a certain type of kiwi.
08:21I was like, oh, okay, that's weird.
08:22Are you sure?
08:23This looks f***ing rotten as f***.
08:25He's like, babe, eat it.
08:26It's the best s*** you'll ever try in your f***ing life.
08:28I've never had a kiwi this good.
08:30Um, it tastes like...
08:35How could I describe it?
08:38Okay, Ellie is learning how to tie a tie.
08:39If you took two f***ing orangutan f***ing asses,
08:43started clapping them together at a vibratious speed,
08:46and shoved it in my f***ing mouth.
08:48Okay, it's going too fast already.
08:49It's going too fast.
08:50It was the nastiest s*** I've ever tried.
08:51It was molded kiwi.
08:53My dad was like, that s*** is the best s*** you've ever tried in your f***ing life.
08:56Dad just doesn't like wasting food.
09:00Where are Noah's shoes?
09:02You took them to the front.
09:04Bro, he's trying to blame us for losing his shoes, you f***ing dick.
09:08You guys have never tried on a suit, or looked at a suit in your life, or...
09:11Is this a crop top?
09:12No s***, we haven't tried on a f***ing suit.
09:14We're women, bro.
09:15I got him a woman's suit, actually.
09:17So you can try that on for us.
09:18This is all I got.
09:19I will never learn how to tie...
09:20Oh my god.
09:21You can practice on me.
09:22Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.
09:23I forgot that you have a neck.
09:28Okay, I'm lost.
09:29Hurry up.
09:29Bro, why don't they have self-tying ties?
09:31Now I get why b****es wear bow ties.
09:33Do you have to tie a bow tie?
09:35Oh my god, good job, Ellie.
09:39So I figured out how to do it.
09:40Ellie, you nailed it.
09:42How the f*** do I undo it?
09:42Shut the f*** up before I tighten it again.
09:44Can we get a bow tie after this, though?
09:46I will tie it.
09:46We got a little boy and a little suit.
09:48Wait, the pants fit.
09:49I actually love it.
09:52Oh my god, damn.
09:55Let me open the door.
09:56Hey, we're having a meeting in here.
09:58Okay, I'm gonna try to do it by my memory.
10:01By memory, you f***ing dumbass.
10:02I think it was like this.
10:04Okay, give me the video.
10:05The one that's like those videos where they...
10:06Like the girl goes and she chokes the guy
10:08and then the other guy from across the room is like,
10:09Don't choke me!
10:10Don't choke me.
10:11I remember one time we were on a cruise and this girl comes walking in
10:14and her shirt says...
10:18I remember one time we were on a cruise,
10:19this guy starts walking, he walks into the room.
10:23I'm gonna f***ing kill myself.
10:24I remember one time we were on a cruise and this guy walks in
10:26and he's like,
10:27Hey, do you mind if I take the seat?
10:28I was like, yeah, of course, man.
10:28And I look at his shirt, it says, I come in peace.
10:30I was like, nice, I keep coming in peace.
10:32F***, does his wife not walk in right behind him?
10:34His shirt says, I'm peace.
10:36I was like, yo.
10:38And then Ali and Noah said they wanted those shirts.
10:40Could you imagine if I was like, let me take your labia.
10:45Could you imagine, what do you do when you pull down a girl's pants
10:47and she has her f***ing labia on a bow tie?
10:51This is romantic.
10:52Look at the romance.
10:53This is my new favorite keychain.
10:55The noise.
10:55Thank God you're using it, I was about to say you smell like ass.
10:58I did this wrong.
11:01Do you have the underwear on?
11:02No, I don't have the f***ing monkey underwear on.
11:05Okay, I know I'm getting you a ton of dark.
11:07Okay, Noah ties it.
11:08Alright, that's what matches Noah to Ali, the red tie.
11:13Just get me a red suit.
11:14Noah really thought we didn't get him a red suit.
11:17That is not red, that's pink.
11:18You really thought we didn't get you a red suit.
11:20If you think that's red, you're dyslexic like Ali.
11:22It's the best red we could find.
11:23Alright, this is the best it's gonna do.
11:25Noah can make it.
11:26That's kind of hard.
11:26It's the best red that we could find.
11:29That's the best red we could find in the women's section.
11:31Get this off me.
11:32We couldn't find a good red, we have to go to the women's section.
11:35And we thought the blazers teeth.
11:41You got me black pants with a pink top.
11:43You can mix and match bro, don't act so f***ing cookie cutter.
11:46Calling Gary's sisters, learning how to tie a tie.
11:47Don't f***ing look.
11:50Turn around, let me see the hat.
11:54It's getting there.
11:55Good job, baby.
11:56Good girl.
11:57Stop calling me a good girl.
11:59No, cut that out of the video, I promise.
12:00Your neck is actually finished, I'm about to f***ing end on Sunday.
12:05Ali, you almost clocked that.
12:06Romance is not dead.
12:07Romance is not dead.
12:09My neck is rug burn from Ali playing this tie back and forth.
12:12He's trying to sort of fire with my neck.
12:13Noah's neck has chafe marks.
12:15I'm just gonna, what would you guys do?
12:16Ninnies on a glass, ninnies on a glass.
12:18I get everywhere, I get cut, my f***ing tits on the glass.
12:20Could you imagine if I put my balls in the glass?
12:21Oh my god.
12:22Oh my god.
12:24Imagine getting clipped with your titties though.
12:28That's like, that's like probably my biggest fear.
12:30My ninnies being on the glass, and then getting clipped.
12:32That's your only choice though, to put your ninnies on the glass.
12:35That's true, yeah.
12:36It did at what cost, man?
12:37My neck is gonna be like dark red.
12:39This isn't gonna be the end.
12:40That's actually not bad at all.
12:42Oh, it's cause I f***ing...
12:43No, no, that's actually...
12:44It's not supposed to be on your neck,
12:45it's supposed to be around here.
12:47Did you put it around my neck?
12:49That's why you got rug burns.
12:50No, this is the actual suit.
12:54Wait guys, where's the right one?
12:56And we also got you a handkerchief, fine sir.
13:00So if you ever have...
13:01You can wipe your ass, fine sir.
13:03You can wipe your little booty, fine sir.
13:04Guys, okay, bubble tea after this.
13:06Bubble tea break, please.
13:07Too tight?
13:09Yeah, but you have two though, you guys got me two.
13:12Where are you at?
13:12You guys got me two though.
13:14Did you get the f*** out of my dresser?
13:15Noah, fine sir, you forgot your handkerchief.
13:17Get out of my dresser.
13:18Noah, that's disrespectful.
13:20No, I don't care.
13:22Put these on.
13:23No way, this is tighter.
13:25Bruh, this doesn't even open.
13:27You deadass, where are you supposed to put your handkerchief?
13:28You can put the handkerchief in here.
13:30No, give it to me.
13:31It doesn't open either.
13:32I'm gonna put it here and look like I'm about to eat.
13:34No, you're not gonna fit, bro.
13:37Wait, you actually look so cute.
13:38Let me redo it.
13:39No, Ali.
13:40We've been here for 30 minutes.
13:41How bad does my hair look on screen?
13:43Not bad, honestly.
13:44Ali, why are you redoing it?
13:45Guys, it's day 13.
13:47Noah, why is your handkerchief on your...
13:49I called a dick towel.
13:50Oh my god.
13:52It's a cockerchief.
13:53It's a cockerchief.
13:55There, body tea.
13:58Guys, his pants are way too baggy.
14:00Like, it's an Italian fit.
14:01His pants are too big and this top is too tight.
14:04Oh my god, you look so sexy.
14:06Let me grind on you.
14:07Noah looks like he's working here, bro.
14:09Why does he actually look like he's working?
14:10Sir, can I join you?
14:12Please, please, please.
14:13Please, please, please.
14:15I was about to have a piece.
14:16Sorry, can I help you?
14:17Way too far.
14:18Do you like it?
14:18I feel like a worker.
14:20Pretend Ali's a receptionist.
14:21Ali, you're a receptionist, apparently.
14:22Ring a bell.
14:23Did you get the work on my table?
14:24Ask for it.
14:25Yeah, bend over.
14:27Okay, guys, no.
14:28Noah, this is your first suit.
14:29You're sagging a little bit.
14:31I eat.
14:32You forgot your cockerchief.
14:37Hold on, wait, wait, wait.
14:39I can't do it, I can't do it.
14:40You're gonna break your f*****g shoe.
14:42Yeah, my shoes are already broken.
14:44I call this a success.
14:46Noah, what do you think?
14:47What do you rate it?
14:47Who picked this f*****g suit?
14:48This was the collective suit.
14:50Are you with me?
14:51Yeah, there we go.
14:52Okay, do another one.
14:53Body T, mobile.
14:56This is the final outfit.
14:57Let us know if you guys think it would look good with Ali's dress.
14:59This is what we chose for Noah.
15:00This is the collective fit.
15:01We're gonna go into competition next.
15:03Body T, mobile.
15:05Your ass tickles.
15:07Your ass tickles so bad.
15:09Because I got a five.
15:10Final fit, number one.
15:11What do you rate it, Noah?
15:12I rate it a ten.
15:13Like a three.
15:14I don't know who picked this suit, but it did a f*****g job.
15:17It looks so good.
15:18Who f*****g yourself, Noah?
15:19There's a f*****g...
15:19Hey, hey, hey, pass it, pass it.
15:22I don't wanna do that.
15:22Hey, hey, hey, pass it.
15:24Pass it, pass it.
15:25Okay, whatever.
15:25Hey, hey, hey.
15:26Oh my god.
15:33Now, competition time.
15:34Competition time.
15:35So next round is like similar to Ali's prom video.
15:38He's gonna choose a suit for Noah as a surprise,
15:40and Noah's gonna choose one for himself.
15:42And he's not gonna know who's is whose,
15:45and he's gonna rate them one through ten
15:47and see which one is the final contender.
15:49Okay, now it's competition time.
15:50So Noah's picking out his own suit first.
15:52I don't wanna be mad basic with it.
15:57Are you f*****g close up?
16:00Noah, choose something you want for yourself.
16:01Don't look at me, hoe.
16:02Don't be looking at all this.
16:03Don't be looking at all this beauty, bro.
16:07I forgot my makeup.
16:08Does anyone have lip liner?
16:10No, sorry.
16:11Does anyone have lip liner?
16:13Is my name f*****g Demetra Miakala f*****g Garris?
16:17Of course I got lip liner, bitch!
16:19What do I always keep on me?
16:22Guys, can we please take a bubble tea break?
16:23Noize, Big Charm, go buy at Noize.com or Ulta.com now.
16:27In the scent, unmute, f*****g bitches.
16:29What else do I always keep on me?
16:31Obviously, lip liner.
16:33Do I have lip liner?
16:34Thanks, babe.
16:34No, I need lip gloss.
16:35You just choose.
16:36Guys, get it on Noah.
16:37We're busy doing more important s**t than Noah.
16:39Noah wants a white suit.
16:41Is it your wedding, bro?
16:43If you sit on something, it's gonna look like you sharted yourself.
16:45You have to do a pre-s**t stain,
16:46so like when you're at home, you rub a little bit on it.
16:48Just in case.
16:49I hate the smell of your lip gloss.
16:51Go f**k yourself, dude.
16:52Where's my hat, Kayla?
16:54It's upstairs.
16:55This is actually tough.
16:58He just said this is tough.
16:59I was saying that you would like it.
17:01I don't mind that.
17:01Look at Ali annoying her man.
17:02I don't mind that.
17:03That's actually tough as f**k.
17:04Oh my god!
17:05Ali said it was too!
17:07I swear to god.
17:08Let's go back upstairs in the dressing room.
17:09That's crazy.
17:10Did you re-watch the video footage?
17:11Noah didn't ask you to be his prom date yet.
17:14Noah, you didn't even ask me to be your prom date?
17:15Because you are my prom date.
17:17He didn't even ask you to be his f**king leprechaun from St. Paddy's Day, bro.
17:20What the f**k?
17:21You didn't ask me to be your prom date?
17:23That one's bad, I'm sorry.
17:25Today's Sunday and you didn't ask me to be your son?
17:26Can you be my vibrator for National Vibrators Day?
17:30Get out of here.
17:30You can't say that.
17:32I'm gonna ask someone for a measuring tape.
17:33No, you're not.
17:34Are you dead ass?
17:35Yes, because we don't know Noah's size.
17:37So let's measure his glutes.
17:39Why does she want to measure your man's glutes?
17:42Stay away from my man's glutes.
17:44Stay away from his gluteus maximus.
17:45Add a few extra inches, you know what I mean?
17:47Okay, okay.
17:48He just said he wants a few extra inches added.
17:50Noah, what do you mean by that, bro?
17:51What are we measuring, my height?
17:52His height.
17:54Pull down your pants, Noah.
17:55No, my family height.
17:57You can't say that, bro.
17:59Oh, it's a joke.
18:00I'm sorry.
18:01I don't think this is tall enough.
18:02I'm not gonna lie.
18:03No, you beat the bean.
18:05And that's an 8-foot measuring tape.
18:07That's an 8-foot measuring tape.
18:09How tall is that?
18:11That's 6'2", right?
18:12This is 6'8".
18:14Oh my god.
18:1460 inches.
18:15That's insane.
18:1560 feet, Noah.
18:1660 feet, mom.
18:17Thank you so much.
18:18Thank you so much.
18:19Thank you so much.
18:20Noah, that's crazy, bro.
18:21That's a lot right there.
18:22He out-measured an 8-foot thing.
18:24Noah, where are you?
18:25Do echolocation to find your man.
18:28You sound like-
18:29I hear him.
18:29That's your final fit?
18:31Hi, Noah.
18:32I love it too.
18:33Why, that was what I chose.
18:34It's giving like bohemian-
18:38Jinx, now we have to kiss.
18:40Wait, Noah, you need something red.
18:42Why the f***?
18:43Oh, yeah.
18:44Why the f*** do I need something red?
18:46Probably because of all this.
18:48Probably because of all this.
18:49All this.
18:52Like, bro, how do you forget about all that?
18:56Okay, Ally, it's time to stop checking yourself out, babe.
18:58We're eating-
18:58I like this.
18:59Jimmy Chef.
19:00You know, if you wear this, he can eat all this.
19:06Okay, we're each gonna choose an outfit for him,
19:08but we're also gonna choose a really bad one.
19:09We're gonna give it to him.
19:10He's gonna say he's not gonna like it,
19:12but we're gonna say that our mom-
19:14Oh, that's good.
19:14That's good.
19:15It's his reaction.
19:16Like, okay, what top?
19:18What top?
19:18No, like this.
19:19It's say mom said it was the s*** back in high school.
19:22Wait, Loki, I'm choosing velvet for him.
19:24I like it.
19:24Actually, I love it.
19:25Oh, thank you.
19:26I love it.
19:27Okay, these are the suspenders.
19:29And they actually do match.
19:30Okay, perfect.
19:31So it's not gonna be like horrendous.
19:32Okay, we have to get him shorts, though.
19:35Okay, that's fire.
19:37Like the trench coat you were talking about?
19:38My god.
19:38Okay, Loki, this is a vibe.
19:39We have to get him a trench coat.
19:41I promise I like it.
19:42I'm gonna choose it.
19:43No, I already chose it.
19:43I want to.
19:45I want to.
19:46Noah would only wear that,
19:47and he would take it off with a Nike tack underneath.
19:49Like, it just wouldn't be the vibe.
19:50Yeah, he would wear it with like his Air Force One high tops.
19:54I just couldn't see Noah in there.
19:55Noah's not this level of sophisticated.
19:57Like, that's kind of fine, though.
19:58Take that out of the video.
19:59Noah's gonna beat up a mannequin.
20:01Noah's gonna pull up and take its arms off and s***.
20:04Knuckle sandwich.
20:05I kind of like this.
20:06And it comes with pants, too.
20:09Oh, f***ing b***h.
20:11Okay, Ellie's final fit.
20:13I really like it.
20:13I think it's simple, sophisticated,
20:16and I think the velvet tie adds a beautiful zangle.
20:19I'm thinking about my one dentist who was like working on my mouth.
20:22I just saw his straight f***ing mouth.
20:25Imagine getting like...
20:26I've actually never had a cavity.
20:28I was gonna say cavity-filled.
20:29But imagine getting like a cavity-filled,
20:30and your doctor's like,
20:31how does that feel?
20:32How does that feel?
20:32Excuse me, can I get one of these suits?
20:36Yeah, of course.
20:37This color I actually like,
20:38but because we're adding that ugly undersuit,
20:42it's gonna look horrible.
20:43But my mom chose it.
20:46I already know what I want to come over here.
20:48My mindset right now is making Noah look like the richest b***h
20:51in that f***ing Hizzo.
20:53Even though I want him to be giving Ellie what she deserves,
20:56which is all the spotlight.
20:59Because she...
20:59Wait, I kind of like the lavender.
21:00No, bro.
21:01That's... no.
21:01Even though I want him to be giving her all that,
21:03I want him to be in a crazy-ass suit, bro.
21:07I want him to be serving like another level of serve.
21:09Okay, do I like ass-f*** Ellie and just get the lavender?
21:12I actually really like it.
21:13F*** it, I'll do it.
21:14All right, y'all.
21:15I'm going with lavender,
21:16even though I just told Ellie it was ugly,
21:17because that's just the type beat that I'm on right now.
21:20Ellie, what color red is your dress again?
21:22Is it like this?
21:23You're doing a red bow tie with lavender?
21:25Yeah, bro.
21:26Are you choosing the ugly outfit?
21:28Like, that's gonna be worse than the one that would...
21:29Okay, f*** this.
21:30I say no bow tie.
21:31I say nude underneath.
21:32I... nothing underneath.
21:34Handkerchief, but no undershirt.
21:35That's the move.
21:38Red satin handkerchief with a red matching bow tie.
21:44All right, f*** the undershirt.
21:45He doesn't need an undershirt.
21:47All the ninnies on the glass at Ellie's garage.
21:49Okay, my turn.
21:50What is your game plan, Kalea, right now?
21:52I'm trying to win.
21:52Get him pinstriped.
21:53I think he would look good in this.
21:55Me too, actually.
21:55That's actually cute.
21:56Okay, I'm gonna do this for him.
21:57I'm not gonna give him a tie,
21:59because we don't know how to tie that shit.
22:01Striped undershirt, or is that too much stripe?
22:03You can't do stripe on stripe.
22:04You're basically asking for him to be bullied by me.
22:08I'm gonna bully him.
22:10Oh, this one's kind of cool.
22:11Why does it have so many pockets on it?
22:12Pockets are in.
22:13If you guys didn't know, pockets are in.
22:15So Noah likes weird materials and weird patterns.
22:18I got my ass right now.
22:19He likes weird materials and weird patterns.
22:21I can't record this, Kalea.
22:23Hurry up, Kalea.
22:23Okay, I'm just gonna give him this.
22:25I'm just gonna grab him a bow tie.
22:27Final fit.
22:28Let's go.
22:29First fit.
22:30This is the fit that Noah picked out.
22:32Noah, you're low-key sagging.
22:34This is not graduation taking Ellie to prom.
22:36No, this is not.
22:36Could you imagine if I just went...
22:37Oh my god.
22:39I feel like I'm Batman f***ing Knox Elliott.
22:42I don't know if I'm f***ing with the handkerchief.
22:44Yeah, why are you in this situation?
22:46Like, you look like you're about to eat
22:47and you don't want to spill on your poster.
22:49You chose this for yourself.
22:50I was assuming that it would be better
22:52since you're the man and you're wearing it.
22:54This is the coolest f***ing suit I've ever put on in my life.
23:01I feel like a guy that's just like...
23:04You feel like a hitman?
23:06The black underneath is not doing it.
23:08Oh, hold on.
23:09I think it'd be good for a fancy day on a cruise,
23:11but not a graduation.
23:13It's see-through, Noah.
23:14It's a little see-through.
23:15That's why you have to wear underwear with this.
23:17What the heck?
23:19That's why you should've wore the monkey underwear.
23:22Oh yeah, smart.
23:22I give this a 10.
23:24No, be serious.
23:25Okay, now we can rate it.
23:26I give it a 4.
23:27For graduation, I give it a 3.
23:29Oh yeah, for grad, I give it like a 1.
23:33Okay, for grad in general.
23:34In general, it's like a 7.
23:36In general, it would be...
23:38Yeah, like a 7.
23:39You definitely need a smaller pair of pants though.
23:41Yeah, the pants kind of ruin it.
23:43Okay, Noah, we're gonna give you a random one.
23:44You have to guess who gave it to you
23:46and what you rated out of 10.
23:50Noah, we're gonna show it to you.
23:52You're gonna guess who picked it out,
23:55and you're gonna rate it before trying it on, okay?
23:57Oh gosh.
23:58Alright, let's go.
23:58Let's do it.
23:59This is the top.
24:00They're suspenders and green and black.
24:04Guess who picked this one.
24:05Hopefully not you.
24:06Probably Kalia.
24:07What do you rate it before trying it on?
24:09Do you guys want me to be honest?
24:12Honesty is key.
24:13How old do I look like to you?
24:16Okay, okay.
24:17Just let him try it on.
24:18Just let him try it on.
24:19What pants do I wear with these?
24:20No, the pants are in there.
24:22And if there's no pants, then you don't wear pants.
24:24In it.
24:24Get out of my room.
24:25I gotta try these on.
24:26He doesn't even know what's coming to him.
24:28Okay, mission accomplished.
24:29He hates it.
24:30That was our mission for real.
24:32Now we're going to tell him that our mom picked it out.
24:34Why was I offended when he said he hated it?
24:36I was like, what do you mean?
24:39Okay, first fit.
24:40Let's see it, Noah.
24:41Let's see, boy.
24:48Guess who picked it?
24:51You want to actually know who picked it?
24:52Our mom.
24:53And you were saying you don't like it.
24:54And you were saying such rude stuff about it.
24:56And she loves it.
25:00She's just f***ing with me.
25:03We picked it as a f*** ass one.
25:05But I love it.
25:06I actually like it.
25:09Honestly, I promise you.
25:11Noah, no.
25:12If I saw a man wearing that, I'd be like, that's actually like...
25:15Yeah, like, why are you so bold?
25:17This is my favorite fit you've had so far.
25:20I promise.
25:21I promise I actually f*** with it.
25:23Like heavy.
25:24My grandpa's a 1940s woman.
25:25Look at old pictures.
25:26This is him.
25:30That's what I said.
25:34You aren't past.
25:35Guys, I'm not filming the next one.
25:37What do you rate this suit?
25:39I rate it a nine.
25:40Actually, let me say that.
25:41I rate it a three.
25:42You turn to me.
25:43I feel like I want to see it.
25:44I rate it an eight.
25:46You definitely need...
25:46Again, you need a smaller pants.
25:48No, I like the size of it.
25:50Honestly, I rate it an eight.
25:53I rate it an eight too.
25:55Eight because you ate.
25:55I rate it a three.
25:56Are you guys tripping?
25:57Next is...
26:00Here's your next one.
26:01Go ahead.
26:02Okay, what do you think about it?
26:03How do you feel?
26:04I just gotta remember this is a grad suit.
26:07Yeah, it's grad.
26:08I don't know what's with you guys in 1940s.
26:09That's f***ing alpha.
26:11Better than the last one.
26:12Better than the last one.
26:13Is this a bow tie?
26:14That's a tie.
26:15I can tie it for you.
26:15I like this.
26:16It's a tie tie.
26:16I like this one.
26:17It's velvet.
26:18You can tie this tie real money.
26:20I don't want to...
26:20Let's close this one.
26:21You know what I mean.
26:27Can you imagine the glass going through Ellie?
26:30F***ing falls to her disease.
26:32Remember you said that?
26:33Do it.
26:34It's a demise.
26:34F***ing demise.
26:35Say that.
26:35Okay, where's my purse?
26:36I don't know what your theme for demise means.
26:38For real words.
26:38Mia's purse.
26:39And mine.
26:39Noah, do you have our purses in there?
26:44Oh, second fit.
26:45You're ready to come out.
26:47Oh, okay.
26:48Okay, Mr. Kingston.
26:53Is that what the movie is called?
26:55I don't know.
26:58Honestly, amazing.
26:59This is my favourite so far, for sure.
27:01This is T.
27:01This one's a 9.
27:02And it fits you perfectly.
27:03The waist is way too big.
27:05Who do you think it is?
27:05Who do you think did it?
27:06I feel like someone...
27:08Someone who has amazing style.
27:10Well, from the way that Mia smirked,
27:13I'm gonna say it was Mia.
27:14What do you guys think of this vlog?
27:16Noah, stop.
27:16So overall, I think this outfit is a 10.
27:20I agree.
27:21I agree too.
27:21I agree as well.
27:22And it would look very nice with my dress.
27:23Get your fat booty back in.
27:29Okay, now he's gonna go change.
27:30Okay, Moana.
27:32Okay, Moana.
27:33Okay, take that shit off.
27:34Oh my god, wait.
27:35Wait, we forgot.
27:37We forgot.
27:37No, put it away.
27:39Put it away.
27:40The red matches the red, though.
27:42I don't give a f***.
27:43How much better would that be
27:44if this was just sticking out just a little bit?
27:46Just a little bit?
27:46Like if I was low-riding it?
27:47You know what I mean?
27:48Okay, go change.
27:49Hurry up.
27:50Okay, Noah.
27:51So there's elements to this outfit.
27:53He doesn't have pants on, Kayla.
27:54Get out of there.
27:54Yes, he does.
27:55He doesn't have a mic on.
27:56I want to be like this.
27:59I was like, bro.
27:59Yeah, I know.
28:00Wait, we should do a sweep.
28:01That's right.
28:02This is the outfit.
28:03Who the f*** got me a bow tie?
28:04So there's no undershirt.
28:06The person that got it wants you to wear it a little bit open.
28:08This is definitely Ellie.
28:09Do you think you're gonna like this outfit?
28:11Get the f*** away from me.
28:12I'm gonna need help.
28:13Yes, ma'am.
28:22Ellie, chill.
28:23What just happened?
28:28How do you feel that Noah thought that the ugly fit was yours
28:31and thought that the fire fit was mine?
28:33Honestly, what a bitch.
28:34How do you feel that he loved your outfit though?
28:36Oh, I do like that.
28:37But how do you feel that he thought the outfit that he loved was mine?
28:41Well, you gave him that smirk, so I'm not thinking.
28:44What do you think he's gonna say about your suit?
28:46I think he's gonna love it.
28:47I like that there's no top
28:49because it really leaves room for like surprise.
28:51Like, bro, bro.
28:53He loves it so much.
28:54I can hear it in his voice.
28:55Come out, come out.
28:57No, wait.
28:57Noah, go take that shirt off and you need to be shirtless under.
29:00No, I can't be shirtless.
29:01Okay, get out.
29:02You look like a Playboy bunny.
29:04You look like you're about to go on Magic Mike.
29:06He needs help.
29:09The colors were actually like,
29:10I thought they were gonna be bad,
29:11but they're worse than I thought together.
29:13Then you're gonna say better.
29:13Okay, he's ready.
29:20Where's your bow tie, bro?
29:22Look at his chest hair.
29:23You kind of look like a baddie.
29:25No, you look like you're about to rip it off
29:26and then go Magic Mike on the whole.
29:35Okay, what do you rate it, Noah?
29:38Who the f*** is wearing this to grad match?
29:39Okay, who do you think chose this one?
29:41I feel like you're gonna get kicked out of grad.
29:43Okay, guys, let's be honest.
29:44It wasn't as bad as you thought.
29:46Okay, last one, Noah.
29:48What do you think, first glance?
29:51I like it.
29:52Are you guys ready?
29:54Where's the bow tie?
29:56It looks better without the bow tie.
29:57Yeah, f*** the bow tie.
29:57Honestly, pin them.
29:59I love the way it fits though.
30:00Like, that's a good fit.
30:01Like, not too fitted, not too baggy.
30:05You like it?
30:06This is a very good fit.
30:07The only down thing is though,
30:08is that Ellie hasn't kissed me yet.
30:11Oh, come here.
30:14I'm walking fast as f***.
30:17You f*** with my b***h.
30:19Alright, alright, I'm not f***ing with your b***h.
30:20I would say it's a 10.
30:21Ladies on the glass, ladies on the glass.
30:22You have to guess who's got who.
30:24Okay, pink was definitely Ellie.
30:26And what do you rate it?
30:28I'm not wearing that shit to class.
30:28So it was your least favourite?
30:29Is it?
30:30Well, I chose it.
30:30It makes perfect sense.
30:32So f*** you.
30:32This was Kalia.
30:34This one is...
30:35That's a 10.
30:36Yeah, 10.
30:36I'd say like a 10.
30:37I like the colour scheme.
30:38I knew what the f*** I was doing.
30:40I knew it.
30:41It's a 10, but not for grad.
30:43Not for grad, but like a 10.
30:44In general, it's a 10.
30:46And then last but not least,
30:47the speakeasy 1940s suit.
30:50That's my favourite.
30:50And who chose that one?
30:51That was my favourite.
30:52You did.
30:53Yeah, I did.
30:54You did.
30:56This was the f*** ass purple one.
30:58Ellie said,
30:59that's a nice ass lavender suit.
31:00And I said, that's f***ing ugly.
31:02And then I was like, f*** this.
31:03I was like, give me that lavender suit.
31:06And I literally chose this one for you
31:07because I said get pink.
31:08Yeah, Ellie actually chose all three of them.
31:11You got good taste except for the lavender one.
31:13Okay, now Noah's gonna go put on his favourite one
31:16and he's gonna walk out
31:17and then that's the final winner.
31:19You guys are gonna be the best looking couple at prom.
31:22Now we're done.
31:27Right now, Noah's picking the winning suit.
31:29Mine's gonna be literally mine.
31:31I think that there's a high chance I'm gonna win.
31:33Elise was really good and he really loved it
31:35and it kind of matched her dress more.
31:37So mine matched the dress with the bow tie.
31:40But Mia's was so trash,
31:41I know I'm gonna beat hers.
31:42But like, we'll see against Ellie.
31:45I really want to win.
31:46Even though I want to win,
31:47I feel like Ellie should win
31:48because she's his man.
31:50Oh, wait.
31:51You keep calling Ellie your man.
31:53All I know is that I won this today.
31:55This really cute hat.
31:57Come out, come out wherever you are, Mr. Wolf.
32:07Ellie, how do you feel?
32:08I feel amazing.
32:10Noah, what do you have to say to your man?
32:14This is what I have to say to my man.
32:16Will you go to prom with me?
32:17Can you please do the Shane Dawson on TV?
32:19You have two knees.
32:24If he proposed like that,
32:25I'm telling him to get the f*** up.
32:26A promposal has two knees.
32:28Do the split.
32:30That's so bad.
32:31Help me up, help me up.
32:32Give him Ellie's POV.
32:34Will you go to prom with me?
32:34Yes, baby.
32:37Oh, that's crazy.
