Una pareja de jóvenes tienen una relación casual.
00:02Hi, how are you?
00:03Do you think I woke you up?
00:04I didn't realize it was so late.
00:05I'm sorry.
00:06No, no, no.
00:07Everything's fine.
00:08Yes, I called you.
00:09Yes, well, I was thinking about you, so I have to come here for a little while, right?
00:12Yes, yes, obviously, yes.
00:13I'm going there.
00:14Okay, I'll wait for you.
00:16Okay, kisses.
00:47Hey, wake up.
00:50Good morning.
00:51How was your day?
00:55Super good, and you?
00:57Good, excellent. Get up, it's late.
01:01Oh, yes, what a pain. I don't want to get up.
01:07I think you came anyway.
01:11It's just that...
01:15I miss you.
01:16Yes? Well, me too.
01:19Hey, I'll call you back earlier, okay?
01:23Yes, sorry, I didn't get it.
01:25Oh, no, it doesn't matter.
01:27You know that you can call me at any time,
01:31and wherever I am, I'll always answer you.
01:35That's why I like you so much.
01:37Oh, just because of that?
01:39No, for something else too.
01:40Hey, I'm leaving now, so let me think about the apartment, okay?
01:45Oh, do you have to go to the shooting?
01:48What? Do you want to talk about something?
01:50No, not talk, but...
01:52I don't know, I thought we could talk for a while.
01:58Talk? What do you mean, talk?
02:01No, I don't think that's the right thing to do.
02:04What do you mean?
02:06Yes, Connie, because you know the kind of relationship we have, right?
02:09Oh, Antonio, yes, I know the kind of relationship we have.
02:13But I was talking about staying in bed for a while, I don't know,
02:17to lose the size and be a little more, but in a good mood.
02:22Oh, don't worry, seriously.
02:24I'm not worried, the important thing is that you are clear about it, okay?
02:28Well, take a shower, change your clothes and leave me locked up, okay?
02:32We're not getting along there, okay?
02:36Take care.
02:37Okay, take care.
02:38Okay, okay.
02:39See you.
02:48Hey, what happened to your face last night?
02:51I mean, not a face, man.
02:53The thing is that it was Connie, and you know that when she...
02:56I slept a lot.
02:59You hadn't finished, man?
03:01I mean, finished, finished, no, because we're not a couple.
03:04But we had a little distance.
03:06Oh, I thought you two were over, man.
03:09Yes, but we decided to get closer for a while.
03:11The thing is that before it got very heavy, man.
03:13You know that I don't like that kind of thing, you know?
03:15Sometimes all people end up alone or in a relationship.
03:20But that doesn't take away my sleep, man.
03:23Are you sure?
03:24I'm sure.
03:25Don't you want to see her crying later?
03:29So I don't cry for anyone, why would I say that?
03:31I'm not telling you.
03:33Hey, calm down, calm down.
03:36If she was alone and not renting with more people, it would be easier because she could go to your house, right?
03:40Yeah, but I don't make as much money as you do.
03:43Hey, it's weird to see you two days in a row.
03:47Yes, the thing is that Claudio, I don't know if you saw him, he asked me about you.
03:51I was stunned and I called you.
03:55Well, I hope Claudio asks you many times about me because I love being with you.
04:02But without making trouble either, huh?
04:06Yes, because you know that in our relationship ...
04:08Oh, yes, Antonio, yes, without commitment, yes, I know.
04:11Yes, without commitment.
04:12Yeah, it's all good.
04:14Hey, look, you know I don't want to be flirty, but ...
04:20Why don't you accompany me to a meal I have with my classmates from PEGA?
04:26And meet your classmates?
04:28Yes, they are super cool, you will like them super well.
04:30I'm not saying they're not cool, but ...
04:33I don't know, I would feel like your boyfriend.
04:35Like weird anyway, right?
04:37Well, I don't know, if you want, we can tell him that he is my friend.
04:41You know that now you are the one who is having fun.
04:45Look, Conino, I don't mean to be heavy, but I prefer not to.
04:49That it's weird anyway, I don't know, right?
04:51More than weird, right?
04:54Yes, weird.
04:58Hey, do you want a coffee? I served myself, didn't I?
05:04How do you like it? With sugar? Without sugar?
05:07No, without sugar.
05:08Without sugar?
05:12Is it bad?
05:14I always drink it like this.
05:17I'm not going out with you anymore, I'm not going to your parties anymore.
05:19I'm in love.
05:20I hope you didn't get too high, man.
05:23Hey, what's the name of your friend?
05:25Which one? Oh, Pame.
05:28But that one is a dick, man.
05:31I didn't think so much.
05:34I'm already with her, what do you want me to do?
05:38What's up?
05:41She says we should meet in the afternoon to have a coffee.
05:43And everything okay, man?
05:45Yes, I guess so.
05:47I haven't seen her in like three weeks, so calculating.
05:49It's good that we get together, right?
05:52Come on.
05:53Look, this presentation has to be fixed.
05:56No way.
05:57I still find your message a little strange.
05:59Did something happen?
06:01No, nothing.
06:02What happens is that I wanted us to tell each other.
06:07But is everything okay?
06:09Yes, everything is fine.
06:11Hey, but I wanted to tell you something.
06:15I met a person.
06:18In La Pega.
06:22That's good.
06:25I met a lawyer.
06:27And nothing, nothing.
06:31Excellent then.
06:34Yes, good.
06:36That means then that ...
06:38That we are not going to see each other again.
06:41No, I don't know.
06:44The truth is that I love to see you.
06:45I love being with you.
06:48But clearly if I start something serious ...
06:51Obviously not ...
06:52No, no.
06:53Obviously not.
06:54That is, it does not correspond.
06:56Don't worry about that.
06:58I understand.
07:02Have you already started something serious or not yet?
07:07No, not yet.
07:08We are there.
07:11Do you mind if we go to my apartment?
07:46So, is he your lawyer?
07:49Yes, he is.
07:52That's good, huh?
07:53I thought we weren't going to meet here.
07:56For you to see.
07:58So, is it a little more serious?
08:03And good?
08:04I don't know.
08:05If you want, I'll look for him and introduce him to you.
08:07No, no.
08:09I'd rather not, thank you.
08:12Well, I'm leaving.
08:14Go ahead.
08:16See you later, right?
08:19Bye, Antonio.
08:41I had to admit that the news that I was with someone had made me feel insecure for the first time.
08:48I refused to accept it.
08:50And this lack of decision was going to weigh on me for the rest of my life.
08:53But I didn't know it.
09:05Well, I thought I was going to catch you here.
09:09I haven't seen you in a long time.
09:10Yes, for a long time now.
09:11A long time.
09:12How are you? Everything okay?
09:14Yes, I'm fine.
09:15And you?
09:16Good, good.
09:17Yes, super good.
09:18I'm from Las Vegas too.
09:19That's why I didn't...
09:20Didn't what?
09:21That's why I didn't call you.
09:23Yeah, but you called me the other day.
09:26I called you?
09:28Ah, yes, I called you, yes.
09:29What happens is that later I realized it was too late and that's why I didn't want to attend.
09:34Listen, Antonio, look.
09:36I'm really sorry.
09:37I didn't answer you because I was with someone.
09:41In fact...
09:43In fact what?
09:44It's just that with Filip...
09:48My boyfriend.
09:49The lawyer.
09:52His name is Filip?
09:54What? French?
09:56I mean, he's the son of French parents.
09:59Well, it's the same thing.
10:00The thing is that we've been talking about it and we're going to move in together.
10:04To live together?
10:06But won't it be too fast?
10:09We've been together for almost three months.
10:11Ah, three months.
10:13Of course, of course, three months.
10:14It's the same as time goes by.
10:16I know it hasn't been long since...
10:19Heavy, how...
10:20How people change.
10:21I mean, along the way, from one place to another.
10:24But it's fine, it's fine.
10:25I mean, I congratulate you.
10:27Good, I'm very happy for you.
10:28Well, I guess it doesn't bother you.
10:31That it bothers me?
10:32Why would it bother me?
10:33On the contrary, it's good.
10:34I mean, it's your life.
10:35You can do whatever you want, right?
10:36It's fine.
10:41Honey, yes.
10:43Yes, yes.
10:45Look, I'll call you in two minutes.
10:46Yes, two minutes.
10:48Okay, kisses.
10:55I have to go.
10:57Hey, honey.
10:58Take care.
11:01Be happy.
11:02We're talking, right?
11:03Yes, of course.
11:12What's with that face, man?
11:13What face?
11:15Are you okay?
11:16Yes, I'm fine.
11:17Now, what's going on?
11:19Now, tell me what's going on.
11:21What happens is that I went to see the ...
11:23I met Connie on the street.
11:25And she told me she was going to get married.
11:27To get married?
11:29Not to get married, but to meet with her husband.
11:31Do you understand?
11:32A French lawyer who is probably a millionaire.
11:34Do you understand?
11:35They're going to get married.
11:36It's the same thing.
11:37Are you taking it well?
11:38Don't fuck with me, man.
11:39What do you mean, don't fuck with you?
11:40If Connie has always been your girl and you've always liked her.
11:42And you've always been important to her.
11:44What do you mean, important?
11:45I don't pretend to be important.
11:46What happens is that I'm clear about things.
11:47I'm an independent man, man.
11:48I don't attach myself to anyone.
11:49Do you understand?
11:51Why are you wearing a face mask?
11:52Face mask?
11:53Face mask?
11:55I'm not like that, man.
11:56I'm not like that.
11:57Let's see, do you like it or not?
11:58What does that have to do with it?
11:59Do you like it or not?
12:00Tell me, do you like it?
12:01Yes, I like it.
12:02If you're in love, you can tell.
12:04Why don't you tell her?
12:05I'm not in love, I'm not in love.
12:07If you're in love.
12:08I'm not in love.
12:09If you're in love, why don't you tell her?
12:30You here again?
12:32Yes, I've been thinking about things.
12:35What things?
12:37Do you think we should go get a coffee or go to the apartment?
12:40So we can talk.
12:42Antonio, I don't think it's a good idea.
12:44You know I'm with Filip.
12:46Yes, that's what I wanted to talk to you about.
12:48Look, I've been thinking about our situation.
12:54We still have something good, don't we?
12:56We had something.
12:58I don't know if it's good or not.
13:00But we already had it.
13:02I liked it.
13:03I liked you.
13:05I like you too.
13:07That's what I wanted to tell you.
13:08That's why I'm here.
13:09I wanted to tell you.
13:10Then I realized that I like you a lot.
13:12Yes, but our relationship is over.
13:14I don't know if there was ever something between us.
13:16We had something, didn't we?
13:18No, Antonio.
13:19You never wanted it to be something.
13:21No, but I was wrong.
13:22I was wrong.
13:24I know you wanted to have something with me.
13:26And me too.
13:27I just didn't realize it.
13:28Now I'm realizing it.
13:30Antonio, I'm sorry.
13:31It's over.
13:34I'm in another relationship.
13:36I love you a lot.
13:37I was even crazy about you.
13:39But not anymore.
13:41Antonio, things are over.
13:47Connie, I was wrong.
13:48Please understand me.
13:49I was wrong.
13:51Yes, but it's too late.
13:55I love you a lot.
13:56And I will love you all my life.
13:57But I'm in love with someone else.
14:01Don't you want to try it at least?
14:09Well, I...
14:12I was here because I wanted to tell you what I felt.
14:17I apologize.
14:18I messed up.
14:20I didn't realize it.
14:23Thank you for realizing it.
14:27I have to go.
14:29I valued her too late.
14:30I never wanted to be her partner.
14:32It was enough for me to see her at night.
14:33Until I lost her.
14:34That's when I understood that I needed her all my life.
14:36And that she really loved me.
14:38But because of my immaturity,
14:39now I had to accept that everything I ever had,
14:41now I would have another.