I Tested YouTuber's Crosshairs in Rivals!
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00:00Today I'm going to be wanting your favorite roblox youtubers using their crosshairs
00:03Then I will rank them on a tier list so I can find out which youtuber has the best crosshair that you should be using
00:08Starting with car fall here are his crosshair settings. If you want to pause the video and replicate them
00:12I actually like this one. This is a nice little crosshair beams
00:16Why do I not have bad aim with this inspect? Oh my
00:19Oh my god, did you like my crosshair? No. Oh, maybe you should just like not use this crosshair
00:24I think it's only meant for me. Maybe it's meant for me too. You never know. You never know. Oh my god
00:30Yes, you're so low. You're so low. Yes. Okay. I actually like this one. Let's go rate it car full
00:35Honestly had a really good crosshair
00:37I think it could be the best crosshair in rivals, but we will decide that at the end of the video
00:41So for now, we're gonna put it in fire
00:42And by the way, the last crosshair we're gonna be testing in this video is from one of the number one players in the game
00:47So it's gonna be wild our next crosshair is from yekti
00:50Here are the settings if you guys want to pause the video copy it now
00:53Let's see if this is any good and if it'll fix my horrible aim
00:56My crosshair is actually the best bro make you the best player trust
00:59I think this will be the best crosshair ever if I can kill you more than two times
01:02I've never beat yekti. So oh 30. Oh, I hit that. I hit that
01:08I'm the worst. Oh, no
01:10It's a crosshair i'm telling you it is the crosshair. This is a good crosshair, bro
01:14This will show if your crosshair is any good. What the wait, wait, i'm not peeking you now
01:19Okay beams. Oh my gosh this crosshair. Actually, I think i've had the best aim with it so far. Oh what I lost. Yes
01:26Bro, but you did better than the other times I think yeah, you're right
01:29So for that reason the yektis was crazy again another one that could be best crosshair rivals
01:33But we're just gonna put it right above carful and fire for now figure that out the end
01:36Let's go to the next our next youtuber is mango pool and his crosshair settings are just the default with outline
01:43Enabled you think you're gonna beat me with this crosshair? Well, of course i'm gonna beat you bro
01:46There is a reason they call me himothy the sigma bro. I'm him. Okay, bro
01:50I bet I have the best crosshair out of this whole video. Okay. Hey, we're gonna find out at the end of the video
01:55Oh, wow, you're hacking bro, dude
01:57I don't have anything on dude
02:03You're right this crosshair is giving me crazy aim or maybe it's the fact that you have horrible movement bro
02:08What are you yapping about bro? I got like the best movement in the whole game. Yeah
02:15Dude I lagged bro. I got a big lag spike and then I fell out of the mat
02:19My aim looking good with this crosshair. Hey k this is for you, bro. It's for you k
02:24Why would you do that bro editor blur that are we serious right now?
02:29No, no, no, oh my god five oh
02:31Are you serious right now, bro? Honestly, I have no idea how to feel out mango's crosshair. Um
02:39Our next youtuber is tiny dude, he's actually a nemesis here are his crosshair settings if you guys want to pause and copy
02:45Now, let's see if this is actually good tiny dude. It's the best cross ever
02:48Oh, wow, I just beamed you I kind of like this
02:51Oh, no, oh no, oh no, come on, dude, you're 20. How does he got close? What how much ping do you have?
02:57377 yeah, no way. I just died to the high ping go see over there. Look look over there on that rock
03:02It's like an egg. You see that? Oh, yeah, I see that. Yeah. Yeah, there you go. There you go
03:07Dude you're playing dirty. I see all this. You know what? Let's see if it actually is good aim
03:10I'm gonna triple dink headshot you one shot with this weapon right here. Yeah 45. Oh, oh wow
03:16Yo, yo
03:18Oh my god, is the burst the new meta?
03:20Okay, this crosshair is low-key make my aim a little bit better the more I play with it. I'm playing on the ping. Yes
03:26Yes. Oh my god. What is that damage? Hello? Hello get beamed. Oh, i'm terrible. Nice one, dude
03:33Hey, you're countering that you're countering that dude. Let's go. Are we serious right now?
03:37All right, this crosshair was pretty good. Even though I lost the tiny dude. He's literally a pro so chill out on me
03:42Now it's time to go rank his cross
03:44I don't think he can be the best of rivals
03:45But we'll put it behind car full in fire. Our next youtuber is nate de great
03:49And if you guys want to copy his crosshair, it's right here this crosshair might give you aim bot aim bot, bro
03:53Well, I have like the worst aim ever if it can cure that this is definitely getting ranked at the top
03:57It can definitely help bro. I'm not gonna lie. Dang. You're level 293. Oh, yeah, bro. Oh no. Oh no
04:02Oh, I just dodged that sniper bullet. Okay, really?
04:06Would you have diamond on the sniper? Oh, yeah, buddy. Here we go. 360 watch this. Nope. Nope not happening not happening
04:10Wait, oh my god. My aim is cracked with this nate. You're actually onto something
04:14Yes. Oh my goodness. It's your crosshair, bro. I actually might rank this high. This is pretty good
04:19You know what?
04:19I had to let you win at least one round but now i'm turning up
04:22Told you I have one of the best players in the game at the end of the video
04:24So I wonder how this crosshair will compare to that one. Oh, you'll be able to destroy them easy, bro
04:28I'm, not gonna lie. You're getting blicked dude. Are we serious? Oh, I just name bonded you
04:34Oh my god, I had 10 health. I'm not gonna lie. You're actually kind of good. Thank you. It's the crosshair
04:37I'm, actually gonna rank this one high. This is one of the best ones i've played on yet
04:41Yes. Oh, no, no
04:44Yes, oh no
04:46This crosshair is so good. No more sniper, bro. Oh, wait. Are you locking in we're going full try hard i'm sitting up
04:53Okay, I missed every single shot
04:55Whatever to go in full try hard, bro. No
04:58No, the katana. Where are you boy sturdy? Oh my goodness
05:02You're right. Your crosshair is giving me aim bot bro. This might be your crosshair now, right?
05:07Dude, this is actually going towards the top of the list
05:09This could be the best youtuber crosshair, but we'll decide that at the end of the video. Yeah, eat my bullets boy
05:13Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, yeah, you're cooked. No, no, no
05:17Oh, yes serious right now, bro. This is closer than what I wanted it to be. You're going down right now, bro
05:22Okay, keep dreaming buddy
05:24Yes. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Come on. Come on. Yes
05:27Oh my god
05:28Dude, this crosshair is crazy. Now it's time to go rank it
05:32Another one that could be the best crosshair, but we're just gonna put him here for now. We'll figure that out later
05:35Next we have milo blocks. Hi, here are his crosshair settings. Now. We're gonna 1v1 him with it
05:40We'll see if it's actually good. You're not beating me with my own crosshair. Not a chance. I am beating you bro
05:45Oh, look at that. See look. I already got bullets off bro. That's how you know, my crosshair is good
05:48This is horrible, bro. I do not this is the worst one. What do you mean?
05:52Why does it get so big when I shoot?
05:54Okay, the ar is super hard to use with this crosshair, but i'm hitting a lot of headshots with the revolver
05:59I'm, actually hitting okay. I take that back. This is not looking good for the list right now, bro
06:04You're not gonna lie
06:05Not looking good five one five. I'm gonna go make a new crosshair. Yeah, you go make a new one
06:09I'm gonna go rank this very low. All right, milo. That was just as bad as mangoes. That was horrible
06:13That was really bad. We're going mid
06:15Our next youtuber is tap water. Here are his crosshair settings if you guys want to copy it
06:19Bro, I have the best crosshair in the game. So you should copy. All right top we will see about that
06:23I have really really bad aim. I'm like known for it. So if you can save my aim
06:27I will rank you high on the tier list
06:28Okay, i'm definitely saving your aim and also if you beat me the only reason why is because you're using my crosshair
06:32Okay, okay
06:36And you're dead you're dead oh my god, oh my god, bro, the headshot was nice maybe this crosshair is good
06:40I kind of like it. I know right? I keep it simple, bro
06:42Everyone complicates the crosshair. It's lowkey true. If I hit this 360 headshot right here. This this crosshair is the best one
06:48Oh my god. I'm so scared. Oh, are we real tap water? Oh gosh
06:53Oh my god, i'm missing all my shots. I'm missing all my shots die die die
06:57I'm getting juked so hard
07:00Gosh okay, this crosshair is hit or miss right now hit or miss for me. Oh, no, it's coded bro. You'll get used to it
07:05Okay, we'll see we'll see i'm we're three games in now. So I should be a little more used to it
07:09Let's see. Let's see if I can get a full beam right here
07:11No, I cannot might be because I suck that that might be why really dude. Okay, my aim is not great
07:16I'm trying to find a crosshair to fix that. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah
07:21This is definitely better than the last crosshair we used milo did not cook. Oh yikes 30. Yes. Yes five two
07:28Hey, I like this crosshair, yeah, well, you're welcome for the win, you know, like I said, the only one is the crosshair
07:33Okay. Okay. Maybe I did. So let's go rank this crosshair. You know what tap I will give you the good rating
07:38I like your crosshair, but it doesn't get fired
07:40Our next youtuber is hoppy 819. If you want to slow down the video here are her settings
07:44Now it's time to see if this is good. It's good. This is an interesting crosshair
07:48I have never seen anything like it very original. It is I made it myself. I can tell
07:55Are you serious right now? I've been training kay. I've been training. Oh no
08:01Yes, I got you
08:04This crosshair is not too bad. Okay, we're locked in. Oh, oh no. Okay. Okay. Oh my god. Oh my god. Yes
08:11That was actually embarrassing. Hey
08:15Oh, yeah, my aim got better the more I use that crosshair even though it looks really strange and it's definitely not comp
08:20I don't think it's that bad. So we're gonna go rank it hoppy 819 at the end of good
08:24You know, it was not as good as the other crosshairs
08:26Our next crosshair is from the number one win streak player slingshot. Why? Oh, I just equipped it the wrong gun
08:32I'm cooked. Why do you think this is the best crosshair in the game?
08:35Bro, this crosshair is really clean. Hopefully this crosshair makes my aim better
08:40And i'll actually be able to even kill slingshot one time. Oh, no
08:44Oh, no
08:45Oh, no, dude, dude, you're too good. You're too good
08:48Yo, thank you bro, but you're actually crazy with all those skill glitches video bro. I i'm really impressed by all those glitches
08:54I'm, actually afraid of you bro. I appreciate it slingshot. Okay gonna get on the bridge. Come on
09:00This crosshair is actually fire. I might switch to this one. Really? You think it's nice?
09:03I think it's nice bro, but the tracking is really really easy with this crosshair. That's how I feel
09:09Oh beamed beamed. Oh the tracking is good on this one. I would never do that my regular crosshair
09:14And I died but I damaged you a lot. I got all your charges. Let's go
09:18Bro, just farm me for charms now. Let's go rate this crosshair dude slingshots crosshair was so good
09:23I literally think it can be best in rivals. I honestly think it's between vxd and slingshot
09:28I'm gonna go with slingshot if you guys agree with me, let me know in the comments below
09:31I will pop up slingshots crosshair settings on the screen
09:34So feel free to pause and if you guys enjoyed this video
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09:39I will see you guys tomorrow and bye