• 18 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - "Nutripiatto ha la caratteristica di essere molto semplice, immediato, ma anche molto efficace nel far capire ai genitori come devono adeguare l'alimentazione del bambino” nel corso della crescita. Così, Laura De Gara, prorettore vicario Campus Bio-Medico (Ucbm) di Roma con delega alla Didattica, all’evento ‘Nutripiatto: educare al futuro un ‘pasto’ alla volta’ organizzato dal Gruppo Nestlé in Italia, con Sipps, Società italiana di pediatria preventiva e sociale e Ucbm. Nel corso dell’incontro sono stati presentati i principali risultati ottenuti e ripercorsi i primi anni di vita del progetto.


00:00We are very happy to work with NutriPiatto, for NutriPiatto with Nestlé,
00:11precisely because it was a project that has had its continuity from 2018 to today
00:17and every year with some new features,
00:21which has allowed us to work a lot with students of the area of Human Nutrition Sciences
00:27on food education projects.
00:29NutriPiatto has the characteristic of being very simple, very immediate,
00:34but also, for what we have seen, very effective in making parents understand
00:39how they must adapt the child's diet as the child grows.
00:44It was also very interesting to see the characteristics that the students saw in this project
00:51and thanks also to their imagination, their creativity,
00:55every year we have been able to add a board,
00:58for which NutriPiatto, as a tool to identify the correct portions,
01:04has become a tool to know the regional recipes
01:07and then a tool to teach children to make the first breakfast well,
01:12also giving suggestions to mothers on how to make the first breakfasts.
01:17And then a teaching tool for schools
01:19and this year NutriPiatto came out in motion
01:22to help parents and children understand when to have a snack if they go to do sports,
01:28when to recover the energy lost from a particularly intense race.
01:32So it seems to me that NutriPiatto can have this feature of continuity,
01:37but also of innovation, of deepening, of themes that become more and more broad,
01:43more and more transversal, but very important
01:46to educate children to have a correct diet.
01:49Surely they can improve their diet
01:52and also the health data show it.
01:56And above all they can improve the lifestyle in general,
02:00combining a correct diet with a correct movement.
02:04Without a doubt the most critical elements are fruit and vegetables,
02:09vegetables even more, and also for this NutriPiatto gives a series of suggestions,
02:14how mothers can take their children to go shopping,
02:17to manipulate fruit and vegetables in such a way that they are not unknown,
02:22they become a bit of a game for the child who wants to know the flavors too.
02:28Among other things, the knowledge of new flavors at the age of childhood is very important,
02:34precisely because those flavors will represent the roots,
02:38the culture of the child and the adult for a lifetime.
02:41Therefore, the more we help children to diversify their diet correctly,
02:47the more we will have adults able to have that food biodiversity
02:52that guarantees the supply not only of macronutrients, but also of micronutrients.
