During a House Ways and Means Committee hearing prior to the congressional recess, Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) discussed his concerns over potential cuts to Medicaid.
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00:00Mr. Thompson, you're recognized. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you for calling
00:04today's hearing, and I want to thank the witnesses for being here today. Although
00:09I think it's ironic that we're holding a hearing today on long-term care
00:14facilities while the House Republicans are in the process of cutting $880
00:19billion from Medicaid. 63% of all long-term care patients rely on Medicaid
00:27coverage to pay for their care. These cuts to Medicaid will hurt 26 long-term
00:33care facilities in my district, which provides services for 8,000 patients,
00:40half of whom rely on Medicaid. And it's not just patients who will suffer from
00:46these cuts. Long-term care facilities support 8,500 jobs, pay $548
00:53million in salary, and contribute $183 million in federal and state taxes.
01:00As soon as the Republican budget was announced, I met with health care
01:05professionals in each of the five counties that I represent. What they
01:10told me should concern everyone on this dais and every American. They said that
01:15the Medicaid cuts in the Republican budget would hurt people on Medicaid and
01:20also veterans, people on Medicare, and people with private insurance. These
01:26drastic Medicaid cuts will mean 54,000 fewer people will be covered by Medicaid
01:32or CHIP, also known as the Children's Health Initiative Program in California.
01:38Rural hospital closures will lead to longer drive times and more preventable
01:45deaths in emergency cases. The large hospitals that are able to stay open
01:51will cut specialists, leading to fewer local treatment options for
01:57Medicaid recipients, as well as people with private insurance. I also heard that
02:02larger systems will pull back on support for long-term assistance and
02:08programs to help keep people in their homes. Without Medicaid-funded equipment,
02:14some people with disabilities will be unable to get out of bed and go to work.
02:19Some will not be able to stay in their homes, which will mean a higher cost to
02:24taxpayers. These Republican Medicaid cuts would cause a $2 billion reduction in
02:31economic activity in my district alone. That hurts Main Street. Mr. Chairman, I
02:37know that members on this dais will object and say that Medicaid and
02:41Medicare and Social Security aren't mentioned once in the Republican budget,
02:46but as you know, you can't cut $880 billion without touching those programs.
02:53And along those lines, I'd like unanimous consent to enter into the record this
02:58news article where where Mr. Musk is talking about going after and cutting
03:05Social Security. And these are all life-saving programs, and they're being
03:12dismantled. The health and the economic impacts are going to be felt in every
03:17congressional district and by every American. Can I get you? Yeah, without
03:22objection. Thank you. Mr. Carlson, please expand on how Medicaid cuts in the
03:28Republican budget would impact people who are on Medicare, private coverage, or
03:33are veterans who use the private health care system. Thank you. The important
03:41thing to note is that Medicare is not comprehensive. I'd like to focus on that,
03:46that it doesn't cover long-term long-term services and supports on a
03:51long-term basis. There's some nursing facility coverage, but it's mentioned
03:56only after a hospitalization of at least three nights and only for a particularly
04:00intensive level of nursing care. So, Medicare doesn't cover these long-term
04:05services and supports that people need, either in a nursing facility or
04:08particularly, as you note, in for at-home care. It's worth noting that at-home care
04:15is particularly at risk from the cuts are proposed. These home and community
04:20based services are not mandatory under Medicaid. They're optional programs, and
04:26so they're particularly vulnerable to cuts like this. If the cuts of
04:32the magnitude that are being proposed were to come into effect, states would
04:38have to look at their Medicaid programs and make drastic, drastic cuts, and it's
04:44very likely that those would fall heavily on the home and community based
04:48services programs that are optional, and these are the programs that
04:53provide care at home. They provide home modifications, they provide personal care
04:58assistance, they provide home delivered meals, they provide daycare, so all of
05:04that care in particular would be at extreme risk if cuts like this were to
05:09go into effect. Thank you very much. I just can't tell you in strong enough
05:15terms how concerned, upset, and unnerved constituents are across the
05:23country about this proposal. Thank you. I yield back.