Saint-Pierre 2025 S01 E07
00:00What is with your obsession with Gallagher?
00:02You had me look into him, his people, his family, and tail him for an entire day.
00:06Why are you getting obsessed?
00:08You know he owns the lease to my bar.
00:10Yet you expect me to take risks and not explain why?
00:13Tell me everything and start at the beginning.
00:30From that point, all the way over, almost 80% of the private land and warehouses are owned by Sean Gallagher.
00:43It's pretty industrial, plus all the land he owns over on the island.
00:47Could it be as simple as smuggling?
00:49Like, he's building some kind of mega-hub?
00:52You got direct access to the EU, North America from here?
00:56You've just got Al Capone on the brain.
00:58I did do the Al Capone walking tour three times.
01:00That's adorable. Or lame. I don't know which.
01:04Hate to say it, Arch. I don't think anything you've got on him is illegal, without some hard evidence.
01:10Je sais. Je sais I have zero case against Sean Gallagher.
01:15You haven't told me why.
01:18Sure, we both know Gallagher's a crook, but why do you have such an axe to grind?
01:24Fitz, I think I can trust you. I do. But think is not known. Baby steps.
01:33Fair enough. But for the record, I know I can trust you.
01:45Time to go to work.
01:55Renouf, what's all this?
02:10I was out for my run and I came across this.
02:13Is there a body?
02:14No body, no driver.
02:19You run the plates?
02:21It's registered to Mary Murphy. Think she might be injured.
02:26The hospital?
02:28Yeah, I checked. No one came in or out last night or this morning.
02:32But I've only had a quick look around. I wanted to secure the scene.
02:36Not bad, Renouf.
02:39Shell casing.
02:43Looks like from a handgun, maybe a nine millimeter.
02:47Okay. Cartridges eject to the right of the weapon.
02:51Which means if the shooter was standing on the road, they would have been firing in this direction.
03:03Another one.
03:05Renouf, we need a team here, now.
03:07And call an ambulance just in case.
03:26An ambulance is on its way. Don't worry.
03:52We found a third cartridge by the rocks.
03:56What the hell happened up here?
03:58Check this out. Broken glass from a side mirror.
04:03Yeah, but both mirrors are intact on Mary's car.
04:08Another vehicle.
04:10I don't know what's going on.
04:12I don't know what's going on.
04:14I don't know what's going on.
04:16I don't know what's going on.
04:18Another vehicle collided with it.
04:20Hey, so someone else runs Mary off the road, leaves her for dead after they pump a few rounds in her.
04:28Okay, check the cartridges for possible prints, have the car swept, and get this move to an impound garage.
04:34God knows when she'll be well enough to answer any questions, if she makes it through at all.
04:38What do we know about the victim?
04:40Mary moved here 15 years ago from Burien, Newfoundland.
04:44Mary moved here 15 years ago from Burien, Newfoundland.
04:47She lives with her boyfriend, Luc. They both work at Super U.
04:50Yeah, I thought you looked familiar.
04:52Luc is a local, and he spent some time at La Royale.
04:56We have to do a year of service in Saint-Pierre.
04:59We both chose the Navy, but Luc would know how to handle weapons.
05:03This doesn't feel like a typical domestic. There's something bigger at play here.
05:09Agree, but let's start with Luc anyway. Who knows what we'll get.
05:13Text me Luc's address, please.
05:29Here you go, babe.
05:33You know, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were trying to enter someplace you shouldn't.
05:37I forgot the password to this account, and I was curious if I could find another way in.
05:42I've been teaching myself a few tricks.
05:47Well, I clearly still got a lot to learn.
05:50Actually, it looks like you got pretty far.
05:53I could show you how to get the rest of the way.
05:56Yeah, okay.
05:58All right. You know, all systems have a backdoor, an access point for the builder.
06:03Many also have windows, code that lets you take a peek inside, if you know where to look.
06:08Most new security can see you coming from a mile away.
06:12And many systems get pretty cranky when they think they're under attack.
06:16So, the best thing is to let that security feel like it's one, so it lets its guard down.
06:21Then you just put on a little disguise.
06:27And walk through the front door.
06:30You didn't learn from me, though.
06:34Come on.
06:46Luke Tremblay. He's got a registered hunting rifle, but no 9mm.
06:51Doesn't mean he doesn't own one.
06:52Couple of parking tickets, no real criminal record.
06:55We'll see.
07:04Both mirrors are intact.
07:30I need to see Mary.
07:32Is she okay?
07:33She's in good hands. The doctors are optimistic.
07:37Once we're done, you can go to her.
07:40Do you know of anyone who may have wanted to hurt Mary? Anyone she's been arguing with recently?
07:46You clearly don't know her. She's an actual angel.
07:50Where were you last night?
07:51I was home, in and out of sleep on the sofa. I had a few drinks. That's why she took the call.
07:58What call?
07:59We were on the little ride-share service. It's been great to help make ends meet.
08:03We got a last minute request. An airport run.
08:06Mary was headed to the airport with a passenger?
08:10We need the details.
08:11Be on Mary's phone. She has the app.
08:14I can't make sense of those things.
08:20If Luke's telling the truth, the attack on Mary could be...
08:23Someone targeting a passenger?
08:25Her phone wasn't found on the scene. We don't know who that call came from.
08:29Well, we know where they were headed. Let's see who might have missed their flight today.
08:56Three flights out since Mary's taxi request. All passengers are accounted for.
09:02What about airline employees? Airport employees?
09:05Aerosolay had an early flight this morning. One of their attendants didn't show.
09:10They haven't been able to reach her.
09:13Stephanie Jung, single, been working for Aerosolay for the past eight months.
09:19Missing from approximately 4.30am while being driven to the airport.
09:24From what we can tell, Mary Murphy was likely forced off the road, then shot fleeing the assailant.
09:30She's currently in surgery.
09:32Until we confirm otherwise, we're presuming Miss Jung is alive and still on this island somewhere.
09:37Usual points of entry and exits, roadblocks, Coast Guard is on high alert.
09:43Time is not on our side. Let's get out there and find her.
09:52Now, what about Stephanie's cell phone?
09:53We can't get a location. It was likely disabled by whoever grabbed her.
09:56An abduction this violent, I can't help but think that we're missing something.
10:00Flight attendants come and go from the island without much oversight.
10:04Could she be caught up in something illegal?
10:07Maybe, but her schedule is pretty inconsistent, as is every flight that comes to this place.
10:12So she wouldn't make a very reliable drug mule.
10:15Either way, she's been to St-Pierre before, so we'll need to figure out who she'd had contact with here.
10:24I found something. Things I might have stepped outside of protocol to get.
10:29Since we don't have Miss Jung's mobile, I figured out her carrier, then requisitioned her phone records.
10:35Going through official channels can take days.
10:38Oh, so you went off book.
10:40There's a local number here that Stephanie called over and over. Have a look.
10:48I know it well.
10:50I know it well.
11:07Steph's been taken? By who? Why?
11:11We're trying to figure that out.
11:13Maybe you can start by telling us how you know her.
11:16Okay, I mean, we met six months ago.
11:19She came into the bar, we started chatting, and we just hit it off.
11:23She stayed after close, and next thing we knew, the sun was coming up.
11:27You never mentioned her.
11:30It was just supposed to be a little bit of fun.
11:33I mean, neither of us wanted a relationship.
11:37Then we started FaceTiming, and we connected every time she was on a layover.
11:41When was the last time you saw her?
11:43Last night.
11:44I wanted her to stay, but her flight got moved up, so...
11:47Any family wealth? Could this be like a ransom thing?
11:50I don't think so.
11:52I mean, her parents were civil servants.
11:54They passed years ago.
11:56No brothers or sisters.
11:58We both have that in common.
12:01Someone went to extreme lengths to grab her.
12:04As a flight attendant, would she be mixed up in...?
12:10I mean, whatever you're implying,
12:12I mean, whatever you're implying, honestly,
12:15I think you're wrong.
12:18Okay, you two, you seem to be getting real serious.
12:23You think anyone could have showed up from her past, a jealous ex?
12:26Not that she mentioned.
12:30Wait, there was a guy at the airport.
12:32She said he kept popping up wherever she was.
12:35But she just brushed it off like it was a small town thing.
12:37Did she mention a name?
12:44Hugo Dupont, airport security.
12:48I told her to report him,
12:50but she said it was probably just an innocent crush.
12:53I'll find his address.
12:56Oh, my God.
13:03So, uh, you and Veda patched things up yet?
13:06Nothing to patch up.
13:09All right, she's your best friend.
13:11Maybe you went too far with the whole Gallagher thing.
13:15Too much asking, not enough giving.
13:17Fitz, let's stay on task here.
14:06Look at these.
14:13I will shoot you.
14:14You take another step.
14:27Not the first gun that's been pointed at me, Hugo.
14:30Not even this month.
14:33You work for them?
14:35We're the police.
14:38See, we came to talk.
14:42Not to have a shootout.
14:44I don't think you want to shoot anyone.
14:46And you definitely don't want me to shoot you.
14:49So put the gun down now.
14:53There you go.
14:56I didn't know you were police.
15:11Who did you think we were?
15:12Those pictures, they're not what it looks like.
15:15I think it's exactly what it looks like.
15:20Where's Stephanie Zhang?
15:21I don't know.
15:23Well, you seem to have been keeping serious tabs on her.
15:30Dated over the past few months.
15:32All taken without her knowledge, I'm guessing.
15:34Taking pictures isn't illegal?
15:37But stalking is.
15:39It's my hobby.
15:41You know, I take pictures of landscapes, people.
15:43So what?
15:44Buddy, you need a new pastime.
15:46You're terrible.
15:47Do you even know how to hold a camera?
15:48I think my photos are good enough for...
15:51Good enough for who?
15:53Who are you taking these photos for?
15:55No one.
15:56No, look, you got me.
15:58I'm the stalker.
15:59It's me. I've been stalking her.
16:00Is this a joke to you?
16:01Stephanie Zhang is missing.
16:03Tell us what's going on.
16:04Who were you going to send the photos to?
16:07We'll find out once we look through your emails, Hugo.
16:09I got paid to keep track of her.
16:14My airport job, it's just, it's not enough.
16:16So I...
16:17I got my real estate license.
16:21Extra cash.
16:23He said he found me through my website.
16:27Who hired you?
16:28Some guy.
16:29I got a phone call a few months ago from some number that I didn't recognize.
16:32And he didn't mention his name.
16:34He offered me some serious cash to follow Steph.
16:40Taking pictures.
16:42And then I would upload them to a, what do you call it, a...
16:45FTP server.
16:46And then he would wire me the money.
16:49And you didn't ask why?
16:51I figured it was some jealous boyfriend or something.
16:55But he scared me.
16:58That's why I got the gun.
16:59Okay, tell us about this guy.
17:01All I know is that he had an accent.
17:04Maybe Russian.
17:06Let's say we believe you.
17:08When was the last time you spoke to this maybe Russian man?
17:12Just now.
17:14I got a message saying somebody was outside my house coming for me.
17:29You believe him?
17:31He searched the whole property.
17:33No sign of Stephanie anywhere.
17:35But his camera and laptop are filled with pictures of her.
17:38He got a text minutes before you apprehended him.
17:41Looks like it came from an international cell.
17:43Likely a burner phone, FTPs, wire transfers.
17:46Someone's trying to cover their tracks.
17:48What about the accent?
17:49Patsy, get a list of all the foreign nationals who arrived on the island the past weeks.
17:53It's a long shot, I know, but we can cross reference names with anything we find out about Stephanie.
17:58Let's see what else you can find on Hugo's laptop, please.
18:06Mary's out of surgery.
18:11Take your time, Heidi.
18:12Just tell them what happened.
18:14Anything you can remember will help us figure out who did this to you.
18:20I'd driven Steph a few times before.
18:23She was always nice.
18:25It was an early flight, so the road was quiet.
18:29And then these bright lights came up behind me fast until he was right on my tail.
18:35Did you happen to recognize the vehicle?
18:37It was black.
18:39An SUV.
18:41I tried to let it pass, but it swerved and it hit us hard.
18:45Everything was in slow motion.
18:48We started spinning and then...
18:51Then I saw a man dragging Steph towards his truck.
18:55Did you see what he looked like?
18:56He was white.
18:59He had like a hat pulled down low.
19:01There was someone in the truck with him, a woman, I think.
19:06I tried to help. I got myself free.
19:10But he shot at me, so I ran.
19:13You did the right thing.
19:15You stayed alive.
19:16Is there anything else that you remember? Did you hear them talking?
19:21What language were they speaking? French?
19:24Her French is progressing.
19:26It wasn't French.
19:28Or English.
19:30Like thick accents.
19:32Like Eastern European.
20:07So our boy Hugo might have been telling the truth.
20:11His mystery man had a female accomplice.
20:14Thick European accents.
20:16Forcing a car off the road seems like a stupid plan.
20:19Why not grab Stephanie from the hotel?
20:22Stephanie's flight got pulled up.
20:24Oh, so the earlier flight accelerated their plan.
20:27Grabbing Stephanie on the road was their only chance.
20:31Also, we need to get a word out that we're looking for a black SUV.
20:35That would be a 2019 Tahoe.
20:37Newfoundland plate number J2E5N2.
20:41The vehicle came over on a ferry a week ago.
20:43It's been reported stolen.
20:46An Eastern European couple said they were here on a vacation.
20:49Their IDs were fake.
20:53But I ran their photos through international criminal databases.
20:59Janos Barta from Budapest.
21:01Multiple charges for violent assault, robbery, attempted murder.
21:06What do we know about the woman?
21:08I'm still working on an ID for her.
21:10You said they stole a car in St. John's, Newfoundland?
21:14I know someone I might be able to reach out to, get some more info.
21:19Nice work here, Patty. Can you send me everything you have on those two?
21:22Yeah, of course.
21:33Don't tell me I just lost a bet.
21:35Depends. What is it?
21:37Had to take you at least a year to piss off enough St. Pierre locals to get sent home.
21:40No. Your money is safe for now, but I can't make any promises.
21:45I hear you've been getting some heat from our favorite arsehole.
21:48Premier O'Brien seems to think that you had help with your little off-the-books investigation,
21:52so we've all been wearing it, one way or the other.
21:55Michelle, listen, I'm sorry.
21:57It is what it is, Fitz.
22:00You paid the bigger price.
22:02I'd ask you how you were holding up, but I know this call is probably not just a simple catch-up.
22:07The only time you call is when you need info.
22:10Right. Well, I'm just emailing you a photo of a woman and some information on a stolen vehicle.
22:18Just hoping maybe this gal's popped up on your radar.
22:21She's a prime suspect in an abduction case I'm working.
22:26I'll check in with our undercover pals and see what they may have on her.
22:30Great. Thank you.
22:41How can I help you?
22:43Do you speak English?
22:45Public safety check. Nothing to worry about.
22:49Do you mind if I look in your backseat?
22:51Not at all.
22:55You're just visiting Saint-Pierre?
22:58That's me and my wife.
23:00Oh, I see.
23:02I'm sorry.
23:04It's okay.
23:06You're just visiting Saint-Pierre?
23:09That's me and my wife. It's a short trip.
23:12It's so pretty here.
23:20I'll be just a minute.
23:22Just wait here, please.
23:30It's Renouf.
23:31It's Renouf.
23:33We know the identity of the suspect and his vehicle.
23:35It's in your terminal.
23:38Oh, shit.
23:48Renouf, respond!
24:20He's wounded.
24:27His phone.
24:29We won't be able to track him with this.
24:32This dash cam is probably working. Let's see what's on there.
24:54Come on, let's go.
24:56That was Barta.
24:58They're headed west.
25:01Let's go.
25:11How do I look?
25:17You can't leave him like this!
25:19Pierre, I'm talking to you!
25:28What do you want?
25:29I have a medical kit in my bag. Let me help him.
25:39Make it quick.
25:59What the hell were you thinking, bringing him here?
26:03He'd already stopped me.
26:05It was either that or kill him.
26:12Once this is done,
26:14we're going to need an insurance policy to get out of here.
26:21Then we figure out what to do with him.
26:30Hannah Chokas.
26:32German national.
26:34She's been traveling in and out of town here sporadically.
26:37What does her sheet say?
26:39She's a suspect in a major wire fraud investigation by Interpol.
26:42But nothing could stick. It looks like they've tracked her.
26:45In the Balkans, the Middle East, Cyprus, Oman.
26:48What about Bahrain?
26:50Oh, Rochelle, meet Arch. Arch, meet Rochelle.
26:53Bahrain? Yeah, Bahrain's there.
26:56Was that just a wild guess, or...?
26:57That's where Ved is from.
26:59It can't be a coincidence.
27:01Listen, Rochelle, I owe you for this. I owe you for quite a lot, actually.
27:04Hope to see you soon.
27:06Not too soon. I've got big money on you.
27:08Please let me know when your officer's found.
27:19The bleeding stopped, but you're going to have quite a headache.
27:23I can handle it.
27:27Do you speak French?
27:54I don't know what to do.
27:55This is all my fault.
27:57Just take a breath, and start at the beginning.
28:01Tell us everything you know about these two.
28:04I don't know him. But years ago, Hanna and I worked together.
28:09If you could call it that.
28:11You were both hackers?
28:13At first we wanted the same thing.
28:15Level the playing field. Help people who were being screwed.
28:18You broke into computer systems to steal information.
28:25From the corrupt.
28:27Corporations, oligarchs.
28:29And then we would funnel that money back to the people they'd stolen from.
28:32But not all of it, I'm guessing.
28:35I discovered that Hanna was rerouting money to herself.
28:39And working with some seriously bad people.
28:42And then I was out. I disappeared.
28:45Here to Saint-Pierre.
28:49So what do they want?
28:51Hanna and I used a program that I designed.
28:53It can access some pretty complex systems.
28:57I mean, there are limitations, obviously.
29:00But it's fairly untraceable.
29:02And when I left, it left with me.
29:05And now she wants it back.
29:07They could use it to access less sophisticated bank systems and corporations.
29:12Serious stuff.
29:14And worth lots of money.
29:21I'm supposed to contact her and upload it by 6pm.
29:25Or Steph dies.
29:27I don't understand.
29:29She had it hand-delivered.
29:31So I wouldn't be able to trace her.
29:33You should have come to us.
29:35I wanted to, Arch.
29:37But this is insane.
29:39I don't know what's up or down.
29:41I panicked.
29:42After this program,
29:44will you be able to pinpoint their location?
29:47Hanna's too smart.
29:49She'll have planned this down to the last detail.
29:51She'll use a rotating IP so I won't be able to find her.
29:55You are a master hacker, Veda.
29:59You got smart at high before.
30:07Hugo's laptop has got a bunch of real estate listings.
30:13Houses for sale, for rent.
30:17One of these could be where they're holding Reynouf and Stephanie, but
30:21Fitz, some of those properties are the neighboring islands.
30:24We don't have time to search them all.
30:26Hang on.
30:31Hop up, let's go.
30:35Come on, what are you doing with me?
30:37Hugo, you're gonna help us.
30:40Get down in there.
30:42And you,
30:44you're gonna make up with your friend.
30:49Give Veda access to everything on there.
30:52The FTP, any emails from the guy that hired you,
30:55and all the real estate listings that he wanted you to look into.
30:58Now, please.
31:05That's all I have.
31:07The emails, they disappeared after 24 hours,
31:08and the transfers directly into my account.
31:12Tell me more about the rentals.
31:14He had me find 10 or so,
31:16and then I sent them to an encrypted email address.
31:19That was it.
31:21We think they're holding Stephanie and Reynouf in one of those locations,
31:24and there's too many to search and not enough time.
31:30I think we have a problem.
31:34Take him to holding.
31:36Out you go.
31:45More problems?
31:47Look at this. I've been going over the dash cam footage,
31:49and something feels off.
31:51I mean, when Reynouf returned to his squad car,
31:53Barta followed him right away.
31:58Almost like, maybe...
32:00He knew he'd been identified.
32:03Hugo got a text when we were outside his house.
32:05Now, we assume they were following him,
32:07but you called for backup on the walkie right before we went inside.
32:12They've got access to your comms.
32:15Maybe even CCTV, data terminals, body cams.
32:19Well, that's one way to stay ahead of an investigation.
32:21I can try to shut it down.
32:23No, don't.
32:25We need you to find any signal,
32:27anything to indicate which house they're holding them in.
32:31We have one shot.
32:33Hannah will know that I'm searching.
32:35I'll spread some breadcrumbs
32:37so she thinks I'm looking in the wrong place.
32:43You think we'll know soon
32:45where the suspects are keeping Reynouf and Stephanie?
32:47We've got a plan to bring them back alive.
32:49I got them.
32:51Well, I'm all ears.
33:03Everything depends on the surprise.
33:05We'll only have one chance.
33:07We don't know how they'll react if they see us coming.
33:09Stay on guard and watch out.
33:11They'll take almost a night to get to Longland.
33:13Every second counts. Go!
33:28We're in position.
33:29Team 2 will take the rear.
33:31Team 1, stay with me.
33:33Activate your cameras and radio silence until further notice.
33:36Let's go!
33:37Let's go!
33:59Honestly, wasn't convinced you'd call.
34:01Thought you'd might grab our program and run like before.
34:05It's not our program, Hannah.
34:09And don't bother tracing this.
34:11You won't find me.
34:15Figured as much?
34:17Enough pleasantries.
34:19Send it.
34:21No, I'm not giving you anything
34:23until I talk to Steph and know that she's okay.
34:42Vader, I'm so scared.
34:44Who are these people?
34:46I'm sorry.
34:48I'm so sorry.
34:58Was everything you told me a lie?
35:02Of course not. I care about you.
35:04More than I thought I ever could.
35:05Okay, you got what you wanted.
35:08My turn.
35:10Why are you doing this?
35:12This is desperate even for you.
35:14I'm exploring new opportunities.
35:16But you didn't have to come all the way to St. Pierre.
35:19Kidnap my...
35:21It's messed up, Hannah.
35:23I knew I had to keep a very close eye on you.
35:29You're not here to keep an eye on me.
35:32You're on the run.
35:33There's no way this ends well.
35:35Send it or your girlfriend dies.
35:37I'm running out of patience!
35:42Oh, my God.
35:52Ali, Ali, Ali.
36:03Go, go, go.
36:12Go, go, go.
36:22We took the wrong road.
36:24They're not here.
36:26We have barrages everywhere.
36:28All roads are blocked.
36:30No one leaves our islands.
36:32Plan B?
36:34The marina. The boat.
36:46I told you not to contact law enforcement.
36:49Though it was amusing
36:52seeing the little local police
36:54take the bait and go to the wrong address.
36:58Too bad they don't have a helicopter.
37:01You set a trap.
37:03I knew you'd be looking for us.
37:05I had to give you something to find.
37:08We always have a way out.
37:10You should know that better than anyone.
37:13Okay, time is up.
37:15Send it now or things will get very ugly.
37:19No, please. Hannah, I'll send it.
37:27I'll know if you install the kill switch or trucking bug.
37:31Nothing on it, I swear.
37:42Just in case, I'll hang on to your girlfriend and the cop
37:45until I'm off this damn island.
37:49No, no, wait!
37:52Time to go.
37:54What about them?
37:56We'll bring them till we're clear,
37:58then you can do whatever you want.
38:00They're not coming.
38:02It's over.
38:04My colleagues know it's too dangerous to enter the house.
38:06I'm sure they have a plan.
38:08Time to go.
38:10Move. Let's go.
38:12Come on. Hurry!
38:23All clear.
38:26Let's go.
38:27Come on. Move.
38:31Move it.
38:43I don't feel so good.
38:45Just keep moving.
38:48Did you hear that?
38:54Drop it. Now.
38:57Or I will shoot.
39:13Come on, buddy.
39:16Come on.
39:19I knew you had a plan.
39:22I remembered you said you were in La Royale,
39:25so I hoped you'd see the diver down fly.
39:28Not a bad fit.
39:30Actually, it wasn't my idea. It was hers.
39:35We're getting good at this.
39:44Pretty sure Steph dumped Fed her.
39:47Well, a near-death experience due to your girlfriend's hacking program
39:51could be a deal-breaker.
39:54How did I not know that about Fed her?
39:57Or that she had a girlfriend?
40:05Just maybe...
40:08you've been so focused on taking down Sean Gallagher
40:11that you haven't left much room for anything else in your life.
40:14That is not true.
40:16Okay, but from where I sit,
40:19you barely see your boyfriend,
40:21I've never witnessed you eat a meal sitting down,
40:22and you don't know your best friend as well as you thought you did.
40:26Arch, I am in no position
40:29to tell anyone how to live their life.
40:33But I do know
40:35what it's like to get lost in an investigation
40:38and how you can
40:40lose sight of the important things in life.
40:45And sometimes, um...
40:49you never get those things back.
40:54I'm just saying.
40:57Trust your instincts.
40:59Yeah, but there's a fine line between perception and madness.
41:51I got your text.
41:58I take it
42:00things are not going to work out with Stephanie.
42:04Just add that to the list of things I've completely screwed up in my life.
42:08Speaking of screwing up...
42:10My obsession with Gallagher?
42:13It's a long story and
42:15someday I'll explain it to you.
42:17But I know it has clouded my judgment.
42:20And I'm sorry to have put you in the middle of it.
42:23I have something I think would cheer us both up.
42:32I destroyed it. The ghost program.
42:34Probably for the best.
42:36But I used it one last time.
42:40You don't have to tell me why you're after Gallagher. He's a scumbag.
42:44I know.
42:45You're my best friend
42:47and I trust you.
42:49Now, what's all this?
42:51Private financial records.
42:53Going back decades.
42:55If there's a magic bullet to bring Sean Gallagher down,
42:58it's in here.
43:02I love you.
43:03I love you.
43:04I love you.
43:12Let's go.
43:13Let's go.
43:21I love you.
43:22I love you.
43:23I love you.
43:24I love you.
43:25I love you.
43:26I love you.
43:27I love you.
43:28I love you.
43:29I love you.
43:30I love you.
43:31I love you.
43:32I love you.
43:33I love you.
43:34I love you.
43:35I love you.
43:36I love you.
43:37I love you.
43:38I love you.
43:39I love you.
43:40I love you.
43:41I love you.
43:42I love you.
43:43I love you.
43:44I love you.
43:45I love you.
43:46I love you.
43:47I love you.
43:48I love you.
43:49I love you.