• 4 hours ago
WE GOT CAUGHT IN A THUNDERSTORM! | The worlds longest zip line & meditating in the Montanans

Hey guys!

Welcome back to part 2 of our trip to Ras Al Khaimah. We rounded off the trip with the most incredible zip line experience, a sound bath session in the mountains and touring a date forest.

I hope you enjoy!
Big love,

Intercontinental Ras Al Khaimah: https://icrasalkhaimah.com/en/
Jebel Jais Flight: https://visitjebeljais.com/adrenaline/jais-flight/
Heart of RAK: https://heartofrak.com/en
Visit RAK: https://visitrasalkhaimah.com/
Our sound bath guide: https://www.instagram.com/yogi_truck/
Camp 1770: https://www.adventurati-outdoor.com/en

- INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/lukecatleugh/?hl=en
- TIKTOK: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeJ7MXvS/

CONTACT: hello@lukecatleugh.com

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00:00Okay, I wasn't planning on doing a jet ski, but now I've been coerced into doing it, so I'm signing my life away.
00:06Ewan now is somehow flying a drone. Oh my god.
00:11Oh god, and here we have a wild Mr. Carrington
00:15feeding a camel. Okay, this is breakfast round two. Okay, we have found the pool area.
00:25I smell like an injured camel.
00:30Good morning, everyone. It is, what is it today? Wednesday. It's Wednesday today. I'm with Ewan.
00:50We're bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning. We've both slept very, very well,
00:54and today is like the first proper, like, Sunday. Yes, the sun is in the sky and there aren't any
01:00clouds. No blue, isn't it? So today is a bit of a free day, so we're doing content here. So we're
01:06camera-ed up, Ewan's mic-ed up, so we're going to do lots of bits and bobs around the hotel.
01:11We're not leaving the hotel today, which is quite nice. No, chill. So we're just going to head to
01:14breakfast now. I thought I'd give you more of like an in-depth look at that. Ewan's also doing
01:18a whole separate hotel tour video as well, so if you want a more in-depth video, head over to his
01:22channel. But yeah, I'm very excited for today. I feel like it's been a pretty intense day. Fun,
01:28really fun, but yeah. Today's a relax, recoup, recharge, refilm, and unwind.
01:42Okay, we are at breakfast. God, I look quite tired this morning, don't I? The eye bags are
01:46eye-bagging me. That's fine. I did sleep very well. I think I'm just having so much of it.
01:50It's lovely. I've got my little mic on. We've just been filming for Ewan's channel,
01:54and we've ordered ourselves some coffees. Ewan is saying, like, the coffee list is extensive.
01:58We're just going for simple Americanos because it's just lovely and what we normally have at
02:02home, but there's everything here. So I think we're going to head inside and show you the buffet,
02:07and I'm so, so ready. It might be like a more than one round of breakfast situation today.
02:13Which it may be three. Yeah, it might be four. Might be up and down a few times. So far, I've
02:17had scrambled eggs on toast, which have been delicious. I mean, you've seen all pastries.
02:21Gorgeous. I might try something hot. The omelette's really nice. I might have an omelette. Yeah.
02:26They've also got, like, all your waffles and all that kind of, you know, the sweet stuff as well.
02:30But then, like, authentic cuisine as well. Yes. I mean, you've even got, I think it's,
02:33like, Malaysian or Indian. There's, like, saag aloo. I saw, like, chickpea curry and rice.
02:38Oh, yeah. If you fancy a bit of that as well, you can have that. There's a lot. Shall we have
02:41a look? Yes, let's do it. So they have a whole barista stand here, and then the breakfast buffet
02:46is huge. This is only part of it, but there is actually so much. So you have a lot of traditional
02:53Middle Eastern food here. You've got olives, lots of feta, labneh, hummus, chili pickles,
02:58Arabic pickles, and then some things I'm actually not entirely sure what they are. So I've got
03:04balut. Oh, so that looks like an egg and beansprout, maybe a noodle mix.
03:13And then this is faal medumas. Wow. And then you've got all of your Arabic toppings. So
03:21I've got tahini, tamarind powder. Wonderful. They also have a porridge station as well,
03:26so you can have yourself some oat porridge. You've got all of the toppings, raisins,
03:31coconut, almond, cinnamon, sugar. I don't know if it wasn't warm outside, I'd have porridge,
03:35because I love having porridge for breakfast. And this is the omelette station, so you can
03:40have omelettes and scrambled eggs, however you like them. You've got all of the toppings. You've
03:43got ham, tomato, pepper, mushroom, onion. They've even got a giant honeycomb section as well. How
03:49wonderful is that? And all of the different honeys. You've got plain, lemongrass honey,
03:52saffron honey, cinnamon honey. And then these are all the sweet options. You've got waffles,
03:57pancakes, French toast. What am I going to say? They look amazing. They've got all of your dried
04:02cereals as well. So I've been having granola on a morning, which is lovely, but they've got fruit
04:05and fiber, Sultana brand, cornflakes, all of your toppings here as well. Dried prunes, raisins,
04:10apricots, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds. I've also been enjoying the nuts as well. I've been
04:16having a mix of almond and macadamia nuts as well, so it's really nice. Fruit is regularly topped up
04:21as well, so there's orange and passion fruit. They've got some fruit and syrup and watermelon
04:26and lots of fresh fruit at the back as well to choose from. The baked selection is fantastic as
04:30well. They've got so much different fresh bread and lovely little baked goods here. Bagels,
04:35pastries, pain au chocolat. Those are the tart croissants I had yesterday. It was so good.
04:41And those as well, a pineapple dainty. I had that yesterday. That was very nice as well.
04:44And then they've got all of your different preserves as well. So if you want strawberry
04:47compote or blueberry compote, you can have those too. There's even a Bloody Mary station
04:52right here as well, so if you want a Bloody Mary, you can grab one.
05:03Okay, this is breakfast round two. We've had about 45 minutes in between
05:06the first place and the second. We've just been to that Chat Noir, which was so nice.
05:10So I've gone for an omelette and I got everything in it, but look how vibrant that looks.
05:14The egg yolks are amazing. I got a little bit of slaw on the side with some lettuce and a bit
05:19of balsamic vinegar and they have a mimosa bar inside as well. I showed you the Bloody Mary bar.
05:24Yeah, they're complimentary included in the all-inclusive breakfast. So I got me and Ewan one.
05:30However, Ewan just nipped to the loo and he had to walk past the mimosa bar to get to the loo and
05:35something tells me he's going to get one and we might end up with two on the table. I could be
05:39wrong, but if we do, then we're having two mimosas for breakfast and I'm not going to be mad at that.
05:44So this is the main staircase down to breakfast. Such a beautiful, beautiful restaurant. The
05:50lighting is gorgeous as well. They've got lots of seating too, so it doesn't feel too cramped.
05:55You can have inside or outside seating, which is lovely. And then they welcome you just there and
06:00then show you to your table. Again, this is just another little seating area. I mean, little.
06:04I love the decor in this hotel as well. It feels like that perfect mix of Middle East
06:09as well. So it has like a bit of a Beetham feel, I feel like. It's just really lovely materials,
06:14woods and tawns. It's gorgeous. And then they've got a hanging sculpture here
06:19and then you can sit out on the terrace as well. I think Ewan's already out here. Let me show you.
06:26Look at this for a view. It's just all very beautiful. It's all very calm, civilized.
06:33So yeah, you could grab a little morning coffee, pastry if you didn't want to sit down the breakfast
06:36area. And all of this is part of the hotel as well. So these are some of the rooms that they
06:40have available. I love that there is a gorgeous little coffee shop here. So this, I don't think
06:46it's included in the complimentary or inclusive package, but you can add it to your room charge.
06:52And they've got some amazing choices of pastries and minoiserie and coffee, tea as well. It's the TWG
06:58tea. So this is the Rasma Lounge. And obviously you can just grab a hot drink and you can sit
07:03inside or you can sit outside. Okay. So this is the main entrance into the hotel. I've never seen
07:08something so grand in my life. So this is where you get dropped off and then you walk in. You
07:14feel like a million dollars when you walk into this hotel, honestly. Everyone is so friendly.
07:18All of the staff say good morning, good evening to you. They've even got these lovely little
07:22luggage trolleys, which I always just associate with a very lovely hotel. It just reminds me of
07:28being in, I don't know, like in America and like in the fifties, you know, when you see them with
07:31their top hats ready to get your luggage. I don't know. Maybe that's just me, but yeah, I love it.
07:36That's it. Yeah, exactly. No, it's so nice. Yeah, exactly. We've also got the luggage bookies as
07:41well. So you can get picked up from your room. If you are staying in one of the rooms that are a bit
07:46further away from all of the main amenities, you can call up. There is, I think about a 20 minute
07:51wait for a bookie, but it's great if you do have like mobility issues or you just kind of want to
07:56take the weight off your feet. It's a great idea to just give them a ring and then come and pick
07:59you up. It feels so calm and relaxing being around here. They've got music playing all around the
08:05grounds and it's like, I'm liking it. It's like a Zen garden. It's incredible. I feel so relaxed
08:13in the sea. Oh my goodness. Look at this. The most beautiful blue sea. And then Ewan and I have just
08:19spotted these huts. They're amazing. They've got lovely little thatched roofs. I'm not sure if
08:25that's part of the Intercontinental group as well, or if maybe that's a different hotel, but
08:30wow, look at those. I feel like they've considered with their design as well to have some shaded
08:35areas too. So obviously if you do need to just walk, you don't have to go through the heat. It's
08:40lovely today, but obviously in the summer months, it must get really, really warm. Okay. So there is
08:45a bit of a shop here, which wasn't open when I came the other day. An in-hotel on-site shop is
08:51always handy if you get some cravings of maybe some snacks. I feel like Ewan is going to love
08:56this. He loves a fridge magnet. I always love looking at the snacks. I feel like it's just
09:05such a nice thing to see what different things are available when you come to different countries.
09:10Like, what is that? Is that like a chocolate Twinkie? I think they're called. Rolled chocolate
09:16cake with creamy filling. A little digestives. Oh my goodness. Look at those. Digestive creams.
09:23They look like a custard cream. Blonde Oreos. They've got lots of Dubai chocolates here as well.
09:29All different fillings. I love that this class that's health comes first.
09:34Different flavor Pringles as well. Ketchup. Cheesy cheese. I've actually had the paprika
09:40ones before. They're really good too. They also have a beauty salon. It's called Aventine or
09:45Aventine. We just had a look in. They were really lovely in there. You can get your nails done,
09:49haircut for men and women. They've got really good facilities in there. So, I mean, there's
09:53nothing worse than when you're on holiday and you feel like your haircut's not as good as when you
09:56first left. So, it's really nice. And they were really lovely in there. I'm not sure on the prices,
10:01but I can link it down below. It's definitely a great thing to have if you catch yourself in a
10:06beauty emergency. Okay. We have found the pool area and it is breathtakingly nice. I think,
10:13Ewan said this in his blog, the quality of a hotel does very much depend on their sun lounger.
10:18Oh yeah. Because we've been in some that aren't so great. Yeah. They creak when you're underneath
10:23them and I always fear that I'm going to fall through them. Whereas these look very robust,
10:27very substantial and very comfortable. Nice padding. Yes. And towels are included as well
10:32because I actually didn't pack my towel because I thought there would be, and they are.
10:35That's handy as well. You can just grab one by the pool. Exactly. Those are like additional features
10:40that are just super, super lovely. Yeah. And I think they'll obviously have all the amenities
10:44as well. If you forget your sun cream, they've probably got that on hand as well. Yeah. Very
10:48nice. So, they are actually developing a lot of Ras al Haima as well. So, it's going to be
10:52changing really, really drastically over the next couple of years. They're getting a casino,
10:56they're getting a Nikki Beach, as I shared yesterday. So, there is a little bit of
11:00construction noise. So, that's something to obviously consider when you are staying here.
11:03Obviously, I think they'll try and put you in rooms as far away from the noise as possible.
11:07But all of the seating area, you can hear a little bit of the beeping in the background,
11:11all the seating areas and the beach lounges have been moved as far away from the noise as possible.
11:18I think the further away you get, you can barely hear it, which is good.
11:20If you remember the Highland vlog, me, Ewan and Kit were, I mean, you were brilliant at it,
11:26to be fair. No, I wasn't. You were. Smash it. That's it. You've just got to give it a good old
11:30smash. I don't know how I feel about doing it in this heat because I'm already sweating under
11:33this sun. It's a little bit of a pain in the bum. Yes, true. They've got also a lovely lawn. Yeah,
11:37lovely lawn. They've got Norton Crossroads, a big Jenga and, yeah, like a little breakaway area. So,
11:41if you've got kids as well, it is a kid-friendly hotel. I don't think I've said that yet. So,
11:45loads of families here. It's really, really... There was a kid's area, wasn't there? Yeah,
11:48exactly. So, if you do have children, it's a great place to bring them. There's something,
11:52I imagine there's something for everyone here. And we are back in the hotel room. Honestly,
11:57also, my skin is thriving out here. I think it's just a little bit of sunlight has made
12:01such a difference. Although, I do have a warm sheen. Right, I'm going to pack up a little bag
12:07and we're going to head to the beach front, I think. We're going to alternate between the beach
12:10and the pool. I'm so excited, honestly. I really, really enjoyed having a little look around the
12:15hotel. It's absolutely beautiful. There is so much to it. So, yeah, we've got a bit of lunch
12:19planned at one of the beach restaurants. And then I think we're going to do a bit of paddle boarding,
12:23which is quite exciting. And then we've got dinner this evening. So, it's a really chilled day.
12:26Okay, that is me all packed and ready to go. I love this unicorn bag. I've talked about these
12:31before. They're really, really good. I have them in two colours. I have it in this like nice taupey
12:35colour and then black. You can fit so much in them. I was going to bring a taupe bag, but everything I
12:39need kind of fits in here. So, I've got my phone. I have my book that I'm reading. This is The Locked
12:45Door by Frieda McFadden. I'm very early into it. Zara recommended it and it's fab. I've got some
12:51SPF. This is just a little roll-on. It's SPF 50, so I can protect myself from the sun. I've got my
12:56room key and a little camera adapter for my tripod. That's the only thing that doesn't fit,
13:01although it probably would just stick out a little bit. And then I've got my other camera in there as
13:05well. So, you can really fit a lot in there. I'm going to obviously wear my sunglasses, but yeah,
13:09I love these bags. They're so handy and they're waterproof as well. So, I've got that. I've got
13:13my water bottle and my towel. I'm ready to go to the beach. I'm very excited.
13:33Okay, we have come to the beach. Oh, the minute the sun's gone behind a cloud. Oh, there we go.
13:37It's back. We are going to have a little bit of relaxed time before lunchtime now. And I'm
13:44very, very much looking forward to it. I'm going to read my book. And the sea is right there and
13:48I'm going to go and have a dip momentarily. Okay, so we've just had a lovely little dip in the sea
13:52and I've ordered a glass of rosé. And I think I'm going to get a nice little salad. We went really
13:57hard on the breakfast, so I'm not massively hungry. So, I think it's going to be a really
14:00nice salad. And then I think we're actually going to do some paddle boarding. So, I don't want to
14:03eat nothing too big before we go into the sea again. So, yeah, maybe a nice little Caesar salad
14:09would be perfect. Okay, we have ordered a lovely little bit of lunch to have on the beach. What an
14:14absolute treat this is. I've got a lovely glass of rosé. It's the palest rosé. And I've gone for a
14:18lovely chicken Caesar salad. How beautiful does that look? Just sat at the sound of the sea. This
14:25is actually my heaven. And it doesn't feel like February at all. It feels like mid-summer. This
14:30is gorgeous. So, oh my goodness. The water sports available here are absolutely insane. So,
14:36we've got surfboards, kayaks behind us. However, and it's a big however, I am absolutely gutted.
14:44It's a bit too choppy for paddle boarding and I don't feel confident getting on a jet ski. So,
14:49I don't think we're going to be doing that today. However, we potentially have some time on Friday.
14:53So, me and Ewan might be kayaking on Friday morning. What do you think? What do you think?
14:59We've done the Thames. We can do this thing. Yeah, easy. You know we're up for a challenge,
15:02but it's very choppy. I did say earlier, I was like, I don't think we're going to be able to do
15:05it. It turns out it is too choppy. However, it might work on Friday. It's going to be potentially
15:10nice weather on Friday. So, we can see the people who are running this are really professional. They
15:14obviously have your safety as paramount and yeah, they're really friendly. So, it's an option if
15:19you do want to book it. You can go on one with one of the instructors as well. They can kind of drive
15:22it for you if you're a bit nervous. Absolutely. Yeah. But no, it's definitely an option if you
15:27want to. Okay. I wasn't planning on doing a jet ski, but now I've been coerced into doing it. So,
15:31I'm signing my life away. If you never see me again, I'm lost at sea. So, Luke is off on a jet
15:37ski. I think this might be his first time. Oh, there he goes. He's out of here.
15:57Here he comes. Excellent. I just drove my very first ever jet ski. I've never done that in my
16:16life. That was absolutely exhilarating. I would never, ever have done that ever. But yeah, I just
16:21felt amazing doing it and I can't believe I did it. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone,
16:25faced my fear, and it was amazing. I loved it. I can't wait to do that again. Ewan now is somehow
16:29flying a drone. Don't mind Ewan, just getting some content. Ewan's never flew a drone before either.
16:38This chap's just been told. Oh my- Why's it beeping? Really low level return, man. Oh God.
16:42I'm so scared. I love that this has been entrusted to Ewan. Do we have to catch it?
16:47Do we catch it? No. That was booked through Seawick. I'm going to leave them links down
16:58below. I mean, Ewan just flew a drone. What is going on with us? I feel like I was quite pro,
17:04got some good footage, and I didn't crash it. Yeah, and tomorrow we're doing a zip line. Who
17:08are we? Who is this new version of us kayaking across the Thames? I love it. We're just taking
17:14things. Yeah, why not? Okay, I'm back. I'm going to bounce you there. Does that work? Does that
17:22work? That works. You're in the pantry. We're in the kitchen. Calling it a pantry feels weird. It's
17:28huge. Anyway, we just got back from being at the sea. Oh my goodness, it's so lovely. We've just
17:34been sat at Hannah Little Rosie, reading our book, doing some stories, catching up on emails,
17:38that kind of thing. Ewan's still there. I think he's catching the sunset, but I said to him,
17:42look, I need to get back and get a coffee. I felt like I was flagging. Oh my God, it's so
17:46good. I'm going to have a little date. I don't know what the feeling of that one is, but it looks
17:51absolutely lovely. Honestly, a date and a coffee and a little bit of water.
17:55It's like a revival. I can't describe it, but I'm loving it. I've had the best day, honestly. This
18:00hotel is absolutely stunning. I just love days where we do loads of activities, but I also love
18:05days where we just do nothing. Oh, it's so good. We haven't done nothing today. I just mean more
18:10of a calm day. Oh, we might be able to see the sunset from here, actually. Look at that sunset.
18:17I was just walking back to the room and I just had five minutes just to really process being in here
18:23and this feels just immense sense of gratitude. This isn't normal. This isn't my day-to-day. As
18:30you watch my vlogs more and more, this feels like a real special treat and an experience I'll cherish
18:37for a lifetime. It's magic. Absolutely stunning. Okay, so I'm all showered and I'm genuinely in
18:42awe at how clean my skin feels and the psoriasis has nearly gone, which is just absolutely madness.
18:50On my cheeks, yes, it's still there, but it's so much better. I've been in this country three days.
18:56I don't understand how. It's just magic. I know this is one of my happiest inside and out,
19:04but I think I genuinely just need to live in a warm country because this will just cure everything.
19:10Anyway, I'm going to sort out my hair and then put on my outfit for the evening. I've got about
19:13half an hour until dinner, so I need to get a wiggle on. Okay, it is now the evening. Look at
19:18that sky. It's got the most beautiful blue haze coming up on the camera. That's nice, isn't it?
19:22Anyway, we're heading to dinner and it's the Lebanese restaurant that's on site of the
19:26Intercontinental and I'm actually really excited because I've not had a lot of Lebanese food, so
19:30yeah, we're walking there now with some lovely music playing. Oh my god, that looks so nice on
19:35camera. Wow. Look at the sky, it looks so blue. Oh yeah. Okay, we have arrived. I got us a little
19:41bit lost, so we're a little bit late, but we've made it.
19:44Okay, so cocktails have arrived and I went for their signature. I asked the waitress what she'd
20:01recommend and look at that. Isn't that beautiful? It's got gin as the base, but it's a lovely like raspberry
20:06finish. It's quite sweet. I normally go for a more like a bitter, a bit more like a strong cocktail,
20:12but it's actually quite nice. I did have a rose at lunch, so that's probably my limit today.
20:18Cheers, everyone. How's yours, Ewan? It's nice. Delicious. Ewan went for tequila.
20:24There we are, chin chin. It's healthy because we've got mango in it.
20:42Good morning, everyone. So it is our last full day here in Ras Al Khaimah and oh my goodness,
20:55it's an exciting one. I cannot wait for today. I'm in a bit of a rush because we're having an early
21:00start. I set my alarm for 5.45 this morning and I saw the sunrise, which was beautiful. I went to
21:07the gym. I'm feeling really, really just, yeah. I think this is what my body needed. My skin's
21:14never felt better. I feel energized, which is amazing. So we've got an absolutely jam-packed
21:20day today, so I'm just packing up my little kit bag. We are climbing a mountain, the tallest
21:26mountain in Ras Al Khaimah and we're doing a zipline, which I think is actually the largest
21:31zipline in the world or the UAE. I need to fact check that. I think it's actually the world.
21:37The longest zipline in the world, which is absolute madness. And then we are eating at a
21:42restaurant called 1484 by Puro, which is 1,484 meters above sea level. And it's the UAE's highest
21:49restaurant, which is madness. So that's today. We're also going to a base camp as well. So it's
21:57another jam-packed day and I'm so excited. So we've got 20 minutes until we need to leave.
22:02So I'm filling up my water bottle, checking I've got all my camera gear.
22:05I'm going to go knock for Ewan downstairs, grab maybe some breakfast to go. I'm not wearing the
22:12most amazing thing today, but I'm dressing for comfort. If we're hiking up a mountain
22:19and we're going to be ziplining, then I need comfortable things. So yeah, I've got my trainers.
22:25I'm wearing a vest and shorts. I've also got my sandals. I've got a jumper because apparently
22:30it's really cold at the top of the mountain. And yeah, I obviously don't want to be cold.
22:37So I'm really looking forward to it, but it's going to be another jam-packed day. So let's
22:42get cracking. Okay. We're having breakfast in the club lounge today, which I don't think I've
22:50actually showed, but it's like the part of the hotel. I think this is adults only in here,
22:53isn't it? So it's a little bit more calm, relaxed. It is very much like having breakfast in the
22:58lounge. It's like TV on with the sport. We've got BBC news on. It's not as a big of a breakfast
23:04section as the main restaurant. So it's more like continental pastries, meats, cheeses,
23:08that kind of thing. I've got a little pastry and a coffee. I'm not massively hungry. We had so much
23:14for dinner last night. I think we ended up having like five courses by the time we got to bed. So
23:21yeah, I'm not hugely hungry, but I know I need to eat because I don't think we're going to be
23:25having lunch for a while. So fuel up, ready for the mountain hike. Coffee, pastry, banana,
23:32good to go. Okay. So we've just stopped off at the roadside. We're going to be heading to
23:35the forest, but there's some amazing camels. So the tour guide pulled in the bus. How amazing is
23:40this? There are so many of them. They're very tame. Oh my goodness. The camels are so friendly.
23:47They're very, very nice. They just come and come up to you. It's very nice.
23:51How amazing is that? Oh my God. Ewan's making the connection.
23:54And here we have a wild Mr. Carrington feeding a camel.
24:02I think you've made a friend. Pumpkin and mittens need a sibling.
24:09Okay. So we've just had a bit of history about the trees in the desert. Now, obviously trees
24:14need water. And naturally in the UAE, there isn't a lot of rainfall. Now these trees are called
24:22Algarve tree. It sounds like Algarve tree, but it's not that. Algarve tree is the G that I
24:27struggle with. And basically they are protected trees. Each tree has a little plaque on it.
24:34So they'll never be removed. And they use the bark if they need it for housing. And then they use
24:41the leaves to make medicine or obviously the camels eat it. And they have little berries as
24:47well on them too. They're the natural tree of the UAE. So obviously in Italy, you have an olive tree,
24:53which you'd see a lot of. Whereas here they have... Ewan, do you remember the... I'm getting the
24:57pronunciation wrong. Algarve? Algarve. Algarve. But if you pronounce it, if you're from here,
25:02you'd say Algarve. Algarve. Yeah. I struggle with that. It's spelled with a G. G. Yeah. Yeah. So
25:06there we are. They're the protected tree of the UAE. Yeah. And the camels love them as well,
25:11as Ewan's just found out. Yeah. You got very close to one. I get about that far away and I was like,
25:16oh, you are very big. He wanted to munch on my bag. Yeah. A lot of teeth. Yeah. We've got some
25:22bananas in there actually. Maybe that's what they can smell. As you see, sometimes they cover their
25:27mouth. Why? Because they can beat each other. As I said, the cover are sometimes not very heavy,
25:36just to protect from the sun. And sometimes they are like a very... to keep them warm.
25:48So we just visited the camel pharmacy. So one of the things I want to ask you about is the welfare
25:53of the camels and are they well kept and well looked after. They have a whole pharmacy just
25:58for camels. Everything from medicine to vitamins to camel shampoo, which I absolutely love. They
26:04really pride themselves on looking after them, which is fantastic. Ewan even got a bit of a
26:10back rub, which is like a lovely Vicks. It's fantastic. Yeah. Is it? The camels offer my...
26:16Offer Carrington's. So this is where all the camels get all of their lovely clothing. They've
26:23got all of their ropes. These are the little nose coverings. And look at all the fabrics. So they
26:28wear an evening fabric and a day fabric. So obviously in the day, it's a lighter fabric
26:32and then an even and slightly thicker to keep them warm. Ewan got his souvenir. Are we ready?
26:37Fantastic. More camel ointment. He is going to be good to go for the rest of the trip.
26:43Smells lovely. It smells really like medicinal. Oh, it's so nice.
26:47It's a bit like deep heat or tiger bars kind of smell, isn't it?
26:51Lovely. I smell like an injured camel.
26:54What do you think? Very nice. It's lovely, isn't it? We're having a lovely Arabic coffee
27:23and yeah, it's gorgeous. I've just had my daily fix of dates and majdoul. I might have to go for
27:30a second one because they are delicious. It's great. It's lovely. It's like a mid-morning
27:35peak meal. Absolutely delicious. Okay. So we've just finished up trying all of the different
27:42dates. I think these ones are really good. They're like the sweetest that I've ever tried, but I still
27:47think majdoul are my favourite. These ones are slightly larger and these are the ones that we
27:52readily have available in the UK, but we're heading to a date shop now. And apparently,
27:58you can buy all things dates there, including a tub of these mamou, which are the most delicious
28:05date cakes ever. So I'm going to get a box of these to take back to London and I might even
28:10see if I can get some date syrup as well. Oh my God, guys, this is going to bring me so much joy.
28:15We are going into a date shop. This is so exciting. Oh my goodness. No, they weren't those.
28:23Majdoul. Maybe these ones? No. They have date paste. Oh my goodness. That would be so good
28:32for puddings. Date, honey. The date paste is 10 dirhams. That's literally like two pounds.
28:43Oh my God, so good. Date syrup, they have it. Oh my God, I'm going to get some. Oh my God. Right,
28:49this is my loot. I'm going for some stuffed dates. We've got some pistachio and some, I think,
28:54peanut and orange rind, maybe. I'm going for some date syrup. And then these, what we just tried,
29:01the mamou. Ewan's got some majdoul. Majdoul dates. Lovely, lovely, lovely. Gorgeous. Right,
29:08I'm going to put them in here. Okay, dates have been acquired. We are now back in our car. We're
29:13on an hour's journey, sorry, an hour's journey to our next destination where we're going to have
29:18lunch. And it's the tallest restaurant in the UAE, which is pretty cool. That's right, isn't it?
29:24Yeah, it's 1,484 meters above sea level. There you go. That's going to be amazing. Also, it's
29:29particularly warm today, so it's 27. It felt warmer. I knew it was than yesterday. Like,
29:35yesterday was nice. This is like hot. So yeah, we're going to have a really lovely lunch
29:40in the sun up a mountain. Okay, we have made it to the top of the mountain. Oh my goodness,
29:51I was doing the music in the car. I was trying to get everyone pumped. I was putting a bit of
29:54jello on. How are you feeling? Scared. Yeah. Just because we've just seen the zip line.
29:59It's the world's longest. Yeah, reaches speeds of 160 kilometers an hour. So that's about two
30:04to three minutes, which is a long time when you're scared. Yeah, most roller coasters are
30:08like over in what, like 40 seconds? Oh no. Don't worry, you'll be fine. We're going to have some
30:12lunch first and then... Yeah, great idea. Yeah, maybe we'll go light on the lunch.
30:16I don't know if I can eat. Yeah, it'll be fine. Okay, here we go. This is 1,484, the highest
30:22restaurant in the UAE. Oh my god, look at this. I feel like the Hulk juice was either a good
30:27choice or a bad choice. I'm a bit on the fence. What do you think? Before the mountain flight.
30:32Will we be seeing this in precisely one hour's time? Lovely thought.
30:37I'm also starting to get a little bit nervous because I'm already looking out onto the view
30:41and it's very tall, but that's fine. But I'm sure it'll be absolutely amazing when we get to the
30:47end of it. Anyway, ordered some food. I'm just catching up on some emails and stories. I'll
30:52check in with you guys when we're about to do it. Okay, so the food has arrived. I've gone for a
30:56chicken Caesar salad. I feel like I've ate really well on this trip. It's been really clean, really
31:00fresh, really light. And to balance out the health, we've gone for some fried chicken. I don't know,
31:07that just is calling my name. I saw it on the menu, I was like, yes, please. It's a really lovely
31:10restaurant. Okay, we have just had lunch and signed our liability waiver, which basically means if
31:17anything goes wrong, they're not taking responsibility and it's fully our own choice. So
31:22yeah, I think we're bonkers doing this. I'm actually very excited. I mean, it looks amazing.
31:29The footage looks really funny too. So hopefully I'll be able to access the camera footage from the
31:33helmet and I'll be able to include it in this vlog. Okay, I have my camera. This is going to be
31:44mounted on top of my helmet. So the next footage you guys are going to see, it's going to be me
31:48screaming down a zip line. I can't take my vlog camera. Yeah, we can't take our vlog cameras,
31:51unfortunately. So it's just going to be this getting all of the footage.
31:55Here we go, guys. I'm so excited.
32:04Oh, I hope this didn't hurt Ewan's back. Thank you.
32:12Here we go.
32:21Amazing. Amazing. That was so good. Thank you so much.
32:41We did it. Oh my God, look at my hand.
32:56We just got on Ewan's vlog. We did it. We did it. We very nearly didn't do it,
32:59but we did it, honestly. Not by choice, by weather. I'm so quiet. Yeah. The rain,
33:03like the rain got that bad and the air was like... Your mouth dries out completely as well because
33:08there's so much wind blowing into it. It was like, it was touch and go, but we did it and I'm
33:13so proud we did. Honestly, that was... I'm still shaking. Look at my hands. Yeah. I wasn't nervous
33:17until I got strapped in. They basically strap you in like this and then you go, what is it,
33:22three, two, one, bye-bye. Yeah. And you're suspended for quite a while. You are. Well,
33:25depending. Yeah, I just was hovering for ages. I don't know what was going on. You just hear
33:29radios and checks going on and making sure it's safe to go. And then you have like a mini one
33:34to do it. Once you get down, there's like a suspended platform after the main one and they
33:39strap you onto a mini one, which I found almost as scary because it's one where you're just like
33:44this, like little ropes. Yeah. Because the way you stop at 160 kilometers an hour is like,
33:49it snaps the brakes. So you're like, you almost jolt and then you've got to like slowly cruise
33:52in and then go on the platform. So we did it and I'm really proud. Anyway, this has some footage
33:57on it. So hopefully the edit goes well in this vlog. You'll see the next bit of us just screaming.
34:04So we just had some cinnamon tea at the top of Jebel Jais and I'm so, so excited for this. We're
34:17going to do some meditation. I think we might do a sound bath as well. So here we go. I feel like
34:23we need this. After that adrenaline rush, we need this. It smells like incense. It's so lovely.
34:28We wouldn't be doing this outside, but apparently because of the weather, everything's been brought
34:32in, but we've still got an amazing view. Let me show you. So we're looking out onto the mountain
34:36peaks. It smells so good. Oh, look at this view. This compared to the weather we just had on top
34:44of the zipline is like next level. Like genuinely absolutely phenomenal. We were supposed to be
34:49doing the sound bath and the healing outside, but obviously because of the rain, everything's
34:53got a bit wet, so it's okay. So we're going to be doing it inside and centre. Look at this view.
34:57So we're going to go on a little bit of a hike, come back and then do our session.
35:03I feel so, so calm right now. I've just had some lovely cinnamon tea.
35:07That's amazing. So we've just been told by our guide that one of the sheikhs actually lives
35:13here in the mountains, which is, I don't think he lives here permanently, but he has a home here.
35:17So when we were getting to the base camp, we had to go through some kind of security gates. I did
35:22wonder why. That's what? So basically it's like Buckingham palace, but at the top of the mountain,
35:27which I'm kind of here for. If you want to be away from everyone, it's the place to be.
35:32And he's also just said that there's a division line that splits Oman and the UAE. And we're
35:37going to go and stand on the exact point that's on a map that splits the two places.
35:42Welcome to one of the several points. You'll see two swords. This is the Oman part of Musandam.
35:51Here we are to the falcon. And this is UAE. So when you're standing like this, there's two countries at once.
35:57The straight line between them is the border. So everything to the right of this line is Oman.
36:04Everything to the left of this line is UAE. Okay. So we've just been told about the history of
36:11deciding the point. So the point is right there. And that is the division between the UAE
36:17and Oman. And it's, we're talking the tiniest little point, but obviously there has to be a
36:24cutoff between the two. Now the Sheikh lives, if you can see at the top of that hill right there.
36:31And he decided that because the land is so fertile, you can grow fruit and you can grow
36:36strawberries and plums and herbs. However, being at the tallest point of the Jebel Jais means it
36:41gets very cold. So it gets to minus two, which doesn't sound that cold, but minus two, apparently
36:46in the UAE is a different kind of cold. There's no moisture in the air. It is dry cold, which
36:52apparently feels like about minus 15. So they put windbreakers all around. So you can be nice and
36:57toasty in there. And I mean, he's got some killer views, some incredible views. So the hiking trails
37:03are expanding as well. There's 94 kilometers of hiking trails on this base camp and are
37:07expanding to 100 kilometers. So you would get some pretty good walks in if you were deciding
37:12to come here on a hiking trip. Our guide is really knowledgeable as well. He's been doing
37:17this for years, so he knows his stuff. There we are. So that's the United Arab Emirates there.
37:22And then behind you have the Sultanate of Oman.
38:35okay. We are back at the hotel and it has been the most phenomenal five days. I think
38:42they've gone in both a blur, but also I can't believe how much we've actually done.
38:45It feels like we've blinked since we got here. But then when you think of all the different
38:50activities we've done, it's a lot. It's been brilliant. It's been genuinely phenomenal. So
38:55thank you all so much for watching. Ewan's been vlogging everything too. And also Ewan's done a
39:00completely separate video of a room tour. So I think that will be coming after this one. Yes.
39:05So I'll link Ewan's channel down below. So if you want more of an in-depth look into the hotel,
39:10then that will obviously be available as well. But yeah, it's been an absolute pleasure. We
39:13don't take these things for granted. They are very much a pinch me moment. But yeah,
39:17I really hope you've enjoyed it. Let me know if you've been or if you're planning to visit
39:21and watch out for more travel videos coming soon because we've already booked somewhere
39:25that's coming up and Kit will be joining too. That's all I'm saying. Okay. Lots of love to
39:29you all. Thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you all very soon in a future video.
