• 16 hours ago
We learned extreme camouflage to escape the special forces.. watch until the end to see if he finds all 5 of our spots.. especially the Skibidi Toilet 😳
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00:00Today, we're going to learn extreme camouflage so we can hide in plain sight.
00:06We'll be transforming into things like a tree, life-size paintings, and so much more.
00:12We're so confident that our hiding spots will be impossible to find
00:16that we even challenged a special forces officer to look for us.
00:21This could get really bad.
00:26He'll be here in just three hours, so we have to go find our spot.
00:30I already know where I'm going to hide.
00:34Since my outfit is green, I'm going to transform myself into this grass.
00:38All I have to do is lift up this turf, bury myself underneath it,
00:42then perfectly match my face to the grass,
00:45which is perfect because the only rule is you have to be hiding in plain sight.
00:51I'm going to get started.
00:53Wait, that car is red.
00:54And the cool thing about this car is that you can hide in the front.
00:57No one's ever going to think to look in the front of the car.
01:00But wait, this spot won't work because I have to hide in plain sight.
01:04It's locked.
01:12Meanwhile, Alex decided to start his search inside the house.
01:16There's so many good spots I could camouflage myself in,
01:18but I have to make sure to find the best one
01:20because if the special forces can find all five of us when he gets here later,
01:24then I have to give them $10,000 and I don't want to do that.
01:27Alex is right, but it's also important to find a spot fast
01:31so we have more time to work on our camouflage.
01:34Hey, this is yellow.
01:36What if I camouflage myself in the hay and cover myself up like this?
01:41Oh, ow.
01:42It's so itchy.
01:43And if it's itchy, I'm not going to be able to stay still.
01:46I need to find somewhere else.
01:47Cat wasn't the only one who had the idea to bury herself in a pile of something fun.
01:52Oh, this spot is perfect.
01:54I can literally camouflage myself in the mud.
01:57And he would never think to look here because for some reason,
02:00this mud smells really bad.
02:02Tanner, I don't think that's mud.
02:07Oh, crap.
02:12I gotta look somewhere else now.
02:18Tanner better cover up that smell quick
02:20because the special forces has heightened senses
02:23and Tanner literally smells like ass.
02:27Oh, my God.
02:28This room is filled with mannequins.
02:30Now, what if I became a mannequin myself?
02:33I blend in perfectly and no one would ever be able to tell.
02:37Hey, is there anybody in there?
02:39Cat, come in and try to find me.
02:45Alex, you know I can see you, right?
02:48You're not exactly blended in.
02:50But how could you tell?
02:52You're the only mannequin here that's 500 pounds.
02:57I need to go find a better spot.
02:59Everyone was struggling to find a spot in their color,
03:01but I was making fast progress on my hiding spot.
03:05I just got done digging a hole.
03:06Now, let's see how well I can fit in here.
03:08Okay, I think this hole is deep enough.
03:10So the next thing I have to do is cut a little hole in this turf for my face
03:14to make sure I'm still able to be seen and plain sight.
03:18So now all I have to do is use this patch of grass that I cut out
03:21for the special effects makeup artist we hired
03:24to use as camouflage on my face so I can truly transform myself in a grass.
03:33Is someone stuck in there?
03:35Who is it?
03:39Oh, thank God.
03:40Thank God.
03:42Thank you, team.
03:43I got you.
03:47We're wasting time.
03:48Let's go!
03:48You're right.
03:54Oh, my God.
03:55This is perfect.
03:56What if I climb to the top of the tree and became a tree house?
04:04Wait a minute.
04:05If I can't climb up the tree, what if I became the tree?
04:10So here's my plan.
04:11I'm going to bury myself in the ground and then camouflage my face as the tree trunk.
04:16Let me get some supplies.
04:18Burying himself underground.
04:19It's a smart play by Tanner to cover up that smell from earlier.
04:23Back inside, Alex was about to brew up his own big brain play.
04:29There's actually a lot of white in this restroom.
04:31And look, a toilet.
04:34I could become a toilet.
04:39It's the last place anyone would ever look.
04:43So my plan is to build a fake toilet over here and then cut a hole in it back so I can
04:48climb inside.
04:49Then I'll just have to blend my face to the inside of the bowl
04:52so I'm perfectly camouflaged.
04:54But first, I'll need to cover up the story with some drywall.
04:57Now, Kat and Sean are the only ones left who still need to find a hiding spot.
05:02Oh, look, a ball pit.
05:04How fun.
05:06Oh, I can disguise myself in these balls.
05:10Hey, but there's not enough yellow in here.
05:13What's that?
05:15Is there somebody else in here?
05:17It's just me playing with my balls.
05:22What? I meant these balls.
05:26I'm wasting too much time.
05:30Oh, there's a lot of yellow in this room.
05:33It's like a museum.
05:34It's so creepy.
05:35And it looks like the eyes are following you.
05:41I could be one of these paintings.
05:42Oh, I could be her.
05:44She's kind of yellow and girl power.
05:46So my plan is to cut a hole in the Mona Lisa and then replace her face with my face.
05:52Wait, but if I just stand here, I'm going to be sticking out too much.
05:55It would be perfect if I could get behind this wall.
05:59Doesn't that sound hollow?
06:01If there's space behind this wall, then I can hide behind there and have the picture frame over me.
06:05I just need to find a way to get back there.
06:08With only two hours left before the special forces arrived,
06:11I was already finishing up the makeup for my grass camouflage.
06:14And after my makeup was done, I got buried in the grass
06:18to make sure the special forces officer could never find me.
06:21I'm really starting to blend in now.
06:23Now that I'm done early, I'm going to use the extra time to set up some decoys
06:26so I can waste the special forces time.
06:28Because remember, if the special forces finds all of us within one hour,
06:32we have to give them $10,000.
06:37This could come in handy later.
06:39While I set up more decoys around the house,
06:41Tanner was making steady progress on transforming himself into a tree.
06:46I just got done digging my hole and making it safe.
06:50Now it's time to get in.
06:53So I'm going to add all the dirt back so the environment blends in better with the tree.
07:00Now that I'm done disguising my spot, it's time to transform myself into a tree.
07:05Back aside, Shawn was still struggling to find his place to hide.
07:09Man, I got the hardest color.
07:10There's not a lot of places where I can hide in plain sight that's red.
07:16Oh, wait.
07:16I could camouflage myself right here.
07:18Like this.
07:20What if the special forces guy comes in from the side?
07:22Then I'll be sticking out.
07:24Especially if I'm bricked up.
07:27I don't know if I'll be able to control myself.
07:29Let's go find someone else.
07:30Wait a minute.
07:31I can camouflage myself in this couch.
07:33All I have to do is move the seat and become the couch.
07:36But wait, I've seen a picture of this guy.
07:39And if he sits on me, I'll definitely be bricked up.
07:43So I can't.
07:44I'll have to find somewhere better.
07:46I'm starting to think Shawn wants to get caught.
07:48So Alex better make sure his spot looks perfect if he wants to keep his $10,000.
07:53So I just got done building this fake toilet and putting up this drywall.
07:57Now all I have to do is cut a hole big enough for me to get behind there.
08:01So I can fit inside this toilet.
08:04Let's see if I can fit through it.
08:09I'm telling you, bigger hole.
08:12Look at that.
08:12I have lost some weight.
08:14Alan, I couldn't even tell that was you.
08:17How did you even fit in this tiny little hole?
08:20What do you mean?
08:21I feel like I've lost some weight.
08:23Anyways, can you please help me move my toilet back in place?
08:26I'm running out of time.
08:28Alan, hurry, come on.
08:29All right, I got you.
08:30Oh my God, it's heavy.
08:33Alan, hurry.
08:34I'm running out of time.
08:36Back downstairs, Kat found the perfect tool to help her make a hole in the wall.
08:41A sledgehammer.
08:42Okay, this is my favorite part.
08:51Oh, oh my gosh.
08:53There's a perfect amount of space back here.
08:55Now I just need to cut the hole a little bit bigger and climb in.
08:58Now it's time to transform into the Mona Lisa.
09:01While Kat was only getting started with her camouflage,
09:03Tanner was getting the finishing touches done on his.
09:06I'm all done.
09:07How does it look?
09:08You literally look like a tree.
09:10Oh yeah, I'm never getting found.
09:12Let me go check up on the others.
09:16Wait, wait, I'm stuck.
09:18I can't get out of here.
09:19Hold on.
09:20I'm going to be stuck here the whole time.
09:23Help me.
09:23But Tanner wasn't the only one stuck.
09:27Hey Alan, this is kind of embarrassing, but I think I'm stuck.
09:31And I need your help to make this toilet look more like a real toilet.
09:35So, can you do something?
09:37Can you do something?
09:38I'm thinking we add a bunch of toilet paper here
09:41to make this drywall blend in better with this marble.
09:44And lastly, what are you going to do with two toilets?
09:47I have an invisibility shield.
09:48I was planning on covering it up with that.
09:50Oh my God.
09:51I don't even see it.
09:52Let's see if it actually works though.
09:54I actually can't see the toilet.
09:56Now it's time to add the makeup to perfectly camouflage myself with the toilet.
10:00Now there's only one hour left until the special forces officer arrives
10:04and things were not looking good for Sean.
10:07Man, I'm the only one who hasn't found a spot yet.
10:09But if I can't find a spot, then maybe I'll make a spot.
10:14There's a lot of food on this table.
10:16So, what if I fill up this entire table with dessert
10:18and then turn myself into a dessert as well?
10:21First thing I need to do is cut a hole for my head.
10:25Now let's see my head fits.
10:27Give me them balls.
10:28Next, I just have to fill this entire table with desserts.
10:32But for this cherry pie, I remove the filling so I can become the filling.
10:36With only 15 minutes left until the special forces arrives,
10:40Sean, Kat, and Alex are all still wrapping up their makeup.
10:43How do I look?
10:44My makeup's all done.
10:46Blending in perfectly.
10:47He'll never find you.
10:50Hey, everything's done.
10:52Someone open up the toilet.
10:53How does it look?
10:54Let's just hope he doesn't have to go pee because I couldn't tell.
10:58He's never going to find me.
11:00All right, I'm done.
11:01Let me show you guys how it looks.
11:04Zach, add the finishing touches.
11:07I'm going to add the cherry filling first.
11:10Looks good.
11:11And then the pie crust.
11:13He'll never be able to find me.
11:15Let's check up on the others.
11:30Why is there a tank outside?
11:35He's here!
11:39Does this look fun?
11:41He's here?
11:42I hope he doesn't have to pee.
11:44Okay, I just have to keep my eyes closed and stay very, very still.
11:51I've completed over a thousand search and destroy missions.
11:54Never failed a single one.
11:57And today is going to be no different.
11:59Zach, help me!
12:00Once the special forces start to search, he'll have one hour to find all five of us.
12:05And if he succeeds, we have to give him $10,000.
12:09This is going to be the easiest job of my life.
12:14What was that sound?
12:15Swing number two.
12:18Is everything okay?
12:20Swing number three.
12:30What's going on?
12:33What's going on?
12:36Why is it so smoky in here?
12:37It's burning on the outside.
12:38If I learned anything in special forces, be unpredictable.
12:41They can be hiding inside or outside.
12:43So we're going to have to check every square inch of this house.
12:47He's here!
12:48Somebody could be hiding here, disguised as the color green or brown.
12:55Oh no, he's coming my way.
13:00Hey, you're looking in the wrong places.
13:16You're over there.
13:17You better not be messing with me.
13:18Come on, follow me.
13:19You're going to regret it if you do.
13:21I never lie.
13:22Come on.
13:23Oh my God, I thought I was done for.
13:25Thank God for Zach.
13:26He's way in the back.
13:28All right, come on out.
13:29Yep, way back there.
13:31Got him!
13:35What was that sound?
13:45Just for that, you're going to make them buy a new car.
13:49The Lambo.
13:50No, please!
13:56Come on.
13:59Come on.
14:04Zach managed to save Tanner and waste five minutes of the special forces time,
14:08but he was already back on the hunt.
14:23I've studied their videos.
14:25I've seen this before.
14:29Oh, there's a pool.
14:31Why would there be a pool in the house?
14:37I think he's breaking all his stuff.
14:39Main room, clear.
14:41That's a lot of balls.
14:45If someone's in this couch, it's your last chance.
14:49I warned you.
14:59Hmm, clear.
15:02Oh my God, I've seen breaking everything.
15:08This is a good hiding spot.
15:18When I find one of you, that's what's going to happen.
15:21If he finds me, is he going to pop my cherry?
15:25I guarantee someone's in this kitchen.
15:29Oh my God, he's right there.
15:31There must be someone here, disguised in red.
15:38Wait, what was that sound?
15:46A fake cherry?
15:49Earlier, I think I dropped one of my cherries when I went to hide.
15:51I have a feeling someone is pretending to be one of these desserts.
15:56Good thing I'm hungry.
15:58I think I'll cut myself a slice.
16:16What about this cherry pie?
16:23I've got a good feeling about this next cherry pie.
16:28That could only mean one thing.
16:35Someone is pretending to be this cherry pie.
16:39Let's find out.
16:44I found you.
16:45Now, climb out before I actually hurt you.
16:49You're not actually going to hurt me, right?
16:57Where are they?
17:00I don't know.
17:01Let's see how long it is before you change your mind.
17:05Someone just found.
17:06There's only four of us left.
17:13One down, four more to go.
17:20Found you.
17:28I'm going to do this to the next person I find.
17:35And his name is John Cena.
17:58Oh my god, that could have been me.
18:00Good thing I set up those decoys.
18:05Wait, why is there a random haystack here?
18:09Somebody must be hiding inside.
18:10Actually, I have a better idea to fish him out than these.
18:28We're in LA!
18:29Haven't you seen all the fires on the news?
18:32And I'm going to lighten you up!
18:34And I'm going to lighten you up!
18:54Let's see if anybody's in this pile.
19:00Looks all clear.
19:01Let's continue.
19:04All clear.
19:05Thanks to Zach again, the special forces
19:08has nearly spent half of his search time
19:10and was only able to find one of us so far.
19:18Hold on.
19:19I feel like there's someone in this room.
19:34It's just a dog.
19:37But there could be someone in here.
19:39That was so close.
19:40I really thought he was going to find me there.
19:44The pink room.
19:46Someone has to be in here.
19:52Oh, no you didn't!
19:54Where are you hiding?
19:58There's someone in here.
19:59This is a waste of my time!
20:03That sounded expensive.
20:06With all the destruction this special forces officer
20:08is causing, we're going to need that $10,000
20:11to rebuild our house.
20:13Lucky for us, he's already used half his time
20:15and is starting to get frustrated.
20:24There's nobody in here!
20:25I'm going to get you!
20:26I'm going to get you!
20:26I'm going to get you!
20:27I'm going to get you!
20:28There's nobody in here!
20:31Come on, buddy.
20:32You're better than this.
20:33You should have found them all by now.
20:35Come on.
20:38God, I need to blow my nose.
20:55Plumbing's busted.
21:00Something's off about this room.
21:03Found it.
21:04This is invisible to the naked human eye,
21:07but not my special forces eyes.
21:11Two toilets?
21:13Maybe the plumbing works on this one.
21:18If this toilet works and that one doesn't,
21:22that must mean that someone is pretending to be this toilet.
21:25And if they are, they're about to have a crappy day.
21:36No, don't shit on me!
21:37Found you.
21:38Now, climb out of there.
21:39I can't.
21:39I'm stuck.
21:40Well, tell me where the others are.
21:42I don't know.
21:43Well, if you don't know, we're about to play my favorite game.
21:51You want to talk, or do you want to drown?
22:12Two down, three more to go.
22:14The special forces didn't have much time left,
22:17but finding Alex made him bloodthirsty.
22:19So he got over his frustration and decided to retrace his steps.
22:24These boxes are big enough to hide in.
22:51There's a hallway over here.
22:52There's a hallway over here I haven't checked yet.
22:57I wonder if someone's hiding behind this door.
23:02It's locked.
23:04Luckily, I have a master key.
23:07FBI, open up!
23:11What's that smell?
23:13There has to be something back here.
23:18I remember one of them being fat.
23:21I wonder if they're disguising themselves as one of these pigs.
23:28No, these are real pigs.
23:31Let's get out of here.
23:32Now that the special forces got a whiff of the pigs,
23:35his heightened senses of smell led him back outside
23:38where he thought he smelled something similar earlier.
23:42I still need to finish checking this area.
23:44Let's go.
23:47What's this?
23:50There's a piece of bark here.
23:51I am Groot.
23:53Somebody could be disguised as this tree.
24:02I know there's someone disguised as that tree.
24:04We've got a fun way of fleshing him out.
24:07I think I left something over here.
24:26Found you!
24:27Get me out of here!
24:28You got yourself in there.
24:29You can get yourself out.
24:32Where is it?
24:32Where is it?
24:35Oh, no.
24:36He must have just found Tanner.
24:38Oh, my God.
24:39There's just two of us left.
24:40There's only 10 minutes left in the search.
24:43But at this rate, the special forces is moving.
24:45Things are not looking good for us.
24:49Oh, this looks important.
24:51It would be a shame if something happened to it.
24:56Hands off the 100 mil play button!
24:59Or what?
25:00I'll hit you 100 million times.
25:03I would like to see you hit me one time.
25:14You're not human!
25:17My turn.
25:21Get it off of me!
25:22Let it out!
25:23Let it out!
25:24Let it out!
25:29Oh, no!
25:30Oh, no!
25:30Oh, no!
25:31I'm not done with you!
25:35Oh, my hand!
25:48There's nobody up here.
25:49Upstairs is clear.
25:50This time, Zach was only able to waste two minutes
25:53of the special forces time,
25:55but the special forces still had one more trick
25:58up their sleeve.
26:02I'm gonna double check this room with this thermal gun.
26:09This thing can detect heat through any object.
26:14What the special forces didn't know was that earlier,
26:17I set up security cameras around the house
26:19and could see them this entire time.
26:21So I knew I had to come up with a new plan.
26:24If he uses that thermal gun,
26:26he's definitely gonna find me too.
26:31Unless I get mud to mask my body temperature.
26:35But if I get out of here, he might see me.
26:38This is how I found my last fugitive.
26:41And it's gonna be how I find my next one.
26:43Wait, what's that noise?
26:46Psst, Buck, over here.
26:49No, no, down here.
26:51I need you to go over there and grab some mud.
26:53Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I got you.
26:55And since the mud is right beside Cat's hiding spot,
26:58Buck will have to be extra sneaky.
27:01But if there's anyone I trust to get the job done,
27:03it's him.
27:08One more left.
27:15Hmm, 98.6 degrees.
27:19I don't remember the Mona Lisa being this hot.
27:22That can only mean one thing.
27:25Get out of the car, you.
27:27You're really not gonna hurt me, are you?
27:30I'm just a girl.
27:31No, I was raised not to hit women.
27:34But that's four down, one to go.
27:37Oh no, he's headed straight towards Buck.
27:39Oh my God, I think he's coming towards me now.
27:42Buck needs to figure something out.
27:46I guarantee you there's someone hiding in this area of grass.
28:17It's true!
28:21What the hell was that?
28:24Let's go.
28:28What in the horse shit is going on here?
28:30Take me out.
28:31Take her to Tana!
28:33What, what are you saying?
28:35You're just trying to waste my time.
28:36You're wasting my time!
28:39What the hell?
28:46Another one down.
28:52Wake up.
28:53Wake up.
28:54Wake up.
28:55Wake up.
28:56Wake up.
28:57Wake up.
29:03Haven't had enough?
29:09Who the hell can that be?
29:13Who's there?
29:37Oh no, now he's coming back towards me.
29:46Where are you?
29:47I know there's someone hiding in here.
29:55Found you!
29:56I told you, I have never failed a mission.
30:01Now where's my $10,000?
30:04Oh, what the hell?
30:08Where are you?
30:09Over here!
30:17Time's up!
30:18It looks like you fell for my trap.
30:23That's right.
30:24I dressed up that dummy I found earlier as myself
30:27and had the makeup artist camouflage its face.
30:30Then I buried it right beside me,
30:31just in case the special forces suspected one of us
30:34was hiding in the grass.
30:37I never fail.
30:38You, get over here!
