• 19 hours ago
instagram: erica.ha

tiktok: ericaa.haa




00:00Lola transformation 2025
00:05Love it so much
00:11Getting a brazilian wax
00:15I am dying my hair
00:22Hello everyone
00:24Welcome back to my channel
00:28How are you doing, how is your winter treating you?
00:31Yeah, because for today's video I decided that I am gonna do yet another freaking glow-up transformation
00:39I think it's been a fat minute since our last one and I think it's time we regroup
00:45And glow up this time. It is for my winter arc. I
00:49Have been so freaking ugly this winter
00:53I feel like mainly because i've been breaking out i'm on accutane and my skin is already doing so much better
00:57If you see like white stuff on my face, it's because I just put a shiz
01:02ton of
01:04Cream on my face this winter. I have been looking so rough. I'm, not even kidding
01:09I am so ready to peel out of that skin like a little reptile like a little snake
01:15So in the spring I am so cute. So snazzy, you know, I have a lot of plans for me to glow up this week
01:22She needs a lot of work for today. I am going to get my brows done
01:26I always be getting my brows done because I don't trust myself to do my own brows
01:30I go to this place called napa napa himalayan salon
01:33I think that's how I say it if you watch my videos regularly
01:37You know, I go there all the time because that's my favorite place to go for my brows. They they do me so well
01:42Let me give you guys a little good 360 of my look right now. Okay
01:45Meow meow meow meow
01:48I just showered so my hair is wet, but my hair also has been really damaged, but I kind of want to dye it so
01:53We'll see. We'll see pookie
01:56I have finally changed and dried my hair and it is time for us to go get our brows done
02:01and these are how my brows are
02:04Looking not too shabby, but they're losing its shape a little bit and I need to get it retouched
02:10So i'm gonna go to my favorite place on the internet
02:13Not the internet in new york city to get my brows done. I don't know about you, but I swear
02:18Every freaking winter time I become so rough looking not gonna say ugly
02:23But like I look I look rough and I don't look like my prime
02:26I look back at my summer pictures and i'm like why am I literally glowing but I look like crap right now
02:36I'm gonna go over to milena trying to button this goddamn jacket and i'm not even gonna button it because
02:41It is too much work right now, let's go so cloudy and cold out. I just want to rot in bed now
02:49I decided instead of taking a 20 minute subway. I'm just gonna walk 20 minutes save two dollars, you know
02:55Also gets in my daily walking. I feel like I walk so much in new york
02:59I will be walking everywhere if I could save two dollars of freaking subways there fares. It's a win-win, you know
03:23Finally got my brows done. I can't tell you how happy I am
03:27I don't know if you guys can tell the difference of the shape and like how clean it is
03:32But she does me so well every single time. I am so happy and now i'm gonna go home because it is late
03:38Stark out. What did I even do today? I don't even know. Okay. Bye guys
03:54Hey guys
03:58It's another day another freaking glow up and I forced emily to follow me for
04:05another another
04:07Round of something I want to do for my glow up transformation
04:12Is that freaking ice plunge, but I don't want to go somewhere
04:15I just want to like sit in a bathtub and pour some freaking ice in it
04:20You want uno bag?
04:23Let's just do one
04:26Or should we just do two? Yeah
04:2810 pounds of ice. Oh
04:30Vamanos chicas. I will explain more why I want to do an ice plunge
04:35Thank you
04:38got the ice basically
04:40For the next step of the glow up. I want to do an ice plunge
04:45We're in the beginning stages of this glow up transformation. It's also like negative 45 degrees outside right now
04:50It's so freaking cold out
04:53But i'm gonna do this because apparently ice plunges are good for blood circulation nervous system
05:00Um waking you up making you less body. Yeah de-puffing so
05:05I dragged emily to help me do an ice plunge and we're going over to evelyn's house because she has a bathtub. Okay
05:14Freaking crap. I need to take a fucking poop. Um, all right. I am at evelyn's but evelyn is not home
05:21I just need to simply use
05:23Her bathtub to do a why is it so dirty god damn
05:30To do a freaking ice plunge. Okay, like I said super good for you. My face is
05:37So puffy right now because I slept at 5 a.m last night and woke up at 10 a.m
05:43I'm looking a little rough today. All right. I just ate a fat meal of pho
05:48I'm tired man
05:49I need something to wake me up and I don't know about you
05:51And I don't want you the person right now watching this to get freaked out
05:55But I am like definitely afraid of cortisol phase, um, it's definitely all in my head
06:01So if you're watching this, please do not let it affect you
06:05Also, um take this with a grain of salt because I have no idea what i'm talking about
06:08Okay, listen to one podcast and now I think I know everything cortisol is a thing in your body
06:13That is kind of the fight fight or fight reaction that helps your body kind of you know
06:19Get that adrenaline pumping, but when you have too much cortisol
06:23You actually start bloating in the face or whatever and a lot of people call that moon face and I
06:28believe that I had cortisol phase like senior year of high school because
06:33God damn my face was so freaking puffy an increase in cortisol can be a cause from like lack of sleep something with diet
06:40Too much stress can actually cause cortisol phase
06:43There's a lot of reasons but I think it was because of a lack of sleep like I barely slept senior year
06:48So my face was super super puffy. Sorry for the tangent about my deathly
06:54Traumatizing I have like ptsd from cortisol phase. I don't even know if it was cortisol or whatever
06:59Maybe I was just like freaking fat in the face. Yeah, I like to do anything that keeps me stay
07:06Depuffed and guess what an ice plunge will do that. Okay, so I got as you saw
07:12Uh, this is five pounds. We got two of those
07:15So do the math five plus five equals freaking ten
07:19We got 10 pounds
07:21Of freaky ice, man. Let's let's heat up or ice up the bathtub. Shall we? I mean
07:29Okay, this is her. This is she this is she this is sheila. Where's my bathtub?
07:36Let's fill her up forgot how to use this almost
07:47winter arc
07:49global transformation
07:53I can't believe i'm willingly doing this. I really hope I don't get a cold from this, but i'm so tired
07:59I need something to like shock my body. I brought a babying suit over. So let's freaking change into that man black shop
08:09Transition one two three
08:15I've changed. Um, my bikini's under here and now i haven't worn a bikini in a fat minute
08:21Now it looks like i'm gonna go surfing or tanning. Yo, but i'm just gonna do an ice plunge in my
08:30What in new york city, which is my city yo, but it's 20 degrees outside
08:40I love coming here because I just want to show all that bloom's pr
08:44Non-sponsored laneige lace craze tinted lip serum sugar glaze this smell all of it smells so good and this smells delightful
08:52Oh my god, the chocolate one also smells exactly like chocolate. Um, syrup and love you. I'm here. It's like jelly
09:01Oh my that smells delightful delightful delightful
09:05Erica's gonna get frostbite today. Yep
09:07I'm gonna die. Ice baths are freaking cold. Evelyn did one so you can do one. She can do it. You can do it
09:13God why is the water kind of yellow? It looks like I put chlorine in there. What the fuck that is not normal
09:21Oh, it's to
09:22remove that
09:25Oh you thought it was the reflection wait, that's not normal you think there's like cleaning products in there
09:32Okay, well the water is murky green
09:36We don't know why this has never happened before comment down below if you know what it is
09:39Someone's gonna be like it's toxic. It's toxic. You're gonna die
09:43Don't have your coochie. I don't care
09:46Just kidding. I do but like I can't be asked to wait for it to refill again. So we are just going to put that ice bath
09:54Okay, first five pounds of ice
09:58Oh my god
10:02Damn see good thing. We bought two bags. This just simply isn't enough
10:09Holy shit, it is so cold
10:14It is so cold my hands already like red
10:20Oh, no, golly gee, thank god that's not me this ice bath is not only freezing cold
10:25It's green which is like a little concerning why your armpits like bruised
10:30My accutane is making my hand my skin super itchy and for some reason my armpits always the first to get like super
10:37Rashy, this is my face
10:39before my ice cream
10:43This is erica 30 seconds before entering the ice bath subtle foreshadowing
10:50Let's set a timer see how long I could be in there for if you can pass a minute try to go for two minutes
10:56No, i'm not gonna be there for a minute. What?
10:59What do you mean? What evelyn did it for a minute? No, she didn't it should be 45 seconds. That's the same thing
11:05Wait, i'm so scared. Why?
11:07I need to like
11:09Just go for it. Get my adrenaline pumping a little bit
11:13This is not gonna cover your entire body you're gonna sit and it's gonna reach like here. Um, yeah, i'm definitely for it fade
11:22I'm not even gonna feel it because i'm just gonna be pussy. Yeah
11:26What the was that go, okay
11:29Three two, wait, wait, let me freaking count down. Okay breathing is essential in this
11:38Oh my god
11:43Oh my god guys i'm so scared one just go
11:54Oh my god the camera stopped recording no like this is actually making me frostbite right now
11:59Erica, this isn't even a bath. This is an ice dip
12:04My literal feet were so
12:07Cold, let me refill it more so it's not with my ass on the floor
12:12There was not even enough water the last time so
12:15It's okay that I didn't catch the reaction. I only literally added more ice
12:19I added like five bottles because like just for the aesthetic. There's no aesthetic going on with this green bathtub. Oh
12:27my feet were actually like frozen they were like
12:32Tres dos uno go
12:39My freaking god
12:42I have a different little body. No, I literally feel like i'm gonna like go numb my feet. It's been 10 seconds
12:52Instead of talking about how numb your things are dip your back in dip your back and then you can get out you have to breathe
13:02Bro this actually hurts my feet. Oh my god, my ass cheeks. They're frozen
13:13Dip your back
13:16How the fuck is this allowed
13:20We're right here with your neck and shoulders. Oh
13:23Hell no, bro
13:25Just dip your back for one second and get out
13:28Yes, exactly. Exactly. That's what you're supposed to do
13:34Oh my god
13:39My feet hurt this feels like this feels like pins and needles
13:45Choosing it for a minute 34 technically like a minute 30. Holy like my
13:51Can't even talk right now, but that kind of felt nice
13:58Should I do it again boy
14:01Am I red look guys, holy crap my ass is red it's like sunburned
14:08I'm, not lying
14:10It's cold as shit. I'm gonna go in one more time. I believe you guys that was like kind of refreshing
14:15It's so weird. Like my boobs down my body's like
14:21And from here up i'm like
14:23Hello, my name is erica. So I'm gonna put my head under three
14:50This time it was 32 seconds. It hurts so bad
14:55Oh my god, my body feels so numb right now. You're
14:58Freezing my god. Well, there's a step to this winter arc
15:08Skipping the long look
15:12I'll see you guys for my next step and the next steps after that. Thank you
15:19Hey guys, it's the next day today. We are going to a pilates class
15:23I've been trying to get into pilates aka I went to one class so far this year, but it was so much fun
15:30I was like using the machines and all that i'm trying to get into pilates
15:34So I want to strengthen my core. I think core is just very essential to your every day
15:39and so I want to get into pilates and be more like
15:43flexible and
15:46Agile I guess and yeah, that's all I have to say. Honestly, honestly, that's all I had to say
15:54My class is real soon. So let's figure out what to wear. Oh, i'm so tired today
16:00I walked so much around the city today, but
16:04I still feel
16:06half awake
16:08So i'm glad i'm going to this pilates class so I can wake the f up. Okay, let me quickly change
16:14I'm, not sure what top i'm gonna wear, but let me quickly change into my outfit
16:20Okay, I need to pick out a top I have no tops I don't know what people wear to pilates
16:26That's the top what top do y'all wear? Wait, maybe i'll just wear this flowy white top
16:33best way to feel
16:34Less gross is getting your body up and moving trust me after your workout. You're gonna be like
16:40Yes, I did that. Well, yes, and you're gonna feel so much better if you're sitting in bed and you're like
16:45I don't like anything right now
16:48Try getting your body up and moving because that's definitely something that helps me. I already talked about this, but every winter I swear
16:55I feel so ugly and I need to shut it off wear this light jacket over
17:01So i'm not freezing my ass off
17:06I've been loving this jacket from h&m because it buttons all the way up here and you just look so cute
17:11I love this type of jacket
17:16Let me get my keys so I don't get locked out again
17:23Okay, there was a snowstorm the other day so it's pretty freaking cold and icy in new york right now
17:28I'm excited for this pilates class. The studio is really nice because it's like a private session
17:33I did like club pilates and I just did not like club pilates when I did it a long time ago
17:37So I really like this girl. I'm going to her name's ange. I feel like she knows what she's doing
17:41I only did one class with her but the one class I did was great. So i'm doing it again with her
17:50Perfect timing I love when I get to the subway at the exact time the train comes
18:07I'm here at pilates. Do you wanna say hi? Yeah. This is ange. I'm ange and i'm moving on to pilates. We're gonna be starting
18:15I'm, so excited
19:06Just ended pilates. Oh my god, I look like a ghost right now. I had the pilates shake
19:14That was so good. I love
19:16Just like the reformers because you could do just like random crazy positions and it actually like works your body
19:22That was pretty fun, but now i'm gonna go home and make some dinner
19:27See, I feel like so much less groggy now that I got my body stretching and moving
19:34It is always a good time to do that. I don't know. That's just how I feel I guess but yes
19:40My energy levels are so much more up and that's really annoying because now it's nighttime
19:44I was scrolling on instagram earlier and I was just reminiscing on summer me. I just love summer
19:52And the sun but guess what there is less than apparently like 33 days until daylight savings and the sun goes down after
20:007 p.m
20:01Count your fucking hours and count your fucking days because you bet i'm gonna be outside all
20:06Day and all night if the sun goes down after seven
20:09I love the sun, but i'll catch you guys at home for my next steps
20:14back from pilates it is time for me to
20:18And if you oh my god, you can see me in the reflection. Hi
20:22A really important thing for me in the winter or just like literally any night not just specifically in the winter
20:29Okay, a really big factor to my glow up or for me to feel less in a funk
20:35Is having a good night routine making sure I feel grounded if I may
20:42That just having a good routine just having a peaceful vibe at night
20:47Settling down really helps me feel more
20:52You know what I mean, so i'm gonna go hop in the shower and bring you guys with me
20:55We're gonna do an everything shower. All right, we're gonna hop out and we're gonna do an everything night routine
21:00Okay, and then
21:01We're gonna
21:02Hit the bed. Okay, so let's go
21:05We are in the bathroom now. I'm wearing a bathing suit. Don't you worry?
21:09We are going to do an everything shower right now shower with me. This feels a little weird
21:15This is very intimate I feel like but
21:18I'm going to show you guys what I use for my shower
21:21We're going to turn the water nice and warm. It also feels weird showering with a bathing suit on but
21:27For you guys, I guess
21:29Something really interesting about my bathroom is that there's no door to my shower water
21:34Sometimes just like leaks onto my bathroom floor and I find that pretty interesting for shampoo recently
21:40I've been using
21:41this korean brand doctor for hair because
21:45I have a little bit of dandruff every time it hits winter time and this one literally just clears it up like right away
21:52It's so good. It also has like a minty feeling to it and we're gonna really just massage
21:58My head. Wow, that feels so good
22:03Really just massage your scalp
22:08I'm just gonna let this sit a little bit
22:14All right, we're gonna wash this off
22:21Now for conditioner I look like a freaking egg
22:25Why do I look like an egg right now? I have two conditioners one from jupiter also good with flaky
22:32scalp this one is um
22:37Mora izumi tonic strengthening conditioner also good. Actually, I don't know but i'm gonna go with this one today
22:44Because this is like a thicker conditioner really moisturizes
22:51While I do that i'm gonna actually tie my hair up so I can
22:55Really lock in that moisture in the meantime
22:58I'm gonna do some body care and face care for body
23:01I've been using the volcaton body oil non-sponse. This smells so good because my dry skin is so dry
23:08I think it works. Well, like as you could tell my eczema on my freaking armpit
23:14So i'm just gonna lather this up all over my body
23:22And then
23:24We go in with the shaver and i'm gonna just shave my legs quickly
23:29I honestly don't grow that much hair
23:32Okay switch and we're gonna go in with our armpits
23:41Oh, I forgot to mention another body thing of mine is this method body coconut milk
23:48So good. That one is like nice and foamy for face wash. We're gonna use this
23:53I found this really super gentle cleanser from parnell just their calming gel cleanser
23:59Panthol and heartleaf and I know both of those are very good for the skin soothing and calming. So we're just gonna
24:09Now that we're done with our body and face we're gonna wash the hair
24:17And we are done with our everything shower
24:22I'm out of the shower and my face is so freaking dry as soon as I get out of the shower my skin just like
24:28So dry, it's so bad. So I have to go straight into my skincare as soon as i'm out of the shower
24:34I'm gonna speed through this routine because we still got steps to this fucking video. Okay, this is the
24:40um thermal spring water from naveen super hydrating
24:46My face can move next I always go in with a face mask
24:51I don't care what company it is. Actually. I kind of care as long as it is hydrating soothing
24:58Calming any of those no chemicals. No retinol. No vitamin c. No tightening
25:04Just hydrating and calming and soothing i'll take it
25:11Really let it soak in i'm gonna quickly change
25:14So i'm not gonna flash a freaking titty with on you guys and then i'll be right back. I am back
25:20I quickly want to do a little diy lip scrub because my
25:25Lips this winter cannot like stop peeling like wait, let me show you guys my cute little pj set
25:30This tank top is from aritzia and these cute little yoga flare pants
25:36These are from skims so cute makes my booty pop in. Okay, i'm gonna just grab some sugar and honey
25:43I used to do this so much as a kid. Let me take this mask off. It's gonna overstimulate me
25:48Mm amazing rub
25:52So edible make sure you do it only on your lips or else the lips the cells around your
25:58What am I saying the skin around your lips are gonna get too dry
26:04I look crazy doing this i'm like
26:06This is edible. So this is delish
26:08My lips feel so smooth. Okay time to continue on with the rest of our skincare now currently
26:14I really like this serum. It's the moisture serum by parnell and this one really makes my skin glow pat it in
26:25For moisturizer I have been loving this one so good if you have dry sensitive skin
26:30Also, it just comes in a huge-ass bottle, which I love but it's so thick. It makes your face so white
26:36So you gotta like tap it in automatically. You can see the glow in my face. I feel like okay
26:40If you need extra extra moisture this lariposhay
26:44Cycloplast b5 super good. I just applied in my super dry areas
26:50That is my skincare routine. Look what I got from the other day for my transformation. Oh
26:56My god, as you know, i'm super easily influenced not good at all
27:01But I saw online that a chi machine. What the hell is a chi machine?
27:06I don't know. I discovered it literally two days ago
27:09It helps with improved blood flow reduced sweat leg swelling loosening stiff joints and releasing tight muscles
27:16And I was kind of like I kind of want that I want something that will improve my blood flow, I guess so I got it
27:23It's called the chi machine and it's right here
27:27I'm super curious if this will help me with anything like benefit me in life. I guess this is she
27:36Oh my god
27:39Ah get out of here. Oh
27:41Mg you basically put your legs here and I think it just starts vibrating. We should try it out
27:48Why did I say like that? We should try it out. We should try it out class
27:52Let's plug her in
27:54You guys ready? Oh my god
27:56Wait, do I need to like read about this place her ankles on the foot switch swing blister. Let's try her out
28:04Why am I like kind of nervous so this is a little remote control for like the speed of it
28:09We're gonna start off with low. Oh
28:12Oh my god, it literally swings your legs just like side to side i'm gonna put it all the way high
28:21Does this look weird well, yes, so
28:26Trying to embrace my core while doing this because my back tends to like
28:31Curve so i'm trying to fix that it does loosen up your joints
28:35Like my lower back has been hurting a lot and I feel like this is kind of helping it loosen up
28:40I guess my joints. This is quite useless. Imo. This is the highest speed well
28:46Um, i'm not sure how that benefited my life. I am probably going to return that
28:52I'm gonna go to sleep now that I rate like a four out of ten. That was so underwhelming
28:58My vibe just got thrown off i'm my vibe is killed so yeah, i'll see you guys tomorrow for my next steps of this transformation
29:08Good morning, everybody
29:11The next freaking day. Hey today. I am getting a brazilian wax. Yay
29:20Um, what the hell is that? It's basically you waxing the forest
29:25out of the punani
29:27Um, no easy way to say it
29:30but basically
29:31A specialist waxes off the hair off your punani, right? I have been actually getting
29:38Um a brazilian ever since like three four years ago. It just makes my life so much easier
29:43My hair grows back thinner. I feel much cleaner shaving just doesn't work on me
29:48I always get ingrown ingrown and like my skin gets really irritated. So I stick with brazilian waxing
29:54I do it like once a month
29:55So it's nothing new to me
29:56But I thought it'd be fun to bring you guys with me get a brazilian wax because why the freak not my appointment is at
30:02one so I need to leave right now, but
30:07Yeah, I can't wait to feel so fresh and clean let's go
30:15Okay, i'm on the table i'm gonna get a wax
30:30Just came out of the appointment and I feel like a baby born newborn baby I feel
30:36Like an egg that just hatched out of the womb. I feel like a caterpillar that turned into a freaking butterfly
30:42I feel clean
30:43I feel
30:44Light, I feel great. I feel amazing and I told the
30:48Um wax specialist that i'm recording for my friend
30:51She just kept telling me about like the first timers like you could get a deal
30:55Make sure to take ibuprofen like she's being so nice about it. And I was like
31:00Oh my god, I feel so bad because it's not actually for a friend at all
31:02It's just literally for me and the entire internet. But yeah, that was so fun
31:08I love getting a wax 10 out of 10 totally recommend. Okay. Bye
31:13Good morning
31:15Hi guys, it is the next morning and I made myself breakfast
31:19Today is a big day. Today's a big one. Today's the biggest part of the transformation. I look like crap right now
31:28But that's okay. You know why because we are on our last step of our transformation the biggest freaking transformation ever
31:38I made myself an egg scramble on top of brioche bread today. I am dying my hair
31:43For the 500 millionth time
31:47I really should not be dying my hair because my hair is dead, but I really don't like dark hair on me
31:51So I need to go back to light
31:53I'm kind of scared that my hair will fall out because my hair is so damaged and i'm on accutane
31:58You're not supposed to like be dying your hair on accutane or else your hair could fall out
32:06But like whatever
32:11This is the inspo pic
32:14I'm going to a new girl today. I usually always go to romy salon, but i'm going to this hairstylist named michelle
32:20She's also korean new york based her work looks amazing. So I was like, let me try her out
32:25Yeah, i'm super excited. Can't wait to dye my hair
32:28I hope I don't look terrible and I have to do another glow up video. I'll see you guys at the hair salon
32:36I'm here
32:37I'm, so ready to wash my hair and stuff. It is so gross. How the hell do I
32:44Doors open slimy i'm a little late because I was filming a transition tiktok in the uber. Oops
32:52I'm here with michelle. She's gonna blow me up lots of changes
32:57So if you want to go back to like having that like ginger kind of like your nice length to your hair
33:02And you don't want the maintenance factor dying here is going to give you like that straight root line. Yeah
33:07So let's keep it like very soft here. Yeah, but let's lighten through here
33:12So you have like that ginger like glowiness to it. Are you maintaining your hair?
33:20She's a little dry
33:26I am so excited. I fully fully fully trust michelle. We're gonna do my ginger hair back from summer
33:33Oh my god
33:42Look like a little cloud I have this on for 30 minutes give me coffee. Oh my god. How cute is this?
33:55We are going to wash now
34:03Feels like the same to me
34:07I'm gonna sit here for 10 minutes
34:11Starting to burn my head
34:14And nothing that makes me see things that i've not seen
34:22Baby I wanna change now
34:38Look at this headset
34:40So sick, right? Yeah. Does your hair feel healthy? I think so
34:43I mean, I haven't touched it yet because this is like the first step of like lightening. Uh-huh
34:47And then now that it's like
34:49Yeah, I can start to go lighter like for like spring and summer. Okay. Yeah, because like if your ends are so crunchy
34:55I can't like knit more than
34:58What whatever? Yeah, I haven't done a bow in so long
35:02This I look crazy the volume is gonna be crazy finished products
35:12It looks so good, I love it
35:18Thank you guys so much great, of course
35:23Hey guys, it is a couple hours later. I just got ready for my friend's birthday
35:27This is the hair the blowout kind of calmed down a bit, but I still love it so much
35:32So basically if you guys didn't hear my objective is ginger hair, but my hair is so dead right now
35:37Michelle didn't want to damage my hair
35:39So we're gonna slowly incrementally work up to the ginger
35:42But I really like this hair my hair is like much more even now because before it was like light brown black hair roots
35:49So i'm just very satisfied with my hair. I don't know about you, but i'm feeling a glow-up happening
35:55Um, I don't know. I hope please let me know that it's happening. I feel so pretty
36:00You don't need a glow-up to feel pretty but I definitely feel more out of the funk out of my winter funk
36:05I'm ready for spring to happen
36:07But yeah
36:08Even though i'm like glowing up and doing all this this that that I just want to throw a little psa that you don't need
36:13To do these things to feel or be pretty you're already gorgeous and you just have to realize that i'm just doing these things
36:20You know end of entertainment
36:22Purposes and also sometimes it's good to give yourself a little self-care moment to you know
36:28Get yourself out of that rut get yourself out of that funk comment down below if there's a obvious difference with me
36:34if not, I might like
36:36You know, but yeah, thank you guys so much for watching and i'll see you guys in the next video
