Esteban tiene más de 40 años y sigue viviendo con sus papás.
00:00Jorge, the house.
00:02Is someone there?
00:04I hear it!
00:11Daddy, it's me.
00:14I'm here.
00:15But how, Esteban?
00:17Don't you want to kill yourself with a heart attack?
00:19Come on, Dad.
00:20Don't get mad.
00:21It's just that the ants are here too.
00:23They're at their limits.
00:25No, no, no.
00:26I'm coming.
00:27I'm not a person on the limit.
00:29No, no, no.
00:31I met a furniture, mamita.
00:33I'm going to bed.
00:34My head hurts.
00:35Go to bed, go to bed.
00:37My head hurts.
00:39We're going to have lunch.
00:40A soup.
00:41Go to bed.
00:42A recompenser.
00:43Go to bed.
00:44You know.
00:49I love you.
00:50Papito, I love you.
00:57Esteban is already in his forties.
01:03What is he doing here living with us?
01:07Don't worry.
01:09Esteban was our only son.
01:11He was single.
01:12He had a good profession and a great job.
01:15But there he was.
01:17Living in our house.
01:22And he did that to you?
01:24This steak.
01:25I bought it.
01:27After the World Cup, prices went down.
01:29What do you think?
01:31And what happened to the one who was there?
01:34I left him on the street.
01:37But why did you do that?
01:39He was good.
01:40With what right?
01:43What's wrong? Why so much fuss?
01:44I don't know.
01:45Look, he bought a TV.
01:46How wonderful.
01:48But ours, the one that was good,
01:49he threw it on the street.
01:50And I don't know with what right.
01:52But why so much scandal?
01:53I don't understand.
01:55Look at the jewel I brought you.
01:57Look, it's a loan.
01:58We have a separation of assets.
02:02Enough, Esteban.
02:04I don't understand.
02:05I really don't understand.
02:07You should thank me, right?
02:12Matilde, look.
02:13This has to end, Matilde.
02:15I'm waiting for the colonel.
02:17Yes, yes.
02:18I don't know.
02:19But we have to do something
02:20to get them out of the house at once.
02:22You're right, but...
02:24Let me see if I understand.
02:26Do you want me to get your son out of your house?
02:31Well, it sounds bad, Andrea, but...
02:35But that's how it is, right?
02:38Look, what happens, Andrea, is that...
02:41At this precise moment,
02:42you are committing an act of despair.
02:46Yes, of course, but I don't understand
02:47how I'm going to do something like this
02:49if it has nothing to do with my job.
02:51I'm a lawyer.
02:52Yes, but you're pretty, you're smart.
02:55Sorry, I'm telling you objectively
02:57and with all due respect.
03:00Look, Andrea, take it as...
03:02As something extra, as a little bit.
03:05Because, of course, this is going to be remunerated.
03:08Don Jorge, this is offending me.
03:09But, Andrea, please, don't be offended.
03:13This is an act of despair.
03:16How do I do it so you can understand it?
03:18Look, you wanted to go see your parents in Europe
03:20and you were a little short on money.
03:21Yes or no?
03:23Yes, yes.
03:25Here's the solution, Andrea.
03:29Well, but I don't have a vacation this coming year.
03:32Don't forget that I'm the commercial manager of this company.
03:34I can get whatever I want.
03:37But please, please, get my son out of the house.
03:48But, Jorge, how could you ask that of an employee of yours?
03:51You're completely out of place.
03:53Look, Matilde.
03:54Men's things, men's solutions.
03:57Do we agree?
03:58The girl was an efficient maid.
04:00Look, they get to know each other, they hook up.
04:02And when she motivates him to be independent
04:04and the miracle happens,
04:06she disappears.
04:07That's all.
04:08But we can't lie to our son like that.
04:12It's just that I find it impressive.
04:14Matilde, you don't understand what I'm saying.
04:16No, no, no, you're out of place.
04:17You're completely out of place.
04:21Oh, no.
04:22What happened?
04:29Say hello to the new member of the family.
04:31How are you?
04:33But what happened to the other car, my love?
04:35I'm still renovating, you old woman.
04:36The world is so intense, dizzying.
04:38There's no time to lose.
04:40With the money you paid for this car perfectly,
04:42you could have set foot in an apartment.
04:44I told you, I told you.
04:46Relax, old man.
04:49I'm going to take her for a ride
04:51so she can be the envy of all these old whores
04:53who are looking at us right now.
04:54But first,
04:56I want to start.
04:59Oh, no.
05:00Excuse me.
05:02What happened?
05:03Come on.
05:14Hi, Andrea.
05:16I'm Matilde Meneses,
05:17Jorge's wife.
05:18Oh, Mrs. Matilde.
05:20Nice to meet you.
05:24Do you need anything?
05:26Oh, yes.
05:27A favor.
05:28Well, more than a favor.
05:31I need you to set us free from our son.
05:34Oh, Mrs. Matilde.
05:37I don't know what to tell you, really.
05:39Please, say yes.
05:40I know it's hard to understand this, but
05:42it seems like I've developed a lot of
05:44what they call attachment now.
05:47With my son.
05:48And I'm already old.
05:50Do you understand me?
05:51Oh, yes.
05:52But don't get like that.
05:55Oh, but
05:57I'm sorry.
05:58I don't feel very well.
05:59Sometimes I get high blood pressure
06:01because this has me very worried.
06:03Calm down.
06:05Tell me, please.
06:06Tell me what I have to do, okay?
06:07But calm down.
06:10Oh, thank you.
06:11Thank you, thank you.
06:12Precious, thank you.
06:18Well, as I was saying, Andrea
06:19is in charge of the most important projects
06:21of the office.
06:23And it's a good thing that she gave some time
06:25to her tight schedule to be here with us.
06:28Thank you, Andreita.
06:30Jorge, I'm not such a workaholic.
06:32You're exaggerating.
06:34I think that's what we look like, you and me.
06:36I also love my job.
06:38In fact, I can't leave the office
06:40until everything is well organized.
06:44Well, but your situation is different from mine.
06:46You get home and everything is impeccable.
06:48The food is done, everything is clean.
06:50You're right.
06:51This guy doesn't do anything.
06:52This is like going to a hotel for him.
06:57What's up with the bullying here?
06:58I also do my things.
06:59What's up?
07:03I think you and I
07:05have to get to know each other.
07:08I don't think so.
07:09Because I like independent men.
07:24Did you like my gift?
07:26I'm sorry.
07:27I'm a little busy right now
07:28because I have a meeting.
07:30It's just that not everyone is lucky
07:31to not pay their bills on the weekend like you.
07:33Let's see.
07:35I do pay my bills.
07:37The car bill?
07:39But you don't pay electricity, rent, gas or telephone.
07:42Your life is a bubble, isn't it?
07:44Let's see.
07:45It's not supposed that women like you like to go out,
07:47have a good time, go out to eat.
07:49You seem more concerned about my retirement
07:51than having fun.
07:54It's just that I'm a little demanding.
07:57Put the guard down.
07:58Give me a chance.
08:00Come out with me.
08:05What do you think?
08:31You're like an iron lady.
08:34That's why my dad considers you so much.
08:37With how demanding he is.
08:39Yes, yes.
08:40Very demanding.
08:44Wasn't he a lot with you too?
08:49But you know,
08:50I appreciate it.
08:54maybe I'd be even more of a jerk.
08:59It's weird that you're living with them.
09:01It's weird that you're still living with them, isn't it?
09:04It could be your life, couldn't it?
09:06It's complicated.
09:08Look, my parents are the most important thing I have.
09:12And I feel that if I leave them alone,
09:14something could happen to them, you know?
09:19That's why you haven't left?
09:22And what?
09:23Did you think it was for comfort?
09:26For me, maybe it would be easier to live alone,
09:28to have a nanny every day.
09:31But no.
09:32I think you have to take advantage of the old people while you have them.
09:36Take care of them.
09:37Give them love.
09:39Well, it's okay to worry about them, but...
09:43But I still think it's a little immature.
10:05Esteban and Andrea started dating.
10:08My son looked happy and motivated,
10:10like never before.
10:13our plan was working perfectly.
10:16And before you existed,
10:17I did things alone, seriously.
10:18Well, that was before.
10:21that's how I can always see you.
10:23You and I should sleep together.
10:25That way, things would be much easier.
10:27Oh, yeah?
10:29And where? In your house?
10:30So your mom can take us to breakfast?
10:33No way.
10:35Oh, how nice.
10:37You never have faith in me.
10:39Better tell me.
10:42Better I give you two.
11:31What I mean is that he rented an apartment
11:35And the wonderful boy
11:38Leaves the house.
11:39That's it.
11:43You're exaggerating.
11:44Please don't.
11:46I'm doing this because of this girl right next to me.
11:52That's wonderful news.
11:56Agree, dad?
11:57We should celebrate.
11:58I have an idea.
12:00We should celebrate it.
12:02So we both have to go and get something to celebrate it properly.
12:16What's wrong, honey?
12:21Mrs. Matilde.
12:23I really love your son, but...
12:26When he finds out the truth, he'll never forgive me.
12:30Andrea, I know you're a very good woman.
12:34And Esteban is happy with you.
12:37And I promise you that nothing will ever come out of my mouth.
12:44I knew it.
12:56I love you.
13:16Did you like the apartment?
13:18It's nice, isn't it?
13:20Yes. Yes, it's nice. I congratulate you.
13:24And why are you so cold?
13:26Hey, it's very important to me that you liked that apartment.
13:29In one of those, you get excited and you're going to live with me.
13:31Oh, Esteban, please. It's not the idea.
13:34Do you want to get married?
13:35Well, if you want to get married, there's no problem.
13:37I mean, church, friends, paraphernalia, party.
13:40No, please, no, no. We've only been together a couple of months.
13:44What's the time?
13:46You love me, I love you.
13:49You can ask me whatever you want.
13:52I want to ask you that if...
13:55If you're disappointed with me,
13:58forgive me.
14:02That's going to be impossible.
14:08I'll make you the perfect woman.
14:23I got you two weeks of early vacation, okay?
14:27Now, if you need more, I can get it for you.
14:31No, don't worry. It's fine like this.
14:37There's your check.
14:43I'm sorry, Jorge, but I can't accept it.
14:47Please, do it.
14:50I'm sorry, but things didn't turn out the way...
14:53the way I thought, and...
14:56But don't worry. I...
14:58I'll disappear from your son's life tomorrow.
15:01But how, how? Andrea?
15:05Andrea kept her promise and moved away from Esteban.
15:08She didn't answer his calls, she didn't want to see him again.
15:11She didn't want to see him again.
15:13She didn't want to see him again.
15:15She didn't want to see him again.
15:17She didn't want to see him again.
15:19And she told him she was going to Europe to see his parents.
15:22The problem is that my son...
15:24wasn't ready for a blow like that.
15:28What's that look?
15:30You're sick.
15:31Sick, she's confused, Mom.
15:33Andrea left, I don't understand a thing.
15:35Oh, well, and she's still like that.
15:37Of course she's still like that, Mom.
15:39I call her on the phone, she doesn't answer.
15:41She sent me a text message ending with me.
15:44I don't understand. I really don't understand.
15:48My love, look.
15:50Sometimes people have incomprehensible attitudes.
15:53Mom, we loved each other.
15:56I'm sure of that, we loved each other.
15:59I even bought a house to live with her.
16:02And now what do I do?
16:04I feel like an idiot.
16:09My love, I can't stand seeing you like this.
16:12Forgive us, son.
16:14Forgive us, son.
16:16Maybe we didn't think things through.
16:18We put so much pressure on that poor girl.
16:22What are you talking about, Mom?
16:24No, nothing.
16:26It's old stuff.
16:27Let's have lunch, shall we?
16:29Let's go.
16:30Let's go.
16:39Today they called me from Human Resources
16:41and they told me you didn't accept the days.
16:44Aren't you going to travel anymore?
16:46No, I cancelled.
16:48I'm not in the mood at all, really.
16:51Yes, you don't look good.
16:54I must feel more responsible.
16:58No, don't worry.
17:00I didn't do it on purpose.
17:02The thing is, things got mixed up and, well...
17:07Well, yes, Esteban told me you broke up with him.
17:12I can tell you love him.
17:15I love him.
17:19You think he won't forgive you, right?
17:23They paid me to seduce him,
17:25to kick him out of his house.
17:27How can he forgive me?
17:30What did you say?
17:36Who hired you?
17:39Explain to me what they hired you for.
17:42She has nothing to explain to you, Esteban.
17:45I was the one who told Andrea to kick you out of the house.
17:48You're over 40 years old, Esteban, and you're still living with us.
17:52You did this?
17:54What kind of world do you live in, old man?
17:56Now you think you're the godfather?
17:58Esteban, forgive me.
17:59I don't forgive anything!
18:01Well, no, don't look at me like that.
18:03I know we made a mistake.
18:06We made a mistake?
18:07I mean, there are more people involved.
18:10Actually, your mom didn't want to, but...
18:12My mom?
18:13I convinced her.
18:14I mean, you're crazy.
18:16You're really crazy.
18:22Esteban didn't want to know more about us,
18:24and we didn't understand.
18:28We had done something childish and painful for him.
18:32We deserved his anger and decided to give him time.
18:35But we missed him so much.
18:41I still have the key.
18:44But this is your house, my love.
18:51This is your house.
18:56Forgive us, please.
18:58Forgive us, please.
19:06It wasn't just your fault.
19:12She was quite involved.
19:15Son, don't take it out on her.
19:18She loves you very much, and she's a good woman.
19:21She loves you very much.
19:23Let's not talk about Andrea, okay?
19:29What's there to eat?
19:53I knew I could find you here.
19:55Leave me alone.
19:58I know.
20:02But I need to talk to you before I leave.
20:08I'm going to see my dad. I need...
20:11I need to be alone for a while.
20:19I don't care what you do, Andrea.
20:22Nothing you tell me is true.
20:25What I feel for you is real.
20:28And I don't care if you don't believe me, period.
20:33I know I was stupid, I was an idiot.
20:36But I love you.
20:39Believe me, please.
20:48Andrea went to Europe for a month and came back to work with me.
20:52Esteban continued his independent life and we never talked about it again.
20:56Until that day.
21:00I wanted to ask you something.
21:06Are you sure, Esteban?
21:12I'm sure. Just call me.
21:23Andrea, please come to my office.
21:28Yes, now.
21:42Thank you, Dad.
21:57Come in.
22:01And you?
22:04Hello, Miss Andrea.
22:11I was wondering...
22:16if you wanted to start from scratch.
22:22Are you sure you want that?
22:29I want everything in this relationship to be honest.
22:36Our son matured, despite everything.
22:38And although we were clumsy in the way we taught him to be independent,
22:42at least we managed to unite him with the love of his life.