• vor 7 Stunden
Welcome back guys!!! Safe to say Noah doesn't like stingrays lol

Snapchat: Kalogerassunday
TikTok: @sundaykalogeras
Instagram: @sundaykalogeras

Snapchat: Demitrakalog
TikTok: @demitrakalogeras
Instagram: @demitrakalogeras

Snapchat: ElianaKalogeras
TikTok: @eliana.kalogeras
Instagram: @eliana.kalogeras

ALL BUSINESS: Kalogeras@night.co


00:00Is it on?
00:01No, it's off.
00:02Hello everybody!
00:06We're about to go see some stingrays.
00:08And hopefully we don't end up like...
00:10Don't get stung!
00:11What is his name?
00:12That's not my name.
00:13He literally died.
00:14That's why I'm saying hopefully we don't end up like...
00:16Yeah, but then you don't make light of that situation.
00:18I'm not making light.
00:19What do we name this video?
00:22Calgary sisters get stuck in the propeller.
00:24Oh, I got stung by a stingray!
00:26Nobody's getting stung by stingrays today.
00:28We're a little bit nervous.
00:31Mom's saying I look good behind the camera, so I'm gonna pose a little.
00:34Mom's building our egos right now.
00:36So, how do you feel? Are you nervous?
00:38Yeah, I'm very nervous.
00:39I'm nervous to fall off the boat.
00:42That's what I'm least worried about.
00:45Me too.
00:46No one just said that on these types of boats you fall out of all the time.
00:48No, you f***ing don't.
00:49Like, if you're falling out of these boats, you're just stupid.
00:54Yo, I take it back, I take it back.
00:57Noah, you were right!
00:58Noah, you were right!
01:01It's the float!
01:02It's the float!
01:03The float!
01:04My titty's gonna pop loose.
01:05I'm gonna tame the stingray.
01:06There's so much hair in my mouth.
01:08Sit down, sit down.
01:09Throw it!
01:10Throw it!
01:11Ali ain't the one for us.
01:13Whoa, whoa, now.
01:15Whoa, now.
01:16Okay, I'm a little nervous.
01:17There's no way you could steer us.
01:19What would you do if I fell off?
01:21I would be really scared.
01:22I would catch you.
01:23No, you wouldn't.
01:24I'd save you.
01:25You said that when you were rollerblading.
01:27I mean, yeah, when we were rollerblading.
01:29Hold on to this, Nia.
01:31I don't need to.
01:32Yeah, you do.
01:33Wow, I'm really engaging my abs right now to try not to fall off.
01:37I kinda gave up on my hair.
01:39What if this boat flips?
01:41We're f***ed.
01:42It's kinda crazy that we just trusted our lives in this guy.
01:45For real, he could be taking us to our doom.
01:47We're trusting the tan with our lives.
01:49That's the tan I was expecting on the way out of here tonight.
01:52Why is no one affected by the wave the way I am?
01:55Like, why am I the only one experiencing this?
01:58Okay, y'all.
01:59We're slowing down, so it...
02:01Okay, I thought we were able to touch the ground.
02:04I think we still are, hopefully.
02:06Imagine we have to just jump in with the stingray.
02:09Oh my god!
02:10Look at that stingray!
02:12Look at that stingray!
02:13God, Noah!
02:14Video tape that!
02:15That's a rock.
02:16That's a stingray, dumbass!
02:17Oh, shit.
02:18I'm huge.
02:19I'm actually scared.
02:20I'm giving you a humongous stingray.
02:22Is that a f***ing shark?
02:24We won't get stung by a stingray, but we have chances of being eaten by a shark.
02:27That's a really smart...
02:29Yeah, that's a really intelligent paleo question.
02:31This is a very common excursion.
02:33You might get eaten by a shark.
02:42Oh my god!
02:44I'm scared of that, man.
02:46Apparently, they don't have teeth, though, so...
02:48Can I suck it?
02:51Apparently, if you kiss them, it's good luck.
02:53My lips aren't going near them.
02:55Apparently, if you kiss their tail, it's ten years of good luck.
02:57Or ten years in heaven.
03:10You give them a kiss, it's good luck, he said.
03:12Told you.
03:13Kiss their balls, it's even more good luck.
03:17No, you can't leave me alone here.
03:19Mom, we have to save us.
03:20Mama, what happens if we get stung?
03:22Are you just a little stingray?
03:24Why was it under the impression that stingrays were this big?
03:28So how don't we get stung again?
03:30I don't know.
03:32Has anyone ever been stung, sir?
03:36I'll be here first.
03:37Why is she even putting that up there?
03:39All the big ones are the females, the small ones are the males.
03:44Wait, which ones are the small ones?
03:47Yes, ma'am?
03:48When you give them the fish, make sure you tuck your thumb down.
03:52Is there a chance they can grab a thumb?
03:54No teeth.
03:55They don't bite on it.
03:56But it just might suck on your thumb.
03:59I feel like that's got to be good luck.
04:08Get up, you're fine.
04:10Oh, that's definitely a female.
04:12How can you tell?
04:16No, I'm done.
04:18I'm going to turn the camera off.
04:22You guys are going first.
04:24I can't do that.
04:25No, no, no, no.
04:26No, show, show, show.
04:27No, no, no, no.
04:28Who's doing that?
04:29I promise, I promise.
04:30I swear to God, I promise.
04:33Look, there's one on his back.
04:35I'm so scared.
04:37Actually, I need to pray right now.
04:38Me too, I just prayed.
04:40Let the other people go.
04:41Let Noah go first.
04:42Noah, baby, get in the water.
04:45I'm recording.
04:46Alright, I'm hopping in.
04:47No way.
04:49Dad, you come with me, please?
04:51No, there's tails flying.
04:52There's really tails flying in the wind.
04:58Why is she ready?
05:01Ali went from she's not going in to snorkel.
05:04Okay, I feel like I have to go with Ali.
05:06I'm not just going to let her die by herself.
05:07Promise me, please.
05:08I will.
05:09Promise me.
05:10Oh my God, there's too many rules.
05:11Oh, but you have to come with me.
05:12I am not going.
05:14Love you.
05:15This is for my shoes.
05:16Kayla, we don't care.
05:17We're just not going.
05:18I'm nervous, man.
05:20Kayla, am I going without you, bro?
05:22Yeah, I'm going right now.
05:23Hurry up.
05:26Oh my God!
05:28I'm so scared.
05:29Okay, first of all, I have to take off all my jewelry.
05:32I don't know why I wore this much jewelry.
05:34And second of all, I may not go in there,
05:36because Mia's having a panic attack right now.
05:39And I'm really scared.
05:44Oh my God, my dad's bleeding.
05:46Wait, no.
05:47Why is dad bleeding?
05:54He's ripping.
05:57All right, I'm ready to go.
06:01Oh my God, I'm really scared.
06:03Go down the ladder.
06:04You're going to piss one off.
06:06Don't tell me that.
06:09Oh my God.
06:10This is insane.
06:13Don't let them bug you.
06:15They're being nice to you.
06:17They're being so kind.
06:19They're being so kind.
06:21Look, it's a starfish.
06:23No, no, no.
06:25They're so nice.
06:26We're in their water.
06:27Show the starfish.
06:28I need to let it go.
06:30This is terrifying.
06:31Wait, let me hold it.
06:32It's terrifying.
06:33You can't lift it out of the water.
06:34Why am I in here?
06:36Look at the starfish.
06:38You're a trooper.
06:39Yeah, good for you, Noah.
06:49Feed one.
06:54This is terrifying.
06:55I want to pet a stingray.
06:57I was petting them.
06:58They're cute.
06:59I'm not going to.
07:01Oh my God.
07:03What is that?
07:04Look up in there.
07:05You see where my little finger is there?
07:07That's the eye looking at you there.
07:09Oh my gosh.
07:10What is it?
07:11Is it a snail?
07:13Is it a snail?
07:14This is really cool.
07:15They're kongfritters.
07:17Wow, look at the eyes in here.
07:21You see the eyes?
07:22I don't know.
07:23The eyes are right on the top here.
07:24There's a bunch of them.
07:25Don't worry, Noah.
07:26They're so sweet.
07:27They're very sweet, Noah.
07:28They're very nice.
07:30Noah, he's coming to you because he wants to be pet.
07:33Don't be scared, Noah.
07:36Wait, guys.
07:37Let's ask to feed them.
07:38I fed them and he bit me.
07:39Guys, how long are we in here for?
07:41I feel like our time's running out.
07:42He came up to me and he's like,
07:43don't worry, just make sure to tuck your knuckle in.
07:45His knuckle is bleeding from hitting me.
07:47That's not reassuring.
07:48Why is your knuckle bleeding?
07:49That's a male right there.
07:51Because it's small.
07:52That's a male.
07:53Get me away from the males.
07:54Okay, so guys.
07:55Basically, the males are smaller than the females.
07:57If you stick out your finger, they'll suck you.
08:01Oh, she just pussy-capped me under the water.
08:03I thought you were thinking of this, Debra.
08:05Why am I in here?
08:06We're going in.
08:08Guys, challenge.
08:10First one to kiss a cigarette.
08:12I'm gonna kiss it.
08:13Guess whoever left.
08:14I'm gonna kiss it.
08:15He's gonna grab it.
08:16No way, you're feeding it?
08:17Watch your knuckle, don't bite it.
08:19I'm scared.
08:20It's behind you.
08:21Put it underneath.
08:22No, underneath.
08:26It bit me.
08:27It bit me.
08:28I swear.
08:29No, it didn't.
08:30I promise on my life.
08:31I swear.
08:33Because my fingers are pink.
08:35Guys, it's because my nail polish is pink.
08:38It thought it was a squid.
08:39It bit you, didn't it?
08:40Well, no, but I felt its mouth.
08:42No, I promise.
08:43No, it was like this.
08:46Do I eat it?
08:47You're not missing out if you don't feed it.
08:52Not friendly.
08:53Not friendly.
08:55Guys, should I touch it?
08:56Should I touch it?
08:57Yeah, it feels cool.
08:59You're gonna smell it.
09:00I promise.
09:01Here's the thing.
09:02I want you to answer me.
09:03Why am I here?
09:04Pay attention to me.
09:05I'm not interested.
09:06I have to go, bro.
09:09I'm sorry.
09:10I'm being forced.
09:12Knuckle in.
09:13No, no, no.
09:14My knuckle is bleeding.
09:15Get away from me, bro.
09:17Don't touch me.
09:18Don't touch me.
09:19Don't be scared.
09:20It's coming.
09:23It doesn't have teeth.
09:24It's not me.
09:25It's not me.
09:26It's pulling up on me.
09:27It's pulling up on me.
09:28It's not me.
09:29I don't have any more.
09:30I don't have any more.
09:31Oh my god.
09:34It bit me.
09:36Calm down.
09:37Calm down, they said.
09:38Calm down, they said.
09:39They were saying calm down.
09:40Yeah, it got it.
09:41It f***ing bit me.
09:42I know.
09:43It got it.
09:47Get away from me, little bro.
09:52Oh yeah.
09:53He's holding one.
09:55No, they're surrounding me, little bro.
09:57Yeah, I'm trying to.
10:00What do you think I'm doing?
10:02They don't mind being pet.
10:03No, no, no.
10:05Is there like ones that are in like the wild that don't like being pet?
10:10They all don't mind it?
10:11Look at his eyes.
10:12I'll kiss him.
10:13I'll kiss him.
10:14This is 10 years of good luck.
10:16No, f*** that.
10:18I'll kiss him.
10:19I'll kiss him.
10:23That's 10 years.
10:27That's 10 years.
10:30I just kissed him once.
10:32F*** no.
10:33F*** no.
10:35No one on the job description didn't say I have to go touch fish.
10:41No, I'm done.
10:42I promise I'm done.
10:43I promise I'll get the f*** out.
10:44I promise I'll get the f*** out.
10:45I promise I'll get the f*** out.
10:46I don't give a f***.
10:47Look at the picture of my dad holding one.
10:48Oh my God.
10:51Dad's holding one.
10:53Let him swim.
10:54Let him swim.
10:55He just came.
10:56Now little brother's gonna be after us.
10:57I know he's stressed out.
10:59I think because if I'm gonna be in their water, it's like birds.
11:03People are afraid of birds, right?
11:05And you know what?
11:06We learned that birds are actually friendly.
11:08So, you want juice, man.
11:11Look at this guy.
11:12Guys, I actually love stingrays.
11:13They're my new favorite.
11:14Me too.
11:15I wanna stay here forever.
11:17Give me the f***.
11:18This is terrifying.
11:19Look at this.
11:20Look at her eyes.
11:21Hi, sweet girl.
11:22Oh, chill.
11:23Hey, sweet girl.
11:25Keep her under.
11:26Kiss it, Julia.
11:27Okay, let's kiss it.
11:28You have to do it.
11:29You have to.
11:33I'm over it.
11:34I'm over it.
11:35Look how big this one is.
11:36I'm over it.
11:37This one is huge right here.
11:38Noah's just thinking what that one got.
11:40Oh, she just got my ass.
11:41Okay, I think it was a stingray.
11:43They're friendly.
11:44Come here, sweet guys.
11:45Since when did you f***ing switch off?
11:46Come here.
11:47Come here.
11:48Let me pet you.
11:49Now I feel like a pussy.
11:50Go, girl.
11:51Behind you.
11:52Behind you, bitch.
11:54I think Noah should feed it.
11:55If you...
11:57Get the f*** away from me.
11:59F*** you.
12:00Watch this.
12:01No, I don't want to.
12:02I don't give a f*** about the job.
12:05It's coming.
12:06It's coming.
12:07It's coming.
12:08Guess what just got it?
12:10A fish.
12:11A fish came and got it out of my hand.
12:16You did?
12:17He told us that if you didn't wait for them to come and then put it under, the fish
12:22would come and get it.
12:23There's big fish in here.
12:24There's fish like this big.
12:25Do you like it, Noah?
12:26I'm having so much fun.
12:27Show Noah's face.
12:28No, I'm not doing that.
12:29I'm not doing that.
12:30Noah's like this.
12:31This is what Noah's job description came with.
12:32Oh, hey, sweet girl.
12:33Come to me.
12:34Why is my dad one with the stingray?
12:35Did he just grab a stingray?
12:36I'm gonna pet him.
12:37No, you're not.
12:38Yeah, I've been petting him.
12:39You're actually very cute.
12:40Yeah, this one's petting me.
12:41Oh, sweet guy.
12:42Don't be scared.
12:43Don't be scared.
13:47This guy, this guy.
13:48This guy's literally Snow White.
13:49Ah, you bad boy.
13:50Noah, has any of them touched you?
13:51I don't want to get the fuck out.
13:52Be positive, Noah.
13:53You're being all negative.
13:54Look, I'm the sweet girl.
13:55You're doing your best.
13:56We're like, Noah, be positive.
13:57Okay, let's go.
13:58Go where?
14:01Let's get the fuck out of here.
14:03Are you actually dead?
14:04Yeah, let's go.
14:06We gotta go?
14:07Yeah, let's go.
14:08Let's go.
14:09Let's go.
14:10Let's go.
14:11Let's go.
14:12Let's go.
14:13We're back on the boat.
14:14Final conclusion, that was the best experience of my life.
14:15Of my life.
14:16Which is the scariest part for you guys?
14:17The initial.
14:18No, no, no.
14:19When one came and crawled up.
14:20You know?
14:21And then there was like a …
14:22Like, I didn't have any fucking food, bro.
14:23So, now we're gonna go snorkeling with other fish and I'm actually so excited.
14:24But that was like …
14:25That was insane.
14:26You have to come back here just to do that again.
14:27It was like slurping on my fingers, guys.
14:28I saw one female fool reach.
14:29She rocked my shit in one bite.
14:30What happened?
14:31We're going to find out.
14:32We're going to find out.
14:33We're going to find out.
14:34We're going to find out.
14:43Ich würde mich freuen, wenn du auf der Brücke stehst.
14:45Wenn du auf der Brücke stehst, nehme ich dich nicht zurück, ich lasse dich da.
14:51Es ist so, dass hier Scharfe sind.
14:57Er hat gesagt, dass es noch keine Scharfe-Attacke gegeben hat.
15:05Okay, Leute.
15:07Das war Mamas Idee.
15:09Sie kommt jetzt.
15:11Wir sehen uns.
15:13Okay, tut mir leid.
15:19Trägst du eine Lifejacket und Flippers?
15:23Okay, wir sind zurückgekehrt.
15:27Wir haben unsere Schnauze, Flapper und Lifejackets gekauft.
15:33Wie sehe ich aus?
15:35Absolut wunderschön.
15:37Also, lasst uns losgehen.
15:39Die erste Regel, die wir gerade gelernt haben, ist, dass wir nicht versuchen, das Wasser zu reparieren.
15:45Und nicht versuchen, deine Nase zu reparieren.
15:47Nicht zu tief rein.
15:51Jeder sollte einen Daumen nach oben geben, weil Noah in diesem Video aufnimmt.
15:57Er hat Angst vor Fischen.
15:59Er hat auch Angst vor Fischen.
16:01Ich habe Angst vor Fischen.
16:03Er hat gesagt, dass die Fische ihn anfassen.
16:05Ich wünsche mir, dass die Fische mich anfassen.
16:07Das ist viel besser mit einer Lifejacket.
16:09Ich fühle mich, als würde ich sterben.
16:11Es ist etwas schwieriger zu schwimmen.
16:13Ich weiß nicht, ob du die Fische von hier aus sehen kannst.
16:15Wir haben keine Kamera.
16:23Oh mein Gott.
16:25Zeig uns die Fische.
16:27Es ist voll.
16:29Es ist wirklich seltsam.
16:31Diese Fische lassen dich praktisch nicht anfassen.
16:35Du hast mich fast getroffen.
16:37Ich verspreche es dir.
16:49Wir fahren jetzt nach dem Grundriff.
16:51Dort sehen wir die Fische.
16:53Wir müssen nur noch einen Schritt weiter gehen.
16:55Wir müssen nur noch einen Schritt weiter gehen.
16:57Ich habe Angst vor Fischen.
16:59Ich habe Angst vor Fischen.
17:01Meine Augen brennen.
17:03Meine Augen brennen.
17:27Ich kann das wahrscheinlich nicht mehr erkennen.
17:29Ich würde es cool, wenn wir das bei der Fynch-Reise hatten.
17:36Ähm… Nein.
17:38Ich würde es cool, wenn wir das bei der Fynch-Reise hatten.
17:43Ich würde es cool, wenn wir das bei der Fynch-Reise hatten.
17:52Ich würde es nicht.
17:55Wie sind deine Fingernäge?
17:57Oh, doof
17:59Ich habe so viel Pee, aber ich fühle mich wirklich gut.
18:28Was zum Teufel?
18:29Es ist so schön.
18:30Warum hast du mir das gesagt?
18:31Ich mag den Stingray besser, aber es war auch super cool, die Korallen zu sehen.
18:35Ich mag es definitiv besser.
18:37Ja, es war so viel besser.
18:38Nein, der Stingray war das schönste, was ich je in meinem Leben erlebt habe.
18:41Das selbe in meinem Leben.
18:43Warte, was ist mit dem einen Fisch?
18:45Wir haben einen unentdeckten Fisch gesehen.
18:47Wir haben einen Anglerfisch gesehen.
18:48Wir haben einen Fisch entdeckt.
18:49Ein Zebrafisch.
18:51Der sah aus wie Konfetti.
18:53Siehst du das?
18:54Du willst das nicht anfassen.
18:56Das ist ein Lionfish.
18:57Oh, nicht anfassen.
18:59Wenn du mit einer der Spalten anfasst, kannst du ernsthaft sterben.
19:04Ich habe es gefangen.
19:05Waren wir so nah am Tod?
19:06Nein, du hast es gefangen.
19:07Du hättest jetzt weinen müssen.
19:08Ich habe es gefangen.
19:10Ist es poisonös?
19:12Ich versuche es zu anfassen.
19:13Es kommt aus dem Bali-Gebiet.
19:14Es isst alles.
19:15Alle anderen Fische.
19:16Als die Leute das bemerkt haben, haben sie es in der Ozean gegessen.
19:17Wenn du einen Fisch in deinem Tank siehst, warum hast du es in der Ozean gegessen?
19:18Ich habe es gegessen.
19:19Ich habe es gegessen.
19:20Ich habe es gegessen.
19:21Ich habe es gegessen.
19:22Das ist der beste Fisch auf der Welt.
19:23Das beste Fisch auf der Welt.
19:24Das beste Fisch auf der Welt.
19:25Es ist aber wunderbar.
19:26Es ist aber wunderbar.
19:27Es ist aber wunderbar.
19:28Ich tue es in den Ozean.
19:29Wenn du Fisch in deinem Tank siehst, warum hast du es in den Ozean gegessen?
19:30Das ist wunderbar.
19:31Es ist aber wunderbar.
19:32Es ist aber wunderbar.
19:33Jetzt gibt es es überall.
19:34Das sind Restaurant hier.
19:35Erzähl mal.
19:36Es ist wirklich lecker.
19:37Immer wenn er den Fisch anfasst, sagt er, du hast es gegessen.
19:38Es ist lecker.
19:39Es isst alles.
19:40Es ist die schönste Fische, die ich je gesehen habe.
19:41Was ist es?
19:42Ist es colorblind?
19:43Wir sahen einen tödlichen Fisch und ich versuchte ihn zu fangen.
19:47Wir waren beide so, das erste, was du anfängst, gewinnt.
19:49Der eine Fisch, der aussehen so aus wie ein Generik-Fisch,
19:52würde mich immer ansehen.
19:54Und dann schwimmt er weg. Ich kann ihn nie anfassen.
19:56Wenn du Angst hast, wirst du aufhören.
19:58Einmal habe ich versucht, zu schwimmen und mein Vater hat mich gefangen.
20:00Er hat gesagt, entspann dich, entspann dich.
20:01Ich habe gesagt, ich bin nicht entspannt, weil du...
20:03Und mein Vater hat gesagt, entspann dich, entspann dich.
20:05Vielleicht hat mein Vater...
20:08Ihr wisst, Stingray hat das hier gemacht.
20:10Wir wissen es nicht.
20:12Ich dachte, ich werde gefangen.
20:14Aber es ist so, dass Ali mich in Zahnbürsten geschnitten hat.
20:17Oh, ich bin brennend. Ich bin so brennend.
20:19Oh, easy, easy.
20:22Lass uns den Unterseite sehen.
20:24Oh, ich kann dich fangen, übrigens.
20:26Lass mich sehen, es ist Unterseite.
20:28Lass mich sehen.
20:29Don't flip it upside down, bro.
20:30Okay, setz es zurück. Hilf mir, hilf mir, hilf mir.
20:32Setz es zurück und entspann dich.
20:34Okay, bye, bye, buddy.
