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Rivals But Every Kill A Wheel Chooses My Weapon!

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00:00Rivals, but this wheel picks our gun every round.
00:02And the first person to win three games
00:04wins $1,000 from the loser.
00:06And my first weapon is a Soul Rifle.
00:08Yes, sir.
00:09I got Slingshot.
00:10This is the last time I can use the AR.
00:11And if I don't win, I'm going to be so mad.
00:13Oh, I got you.
00:14Let's see.
00:14Are we actually serious?
00:16Bro, how am I going to win with this?
00:18I think it does one damage if I hit you, right?
00:20Oh, you missed.
00:21That is all my ammunition.
00:22I'm done with this.
00:23I'm done with this.
00:24It's jumping off.
00:25No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:26Are we serious?
00:27Bro, I got Chainsaw.
00:28Riot Shield wins this every time.
00:31Oh, oh, I damaged you, bro.
00:33Oh, no.
00:34You're forgetting I got Motion.
00:34I got Mobility.
00:35It's like, this is not fair.
00:36Wait, I have an idea.
00:37Come here, Stefan.
00:39Well done.
00:40Well done, dude.
00:44I can work with that.
00:45You're not ready, bro.
00:46What are you going to surprise me with?
00:46Don't even worry about it, gang.
00:47Is that the Molotov?
00:49Come here.
00:50Dude, you are getting so unlucky.
00:52Come on.
00:53Give me the sniper.
00:55We can work with that.
00:56The spray, I can do that.
00:57I can do the spray.
00:58Oh, my gosh.
00:58Oh, my gosh.
00:59You're terrible.
01:00What am I supposed to do when I get a spray
01:01and you get to use it?
01:02Wah, wah, wah.
01:03Shut up.
01:03I got RPG usable.
01:04Oh, I got Assault Rifle.
01:05I got Assault Rifle.
01:06You're finished.
01:07You're finished.
01:08You're finished.
01:08No, I'm not.
01:09No, I'm not.
01:10No, I'm not.
01:11No, I'm not.
01:12You're going down.
01:13You're going down.
01:18Off the map.
01:18Oh, I got you.
01:19I got you with RPG.
01:20You're so lucky.
01:21Are we serious?
01:22I got the Battle Axe.
01:23I got the Battle Axe, too.
01:24All right.
01:24Let's spin.
01:25Let's spin.
01:26Give me something that I can destroy him with.
01:27Come on.
01:28I need something good, bro.
01:29I will take the Burst Rifle any day of the week.
01:31Oh, awesome.
01:31That's actually epic.
01:33Thank you, Roblox Rivals.
01:34Oh, wait.
01:36Are you scything me?
01:36Low key, Lee.
01:37Oh, no.
01:38Oh, no.
01:39Oh, no.
01:40Oh, no.
01:41You're so lucky.
01:42You're so lucky, bro.
01:43That's one round for me.
01:44And the first person to win three rounds
01:45will take home the $1,000.
01:46I'm in the lead, Stefan.
01:46I'm in the lead.
01:47Dude, I got the worst guns.
01:48So that just means next round,
01:49my weapons are going to be goated.
01:51We'll take that.
01:52I got crossbow.
01:53I'll take the revolver any day.
01:54I see you, Stefan.
01:56Oh, no.
01:57I could lose this.
01:58This is a bit of a long range map
01:59unless I make it close range.
02:01We're good.
02:02We're locked in.
02:03I need something good, dude.
02:04Come on.
02:04Slingshot, slingshot, slingshot.
02:05Oh, I think you've won, bro.
02:06What do you have?
02:07I have the med kit.
02:09Genuinely, what do I do?
02:11Come here.
02:12Wait, no.
02:12Let me heal up.
02:13Oh, no.
02:14I'm not even letting you do that.
02:15$1,000 is mine.
02:17I take that.
02:17I take that every day of the week.
02:18Oh, don't give me the war horn.
02:20The satchel's doable.
02:21Can I even kill you with the satchels anymore?
02:24Oh my God.
02:26Good boy, Kay.
02:27Good boy.
02:28Thank you, rivals.
02:29I got the shorty.
02:30Oh, I got a really good weapon.
02:32What did you get?
02:33Take the most annoying gun in the game
02:35and then think better.
02:40I don't know.
02:41I feel like I might have this win.
02:42You just got two free wins in a row, dude.
02:44Oh, this is fun.
02:45This is really fun.
02:46Are we serious?
02:47Are we serious?
02:48What am I supposed to do with the med kit?
02:50That is three in a row, bro.
02:52Three in a row.
02:53Bye, bye.
02:54Oh, I got the K-child on the riot shield.
02:55This is so annoying.
02:56Yeah, you're all jolly over there.
02:57Bro, I am such a jolly gamer right now.
02:59Okay, I can work with this.
03:00I'm just praying you get something horrible.
03:02I got the rocket propel grenade,
03:03also known as an RPG.
03:04Oh God.
03:07Okay, now I just need to wait this thing out.
03:08Come on.
03:09Come to papa.
03:10Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
03:11I got you.
03:12Dude, that $1,000 is going straight to my pocket.
03:15Oh yeah, I suffered all of that.
03:17But it was worth it.
03:18I've been blessed with the sniper.
03:19Oh, this is solid.
03:20I still think I have a chance.
03:22Cause you have K-aim.
03:23The worst aim in the game, dude.
03:24Come on, headshot.
03:25Just once.
03:26Didn't you used to be a professional Fortnite player?
03:27Why is your aim this bad?
03:29I got him.
03:30I got him.
03:31Okay, we're good.
03:32You're such a lucky little lobster.
03:32Spinning the wheel.
03:33Spinning the wheel.
03:34Come on, come on, come on, come on.
03:36Yes, yes.
03:37I will take the grenade launcher.
03:41Sudden death.
03:42Knife, knife.
03:42Okay, that's doable.
03:43Tell me what you got.
03:44The streets are saying I might have the pinning gun.
03:46Oh no.
03:50Dude, I couldn't even get to you.
03:52You got beamed out of the air, bro.
03:53It's one, one.
03:54I'm taking that $1,000.
03:56No, I'm coming back, bro.
03:57I'm praying to the wheel gods right now.
03:59Are we actually serious and real?
04:00Okay, I can work with the chainsaw.
04:02I have the freeze ray, bro.
04:03Oh no.
04:04You have one shot to make something happen.
04:06You have one shot.
04:07One opportunity.
04:08Everything you ever wanted.
04:10Get him.
04:11Oh no.
04:12Did that get you?
04:14You literally already won.
04:15Yes, sir.
04:16Yes, sir.
04:17$1,000 is mine.
04:18Well, if I get a good weapon, it's mine.
04:20Come on, come on, come on.
04:21Okay, okay.
04:21I can work with that.
04:22That's good.
04:23I got the energy pistols.
04:24Oh my gosh.
04:25Wait, no, that's perfect.
04:26I have the katana.
04:27Yes, sir.
04:28I forgot you get melee, bro.
04:30Shing, shing, shing.
04:31Shing, shing, shing.
04:33Oh, you're so lucky.
04:34I need something good.
04:35I take the bow every day.
04:37You are significantly going to win here.
04:39Why is that?
04:40Because I have five trillion ping.
04:44Dude, I literally just lost
04:45while wearing a two-tone platinum gold robe in Samir.
04:49Okay, shut up.
04:51Hello, flashbang.
04:52I have the tripmine.
04:53It's whoever does more damage.
04:55Nope, I see that one, not walking there.
04:57Yes, I did damage.
04:58Now I will wait out the timer.
04:59Oh my gosh.
05:01Replace it.
05:02Yes, I did another damage.
05:04I actually just put the flashbangs in the bag.
05:05Editor, speed up that time.
05:08How does it feel, Stefan, for it to be four-0, bruh?
05:11I'm going to come back, dude.
05:12I'm going to come back
05:13and I'm going to take all your money.
05:14Usable item, usable item, I pray.
05:16Energy pistols.
05:17I got the spray.
05:22Wow, wow, wow.
05:23Bro, I was, I don't know what was happening.
05:25All right, give me something good.
05:26Flamethrower, it's over for you.
05:27I got the Uzi.
05:28Wait, you got little Uzi.
05:29You got a little Uzi.
05:30You got a little Uzi.
05:30Yeah, I heard you the first 30 times.
05:32Oh my God, I just got blown off the map.
05:35Wait, it's like a little Uzi.
05:36I just got blown off the map.
05:37Wait, it's like when Kay says bye
05:38at the end of his videos.
05:40Dude, you're still not in the lead.
05:41Are you serious?
05:41I got the subspace.
05:42I got the burst.
05:43Yeah, I wonder who's going to win this one, dude.
05:45Yeah, yeah, yeah.
05:46Daggers, daggers.
05:47We can work with daggers.
05:48I'm going to get something better, bro.
05:49I have the smoke grenade.
05:50So basically you have to hit me with the smokes.
05:52Thank you, Captain Obvious.
05:55Oh, good try.
05:55Yes, sir.
05:57Yes, sir.
05:57Yes, sir.
06:00Did you fall off the map?
06:01Are we actually real, Kay?
06:03Oh, sniper, you're finished.
06:05No, I'm not because I got the minigun.
06:07I'm still winning that.
06:07Usually I'd agree, but you have like a billion ping.
06:10Okay, come on.
06:11Nice, nice.
06:12Come on, come on, come on.
06:1410 HP.
06:14Are we serious?
06:16I'm in the lead for the 1,000.
06:17I could win it in this next round.
06:18You're not winning it, bro.
06:19I don't have that much mid left.
06:20Okay, let's see.
06:21All right.
06:23Oh, oh.
06:24What did you get?
06:25The war horde.
06:26Me too.
06:27I got the war horde as well.
06:29So we're just going to wait for the timer to run out
06:30and the game's just going to pick a winner
06:32and we have no say.
06:33Three, two, one.
06:36All right.
06:36Five seconds left.
06:37Come on, come on, come on.
06:38Give it to me.
06:39Give it to me.
06:40One second.
06:41Thank you, Nazni.
06:42Oh, let's go guys.
06:43This is usable.
06:45What'd you got?
06:46Look at me.
06:47Oh, cool.
06:48Oh, I backed into a wall.
06:50No, no, no, no, no.
06:52Oh my gosh.
06:53I got you at the wall.
06:54I'm so tired of these guns that are horrible.
06:56I can't even shoot with,
06:57and I got another.
06:58Like just come kill me.
06:59If you really insist.
07:00It's over.
07:01Yeah, get frozen.
07:02Do damage, please.
07:03Do damage, please.
07:04Beg for it.
07:05Oh, dude.
07:06I want the 1,000, dude.
07:09I got the handgun.
07:10Roy has the shorty.
07:11Shorty has four shots
07:11and your aim is terrible.
07:14Yup, there it goes.
07:15Just put the bullets in the wall, dude.
07:17Okay, I hit you.
07:18Damn it.
07:19The coins coming out of here
07:20are like the money I'm going to take from your account.
07:21That's not happening
07:22because they're giving me the,
07:23they're giving me flamethrower.
07:24They're not giving you flamethrower.
07:25They're not, but they're giving me shotgun.
07:27I can work with that.
07:27This is going to be a close one, though.
07:29I'm just going to shotgun snipe you, dude.
07:30You're not even going to,
07:31oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no.
07:33Oh, oh, ah.
07:36Flare gun, flare gun.
07:37It's your sound code.
07:38Like I'm a paintball.
07:40So excited, dude.
07:41I'm so excited, dude.
07:42Wait, why didn't,
07:43you didn't kill me.
07:44Yeah, yeah, I did it.
07:45I know.
07:46Oh, I'll take that.
07:47I'll take this all day.
07:48I got the fist.
07:49Come here, come here.
07:50Yes, sir.
07:51Three to four.
07:52I'm taking the 1,000 home, dude.
07:53Oh my gosh, dude.
07:54I literally only have good weapons left.
07:56Paintball gun.
07:57We take that.
07:58I don't know how this is going to go
07:59but I'm going to take your paintball.
07:59You just have to have a really good movement
08:01and a really good aim.
08:02And pray that I have the worst aim ever.
08:03Are we going to talk about the shorty incident, bro?
08:05I don't want to talk about the shorty incident.
08:08Oh my, how, how are you alive?
08:11Dude, I need something crazy.
08:131,000's mine.
08:141,000's mine.
08:15Dude, I got the grenade.
08:16I don't fumble this.
08:17I don't fumble this.
08:18Am I him?
08:19Why am I so bad with this thing?
08:20I don't know, dude.
08:21I'm nervous.
08:23I missed.
08:2414 seconds left.
08:25Luck in, luck in.
08:26Just right now, right now.
08:27Please, please, please.
08:28I'm horrible.
08:29Oh my gosh.
08:30I got too confident, bro.
08:31Literally last game.
08:32I'm going to get this dove.
08:34That's a katana.
08:35Oh wow.
08:36That's so cool.
08:37Where you at?
08:38Where you at?
08:39I just need to hit you more.
08:40Dude, how do you have KM with a melee?
08:40Okay, really?
08:41Like I've hit you more.
08:42I'm like leaning into my monitor, dude.
08:44I'm nerd necking.
08:46One more.
08:47One more.
08:48Oh my gosh.
08:49How much health do you have?
08:50A million.
08:51Oh my gosh.
08:52You were one hit, bro.
08:54Let me spin.
08:55Let me spin.
08:57I got the third one.
08:57I got the flare gun.
08:58I got the handgun.
08:59I think you have a big chance of winning here.
09:03You good?
09:04Dude, there's a thousand on the line.
09:06Dude, my fingers hurt.
09:07The rest of my guns are all good.
09:09Me too.
09:10Me too.
09:10Exo gun.
09:11I take that.
09:12I got energy rifle.
09:13Oh no.
09:1610, 20, 30, 50.
09:18My aim's terrible.
09:19My aim's terrible.
09:20Yes, sir.
09:20Oh my gosh.
09:22I'm going to win the 1,000.
09:23No way I get 5-0.
09:24No way we make this perfect.
09:25Fist or energy rifle?
09:26I got fists.
09:27So I've won this one.
09:28Fists do not fail me.
09:32And my last item is the satchel.
09:33And mine's the energy rifle.
09:35And it's over for you.
09:36And you're done.
09:37Wait, can you jump off the map?
09:39I'm good, dude.
09:40I'm good.
09:41I'm good.
09:42A 4-1.
09:44What do we do for this last gun?
09:45Because we're all out.
09:46Spam random.
09:47Full loadout.
09:48Oh, bet.
09:51All right, Stephon.
09:52Send me that 1,000.
09:53Send me that 1,000.
09:54I will take that back.
09:54You know what?
09:56If you liked the last video,
09:57you won this video.
09:5810,000 likes and we'll do a part three.
09:59Yes, sir.
10:00And if you guys enjoyed this video,
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