• 2 days ago
Watch Trump's Border Czar ERUPTS At Democrat Slamming Him Over Immigration Stance
00:00First of all your comments are disgusting. I've served my client. You're not my cousin my country 34 years. I find your
00:07I've served my country for 34 years, and yes
00:10I held a five-year-old boy in my arms that in back that tractor-trailer
00:13I knelt down beside him and said a prayer for him
00:16Because I knew what his last 30 minutes his life were like and I had a five-year-old son at the time
00:20What I've been trying to do my 34 years serving my nation is to save lives
00:25So for you to sit there and insult my integrity and my love for my country and for the in for children
00:31That's why this whole thing needs to be fixed
00:34These egregious and cruel conditions and policies are not accidental. Mr. Homan during your time as acting ICE director
00:43Deterrence was the order of the day for you the memo bears that out
00:47Exactly what you planned for the Trump administration claimed they had no choice
00:52But to rip children from their parents because they were criminally prosecuting the parents pursuant to zero
00:58Tolerance policy again and policies that the administration created and that you mr.
01:04Homan accepted enforced and championed as we've seen let me remind everyone that the Trump administration tried to ban
01:11asylum seeking and started the process of metering
01:15Which then prevents people from coming through legal ports of entry that
01:21Exacerbated the crisis people are desperately waiting months just to get in line and be granted the inalienable rights to do
01:29Process. Mr. Homan. You have said that most
01:33Immigrants are quote not criminals other than the criminal act that they do when they enter the country
01:39Illegally, that is why I think we ought to revisit the criminalizing
01:45striking sections 1325 and 1326 of title 8 of the US Code the statutes that the
01:52Administration has leveraged to separate thousands of children from their families. Mr. Homan
01:57Do you understand that the consequences of separation of many children will be lifelong trauma and carried across generations?
02:05Have we not learned from the internment of Japanese Americans? Mr. Homan. I'm a father. Do you have children?
02:12How can you possibly allow this to happen under your watch do you not care
02:16Is it because these children don't look like children that are around you? I don't get it
02:23Have you ever held a deceased child in your arms?
02:27First of all, your comments are disgusting. I've served my
02:3334 years
02:35I've served my country for 34 years
02:37And yes, I held a five-year-old boy in my arms that in fact that tractor-trailer
02:41I knelt down beside him and said a prayer for him
02:43Because I knew what his last 30 minutes his life were like and I had a five-year-old son at the time
02:48What I've been trying to do my 34 years serving my nation is to save lives
02:53So for you to sit there and insult my integrity in my love for my country and for the in for children
02:59That's why this whole thing needs to be fixed and you're the memory on that exit
03:04We agree on that, but I disagree, but I also disagree with your
03:11Decades on this gentleman time is expired. It's my time. Mr. Chairman. It's my time. I just the gentleman
03:18ripped off about seven different questions
03:21designed to
03:22Go at the character of mr. Holman and mr. Holman should be given a chance to respond was rich
03:27It was ridiculous the way he just rattled him all off. It wouldn't let him respond to him. Let me say this
03:32I understand that but I'm first of all, I'm gonna have civility in my hearings. All right, but
03:38No, I have the floor I understand and I agree I'm gonna have to go
03:43That's why that's why I was banging so that we could hear each person speak. I have been very courteous and very kind
03:50Now, mr. Holman, do you have something to say?
03:53No one in this room has seen what I've seen my 34 year career very well. No one has experienced what I've experienced
03:59I've saw many dead bodies coming across this border. You want to talk about the memo?
04:03This memo is one option to stop death
04:06Not just about enforcing the law stop death
04:08If you want to legalize illegal immigration
04:10Good luck with that because you won't get a hell of a lot worse on that border
04:13If you say well great from now on there'll be no consequence. No deterrence
04:16It's not illegal to come this country legally more families will come 31% women will be raped more children would die
04:22We're a nation of laws. If you don't like it, sir, change it. You're the legislator
04:26I'm the executive branch and I've served my country honorably for 34 years
04:30And I will not sit here and have anybody say that I don't care about children because you're not the same color as my children
04:35Thank you very much. Thank you. Mr. Comer. I
04:38have to begin with
04:40clarifying something that
04:41Representative to leave said in her opening remarks when we had the portion of the hearing when the legislators were were asked to
04:48Give remarks for five minutes
04:51Represent to leave you were
04:54Offended by the term
04:56Illegal and said we did not need to use the term illegal to describe
05:00People that were certain people that were here in America that no one was an illegal
05:06but if anyone is
05:09in the United States of America unlawfully
05:12then they are in fact an
05:15Illegal and I just want to clarify that because when I go home to Kentucky, that's something that offends the overwhelming majority
05:23Of people that that watch what goes on in Congress specifically in this committee
05:30And let me be clear. This is not a manufactured crisis
05:34This is a problem that
05:38Is getting worse every day
05:40Yet this Congress
05:43Continues to do nothing about
05:47The real problem at the border
05:50What I have not heard today in this hearing is a real solution to the problem
05:58Just letting people go freely when they cross the border
06:04Constituent constituents open border
06:08We cannot have that in America and let me let me quote Jay Johnson
06:13In an op-ed and he was President Obama's Secretary of Homeland Security
06:18He said that we cannot embrace a policy and I quote
06:22Not deport those who enter or remain in this country illegally unless they commit a crime
06:28This is tantamount to a public declaration
06:31Repeated and amplified by smugglers in Central America that our borders are effectively open to all
06:37This will increase the recent levels of monthly apprehensions at our southern border
06:42About or more than a hundred thousand by multiples end quote. He's right
06:49President Obama's Secretary of Homeland Security is right about the real problem we have at the border
06:57We have to get serious
06:59About this problem at the border. Mr. Homan
07:03You're clearly an expert. What can Congress do to fix this problem?
07:12They can close loopholes in asylum to make it meaningful. They can change the TV PRA with children Mexico
07:18The children of Central America are treated the same way as children Mexico once just ascertain
07:21They're not a victim of trafficking
07:22They can be removed and then you change the forest settlement agreement and I'm sitting here and let me explain to you why I'm sitting
07:28Here so frustrated because I'm the only one in this room was wore a green uniform and been on that line
07:33I'm the only one this room was found dead aliens on a trail that were abandoned by smugglers
07:37It just left in there because if they weren't worth any money anymore
07:39I'm the only one in this room that stood in back retractor trailers run by 19 dead aliens
07:43Including five-year-old little boy that suffocated in death in his father's arms
07:47I was there and I saw and I smelled it and it's terrible and I still I still have nightmares to this day
07:54I was in Phoenix, Arizona when you couldn't pay the smuggling fees. You were tortured
07:57You're one person was stabbed in the face 22 times because you couldn't pay a smuggling fee and we keep talking about open borders abolish ice
08:04Let's not detain anybody. Let's let everybody go that entices more people to come
08:09That this isn't just about enforced laws about saving lives. I found enough dead bodies in my in my day
08:14I got a stack of dead bodies here
08:16I've seen a lot of pictures today
08:17But no one wants to see these pictures
08:19Because they're angel moms and dads each other died here at the hands of people that cross the border. Can we have an open border?
08:24The more we entice people to make this journey more women of 31% of women are being raped
08:29Children are dying and I said months ago if we don't close the loopholes more women will be raped more children died
08:34But it's like no one's listening
08:38Well, mr.
08:39Fix this sir, we can fix this
08:41There's three things we can do to fix this in Congress if they don't like what I said CBP do then do your job
08:46Fix it
08:48Congress has failed American people for three decades. I've been doing this job and fixing this
08:52They'd rather point to the men and women the board to a men and women who have an American flag on their shoulder and serve
08:57Their nation. I'm extremely frustrated because what I've seen today is
09:01misleading the American people
09:03People are dying
09:05Not in ice custody
09:07If you compare people died in ice custody to every state federal system, we got the lowest rate
09:12We got a hell of a lot lower rate than the City of New York
09:15But no one wants to talk about us. We need to save lives. We need to secure our borders. Nothing wrong with this
09:20There's nothing wrong with a secure border now. I can assure you mr.
09:22Holman this side of the aisle
09:24Is serious about securing the border the president's serious about securing the border and I hope that my colleagues on the other side of the
09:31We'll get serious about securing the border so we can have a real solution to the problem that we have at the southern border
09:38Mr. Chairman, I yield back. Mr. Jordan
09:41Mr. Holman the actions you took when you were director of ice were entirely consistent with the law of the land weren't they?
09:47Yes, and someone's prosecuted for a crime the child can't go to jail with a parent
09:51Yeah happens to American families every day. Yeah, and if we as you said, I think earlier if we don't like the law
09:57Last time I checked it's the folks sitting up here got to change it. Yeah, and you've offered I think no more than four times
10:04Three changes to the law that would help the situation. Is that right? Yes, sir. Maybe make it a fifth time
10:09Can you say it a fifth time for this group just you know, because again
10:12We're the ones have to change the law
10:14So give us that recommendation a fifth time the three things that we got to do if we will close the loopholes in the TV
10:19PRA where children in Central America are treated the same as children, Mexico
10:23If we would change the Florida settlement agreement so we can actually detain families and family setting long enough to see a judge and plead
10:28their case
10:30if we can change the rules of asylum, so
10:34It makes more sense
10:35So 90% of people don't pass the first if you're a lot fewer pass in front of a judge those three things
10:41Would would would mean a big would make a big difference on the border and decrease the illegal entry those three things go to the
10:47Heart of the matter they go to the incentive. Is that right?
10:49They go to incentive along with the other things such as talking about abolishing ice having no detention free education
10:55Yeah, free medical care
10:58Citizenship for those who are here illegally when you keep offers and incentives for people to come sanctuary cities come to this country
11:04You'll be protected from ice
11:05As long as you keep having this little kind of people who are vulnerable people keep trying to come those kind of statements made by
11:11Democrats in the United States Congress or in
11:13positions of influence in this country
11:15They have an impact don't they have a significant impact when a member of Congress has abolished ice when another member of Congress has abolished
11:21DHS when the Speaker of the House says walls are immoral when the person who gave the State of the Union response to the present
11:25State of the Union says she's okay with non-citizens voting that all has an impact doesn't it just like the laws that you're
11:31You're sworn to uphold in it and and and in impact and do when you're the director of ice
11:37Has a significant impact if this would have been fixed years ago. We probably wouldn't have seen zero tolerance
11:42We wouldn't see the conditions on the board because the laws haven't been changed because of the statements that have made there was a crisis
11:47There is a crisis on the board and that didn't happen yesterday
11:50All right, you think about this there was a crisis the administration acts ask for help
11:56Democrats say it's contrived. It's manufactured. It's fake. It's not real
12:00Then when the crisis the real crisis gets actually worse
12:03The Democrats blame the administration for the very crisis
12:06They help create by the things they said and the fact we won't change the law, but somehow it's your problem
12:11Somehow it's the president's problem
12:13And we have miss Costello who went down there her team went down there and looked us all over the inspector general
12:19Said there's some concerns that she has and the cause of the concerns they're trying to ascertain now
12:24She also said agents are doing I think your statement was agents are doing their level best. Is that right? Miss Costello?
12:31That's the experience of our inspectors
12:34So that the inspector general goes down there with your team and you conclude the agents the people that mr
12:40Holman used to represent doing their darn best they can do but they're overwhelmed and
12:45Then you also said in your in your statement and your answers a few minutes ago
12:49You're trying to ascertain the cause well, that's pretty simple to figure out the cause
12:54It's the numbers
12:56from in October
12:5960,000 apprehensions and indivisibles on the border October of last year
13:02You know what? It was in May of this year
13:06144,000 we know the cause
13:09They're all coming and they're coming because things the other side saying and the fact we won't change three fundamental things in the law
13:15And it also might help
13:17Mr. Holman it also might help because these are the ones that these are apprehensions people presenting themselves at ports of entry
13:22It also might help we build a border security wall, right instead of having this speaker of the house say they're immoral
13:27Even though there's one in her state
13:28It might actually help if we built the border security while that the American people voted this president in office to do
13:33Might actually help we did that. Would you agree? Mr. Holman? Absolutely every place
13:37They built a border barrier every single place. They built a border barrier illegal immigration decreased
13:41Yeah, it would it would help with some of the tragic things that we have heard about
13:46Tragic situation that we've heard about the last couple days this entire week in this committee that no one wants to see happen
13:54The the young mother who lost her daughter it's tragic no one wants us
13:59But if we did the things you're talking about we could help avoid some of those kind of incidents from happening in the future
14:04Is that right? Mr. Holman? Yeah, if I can respond and you're the guy you're the guy who has lived it breathed it felt it
14:09Managed it, you know more than you you have more expertise in this area than anyone in this room. Is that right?
14:14I believe so, but let me respond to the one child that died is tragic tragic
14:19But you know long as we're showing a lot of pictures if I can have just 30 seconds, here's a picture her name is Serenity
14:25She was nine months years nine months old nine months raped and murdered by an illegal alien because open borders policy
14:32Here's a Rana. She was five years old
14:34Raped repeatedly and murdered by an illegal alien. Here's Louise Solomon. She was 93
14:40Multiple rapes and murdered by an illegal alien. Here's a 16 year old. Here's a law enforcement officer
14:45I got hundreds in my desk drawer. So I've seen tears for people today and I understand that it's tragic when anybody dies
14:51But let's not remember let's not forget the angel mama's dad's why I've all met and got to know their children died
14:56They're separated forever. It's not a matter of location. They're dead and
15:02A secure border would help prevent some of this sanctuary cities does not help this sanctuary cities
15:07this will increase because of
15:10The push of sanctuary cities come to our country will protect you you can even commit a crime
15:14Be our County Jail, we're not going to license into the jail
15:17So he'll go out recidivism rates and make a look him up 50% reoffend the first year 70 up to 55
15:24recidivate within five years
15:26They're in the country illegally in violation of federal law. They're out there locked up in a county jail
15:31Let us have access to them and do our job
