Pamela Leiva recordó su largo recorrido que ha realizado para lograr el éxito que disfruta hoy: desde su aparición en el reality “1810” hasta su participación en el certamen viñamarino.
00:00No, we're going to be serious.
00:01We're going to be serious.
00:02Do you remember when you were in that 2009 in La Montaña,
00:05recording the reality show 1810?
00:07Then, when you decided to dedicate yourself to stand-up,
00:10all this journey, the first shows,
00:14in which sometimes they only pay you in the bus.
00:17Now, the stage in Viña, people's applause,
00:21those two crazy people, family vacations.
00:24I would love for you to be able to respond
00:28with a lot of honesty, after all that journey.
00:32Do you feel that you've twisted fate's hand?
00:36Yes, I think so.
00:38What a nice question, Recico.
00:40I would say that fate took out the cross.
00:42Fate took out the cross.
00:43I fractured fate.
00:44I fractured it, I fractured it.
00:47Yes, I think that...
00:49that maybe my life was going the other way,
00:52and also a lot of people told me not to.
00:54That they were looking for a decent job for me,
00:58that they were looking for...
00:59Yes, because when you're just starting in this,
01:03you don't earn money.
01:06Many times, you do things because the investment is in going,
01:09acting, having the possibility to show yourself.
01:11To be recognized.
01:13People don't see you with the seriousness
01:15that you always had for this job.
01:18There's professionalism.
01:19There's professionalism, love, learning,
01:22as well as...
01:24Nobody tells you how to be a comedian.
01:26Nobody tells you,
01:27hey, there's no school for you to learn this.
01:32These are things that you learn on the go.
01:34That's why many times,
01:36when I have to make decisions,
01:38I call my friend, I call Pedro, I call Alison, Sergio,
01:42who have been friends who have walked this path
01:46a little before me,
01:47much before me,
01:48so that they can advise me,
01:49because nobody tells you,
01:50because it's not in any book,
01:52there's no formula.
01:53So, it's also about following your instinct,
01:59every step you take.
02:00And I think I was right in following what I wanted.
02:04In fact, my mom didn't want me to do this,
02:06I found it very crazy.
02:07I didn't see the seriousness when I would go to work at night.
02:10What? I'm going to work?
02:11Is that what you like?
02:13How is that going to be a job?
02:16I would have liked to be a stand-up comedian.
02:18Really? You would do it well.
02:19I would do it very well.
02:20I think so too.
02:21You have money, you have chips.
02:22I've always told him.
02:23Thank you, Francisco.
02:24I've told him, come on, eat it.
02:26I don't know, I count on you, come on, do it now.
02:28What does the team say?
02:30They say it was because...
02:32I would have to go with you, Francisco.
02:34You know I cry, I exist.
02:35Yes, of course.
02:36I don't know why we love you,
02:37I'm going, but not with me.
02:39Wow, yes.
02:41But Jorge, you know, I think you would do it very well.
02:44Yes, I think so too.
02:45There is a date that is super important,
02:46and it is December 23rd.
02:49December 23rd has been repeated
02:53on two occasions that have confirmed things to me
02:57that changed my life.
02:58December 23rd was when they notified me...
03:03I have to pause this notification.
03:07They notified me that I was a participant of 1810,
03:10December 23rd.
03:12And then, December 23rd, 2022,
03:16was when we closed with the Viñas Festival.
03:19They were two dates that were repeated by accident,
03:23so December 23rd is a very special number
03:25and very lucky for me.
03:28Yes, yes.
03:29You have to be attentive this December 23rd.
03:32This December 23rd, maybe it will happen.
03:33You have to be attentive every day.
03:35It will happen, it was a great emotion, yes.
03:37There is a side of you that is super mystical for me.
03:41In fact, in your piece,
03:42you have a map of dreams where you put cuts.
03:46Of the goals you want to achieve.
03:48Look, let's watch this video.
03:49Oh, yes.
03:51I did this last year.
03:52I have made three maps of dreams in my life.
03:55A lot of dollars there.
03:56Yes, because we are saving money.
03:59You have to take it there.
04:00Look at that photo where you are triumphing in a festival.
04:02That was for Viñas, right?
04:04This was...
04:05In the background, this was how I managed to fill the theater,
04:08to fill large places.
04:10And below, I didn't send the photo,
04:13but below are all the decrees.
04:15The decrees?
04:16And the plane, to buy a plane.
04:18To buy a plane.
04:19Oh, man.
04:21I want to have my own plane.
04:22All the decrees are written below.
04:23All the decrees are written below.
04:24I decree.
04:25How do you do it?
04:26You have to have a plane.
04:27A partner should have a plane.
04:28He should have his own plane.
04:29A partner on the grill.
04:30His plane.
04:31Partners on the plane.
04:33We don't program.
04:34It's a bad idea.
04:35A partner on the grill.
04:36We take the guest here in Santiago and leave him in Buenos Aires.
04:40And he will see how he comes back.
04:41Of course.
04:45But who gave you the idea to do this?
04:48I started with Jimmy a long time ago.
04:50When I worked at his house,
04:52it was the first time I made a dream map.
04:54But in that dream map, I just wanted to be skinny.
04:56I remember that at that moment,
04:59because I really felt that obesity was like a prison for me,
05:02because no one caught me for being fat.
05:04So my main purpose at that time was to lose weight.
05:09So I visualized and put pure photos of skinny girls with my face.
05:13And it was the first dream map I made.
05:16Then I lost weight, I entered the real world and everything that happens.
05:20And I started doing theater in Monte Carmelo.
05:24And I saw that you don't earn so much money doing theater.
05:28And I wanted my independence.
05:30I wanted to live alone.
05:31I was going to be close to 30 years old.
05:33I saw a musical of yours with Felipe, El Virus.
05:36A very bad play, but it left us.
05:39It was bad.
05:40Very bad.
05:41Yes, very bad.
05:43At the premiere, Felipe came out and said,
05:45That was Felipe.
05:46But the nice thing is now that he gave me the friendship with Felipe.
05:48That's when we met.
05:50And that's when I saw Felipe doing it half intimate.
05:52And I told him, you have to take him to bars.
05:54And I started producing Felipe.
05:56In the theater?
05:58And we started going out and I started working with him.
06:00That was the first map.
06:01To be skinny.
06:03Then I did another one that...
06:05I wanted an abdomenoplasty, because I had my belly hanging.
06:09So I didn't have money.
06:11So I said, I'm going to put that, that's what I want.
06:13For it to be fulfilled.
06:14I put an apartment.
06:15I put a marriage.
06:16I put the guagua.
06:17I put...
06:18I put making money with what I love.
06:20Now I have to be a little more specific.
06:22Because I lost the guagua.
06:23The marriage was deserved.
06:26I have to be more specific.
06:27That things last longer, please.
06:30But everything was fulfilled again.
06:31And last year...
06:33Last year I was in a crisis.
06:35I was going to be 40 years old.
06:37I wanted to write a book and I couldn't.
06:40And there...
06:41Well, I've always invested a lot in therapy.
06:43Everything else is canje, but therapy...
06:45I've paid for therapy.
06:50And I'm going to make a dream map again.
06:52This is the third one I make.
06:54And the decrees below.
06:55As in positive, giving for certain the things I want.
06:58And I put fill.
06:59Because I always sell the tickets.
07:04I put fill.
07:05Sell all the tickets to my shows.
07:07I won at the Viña Festival.
07:09You won?
07:10I won.
07:11I won at the Viña Festival and several other things.
07:13And many of those things have been fulfilled.
07:15In fact, I put the Coliseum and the trip by plane.
07:18Because that trip to Europe...
07:21I had it as a proposal many years ago.
07:25I said, I want it to happen, so I'm going to visualize it.
07:27And many things have been fulfilled.
07:29I really...
07:30Why did I want to expose this?
07:32The truth is that this is very personal.
07:34But I'm going to make a new one.
07:36And why did I want to expose it?
07:38Because many things have been fulfilled.
07:39And if someone today is not having a good time at home...
07:42Or feels stuck in life...
07:45I think starting with something like Mapa de los Sueños helps a lot.
07:48It helped me a lot.
07:49Tomorrow, the sale of six tickets.
07:53Tomorrow, all the people buying their tickets.
07:55But you don't say with your Mapa de los Sueños, how would it be?
07:59I won at the Viña Festival.
08:01You have to do it in positive, right?
08:04I was known in other countries.
08:09We were nominated for an international award by Socios por el Mundo.
08:15What else can I say?
08:17I'm a dad and a happy husband.
08:23Pure silver at the beginning and the husband at the end.
08:26Look at the fools who are doing this.
08:28Not here.
08:29Me, me, me, me, and then the others.
08:32And you?
08:34I'm going to stay with Mapa.
08:36What else does the teacher want?
08:37He has it all.
08:40I want my kids to be happy.
08:42They are already in the stage.
08:44They are seeing what they do in the future.
08:46I just want them to choose to see more.
08:48Because they are going to be with me all their lives.
08:51I want them to be happy.
08:54It's the Mapa de los Sueños.
08:56And you?
08:57I want to stay with the kids.
08:58No, I fulfilled everything.
08:59With the Mapa de los Sueños, I think I can retire easily.
09:01I didn't do the Mapa de los Sueños, but I made a list when I was young.
09:05And I fulfilled everything.
09:06No, I would put my Mapa de los Sueños.
09:09I would like to have another son or daughter.
09:14The one who sleeps, yes.
09:15The one who sleeps, please.
09:17Finish the race.
09:19That comes with a sleep button.
09:20With a sleep button, yes.
09:21Of course.
09:22I would like...
09:25I think I was already at the festival.
09:28No, no, no.
09:30A special on a platform.
09:32That would be entertaining.
09:34Pedro Ruminol triumphed.
09:36No, he triumphed.
09:37He triumphed.
09:38He triumphed on the platforms.
09:39He triumphed on the platforms.
09:40Of course, but I'm not going to fight for that either.
09:42If I get to Bacari, if not, nothing happens to me.
09:46To continue working with you, because it's a dream.
09:51Pedro Ruminol, director of justice, did justice.
09:53Then he says, cut.
09:54And I say, I'm leaving.
09:58I'm leaving, I'm not going to see you.
09:59I'm not going to see you.
10:00But we're going to dance.
10:01We're going to dance.
10:04We start with the lies so that inside...
10:05I had to do it with you two.
10:08Hey, but you know what?
10:09I liked the platforms.
10:10We could do that.
10:12Yes, we could do that.
10:13Not here.
10:15In Buenos Aires.
10:17In a theater in Buenos Aires.
10:18It has a good vision.
10:19Yes, look.
10:20I want to buy a theater.
10:24There you will lose the whole house.
10:25No, but not so big.
10:26The lady, the author.
10:27Yes, but we're going to Buenos Aires.
10:28And we make dollars.
10:29From the new dollars up to 100.
10:31We change them there in the informal market.
10:33Yes, because...
10:3420 months ago we did a show.
10:38But look at this.
10:39It's cheap.
10:40It's cheap.
10:41Argentina is going to be...
10:42Hey, Macarena, please, write it down.
10:43Write it down, Macarena.
10:44But there is a new map of dreams, as the VAMES said.
10:49And we are going to build this new map.
10:50Do you think?
10:51But now.
10:52We are going to build this new map because each of us has a dream for you.
10:56And I want to tell people that you generally get stuck in wanting things.
11:01Like, no, these things are not going to happen.
11:03Everything is going to happen.
11:05Everything is going to happen.
11:06You just have to have...
11:07Hey, but wait a minute.
11:08Look, look.
11:09Let's do it the following way.
11:11Let's do it the following way.
11:13Each of the partners will choose a dream.
11:17Each of the partners will choose a dream.
11:20I, for my friend Pame...
11:22The football guy.
11:23We went to be friends.
11:25I would choose this.
11:26What is that?
11:28Oh, love.
11:30I have to give it to you.
11:31But love with a rock.
11:33With a rock.
11:35Show the camera, please, Pame.
11:40It's not a joke.
11:42That's for my friend Pame.
11:44And love can not only be of a couple.
11:46Love of friendship.
11:47Family love.
11:49A lot of love in your life.
11:51You, Jorge?
11:53I'm going to give her this.
11:58Many theaters.
11:59Many successful functions.
12:00Many curtains that open.
12:03And they present her with the applause of the people.
12:07The theaters are going down.
12:09How nice.
12:10No, and I, Pame, as she always speaks openly about this topic,
12:13I'm going to give her very good sex.
12:17That's it.
12:18That's it.
12:19And now, Pame, you have to choose one.
12:23I'm going to choose...
12:28This one.
12:30Because this, because money too.
12:32I have learned to have a good relationship with money.
12:34To take care of it more.
12:36And also, for me, this is like a symbol of abundance.
12:39When you get abundance, abundance pours for everyone.
12:42Ask Panchito Saavedra.
12:44We didn't have where to take a picture of that.
12:47We took it from Pedro's box.
12:52Hey, people are going to think that...
12:54No, because of the curtains.
12:55It turned out well.
12:56It turned out well.
12:57There is the map of the dreams of Pame Leiva,
12:59that we really expect to fulfill.
13:01Like all the pictures, I'm going to complete it.
13:03I'm going to complete it.
13:04Yes, obviously.
13:06Great, Pame.