• 17 hours ago
I Tried YouTuber's Hardest Dares in Rivals!

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00:00Today I'm completing the hardest dares from your favorite Roblox
00:03Youtubers with the last one being a near impossible dare from the owner of rivals
00:07But before that, let's start all the way back with our first dare. I dare you to give the noob his dream bundle
00:12Okay, I just joined a lobby. I said hello any noobs here. Look around. Wait, this guy said me. Where's Chris?
00:17Oh, he actually is a noob three win streak level 74. I said yo Chris. What's your dream bundle? He said XO gun
00:23I got you, bruh. I'm hit Chris with this gift. There we go. I got him and that's Enrique's dare done
00:28Let's move on. Okay, I dare you to lose your win streak to me. I'm doing a video where I get a hundred win streak
00:33I just got this except the 1v1 boy except it. I spent an hour on that bro. Just take it careful
00:38Just take it dude. I don't want to get egged. So
00:41I know 25 is not very high, but it's the highest I've had in three months. I triple doggy dared you so it's okay
00:47Okay, dare completed careful. It's gone. I'm not getting egged today
00:51And if you're wondering why I'm talking about getting egged
00:54It's because my dad told me I have to get egged ten times if I fail a single youtuber dare
00:59I'm going to be throwing these at you. I'm completing these dares, bro. Let's move on to the next one
01:03Okay, I dare you to get more kills than me and it to be chill. Wait, hold on
01:06You actually have a 200 win streak. I know that's what I'm saying. Good luck
01:09So I'm not only competing against the other team, but I'm also competing against Nika. Let's see if you're gonna do it locked in
01:14Oh, what was it? Okay. I'm getting that kill. I'm gonna kill get over here. Oh
01:18What you feel both? I don't know. I think the other guy might have fell off the map
01:22So we're up against robots because unfortunately ahead of me I might tell me there oh no, it's not a good look for you, dude
01:27Right here dead. No. Oh, what's up? Another kill? Wait? No, no, no, no way get to yes
01:33Sir, you call my head boy. I got two you got one 360
01:38Not a good look for you, we're tied bro, we're tied Niko this is mine come on and I'm get him again
01:43I'm I get I got him. I just want our
01:45That one
01:47Another one
01:50Come on he's dead. I'm ahead. I'm ahead. I just need to win. No way. No way you win
01:55No, dude. Oh, oh it continues. I'm still ahead though five to four Niko. I have the lead and it's match point
02:02Okay, baby. No, I got
02:04Come on, give me that. Oh, you got it, but I won
02:10Yes, sir to the next youtuber, thank you Niko I dare you to troll someone with a glitch bro
02:15That's the easiest dare ever do my game. Come on. Okay, I'm watching. Come here
02:19Yep, I'm in the wall. What let me in. Oh, they're hitting me. Oh, wait, I'm gonna wait right here
02:26Dude, they're so confused. They can't hit you. No, bro. I got I got a barrier
02:35No way to actually work hey that counts as the dare completed right day, I guess that counts. Yep. Yes, sir
02:40I'm not gonna egg today. Let's move to the next youtuber
02:43Dare you to get diamond rap on any weapon diamond, right? You know how long that's gonna take don't care. That's the rules
02:49That's the challenge. Hold on Milo. Let me spawn in some subscribers. I'm getting this. All right, Milo
02:52I need you to watch this unpatched diamond method. Let's see the method bro. I'm getting this so fast diamond speed run 15 minutes
02:58I don't know how but okay, let's check this out
03:01I'm gonna stand right here and you guys just shoot your head your rifle up the floor in front of me
03:05Yeah. Oh look. I already got one of the contracts completed. This is cheating, bro
03:10Then we got it dare completed look at that Milo you see that
03:15It's okay, there's still hope you still have more challenges to do hopefully that really are they are gonna get way harder
03:20The owner is literally giving me one at the end of the video, but right here diamond
03:23Oh, yeah next youtuber. You gotta get one win, but I get to choose your loadout every round for what kind of dare is that?
03:30Johnny you're gonna give me like the worst items ever. Don't worry. I'll give you the best items
03:35Why are you laughing dude, I don't like this. All right, here we go. You're gonna pick the gun blade, bro
03:42Oh the handgun. Are we serious? Let's go knife and let's go smoke grenade
03:48Dude, what is this Johnny? Also, I forgot to tell you you're gonna be to be wanting. I'll see you later
03:53Well, are we serious? This is not possible. This is not possible. What is going on? This kid is cheating. He's on controller
03:58He's on controller. He's gonna shoot me through smoke grenade. Bro. Can't even get one kill. Oh my god
04:03I lost all of my games after that. But here's the last game we played where I finally started doing better
04:08Okay, what's my next loadout? What's my next loadout?
04:10Crossbow, flare gun, battle axe again because it's really bad and grenade. Really dude?
04:16Really? I didn't think it'd get worse than the last loadout bro. Stop complaining and just kill them. Okay. Thank you Johnny good comms
04:22I'm trying. Oh, I got one. I got one. I got one
04:24Yes. Oh my god. Next loadout. The assault rifle, energy pistols, riot shield and grenade
04:33Oh my god, Johnny, you're so you're so OP. You just gave me the best loadout yet. Oh, no. What are you doing?
04:37What was that? I don't want to talk about it. Oh my god, dude 2v1ing is not easy Johnny. Yes, I got one!
04:43I got a kill! I got a kill! Thank you, Johnny. Thank you. You're gonna do bow. You're gonna do daggers
04:49You're gonna do the trolley whatever that is and you're gonna do the subspace tripmine. Okay, so I'm losing
04:56I'm losing Johnny. Oh, I won. I got one. I got one. I got one. I'm coming. Hold on. Wait. No, I'm fighting someone Johnny
05:00Wait, I got him! Johnny, I did it! Johnny, I did it!
05:02That was a terrible loadout. How'd you win that?
05:05Let's go, dude. I'm not gonna ache today. Okay, I'm gonna give you a dare
05:10Let's hear it. I dare you to spend as much robux on me as possible till you run out. Are we serious?
05:16Let's see how many robux I have. So if I gifted you a skin case, I would still have
05:207,000 robux left. You want me to spend 7,000 robux on you? Yeah, you have 7k. Yeah, bro here
05:27Take the energy bundle, Jetski. There you go. Come on. I'm not gonna be poor, but I have no robux, dude
05:32Okay, I just gave you the heavy-duty bundle. Sweet. I'll open those later. Give me some cases, boy. Yo, keep gifting them
05:37Come on, don't stop. Let's go. Come on. Come on, dude. Why are you not spending money on me?
05:40I'm going! I'm spending it all! I'm spending it all!
05:43You're taking too long
05:44Let's go here. Use. And the last of my robux have been sent. And I cannot open this weapons crate because I have everything
05:51All right. Thanks to you Jetski. I only have 17 robux left. All right. Bye. All right, next YouTuber
05:56Okay, I dare you to DM the owner of Roblox Rivals and tell him that this game sucks and that it's poo-poo-doo-doo-dodd-wodders
06:04Dude, are we for real? I'm gonna get banned. Oh my god. Oh my god. Which owner? Nosny or Sensei?
06:08Bro, honestly, I'm gonna make you DM both of them now that you said that. Oh, are you serious, dude?
06:13Hold up my DMs with Nosny. Dude, I don't want to send this. Dude, Mango, you're gonna get me banned
06:17Bro, do you wanna get egged or not? Okay. Okay. I'm sending it. I'm sending it! Yeah, that's what I thought!
06:22All right, and to Sensei, bro. Oh my god. I'm getting banned. It's over. It's so over. My life is over
06:27And it's sent. It's sent. All right, dare completed. Thanks, Mango. Not getting egged today. I hate you
06:33And we're moving on to the next YouTuber. I dare you to beat me in a 1v1
06:37But with the settings that I choose. I beat you any other time, but now you're gonna like max out my sensitivity. Exactly
06:43What am I doing? All right. All right. So look turn to master volume all the way up, bro
06:47Bro, my ears! No, to auto sprint, turn it off, bro. Turn it off, bro. Really? Are we serious? Oh my god.
06:52Someone be walking around, be walking around. Um, sensitivity. Oh, yeah, that's a good one. Turn that one all the way up
06:57Are you serious, dude? Bro, and then fill the view all the way to the left. This is impossible. I can't see
07:02I can't see in front of me. Ah, I kind of like that. It's so loud. Okay, come here. I can't- dude!
07:06This is not fair. This is not fair. Come on. Come on, dude!
07:11I can't see anything! Bro, it's all right. Look, look, I think all you gotta do is just try a little harder next time
07:17Oh, thank you project. I really appreciate the advice, dude. I'm winning this. I'm winning this. It's over
07:21Oh, I killed you! Project, you're horrible. I'm lagging, I'm lagging, I'm lagging, bro. I'm lagging, I'm lagging. Yeah, yeah, you're lagging, you're lagging
07:27Oh, no, are we serious?
07:29Dude, I can't move! My life's over. Oh, yes! I got you! Oh! You're cheating, you're cheating, you're cheating, dude!
07:36Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Okay, you can put that away. You can put that away, dude. Yeah
07:40There you go. There you go. Beams, beams, beams. Come on. Yes! Yes!
07:44No way, no way. You get to pick my settings and we're going three to three. Bro, no more games. No more games
07:49I'm actually gonna win this, bro. Come here. Yes! Yes! Yes! No!
07:51Yes! Yeah!
07:53Oh! No! Yes! Yes!
07:55Dude, you could have killed me. Are you cheating? Come on, Project. Come on, lock in, lock in.
07:59Wait, no, no, I gave that to you. I understand. Thank you, Project, for the pity. Come on! Come on!
08:04So, how does it feel that I was on your settings where I couldn't see, my sensitivity was maxed, and you still lost?
08:09I thought it goes up to six matches, like six rounds. So, no, that's why I gave you that one win. With that dare completed,
08:15we can move on to our next YouTuber.
08:17Hey, since I'm the fastest hedgehog, I dare you to get the fastest kill in under two seconds.
08:25Sounds good, Sonic. Hey, remember, speed is the key. Yep. I got it, dude. I got it. Gotta go fast.
08:32Yeah. All right, two second kill. Let's do it. Let's do it.
08:35Oh, I missed. I missed. All right, again, again, again. Watch this, Sonic. Come on, come on, come on.
08:40Yes! Yes! You did it! Oh my gosh. I gotta go fast. I'm literally, I'm the red hedgehog.
08:46That means I'm not getting egged today. Next YouTuber. Okay, I dare you to give a random subscriber your charm. Wait,
08:51we both have charms, Kairi. Let's just find someone that knows both of us, and let's just donate. Come on, let's do it.
08:55All right, bet. Let me turn them on. All right, let's get it. Join this public server with me.
08:58We gotta find someone that knows both of us. This guy's blue in the face like he's Sonic.
09:02Oh, wait, this guy knows you. This guy said, I watch all your vids. Okay, who are they talking about?
09:06I'm subs to both of you guys. Wait, he just said it right here. Okay, hold on, hold on.
09:08Let's go see on 2b2pad. Yes, sir. We gotta give Trappy our charm. We have to die to Trappy.
09:13I see him right here. I see him right here. Come on, kill me. Come on, kill me, buddy. Kill me, buddy.
09:16Come on, kill me already. There you go. I'm all yours, Trappy. Yes, sir.
09:20We completed the dare, Kairi. We're so up. Let's go.
09:24Oh my gosh, we're getting close to the end of the dares. I'm not getting egged today.
09:27Let's move to the next YouTuber. All right, K, I dare you to hit a trick shot before me.
09:31Bro is giving me the easiest challenge. Let's go on 2b2. I'm hitting this guy.
09:35You don't know him, the trick shot goat. Realistically, that's not true. Okay, I really do.
09:38I gotta get him one shot so that I can easily trick shot him. I gotta headshot him. Oh, yeah.
09:43Oh my gosh.
09:44Come on, bro.
09:46Are we serious right now? Okay, come on. No scope. Yes, I got it. Wait, what? Look at the top right.
09:53And I got no scope the other one. I completed the top order dare.
09:55So let's move on to the next YouTuber. Yo, K, guess what? I have a dare for you, bro. Oh, no.
10:00Okay, what is it, VXD? Let me know. So you know how rank just came out and as you can see you're silver, right?
10:05And I'm diamond. I dare you to just kill me one time in a 1v1. Are we serious?
10:10Let's think, what does VXD like? VXD likes arena. No!
10:13Why'd you ban that, bro? Here I come.
10:17Wait, did you fall off the map? Okay, I'm locked in though this time. I don't want to talk about it.
10:21There's a reason I'm silver.
10:23Okay, what do you have for this though? Come here, VXD. Come here, VXD. Put that away!
10:28Put it away! Yes! Yes! Okay.
10:31Yes! That was kind of close. I'm not gonna lie.
10:34I see. Why is my gun not shooting? I couldn't shoot! I couldn't shoot!
10:40Nah, that's count. Watch, I'm gonna switch my weapons here. We said you'd go over there. I didn't say you could go over there, VXD.
10:46Yes! Yes! Yes!
10:48Wait, I beat the dare. No, yeah, you did. You did, bro. You beat the dare.
10:51So now we're gonna move on to the next YouTuber. Okay, I dare you to find a Hoppy subscriber and gift them. Gift them?
10:57Okay, hold on. I'm locked in. You better give them an expensive gift too, K. You think I'm Elon Musk?
11:02Does anyone even know Hoppy? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. They're gonna know me. Do you watch Hoppy819? Bro, please. Visual representation of Hoppy819.
11:11She looks like this. You need the full 360 view. Bro, it's some Fulton fans. It's some Fulton fans, bro. Fulton fans.
11:17Oh, someone said K. Someone said K. See if he knows me. Do you watch Hoppy819? Please say yes. Please say yes. Please. He said yes!
11:24Here we go. I will gift him three skin cases. Yes! Yes!
11:28And now that we've completed that dare, it's time to move on to Nazni, the owner of Rivals.
11:33We're here with the owner and he said, K, I dare you to beat me while I can use admin commands. Oh, I'm so good.
11:39I'm so good.
11:41Okay, I beamed him.
11:43Oh my god. Oh my god. It's my only advantage is I just need to be quiet
11:48and sneaky. If he shoots once, I'm dead.
11:50Like, I'm so dead.
11:52Oh no. Oh, I somehow got him. I somehow got him. Oh my god. Oh my god.
11:57Bro, he's so blind. He's so blind. Two to three for your boy. I need to win here or I fail the challenges
12:02and then I have to get egged.
12:04Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. He's flying. He's flying in the air.
12:07He's shooting so much that he's lagging and flying in the air. Oh my god. Nazni broke his own game.
12:14Oh no. Oh, and I'm dead. Cool, dude. Cool.
12:18Oh my god. Oh my god. Everything in the game is getting sprayed at me. I just need to shoot him from a distance.
12:24Come on. Come on. Come on.
12:27Yeah, gg, Nazni. I failed the dare. I gotta go tell my dad now and I have to get egged ten times.
12:45If you guys enjoyed this video, click the video on screen. Bye!
