• yesterday
Carol aún vive con las consecuencias de una mala cirugía.


00:00We are here with Carol, who is the protagonist of our story, and we can say that she is a survivor.
00:04Priscila, do you remember that at the beginning of the year, on February 11th, exactly, a young woman died.
00:09Her name was Leslie Vergara, she was 32 years old, and she died of going to have surgery in a clandestine clinic.
00:16It turns out that this woman, the person responsible for this operation, had been operating for many years.
00:22Today she is in preventive detention, and 20 years ago she intervened in the operation.
00:27Carol, you were injected with industrial silicone, you didn't know that, of course, in your breasts,
00:33and that has destroyed your life in some way.
00:36Yes, 20 years ago I was injected in my house.
00:40Mónica Flores and Teresa, who is the mother, injected me with industrial silicone.
00:48And how does industrial silicone work? I imagine that they don't come with a can that says industrial silicone.
00:53And how does industrial silicone work? I imagine that they don't come with a can that says industrial silicone.
00:58They inject you, they have to wrap you up a little, you lose it. How was it?
01:01Sure, well, you go for the cheap, because you don't have an understanding.
01:08In those years you didn't know what they were injecting me with.
01:11What did they tell you? How did they sell it to you?
01:13As biopolymer.
01:15Yes, as biopolymer.
01:16And this was like instant volume? How did it work?
01:19Yes, instant volume. They injected me, they put on some elastics and injected me with a syringe.
01:28And they put me, the little holes that are left, they put nail polish on me.
01:36Cutex to cover it.
01:38Nail polish, of course.
01:40And that, how did it look at first?
01:43It was beautiful.
01:45But let me go back a little. Nail polish, that was like colorless, colorless. What happened?
01:51The color you want, but the polish that dries.
01:54And that was to seal it?
01:55To seal it.
01:56So that it wouldn't come out again?
01:57So that it wouldn't come out, of course. I got a lot of product.
01:59What was that like?
02:00An oil. The polishes were stained and I came back. It's not that it came out, they put more on me.
02:09And this at first worked well, you looked in the mirror, you liked it?
02:14Yes, I liked it because I was flat, I didn't have any breasts.
02:19And they injected me, they looked pretty to me.
02:23Years passed and I began to notice that my breasts were turning red.
02:29Over the years, they all turned purple.
02:32That's how it starts?
02:33That's how it starts.
02:34Hey, can you show us a little how this looks?
02:41Without showing too much, you can see some scars.
02:46But this is not only an aesthetic issue, it is also an issue that prevents you from living calmly.
02:52Does it hurt?
02:53Yes, it hurts too much, too much. I suffer, I can't do strength.
02:58I can't even sweep because the movement of the muscles prevents me, my chest is inflamed.
03:05It annihilated you in life in some way.
03:08Carol, I want to invite you to check because we had interviewed you for a while.
03:11Let's review the note and then we'll continue talking.
03:15They investigate the death of a woman who underwent aesthetic surgery in a clandestine clinic.
03:21They murdered her at home.
03:23This is the mother of a woman who died in a clandestine clinic.
03:27On Tuesday, February 1, the screams from this house in the commune of Las Condes alerted the neighbors.
03:34I was at home and I heard screams, a lot of screams.
03:37They were dragging a young lady.
03:39Old murderer!
03:42Leslie Vergara was disqualified after a failed intervention of increased gluteus.
03:46Mónica Flores, Jorge Flores and Teresa Díaz had performed the procedure in her house, which operated as a clandestine clinic.
03:54So my daughter died in this lady's house.
03:58She died there and they killed her because that's what they did.
04:01Leslie died at just 32 years old.
04:03She left a sick mother and a small child.
04:06A tragedy that could be avoided.
04:08In 2019, the clinic had already been closed and denounced before the court, but it continued to operate.
04:16Just after Leslie's death, the false surgeons were in preventive prison, but they had been doing the same for 20 years.
04:24Carol was one of the first.
04:27From 1 to 10, how would you rate the pain?
04:31No, they are strong.
04:34I think it's the maximum pain.
04:37And not only the pain here.
04:41The last doctor I went to told me that I have to cut myself, that they have to cut my breasts.
04:47Leslie's case
04:55Well, yesterday we saw Leslie's note, which also includes the case of Leslie Vergara, 32 years old.
05:04And I want to go back to Clarissa and Carol.
05:07Because I imagine that in a minute you will find out about this by the press.
05:12And also the same person who is Mónica Flores, who is now in preventive detention.
05:19She was responsible for what happened to you.
05:22How do you feel at that moment?
05:24Because she not only leaves you in this situation physically, but somehow it hurts your soul.
05:31Because there are so many dreams to look better, to look prettier.
05:36And then you get a surgery where you invested money, you probably put together weight to weight to be able to access this.
05:43And at first you are very happy, but then all that dream goes to waste.
05:47When you find out that this woman is still operating, how do you react?
05:53I saw it on TV and I was impressed, because in the years that I injected the biopolymer, we had no understanding.
06:12Many people did not know what they were injecting.
06:16But at this point, that they are still operating, that they are in hiding and that they are hurting more people.
06:24Now you see her, she is full of biopolymer on her face.
06:29She herself has biopolymer on her face.
06:33I feel sorry and I thank God that it was not me who died, but I live with very great pain.
06:46Do you regret intervening your body?
06:49Of course, I regret having done this, having injected myself with people I did not know.
07:03You had the possibility of somehow partially remedying what the first person had done to you.
07:11But you were not 100% happy.
07:20Did you ever undergo another surgery to remedy everything that had happened?
07:27Of course, about 13 years ago I started looking for a surgeon to scrape what they had placed on me.
07:39At that time I did not have pain.
07:43I was seeing very purple breasts, as I had a lot of hematomas.
07:49But from what I see, the surgeon did not remove everything that they had injected me.
07:58I think that from a 100, a 30 he would have taken me out.
08:01Because besides, this is mobilizing.
08:03Yes, it is being expelled to other parts of the body.
08:09I have under the armpit, it hurts a lot.
08:13My chest is inflamed.
08:17It is very terrible.
08:18This is strong.
08:20You don't know where in the body you have industrial silicone at this time.
08:24Of course, I don't know.
08:25Because of the resonance I had, I have to do it.
08:28It gave me a panic attack.
08:31I have a syndrome that affects many things.
08:39It has affected me a lot.
08:41How not to understand you?
08:43In the background, I imagine that your self-esteem is also low.
08:48Maybe your mood has also changed since that moment.
08:52Because it is very difficult to look in the mirror and find that you did not stay as you dreamed after the surgery.
08:59And also to undergo a second surgery.
09:02They try to fix what the first person who intervened had left.
09:06But unfortunately, no good results are achieved.
09:09And the pain is added.
09:11When we say, be careful.
09:13And we deliver the recommendations.
09:15Especially when there is a very media case.
09:17Like what happened in February.
09:19It is difficult to tell people not to inject industrial silicone.
09:24But how do you know?
09:26With the lack of knowledge we have about this subject.
09:29What are they injecting into our body?
09:33That's why I want to ask you, Dr. Eulufi.
09:36Because in the background, when a person is going to have a breast surgery.
09:43It is assumed that what they are going to implant are silicone implants.
09:49But how do you know if that is certified?
09:52When she says biopolymer.
09:54What did they put in her body?
09:57Let's see.
09:58A tragedy.
10:00From listening to Carol, it moves me.
10:05It makes me sad.
10:06It makes me angry.
10:08Biopolymer today, for any plastic surgeon trained, is synonymous with problems.
10:15Of eventual death.
10:17Of severe complications.
10:19Of something serious.
10:20Of something that is forbidden.
10:21And that is liquid?
10:22It's like an oil.
10:23It's silicone.
10:24Imagine the silicone that children use to stick with their things at school.
10:28That is hot.
10:29It's a liquid.
10:30It's like an olive oil, but much thicker.
10:33That they are injecting.
10:34And then it solidifies and makes small particles.
10:38But it is imbued, it is imbricated in the entire tissue.
10:42And it is impossible to remove it.
10:43And that is without shape.
10:45That is, one is giving volume because it is colliding with the solid tissues.
10:49In the case of the breast, it is touching the breast tissue and filling it.
10:53If I put water in, I would also achieve that.
10:55In a few minutes, the pressure starts to increase.
10:57And the problem is that biopolymers, basically industrial silicone, do not cause immediate problems.
11:03There are patients who can be with that all their lives without any problem.
11:07But in a random way, at any moment in life, what are called siliconeomas can start.
11:13That's what she wants to eat.
11:15What is it that begins to occur?
11:17It can cause redness, bruises, echemosis, pain.
11:21And just as this goes out, it also goes in.
11:24It can compromise and crush the nerves.
11:27It can cause a lot of pain, which is what is happening to this little girl today.
11:30And even migration.
11:32Migration to the armpit, as in her case.
11:34Or even more severe migration, producing embolism, pulmonary embolism.
11:38And cause death, as was probably the case with this other girl, Leslie.
11:44For the same reason, what Carol told us is that she was happy after the operation.
11:48She looked in the mirror and was satisfied.
11:51How long after did you realize that all this began to change in your body?
12:00It began with my breasts that began to redden.
12:03Like five years.
12:05Five years after I had put the product.
12:09Can it happen after years?
12:11It can probably happen after months or immediately?
12:13The usual is years.
12:15The usual is what she points out, which is between 5 and 10 years.
12:19And it begins with a progressive situation of redness, echemosis, pain.
12:24Itinerant pain that goes from one side to the other.
12:27And then permanent pain begins.
12:31You can have ulcers.
12:32Because this can migrate inwards or outwards.
12:35Ulcers in the skin.
12:37It's a disaster.
12:38That's the truth.
12:39It's a disaster and it's something that today is forbidden.
12:42In civilized countries, using these products means prison.
12:47Carol, you have something to say.
12:53What do you want to say?
12:55Pucha, I want to say that it's unfortunate.
12:59It's unfortunate, you know, that I thank God that I'm still alive.
13:06Because just as it happened to Lely in so little time, I've lasted many years.
13:11I've lasted many years.
13:12The other girls have lost their hips in a short time.
13:17And to tell those who don't have resources or those who go to an aesthetics center,
13:24that there's nothing that can't be done.
13:28If they inject an oil on your butt, it's biopolymer.
13:34It's biopolymer.
13:35That's why you have to be careful.
13:37Be careful, girls.
13:39Carol, we've seen that this has taken away your smile.
13:42It has taken away your peace of mind.
13:44What could give you back your peace of mind, your smile?
13:50An operation.
13:54Look, I've consulted many doctors.
13:56They all tell me that I have to have a mastectomy.
14:00Both mothers.
14:01To get everything out of you.
14:02Of course, getting everything out of me is terrifying.
14:05It scares me.
14:06Losing my breasts.
14:08That's why I would like to have a reconstruction.
14:13Getting everything out of me, yes, I am.
14:15But in the process, I want to have a reconstruction.
14:18Hey, Carol, I'm sorry to ask you this question,
14:20but if the reconstruction wasn't possible,
14:23and you had to choose between staying the way you are,
14:27or getting everything out of you that would allow you to live more peacefully,
14:30but lose your mothers, what would you prefer?
14:31No, I don't want to lose my breasts.
14:33She prefers to live with the pain.
14:36It's something personal.
14:39Yes, because it's also something so important.
14:42Whether it's life or death, I don't know.
14:45Yes, I think that if your life is at risk, it's very important to do it.
14:50I'm tired of all the pain I have.
14:55Yes, Carol, look, how can I not empathize with you?
14:59I'm living my normal life. My life is not normal.
15:02Absolutely. Now, that affects everything.
15:05And also, sorry to ask you, but that also affects your intimacy.
15:10I don't know if you have a partner,
15:12but I imagine that self-esteem also somehow affects
15:15being happy with someone else, feeling full.
15:23Look, I'm so used to being with my husband
15:27that in that sense I don't have a problem.
15:30But in this case, it's the pain.
15:33I'm already taking 45 drops of Tramadol for the pain.
15:37Per day?
15:38Per day.
15:40So, for me, living doped up is not life
15:47because I have to rely on medication.
15:52Yes, let's see, Carol, give me a second.
15:54When a person says they take 45 drops of Tramadol,
15:57I don't know if it's possible for a person to take Tramadol permanently
16:01because maybe it can be prescribed for a specific case
16:05or for a couple of days, but is it a lot, 45 drops?
16:08They are doses taken by a patient with chronic pain due to cancer.
16:13They are high doses.
16:14They are doses that you have had to get used to little by little
16:17because you can't start taking that immediately
16:20because you start with vomiting, fainting, dizziness.
16:23Tramadol is very poorly tolerated in high doses.
16:26So, this speaks of the chronic, the prolonged and the painful.
16:32It's complex, it's a drama.
16:35Doctor, I imagine that many people come to your consultation
16:39who, unfortunately, have been left in a complicated situation.
16:43When you see Carol's case, you listen to her and you feel sorry for her.
16:48Even, imagine, in more dramatic cases, when people lose their lives,
16:52when they go for a dream and, finally, they end up in a tragedy.
16:56Do you see that often?
16:58Because we can give a lot of advice here,
17:00but there are still unscrupulous people who profit from people's hopes.
17:04Yes, fortunately, today it is less frequent,
17:07as it was 16 years ago.
17:12In my early years, I remember that I saw many patients with this.
17:16Because, as they show up 5 or 10 years after the procedure was performed,
17:20there were patients who, from the time of my father,
17:22had been injecting silicone for 25 years,
17:24and the siliconomas were quite frequent, so to speak.
17:28I remember that I had to do two more total mastectomies,
17:32with reconstruction, in my hospital time,
17:35for cases like this one.
17:38Fortunately, for years, I haven't had to see mammary siliconomas,
17:41as important as Carol's.
17:44But, yes, a lot in the lips, a lot in the cheekbones.
17:48There are still people who look for...
17:50Unfortunately, Carol used the words that play the most.
17:54This is unscrupulous.
17:56Cheapness, disinformation,
17:59and there is a saying among plastic surgeons,
18:02that there is no heavy load.
18:04So, they are people who do not have information,
18:07and they are snake enchanters.
18:09So, they end up scamming people at a cheap price.
18:13For example, a good quality filler material,
18:16a hyaluronic acid,
18:18to be able to do mammary tissues,
18:20mammary volume,
18:22similar to a 200 ml mammary implant,
18:25you would have to use at least 40 syringes.
18:27And each syringe is worth 200,000 pesos.
18:29It is impossible that it is so expensive.
18:31Absolutely impossible.
18:33Total and absolutely impossible.
18:35They are putting something that is not real.
18:37Yes, look, we are here with more people in the studio,
18:40and we have talked about it several times,
18:42the issue of the rescue of pension funds,
18:45and many of those rescues were precisely
18:48to make the dream that many people have,
18:52men and women, to get a little better.
18:55It was probably an aesthetic surgery,
18:57and of course it is also understandable.
18:59People who do not always have that money,
19:01and they were able to access that amount
19:04as a result of the withdrawal of pension funds,
19:06which is a reality.
19:08In fact, I imagine that your consultation was filled
19:10after the first, second, third withdrawal,
19:12because not all, being universal,
19:14had debts and could probably allocate that money.
19:18Now, it may be that unscrupulous people
19:20had also taken advantage of that situation.
19:22I mean, it is undeniable.
19:24As we mentioned before,
19:26there was a greater demand,
19:28both in surgery and in procedures,
19:31but basically, if the original procedure,
19:35so to speak, has a price,
19:37and they are offering the same original procedure,
19:40deceiving people much cheaper,
19:42the unscrupulous were also full.
19:44Yes, and that is the issue.
19:46Now, what happens with these people
19:48who finally destroy the lives of so many women,
19:51or men, or perhaps so many families,
19:53when this, of course,
19:55comes to be a fatal result?
19:58And probably there, Maca, too.
