00:00The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet. So settle back in your easy chairs and enjoy another delightful half hour with all the Nelsons.
00:07Ozzie Nelson, of course, plays the part of the head of the Nelson household, Ozzie.
00:11And here is his lovely wife, Harriet Nelson, who keeps the family on an even keel.
00:16Hello, Harriet.
00:17The smiling young teenager we now see is David Nelson, older of the two Nelson boys and played by David Nelson.
00:24And here we have the youngest of the Nelsons, the little guy with the twinkle in his eye, Ricky Nelson, played by Ricky Nelson.
00:30The Nelsons' next door neighbor, Mr. Thornberry, better known as Ozzie's pal, Thorny, is played by Don DeVore.
00:42Hey, Rick. How do you think this tie will look?
00:45Just as good as the man that's wearing it.
00:47In that case, it'll all look pretty good.
00:49Heck, it's your tie, David. I don't want to wear it.
00:52Don't worry. You won't.
00:54What are you doing?
00:55I'm just trying this tie on Sylvester here.
01:01How do you think it looks?
01:02Pretty jazzy, boy.
01:05I think you're going to have a lot of trouble just for a school dance.
01:08Well, this isn't an ordinary dance. This is a real special deal.
01:12Big man. Very social.
01:17Here, how's that look?
01:19Very good.
01:20He asked me, I think you want to stay home and send Sylvester to the dance.
01:25Sylvester? Who's Sylvester?
01:27Oh, haven't you met Sylvester yet, Mom?
01:29May I present my mother? This is Sylvester Coathanger, Mother.
01:33Oh, how do you do?
01:35My, he has a very limp handshake.
01:37And he's also got on David's good pants.
01:40That's how I see.
01:41Is that what you're going to wear to the dance, David?
01:43Yes, ma'am. I'll wear this coat here, too.
01:46I hope this outfit looks as good on David as it does on Sylvester here.
01:49Yes, yes.
01:51Who are you taking to the dance, David?
01:53A new girl in town, Mom.
01:55Oh? What's she like?
01:56I don't know. I've never taken her out before.
01:59Oh? Sort of a blind date?
02:01Oh, not exactly. I've seen her before.
02:03She just hasn't seen David.
02:07I think she's pretty special.
02:09Yes, she is. I'm lucky to be taking her out.
02:11That's the smartest thing you've said all morning.
02:16Well, she sounds like a very attractive girl.
02:18How did you happen to meet her?
02:20Oh, she has a couple of classes with me.
02:22And I've been helping her in algebra.
02:24You helped her?
02:25Yeah. What's wrong with that?
02:27What a dope she must be.
02:28You're just about passing yourself.
02:31Why don't you get lost?
02:33You think I need a haircut, Mom?
02:35No, I think it looks very nice, David.
02:38Who's doing your waves this season, dearie?
02:42Where'd you get lost, will you?
02:44You know, now that you mention it, David,
02:46I think maybe you could stand a trim in the back.
02:48Well, as long as it's not absolutely necessary.
02:51I'd like to save the money if I could.
02:53Oops! Looks like I came in at the wrong time.
02:55Yes, sir. Just mentioned money, and Pop's right on the spot.
02:58Oh, you're not whistling Dixie.
03:00Poor old Pop's always on the spot when it comes to money.
03:02Oh, well, you're so right.
03:04It seems the boys could use an advance on their allowance,
03:06and I need a couple of dollars for the paper boy and the bread man.
03:09Oh, don't go any further.
03:10I'll settle for as far as you've gone now.
03:12That's what I like, a man of action.
03:14I'll drink to that.
03:17See, it looks as if your mother's first.
03:19She has seniority.
03:20What does that mean, Pop?
03:21It means Mom's a little older than you.
03:23Never mind.
03:24It means I'm a little bigger than you are.
03:27Don't be afraid, Harriet.
03:28I have nothing smaller than a five,
03:30and I know you only want a couple of...
03:31Oh, I'll take that.
03:36Afraid we're in trouble here.
03:38I only have a $10 bill left.
03:40I'd like to have that same trouble, boy.
03:43Here you go, Pop.
03:44Really, Dave?
03:45A $10 bill it is.
03:55Here you are, Pop.
03:58Boy, you've got a lot of money stashed away there, son.
04:00Yeah, I've been saving up.
04:02Well, here's a couple of dollars for you, Rick.
04:04Thanks, Pop.
04:05A couple of dollars for you, Dave.
04:06Thanks, Pop.
04:07This will come in nice and handy.
04:09Well, now look, you guys.
04:11Don't you spend that foolishly all in one place.
04:13Heck no.
04:14I'm going to spend mine foolishly in a lot of places.
04:21Hey, that's quite a bundle David has stashed away there, isn't it?
04:25Well, I'm not surprised.
04:27Well, what do you mean?
04:28Well, he's been taking his lunch to school
04:30almost every day for a week now.
04:33And not only that, he never rides the bus anymore.
04:35He either walks or he rides with one of his friends.
04:37Oh, he must be saving up for some special occasion.
04:40Yes, didn't he say something about going to a school dance tonight?
04:43Yes, but the tickets are already paid for.
04:45I think he may be on the right track, though.
04:47In what way?
04:49Well, it seems he's taking some new little girl at school.
04:52And evidently, she's pretty hot stuff
04:54because David's been helping her with her algebra.
04:56And that's just not like David.
04:58Well, he's probably saving up his money
05:00just to make a big impression on this girl at the dance.
05:03Who is this little girl, Harriet? Do you know her?
05:05Well, no, but I'm sure she's very nice if David likes her.
05:08Oh, yes, of course.
05:10It's just that David is so naive,
05:12I'd hate to have him get in the clutches of some little gold digger.
05:16If there's anything I can't stand, it's a mercenary female.
05:20Oh, I'm sorry to hear you say that, dear.
05:22Well, what do you mean?
05:24Well, I was just thinking that $5 you gave me
05:26isn't going to go very far,
05:28and I thought perhaps you could let me have a couple more.
05:30I surrender, dear.
05:40Hey, Oz.
05:41Oh, hi, Thorny.
05:43I think this notebook belongs to David.
05:45Oh, yeah, that looks like his. Thanks a lot.
05:47He left it over at our place last night.
05:49He and Will were collaborating on a little homework.
05:51Oh, I'm glad to know the boys are showing
05:53that much interest in their studies these days.
05:55Well, I offered Will a little bonus to bring his marks up.
05:58You know how kids are this age.
05:59They're always a little short of funds.
06:01Well, maybe Will is, but by golly, David is loaded.
06:07I wanted a change of 10 this morning,
06:09and he had the change for just like that.
06:11Oh, no kidding.
06:13Where did you get it all?
06:14Well, evidently, he hasn't spent any money for about six months.
06:17He has money stashed all over his room.
06:19Well, how do you like that?
06:22I suppose he's going to the dance over at school tomorrow night.
06:24Uh, yeah.
06:26Uh, yeah.
06:28He's going to take some new little girl, just arrive in town.
06:35I know just what you're thinking, Thorny, and it's not true.
06:38What do you mean?
06:39Well, I can tell by the expression on your face
06:41that you think this little girl is some sort of a gold digger,
06:44that Dave has just been saving up his money
06:46so he could squander it at the dance
06:47and make a big impression on this girl.
06:49Well, I wasn't honest.
06:52But now that you mention it,
06:53it's just possible that he is saving up
06:55to buy her a nice Valentine's Day gift.
06:58Is today Valentine's Day?
06:59Well, no, but tomorrow is.
07:01Oh, gee, I'm glad you mentioned that, Thorny.
07:04As a matter of fact, I'm just on my way downtown
07:06to buy Catherine a box of candy.
07:08I'll tell you what, Oz.
07:09Give me $5, and I'll buy you a box so you can give to Harriet.
07:12Oh, no, no, Thorny.
07:13Well, sure, Oz.
07:14It'll save you a trip down there.
07:15Well, it's a very nice thought,
07:17but after all, Valentine's Day is a very romantic occasion.
07:21And half the sentiment of it
07:23is the idea of taking the trouble and the pleasure
07:26of going down there and picking out the appropriate present
07:29for the one you're so fond of.
07:32Okay, Oz, you made the speech.
07:34Now, what kind do you want me to get for Harriet?
07:36One of those heart-shaped boxes with I love you on it.
07:39Oh, gee.
07:41And, Thorny, make sure that it's very delicate
07:45and sentimental and romantic-looking.
07:49Don't forget, I'm a romantic-type fellow.
07:52Just a minute, Oz.
07:53I'm a rather practical mercenary-type of fellow.
07:57Give me the $5 first.
07:59Now, you go, Thorny.
08:18Harriet, have you seen the boys?
08:19Yes, I think they're both upstairs.
08:21Oh, I have David's notebook.
08:22Will Thornberry had it.
08:24Oh, well, I'm glad Will found it.
08:25David's been looking for it.
08:31Hey, how about this?
08:33Oh, do you think you should be looking
08:35through David's notebook?
08:36Well, I wasn't exactly looking through it,
08:39but this page kind of fell open
08:41when I was looking through it.
08:44Well, after all, I'm the boys' father.
08:46Yes, dear, I know.
08:48What does it say?
08:49Well, it's a list.
08:51Perfume, candy, scarf, compact.
08:55Well, it sounds like Ricky's spelling list.
08:57Sounds to me more like David's sucker list.
09:01Well, what do you mean?
09:02Well, I mean, it's pretty obvious, Harriet,
09:04that David's about to squander all his money
09:06on this little girl that we don't even know.
09:08Well, after all, it is his money,
09:10and I'm sure the little girl is very nice.
09:13Well, I'm sure she is.
09:15Silly to think of a little girl like that
09:17I mean, after all, a girl David's age
09:19is too young to think of those...
09:23Well, I'm sure David can take care of himself.
09:27Yeah, I suppose so.
09:30After all, it is his money that he saved.
09:33What if he does buy her a few rather expensive presents?
09:38Is that anything to worry about?
09:40Well, you've convinced me.
09:43Have you convinced yourself?
09:47Frankly, no.
09:48Well, I wouldn't worry too much about it.
09:51After all, I'm sure David's smart enough to...
09:56I mean, if he's anything like his old dad,
09:59which I'm sure he is.
10:02Yes, I know.
10:09Poor David.
10:11Poor David.
10:16Poor David.
10:35Put them back, David.
10:37Put what back?
10:38My unmentionables.
10:39You mean your shorts?
10:41Don't get personal about this.
10:43Well, if I had to wear these things,
10:45I wouldn't want to mention it either.
10:47How much money do we have?
10:48I don't know.
10:49I have to count it first.
10:50I'll help you.
10:51You count the pennies.
10:57One, two, three, four, five, six,
11:04seven, eight, nine, eleven, ten,
11:08four, fifteen, twelve...
11:12Ricky, stop counting out loud.
11:14You're getting us both mixed up.
11:15Let's not count this small change.
11:17Let's count this folding stuff.
11:22Just leave it on the bed, David.
11:24What's the matter?
11:25Don't you trust me?
11:26Sure I trust you.
11:27But just leave it on the bed.
11:28I don't know what you're so suspicious about.
11:30Half this stuff is mine anyhow.
11:32In fact, I think it's all mine.
11:34It is not.
11:35One of these dollars is mine.
11:37That one right there.
11:38How do you know?
11:39Because it has my name on it.
11:42I suppose you crossed out Washington and wrote in Nelson.
11:47Look, David.
11:48It took me a long time to save up this dollar
11:50and I want everybody to know that it belongs to me.
11:54We sure have saved up quite a bit, haven't we?
11:57We ought to be able to buy Mom
11:58a neat Valentine's present with this.
12:00How about a nice box of candy?
12:02Oh, yeah.
12:03The chocolate ones with the fruit centers.
12:05Does she like those?
12:06I don't know, but I sure do.
12:08Listen, Ricky.
12:09We're buying this present for Mom.
12:12Do you think she'd like a nice bottle of perfume?
12:14Don't be a dope, David.
12:15You can't eat perfume.
12:18Listen, Ricky.
12:19We're buying something Mom likes,
12:20not something you like.
12:22Okay, okay.
12:25What are we going to get Dad?
12:26I was just wondering about that.
12:29I wonder if you're supposed to buy
12:30your father a Valentine's Day present.
12:32Well, sure.
12:33Why not?
12:34Well, I don't know.
12:35Valentine's Day is sort of a sweetheart's day.
12:37You know, love stuff.
12:38Well, don't you like Pop?
12:40Well, sure I like him.
12:41I just don't want to embarrass him, that's all.
12:43Well, we're going to get Mom something, aren't we?
12:45Well, that's different.
12:47Mom's your mother.
12:49A boy's best friend is his mother.
12:51I thought a boy's best friend was his dog.
12:57You know, the more I think of it,
12:58I think we ought to give Pop a present.
13:01What do you think he needs?
13:03Well, he could always use a big box of chocolates
13:05with the fruit centers.
13:07Oh, Ricky, don't be silly.
13:09Get something sensible.
13:10Well, what about a belt?
13:12Well, he's got a belt.
13:14How about a pair of socks?
13:16No, he's got a pair of socks, too.
13:19Well, we'll figure out what to get him later on.
13:21How much are we going to spend on Pop's present?
13:24I don't know.
13:25Whatever it costs.
13:26We want to get him something nice.
13:28How much is that?
13:29I don't know.
13:30Seems to me that's the most important item.
13:33Look, Ricky, when you give a present to someone,
13:35you don't worry about how much it costs.
13:37Okay, if you say so.
13:39I guess I better leave the room now.
13:41I don't want to embarrass you.
13:43What's this?
13:44I know you have one more gift to figure out, sweetheart.
13:53Oh, yeah, right.
13:55Say, you know, you may be right after all
13:57about this little discussion we had a while ago.
13:59Uh, what discussion is that?
14:01Well, about David and his little girlfriend
14:02that he seems to be so taken with.
14:04I was just passing the boys' room just now,
14:06and I overheard them talking.
14:08Now, I wasn't eavesdropping or anything.
14:10No, no, no, no, of course.
14:11Uh, what did you hear them say?
14:12Well, I heard David tell Ricky
14:13that when you really like somebody,
14:15it doesn't make any difference
14:16how much money you spend on their present.
14:18And he had an awful lot of money there.
14:20Well, see, that's what I was telling you about before, Harriet.
14:23I think it's perfectly all right for David
14:25to buy the little girl a present,
14:26but I just don't want him to do anything silly.
14:29Well, that's how I feel about it.
14:31Maybe I ought to have a little talk with him.
14:33Personally, I think he just ought to buy her a nice corsage.
14:37If that isn't enough for her,
14:38then I feel she's definitely not the girl for David.
14:41Well, maybe I shouldn't have told you about it.
14:43After all, it is his money.
14:45Yeah, well, yes, I know,
14:46but we don't want him played for a good thing, either.
14:50Say, I have a thought.
14:52Maybe Ricky could mention the corsage idea to him.
14:56Yes, the boys seem to talk over most of those things,
14:58and you could tell Rick how you feel,
15:00and he could act as sort of a go-between.
15:03Yeah, that might be a pretty good idea at that.
15:06You wait right here,
15:07and I'll tell him that you want to see him.
15:18You want me, Pop?
15:19Oh, hi, Rick.
15:20Yeah, sit down for a second, son.
15:22Where's David?
15:23He's outside playing basketball.
15:25Do you want to see him?
15:26No, no.
15:28But what I have to tell you concerns David.
15:31Oh, is something wrong, Pop?
15:32No, not especially.
15:35Let's see how I can put this.
15:38Well, every once in a while,
15:40there's something that you want to tell somebody,
15:43but it's of a rather delicate nature,
15:45so rather than to risk hurting the person's feelings,
15:48you tell it to a third person
15:50and have him relay the information.
15:53Do you follow what I mean?
15:54Oh, sure, Pop.
15:55Like the time I got that bad report card
15:57and I asked Iggy Schwartz to tell you.
15:59Yes, but that's sort of the same idea.
16:04Well, first of all,
16:06I happen to know that David has been saving up
16:09a great deal of money lately.
16:11He sure has.
16:12And also, I happen to know that he has in mind
16:15buying a rather expensive gift
16:17for somebody with part of that money.
16:19Gee, that was supposed to be a secret, Pop.
16:21Well, I just happen to know that
16:23Well, I just happen to find out about it,
16:26and I thought I'd tell you what I think he ought to buy,
16:29and then you can pass the information on to David.
16:32Sure, that's well. He'd like to know.
16:34Well, to begin with,
16:36I'm against spending too much money.
16:39See, it's much better to buy an inexpensive
16:42but appropriate gift,
16:43something that really expresses
16:45the sentiment of Valentine's Day.
16:48Like what, Pop?
16:49Well, I had in mind a nice corsage.
16:53What's a corsage?
16:54A corsage is a bunch of flowers
16:56that you pin to your shoulder,
16:58you wear across your shoulder.
17:00Gee, that sounds kind of sissy to me.
17:02Oh, no, no, not at all.
17:04After all, Valentine's Day is a very sentimental occasion,
17:07and there's nothing expresses sentiment better than flowers.
17:11You mean you really want him to buy a corsage?
17:14Yes, I do.
17:15I don't think he could buy anything
17:17that would be more appropriate.
17:19Okay, if you say so, Pop.
17:21I thought it'd be better if I stay out of this, you see,
17:25and you tell David about it.
17:27Oh, sure, Pop.
17:28He'll be happy to know what you want him to buy,
17:30but I don't think he'll believe it.
17:32Well, you just tell him what I said.
17:34Okay, Pop, I'll tell him.
17:39You sure you want him to buy a corsage?
17:42Yes, I'm positive.
17:47Did you really play football in college?
17:58Come on, we can hide him in the hall closet.
18:00Why can't we give him to Mom and Pop now?
18:02Because Valentine's Day isn't until tomorrow.
18:04Oh, come on, David, I can't wait that long.
18:06I told you, we'll give him to them tomorrow.
18:09Hi, boys.
18:10Well, hi, Mom.
18:11Hey, Mom.
18:12Well, what are you doing?
18:14Nothing at all.
18:15Looks like a little excitement around here, huh?
18:17Well, boys seem to have something mysterious going on.
18:20Oh, secrets, eh?
18:22Yeah, we're hiding your presents.
18:26Wait a minute.
18:27What's this about presents?
18:28Yeah, David, what's this about presents?
18:31What the hell, Valentine?
18:33Well, we might as well show you.
18:35Come on into the den.
18:36Yeah, we might as well show you.
18:37Well, this is a pleasant surprise.
18:39Yeah, I'll say it is.
18:41Here, this is for you, Mom.
18:43Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow.
18:45Well, it's a little ahead of time,
18:47but I'm always happy to receive a gift from my two boyfriends.
18:50Well, come on, open it up.
18:51Let's see what it is.
18:53Oh, it's a box of my favorite chocolates with the fruit centers.
18:57Gee, I'm glad you like them, too, Mom.
18:59If you need any help eating those, Mom,
19:01you sure don't have to look any farther.
19:03And this one's for you, Pop.
19:05For me?
19:06Wow, boys, you shouldn't have done it.
19:09I don't think we should have either,
19:11but that's what Ricky said you wanted, Pop.
19:13I hope it's all right.
19:14Well, this certainly is a surprise.
19:16I had no idea you fellas were going to give me a...
19:20What's this?
19:22It's a croissant, Pop.
19:23That's what Ricky said you wanted.
19:24Oh, I am, Mom.
19:25Let me have one.
19:28You did want a croissant, didn't you, Pop?
19:30Sounded awful funny to me, but that's what Ricky said.
19:33Oh, well, you see, when Ricky spoke to me
19:36about buying a Valentine's present,
19:38I thought he meant...
19:40Well, I mean, you see, David was saving up all that money.
19:44Well, boys, I think there's been a slight misunderstanding.
19:47Uh, now, just a second, Harriet.
19:49What makes you think so?
19:51Well, hasn't there been?
19:52Uh, I'm not so sure.
19:54Now, let's think this over for a minute.
19:57Do you mean you wanted a corsage for Valentine's Day?
20:01Uh, yes.
20:03I mean, uh, well, that is...
20:06Oh, now I get it.
20:08Ozzie, how clever of you.
20:12Oh, thank you, dear.
20:14Uh, uh, how was it clever of me?
20:18I mean, uh, you tell the boys.
20:21Well, you see, boys, your father may believe
20:23that he wanted a corsage for himself
20:25when actually he wanted to give it to me.
20:27Oh, uh, yes, yes.
20:29You see, fellas, uh, Valentine's Day
20:32is a very sentimental occasion.
20:34And I kind of had a little hunch
20:36that you boys were gonna get a present for me.
20:39Well, you certainly are clever, dear.
20:41Yeah, we didn't even know we were getting them
20:43until a little while ago.
20:45Oh, but you see, actually,
20:47this is a gift from your three boyfriends together.
20:50Well, you certainly fooled me.
20:52Uh, well, I have my moments.
20:55Then you weren't really worried
20:57about the little girl at all.
20:59What little girl, Mom?
21:00The little girl you're taking to the dance tomorrow night.
21:03You mean Marilyn?
21:04What's she got to do with it?
21:06Oh, uh, well, your mother kind of got the idea
21:09that you've been saving up all your money
21:11to buy this little girl an expensive present.
21:14Gee, what for?
21:16Well, you're taking her to the dance tomorrow night,
21:18and it would be nice if you gave her something
21:20for Valentine's Day.
21:21Golly, that's right.
21:23Look, I have an idea.
21:24Since you gave me the corsage,
21:25why don't you give her the candy?
21:27What's this?
21:30Well, anyway, happy Valentine's Day.
21:33Hi, folks.
21:34Oh, hi.
21:35Hi, Thorney.
21:36What's the present, Thorney?
21:37Oh, it's just a little something
21:39Oz had me pick out for him.
21:40Now, don't be so nosy, Harriet.
21:42Just a little St. Valentine's Day surprise.
21:44Oh, I'll take it, Thorney.
21:46What is it, Pop?
21:47Oh, just a box of candy, David.
21:49I love you.
21:52Look at the corsage Ozzie gave me
21:54for Valentine's Day, Thorney.
21:56Well, gosh, I thought the box of candy.
22:00Oh, well, gee, Thorney,
22:03I was going to wait until tomorrow, but...
22:05Oh, gosh, you wouldn't be a surprise now anyway.
22:08So here.
22:09Happy Valentine's Day to you, Thorney.
22:13You mean this is for me?
22:15Well, sure.
22:16What did you think it was for?
22:17Gosh, I thought it was for Harriet.
22:20Oh, I've been fooling everybody today.
22:23You see, that's what I meant you to think.
22:26Gee, Oz, I didn't think you cared.
22:29No, no, no, Thorney,
22:31I'm kind of a sentimental guy at heart.
22:33Oh, gosh, Oz, this is a great big surprise.
22:36And look, I know you didn't get anything for me,
22:39but don't worry, it's perfectly okay, I understand.
22:41No, no, you're wrong, Oz.
22:43I do have a present for you.
22:44Here, hold this.
22:46Actually, I was going to wait until tomorrow,
22:47but since you've given me mine,
22:49I may as well give you yours.
22:51There you are, Oz.
22:54Happy Valentine's Day to you, too.
22:56Oh, Thorney, we shouldn't have done it.
23:00Oh, a beautiful tie.
23:02How about this?
23:04Oh, Thorney, I can't accept this.
23:06No, no, no, no, please do, Oz.
23:08This was a Christmas present for my mother-in-law.
23:12Pardon me, I'll try it on, all right?
23:15You know, this is the first time Mr. Thornberry and Pop
23:18have given each other Valentine's presents.
23:20Well, this is the first time your father
23:21ever had you boys buy him a Valentine
23:23to give to me.
23:24This is the first time I ever bought a Valentine
23:26to give to myself from somebody else.
23:30Valentine's Day sure is a confusing holiday, boy.
23:41Yes, ma'am.
23:42Hello, Dad.
23:43Hi, Mom.
23:44Well, how was the dance?
23:45Oh, it was swell.
23:46Boy, that box of candies
23:47sure made a big hit with Marilyn.
23:49What's this?
23:50Don't you remember?
23:51You suggested I give her the box of candy
23:53for a Valentine's present?
23:54Oh, yes, I'm glad she liked it.
23:57She sure is a nice girl.
23:59Very considerate and very diplomatic.
24:01In what way, dear?
24:02Well, she didn't even say a word
24:04about the whole top layer being missing.
24:18Don't forget that a completely different episode
24:20of The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
24:22is heard every Friday night on radio.
24:24Consult your newspaper for time and radio station.