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00:00But it's just crazy that you are on OpTic now.
00:05Ladies and gentlemen, I am here joined today
00:09with my absolute boy, by the way,
00:11Caesar Skies Bueno.
00:14What's going on, man?
00:16I know this is probably all blur and it's happening very fast.
00:19Just tell me about the last 48 hours
00:22and the emotions that come with it.
00:24Uh, it's pretty crazy for me
00:27because I didn't expect to be playing until after the major.
00:30And I feel like right now, even then,
00:32I feel like I'm dreaming.
00:34I feel like everything is such a blur, like you said,
00:36but I went from losing full,
00:40playing eights, missing scrimming,
00:42and then to finally getting a text.
00:44And I'm like, what the fuck?
00:45I'm actually about to probably join these guys.
00:47Yeah, talk to me a little bit about how did the text go down?
00:50Because this happened, again, less than 48 hours ago.
00:55How did it happen?
00:57It's pretty basic because me and Aaron are pretty close.
01:00All he did was send me eye emojis.
01:02And then I responded with like...
01:03That's it?
01:04Yeah, like eye emojis.
01:05And I was like, bro, you guys need a reset
01:07or some good vibes or something like anything.
01:09You guys seemed mentally defeated.
01:11And then we just slowly went from there.
01:13But it's pretty basic.
01:14So production's a little bit fucked up for this one,
01:16I'm not going to lie.
01:17But the last time you played at that venue,
01:19it didn't go so well.
01:21I know, bro.
01:22I got fucking highlighted by Anne Brandenburg.
01:25You were saying when we were doing the podcast a little bit
01:28about what was it like leaving the stage after that moment?
01:34And then now you're about to be on that stage, but for Optic.
01:39Talk to me about that contrast and emotions just going into it.
01:45Are you talking about me leaving when I was playing you guys?
01:48No, just like you were talking about on the podcast
01:51the fans were against you in that moment.
01:53Now they're going to be heavily for you.
01:56So talk to me a little bit about where your mind's at
01:58going into this weekend.
01:59Well, I'm excited because everybody says,
02:01I mean, I've talked to them over here,
02:03but the crowd buff's actually kind of crazy.
02:05And I was getting booed.
02:07But even walking past, whenever we were losing,
02:09I was like, holy shit.
02:11I mean, I don't give a fuck if they were calling me,
02:13like, Giro, your ass or something.
02:14Because they're just trying to get to your head, obviously.
02:16Yeah, that's kind of like I didn't really know how to ask it.
02:19But were they trying to get in your head?
02:22Were they chirping you and shit?
02:23Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:24They actually were.
02:25One of them pitched me out, though.
02:26He got to me, and I was like, wait, hold on, let me log in.
02:28Yeah, it is.
02:29I was like, what the fuck?
02:30This guy's too weak.
02:31This guy's weird, bro.
02:32I think I know which one you're talking about.
02:33Because we were doing the watch party, and we were like,
02:35yo, that guy and that.
02:36He was looking at me.
02:37He yelled at me in my face.
02:38But he leaned in.
02:39He was coming a little too far across the medium and shit.
02:42Like, fuck you.
02:43I'm like, bro, that guy just has to chill the fuck out.
02:45He's a creature, yeah.
02:46But are you nervous at all?
02:49Going into it.
02:50Oh, going into it right now?
02:51I don't really say I get nervous, to be honest.
02:53I don't really feel like the pressure.
02:54I'm just kind of excited, because I know what I can do whenever I have
02:57really good teammates.
02:58And he has really, really good comps, too.
03:00Like, he's always calling spawns and stuff like that.
03:03So I feel like I'm really good at enabling players as well.
03:05And just bring up my vibes in general.
03:07We'll bring a good team culture in general.
03:09And have a good mental reset on them, which I think they need.
03:12It's going to be exciting to see you guys play together.
03:14I can't lie.
03:15And just the quickness of it and the absoluteness of, like,
03:20it is here and it's now.
03:22I mean, like you said, you weren't expecting to play at the Major.
03:26And now you're playing at the Major with OpTic.
03:29I mean, that has to be, like.
03:30It's crazy.
03:31I mean, I saw a tweet earlier in the day.
03:33It was like, I haven't missed, like, an event in a while.
03:36And this will be, like, the first one I'm missing.
03:38And then that tweet comes out, like, the right after that.
03:41I was like, holy shit.
03:42Now you're on a God squad, fucking going into the home Major.
03:47Actually, we're going to be really good.
03:49I promise you I'm probably going to enable them so well.
03:51It's no surprise you got picked up.
03:54I mean, technically yesterday.
03:55You guys scrimmed yesterday.
03:56This is on Tuesday.
03:57You guys have had one day.
03:58But you guys don't have many days to prepare for the Major.
04:02Do you think that's going to, like, really affect you guys at all?
04:04Are you confident that you're joining a three-person system
04:07and you can kind of just fill in the gaps and stuff like that?
04:10How do you feel about the preparation and the lack thereof of preparation
04:13going into the tournament?
04:15Well, like, I feel like our search is naturally just going to be really good.
04:19There's two in a series.
04:20And even yesterday when I was playing with them,
04:23I thought it was going to be more awkward initially at first,
04:25but our pacing was actually not that bad.
04:27And, like, I felt like I was able to see how they were playing the map,
04:29and I was actually kind of feeling like the right things.
04:32And then I was also, like, kind of guiding them on what we should be doing
04:34on some other stuff.
04:35So it didn't really feel awkward.
04:37I'm actually pretty confident.
04:38I feel like it catches other teams off guard, too,
04:40because, like, if somebody ever, like, I dare them to, like, catch us slipping,
04:42because they're going to, like, I promise you we're going to do good.
04:44Well, yeah, they don't have any reps against you either.
04:45I mean, yesterday you said you played FaZe, LAG.
04:48Like, those teams have reps against you,
04:50but you're not going to play every single team.
04:51So you're going to go into a series, like,
04:53you've obviously played them on a different team.
04:55Our team's played them.
04:57You think that'll, like, you think that will factor in
05:00that they haven't played you guys yet,
05:01and they're just not going to know what to expect?
05:03100%, yeah.
05:04Because, like, you guys play a weird system.
05:06But, like, now I feel like yesterday, oddly enough,
05:08we had, like, a fast-paced, like, super fast-paced,
05:11but we were, like, also playing kind of structured.
05:13My big concern is the search.
05:15And you just said you think you're going to make their search better.
05:19Not having – did you guys script search yesterday?
05:23But, like, in general, like, I've been noticing those little things.
05:26Like, I kind of know how Ant plays in search.
05:27He just needs to be enabled on the map to, like,
05:29just set up to get pushed up and get timings.
05:32But I feel like I can help him with that,
05:33just because I just – I mean, I also, like, watch him play with him,
05:35so I kind of see what his strats are.
05:36Because even though it's eights,
05:38people naturally do sometimes what they do in matches.
05:41Were you ever, on LAG or your past teams,
05:42were you ever, like, the shot caller in search?
05:44Or are you more of, like, just – like, do you let your subs call
05:48and they kind of direct you, like, yo, can you watch over me,
05:51close window, or just, like, something like that?
05:53So I can get pushed up?
05:54Or do you, like, get active with the calls?
05:57I'd say in the past I did.
05:58And then I feel like Paco's really good at that, like, in our MW team.
06:01So I kind of stopped strat calling because he would do it a lot.
06:04And Ant's – because that's why I ask, because Ant's, like, really good at it.
06:07Ant will, like, literally be like, yo, I want to do this.
06:10I need you to watch over me here.
06:13No, but there's also some rounds, like, if I, like, realize, like,
06:16there's, like, a gap that they're not, like, not always, like, playing.
06:19Like, I would say you wish to do this.
06:20Or, like, I would just, like, random me, like, in the moment,
06:22and just say something.
06:24So it's like a –
06:25But if he's calling strats, like, which I already kind of knew he did,
06:26like, it's good.
06:27Obviously we've had the worst stretch that OpticCod has ever had –
06:34You tweeted, it's sad to watch this, you know, unfold.
06:39From the outside looking in, how did that, like,
06:42seem watching them go 0-18 and with the caliber of players they had?
06:47Was it, like, kind of crazy?
06:48Because for us it was crazy.
06:50It's insane.
06:51Because, like, bro, you guys won champs.
06:52I mean, last year, I mean, we won champs.
06:54We got top 12.
06:55But, like, it was, like, it didn't look like that.
06:57It was, like, completely different.
06:58I was, like – especially with the talent.
07:00Like, I wasn't even texting Ant.
07:01It just makes no sense.
07:02I feel like you guys need some confidence or, like,
07:04somebody needs to, like, light something in
07:05or you guys need a dirty grueler series.
07:07But you can't even get a map.
07:08So it's, like, how are you going to get a grueler series?
07:10You can't win a map.
07:11There's nothing.
07:12But I don't know.
07:13I feel like that should never happen in a million years.
07:15And it somehow fucking happened.
07:18I mean, you coming in now, would you say there's any, like, pressure for you?
07:21Because I feel like, if anything – I mean, this is just me talking –
07:24but it kind of should alleviate that pressure because they just hit such a low.
07:30The bar's not high.
07:31So you come in, win a couple series, everyone's going to be, like, holy shit.
07:35Caesars bringing us back, you know?
07:36Yeah, yeah, yeah.
07:37But, I mean, I'm cocky, but, like, it's not going to be a couple series for us.
07:40I promise.
07:41I'm very positive of what I can do.
07:42Like, I swear to God, I have one tournament just off my watch, really.
07:45Like, we can just get World Star and I'll just make a joke
07:47and then, like, we're like, oh, what the fuck?
07:49Yeah, just reset.
07:50Because, like, just watching their camps, I'm not going to allow, like,
07:52that little, like – I can't explain it.
07:54You've competed, like, whenever you guys are just playing and it's just –
07:57it's quiet, but, like, it's like, come on, let's go, guys.
07:58But it's, like, it doesn't feel like –
08:00Yeah, yeah.
08:01I don't want to let that happen and just –
08:02You can't let it get to that point where it's, like, it's awkward.
08:05Nobody's saying anything.
08:07There's, like, that just pure defeat.
08:11And that's what it kind of seemed like watching the webcams, at least.
08:14I mean, again, we're not in the room with them, but watching the webcams,
08:16they would just look, like, defeated.
08:18They look checked.
08:19They look checked as fuck.
08:21But then they won their last match against your former team.
08:26And even after that –
08:27It was, like, kind of a lose-lose.
08:28I don't know.
08:29Like, if it was close, I mean, the only way people would, like, take good of it,
08:31if it was, like, a smoke show, like –
08:33I don't even remember the series.
08:34Was it close?
08:35No, it was – the respawns weren't close to S&D.
08:38They slammed us in the search.
08:40We destroyed them in the respawn.
08:42But, yeah, they still didn't even look, like, super –
08:44Yeah, like, super, like, confident.
08:46Besides A.G.
08:47A.G. was, like –
08:48He was, like, oh, my God, yes, move on the fucking map.
08:49A.G. was, like, yes.
08:50Yeah, so –
08:51But, yeah, I just –
08:53Like, from the little depths of hell that they were in, like,
08:55I don't want them to have, like, even, like, an inch of that.
08:57Like, I just want them to always, like, be happy.
08:59And so that's what I love doing on my team.
09:00Like, I hate seeing, like, that sadness and just –
09:03You do bring vibe.
09:04Yeah, I do.
09:05If there's one thing Bueno's bringing, he's bringing a fucking vibe.
09:07Bro, if people are tweaking, I'm taking off my shirt and I'm scrimming.
09:10I mean, that's what I did with my past teams.
09:12Like, they just laugh.
09:13They look at me like, holy fuck.
09:14You got your shirt off scrimming?
09:15Yeah, I've done it in the office in New York, yeah.
09:17They slapped my belly, bro.
09:19Oh, there's – you had Paco slapping your belly?
09:21Yeah, he's like, come here, big boy.
09:26All right.
09:27I don't see A.G. or Ant coming over slapping your belly, but –
09:30I'll make them.
09:31You'll make them?
09:32Paco is – come on, bro.
09:33You know Paco.
09:34He's like a little shy bird.
09:35And he slaps my belly now.
09:36It took a year, but he started doing it.
09:38Bueno's bringing the vibes.
09:39He's slapping the belly.
09:40Slapping the base.
09:41So you've been in a situation recently.
09:43You were dropped from LAG.
09:45You had just come off the World Championship two years ago at this point.
09:50Talk to me a little bit about your mental state, just being in limbo
09:54and not really expecting what was going to come next out of this situation.
10:00My mindset is – I mean, I already knew.
10:02I was going to play Challengers, and I realized, like,
10:04all these mid-pack teams are, like, not that good.
10:07Like, you guys are – I always consider you guys mid-pack teams, so.
10:10When I joined you guys, I was, like, very grateful.
10:12But my mindset, it was very positive because I'm very confident in myself.
10:16Just because I know people would roast me on stats and stuff, like, all that stuff.
10:19But, like, I feel like I'm a very hard, like, teammate player.
10:22Like, I would sacrifice, like –
10:24Like, even last year, like, during the Major 4, we were so bad.
10:27And then, I don't know, we just won 10 hard points in a row.
10:29I literally, like, was on a walk-up clock.
10:30I was like, bro, I'm about to get shit on.
10:32But I'm literally just going to the Hill.
10:34So you're selfless.
10:35Yeah, I'm selfless.
10:36I could care less, like, what people say about me.
10:38That's what I feel like right now.
10:40Even with the, like, rumors for now, I feel like I've gotten hate.
10:43But I feel like I just laugh at it.
10:44I don't really care.
10:46It gives me dope, actually.
10:47You kind of have to laugh at it because there's been a lot of it recently.
10:51And that kind of segues into my next question.
10:53Like, how good are you about blocking out all of that extra noise through Twitter,
10:59you know, streams, whatever inlet it is?
11:02I mean, how good are you at blocking that stuff out?
11:05I mean, I saw my mentions, like, and none of them really affected me.
11:08It was, like, I always smirked.
11:09If I saw some brains at shit, I was just like.
11:11Just smirk it off.
11:12Just smirk it off.
11:13But, like, I feel like the first years of my career, maybe it'd get to me.
11:16I'm like, man, maybe they're right.
11:18But, like, I know what I can help with my teammates, and I know what I can do for them.
11:22And people say, like, they don't think I play faster, but I've actually, like,
11:25kind of played faster, like, in the past when I was at Flex.
11:27Even in Vanguard, even before that, I was, like, my gauges were, like,
11:31almost double what they were now, for sure.
11:34And it's, like, it's one of those scenarios where you know coming into this team
11:37that you have to play fast.
11:38Oh, 100%.
11:39I mean, me and Brandon.
11:40You know you can't play slow.
11:41Me and Brandon, though.
11:42Because I feel like in this game, all the main ARs that are slow are getting fucked.
11:45And that's why.
11:46Even if you're an AR, you need to pull out a sub more.
11:48When we were watching you and Lunars on LAG, we were watching your very first map
11:52that you guys played together.
11:53It was Vault Hardpoint.
11:54We were, like, yo, these guys are slow.
11:57And you could just tell that you guys were both, like, trying to do the same thing,
12:01like, post up ARs.
12:02But it's good that you're coming in, like, knowing that you and Brandon,
12:06because this game is, like, it's like AW.
12:08It's, like, it's AW, IW, but on the ground.
12:12It's, like, you just have to bang hill together.
12:14Whatever you're doing, do it together.
12:15Do it fast.
12:17Because slow play doesn't really get rewarded in this unless you're, like, setting up.
12:20No, unless you're playing for waves.
12:22That's really good.
12:23On, like, a specific hill, for, like, for instance, like, a garage hill on Hasi,
12:26like, you're going to send two around vines.
12:28You're going to set up, like, a break.
12:31But on other hills, it's just, like, it's a bang out.
12:33Yeah, 100%.
12:34Like, every one of these games is a bang out.
12:37Skyline's fucking insane.
12:38Skyline's insane.
12:39Vault's insane.
12:41So, it's good that you know coming into it that you have that, like, notion
12:44that you guys have to be faster.
12:46Because I feel like even with our team, that was a big problem, was our pacing.
12:50We had AG, who's a slower, sleigh-heavy AR.
12:52Antz, obviously, you know, crazy, crackhead, running it down.
12:56But he also takes routes a lot.
12:58So, it's like, he's not banging the hill all the time.
13:00I noticed that yesterday, too.
13:02I was, like, taking a lot of routes with him, but I was also kind of trying to
13:04kind of guide him on what to do in certain situations, yeah.
13:06And then you have, like, Brandon and Ken, which, I mean, I wouldn't say
13:09either of them are super fast, so.
13:12It's good that you know that you guys got to pick up the pace
13:14and pretty much shift the whole play style of the team.
13:18So, I'm anxious to see how you guys.
13:19Well, I feel like natural control in S&D is going to be good.
13:21I feel like hard point, like, it's going to be good,
13:23but it'll be great, like, with a little bit of time.
13:26It might take a little bit.
13:27I don't think it's going to take that much time.
13:29What game mode out of the three do you think takes the most time
13:33to, like, really perfect?
13:35Probably hard point right now.
13:36Hard point?
13:37Because I feel like the flow, like, one, two, three, four,
13:39in that order, if that makes sense.
13:40I mean, you obviously know who it is.
13:42Like, if somebody, like, especially with how fast this game is,
13:44if the second guy goes the first guy's route or something,
13:47like, that guy's going to get cut off, you know what I'm saying?
13:49It's all about the chain.
13:50So, it's like initially reading the game fast and, like,
13:52first guy taking the right route and the second guy doing it,
13:54like, vice versa, yeah.
13:56So, you just got to have the right chain, the right flow.
13:58Yeah, I always thought it was search, just because search,
14:00you got to get your strats down, your timings down with the team,
14:03but I guess situationals and stuff, especially at this point in the year,
14:06you're halfway through, everybody already knows, like,
14:07the two-of-you-one setups and, you know, just the situational plays.
14:12And Ant's really good at, like, that, and you're a good search player.
14:15Yeah, and I kind of know, I've already, like, watched Brandon,
14:17how he plays S&D, so, like, I kind of know where I have to play.
14:20Like, he's a trips player, so I have to play Cliff.
14:23And then, like, vice versa, I just know where he plays,
14:24so, like, I'll be able to adapt easily.
14:25And I've also played, like, those spots as well with my old team
14:27because we switched to me being an island.
14:29So I've tried all those spots, so it's like I can just,
14:31I've played both before.
14:32So it'll just be Seymour.
14:35It's just, like, all the small little strats I got to learn with him.
14:36It's no question that you're good friends with Shotzi.
14:39You guys play eights together a lot, always in the late-night calls.
14:41How is it to officially now be teammates with him?
14:45I mean, top caliber sub, funny, I know you guys are going to get along.
14:50How does it feel to have him with you on the squad?
14:53I mean, it feels really good because I know he's, like, a very vocal sub,
14:56and then his play style, like, he reminds me of Paco,
15:00and, like, I think they're very, very similar.
15:02So I'm, like, kind of excited because I feel like I can enable him more,
15:04like I said earlier.
15:06So, and my vibes, I'm going to make him fucking laugh every day,
15:09just like everybody else.
15:10And I don't know.
15:12I've always thought he was God-like.
15:13I thought, like, the only two people that I think were, like,
15:15the most impactful subs were him and Paco.
15:17And then now I get to team with the other one, you know what I'm saying?
15:19So I'm kind of turnt.
15:21So, yeah, you had Paco.
15:23I mean, I'm just going to go off this question a little bit,
15:26but you had Paco, now you have Ant.
15:31Paco, I would say Paco is more of a slay-heavy sub, though, than Ant.
15:35I mean, Ant obviously has, like, a lot of good maps,
15:38but Paco gets a lot of kills.
15:41Do you think it's going to be, like, any different playing with Ant?
15:45Because I feel like Ant's, like, a little rattier.
15:48Like, he just, I don't even know how to describe it.
15:50Do you think it's going to be a lot different
15:52or do you think it's going to be pretty similar?
15:54I think it's going to be pretty similar.
15:55Pretty similar?
15:56The only thing that helps me is, like, he's very, very vocal.
15:58Like, especially with how important the Jack was in this game.
16:00Like, I feel like him being this vocal, like, from my experience,
16:03I was able to, like, insta-turn him if he's blocking something.
16:06It's just going to help me a lot.
16:07And then I feel like it's going to be a really good matching.
16:12Yeah, I think it'll be good.
16:13I mean, him and Paco have a very similar play style.
16:17They have similar takeovers, too.
16:19I've seen his takeover, like, where I played him on Evasion Control last year
16:22and he dropped, like, 40, bro.
16:23I was like, he was in Laundry.
16:24I was like, I don't even want to go in that shit.
16:25I remember watching that happen.
16:26I was like, holy shit, he is in, like, pure takeover.
16:29Yeah, I saw Laundry and I went B Street.
16:31I was like, I'm head glitching the back street, bro.
16:33Somebody else, Kiz.
16:34Yeah, yeah, yeah.
16:35Kiz, go get him.
16:36Fuck that.
16:37So now I get the team with him, so let's go.
16:39Hell yeah.
16:40It's not really a long question.
16:41We're going to hit you with it again.
16:43But your old YouTube description has been coming up a lot lately.
16:47I think it's fucking adorable.
16:49I think it's...
16:50Fuck up.
16:51Don't say adorable.
16:52I think it's fucking adorable.
16:53But I'm going to read the description.
16:57Actually, you read it.
16:58You read it.
16:59You read it in your words.
17:00Jeez, bro.
17:01Hello and welcome to my YouTube channel.
17:03My real name is Cesar Brown.
17:05Nice, bro.
17:06You can make fun of my name all you want here.
17:08I will start to make YouTube...
17:09I will start to make videos.
17:10I will be streaming live every week.
17:12My main goal is to join Optic.
17:14I always wanted to join them for about two years.
17:16Why did I say always and say two years?
17:18Oh, my God.
17:19You were 11.
17:20It's all good.
17:21Oh, my God.
17:22So, thank you for reading this...
17:23I will be posting some montages soon.
17:25I never posted a montage.
17:27You left them waiting.
17:30You left them on a cliffhanger for the montages.
17:32I'll start uploading montages now.
17:34But I'm going to give this back to you.
17:37What's it like now given those circumstances?
17:40I mean, you're, what, 25 now?
17:43That was 14 years ago.
17:45What's it like to kind of see your dreams?
17:48You know, obviously, your dreams can change as you get older.
17:51But what's it like seeing your dreams as a young kid coming true
17:54and you're about to play at the home major for Optic?
17:58When I was younger, it was definitely crazy.
18:01But, like, I would say I was a little...
18:03Fuck me, bro.
18:04I was a fanboy until, like, AWS when I started playing wagers
18:08and I started competing.
18:09Because once you compete, you're like...
18:10Yeah, once you compete against someone...
18:11You're like, I can't be a fucking dick rider.
18:12You can't put them on a pedestal.
18:13Yeah, yeah.
18:14I'm about to shit on these guys.
18:15That's the only thing.
18:16I had to have that mindset.
18:17But kind of crazy.
18:18Now that I look back on it, I was like...
18:20Because I remember, like, thinking that in the moment,
18:22writing that in as a kid.
18:23Like, wow, I actually want to grind this shit
18:25and just try to get on this org.
18:27Because there was a lot of sniping back then
18:28because I wanted to join on the sniping team.
18:30Oh, really?
18:31Okay, so you wanted the sniper side.
18:34Well, then.
18:35Because it was, like, competitive scene at the time.
18:36I mean, you know about that for sure.
18:38But there was more sort of that.
18:40And then I'm not going to lie.
18:41Like, I had, like, a little weird moment in my life
18:43where I was like, what the fuck?
18:44I'm actually, like, on this org.
18:45And I actually, like...
18:46Because I thought about, like, myself when I was younger.
18:48I was like, holy shit, I actually made it here.
18:49What the fuck?
18:50That's fucking sick.
18:52Kind of crazy.
18:53Everything came full circle.
18:54I mean, you've been playing for a long time now.
18:56And now the moment is here.
18:59I don't want to put pressure on you.
19:01I have no pressure.
19:02I promise you.
19:03I'm, like, really good with pressure.
19:04I don't really care.
19:05It's just surreal in general that now you find yourself here.
19:09Yeah, I was in Chicago two days ago, bro.
19:11Now I'm fucking here.
19:12Like, we got to do the watch party.
19:13Like, I'm about to scrim.
19:15Life comes at you fast, man.
19:16It does.
19:17And I'm rooting for you, too,
19:18because we've been boys for a long time.
19:20So it's crazy to see, like...
19:24I mean, I've obviously been friends with, like,
19:26a lot of people that have joined OpTic since I've retired.
19:29But it's just crazy that you are on OpTic now.
19:33Yeah, it's fucking...
19:34It's crazy.
19:35It's techie.
19:36I mean, it's techie in a good way, though.
19:37It's like, holy fuck.
19:38It's crazy to me, too.
19:39It's like, holy shit, Bueno's on OpTic.
19:40Yeah, yeah.
19:41Because you've always been like...
19:42Because we're fucking trolling, yeah.
19:43Yeah, such a vibey guy.
19:44And now, here you are, about to be at the major.
19:47I can play at a tournament.
19:48Like, holy shit.
19:49I'm excited to root for you.
19:50It's actually insane.
19:51Because I got to root against you when you're playing.
19:52Yeah, yeah, yeah.
19:53A hundred percent, yeah.
19:54Wait, does Matt come here still?
19:57For content days and stuff, yeah, but...
19:59That motherfucker.
20:00Not really.
20:01Like, whenever he's...
20:03Just playing, he's usually at home.
20:04But yeah, you're good friends with Matt.
20:05Yeah, yeah, yeah.
20:06Used to team with him on LG, so...
20:08He wanted to team with me this year.
20:09Matt did?
20:11Well, he texted me, but I don't know if he was serious.
20:13I don't know if he was serious.
20:14That's intel right there.
20:15I don't know if he was serious.
20:16Nah, he wasn't serious.
20:17Then he got his Halo team, and he was like...
20:18Maybe, because you know how he's nonchalant when he types stuff?
20:20He was like that.
20:21Yeah, he was definitely on some, like, trolly shit.
20:23Yeah, trolly, but not trolly.
20:24That's like a vibey guy.
20:25Yeah, yeah, yeah.
20:26No, he told me, like...
20:27Like, let me know if you need an AR duo or something like that.
20:30Ooh, the plot thickens.
20:31I didn't know that.
20:32Bro, he's actually got it, though.
20:34He was, like, literally the best team I've had.
20:35Oh, yeah.
20:36That's great.
20:37Usually, like, there's days where teammates don't call out as well,
20:39but he's always, like, fuckin'...
20:40He's always dialed.
20:42You've been here now for one day.
20:43You had your first day of scrims yesterday.
20:45Today will be the second, but you're getting thrown right into it.
20:49Thrown into the content, thrown into the OpTic content machine.
20:53Are you ready for all of that?
20:55Because I know you.
20:57You're going to fit so well, like, into the content,
21:00and I'm excited for people to get to see Bueno,
21:03because, again, you're vibey, you're funny.
21:05Are you ready for it all?
21:07Actually, I think I am,
21:09just because I feel like I've always wanted to do content for a while,
21:11but, like, I've never, like, pushed it,
21:13and I feel like this is going to help me, like,
21:16open my eyes more on why I need to do content.
21:18Bro, you're brand.
21:19I mean, you can say how it is.
21:20I walked in here.
21:21I went to scrim, and, like, the cameras come in,
21:23like, two minutes later, I'm like,
21:24holy shit, these guys are massive, bro.
21:26Yeah, Roger comes in.
21:27He's like, yo, what's good?
21:28You'll get to the point.
21:29You'll be like, what's up, Rog?
21:30What do you want now, bro?
21:32You'll get to that point.
21:34But, yeah, so are you excited to,
21:37I mean, yesterday you had 3,000 viewers,
21:39and that's before the announcement even goes out.
21:41Are you excited for the opportunity to take advantage of that
21:44and stream and do all the things that come with it?
21:47I mean, I feel like it's a little side gift,
21:51because I feel like, even then,
21:52I was always just grinding my stream,
21:53but I feel like the exposure, I feel like I'm very funny,
21:56and a lot of people finally realize what type of person I am.
22:00So I feel like it's crazy.
22:02There will just be more eyes on you in general.
22:04Yeah, for sure.
22:05It's just crazy, bro.
22:06It was so weird streaming yesterday,
22:07because I couldn't read anything.
22:09Yeah, I just had to, like,
22:10look for the comments that, like, weren't optic.
22:12Chat was moving too fast?
22:14No, not moving too fast.
22:15Oh, you couldn't read shit?
22:16I was just AFK, like, just looking at my chat.
22:18I couldn't read anything.
22:19Just optic all day long.
22:20I was on incognito mode watching him,
22:21so nobody saw me in the viewer list,
22:23because then they'd be like,
22:24oh, Scott's here.
22:25It's official.
22:27I saw you for one second.
22:29I think I saw you for, like, one second.
22:30Yeah, I got off hella quick.
22:31Yeah, I know.
22:32I got off hella quick.
22:33I sniffed it, bro.
22:34I saw it.
22:36I checked for one second.
22:37I was like, okay.
22:38I literally got on,
22:39watched you for, like, probably two, three minutes,
22:40and I was like, let me get on incognito tab,
22:41just in case, so, you know, rumors don't start spreading.
22:44So this is our sign-off,
22:47but is there anything that you want to say to the Green Wall,
22:50even in this short time that you've been here?
22:52Any expectations for them to expect?
22:54Anything that you want to say?
22:55Just the floor is yours at this point.
22:57Look at me as I'm the Green Wall.
22:59Okay, Green Wall.
23:01That I know people are sad about, like, the change,
23:04and people don't know much about me,
23:06or they do, but, like, for the people that don't know,
23:09I'm a very hard worker,
23:10and I'm really good at enabling my teammates,
23:12and I know what I need to do to win.
23:14I know I need to play faster,
23:15so I don't want them to stress.
23:16It may take a little time,
23:18but I promise you it's going to work out in the end.
23:20I'm going to give my hardest efforts
23:22and get some wins for you guys,
23:24hopefully some chips and a ring.
23:26We'd love to hear that.
23:27Yeah, and I just kind of want to touch on it.
23:29I mean, obviously, Kenny came in, got the ring for us.
23:34I mean, we love him, and we love Ken,
23:36and this is so sudden, even for me.
23:39I mean, again, people are like, they think I'm the GM.
23:43I'm not the GM.
23:45I heard about this a couple days ago, obviously,
23:50but we're going to miss Ken, and now you're replacing Ken.
23:54We hope that you come in and do your thing, man.
23:56I'm excited to watch you get out there, grind,
23:59and excited to see what you can do with the team.
24:01I appreciate it.
24:02I'm excited to show people or prove them wrong,
24:04even for the people that don't think I can adapt to my place.
24:07There's always going to be people saying shit.
24:08Yeah, 100%.
24:09You just got to block it out and do your thing, man.
24:11I'm excited.
24:12But I also, yeah, Kenny, I definitely respect him, for sure, too.
24:15I feel like he's one of the smartest minds in recent times, in general.
24:21Of course, and it's very sudden, but it's a new chapter,
24:26and I'm excited to see you flip the page.
24:29Yes, sir.
24:30Let's get after it.
24:31Let's get after it.
24:32Come on, baby.
24:33Jesus, guys, bueno.
24:34We'll see him this weekend at the Major.
24:36My fucking boy, I'm rooting for you.
24:38Appreciate it.
