• 3 hours ago
Tiny House Nation Memory Lane S01 E04


00:00Here in tiny house nation, we've seen it all when it comes to living small. No way
00:07I'm actually kind of in shock right now
00:13Sure, the houses are little but the features requested by our tiny home converts are often huge
00:19Are you guys joking or do you really want a hot tub? We want out
00:23We want it to be a tiny house and also a tiny store, too
00:27Now we're counting down some of the most epic asks ever from wet we were thinking maybe we could do a pool to wild
00:37To just plain out of this world a huge part of us is stargazing
00:41This is something that we have to make happen. This is tiny house nation memory lane
00:47special requests
00:49Kicking things off at number 10 a young couple with some very tall orders for a very tiny space
00:57in Cleveland the tiny team met up with Angela a nurse and
01:02hydrate a music producer
01:05The couple had picked up a prefab tiny house frame. They were now completing in a large warehouse
01:11These two were going tiny to stay mobile, but their careers really demanded a lot out of a little home
01:18I have a creative side that I have to kind of get out the stress reliever and make quilts for the babies in my unit
01:24You know, we have some patients who are there for very long times
01:27So yeah, it's just something that I like to do, but it's also very rewarding. I'm sure I'm sure it is and the music producing
01:34Thrilling I meet all types of different people all different types of genres of music
01:38I need a sewing space and then hydra needs a space for his music
01:42I need a recording studio and that's what's going up there. I mean hearing a little mixed messages though
01:48Is that gonna be a problem?
01:50It wasn't clear how exactly they'd share that second loft space or make sure it accommodated very different uses
01:58So John and Zach had a conundrum on their hands
02:01I'm just having a hard time not coming to the conclusion that the music studio is gonna be taking priority
02:09because basically it's hydra expansion as well as potentially a profession and I think that that deserves a
02:16Little bit of extra priority. I think I can give that up for him
02:19That was a relief but Zach wanted to accommodate Angela's quilting passion, too
02:24This drawing shows kind of an under cabinet storage and that will be for your sewing machine. Wow
02:31I'm gonna try to make it very elegant
02:33So you'll be able to kind of walk into your house and it'll be this kind of showpiece
02:37As well as very functional. Yeah, it looks great
02:40I'm really excited to see what you come up with right on and John was curious about how it would fit big
02:46It's really big. You got stairs over here, too. Is there enough room when this is open? We got to have a walkway there
02:52Let's see what it looks like if we fold it over
02:55Well, see, I mean that's kind of why I made it bigger
02:57I got to fit that under cabinet mechanism for the sewing machine like this. It looks really good
03:03Yeah, and I love the multifunctionality gives us the desk gives us a dining table and it gives us the quilting table
03:10Soon it was time to unveil the team's answers to this very big ask
03:20No way
03:22These two were anxious to inspect the house's two key features. We got to go up and see your studio. No way
03:30No way
03:32Do you hear the acoustics in here? It sounds perfect. We got the padded walls. Man. I'm about to kill it in here
03:41Look how stretched out you are. Like this is a big space up here. The studio was a hit
03:47But how about the quilting space really wanted Zach to tell you about your quilting table?
03:51So what we did was leaf the table, you know, it's kind of compact. It's small. It stores right in the corner
03:57You can eat on it. And then if you feel over here
04:00It's got a finger spot and it's got some leaf supports so you can pull those out you can't even unfold it
04:08No way
04:10Wow, just flip it open. That is beautiful. Shut up
04:14That is so beautiful. The biggest important part for having a quilting table is having good storage for your sewing machine
04:21So if you know look here your sewing machine just can pull right out
04:28That is incredible. That is incredible
04:31It was clear that even though they had a pretty special request Angela and hydrate had found their tiny paradise
04:38That is the epitome of
04:41Multifunctional space it doesn't get better than that
04:44The couple at number nine were hoping to escape a big house mortgage while holding on to one classic big house feature
04:52in Jacksonville, Florida
04:54Jack Rocky and their two daughters were tired of how much dad had to work to pay for their traditional suburban home
05:02Going tiny would help me to lose the big mortgage work less and spend more time with my family
05:07But leaving that traditional home lifestyle behind sure wasn't going to be easy
05:12Both of these girls love water. So we were thinking maybe we could do a pool
05:17Okay a pool, you know, it was supposed to be kind of a down-the-line thing
05:23She said pool, but I mean if we could do a pool, I'm not a pool guy
05:27I don't know a lot about come on. I think we just dig a hole, right?
05:31I never put a pool into a tiny house or a big house. Never
05:36Maybe we can like
05:39Do first things first John and Zach were wading into uncharted waters with this build
05:44So John called on some true pool pros
05:47I told you I had it covered Jack and Rocky are not expecting us to deliver on this pool
05:52So this is going to be big. Yeah, I love this thing
05:58It's like the Frankenstein of pools is this actually a storage container that gets modified
06:05Absolutely. We got it and converted it into a fully functional pool. We cut the complete top off of it
06:10We retrofit it plus it's got a window, but when we got on site, we realized we got a power pool in the way
06:16They just put a septic tank in just an hour ago. Yeah, so the ground soft so we we got a problem
06:22We can't actually get the pool back there right now. There was only one choice for getting this improvised pool into position
06:29We gotta get it over the house. I mean it can't be super light, huh?
06:32No, this is about eighty five hundred pounds. This guy wants to lift more than four tons
06:398,500 pounds over our tiny house. Yeah, what could go wrong?
06:43All right. Here we go boys
06:47Oh my god
06:57It was definitely one of the most harrowing moments in tiny house nation history
07:03Landing right on the corner of the deck. It's not the deck John. Hold on. Yeah. Okay straight down inch down
07:08Okay, good there. Are you on I'm on we're perfect over here
07:16You get lucky sometimes you just make your own luck
07:19It was time for Jack and Rocky to check out their new tiny digs
07:24Unaware that four plus tons of storage container had been hanging over it a few days earlier
07:39Everything came out better than we could have imagined
07:42But they hadn't seen anything yet just turn around and look back there. Oh
07:50My gosh, all right, come on check this out
07:54It's a smart pool. You can control from your phone. So you guys can be out and be like
07:59Oh, let's set the temperature in the pool. Like I couldn't have imagined anything more perfect. This is awesome
08:05I am in love with the pool in the backyard and it's better than I ever could imagine
08:11Another big ask another big solution. All it took was one very heavy lift
08:19In tiny house nation homeowners have had some king-sized demands for their new tiny digs
08:25We're counting down the biggest asks ever and at number eight a request that had the tiny house team
08:31Reaching for the stars John and Zach were in Massachusetts about 30 miles west of Boston
08:37To meet Samantha and Ken a newlywed couple transitioning to tiny but it turned out the couple had an
08:45Astronomical ask in more ways than one
08:48This is actually the perfect tiny house telescope. I like this. How often are you guys?
08:54Stargazers, that's one funny thing. But one thing that's brought us together the most we haven't been able to do
08:59So I'm hoping that is a space at the tiny house where we can stargaze the idea seemed simple enough to the team
09:05They're into stargazing. It's an outdoor thing if we build like a deck detached from the house
09:10So it's not under trees and that's like an area that we can dedicate to that. Is that gonna do it?
09:15I think that's a total win
09:16But as we've seen many times in tiny house nation things aren't always so simple as John and Zach found out
09:24Examining the house's loft space. I don't see any skylight here
09:28Hey, John
09:29Is there something that you forgot to tell me because I'm pretty darn sure that I would have remembered if they said skylight
09:35Dude, they they never said skylight. They said stargazing. I don't know why it's skylight now
09:40It's a completely different word. Not my fault. We had thought about I guess more outdoor options
09:46That's definitely not gonna work because it gets so cold here in the winter
09:52You can't stargaze more than five minutes outside
09:54Okay to put in a skylight here is gonna be an expense a lot of this house is done
09:59It's kind of moving backwards a huge part of us is stargazing
10:03This is something that we have to make happen
10:05But a big skylight at this stage was a very big ask not to mention expensive
10:11Especially because Zach was thinking of going even bigger if we are gonna make an adjustment if I'm gonna cut into this roof
10:18Like let's do it for real. I
10:21Don't even know what that means they you know are looking for an observatory. I
10:26Say we give it to him. This is why I have gray hair
10:29Okay, if we can find the budget, I love it
10:31So Zach got to work on something much more involved than a simple skylight
10:35It's gonna extend up from the roofline and they'll be able to stargaze from their loft even in cold weather
10:41It's gonna be really special to them
10:44Soon Samantha and Ken got their first look at the entire finished product
10:53This looks awesome, look at this
10:57Wow, that looks really pretty but the couple were about to see the real star of this tiny house show
11:03Oh nice
11:06This is
11:08I love it up here
11:10This is my favorite room. We have an observatory in our tiny home
11:16This is like a legitimate
11:18Observatory, I don't know how this fit in the budget. This is crazy because I was hoping for a skylight and this is so much more
11:26Now we can stargaze all year long at number seven
11:30It's a couple who wanted the kind of room you usually only find in massive mansions
11:35Scott and Marianne had recently settled in Arlington, Virginia and
11:40The couple dropped a major request on John and Zach
11:44I would be really great if we could have part of our bedroom be some sort of library
11:49You said library. Mm-hmm. You didn't say bookshelf, right?
11:53Would you say library and my and their alarms go off in my head? Our favorite movie is clue and we really love that
12:02the large grand old
12:05Ornate libraries, we would love that kind of feel in our tiny house and Scott and Marianne
12:11Definitely weren't going to make this simple. So no loft for the bedroom, correct? Very important
12:16Yeah, I need to be able to stand up and get dressed and yeah, I don't want to hit my head or anything like that
12:21Well, this should be interesting. I mean with no loft
12:24They're basically asking for a bedroom and a library all in the same spot
12:30Good luck with that Zach, but John's partner was up for the challenge. It actually kind of makes me happy
12:36Okay, because when you say library, yeah, you know what I'm thinking
12:41It in storage
12:44Okay, no like you get the library bookshelf case and you find the right book and you pull it and now all of a sudden
12:50Like you're in a whole new room
12:52They ended up with a plan to build a loft bedroom with much more height and a library nook tucked under it
12:59But this idea definitely required a preview
13:03What's going on over here what happened to the bedroom
13:07We were pretty adamant about not having a loft as our bedroom. So then we saw that just like what did you guys do?
13:14Maybe we should get in the space and we can show you exactly kind of what we're talking about
13:18We designed this nook under the bedroom to be the library you asked for
13:22We can give you a nice comfortable place to hang out. We can line the walls with bookshelves any leather bound books
13:28Yeah, it's gonna smell of rich mahogany
13:32I think the more time I'm spending down here. It's definitely comfortable. Yeah, I can see it Wow, you know, let's get a couch in here
13:41That was a little dicey there for a second, I don't thought we might be in trouble
13:45I mean me too, but they like the library nook and they haven't seen the best part yet
13:50Zach had some pretty sneaky surprises in store a magnifying glass that opened a hidden container and some hidden storage
13:58Behind a faux panel of books
14:00But this was a big-time demand by a couple who definitely knew what they wanted
14:05So the pressure was on and then came time to deliver. Oh
14:11My god Wow Wow is right. Oh my god
14:18It looks so cool
14:20Look, they have our records in our books
14:23Can't get over how beautiful this is the detail in here is amazing and John and Zach were eager to show them
14:29Just how amazing it was
14:31It's beautiful
14:33These little details with the finials down there. That's so cool. I think you guys nailed the look
14:40All of the drawers they open
14:42But wait this one is that one stuck darn it. Oh, that's a real oversight
14:47I wish you would have thought of something cool if you know exactly where to grab you can just
14:52Open it like that
14:59That is crazy my mind is blown like I just yeah this exceeded everything
15:04I ever thought you could do with this Zach. I really had a lot of fun
15:09I think it turned out super well, but the funnest part is
15:13Obviously creating the hidden storage
15:16Why this one that is
15:19Insane, where did he come up with this? It's incredible and it looks gorgeous
15:23I don't know how his brain works, but it's like on another level
15:28We're counting down the top 10 special requests in tiny house nation history
15:33The huge request at number six came courtesy of a couple obsessed with outdoor winter fun in Salt Lake City
15:41Utah the team met Chris and Tamara the couple really wanted a tiny house with a ski Lodge feel the obvious
15:49Concern was storage for all that winter sports gear, but they had a much more surprising request the bathroom
15:56It's pretty small the tightness of the bathroom. It's okay with us, but for a real ski Lodge vision
16:04We want a hot tub well, okay listen you don't even have a bathtub
16:12Honestly can't tell are you guys joking or do you really want a hot tub we want a hot tub for meals Zach I
16:18Just don't really know like a hot tubs a massive electrical draw which means you need access to the grid
16:25It doesn't mean that it can't be happening. It just means it's a much bigger
16:29Endeavor the electrical system and plain old space seemed to guarantee this home would be hot tub free
16:36But the question kept bubbling to the surface you got the hot tub figured out right, okay?
16:41There's certain things that I need some advanced warning
16:44I mean
16:44There's no other way to actually have a hot tub then would fire
16:47Worried that this tiny house would bomb with the clients if he didn't at least attempt a hot tub Zach search for a solution
16:56What is that
16:59This is a wood-burning hot tub what?
17:06I was joking about like
17:08We figured out the hot tub well
17:10I mean I was looking at wood-burning hot tubs, and I found a company called Alfie that makes a beautiful one
17:16This is unbelievable. I can't believe you did this. You're so gullible John
17:21Finally it was time for these ski bunnies to see their mini chalet
17:39I love the colors and the window
17:42Looks amazing the inside was everything they asked for but the most important request of all was back outside
17:50Oh, you guys. This is Zach. I basically was giving him some guff
17:55I was like dude you got it figured out yet, and he took it sort of serious
17:59I mean you basically just start the fire inside the coils and just circulates around so
18:05No skiers house is complete without a hot tub
18:08It seemed like they might not be able to pull this off, but in the end John and Zach soaked up all the glory
18:18I'm so ready. Yeah, this is more than a place that we're just gonna live in this is the place
18:23We're starting our lives together, and we'll let you guys enjoy this Zach and I gonna jump in the hot tub so
18:29In at number five an
18:31Army dad with a talent for tinkering which led to one high-octane
18:36Ask Jose Stacy and their two young daughters welcome the team to their rented home in El Paso, Texas
18:43They were about to make a tiny transition time to Jose's impending retirement from the army
18:49Jose planned to pursue his passion for working on cars
18:52Why not do something that I love in order to make ends meet painting bodywork engine overhauls you name it and if I don't know
19:00It I'll learn it, but accommodating that work was a major ask for a miniature house. Oh
19:09To my domain oh man
19:13The alarm bells start going off when I'm in here is this car that you're working on coming with us
19:19No good. It's a little worried there
19:22What is it about this that you love? It's a type of?
19:27Therapy if you if you will okay, so this is something that you can also see is a little bit of an income generator
19:31Yeah, yeah sure that just made this a lot more complicated. It's what it did
19:36Obviously Jose can't have a garage with this tiny house, but you know we want him to continue his passion. That's for sure so
19:43Zach and I gonna have to figure out some place for him to keep all his tools
19:47But clearly this build wasn't firing on all cylinders yet. This is a rough start right now. We're as rough as it is
19:53It looks amazing
19:59When you were talking about all the garage stuff, I just assumed sort of the tool storage no talking about
20:06an actual garage
20:08Obviously a whole automotive shop is not gonna fit in a tiny house
20:12I could definitely give you tool storage for just kind of you know hand wrenches, and you know you're breaking his heart Zach
20:20Why are you doing that?
20:22If you have something that's attached to the house that can actually
20:26Be transported with the house would make our lives so much easier. I'm talking about like
20:31Nice little area where I could put the car under
20:35Zach definitely needed to go back under the hood on this design
20:39He came up with a plan for a garage on the side of the house that would have plenty of tool storage
20:45He's gonna have to use hand jacks, but this is tiny house. You know I mean, that's the trade-off
20:50It wasn't long before the family got to see the finished product
20:54Perfect there was a tiny house like and it was our tiny house. Oh my god
21:00It's amazing Wow, but the team knew what part Jose was waiting to see his dream garage now
21:08I need your help. I need you guys to help me concentrate. Okay. I need you to look at it
21:12And just concentrate put your fingers out oh
21:15Look at that
21:18This is my version of a tiny house garage Wow
21:27Well hey don't it's not done yet, it's don't just need a covered space watch this
21:35Get out of here
21:37It is made to store all sorts of tools
21:42And so I've never seen a grown man cry
21:45It's amazing. It's
21:47Perfect this works to be stored into the house, but how does it travel?
21:52We built it to fit in the back of the truck bed
21:55So this so that's how you travel it this fits perfectly in a truck bed
22:00I immediately saw the grill and I fell in love. I have no words for it
22:04It's a garage for a tiny house, and you don't see that at all ever
22:12We're rolling toward a big finish on this tiny house nation countdown of big asks
22:18Next up at number four a tiny house where the need for silence was loud and clear in Fayetteville, Arkansas
22:26John and Zach were helping out Ryan and Asha a couple living together for the first time
22:31But definitely on the same page about going tiny
22:35Ryan also happened to be one of Zach's closest friends, but they had a big request for their buddy based on their careers
22:43She was a violinist in the popular rock band trans Siberian Orchestra
22:47He was an outdoors journalist known for his adventure videos
22:51Which required a quiet space for him to edit. I want to see if you can work while Asha plays music
22:56Okay, I want you to go in there edit a project. It's due tomorrow. I don't have my violin with me
23:02Let's because my teacher lesson I like to just sort of elevate it a little bit. Okay a drum circle
23:10John turned the music up to 11 to see if Ryan could actually edit a video at the same time
23:19So I'm up in the loft and the drum circles just going off and it's great but it's so loud
23:25I mean, I got my headphones on full blast and I mean
23:28It's just sounds like there's an earthquake going on five feet away from me
23:32How was that? I'm gonna open up a project and try to edit not a chance. Yeah way too loud
23:38Does that concern you? Absolutely. I mean, this is my livelihood
23:43Ryan came to John and Zach asking for a big solution
23:46Is there any way to like build another room or something? I mean make it like Asha's little protected
23:54Audio studio, there's no space left in the house that we can use to make a new room
23:59I mean, basically everything's been put through the city you pour your foundation based upon the plans that have been approved
24:06Yeah, so the only way that we could build anything would be to make it a non-permanent structure
24:11So basically on skids or on wheels and well, I mean, is that an option? Can you do that?
24:16How in the world do we do this?
24:18John and Zach weren't sure if they'd have the time or money to tackle such a special request so late in the game
24:25But Zach drew up an idea for a separate soundproof trailer with waterproof speakers
24:30It was also going to be a surprise for Asha, but Ryan came to get a preview
24:35This is all like actually specialized noise cancelling insulation
24:40No, what it's made from old jeans, but it's got better sound dampening than fiberglass
24:45Cellulose or foam insulations making it perfect for this mobile music space now
24:50It was time to see how stoked the couple would be stepping into their new tiny home
25:03This isn't a tiny house, this is a giant house. I love it. Whoa
25:09And for Asha there was even more in store and take a look at Asha's new mobile music studio
25:16Wait, that's an amp
25:18That's so cool. It really looks like an amp
25:20Wait, I know I know you're a little confused. Oh
25:23You're gonna be able to edit in the house
25:26Exactly. It was kind of Ryan's idea. He brought it to us. Zach said he could figure out a way to make it work
25:31I thought they were both crazy. And now I'm so glad we did cuz it is striking
25:35I'm actually kind of in shock right now. It is art
25:48Your instruments are all over the walls
25:52It's just amazing and then actually up above the box up top
25:57Holds all of the electrical components for the speaker system. There's four speakers up there. They're marine speakers
26:04So they're good for that weather outside and basically this can seriously be your concert venue
26:09We can just plug in our you know music
26:15And then that doesn't even include all the different uses that you can get out of it in terms of it being on wheels
26:22Not only is it a music studio and I can record there and practice there
26:25But I can actually take that on the road if I need to it's a mobile amp. I'm just so grateful
26:34Our number three couple also had to face the music when it came to going tiny
26:39Centered on one gargantuan piece of gear this build brought John and Zach to Nashville, Tennessee
26:45Ben and Rebecca were relocating to Music City from the West Coast so Ben could pursue a career as a songwriter
26:52Ben had a shocking request to keep a baby grand piano. That was more grand than baby
27:00It's a real piano as a real piano it's kind of like
27:04like five feet by five feet by
27:08I've literally paid for it to be moved from California to Tennessee
27:13So am I hearing this correctly and then I'll let Zach just pass out
27:17Are you telling me that you want that baby grand piano in your tiny house? Yeah
27:23Zach started strategizing how he was gonna fit a whole lot of piano in a very little living room
27:30With the piano taking up most of the space in the end of the tiny house
27:33That doesn't leave a whole lot of room for all the extra equipment that Ben needs to record with
27:38My solution is to take my storage benches and put them on a swivel
27:43This way all Ben needs to do when he wants to work is slide the top of the bench over to him
27:48Creating a desk space for his laptop and mixer and an easily accessed storage area for microphones and additional equipment
27:56But it wasn't only about finding space for Ben's baby grand behemoth
27:59It was about just moving the darn thing. So on three little move one, two, three
28:07Okay, that's my finger
28:11You okay
28:13Yeah, at least it wasn't my bad finger. All right, we're not gonna be able to do this
28:17I okay you guys get back to what you're doing. I don't want to hold us up here
28:22I just honestly I feel like this is like gonna be something or we're gonna damage their piano. No, I agree
28:28I'll get on the horn and I will find someone to move this. Okay. All right, like somebody with a crane hopefully
28:36After calling in some pros to wrangle this colossal keyboard
28:40Gentlemen, you're part of history right now. It's the first baby grand piano ever going to a tiny house. So
28:47Holy smokes, it was time to see if Ben and Rebecca's new Nashville nest hit all the right notes. It's
28:58So far so good
29:00But how about that big finale the grand piano just like you said, it doesn't look out of place. No, which is remarkable
29:07There's little it's like it's being cradled into the corner. Just saying come play right hits
29:14So what we did to try to help you was to focus on making sure that this can also be a recording area
29:19That's right, right. Yeah, that's why we built the bench system
29:23You lift up your desk and the pull out and lift up
29:28Comes to you. This is perfect. It's super adaptable. I can't believe that I can be piano here guitar here
29:36Recording here this like gadget that just transforms into like the ideal working space
29:42I'm just I mean, he's the master it was another big ask and another big win for the tiny house nation team
29:50We've reached the second most special request in the history of tiny house nation
29:55Our number two couple were ready to try a tiny house
29:59But it turned out they wanted two buildings for the price of one the team landed in Atlanta
30:05to meet up with Greg and Francis partners in an urban streetwear company called style is serene or
30:12SIS which they've been running out of a rented room their fashion dreams
30:17Directly led to their decision to go tiny the couple had very big plans for a little house
30:23Well, we want it to be a tiny house and also a tiny store, too
30:29House and a store
30:31Clothing store. Yes the house that we're building for you guys is just over 200 square feet
30:38It's hard enough right now, you know when I'm trying to work and do my stuff
30:42So I don't think it's pretty cramped in but 200 square feet is not a lot of room for two people to move all their
30:49Stuff into 200 square feet is not a lot of room to operate a shop in
30:53200 square feet to do both end. That's like practically impossible, but there was even more to this demanding build
31:00So pretty much when it comes time to make a garment, you know
31:05The table just pops up and you know, this is pretty much my workstation just set the sewing machines up plug up and at night
31:12I'm up here stitching away, you know making everything come to life. Here's another curveball. I mean, yeah, we have to do a store and a house
31:18I wasn't thinking a textile factory also John and Zach tried to wrap their heads around this super demanding design
31:25The nature of what they're doing that I hadn't even considered is that I made a stock room essentially, so we're gonna need
31:33Storage we're gonna need built-ins. We're gonna need shelving. We're gonna need space to store all this inventory
31:38I know it's a big ass. I kind of almost feel like it's one or the other almost you get like a house
31:45Or you get a store they have scraped together every last penny they have there's actually kind of a lot riding on this
31:52I think more so than anything we've done before
31:54Okay, we got to come up with something but getting this fit just right clearly wasn't going to be easy. I
32:00Don't think it says anything
32:02Stylish serene. It doesn't scream. This is a shop
32:07Right now it is kind of you know, the framing stage
32:10so there's a lot that can be done in between here and the final product where we can kind of add that flair that might
32:17Kind of tell people like this is something they need to come check out
32:23Zach got to work on a wall unit that he hoped would strike the right balance of retail and residential
32:29But John came by with yet another wrinkle. You want me to build a big table?
32:34That's gonna be nice and sturdy. So this is you know, it's good for sewing
32:38And then it's also gonna stow away and it's gonna hide away all the different textiles that they need
32:46Just do me the favor and give me the old Zach if whatever
32:50The team was making progress on functionality, but this house of style needed some pizzazz
32:56So John invited muralist Matt to energize the exterior. We got this nice photo of Francis
33:02She's in the clothing that they sell take their brand
33:05They're kind of stops on logo and we're gonna blast it right on the side of the house
33:09The last touch was Zach's design for the sewing space
33:13This part of the built-in is going to be for the sewing machine table and the textile supplies
33:18Like the thread and the stuff to make shirts and clothes. It's all got to go in here along with the sewing machine
33:24Yeah, and these are our pedestals, right? Yes, and then when the tabletop comes down this guy just simply comes up
33:32Goes around and then now when the table comes down
33:35It's on the right height. I think this will definitely work for what they want
33:39After one of their most demanding builds ever it was finally time to show it off
33:53Is this your brand this is yeah, this is our brain
34:08Engraved forever
34:10Now it was about checking out the functional side first things first stool comes out
34:15It also can be kind of a display. You have two more pillars that come out
34:19they just kind of
34:21Slip right in between each other. So when your table comes down
34:25It's just gonna lay right where you need it to be. It's a nice big flat surface
34:32And then a big table for you guys to work. I mean is that a table you can work on? Yes
34:36Yes, really what it comes down to is a display right the same platform
34:41That folds out
34:43This one comes out you can turn it around and then
34:48What looks like just nice big doors to a cabinet
34:51Actually turn into the tabletop and the hinges just release and what you thought
34:59Was just the doors for you
35:04When you pull your other door off
35:06slide them together and
35:09This is actually and now you got a table and you also get your branding but this tiny house fashion show wasn't over yet
35:16That's right. This wasn't just a curtain
35:19There's a changing room right and look you go back here
35:23You do whatever you get
35:29And the last thing we want to show you is what's behind this
35:38Every store needs an open sign
35:45Thank you with some strokes of genius from John and Zach this tiny house wasn't just move-in ready
35:54This tiny house it's real now
35:58We've seen a lot of special requests on this tiny house nation countdown
36:02But none more special than this one in our top spot a couple looking to share their tiny home with a whole zoo
36:10full of feathered and furry friends a little ways outside Chicago
36:15The team met the animal loving duo of Conrad and David whose commitment to creatures went way beyond just having pets
36:23Conrad ran an exotic animal rescue and pet sitting operation
36:27We have 29 pets now flock of 16 birds two dogs the snake we have six cats and the four fish
36:35You heard right?
36:3729 this build had the makings of the wildest tiny house ever
36:42So 16 birds two dogs four fish. I know at least one snake one snake and then six cats six cats
36:51That's it still this was an extremely tall order for a tiny house
36:56I got to know what it is that you need to store bird stuff and cat stuff and dog stuff
37:02Snake stuff. Should we talk about the bird purchase to me? That seems pretty easy. That's like owls. Oh, yeah
37:08Yeah, you just kind of like birds pooping everywhere. There's got to be some sort of system set up underneath
37:13It's something to catch all that. We have our work cut out. Yeah, we do to pull off this pet project
37:19Zach employed one of his patented space saving solutions a spiral staircase
37:24What I want to do is build a series of different cabinet boxes
37:27They're going to be the steps each one is gonna have storage inside on the front
37:32There's actually going to be a table that flips up with stools inside one of the boxes when it's not in use
37:38Everything nests away and then on the other side
37:40I'm gonna have a pantry with a cart that rolls out with storage for pet supplies
37:44Meanwhile John was concerned that the couple were depending a bit too much on their interspecies trailer strategy
37:52Who is gonna live in the tiny house with you full-time?
37:56Katie, yep, Lily Sterling Sterling the snake. Yep, and our four fish. We are gonna have
38:02Visitors three birds or so at a time and then in the evening, maybe cats come in later. Yeah
38:08While Zach worked on designs John gave the couple a preview of living in their tiny wild kingdom
38:14Yeah, it looks like the coffee's done. I don't want you guys are busy. Don't have the first go go right ahead
38:19Hope yourself soak you put you in the tub. She's like, I don't want to take a bath right now. I know
38:25But you gotta who left this out. Who's this? Is that yours?
38:29You can't leave your toys out in the middle of the road birds start flying around and there it is
38:36But I'm hoping that you guys understand is twofold one
38:38That living tiny with all of these animals and doing what you guys do is going to be different
38:43but that's alright and it's gonna take a little bit of
38:47Adjustment on your guys part and and the animals part with Conrad and David more mentally prepared
38:52The team put them to work helping with some of the practical solutions for their special request
38:57I want to build some bird perches and
39:00Have the bird perches actually fold out of the picture frames
39:03That's cool along with Zach the couple churned out those picture frame perches
39:08But they wouldn't get the full picture of their new tiny house until a few days later. Oh
39:18It's like our home compressed
39:21With the stairs beautiful. It's bigger than I thought it was gonna wash critters in there
39:26But they'd barely scratched the surface of all the features designed to make this zoo on wheels work
39:31It just looks like pictures on the wall with a nice frame. But as you guys both know, it's more than just that
39:36It's got the cardboard
39:39Just pops out. Oh cool. So you can just replace it, you know
39:44After showing off a kitchen with plenty of space for washing and feeding animals
39:49The guys revealed Zach's staircase secret works as a staircase
39:53But on top of that each one of these steps is actually its own cabinet
39:57So you got full storage inside there and then the big one over here
40:02Actually just pulls out
40:06And the whole thing is a car
40:09The only thing left to do was welcome the rest of this tiny homes inhabitants all
40:1429 of them so John and Zach
40:16We'd like to say thank you for
40:18Understanding how important it is for us to not have to pare down any of our pets in order to make the change to a
40:24Tiny house. All right, you guys enjoy your new
40:27We're gonna get out of your hair
40:32The homes were small as always but in these stories that asks were huge that didn't stop John and Zach from saying
40:40yes, we can stretching the limits of little house living and
40:44Welcoming another wave of satisfied customers into the tribe of tiny