• last week
(Adnkronos) - “Nel 2025 Findus avrà il 100% dei prodotti di pesce e frutti di mare certificati dal punto di vista della sostenibilità da Msc per quanto riguarda il pescato ed Asc per quanto riguarda l'acquacoltura. Abbiamo quindi mantenuto la promessa e l’impegno preso nel 2017”. Così Renato Roca, country manager di Findus Italia, all’evento ‘100%: il nostro percorso di sostenibilità’, organizzato oggi a Milano da Findus, azienda leader nel settore dei surgelati.


00:00We are here to tell the completion of a journey started in 2017 in the same location of the
00:15Civic Aquarium in Milan when we announced the start of a part of Cipone MSC, therefore
00:20with the insertion of the MSC brand of sustainable fishing on our main references
00:25such as Bastoncini and Fiori di Merluzzo, giving us the commitment, the promise to reach 100%
00:32of sustainable fishing, of sustainable aquaculture by 2025, and therefore today we are here to
00:39say that we have kept the promise and kept the commitment and therefore we can celebrate
00:44that in 2025 FINDUS will have 100% of the products of fish and seafood certified from the point
00:53of view of aquaculture.
00:55We are a company that is considered to be a leader by consumers and by commercial partners
01:02of the large distribution and we interpret leadership also and above all in terms of
01:09responsibility, so sustainability means giving our contribution to make the world a better
01:16place to live, it means guaranteeing access, the sustainability of food supplies in the
01:23years to come, it means working together with other partners for the safeguarding of the
01:30oceans and seas and it is a commitment, today we are talking about fish, but that extends
01:36to our entire portfolio, we have a program just as strong on our other balance sheet
01:42as that of agriculture, but a program that also extends to the nutritional aspect of
01:48food through balanced food choices and to ensure that our logistical-productive operations
01:56are also such as to improve yield compared to the environment and compared to consumption
02:03and use of resources.
