Ridiculously difficult. No checkpoints. First player to the top wins. This is the story of Deep Dip — Trackmania's Hardest Tower Map. Showing the real experience of what it's like trying to complete it.. How many times are you willing to fail before you give up?
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Edited by Zero
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Edited by Zero
00:00This is Deep Dip, one of the hardest maps ever built in Trackmania.
00:04The track starts down at ground level, and the finish is all the way up at the top.
00:09But to get there, you have to pass 14 difficult floors,
00:12each one made by a skilled mapper with thousands of hours in the game.
00:16Each floor is difficult in its own way, like the third floor that has precise driving on ice,
00:22or the sixth floor that has wicked difficult jumps.
00:25But what makes Deep Dip a truly insane map is that there are no checkpoints whatsoever,
00:30so if you make a mistake, it could potentially cost you all of your progress.
00:41In order to complete Deep Dip, you have to beat all 14 floors in a row without any inaccuracies,
00:48and as you climb higher, the pressure rises tremendously.
00:52In November of 2022, the map was published,
00:55and a race was hosted to see who would be the first to complete it,
00:58with a $1000 prize pool to the first finishers.
01:01And little did we all know then, that this would become one of the biggest events in Trackmania history.
01:07This is the story of the race to summit Trackmania's hardest tower map.
01:22Leading up to the release of the map, expectations were high,
01:25as this tower in its size was unlike anything seen in the game before.
01:30Many players had tried a similar map one year earlier, but that one paled in comparison.
01:36Going into the event, I had set up a timer and a fall counter to see just how long it would take in total,
01:43where for reference, the tower map from a year prior had taken 3 hours and 38 falls.
01:49That evening, once all the players were connected to the server, the race officially began.
02:20The bottom floor starts out quite peacefully for being one of the hardest maps in the game.
02:27It has parts that require precise balancing, and obvious baits I'm embarrassed to have fallen for.
02:42But other than that, I was able to quickly clear it for the first time after just 15 minutes.
02:48And that's also exactly when we noticed a terrible detail on the map.
03:07Floor 1 has many different biomes, and some low speed jumps that were difficult.
03:12One in particular was causing me a lot of frustration,
03:15and in my 15th fall, I also got to experience one phenomenon that makes this map even harder.
03:33And after finally passing that jump, and nearly the entirety of floor 1,
03:37I had the pleasure of experiencing it for a second time.
03:53And then it was right back to the start, with all my progress erased.
03:58Unless you're able to flip the car with momentum, or get into a water pool,
04:02landing upside down basically means your run is over.
04:06But thankfully, on the very next attempt, I reached the second floor.
04:16Ladies and gentlemen, if this car flips, which it does,
04:20I think we've made it to floor 3. Or floor 2, it is. Floor 2.
04:24The second floor of Deep Dip has you balancing on thin railings and doing jumps between them.
04:29I took my time and tried to drive it slow and steady,
04:32and it really didn't take me that long to complete it.
04:35Okay, uh, what's the strat here?
04:38Does it just boost me up? Oh.
04:42Floor 3! Floor 3, that's a PB!
04:45After 40 falls and 2 hours played, I had made it to the third floor, out of 14 total.
04:51This floor is really confusing. It has two paths you can drive at the start,
04:56and after some theorycrafting, I realized it had to be the left one.
05:00Then you would jump onto the edge of the tower, and flip up to a floating island.
05:05From there, you could go on top of a beam, and then with a precise jump,
05:09drop onto the other path you didn't take at the start,
05:12and then again gather speed and jump up to the second floating island on the floor.
05:17Then, all that remained was getting past the ice rings.
05:21This is the ice circle.
05:49Scary, scary.
05:57Just let it go, just let it go.
06:06That's another step done. Dude, we're doing good on this.
06:09So far, so far we're doing pretty good.
06:11And though that went great, I blundered two jumps later.
06:15And before I knew it, it was right back to Floor Gang.
06:19No, no, no!
06:2410 falls and half an hour later, I finally made it back up to the jump.
06:28What I did wrong here, I did not commit. Simply, did not commit.
06:34So I will now.
06:42After three hours of playing that day, I had now made it to Floor 4 out of 14.
06:48The same amount of time that it had taken me to beat the entire previous tower map.
06:52But the worst was still yet to come, because little did I know then,
06:56that these were literally the easiest floors in the entire tower,
07:00and Floor 4 kicked things up a notch.
07:03This entire floor is built on plastic, which is super slippery and tough to control.
07:16That's plastic, I think I'm dead.
07:18Not too far though, please!
07:22Is that ground floor?
07:27Oooooookay, Floor Gang!
07:30And that's kind of how progress goes on a map like this.
07:33You work your way up, reach a new peak height, only to have your entire progress erased.
07:39But as you get familiar with the route and the tricks, you can often get back there quite quickly,
07:44and reach one jump further, only to fail shortly after and again have your entire progress erased.
07:50But little by little, you are getting further and further.
07:54It's such a simple jump. Let me see Lars do it. Lars, show me how you do it.
08:01He made that look so simple. Nose down bug slide.
08:09It's not that simple. It's really not.
08:12Bro! Bro! This is not fair!
08:16This is unfair to do this!
08:21This is not fair!
08:25Holy shit.
08:27Alright, I'm waiting for you now. Camera's on you this time.
08:30Oh no no!
08:39Oh no no, he failed it.
08:41And after five and a half hours on the first day, I finally managed to reach Floor 5.
08:47Floor 5! Woo! Okay!
08:51Still not even halfway up the tower.
08:53In fact, I managed to reach it three more times, but my driving was getting worse and worse,
08:59so I decided to call it a night and get some rest.
09:10The second day got off to a hot start, when I got all the way up again to Floor 5 quickly,
09:16and was making steady progress towards Floor 6.
09:19Okay, Floor 5!
09:23Floor 5!
09:43Make it!
09:45Okay, we're safe.
09:47Okay, this is PB.
10:01Missed the angle completely. I'm scared.
10:03Maybe I can save this?
10:05Okay, careful, careful.
10:19Woo, what a save!
10:21Okay, it actually worked. I had to try, I mean...
10:23Okay, alright. We're here.
10:25So this is Wet Wheels Pipe, up to the dirt block up there.
10:29Gonna go very slow.
10:37I don't think I need a lot of speed here, but...
10:39I am gonna take precautions.
10:42One more loop around here, and then up to Floor 6 if I can.
10:47Floor 6 is where things get stupidly difficult.
10:50It's a transitional full-speed stunt floor built by SkiFreak,
10:54and it's one of the very hardest in the entire tower.
10:57First, you have a few small obstacles,
10:59followed by this tight transitional section with a really tough jump angle
11:03to land on a platform in the corner.
11:08First try, man!
11:10From there, you have to build up speed,
11:13Make it, make it, make it!
11:17Here, you can take a deep breath
11:19before you have to balance full-speed on a railing,
11:22do a small drop-down, and then flip out of a bobsleigh wall
11:26into a loop and carry enough speed
11:29so that you can jump upside-down and bounce up to Floor 7.
11:33Okay, I think I can do this.
11:35I think I can do this.
11:37I think I can do this.
11:39I think I can do this.
11:41And then you jump to Floor 7.
11:47Let's go, dude! I think this is Floor 7!
11:50These three jump sequences are extreme,
11:53and especially with so much on the line,
11:56because if you fall, it could be all the way down.
11:59Having passed Floor 6, I was really relieved,
12:02and I ended up scouting the entirety of Floor 7.
12:05But now, I was ready to get even further.
12:12Too fast.
12:14How far?
12:22Oh my god!
12:24Oh my god, stop it!
12:26Bro, no! No!
12:31Ja, bravo! Floor again!
12:34The next time I'd have a chance at that jump
12:36was 10 hours into playing the map.
12:38And here's how that one went.
12:40I went from here last time.
12:43This is what it looked like.
12:45I'm gonna go over here.
12:47Let's get it.
12:52I released too much.
12:54And another two hours after that,
12:57I got my third chance.
12:59Yeah, I'm just gonna try.
13:03For a new PB on the map, here we go.
13:05I'm signing it.
13:13The problem with Floor 6
13:15is that it created a huge bottleneck in the map.
13:18The jump I failed twice at Floor 7
13:20wasn't necessarily that hard.
13:22But because the floor below it was so difficult,
13:25it took me two hours to get back there
13:27every time I fell below it.
13:29And every jump from here on out
13:31would suffer the same fate,
13:33having to clear 6 just to have a chance at learning them.
13:37For this reason,
13:38making progress on Deep Dip beyond Floor 6
13:41becomes ridiculously hard.
13:43I didn't survive too long on Floor 7,
13:45and shortly after, I caught a big fall.
13:48But it was enough for a temporary first place on the leaderboard,
13:52now reaching 1000 out of the 2000m high tower.
13:56The rest of the night I spent getting stuck on the early floors
13:59and making impatient mistakes.
14:01So, I decided it was time to call it
14:04and try again on Day 3.
14:09On the third day,
14:11it didn't take me long to get back to where I left off,
14:14and I was having my first cracks at the 7th floor.
14:17This one has two paths you can take,
14:19the left side or the right side.
14:22The left side looked easiest at first.
14:24It had a tough jump,
14:30but it was far preferable to the main obstacle on the right side,
14:34a wet plastic uphill.
14:37Plastic is slippery as it is,
14:39but wet plastic is almost impossible to control.
14:47At first I was intent on going left side,
14:50but then a massively important strategy was found to make right side trivial.
14:55It was discovered that the water pool blocks used
14:57had a thin strip of tarmac on them,
15:00and since that is a dry surface,
15:02you could dry the tires by going back and forth on that strip repeatedly,
15:06and when the tires were fully dry,
15:08you could go up the plastic hill with no problem.
15:31Soon after, I became the first person to reach floor 8.
15:3553% of the way there.
15:39I think this is floor 8.
15:411026 is a new height record.
15:43Oh my god!
15:45Floor 8!
15:47Floor 8 was built by Taki,
15:49who if you don't know is one of the most skilled Trackmania players
15:52at a competition called Kaki,
15:54often featuring the most ridiculous tricks and bugs.
15:58But despite that, his floor was more forgiving than most.
16:02I was very methodical on my way here,
16:04I'll try to be as methodical on my way up.
16:36I hate this trick with all my heart.
16:38You have to go onto the plastic,
16:40the car will start falling.
16:42It will start rolling down.
16:43But then because it's plastic, it will catch grip.
16:46And the idea is to catch grip before it falls all the way.
16:48Whatever happens, this is an amazing attempt, so.
16:50I'm already happy.
16:51Let's see if we can go to 9, though.
16:57Make it, make it, make it, make it.
17:05That's not far.
17:06We've had bumpers like this, it's so slow.
17:08I think I'll go slow.
17:13Oh my god.
17:14Oh my god.
17:15Oh my god.
17:26Floor 9!
17:27We one-shot floor 8!
17:29Then, this run turned into somewhat of a miracle.
17:32I was expecting it to go like previous runs,
17:34where I reached a new high and then instantly fell.
17:37But I just kept clearing jumps.
17:40This is the furthest anyone's made it.
17:42It might die here.
17:44We one-shot floor 8, run floor 9.
17:46Unexplored territory.
17:47Let's be pioneers and lead the way.
17:58It's not over!
17:59It's not over!
18:01Either we make it or we fail.
18:03Oh god.
18:09It's not over!
18:10It's still not over!
18:12Floor 9, by the way, is one of the hardest on the map, too.
18:15It's not quite as difficult as floor 6,
18:18but harder than all the ones before it.
18:21And yet, I was almost making my way through all of it on my first attempt.
18:30Oh no!
18:31How far?
18:36We fell to the-
18:37It's not bad!
18:38We fell to the start of 8.
18:39200 meters of progress without a fall was huge.
18:42And though I fell, it was only down to floor 8.
18:46And so, I reset my focus and climbed back up,
18:50only to fall again at the exact same spot,
18:53back down to floor 8 and climbing my way up.
18:56This continued for a while until the miracle run just kept getting better.
19:02Yes! Go, go, go!
19:06Holy shit, guys!
19:08I don't even know what I did different, to be honest.
19:10I didn't like this jump.
19:13Low, low, low, low.
19:19I landed!
19:20It's not magnet!
19:28Is this floor 10?
19:29Is this floor 10?!
19:35God, this is worrying.
19:37The miracle run had gotten me from the 7th to the 10th floor with no big falls.
19:55Every recovery had stayed above the 6th floor, and I was able to explore so far because of
20:01it, but all good things must come to an end.
20:05If I stop on this beam, I can drop down?
20:07I can drop down.
20:08Okay, I'm going to try it.
20:17Should be possible.
20:26That's disappointing.
20:27I didn't even get to check if it worked or not.
20:29I was so preoccupied with trying to save it in case it actually fell.
20:34New PB!
20:35Let's begin the climb again.
20:37Let's go.
20:40Oh, bad landing.
20:48How far?
20:49We're at floor 9.
20:50Oh, it's dropping.
20:52I can land there.
20:53I can land there.
20:54I can land there.
20:55Oh my god.
20:56Oh no.
20:57There were so many spots it could have landed!
21:17But with each fall, I was gaining more and more knowledge.
21:20And 3 hours later, I was back up at floor 10 with another chance to clear it.
21:25This was still completely unexplored territory.
21:28And before doing anything rash, I stopped to theorycraft the route.
21:33But the only logical solution I could see wasn't going to be a fun one to drive.
21:38This floor seems like a puzzle.
21:41It's very obvious that you can go up this and you can go up to this platform.
21:45But then what?
21:46This jump looks impossible.
21:47I've never tried it, but this does not look possible.
21:49And the reason I don't think it's intended is because you can very clearly reach it from
21:54To get to this platform, you would have to go up this magnet wall.
21:57The only way to go up the magnet here, if you're down here, is if you're turtled.
22:01How can you get to this platform?
22:03You can go, watch this, into this gap here.
22:09So you could go upside down this gap.
22:11And I think that's what I will try this time.
22:13Last time, I thought this was too scary.
22:14This was a no-go.
22:16It could die here.
22:17It's been a good run.
22:18Here we go.
22:35So far, so good.
22:56Eventually I fell when attempting it again.
22:59But with this, we had finally figured out the route for floor 10.
23:02And the others quickly caught up.
23:10That night, Lars cleared the gap jump that I failed, and shortly after became the first
23:15person to reach floor 11.
23:17But he fell on the second jump thereafter.
23:24On day 4, Scrappy became the second person to reach floor 11, and was clearing most of
23:30it in his first attempt.
23:56At the end of floor 11, there is a snake that you have to climb.
24:00The surface is plastic, and because of how steep it is, it is very difficult to drive
24:05If you fail here, it leads to a pipe that takes you all the way down to the bottom.
24:10It's an all or nothing obstacle.
24:34As for me, day 4 was total despair.
24:37I kept making mistakes in the early floors, and made no progress in over 8 hours of playing,
24:43rushing too much, and probably putting too much pressure on myself.
24:47Our small tower climbing competition had become a huge spectacle on Twitch, and all of the
24:52streamers in the Trackmania community were reaching their highest viewer counts ever.
24:56I went from having a regular viewership of 6,000, to now upwards of 20,000 people watching
25:02at once.
25:03And with so many spectators, I put higher expectations on myself, and I noticed I was
25:08getting more stressed and tense, when what I needed most was to be calm and focused.
25:14So that evening, I went live on a secondary Twitch account.
25:18No microphone, no camera, just driving and trying to get in the zone.
25:22And shortly after falling for 8 hours straight, I got back to back runs that reached 11, and
25:28driving felt a lot more comfortable.
25:31These runs fell early on floor 11, but that was okay.
25:34I knew what I needed to do now.
25:36And the solution wasn't to stream on a secret account to 200 people instead of 20,000, but
25:41I knew I had to put less focus on being entertaining, and more on just playing my best.
25:47And it was working wonders.
26:01Oh, it's sliding, okay, yeah, I was hoping for this.
26:28This is the furthest anyone's been.
26:30This is the furthest.
26:31We're almost at floor 12.
26:32The very last jump of floor 11 is an inconspicuous one, where you go underneath a pillar and
26:37you land on a plastic slope upwards.
26:40I would reach it several times on this day, and I kept getting it wrong each time, costing
26:45me a lot of time.
26:47This tiny jump became a huge mental block for me, where every time I attempted it, I
26:52already felt like I was going to fail going in.
26:54And it was insane to see players like Brenn making it look trivial, as he became the first
26:59person to reach floor 12.
27:02A floor where the theme is driving on wet plastic.
27:09This combination gives you so little grip and control over the car, that you are constantly
27:14fighting with it to have it stay on top of even regular blocks.
27:18But Brenn pushed onwards, and in an amazing stride, he beat the entirety of floor 12,
27:23and became the first person to reach floor 13, only falling shortly thereafter.
27:35And together with him, there was Scrappy, who also made massive progress and could explore
27:40far into floor 13, and at a first impression, it looked ridiculously difficult, especially
27:46with all the pressure and being so close to the top.
27:49You'd have to pull off this quarter pipe jump on tiny blocks, and carry enough speed
27:53to drive up and jump onto an ice platform.
27:57And near the end of the floor, you had to build up perfect speed into another quarter
28:01pipe, to barely make the jump onto a platform.
28:04With only 10% of the climb remaining, from this platform, you are faced with arguably
28:09the most difficult jump on the map.
28:12It starts with a few transitions on the tilted road, before you jump onto a ramp with a booster.
28:17You get past the hole on the left side at full speed, and go up a ramp with the tiniest
28:22left angle, to try to fly up, and land onto a road that would take you to the final floor.
28:28Scrappy got close enough to see the sunlight shining through the top of the tower, but
28:32this small inaccuracy made him fall all the way down to 0, 93% progress wiped out in an
28:40We're dead.
28:41This is outside.
28:42Floor, 13, to 0, with one fail.
28:52I think with the booster you can break to the floor.
28:59That's pretty far.
29:00Okay, he's going.
29:06Hooooly shit!
29:08New record!
29:09Bren became the first person to make it past the intense sequence at floor 13, and make
29:14it up to floor 14 for the first time.
29:17When he scouted it, it didn't look too difficult.
29:20But with everything on the line, everything becomes a lot harder.
29:24Wait, dude, there's like 5 jumps left.
29:26Can I drag wheels on pipes?
29:29It's working as plastic.
29:36He didn't commit!
29:38Oh my god, Bren!
29:4096% though!
29:42I didn't have enough speed.
29:43At 96% of the tower completed, Bren fell and lost everything.
29:48But with his consistency, I knew it wouldn't take him long to get back up there.
29:52And the next time he did, he would probably beat the map.
29:56But his fall left a tiny opening where if anyone got up to 14 before him, they could
30:01perhaps snipe the win.
30:04And only one hour after his fall, I finally figured out what I was doing wrong at the
30:08pillar jump, just in the nick of time.
30:11That looks perfect.
30:24Oh my god, that was such a big mental barrier.
30:26I was so scared of failing this again.
30:28You fail this jump, man, you fall literally all the way down.
30:33It was my first time reaching floor 12, but having seen how others did it and copying
30:37their strategies, I managed to get to 13 on my first try.
30:45Okay, floor 13.
30:47I'm hearing like what Scrappy and Bren are saying, right, about their experience beating
30:50up here and how you feel cold?
30:52I feel cold.
30:53Look down, look how far.
30:55At 90% of the tower completed, and with the finish in sight, I got to experience nerves
31:01I had never had before playing Trackmania.
31:03Whatever happens, happens.
31:05I'm prepared to lose this, but I'm also prepared to do it.
31:09Alright, we're going.
31:20How far?
31:21That's 11.
31:22That's 11.
31:27This is what I thought would happen to Scrappy.
31:30This attempt was my second miracle run on the map.
31:33As though I fell, and continued to have several extreme falls, they all somehow landed, and
31:40it kept going for over an hour.
31:42Before I knew it, I was back to 13 for the second time, and I got all the way to the
31:47hardest jump.
31:49I'm going for it.
31:50I'm going for it.
31:52Let's see what happens.
32:01Ah, too much.
32:03How far?
32:06This could be good.
32:07This could be good.
32:08Don't bump me off though.
32:21Okay, floor 10.
32:22Though I failed it, I wasn't deterred.
32:24I was more in control of the game than I thought I would be.
32:27Though I failed it, I wasn't deterred.
32:29I was more inspired than ever, and so were the others.
32:33Everyone knew at that point that this is the day Deep Dip would fall.
32:37The only question was, who would get there first?
32:41My next few attempts were all great.
32:43Having figured out the pillar jump, I had several runs that reached floor 12, and five
32:48hours after I was there previously, I was once again back on floor 13, and the highest
32:54up out of anyone at the time.
32:57This was my chance.
33:10Same thing.
33:20Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
33:23Last time I was here, I did something, and I think it's a strat.
33:26What I did is, because this jump is so hard to aim, I set up skid marks to aim for.
33:31If I set up skid marks here, I've given myself a trajectory to aim for.
33:40I've climbed the entire tower for one opportunity at this jump.
33:44And from what it looked like, if I can get this and I can get the pipe on the last floor,
33:48I think I can beat them.
33:54Make it, make it, make it!
33:56Oh my god!
33:59I'm on the last floor.
34:00There's like 10 jumps between me and the finish, guys.
34:27Wait, I released!
34:28I can't release, of course!
34:29I have to go full speed.
34:30I have to hold it.
34:36Okay, relax.
34:38It's a saveable, though.
34:43Get up, get up, get up, get up.
34:49I'm scared, guys.
34:50I'm scared.
34:51I'm scared, guys.
34:52I'm scared.
34:54I'm scared.
35:02Right, onto the pipe.
35:05Little bit right side.
35:16I slid.
35:22Dude, stop falling.
35:25Wait, stuck.
35:31Oh my god!
35:33I went too fast on the entry.
35:35I felt like I really could have had it.
35:37This is probably the most heartbroken I've felt playing Trackmania.
35:41I had it all in my hands and I let it slip.
35:45I knew if I had made that jump, I'd likely be the first person to complete the map.
35:51But 30 minutes later, at 2am that night, with over 30,000 people watching,
35:57Bren got this run.
36:06Let's go, Bren.
36:10Let's go.
36:17Oh, he did it!
36:20Oh my god, that is so close!
36:23GG's, Bren.
36:24Oh my god, this was so good.
36:27I mean, simply amazing.
36:29He's playing so well.
36:30He was the first to reach last 4-2.
36:33After 6 days of intense attempts from the community, Bren became the first person to
36:38beat Deep Dive, winning the race to the top.
36:41When I watched him make the leap to the finish, I felt truly happy for him.
36:46Having played the map so much, it's hard to describe just how much of a mental test it is.
36:51And anyone who conquers this map has my eternal respect in the game.
36:55But in the same moment, I was also disappointed in myself.
36:59It was still hard to shake the feeling that I'd thrown it all away, but I knew I wanted
37:03to complete the map as well.
37:05After so many hours, I wasn't gonna quit 3% away from the finish line.
37:09But to do it, I needed to rest.
37:12It had been an almost 12 hour long session of intense concentration, and my driving was
37:17getting significantly worse.
37:19It sucked, but I went to bed and got up the next morning to complete my mission.
37:30You are in the mud.
37:32For the last time.
37:33One time.
37:34My skin is telling me I'm in the mud for the last time.
37:38And I have a feeling it's this one.
37:43Get past this and we have a run.
37:54Yep, get it.
37:56Floor 7.
37:58Today is the day.
38:13I'm not too scared.
38:15Just gonna hit the left tap.
38:35This is for redemption.
38:37Come on.
38:40This is for redemption.
38:41Come on.
38:56Okay, now don't release here.
38:58Do not release.
38:59You have to go.
39:05Oh, great, great, great, great, great, great.
39:07I had 28 speed last time.
39:08I have 40.
39:09There's, yeah.
39:10Should I fail?
39:19Start taking speed off the turn.
39:21Not here.
39:22The turn.
39:23The turn.
39:38Oh my god, we're here.
39:42We are here.
39:4360 hours for one jump.
39:46If I fall here, there is nothing underneath.
39:51But if I make it, I am done.
39:58I want this.
40:01I want this.
40:03I'm almost fainting.
40:04I'm so scared.
40:08Just go in a circle.
40:10I'm gonna go for more speed.
40:13Until I see a good number.
40:18Okay, release a bit and then go full speed.
40:31Okay, I think I'm going.
40:32I'm going.
40:33I'm going.
40:37I'm going.
40:44I'm done.
40:47On the 23rd of November, I became the second person to finish deep dip, and the feeling
40:52was simply overwhelming.
40:54For a full week, I had done nothing but play this map.
40:58There was so much built up tension and emotion that was relieved the moment I crossed the
41:02finish line.
41:03And I couldn't hold it back.
41:05I was disappointed yesterday.
41:06It might seem crazy to cry tears of joy over beating a level in a video game, but Trackmania
41:24is an outlet I use to experience mastery.
41:27I've played for over 10 years and I've seen myself become better and better.
41:31And throughout all that time, Deep Dip was perhaps the hardest challenge I'd ever completed,
41:37and one of my proudest moments in the game.
41:39Even though I came second place, I felt like I had just peaked.
41:43And that feeling was incredible.
41:46Shortly afterwards, a clip of me finishing Deep Dip became wildly popular, getting millions
41:51of views on YouTube.
41:52And many people, including this YouTuber, just didn't seem to get it.
42:05But hopefully, after watching this journey, you now understand why it meant so much to
42:09me and to Bren and the 9 other people that finished the map.
42:14But this isn't where the story ends, because on the 3rd of May 2024, the same mapping team
42:20will release Deep Dip 2.
42:22And you best believe it's gonna get crazy.
42:25It has 16 floors instead of 14, and is said to be about twice as difficult as Deep Dip.
42:32It's gonna be wild.
42:34Starting on the 3rd of May, I'm going to livestream my attempts to finish Deep Dip 2 every day
42:38for at least 10 hours each day.
42:41And I really hope you want to stop by and wish me good luck in the chat, or just follow
42:45along for the ride.
42:46This will be the first to get to the top, but no matter what, I am going to beat this
42:51And I will see you all then.
42:53But until that time, thank you for watching, and have a good one.