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(Adnkronos) - 'Career Connections’ di UniMarconi: Kpmg incontra gli studenti per condividere competenze e opportunità professionali; Acea Water Fun Run, la maratona dell'acqua per una risorsa vitale; StarCasinò lancia una campagna per il gioco responsabile con Lino Banfi: “Il gioco deve essere uno sfizio, non un vizio!”; Sostenibilità: Findus raggiunge il 100% di prodotti ittici certificati Msc e Asc; Muoversi nelle professioni e sul territorio. A Napoli giornata di orientamento della Luiss; Sostenibilità, Rilegno “Italia all'avanguardia nel recupero e rigenerazione del legno”; Premio Film Impresa: la terza edizione celebra innovazione e intelligenza artificiale con Garrone, Salini e Zingaretti.


00:00Career Connection by Unimarkoni KPMG meets students to share skills and professional opportunities.
00:22Aceawater Fan Run, the marathon of water for a vital resource.
00:27Star Casino launches a campaign for the responsible game with Nino Banfi. The game must be a hobby, not a vice.
00:34Sustainability, to reach 100% of certified MSC and ASC ITC products.
00:41Move to the professions on the territory, in Naples, orientation day of LUIS.
00:47Sustainability, Italy at the forefront in the recovery and regeneration of wood.
00:52Premio Filme Impresa, the third edition, famous innovation and artificial intelligence with Garrone, Salini and Zingaretti.
01:01The cycle of meetings Career Connections of the Università Guglielmo Marconi continues to grow with a new appointment entirely dedicated to KPMG,
01:09one of the world leaders in the field of consulting and forensic analysis.
01:13The event, which took place near the Terrazza Pratia in Rome,
01:16offered students the opportunity to get in touch with one of the big four of consulting
01:21and to discover up close how KPMG is facing the challenges of the market of modern work.
01:27The Università Guglielmo Marconi, with this Career Connect project,
01:31wants to create a strategic bridge between the academic world and the professional world.
01:37This by facilitating a series of structured meetings between our students,
01:43the job market, managers, professionals, large companies, as we have KPMG today,
01:49to give them a very important training opportunity.
01:53The meeting dealt with crucial issues such as the current challenges of the job market,
01:57the skills required to emerge in the field of consulting and forensic analysis
02:01and the winning strategies adopted by KPMG to remain competitive in the global panorama.
02:06Today we are here in Unimarconi as KPMG to further strengthen the link
02:12between our company KPMG and the students, in this case with Unimarconi.
02:17KPMG, the skills it is looking for on the market,
02:20being a service company that offers transversal services,
02:23it is looking for different technical skills in the economic, legal, accounting and so on.
02:30The forensic area, which is particularly innovative and crucial for the future of the sector,
02:34and the soft skills are fundamental in the selection process,
02:37as well as the value of the training on the job,
02:40to fill the gap between academic training and professional experience.
02:44Meeting people who have experience of the KPMG level,
02:48which is considered by many to be a big four in the field of consulting,
02:52is something unique and incredible for us guys,
02:55as regards our working future.
02:58This for many of us who study economics or law,
03:03or who still want to interface in all consulting activities,
03:07is the beacon to be reached.
03:09The Unimarconi Career Connections cycle thus confirms a strategic initiative
03:13for the training of future professionals,
03:16offering students and postgraduate students practical tools,
03:19specific knowledge and networking opportunities with experts in the sector.
03:24Founded in 2004 as the first digital university in Italy,
03:27Unimarconi has quickly become a reference point in the Italian academic panorama,
03:32with a strong focus on a traditional study system,
03:35Unimarconi offers 21 degree courses and numerous postgraduate master's degrees.
03:39With more than 22,000 students in all of Italy and about 2,000 graduates per year,
03:44the university continues to grow, aiming to train prepared professionals
03:48and ready to face the challenges of the job market.
03:54Water as a precious good, not to be wasted,
03:57by raising awareness of its use and importance.
04:00This is the aim of the CEA Water Fun Run,
04:03the non-competitive 5 km race held in Rome at the Circo Massimo,
04:07and antithesis of the Marathon of Rome, reached its 30th edition.
04:11The race, which the CEA group supports together with the CEA Run Rome Di Marathon
04:16on Sunday, March 16th, thus celebrates the deep link between capital and water
04:21through sport and promotes the importance of protecting this vital resource
04:25for the environment and for the well-being of people who, without water,
04:29could not take any action.
04:32This is actually the 30th edition of the Marathon of Rome,
04:35but it is only the second of the editions we see today, on Saturday,
04:39which is the Water Fun Run, a marathon characterized by the binomial
04:43with water that CEA strongly wanted.
04:46Water is a very precious resource that we must all preserve.
04:49Here today we are also to share a fundamental concept,
04:52that without water we can neither work nor live.
04:55There is no artificial intelligence, there is no process of technique,
04:59action of man that does not need water.
05:02So here today, all together, to drink the magnificent water that CEA
05:06distributes in this city and to share a moment of joy and also of value,
05:10of respect for this important resource.
05:15Ster Casino presents its new awareness campaign on the responsible game
05:19with an exceptional ambassador, the beloved actor Lino Banfi.
05:23The initiative is born in a moment of great transformation for the sector
05:27and aims to promote a conscious and safe approach to the game.
05:30The event has involved experts, institutions and representatives of the sector
05:34offering a chance to compare the prevention strategies
05:37and the tools available to players for an experience of balanced fun,
05:41in front of 7.9 million online players,
05:44for a net deposit of about 3.7 billion.
05:47This is equivalent to a spending of 450 euros per year,
05:50or an average of 40 euros per month.
05:53Ster Casino has introduced a series of tools to help its users
05:56to maintain a responsible game behavior,
05:59including the possibility to set spending limits through self-limitation,
06:03the option of temporary or permanent self-exclusion,
06:06but also new tools to limit the player's actual time and spending.
06:10To make the message even more incisive,
06:12Ster Casino has chosen as witness Lino Banfi,
06:15icon of Italian television cinema,
06:17who with his charisma and his sympathy
06:19conveys in the new television campaign a fundamental concept,
06:22the game must be a hobby, not a vice.
06:25Every vice is a bad thing, of any kind,
06:29food, drinks and all the rest we know.
06:33So, let's say, let's stay in Mediastat Virtus,
06:38don't bring a credit card behind,
06:41make a prepaid card if you want to play somewhere.
06:45And this seems to work, especially Banfi's sentence at the end that says
06:50understand, you understand me as a young man, even if I am old
06:55and I don't have much practice of the subject,
06:58but I have the practicality of life,
07:01I have the experience, I have the wisdom,
07:03you appreciate my wisdom and I believe that people will receive it.
07:08The initiative is part of a broader framework of social responsibility
07:11promoted by Betson Group Italia,
07:13which is led by Ster Casino.
07:15Prevention is fundamental.
07:17What we are doing together with this campaign,
07:20clearly also thanks to Lino Banfi,
07:22who is our campaign witness,
07:24is to give the right message,
07:26but also to support associations of the territory.
07:29Associations that work every day
07:31and also have problems with self-financing on the subject,
07:35to manage problematic profiles, to do screening.
07:38We will help these associations, also economically,
07:42to carry out as many screenings as possible
07:46and we will train the operators,
07:48we will help the training of the operators.
07:50Ster Casino's campaign with Lino Banfi
07:52marks an important step in the promotion of the conscious game,
07:55combining information, prevention and control tools
07:58to send a strong and necessary message
08:00in a continuously evolving context,
08:02where the player's protection
08:04is increasingly at the center of the sector's strategies.
08:08Indus maintains the commitment taken in 2017
08:11and announces the achievement of the important goal
08:14in the same place where 8 years ago
08:16it told how it would reach the goal.
08:18It is in fact the Civic Aquarium of Milan
08:20that the company, a leader in the ice cream industry,
08:23has made it known that from 2025
08:25100% of its ice cream products
08:27will be certified MSC and ASC.
08:30The first certification concerns sustainable fishing,
08:33the second sustainability in the aquaculture field.
08:36The historic achievement announced by Indus
08:39marks not only the completion of a path,
08:41but also the beginning of a new chapter
08:43for the entire sector.
08:45We are a leader company,
08:48considered by consumers and commercial partners
08:51of the large distribution,
08:53and we interpret leadership
08:56also and above all in terms of responsibility.
08:59So sustainability means
09:01giving our contribution
09:03to make the world a better place to live,
09:06it means guaranteeing access,
09:09the sustainability of food supplies
09:12in the years to come,
09:14it means working with other partners
09:17for the safeguarding of the oceans and seas,
09:20and it is a commitment, today we are talking about fish,
09:23but that extends to our entire portfolio.
09:25We have an equally strong program
09:27on our other balance sheet,
09:29which is agriculture,
09:31but it is also a program that extends
09:33to the nutritional aspect of food,
09:36through balanced food choices,
09:38and to ensure that our logistical and productive operations
09:43are such as to improve yield
09:46compared to the environment
09:48and compared to consumption and use of resources.
09:50The commitment of Indus in sustainability
09:52also goes beyond the partnership with LifeGate.
09:55Together with Indus, we have been working since 2020
09:58in the area of the Fish for Good manifesto,
10:00putting concrete solutions in water
10:03with measurable impact
10:05to protect our waters
10:07from pollution from plastic and microplastics
10:09and this year with an important novelty
10:12that will also lead us to counteract
10:14oil and hydrocarbons spills,
10:16so acting immediately for a more sustainable future
10:20in defense of our precious waters
10:23and at the center of the values of the brand Indus.
10:26On this occasion, the research conducted by Consumerismo No Profit
10:29was also presented,
10:31from which results include
10:33the growing attention of consumers
10:35to the origin and certifications.
10:37For 7 Italians out of 10,
10:39sustainability is an important driver
10:41for the purchase of a product.
10:43Italian consumers are much more mature
10:46and aware of what to think.
10:48It will be the long run, of course,
10:50of what they have learned with other sectors,
10:53but also in the antique sector
10:55this extraordinary awareness is finally approaching
10:58when you go shopping,
11:00how important it is to check the label well
11:03and then also make sure that the product
11:05you are buying is certified
11:07because sustainability also wants its share.
11:11In a growing campaign,
11:13but still marked by the escape of talent,
11:15the link between university education,
11:17the world of work and economic development
11:19is becoming increasingly crucial.
11:21The need to create academic paths
11:23in line with the real needs of the market
11:25has been at the center of the debate
11:27held at the Union of Industrialists of Naples
11:29during the event
11:30Moversi nelle professione sul territorio,
11:32or Move in the Professions on the Territory,
11:34which was held at the University of Naples
11:36in March 2020.
11:38Move in the Professions on the Territory
11:40promoted by LUIS
11:41and dedicated to the opportunities offered
11:43by the master's degrees of the Ateneo.
11:45Campania, historically,
11:47is a region close to our university.
11:50We have many students
11:51who come from this region.
11:53In the same way,
11:54we support and work with the companies in Campania
11:57because our students
11:59have the opportunity to achieve themselves
12:01in these companies
12:02and reach top positions.
12:04On the one hand,
12:05they can be guided by their passions
12:07and interests.
12:09On the other hand,
12:10they can be prepared
12:11to develop new skills in the future.
12:14Our most important exercise
12:17is to help them prepare for the future
12:20with transversal skills,
12:22with artificial intelligence,
12:24with vertical skills,
12:25to work on what we call
12:27the life skills,
12:28the skills of life,
12:29to be able to be ready
12:31to face the current transformations
12:33but also the future ones.
12:34The initiative saw the participation
12:36of experts in the sector
12:37and representatives of the academic companies
12:39with the aim of analyzing
12:41the employment prospects
12:42for the young graduates
12:43and identifying strategies
12:45to reduce the gap
12:46between demand and job offer.
12:48At this moment,
12:49we have an explosion of,
12:50let's say,
12:51of interests
12:52of the companies towards the digital,
12:53because we have
12:54an important digital literacy.
12:58This is a topic
12:59that is filling up hand by hand
13:01and generates many young people
13:03more and more prepared
13:05in this sense,
13:06but we have to work on it,
13:07we have to work on it
13:08because companies
13:09are also looking for something else.
13:10The collaboration
13:11between universities and companies
13:13is a key element
13:14to keep the talents in the region
13:16and guarantee a sustainable growth
13:18by valuing local skills
13:20in innovative and competitive sectors
13:22such as sport and aerospace.
13:25At the university,
13:26we turn to the students
13:28for the part of the staff,
13:30that is,
13:31all the graduates
13:32in law
13:34for our legal staff,
13:36or the graduates
13:37in economics
13:39for the HR part,
13:41so all those
13:42that can be
13:44transversal skills
13:46that impact
13:47our staff directions.
13:49For us,
13:50it is essential
13:51to have an increasingly close
13:52and proficient relationship
13:53with the university.
13:54In particular,
13:55LUIS has, for me,
13:56a sentimental value,
13:57because I did LUIS
13:58twenty years ago,
14:00and certainly
14:01having an eye
14:02towards the world of work
14:04is what I distinguish
14:05most from this university.
14:07what football is looking for today
14:09can be found
14:11in figures
14:12with a digital background,
14:14that is,
14:15artificial intelligence,
14:16digital marketing,
14:17these are all analytical tools
14:19that are absolutely needed
14:20to grow
14:21the corporate and business structures
14:23of our clubs,
14:25but even before that,
14:26it is obvious
14:27that it is essential
14:28to have a training
14:29that has very solid foundations.
14:30In this case,
14:31LUIS is certainly
14:32an excellence
14:33in Italy
14:34and all over Europe.
14:38A health department
14:39that has generated
14:40a turnover
14:41of over 1.7 billion euros,
14:43with 2,300,000 tons
14:44invested in consumption,
14:46with a variation
14:47of 2.89%
14:48compared to 2023,
14:50and almost 184 million pallets
14:52with a variation
14:53of 2.33%,
14:56compared to the previous year.
14:58And how much has emerged
14:59from the general status
15:00of the companies
15:01in the repair,
15:02reuse and management
15:03of the pallets
15:04that took place
15:05in Reggio Emilia
15:06to focus
15:07on regulatory evolutions,
15:08technical innovations
15:09and opportunities
15:10for the development
15:11of the sector.
15:12The event,
15:13promoted by CONLEGNO,
15:14a consortium
15:15that has been protecting
15:17and forest heritage
15:18for 25 years
15:19in collaboration
15:20with ERILEGNO,
15:21the National Consortium
15:22for the Recovery
15:23and Recycling
15:24is a comparison
15:25on the growth
15:26of the sector
15:27driven by sustainability
15:28and the introduction
15:29of new certifications
15:30and the adoption
15:31of circular economy
15:34Last year
15:35we exceeded
15:36900,000 tons
15:37that amount
15:38to about
15:3970 million pallets
15:41and put back
15:42on the market.
15:43So it is
15:44a very important
15:46There are thousands
15:47of jobs
15:48that are occupied
15:49by these companies,
15:50these companies
15:51that are
15:54and large
15:55and that
15:58the environmental
16:00of all the wood
16:02in Italy.
16:03In Italy
16:04we have two green
16:06the Italian
16:09and the
16:12and reuse
16:15by Massimiliano
16:18of CONLEGNO.
16:19We must
16:20work together
16:21to achieve
16:22a consumption
16:23of 3.2 billion
16:24cubic meters
16:26And in this
16:27will play
16:28an increasingly
16:29important key
16:30the recycling.
16:31So we must
16:32also be good
16:33at trying
16:34to replace
16:35where possible
16:36virgin wood
16:38with recycled
16:41also the importance
16:42of the EPAL system,
16:43the Europallet,
16:44for the brand
16:46and Italian
16:48with its network
16:49of 207
16:50and 400
16:53in Italy.
16:54I must
16:55say that the EPAL
16:56sector has arrived
16:57before all
16:58the other pallets
16:59to manage
17:00the new
17:01European regulation.
17:02Already 20 years
17:03ago, when it
17:06had already
17:07thought that
17:08the pallet
17:09is circular,
17:10is reused
17:11and creates
17:12very little
17:14According to
17:15my point
17:16of view,
17:18is at the
17:20of a
17:23The third
17:24edition of the
17:25Premio Film
17:27which returns
17:28from the 9th
17:29to the 11th
17:30of April
17:31at the
17:33of Rome
17:34in Villa
17:36During the
17:37three-day event
17:39and Encounters,
17:40special awards
17:41will be awarded
17:42to Matteo
17:46and Luca
17:48for their
17:50to the
17:55to be
17:56a success.
17:57We have
17:58received more
17:59than 200
18:00films from
18:01all over
18:02Italy and
18:03it has
18:05a national
18:07For us,
18:08it is an
18:11because it
18:12brings the
18:14world closer
18:15to the
18:16world of
18:18There is
18:19less integration,
18:20less development
18:21and therefore
18:22less wealth
18:23in our
18:25This year,
18:26the jury,
18:27chaired by
18:28the famous
18:38in the
18:41and during
18:42the event
18:45will receive
18:47in the
18:50and during
18:51the event
18:54will receive
18:56in the
18:59and during
19:00the event
19:03will also
19:04be an
19:06to highlight
19:27for the
19:29of the
19:35believe that
19:38is already
19:39part of
19:48is already
19:49part of
20:00part of
20:04to women's entrepreneurship and sustainability.
20:06A special focus will be dedicated to the memory of Ennio Lucarelli,
20:10with the preview of a documentary
20:12that tells the story of a pioneer of the computer industry.
20:16The Film Impresa Award is confirmed as a cultural event of relevance,
20:20capable of attracting the attention of institutions, companies and enthusiasts.
