• 4 hours ago
Welcome To The Family 2025 S01 E04


00:00We have to find a place where we can crash him.
00:03Who has the bottle?
00:04I have it.
00:05Okay, you don't.
00:07We know your problem.
00:08There they go.
00:09Yes, they're coming.
00:10Let's see.
00:13Okay, do you think we should pour alcohol on him
00:15so he looks like he's got a red fart, like you would?
00:18Oh, yes, throw it all over him.
00:19Very good.
00:20Okay, let's go.
00:21Okay, let's go.
00:22Okay, let's go.
00:23Okay, let's go.
00:24Okay, let's go.
00:25Okay, let's go.
00:26Okay, let's go.
00:27Okay, let's go.
00:28Okay, let's go.
00:29Okay, let's go.
00:30Okay, let's go.
00:31Okay, let's go.
00:32Okay, let's go.
00:33Okay, let's go.
00:34Okay, let's go.
00:35Okay, let's go.
00:36Let's go, let's go.
00:37Let's go.
00:38Let's go.
00:39Let's go.
00:40Let's go.
00:42What are you doing here?
00:43And why don't you answer my phone?
00:44You don't talk to me like that.
00:45Oh, yeah, yeah.
00:46I want to know right now where my dad is.
00:52Just what we needed.
00:53My brother's asshole.
00:54Let's go.
00:55Let's go.
00:56Let's go.
00:57Okay, pa, pero entonces sí se tragaron el cuento de la reinversión.
01:06Sí, todos.
01:07Menos Aldama.
01:08¿Qué te dijo?
01:09Págame, cabrón.
01:11O si no te voy a matar y voy a cogerme tu cabeza frente a toda tu familia.
01:18¿Cómo te coges una cabeza?
01:20¿Qué le pasa a este güey, pa?
01:22Me la pela.
01:23Y tú deja de chillar.
01:24¿Qué vamos a hacer?
01:25Tú te vas a ir a Yucatán a tratar de arreglar tu cagadero.
01:29Hablas con el gober, le ofreces más lana.
01:32En lo que yo veo, ¿qué hacemos para llegar a Guam?
01:36¿A Guem?
01:37¿Los hotos estos de los 80?
01:41La isla en el Pacífico, babas.
01:43Sí, la isla.
01:45Mira, aquí está todo.
01:48Las claves de las cuentas.
01:50Todo a detalle.
01:51En la maleta están los tokens y los pasaportes nuevos.
01:54Ahora, vieja, tenemos 72 horas para llegar a Guam
01:57antes de que Aldama les dé el pitazo a los demás inversionistas
02:00y nos cargue el payaso.
02:02Yo voy a ir a ver a Betoretti al banco para que me eche la mano.
02:05Y tú, échale huevos.
02:08Sí, sí, obvio.
02:21¿Qué pasa?
02:22¿Dónde está?
02:23¿Y tú qué haces aquí con estas ladillas?
02:25¿No deberías estar en un raid fumando mota?
02:27A ver, tú vuelves a hablar así de mis hijos y te mato.
02:29Qué miedo.
02:30Mejor dime qué haces aquí y dónde está mi papá.
02:32Pues, ¿qué crees?
02:33Que tu papi me buscó para reconciliarnos.
02:35Te llama la huila, la parásita, la drogadicta, la alcohólica.
02:39Esa mentira no me la va a traer.
02:41Bueno, pues, pregúntale a ella.
02:42¿Verdad que nos buscó?
02:43No, quería ver a su hijo.
02:45Fue muy linda, ¿eh?
02:47Es más, hicimos el amor con amor.
02:49Súper tierno.
02:52¿Dónde se fue?
02:54¿Llevaba una maleta?
02:56Sí, una maleta chiquita.
03:00Mi hijo.
03:01Mi hijo.
03:02¿Mi tío?
03:05Está padrísimo.
03:06¿Qué pasa?
03:16Aquí está todo.
03:17Las claves de las cuentas.
03:19Todo a detalle.
03:20Tenemos 72 horas para llegar a Guam.
03:22¡Me chingo el cabrón!
03:24¿Qué voy a hacer con la dama?
03:26¿Qué me ves?
03:27Está intenso.
03:29A ver, vamos a darle whisky y échale tafil.
03:32Poquito, porque es bendito, ¿eh?
03:34Oye, ma, ¿pero entonces el plan sigue en pie?
03:36Lo del accidente, ¿o lo sacamos de la cajuela?
03:38¿Cómo creen?
03:39No, nos va a cachar si lo sacamos.
03:41Bueno, no, yo digo que sigamos con el plan.
03:43Y acuérdense de echarle chupe, para que parezca que venía pedísimo.
03:50Listo, tafil en las rocas.
03:53¿Le tomaste?
03:54¡Ay, poquito, poquitito!
03:56Es un desastre.
03:57No, mi amor.
03:59¿Qué es ese ruido?
04:00¡Ay, es ese carro de mi Ruli!
04:02¡No, no, no, no!
04:03¡Déjalo ir!
04:04¡Bárrenlo, bárrenlo!
04:08¡No, no, no, no, no!
04:13¿Qué me pido?
04:14¿Qué me pido?
04:15A ver, hay que llamarle.
04:16¡Hay que llamarle!
04:22Espera, espera, espera, espera.
04:28¡Fíjate, cabrón!
04:29¡El límite es 40, imbécil!
04:33No, mami, soy yo.
04:35¿Qué pasó? ¿Cómo estás?
04:37¿Cómo está tu papá?
04:38Bien, bien.
04:39¿Lo has visto?
04:40Lo vi hace unos días, sí.
04:41Pero tu hermana me dijo que traía COVID,
04:43una cepa australiana o algo así.
04:45¿Qué chingados estás hablando, güey?
04:47Ya, güey.
04:48Por favor.
04:49Mi papá no está enfermo.
04:56No sé, no se ha llevado.
04:57Algún amigo.
04:58Tiene el teléfono de algún amigo de él.
04:59Y si subimos a buscar una dirección,
05:00no sé dónde, pero tenemos que encontrarlo.
05:04Puedo hablar contigo un momentito.
05:05Ahorita los alcanzo.
05:06Vayan, sí.
05:08Ahorita estoy ocupada.
05:09Es que Benjamín...
05:10Sí, sí.
05:12Es que mi papi se puso super mal.
05:13¿Un segundito?
05:14¿Podemos hablar un segundo, por favor?
05:15Voy a tener que cuidar,
05:16porque tal vez son sus últimos días
05:17y no te voy a guardar porque lo tengo que cuidar.
05:18Lo siento mucho.
05:24todo está bien.
05:25Todo está bien.
05:26Pero si ya vació las cuentas,
05:27las van a matar a todos, güey.
05:32Un imbécil manejando aquí.
05:33¿Qué imbécil?
05:35Vas en contra, güey.
05:36¿Qué, güey?
05:39¡Un imbécil manejando en este país!
05:41¡Primer día con licencia!
05:42¡Felicidades, estúpido!
05:43¡Aprende a manejar!
05:44No, por ahí no, chico.
05:46¡Ay, ya por ahí no!
05:47¡Que te quiten la placa!
05:51¡Bájate, güey!
05:59Don Betoreti,
06:00no te robo mucho tiempo,
06:01porque de seguro mi papá ya te habló.
06:04Me habló hace unos días
06:06y me dijo que iba a venir,
06:07y ya, no vino.
06:08¿No vino?
06:09Bueno, no vino.
06:10A ver, el traspaso de las cuentas no se hizo.
06:13El dinero sigue ahí.
06:14No, no sé de lo que me hablas.
06:15¿Cómo no vas a saber?
06:16¿Por qué no llamas a tu papá?
06:17No, no, mi papá ahorita está muy ocupado.
06:19De hecho, estoy aquí porque me marcó,
06:21me dijo que viniera a hablar contigo.
06:22Sí, es un carro blanco
06:23con placa 5-0-Y-R.
06:27Cuando vi el Mercedes,
06:28pensé que venían juntos.
06:29No, no, no.
06:30Él ahorita está en Mérida.
06:32En Mérida, Yucatán.
06:33Ubico, sí, sí, ubico, sí.
06:36Disculpa, Benjamín,
06:37pero no tengo instrucciones claras.
06:39Por lo pronto,
06:40voy a congelar las cuentas de tu papá.
06:42Esto sí que se va a poner muy mal.
06:46Aquí dice que si el cadáver llega a la fase 12
06:49de descomposición,
06:51el cuerpo se llena de moscas azules.
06:55No, no, no, mi amor.
06:56Bueno, eso solo si nos da la noche,
06:58pero no nos va a dar la noche.
06:59Ya deja de leer cosas tan feas.
07:01A ver, ¿alguien encontró algo?
07:04Aquí está.
07:05El duplicado del Mercedes.
07:07Te lo entrego para que luego no digas
07:09que saboteo el equipo.
07:11Yo voy a encontrar la agenda.
07:12Seguro aquí están las direcciones.
07:14¿Por qué no buscamos en su celular y ya?
07:17Pero te la pongo fácil.
07:19Me hablo y lo arreglamos en FA.
07:22Va, va, va, va.
07:24Te lo pasas.
07:25Sí, claro.
07:30Yo creo que es prudente que conteste, ¿no?
07:32Sí, ya va.
07:33Okay, bueno, contesta.
07:34Pero actúa muy normal.
07:36Tranquila, ¿okay?
07:42Sí, doña Luciana, ¿cómo estás?
07:43Hola, ¿qué tal?
07:45Vettoretti del banco.
07:46¡Ay, señor Vettoretti!
07:47¡Qué gusto!
07:48Sí, sí, sí.
07:50Está don Raúl, que está aquí su hijo.
07:52Es el señor Vettoretti.
07:54Es el director del banco, un corruptazo.
07:56Está con el Nini.
07:58No, que lo entretenga.
07:59Pero bájate.
08:01Sí, dígame.
08:07¡Es mío!
08:08¡Ese no!
08:09¡Ah, no, no!
08:10¡No hay prisa!
08:11¡No urge!
08:13¡Es de colección!
08:14Oiga, ¿entonces Dejamina está ahí con usted?
08:15Sí, es él.
08:16Te diga.
08:18Me está pidiendo que haga unos movimientos,
08:19pero no tengo claro...
08:20Espérame, espérame.
08:22Hágame el paro, Poli.
08:23Hágame el paro.
08:24Nada más si me quedó aquí el coche.
08:25Tú sabes.
08:26Déjame ver.
08:27¿Qué dice?
08:28Vamos, vamos.
08:29Yo siempre digo skip intro, ¿no?
08:30Como las series de Netflix.
08:31Sáltate la introducción.
08:32Así nos vamos directo al grano.
08:33Tú sabes.
08:35Buenas tardes.
08:36Maduro, deja.
08:37Yo me arreglo, ¿no?
08:38Permítame un momentito.
08:39No voy a entender.
08:40Ya, vuelve a tu cochinada, pinche estorbo.
08:41Ya, ¿qué?
08:43¿Qué pasa, mi rey?
08:44Mi patrón quiere hablar contigo.
08:47Más cuerpo.
08:48No, más cuerpo.
08:49No, por favor.
08:51Es que...
08:53¿Qué pasa?
08:54¿Qué pasa?
08:55¿Qué pasa?
08:56¿Qué pasa?
08:58Pero, por favor, no.
08:59No, no, no, por favor.
09:06Te busco una ruca.
09:07Sí, andré.
09:08Ay, no mames, pinche Olga.
09:10Ya dejé ese árbol en paz, por el amor de Dios.
09:12No vengo por eso.
09:13No vengo por eso.
09:14Vengo porque hay un crimen sucediendo en tus narices
09:16y tú mira, en la pendeja.
09:18Ey, ey, ey.
09:19Titular del día.
09:21Los Reales Sama,
09:22un oscuro secreto de familia.
09:24No mames, pinche Olga.
09:25Cholga, you should be writing telenovelas.
09:26Wait, wait. Look, look.
09:27Raúl disappeared four days ago, didn't he?
09:30And coincidentally, his daughter, the drug addict,
09:33the whore,
09:36reappears in his house.
09:38Why do you think?
09:39Because they reconciled and that's it.
09:41No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
09:46You're lying.
09:48I saw Raúl yesterday, and look.
09:51Uh-huh, uh-huh.
09:57And check this out.
09:58The Australian COVID doesn't exist.
10:01It's a lie.
10:02Cristina is seducing you so that you, a cop,
10:05don't see the crime.
10:06You're thinking with the wrong head,
10:09officer, officer,
10:11special officer of the police.
10:12Okay, I agree.
10:15But if there's a lie in all this,
10:17there will be consequences, and I'll send you to jail.
10:19Oh, I'm scared.
10:20Oh, arrest me.
10:21Yes, yes.
10:22And let me eat in my car.
10:24I'm in a hurry to eat in my car.
10:29Eat in your car.
10:31I mean, stop there and I'll ask.
10:33Like this?
10:34No, we're not going to anyone.
10:35Stop here, stop here, stop here, stop here.
10:36Come on, come on, come on.
10:37I'm going to ask.
10:39Hey, you can't ask for a limo here.
10:42Oh, no, no, no, we're not asking for a limo.
10:44We're looking for a Mercedes.
10:47Oh, a white one.
10:48That one.
10:49Damn, miss, what do you think?
10:50The crane took it.
10:51His wife was in the wrong parking lot.
10:55Oh, don't tell me that.
10:57We have to throw the thing into a ravine
10:59and it has to explode so there's no evidence left.
11:09But we have to hurry
11:11because when a corpse is in the open air
11:15for more than five hours,
11:16the tissues of the body become the food of the larvae.
11:20Honey, I already told you to please stop looking at that.
11:22But if this is a real city...
11:24We have to go to the corral.
11:26Yes, well, remember that only the owner of the vehicle
11:29can take the vehicle out of the corral.
11:30Yes, yes, I know.
11:31So what?
11:33Let's see.
11:35Toto and Ines, don't look at me like that.
11:39Let's go and I'll explain it to you later.
11:40No, what about us?
11:43Oh, well.
11:45Mom, we're all part of the plan.
11:50That's my money, it's like my dad's, I swear!
11:52Let go of me! No, please, no!
11:54Let go of me!
11:59Please, save me!
12:01No, please, no!
12:03Where is your dad?
12:06I don't know, I don't know, but please, don't hurt me!
12:08I'm begging you, please!
12:11Well, dear dad,
12:12this is your friend,
12:16And your dad doesn't answer me.
12:18It's just that I don't either.
12:23Yes, yes.
12:24Listen to me.
12:25Either you pay me in full,
12:26or right now I'll rip your balls off
12:28and make some machito tacos.
12:30No, no, no.
12:31Yes, yes.
12:32I have a week.
12:33One week, I'll find my dad and I'll pay you.
12:35One week?
12:36Yes, yes, yes.
12:37One week?
12:38Yes, yes, yes.
12:40Yes, yes.
12:41But then we have a problem.
12:43No, no, no.
12:45Look, Borges.
12:46What is it, boss?
12:47Because of this,
12:48I'm not going to pay you this week either.
12:51No, no, no.
12:54Let me go!
12:55Son of a bitch!
13:03Let's go, partner.
13:04Let's go.
13:05Let's go.
13:06Let's go.
13:07Let's go.
13:08Let's go.
13:10Sorry, officer.
13:11These bastards again.
13:12Sorry, sorry.
13:13It was just a slip of the tongue.
13:15I'm sorry.
13:16Show me your papers.
13:17Of course.
13:23And the insurance?
13:24If it's not going to be Corralon, huh?
13:26Oh, don't tell me.
13:28We bring all the kids here.
13:31Is it Corralon?
13:32By force?
13:33The fish has already bitten the hook.
13:36The bathroom is clean, right?
13:37Yes, yes.
13:38There goes my Trojan horse.
13:40Well, what?
13:41We have six hours to exchange the plates
13:43and get the Mercedes.
13:45Because if not, the tuna will be full of worms.
13:48Okay, I'll get a taxi, right?
13:51It's Benjamín, it's Benjamín.
13:52What does he want?
13:54Where are you, man?
13:55Sister, this is due to death.
13:57I need money.
13:58I need money.
13:59Don't be an asshole.
14:00Are you asking me for money?
14:02I'm a single mother, man.
14:03Well, tell my dad.
14:05You know where he is.
14:06Just tell him to send me money.
14:08I swear I don't.
14:11You know what?
14:12Go get the Mercedes.
14:13Bring the Mercedes.
14:14And with that, here, Mr. Borges,
14:16who has my balls.
14:17With that, we'll fix it.
14:19That's it.
14:20But bring it.
14:21Bring it.
14:22It's in Corralon.
14:23You have to bring it.
14:24No, I'm very sorry, brother.
14:25Because it turns out that only my dad
14:27can get the car out of Corralon.
14:30Cristina, don't be an asshole.
14:32Please, Cristina.
14:35He hung up.
14:36What does he want?
14:37Well, apparently he's in debt and needs the Mercedes.
14:40Let him pay for his karma.
14:41Let's go.
14:42No, go get the Mercedes.
14:43Hanna, come.
14:44I'm going to help Benjamín.
14:45You and I are going to have a date, mother and daughter.
14:48Let's go.
14:49Tell me.
14:51Good afternoon.
15:03I'm dying of the heat.
15:07You know I didn't do anything this time.
15:09I'm going to lock your car.
15:11Oh, no.
15:13It's so hot.
15:14I don't care.
15:16I cut it.
15:19We ran out of pine season.
15:20So much pine.
15:21Come on.
15:27What do you think about me cutting it?
15:30No, I don't care.
15:31You don't care?
15:32I don't care.
15:33You don't care?
15:34I don't care.
15:35You don't care?
15:36Exactly the same.
15:37You don't care?
15:39I don't care.
16:07Good afternoon.
16:08I'm here to withdraw my vehicle.
16:10It's a Mercedes.
16:14Are you the owner?
16:15Don't be ridiculous.
16:17He's my driver.
16:21That's right.
16:22Sir, you have a call.
16:24What do you want?
16:25But if it's in the bag, let's sell it.
16:28It's a very important man.
16:29He's working with the Chinese, right?
16:31Where am I?
16:34Yes, everything is in order.
16:36Let's go for your car.
16:37There's a little protocol for the delivery.
16:39But this is a quick thing.
16:42We're in a bit of a hurry.
16:44Yes, but you see,
16:45a lot of car parts are being stolen.
16:46I have to make sure the car is in good condition.
16:48So don't worry.
16:49The car is here, ready to go.
16:51Yes, but I'm hungry.
16:58What's up?
16:59A little protocol.
17:00Right now?
17:01Yes, we're on our way.
17:03We're going to check the trailer.
17:05We have a 3312.
17:07I'll see you in a bit.
17:29Okay, we have to find Mercedes.
17:30And we have to change the license plates.
17:32Mercedes, okay.
17:33But first we have to find Mercedes.
17:36I can change the plates.
17:37You distract her.
17:39Do you think because she's a woman
17:40she doesn't know how to use a screwdriver?
17:41It's not that.
17:42I distract her and you change the plates.
17:43No, sorry.
17:44She's a woman.
17:45She doesn't know how to use a screwdriver.
17:46She doesn't know how to change plates.
17:47I'll be right back in the kitchen.
17:48Don't worry.
17:49There she is.
17:55Inés, where are you going?
17:56To distract her.
18:05I'm here.
18:26Are you filming, Mom?
18:33Look, honey.
18:42Look, this necklace
18:44was brought by my grandmother in the war.
18:46And she gave it to my mom when she died.
18:49It's a shame she never used it
18:50because my dad didn't like it.
18:53But I'm sure she would have given it to me.
18:57But I had to go.
19:00And I would have given it to you.
19:03I would have sold it.
19:07We're alone in the house, right?
19:13Your dog is ahead.
19:14It's one of those that get a lot of attention.
19:16It's like they have an arrow there
19:18so everyone can see them.
19:19Well, well, well.
19:20But not that much.
19:21Of course not.
19:22It's a big dog.
19:23It's a classic.
19:24Big dog.
19:25It's one of those to die for.
19:27Well, I'm dying.
19:33Let's go.
19:38It's nice to be here.
19:40It's very hot, isn't it?
19:51Have you been driving for a long time?
19:53Yes, I've been...
20:01That's normal.
20:02I would have to go and check.
20:03Of course, it's normal.
20:04Let's go.
20:05No, no, no.
20:06It must be poop.
20:07Don't worry.
20:08The rat here is better.
20:09Oh, my God.
20:10What's going on?
20:17And why isn't the cat going?
20:18Nothing happens.
20:19You're in a hurry for your car, aren't you?
20:22Let's go over there.
20:23Yes, yes.
20:24We're almost there.
20:25Lot 22.
20:26Come on.
20:28Relax and cooperate.
20:29Don't worry.
20:30There it is.
20:32Mercedes Benz.
20:35It's a great car.
20:36Of course, of course.
20:37Remember that movie with De Niro?
20:39They said those cars were good because
20:41there could fit six corpses in the trunk.
20:43No, no.
20:44How much milk does this one need?
20:46No, I don't know.
20:47I don't know.
20:48The truth is that my baby is here.
20:51Who's there?
20:55Where's Raul?
20:56I know he's been kidnapped.
20:57And the police also know it.
20:59Crazy old woman.
21:01How did you get into my house?
21:03Because of him.
21:06What are you doing here?
21:08Yesterday I saw Raul gagged.
21:11Watson and I are very worried about him, right?
21:13Gagged? Are you crazy?
21:15Yes, yes, yes.
21:16He's sniffing something weird there.
21:21It's just that...
21:22One of your...
21:24Why did your brother tell me that your dad wasn't here
21:27and that he didn't have COVID?
21:28Did you lie to me?
21:29That's why you didn't want to see me?
21:30Let's see, crazy couple.
21:31My dad is not here because he is very sick,
21:34as they were told,
21:35and we sent him to do some studies.
21:37And we didn't tell Benji because Benji is hypochondriac, okay?
21:40And you?
21:41How dare you?
21:43After yesterday you told me you loved me.
21:45Today you point at me as if I were a monster.
21:47You're the worst cop I've ever met, look.
21:49It was his fault.
21:50Yes, it was his fault.
21:51Let's go.
21:52Hey, get out of my house.
21:54Crazy old woman.
21:55I'm going to call the police.
21:56A good one, look.
21:58Get out, creepy old woman.
22:00Don't mess with me.
22:01What did you say?
22:02I'm sorry.
22:03Delete the photos.
22:04What photos, Mom?
22:07Let's go get the necklace.
22:09Hey, the one with the tuna is very good.
22:11I'll do my protocol, right?
22:13I mean, yes, but, but,
22:14but I'm telling you we're in a bit of a hurry,
22:16so if you want...
22:17Look, young man,
22:18just a moment,
22:19right now we're all leaving.
22:20The gentleman has a lot of commitments, really.
22:21Yes, photo too, from here to the side.
22:24I have to go.
22:25I have to take a picture of the trunk.
22:28It's okay, I mean, let's believe,
22:29I mean, if something disappeared,
22:30nothing happens to us.
22:32I don't care.
22:33Well, the truth is,
22:34I would be ashamed if it opened
22:35because it's full of my lingerie.
22:39How nice.
22:41Face this way.
22:42Oh, plan.
22:43Let's see, boy.
22:44Let's see, boss.
22:45Give me permission, give me permission.
22:46Boss, I have to do my job.
22:47Get the boss out of the way.
22:48Yes, let me do my job.
22:58Let's go!
22:59It's done, it's done.
23:02Don't make me run, bastard.
23:03Let's go.
23:04Let's go.
23:06Go, go, go, go, go, go.
23:09Let's go.
23:10It's going to be okay, right?
23:12It's going to be okay.
23:13Go, go, go, go, go.
23:14Don't worry, it's going to be okay.
23:15Go, go, go, go.
23:16Okay, I'm accelerating.
23:17Hold on.
23:18No, no, no, no, but go.
23:19Go, go, go, go.
23:20No, no, but how?
23:23Hold on, little man.
23:24Hold on.
23:25Hold on!
23:50Little sister, thank God you're here.
23:52Here I am.
23:53Help me, Cristina.
23:54Help me.
23:56The Mercedes?
23:58No, no, I couldn't bring the Mercedes
23:59because my dad won't show up.
24:00But I brought something else, I brought something else.
24:05There's other shit like your apartment.
24:07No, no, no, no, no, this has a certificate.
24:09It's worth more than the Mercedes.
24:13First, put it down.
24:13Yes, yes, put it down.
24:15Put it down.
24:16Yes, yes.
24:16Go on, crow.
24:25Oh, Luis.
24:29Oh, my God, what are you doing?
24:30Help me, please.
24:31Untie me, please.
24:32Are you going to tell me what my dad and you are up to?
24:35So all this is Raúl's?
24:37Yes, all this.
24:39The building is half finished, but this is his.
24:42All this is his.
24:43Come on.
24:44Let's go.
24:45Let's grab a stone.
24:47And we can put alcohol on it too.
24:49Yes, obviously, it looks like it was coming fast.
24:51Yes, perfect.
24:53With this stone, we put it in the accelerator.
24:55Let it crash and then we take it off.
24:59Oh, my Raúl, my Raúl, my Raúl, my Raúl, I'm going to miss you.
25:03What's wrong?
25:04I was treating you badly, you should be celebrating.
25:06I'm in my widow's role, give me a chance.
25:09Come on, open it.
25:09I'm so sad for you.
25:12Come on.
25:14It smells horrible.
25:16Yes, yes, yes.
25:16It's rotting.
25:17You can open it now.
25:18Yes, yes, yes.
25:20Open it.
25:21It's opening, wait a minute.
25:22It's so hard, give me a hand.
25:27Open it.
25:29Benjamín, you told me that if I helped you,
25:31you would tell me everything, tell me.
25:33Are you sure, Benjamín?
25:34You heard me, never.
25:37Oh, no, no.
25:38No, well, let's see, let's see, let's see.
25:41An inversion that went wrong, okay?
25:43I mean, we owe a lot of money to the guys
25:45and we can't pay them because it's a mess.
25:48They're bankrupt.
25:49No, man, the money is out, man.
25:51I wanted to steal the money from my dad.
25:53You're a fucking rat.
25:55I'm what?
25:55I'm what?
25:56You're a fucking rat.
25:57I'm what?
25:57Oh, my God, you're a...
25:59Wait, stop, stop.
26:01You owe a lot of money.
26:02The investors don't know anything.
26:03The only investor who knows is Aldama.
26:05The others don't know.
26:06We still have the money.
26:08And you two were going to leave with the money?
26:10And you were going to give Aldama my apartment?
26:12You sons of bitches!
26:14You sons of bitches!
26:15Please help me, man.
26:25You're right.
26:27My dad was looking for me.
26:28Full of guilt.
26:31That's why he doesn't stop drinking, poor thing.
26:33What do you mean he doesn't stop drinking?
26:34Yes, Benja.
26:35Has he always been drinking?
26:37In the morning I didn't want to tell you where he was
26:39because Dad was drinking too much
26:41and he disappeared because who knows where he is.
26:44And I didn't want to tell you, okay?
26:46So he's been drinking all this time?
26:49So he didn't leave without me?
26:50Listen to me.
26:52I already helped you. I want my apartment back.
26:54No, but let's see.
26:55No, but...
26:56Hey, hold on.
26:58What do you want?
26:59I want to see Dad.
27:01Help me.
27:02Let's see, come on.
27:03Okay, but...
27:05The hands.
27:07Your hands.
27:10Come on, but hurry up.
27:11I can't, stupid. Help me.
27:13Hurry up.
27:14If you're in a hurry, it's me.
27:17Come on.
27:22It says here that if the body swells,
27:25we can still keep it.
27:27No, Jorge, stop.
27:28Rolando, help me, please.
27:30Too bad, I can't. My hands are busy.
27:32I'll help you.
27:33Where's Toto and Ines?
27:34What is it, Toto?
27:35They're coming.
27:37What were you doing?
27:38Listening to Mijares' latest album.
27:40What is Mercedes doing here?
27:42That's good.
27:44Didn't he have an accident?
27:48That's awful.
27:49There, there.
27:51Paracetamol, Yasmin.
27:53Don't come near us.
27:55He's going to kill us.
27:56He's going to run us over.
27:58We're going to kill him.
28:00Don't kill us.
28:01No, no, no, no, no.
28:03No, no, no, no, no.
28:06No, no, no, no.
28:08Let's go.
28:09Let's go.
28:10Let's go.
28:11Take him away.
28:12You go.
28:13You go.
28:15Let's go.
28:16Let's go.
28:18Let's go.
28:19Let's go.
28:20Let's go.
28:21You have to shut up.
28:27Wait, wait.
28:32No one killed your father.
28:34He had a heart attack.
28:36And all we did was hide the body
28:39to get back what's ours.
28:43And now you're going to have to help us.
28:48Because it turns out you've been driving around town
28:52with a corpse in your trunk all day.
28:54And you're also in all the security cameras at the bank.
29:03You're not just an accomplice.
29:05You're responsible for Raul's death.
29:09You wanted to steal everything from him.
29:12And then you killed him.
29:17So, you decide.