• 2 days ago
Watch GOP Rep. EXPLODES With Rage At Democrats’s FAKE Tears For USAID Cuts!


00:00And this hearing is just the beginning.
00:02Accountability is coming.
00:03Thank you also to our witnesses today.
00:05The corruption going on behind USAID's doors
00:08has been a wake-up call for all Americans.
00:10As chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee,
00:12I spent the last two years
00:13exposing the Biden administration's sabotage
00:16of our border and the policies that kept America safe.
00:19I saw firsthand their willful refusal
00:21to protect this country.
00:23Under the guise of foreign aid,
00:25USAID has been an unapologetic front for a far-left agenda.
00:29It has become self-evident
00:30there weren't a handful of foolish policies,
00:33but rather a coordinated strategy of radical, idiotic,
00:37and often anti-American priorities.
00:40Idiotic, you say?
00:41Millions to teach Moroccans how to make pottery?
00:45The Moroccans were making pottery before we were a country.
00:48This entire debate today,
00:49and the crocodile tears from Democrats,
00:52just goes to show what's wrong with this town.
00:55Not a single Democrat I've heard has expressed dismay
00:58at the many examples of crazy, wasteful spending.
01:02I don't understand the objection to a deep dive
01:05in how we spend our money,
01:06but perhaps it's the fact that over the last several weeks,
01:10a massive surge has occurred
01:12in the search for a criminal defense attorney.
01:15That probably says it all, five times in this city,
01:18any other city in the nation.
01:20I'd like to remind the committee
01:21that President Kennedy unilaterally created USAID
01:26through an executive order in 1961,
01:29yet the President, President Trump,
01:31orders a momentary pause after winning a mandate for reform,
01:35and Democrats cry, constitutional crisis.
01:39This is after four years of reckless spending
01:42and unrepentant lawlessness from the Biden administration.
01:46I want the American people to understand
01:48how this works in Washington.
01:49As long as you're spending other people's money,
01:52no one bats an eye.
01:54But the second you want to save taxpayer dollars,
01:56the swamp cries wolf, or in this case,
01:58unprecedented constitutional crisis.
02:01This breathless, fake outrage from the left
02:04is utterly insane, and you know what the American people,
02:08you know they can see right through it.
02:11The generosity of Americans and the blessing
02:13of giving aid to others has always been
02:15one of our most valuable tools for diplomacy.
02:17The American people have a proud history
02:20of championing aid to our fellow man,
02:21but lawless bureaucrats have poisoned that goodwill.
02:25Many USAID programs are wasteful
02:28and actively sabotage our diplomatic relationships
02:30by forcing woke ideology on our partners.
02:33Just look at PEPFAR, a beacon of hope
02:35in the fight against HIV-AIDS,
02:37yet the Biden administration even weaponized
02:40this crucial program, jeopardizing lives
02:42and undermining our relationship with African nations.
02:45Under administrator powers,
02:48our message to Africa was explicit, as it was heinous.
02:52Abort your babies and violate your religious convictions,
02:55or we won't grant you life-saving aid.
02:58Let me be crystal clear to those
02:59who've been complicit in this betrayal.
03:02Firing those involved is just a start.
03:05We have a long way to go.
03:07And one last point.
03:08I want to correct the record on a couple of things.
03:10First, Elon Musk and the team that is working
03:14does not have access to personal data.
03:16They don't have access to your social security number.
03:19That is a lie.
03:22Elon Musk does have a security clearance.
03:24He has a top-secret security clearance.
03:26By God, he makes the rockets for NASA.
03:30But the suggestion that he somehow can't be trusted
03:33to dig into how we're spending our money
03:35is nothing but a smokescreen to hide the corruption
03:39and the wasteful spending that has occurred there.
03:42And I am personally offended
03:44at the left's continued references
03:46to 19-year-olds and 21-year-olds in their doing work.
03:51There are 19-year-olds who have won the Medal of Honor
03:54defending this country.
03:55Just because you're 19 doesn't mean you're some child
03:58who can't be trusted.
04:01It is offensive.
04:02And if you're 19 years old out there, 20 years old,
04:05and you're serving this country,
04:06by God, your service matters.
04:08Keep serving.
04:09We thank you for that.
04:11It would appear that I'm out of time, Mr. Chairman.
04:14I yield.
04:15Mr. Barr is not recognized.
04:16Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
04:17Appreciate the very important hearing
04:19exposing the jaw-dropping waste at the USAID.
04:23And many USAID foreign assistance grants
04:25are not only wasteful, but counterproductive
04:27to our diplomatic and foreign policy objectives.
04:29Just a few examples.
04:30$75,000 for a drag show workshop in Ecuador.
04:34$37 million for services for sex workers and their clients
04:39and transgender people in South Africa.
04:41$31 million for providing USAID employees with resilience,
04:45wellness, and work-life balance counseling.
04:48$24 million to build green transportation alternatives
04:51in Georgia.
04:52A half a million dollars to help Indonesian coffee companies
04:56become more climate and gender friendly.
04:59$15 million to promote LGBT rights for individuals in Kenya.
05:03And $2 million to conduct sex change surgeries
05:07in Guatemala through a trans-led organization.
05:12My colleagues on the other side of the aisle
05:14are whining that President Trump has fired
05:17the Inspector General of this agency.
05:19Thank goodness for President Trump
05:21for firing an Inspector General
05:23for not exposing what Elon Musk has exposed with this waste.
05:28Are these programs what hardworking American taxpayers
05:32should be funding?
05:34But let me focus on Uganda
05:36because my colleague from Texas raised that issue.
05:39A country that has thousands of soldiers
05:42fighting for our counter-terrorism interests
05:44against al-Shabaab in Somalia.
05:46And that country was severely punished
05:49by the Biden administration
05:49for signing its anti-homosexuality law into law
05:53in May of 2023.
05:55The Biden administration revoked Uganda's AGOA eligibility,
05:58enacted visa restrictions on Ugandan individuals,
06:00and pressured the World Bank to prohibit
06:02new public financing.
06:04Despite this, USAID has provided a $600,000 grant
06:08to quote, empower Uganda's LGBT community
06:11to push back against this legislation.
06:13And a $5.4 million grant to shift public perception
06:17and attitudes in Uganda towards LGBT acceptance
06:19and to train LGBT individuals on the skills
06:23needed to engage in the economy.
06:24Now, in Uganda, China is expected to finance
06:28the $5 billion East African crude oil pipeline directly
06:32because Western leaders and the World Bank
06:35are walking away from the project
06:36because the Biden administration's response
06:38to their own domestic legislation.
06:41Mr. Primerack, should taxpayer dollars
06:44go toward penalizing countries like Uganda
06:47for making their own internal domestic political decisions
06:50on social issues that one administration
06:53doesn't agree with, which in turn strengthens
06:56countries' relationships with our adversaries
06:58like the communists in China?
07:01Congressman, I've spoken to many officials
07:03from the region there, and they explained to me
07:07their shock when they would prepare for meetings
07:10with Secretary Blinken.
07:12They prepared about how can we work together
07:14to combat China, actually.
07:16But when they had the meeting,
07:17they were hit with the woke things about the climate,
07:19about the LGBT, and all these issues.
07:21They were utterly stunned that here they are,
07:24Africa, they know about the challenge
07:26and the great geostrategic fight that we have,
07:29ready to work with us,
07:31but we weren't ready to work with them.
07:34Well, look, I get it.
07:35The gentleman from Texas disagrees with the Ugandan people.
07:38I get it.
07:39The Biden administration disagreed with the Ugandan people,
07:41and Secretary Blinken and USAID
07:43in the previous administration disagreed
07:45with the Ugandan people on this issue
07:46of homosexuality legislation.
07:49I get it.
07:50The question is not their opinion.
07:53The question is what is the diplomatic job
07:57of the State Department and USAID?
08:00Is it to lecture the Ugandans,
08:02or is it to help us counter Belt and Road?
08:04Is the job of the State Department and USAID
08:07to advance American national security?
08:10That's the question.
08:11And what they did in that instance with Uganda
08:14is compromise American national security
08:17and empower our adversary.
08:20Representative Yoho Ted, it's good to see you.
08:22Thank you for your amazing work
08:23and your authorship of the BUILD Act.
08:25You were instrumental in the passage of that bill
08:28and authorize US International Development
08:30Finance Corporation.
08:32Can you see DFC playing a much more effective role
08:35in advancing our interests abroad
08:36and countering China's Belt and Road?
08:39And if you could, how can reforms like equity scoring
08:41and country eligibility changes help US investments
08:44in countries like Panama?
08:46It's a big reform.
08:48I mean, that's the best tool we have to counter the BRI,
08:51the Belt Road Initiative,
08:52and the equity scoring is a must fix.
08:53It's something that has to be,
08:55because right now it limits what the DFC can do.
08:57And then raising the country of eligibility
08:59allows us to go into these countries strategically
09:02where we can counter the BRI, where we can't go now.
09:04And this is something that we're gonna talk about
09:06next month in the reauthorization.
09:08And I hope it's a bipartisan effort
09:10and there's a lot of support, but if we don't do it,
09:12we're gonna see that much more influence.
09:15And it goes to people that aren't friendly
09:17to the United States.
09:18Well, thanks for your leadership on that.
09:20And I agree with you, move from aid to trade.
09:23To trade.
09:24And thank you to President Trump for his leadership
09:26on rooting out all of this waste and, frankly,
09:30frankly, activity that undermines our national security.
09:33Gentleman's time has expired.
