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Assassin's Creed Shadows review (AC Shadows Review)
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00:00 Intro
01:27 Next-Gen
02:19 PS5 VS PS5 Pro
02:43 Impressive Open World
03:34 The Hideout In The Background
04:47 The Biggest Improvement Over Valhalla
05:33 A Rewarding Experience
07:12 Does The 2 Character System Work?
09:03 Things That Were Lacking
10:10 Promising Post Launch
10:32 Bugs & Issues
10:10 Spoiler Free Story Thoughts
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#assassinscreedshadows #assassinscreed #acshadows
00:00Assassin's Creed Shadows is the best feeling Assassin's Creed at launch ever.
00:04The speed of Naue, how she moves through the world, takes out enemies, you very quickly
00:09feel like a pro, it's really one of the key ingredients that makes Shadows so addicting.
00:15Because that's the game's biggest strength, constantly teasing you with future activities
00:19that have more powerful unlocks tied to them so you're always excited to keep playing.
00:23The game never feels overwhelming because all these singular objectives only cost a
00:27few minutes of your time and everything you do builds towards a more advanced shinobi
00:32or samurai.
00:33I love the player first decisions, like not having stamina so you can run indefinitely
00:38and always feel strong during combat.
00:41It makes Shadows feel like a warm bath, a relaxing experience that you want to return
00:46to every day.
00:47And potentially for a long time because so far I'm optimistic about the new post launch
00:51systems that they have in place.
00:53But this all does not mean that Shadows is perfect, even with the two delays I still
00:57run into bugs quite often with one preventing me from progressing a certain questline so
01:03I'm locked out of getting a new ally.
01:05But it's for me mostly that this game lacks some key elements that made the previous RPG
01:09games so memorable.
01:11But I will not be touching on everything because I want you to experience this game fresh.
01:16Also no story spoilers in this video whatsoever, but I will at the end of the video share my
01:22overall non-spoiler thoughts on the narrative for if you are interested.
01:26Now I want to make one thing clear and that's that SSC Shadows delivers on what Ubisoft
01:32You already see it, the world is absolutely beautiful.
01:36Fallout lacked that excitement of going to a new place for the first time because the
01:41world all felt very similar.
01:43But in Shadows you're constantly curious where your journey will take you next.
01:47The fact that they focused on a smaller part of Japan but made that closer to the real
01:52life size has paid off really well.
01:55While at first I was quite annoyed by the lack of an autorun feature on your mount,
01:59I now actually appreciate this decision.
02:01It will let you be way more immersed in the world.
02:04It let me appreciate the new wind tech even more that lets everything around you move.
02:09Leaves fly across the screen, forests feel dense now you cannot see beyond the trees.
02:15It really feels like you're playing a next gen Assassin's Creed.
02:18And this was the case on all the platforms I tested on by the way.
02:22I started through GeForce Now on PC and then switched to PS5 Pro.
02:27And I also played a bit on the regular PS5.
02:30Both in the performance mode and if you put the two side to side you do notice that thanks
02:34to the improved raytracing and lighting on the Pro you get a more realistic image.
02:39But again if you're just playing on PS5 you will not notice this.
02:43The seasons are also really impressive with winter being the clear winner.
02:47It's kind of crazy how instead of just some regions always having snow, now the full map
02:53will turn white.
02:54This also means that you're sometimes slowed down by deep snow in areas where you could
02:58first sprint.
02:59You also cannot run on frozen ponds, the icicles on roofs can alert enemies.
03:05But those are really the only noticeable seasonal things that impact the moment to moment gameplay.
03:10But it is cool that the whole seasonal thing is also a crucial part of the gameplay loop
03:16because when a season changes after 2 and a half hours of playtime the vendors will
03:21have restocked so there are new items to check out.
03:24Your wanted status if you had one will be reset, new contracts and rumors will be available
03:29in your region and you will also have new resources to spend to further improve your hideout.
03:34And I'm by the way really happy that the hideout is not a core part of the game like the settlement
03:38was in Valhalla.
03:40It will not take long before you unlock most of the main buildings for the core features
03:44and some of the themed rooms that give you some nice buffs.
03:47After that you can mostly leave the hideout alone.
03:50Now of course if you want to go crazy with the new sims style systems, build your own
03:54little village, that is certainly possible.
03:57You will constantly find new hideout proms while exploring and you can buy them at vendors
04:01as well to put them anywhere you want in your hideout.
04:04Now it is worth noting though that on console the framerate can drop down significantly
04:09in the hideout even when playing on the performance mode.
04:12I'm in particular curious how this is gonna work on the series S but on the pro and the
04:17regular PS5 you will go down to like 30 or even lower in some instances.
04:22But because the hideout is more in the background this time it does mean the whole growing the
04:26league feeling that they wanted to go for did not work for me.
04:30Most characters that will join your settlement are tied to completing side missions that
04:34I mostly did after completing the main story.
04:37So I had kind of an empty hideout for the majority of my playthrough.
04:41And by the way if you like the video so far, totally leave a like and subscribe for way
04:44more Assassin's Creed Shadows content like this.
04:47But yeah the only reason to visit your hideout after the initial upgrades is for the blacksmith
04:52to improve your gear and weapons.
04:54And that's totally the biggest improvement over Valhalla.
04:57Because almost everything you find and loot in this game can have an impact on the way
05:02you play.
05:03I remember in Valhalla I was using the same armor set for the first 20 hours with no reason
05:08to switch.
05:09But in Shadows I'm already making a bleed build very early on where I quickly apply
05:12the powerful status effect.
05:14Thanks to the random loot system in Shadows you are constantly changing your look and
05:18there are some really cool pieces of equipment to find.
05:21But it's in particular exciting when you get the new legendary armor piece or weapon because
05:25the perk on those can have a huge impact on your playstyle.
05:28Like triggering a powerful slow time effect or instantly charging your bow.
05:32And it's cool that you can already get quite some legendary gear early on.
05:36You feel instantly rewarded.
05:38You know that okay if I take the time to kill all these powerful samurai daisho enemies
05:42in a military castle I will get something useful.
05:46You can also once again stumble upon legendary chests while exploring and I'm actually happy
05:50with the change to two armor pieces because it really means that when you find gear it's
05:55instantly satisfying.
05:56The addicting nature also comes from the new take on targets in this game.
06:00Instead of only having a list of the order and templar targets you will now be going
06:05after many different factions.
06:07And I was surprised by how often my objective board would fill with a new round of targets
06:11even very late into the game.
06:13And some of these are also narrative quests as well instead of the just go and assassinate
06:18this enemy.
06:19And it's cool that these targets are not just defenseless NPCs that have bodyguards.
06:24No you're very often fighting mini bosses.
06:27And also here are rewarded with powerful loot, lots of XP and mastery points that you can
06:32spend on skills.
06:34Going after all the targets in the ring even is required for some of the late game unlocks.
06:39Again everything feels rewarding in this game and I love how they integrated the orange
06:43non-combat activities as well that give you access to brand new lines in the skill tree.
06:48So only leveling up is not enough this time.
06:51You also have to explore and look for shrines, archery challenges and other mini games in
06:56order to fully improve your character.
06:59Sure they're not the most exciting things individually, but together and combined with
07:03the painting of animals they do help put a larger emphasis on the non-combat activities.
07:09And it works really well with the peaceful landscapes of Japan.
07:13Now of course you will still be mostly sneaking or fighting in this game and for me constantly
07:18switching between Naue and Yasuke felt like the best way to go.
07:21It's really cool to see the contrast.
07:24Switching back to Naue feels like you're playing the game at 2x speed after stomping your enemies
07:29with the heavier but tankier Yasuke.
07:31There are still some head scratching moments where in an area with Yasuke exclusive missions
07:36you get to a viewpoint that you cannot reach so you are forced to switch to Naue.
07:41But you do actually learn to adapt and know that okay a large pagoda without the stairs
07:46can only be climbed with Naue and I should probably do the lost pages with Naue as well
07:52while the other things can mostly be reached by both characters.
07:55So yes you can play most of the content with either Naue or Yasuke but the system is far
08:00from perfect because the two cannot fight alongside each other at the same time.
08:05So sometimes you will show up at the final boss together, you get to pick who you play
08:09and then the other character just disappears and comes back after the boss is defeated.
08:15Also if you play one part of a main quest with Yasuke and then switch to Naue the NPC's
08:20will not react to that.
08:21So they will just continue the conversation with Naue even though you did the first part
08:25of the mission with Yasuke and the NPC you are talking to right now never met Naue before.
08:31So this system feels more like an evolution of what we saw with male and female Eivor
08:35instead of something closer to syndicate.
08:37But these awkward narrative moments are worth it because being able to control two completely
08:42different characters does combat the biggest pitfall of the SSS Creed RPG's namely that
08:48they can become repetitive.
08:50Naue and Yasuke already have more depth individually if you compare them to the previous main game
08:56So now we get to learn both of them constantly unlock more powerful upgrades.
09:02It really keeps things fresh.
09:03That's why it hurts that there are only a handful of finishers.
09:06You will have seen all of them in the first few hours.
09:09So after 50, 60, 80 hours.
09:12I really hope they add more over time.
09:14Also the enemy variety is not that great.
09:16I miss the unpredictable animals.
09:19They would have been great for exploring off the beaten path to make that more dangerous.
09:24The world can often feel empty between points of interest.
09:27I do respect the amount of humanoid enemies and they do save some archetypes for much
09:31later into the game.
09:32But the problem is that they are still just humans and Ubisoft has not applied enough
09:36creative ideas to make them feel different.
09:39And this in particular makes the boss fights, especially during the main story, very lackluster.
09:44Most bosses share moves with archetypes you've already fought countless of times before without
09:49adding any new interesting attacks that has you alter your playstyle.
09:53I switched to the expert difficulty halfway through the game and I still had no issue
09:57with any of these fights.
09:59This is mostly thanks to the balance with some abilities and moves being way stronger
10:03than others and just the lack of surprising attacks from these bosses themselves.
10:08It made the fights way less memorable.
10:10Maybe that changes post launch.
10:12The Animus Hub system they got in place makes me hopeful for what they have planned as they
10:16now put way more effort into the weekly missions that you can do to earn some free rewards.
10:21You will actually see a glitch in the Animus when you are close and then have to take out
10:25a particular target or loot a specific chest.
10:28It's way better than the uninspired Reda missions that we had before.
10:32The game is also in a way better state than Valhalla was at launch so they don't have
10:37to focus all their efforts on fixing the game first before pushing out new content.
10:42Although again there are still quite some annoying bugs.
10:45Sometimes you cannot prone through a small area or while proned you cannot leave so you
10:50are stuck.
10:51Again I cannot pick this ally up during this mission so cannot complete the quest and unlock
10:57Sometimes health bars are bugged out or enemies will not get into combat or contracts are
11:02linked to killing a civilian who you cannot kill because then you get desynchronized.
11:06So still lots of work to be done but it's certainly much better than in Valhalla.
11:10So now my spoiler free thoughts on the narrative but I get it if you don't want to hear anything.
11:15Then I will say goodbye, enjoy the game and of course check out all the content that we
11:19have planned for you.
11:20And don't forget to subscribe to not miss anything if you haven't already.
11:22So I really like the opening and the flashback scenes for both Naue and Yasuke.
11:26Their background story is great, I really love these missions but it overall never really
11:32went anywhere for me during the main narrative.
11:35I also think they should not have done choices in the main campaign because they for one
11:39don't matter and it's even worse because they for example say hey do you want to kill this
11:43character then you say okay I want to kill this character and then the game still does
11:47not kill the character.
11:48So there are multiple moments where they give the illusion of a choice and that does not
11:52work for me.
11:53So I would not say that the narrative is bad, I love how they give more story and context
11:58to all the targets you go after but I do think it's the weakest part for me for the game.
12:03Even though there are some great characters it in the end did not deliver overall for
12:08Going back to a Valhalla comparison I would say that the game does not have the lows of
12:12Valhalla for me in terms of story but it also never reaches those highs like the payoffs
12:18that you do get in Valhalla.
12:20While Shadows overall I think improves upon almost everything that Valhalla did so I would
12:26still say it's a really awesome game.
12:28But again the narrative is the weakest part I think I'm curious to hear what you think.
12:31Of course got more questions drop them down below, subscribe to not miss any of the Shadows
12:35content a like would be awesome and you can check out a tips video if it's already up
12:38by clicking on the screen or otherwise my stream will be there.
12:41A ton of content coming your way I will speak to you soon goodbye!
