• 2 days ago


00:00Sheldon, it's not a great time, what do you want?
00:12Hello to you too.
00:14I'm sorry, but this is important.
00:17What is it?
00:20Back to the Future 2 was in the Back to the Future 3 case, and Back to the Future 3 was,
00:26like this, in the Back to the Future 2 case.
00:32So did you do that, or am I in the house with an intruder?
00:36Sheldon, I gotta go inside, it's getting rough out here.
00:43You're dodging the question, I knew it was you.
00:50What was that?
00:51What was what?
00:53This isn't a very good connection, but it sounded like someone just released a Kraken.
00:57Okay, I'm hanging up now, you know there's no such thing as a Kraken.
01:12What's the matter?
01:17Um, well I was worried that you might be missing Leonard, and that might be causing
01:25you to have bad dreams, like the kind you'd get if you watched Clash of the Titans right
01:29before you went to bed.
01:31Sweetie, did you have a bad dream?
01:36To be honest, I did.
01:39Back to the Future 2 was in the Back to the Future 3 case.
01:43Leonard did it.
01:46No, wait, perhaps I should sleep here, so you don't miss Leonard as much, because you're
01:53being kind of a baby about it.
02:00You know what, that would make me feel better, thank you.
02:04You're welcome.
02:06I'm so glad you guys are friends again.
02:15I'm glad you and I are friends again, too.
02:18Which reminds me, this came in the mail, and I want you to have it.
02:2250 cents off Vagisil.
02:27Think of me when you apply it.
02:30Can I just say, I've missed all of us hanging out together.
02:35Yeah, me too.
02:37Um, since when can Cthulhu Polly talk in front of the girls without a beer?
02:41Oh, that happened right after you left.
02:44No one told me.
02:45Can't believe we forgot to tell him.
02:51Think of Sheldon when you apply it.
02:54I think this is the first time we've ever actually been alone together.
02:58Oh, I guess you're right.
03:01I wonder why that is.
03:03Well, off the top of my head, I'd say we don't have a lot in common except for the people
03:07we're involved with.
03:08Plus, when we first met, Penny warned me never to get into a car alone with you.
03:13You know, I bet you and I have more in common than we think.
03:21Such as?
03:22I don't know.
03:25Tell me some things you like.
03:26Uh, let's see.
03:27I like harps, Little House on the Prairie, medieval poetry, medieval literature.
03:33Hey, how about some music?
03:37Sheldon never lets me listen to music in the car.
03:39He doesn't want to be mistaken for a gang member.
03:42Find something you like.
03:48Weird Al, how old are you?
03:52I enjoyed it.
03:54When you told me I was going to be losing my virginity, I didn't think you meant showing
03:57me Raiders of the Lost Ark for the first time.
04:01My apologies.
04:02I chose my words poorly.
04:04I should have said you were about to have your world rocked on my couch.
04:09Anyway, thank you for watching it.
04:13It's one of my all-time favorites.
04:15It was very entertaining, despite the glaring story problem.
04:20Story problem?
04:21Oh, Amy.
04:22What a dewy-eyed moon calf you are.
04:30Raiders of the Lost Ark is the love child of Steven Spielberg and George Lucas, two
04:34of the most gifted filmmakers of our generation.
04:37I've watched it 36 times, except for the snake scene and the face-melting scene, which
04:43I can only watch when it's still light out.
04:46I defy you to find a story problem.
04:49Here's my jaw.
04:51Drop it.
04:55Indiana Jones plays no role in the outcome of the story.
04:59If he weren't in the film, it would turn out exactly the same.
05:03I see your confusion.
05:05You don't understand.
05:06Indiana Jones was the one in the hat with the whip.
05:10No, I do.
05:13And if he weren't in the movie, the Nazis would have still found the Ark, taken it to
05:16the island, opened it up, and all died.
05:19Just like they did.
05:22Let me close that for you.
05:29I've reconsidered.
05:30You can't work where I work.
05:31Enjoy the rest of your evening.
05:33Sheldon, I already signed the contract.
05:36I cashed a check.
05:39You are not going to come out of this looking good.
05:41Sheldon, I don't understand.
05:43I thought you said you were fine with it.
05:45I was, but that was before Howard explained to me how awful it would be if he had to work
05:49with his significant other.
05:51He said what?
05:54Now, don't be insulted.
05:56He just thinks too much of you would be mind-numbingly tedious.
05:59Excuse me, I need to have a chat with my husband.
06:04Now, keep it short.
06:06From what I gather, brevity is your friend.
06:10So are we good here?
06:11Listen to me.
06:12Sheldon misunderstood.
06:13What I meant was, if we work together, there'd be too much of me for you.
06:19Not the other way around.
06:20Howard, if you're going to lie to your wife, don't start the sentence with, Sheldon misunderstood.
06:26That's a dead giveaway.
06:30Okay, fine.
06:31I did say that, and I think it's true.
06:33I think if we work together and live together, we'd get sick of each other.
06:36Yeah, but to be fair, he only said the part about him getting sick of you.
06:39For the love of God, why?
06:45What exactly do you think you'd get sick of?
06:48There's only options here are to fake a heart attack or have a real one.
06:53It's nothing in particular.
06:56Is it my voice?
06:57Am I too bossy?
06:59My arm is feeling numb.
07:04Nailed it.
07:07That's the wrong arm for a heart attack, doofus.
07:11Sheldon, I know you're in the zone, but do you want some tea?
07:17Howard, I can't believe I'm going to say this, but you haven't spoken in hours, and I'm starting
07:22to get worried.
07:23Please say something.
07:25Howard, prepare to be humbled and weep at the glory of my genius.
07:30Nope, it was better before.
07:34Look at it.
07:35I feel like my mind just made a baby.
07:39And it's beautiful.
07:41It's not like human babies, which are loud and covered in goop.
07:46Holy crap, Sheldon, did you just figure out a method for synthesizing a new, stable, super
07:51heavy element?
07:53Did I?
07:55Well, that can't be right.
07:56No one's ever done that before.
07:58Except me, because I just did it!
08:01Sheldon and his brain.
08:02Sheldon and his brain.
08:03Sheldon and his brain.
08:04Sheldon and his brain.
08:05Sheldon and his brain.
08:06Yeah, I definitely better before.
08:07Sheldon and his brain.
