Rivals EXTREME Bingo!
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FOLLOW ME: https://www.roblox.com/users/4891355965/profile
JOIN MY DISCORD: https://discord.gg/kaye
00:00This is rivals bingo each player has a board filled with extremely hard challenges and whoever can complete five that are in a row first
00:06Wins $1,000 from the loser. Oh, you're going down. Okay, I'm going for get asked for a gift
00:11I think it's the easiest one, especially for me. Let's see. Come on. I cannot make them ask
00:15I'm going for getting called pay to win flamethrower slingshot katana Molly. Someone just said can you give me please?
00:21Oh my god, I got that. That's two
00:22Oh, you're so lucky
00:23And the reason I said I got two is literally because a few chats before that I got recognized bro
00:28Any actually I haven't gotten any wait
00:29I need to move you want this guy so I can end a 20-plus win streak 200 win streak, bro
00:33Oh, this kid just became on AFK Boston. Come on. What do you want? I'm winning him. I love you winning him
00:37I'm gonna end the win streak. Oh, no way. You're gonna lose bro. Oh, I got him
00:41Oh, this guy's getting fire spam and he won. Wait, this low-key might be clutch
00:45Is it four? Oh, it's two. Oh, but I'm gonna I'm gonna let him win the next two
00:48That does count as a clutch. Okay, and I got him again. Oh my gosh. Wait, I killed him. I'm gonna get clutch
00:53I'm gonna get clutch. Oh
00:56No, he has he has he has a second to know
00:59Have you gotten a single bingo board? I really don't want to talk about it about a five
01:03Oh this kid with the 300 win streak
01:05And done. I ended a 20-plus win streak that is off the list. No way. Okay home. These kids are on controller
01:12One of the things is beat a controller player. All right, I'm gonna Lobby. I'm gonna say hello everyone
01:17Come on now support. Oh, I got recognized
01:19You got recognized. Don't wait, please ask me for something. Please ask me for a gift, please
01:25How are you only silver? I dude I don't want to talk about it. This is not relevant stuff. Please gift
01:31I got please gift. Let's go. I've literally just got made fun of for my rank. That's three. No way you caught up
01:36Are we serious? I need to clutch or I need to get called pay to win
01:39I feel like what are you even gonna be able to 1v1 the owner if you're going for that list?
01:42I don't know. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it
01:44You know what?
01:45I'm just gonna cue into everyone and depending on who my opponent is will decide what bingo board I go for it didn't work earlier
01:50But I'm gonna try and get called pay to win now. My opponent is not on controller
01:54So I'm gonna go for the headshot only one. Okay, I got one headshot. Yes. Okay, that's two headshots
01:59Yep, you got hit with the freeze ray and now
02:02Boop-boop-boop-boom. I need to headshot him. I missed. Okay, that's fine as long as I don't hit a body shot
02:06Okay, that's three headshots. Ooh, if I hit a single body shot literally have to leave the match. Okay, come on
02:11I just body shot at him. Oh my god. I have to leave I have to leave wait
02:14I just realized I have two in a row. I don't know how I didn't notice that. Okay
02:16Well, I'm gonna try to get you to return. I didn't really get anything there. Come on
02:19I need someone to either call me pay to win or go for a clutch. Hello car full
02:24Hello, I'm doing a video right now and I need to get a youtubers charm. Can I can I get yours?
02:28Why do you even need my charm? What is the purpose of this? I'm doing a youtuber bingo against Stefan
02:37Yes, I got the charm, oh my gosh, all right, thanks car full I got the car full charm
02:42That's three in a row for me. You're such a nerd bro. Oh my god
02:45Now I need to find someone with YouTube in their name and then rank up
02:48I'm going to go all-out full Sigma sweaty mode because I need to get this clutch. Otherwise, I'm not getting that thousand dollars
02:56Dude, no one has YT in their name. Why does no one want to self-promote dude?
03:05Oh my gosh, it's 4-4 I'm about to get the win no way you get the clutch
03:10Okay, I got clutch I just got clutch oh my gosh dude you're getting so far
03:15I literally just need to get called pay to win and 1v1 the owner and then I win. I win the $1,000
03:20How are you gonna go about the owner dude? I'll figure it out when I get there, bro
03:23I'm gonna go for a top frag in a 5v5
03:25It just means I need to do the best out of everyone else in the match because if I do that then I'll only have
03:29two left in that row
03:31Yeah, really dude. Okay. I'm in a 5v5. I just need to literally get an assist or a kill on everyone
03:35Okay, come on. Come on. Come on. I hit him. I hit him. I'll get the assist
03:37I'm at the top of the board by 150. Okay, I see to stay there for the next five rounds
03:41Yeah, buddy, that's sniper aim. You're not on mobile. You don't have aim assist here on PC
03:46Oh, he just sniped me in the head. Are we serious? Are we real?
03:51They were getting destroyed so bad that this dude literally just left
03:54I got opponent rage quit the way how to use sniper shut up. This kid has to be hacking or something. Yep
04:00Yep, there we go another dude. I'm just I'm just destroying this leaderboard
04:04I'm gonna get two in this game since I can rage quit. I'm the top of the leaderboard by 1500. That's crazy work
04:09Yeah, buddy. What are you gonna do? You can't do nothing breath. Oh
04:13my gosh, okay, and
04:16The round is over and I won by 2000. Okay, boom top frag 5v5 done
04:21I'm literally two away from the $1,000 in two spots
04:24I either need to find someone with YouTube in their name and rank up or I need to find someone opening skin cases and a
04:29Player in a brain or hot skin skimmy toilet. Where are you? Did I literally just need to get called pay to win?
04:34I need a new bro. I need a new
04:36I'm gonna try going into free-for-all to see if I can find someone wearing a brain rot skin there
04:40Or maybe a whitey name. You never know. Okay, this is a level 24 mobile. Surely
04:45Surely I get called pay to win. I got rage quit. I got rage quit. Let's go. You got rage quit. Oh
04:53I'm not finding anything dude. All right, you know what I have a plan. I know how to find a brain rot skin
04:57I'm gonna go to servers and I'm just gonna scroll through this until I see like a skibbity toilet skin or a spunky
05:02Are you among us? I don't think that's among us
05:05Somebody sauce as heck
05:08Shut up the way you bark is so tough kid. Well, why'd you think so? I see speaker, man. I see speaker, man
05:14Okay, I need to join the game speaker man from skibbity toilet, please. Where's where's speaker man?
05:17Wait, let me check up here. We click this. Okay, the speaker man is dead right now
05:21All I need to do is lay my eyes on the skin. Follow me pay to win. Please. Oh
05:27My gosh, oh my gosh, this guy's right next to the speaker man. Look at your teammate. Look at your teammate, dude
05:32No, speak of it. Oh, I watch him. He goes bigger and I saw it. I saw it
05:35I saw it later and bring around squid done. Oh my god. Oh my god
05:38All I need to see is someone opening cases. Now. What bro? Are you done already?
05:42No one's opening cases, but I see a nemesis. That's crazy. Is that two down?
05:46That means I just found a nemesis, but if I can beat him I can beat a pro player. Oh my god
05:50There's so many nemesis in this lobby. Okay, i'm gonna challenge them. I'm gonna challenge them
05:53Okay, i'm in a new lobby right now. I need someone so bad bro. Anyone recognize me. I need a fan step on blocks
05:59Okay, i'm gonna 1v1 this kid. I'm gonna 1v1 this kid cross 1v1 me cross I can beat him. Okay beam
06:03Oh, he's better than me
06:05Dude, come on
06:07Oh my god. I can't he died. He killed me with 33 health now. I freeze ray him again and we go for the
06:14Unlucky butterfly unlucky. I'm, sorry, please call me pay to win. He said bro. Nice loadout
06:19Oh my gosh, nice loadout is what it says when you type p2w. He called me pay to win
06:23He called me pay to win. No way. You got another bro. Yes. Okay. I beat I beat the pro once
06:28I just need to win four more. Okay, I literally just need to 1v1 the owner and then I win dude
06:31No way, can you can I call in a little favor here? I don't know. Uh, no
06:35I have an idea if you tap me with the owner then if you win i'll make it two thousand
06:40Let me beat my nemesis first then we'll see
06:42No, I have another nemesis trying to 1v1 me. You're so lucky
06:46You should I don't know if i'm gonna call him in you should try getting some other ones right now
06:49Stefan that you're close on. Oh, you know i'm gonna join your lobby. I'm gonna get two done
06:54Oh, no. Yeah, you're gonna get fine nemesis and you could beat a pro here. Oh, this is bad
06:57I'm still thinking about your calling the owner offer two thousand dollars
07:00You know how much canes you could buy with that? I'm actually in chicken tenders right now
07:06Okay, two to two against this nemesis, oh my gosh, I found a nemesis I found a nemesis
07:10Okay, that crosses it off that crosses it off
07:13It's over. I lost
07:15Oh, oh you're cooked. Oh, you're so cooked things aren't looking too good for you, bro
07:19I feel like I feel like you gotta take up the offer. I will text nazni. Let's see. We'll see if he replies
07:24Wait, look i'm with nazi right now. Oh my gosh. He joined me. Okay. He literally just joined me, bro
07:29You actually can't make this up. Look at my screen. Okay, really? Oh, he said yes. I have to pray that you lose to him
07:33Nazni, please don't lose
07:36No, i'm not losing. Oh, no. Oh, no. Okay. I'm scared bro. I'm scared. I'm scared
07:40I'm gonna go ar slingshot katana satchel. This is his game. He's probably better than you right? No, i'm the goat
07:46He is 400 pink. Oh my gosh. I win. I win. I win. I win
07:52Dude nazi, please
07:54Oh, yes. No, my boy. Oh my god. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh, dude
07:58I have never been this sweaty in my life. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh
08:06You know what no way that's too low though. Okay. I'm watching nazi. Oh heck. No, brother
08:10Oh my gosh, i'm gonna lose. Oh my god, dude. He's gonna die. He's gonna die to flames, dude
08:14He's so low. He's so low. He's so low. Oh, no, no nazi, please
08:17Oh my god, I got the nazi charm. Oh my aura. Oh my aura
08:32Nazi can't lose here, please. Wow. Oh my gosh. I'm horrid. I'm horrid. No, no
08:40My only chance bro. Yeah, but you're behind. So now I just need to go find someone opening skin cases
08:44Yes, what are you gonna do now stephane? Wait, okay
08:46You know what? I just realized it doesn't say beat owner says 1v1 owner. Is that a win? Let's make a thousand dollars
08:54Gg stephane, thank you for the thousand dollars if you enjoyed this video click another one on screen and subscribe. Bye