(Adnkronos) - Inaugurato oggi a Roma il nuovo ponte dell'Industria, che torna a collegare i quartieri Ostiense e Trastevere. Dopo più di tre anni dall'incendio, è stato ufficialmente riaperto al traffico di privati e mezzi pubblici. Il sindaco Roberto Gualtieri: "Dal punto di vista ingegneristico è stato un lavoro straordinario: si sono utilizzate le tecnologie più avanzate per evitare di dover fare interventi insostenibili sul Tevere, usando tecnologie che si usano per le piattaforme petrolifere per avere fondamenta solide. Dobbiamo essere fieri della nostra capacità, del saper fare”.
00:00Now, let's open it!
00:30It is a new bridge, but it respects the aesthetics of the ancient industrial archeology, an extraordinary work.
00:47This bridge goes from 7 to 26 tons, so the buses can pass.
00:52We have put two new bridges, so the buses will finally connect directly, without making very long trips,
01:00to Piazzale dei Partigiani, Metro B, Magliana, Marconi, Corviale and the whole 11th Municipality.
01:10An extraordinary engineering work, because respecting the technology, the old aesthetics,
01:17the modern technology has been used, with the jet grouting, with the commitment of the technicians, the workers, the engineers.
01:24It is really incredible that in a year of technical work, because the first part will be authoritative,
01:29and then to make the second bridge with the subserviences, they were able to do this work.
01:34We are very happy, it is a great result, a jubilee work that is added to the many that we have inaugurated,
01:41another sign of the jubilee method that works, the Board of Directors presented by the Mantovano subsidiary,
01:48the collaboration of Roma Capitale, the government commissioner, with all the institutional levels, the government, the region,
01:54all united to make Rome a more modern, more beautiful city.
01:58For us, who conceived this work, we decided that we did not just want to try to fix the old bridge,
02:06but to make a new one. It was really a win-win bet, so we are really happy.