• 17 hours ago
Fazail e Ramzan - Episode 19

Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv

#FazaileRamzan #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv

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00:00Shaan-e-Ramzaan, Shaan-e-Ramzaan, Shaan-e-Ramzaan, Shaan-e-Ramzaan
00:10Hai Mominoon ke Dil Ka Ujana Shaan-e-Ramzaan
00:16Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen
00:18As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh
00:46Ladies and gentlemen, you are watching the program on AYKTV
00:50Faza-e-Ramzaan, which is a series of our daily conversations in Ramzaan-e-Mubarak
00:56Ladies and gentlemen, Ramzaan-e-Mubarak has many blessings
01:00but it is also a month of acceptance of repentance
01:03In this month, prayers are accepted
01:05In this month, Allah's mercy is at its peak
01:09and Allah's mercy is itself calling
01:12Is there anyone who asks for forgiveness?
01:14And in the nights of Ramzaan, his repentance is accepted
01:18and Allah includes him among His chosen people
01:22Ladies and gentlemen, Allah is Generous
01:25Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him always says
01:27Allah calls upon His Merciful Hand every night
01:30to forgive the sinners of the day
01:32and Allah calls upon His Merciful Hand every day
01:36to forgive the sinners of the night
01:38Ladies and gentlemen, this month is a month of acceptance of repentance
01:43in which you are listening to this program
01:45This is a month of forgiveness
01:47This is a month of acceptance of repentance
01:49and the next month is a month of salvation from hell
01:52This is also related to repentance
01:54Whoever repents in this month, Allah will forgive him
01:58This is a month of freedom from hell
02:00Allah grants freedom to those who repent from hell
02:04Many people, before Ramadan Mubarak,
02:08when Allah is angry with them
02:10when they fast in Ramadan Mubarak
02:13when they fast in Ramadan
02:15when they seek forgiveness from Allah
02:19their anger turns into friendship
02:23This is a month of acceptance of repentance
02:25I want to talk to you about this
02:28Ladies and gentlemen, Allah says in the Holy Quran
02:31Whoever repents and does good deeds
02:34he has turned to Allah as he should
02:39Allah says that whoever repents
02:42should repent in such a way
02:44that when he repents, how should he repent?
02:46Allah says in the Holy Quran
02:48O you who believe! Repent to Allah as you should
02:51O you who believe! Repent to Allah as you should
02:54in such a way that you repent as you should
02:58Hazrat Ma'az bin Jabal says
03:03Hazrat Ma'az bin Jabal asked Huzoor
03:07O Messenger of Allah! What is repentance?
03:10Huzoor replied
03:12Repentance is such a repentance
03:14that when you repent from a sin
03:16never go back to that sin on purpose
03:19It is a definite repentance
03:21O Allah! I am repenting from this sin
03:23I will not go back to this sin on purpose
03:25This is repentance
03:28Allah says
03:30Who has the right to repent?
03:32Who repents and repents as he should?
03:35He should not go back to his sin
03:38and not repent
03:40Allah says
03:42Who has the right to repent?
03:46Who repents and repents as he should?
03:51Who has the right to repent?
03:53He is the one who repented and did righteous deeds.
03:57Just like he was busy with sins before,
03:59now after repenting, he has left those sins and is busy with good deeds.
04:05First, he was busy with things that upset Allah,
04:07now he has repented and is busy with things that please Allah.
04:11Allah says in the Holy Quran,
04:13He is the fortunate one who repented and turned to Allah as he should have.
04:18Dear viewers, for those who repent like this,
04:20Allah says that Allah turns their sins into good deeds.
04:25Allah says that if someone is a sinner and repents from his sins,
04:29then he should do good deeds.
04:30Allah says in the Holy Quran that good deeds are the atonement for sins.
04:35When someone commits a sin, he asks Allah for forgiveness.
04:39When he does good deeds, then those good deeds become the atonement for sins.
04:43Therefore, dear viewers, ask Allah for forgiveness for your sins this month.
04:47Open a note in your phone or keep a piece of paper
04:51and write that you have sworn to Allah that you will not commit this sin again.
04:55You have repented.
04:56Repent in the presence of Allah.
04:58Then write that you have sworn to Allah that you will not commit this sin again.
05:02So that you have a note to remember.
05:04Then write that you have decided to repent from this sin
05:08and now you are planning to do good deeds in return.
05:12First, you did Allah's disobedience,
05:14now you will not do this disobedience.
05:16Then make seven lines and write that you have decided to do good deeds
05:19and that is not for showing off.
05:22It should be between Allah and you.
05:24And then you should repent in the presence of Allah
05:27by using the means of the Messenger of Allah.
05:28Dear viewers, it is not difficult to understand this in the world.
05:31If we see in the world, if someone upsets someone,
05:34if someone's lover gets upset with someone,
05:36they can be parents.
05:37In any worldly relationship, if it is a very loving relationship,
05:40with whom you love, if they get upset,
05:42then does a person just say sorry to them and move on?
05:46No, a person also asks for forgiveness
05:48and along with asking for forgiveness,
05:49he tries to do everything to make them happy.
05:52When a person wants to make up,
05:54he does not just ask for forgiveness to make up.
05:56Rather, he is trying very hard,
05:58he is trying to do everything to make the person he is apologizing to,
06:02his lover, happy with him.
06:05Dear viewers, when you have to work so hard for the world,
06:08then you have considered Allah's will to be such a cheap task.
06:12You have considered it such a cheap deal
06:13that you have put your hand on your cheeks and said,
06:15the work is done, no.
06:17The way your loved ones get upset in the world,
06:19you don't just ask for forgiveness,
06:20but you struggle to make them happy,
06:22that you do everything to make them happy.
06:24So, Allah has the greatest right on us.
06:26Allah's example cannot be given to anyone else.
06:28So, try your best that when you are asking for forgiveness,
06:31you try to do such a thing,
06:33so that Allah is pleased with you.
06:35Dear viewers, it is a certain thing
06:36that if a person has to achieve any target,
06:39has to achieve any goal,
06:41has to reach any destination,
06:43has to achieve any goal,
06:45then there are some conditions, some requirements
06:48that have to be fulfilled.
06:49Now, if someone has to travel from here to a big country,
06:52there will be requirements for that.
06:53He will need a visa, a travel ticket,
06:55he will have to travel.
06:56There will be a thousand requirements for travel.
06:58He will need a degree.
06:59If he doesn't have a second degree,
07:00which is very common these days,
07:01if someone wants a proper degree,
07:03he won't get it sitting at home.
07:04He will get up, go to university, go to Madrasa,
07:07study, struggle, give exams,
07:09he will go through those stages
07:11and then he will get an original degree.
07:12So, dear viewers, the more important the goal is,
07:15the bigger the goal is,
07:16the more requirements there will be on the way.
07:19And the more important the destination is,
07:20the more important the destinations will be.
07:22So, dear viewers, if we talk about repentance,
07:24then there are also requirements for repentance.
07:26Because repentance is in the presence of Allah
07:28as a beggar of a person,
07:29as a beggar of Allah,
07:31as a beggar of Allah,
07:33seeking forgiveness and alms
07:35and it is a pure deed.
07:36Dear viewers, through this,
07:37a person, with regret, with shame,
07:40in the presence of Allah,
07:42confessing his sins,
07:44asks Allah for forgiveness for his sins.
07:46He surrenders himself in the presence of Allah.
07:48A person surrenders himself in the presence of Allah.
07:51He falls in the presence of Allah,
07:53clasps his hands and says,
07:54O Allah, forgive my sins.
07:56And then Allah accepts his servant,
07:58accepts him and forgives him.
08:00So, this is the purest deed.
08:01So, the more beautiful the deed is,
08:03the bigger the deed is,
08:05a person becomes friends with Allah.
08:07A person becomes friends with the Creator of the Universe.
08:09Dear viewers, if a person becomes friends with a small person,
08:12with a small minister,
08:14with a great minister,
08:16what are these small things?
08:18If a person becomes friends with someone in this world,
08:20he does not write his feet on the ground.
08:22He says, I am friends with this person.
08:24So, think about it,
08:25repentance is the thing
08:26through which a person becomes friends with Allah,
08:29becomes friends with the Creator of the Universe.
08:31A person becomes a saint of Allah.
08:33Allah becomes a saint of a person.
08:34We are your saints in this world and in the Hereafter.
08:37So, this is such a blessed deed.
08:39So, it has its limitations.
08:40A person should do this deed once.
08:42Then he should see the glory of Allah.
08:45He should say, I am a sinner.
08:47Dear viewers, once a person acknowledges his sins,
08:50he should be present in the presence of Allah.
08:52Then he should see how the King of the Universe accepts his servant.
08:56And how Allah accepts his servant.
08:59Dear viewers, the Sufis and the Muhaddithin
09:01have stated the conditions of repentance in their own way.
09:04And these conditions are so important
09:06that when a person fulfils these conditions,
09:08then when he fulfils the conditions and repents,
09:12then that repentance becomes beneficial for him
09:16in this world and in the Hereafter.
09:18Dear viewers, repentance is not just a word.
09:22In fact, with the heart, with the conviction of the heart,
09:24repentance is done with the heart.
09:26A person's heart is determined
09:28that he will never go back to his sins.
09:30Then how can a person prove that he has repented?
09:33That proof is such that the effect of repentance can be seen in his actions.
09:38Then the effect of repentance can be seen in his actions.
09:40The effect of repentance is seen in his character.
09:42After seeing his character, it is clear who has repented.
09:45What is our condition today?
09:46The repentance of our people is done on the tongue of the dog.
09:49The biggest sin, the biggest disobedience to Allah,
09:53the biggest slander, the worst of all things,
09:57the greatest sin.
10:00And how will you repent?
10:01We will clap our hands and say Tawba Tawba Astaghfirullah
10:04We will just say these words and move forward
10:07And we will understand that we have fulfilled the right of Tawba
10:09There will be no heartache, no heart will be affected by Tawba
10:12There will be no shame in the eyes, no shame in the temperament
10:16If you do something wrong to someone in the world
10:20Or break any law in the world
10:22Do you ask for forgiveness with a smile?
10:23Do you say Tawba with a smile and say sorry?
10:26After doing the biggest of deeds
10:27You try a thousand times to ask for forgiveness
10:29Do you think you will be able to move forward with Tawba with a smile?
10:34This is not the case
10:35Tawba, you need to be ashamed
10:38You need to be ashamed in your eyes
10:40You need to be ashamed of your deeds
10:42Then how can your deeds prove that you are not committing a sin again?
10:46Just like you were seen in the ignorance of Allah
10:48Now you are seen in the obedience of Allah
10:51Today's people repent of a sin
10:53Then they commit the same sin again
10:55Then they repent
10:56Then they deliberately commit the same sin again
10:58They repent
10:59Then they deliberately commit the same sin again
11:01Now take a lie
11:02Take another sin
11:04Go to the biggest of sins
11:06We will commit a sin like this
11:08Then we will repent
11:09Hazrat Maulana Kainat
11:10Poet of God, Zawj-e-Batooz Irshad says
11:12Whoever commits a sin, then repent of it
11:15Then deliberately commit that sin again
11:17Then repent
11:18Then deliberately commit that sin again
11:19And then repent
11:20Maulana Ali says
11:21This unfortunate person is not repenting
11:23Rather, he is joking with Allah
11:25Ladies and gentlemen
11:26This is the time
11:27Especially this month
11:28That a person should present himself in the court of Allah
11:31Be present in the court of Allah
11:33And ask forgiveness from Allah
11:34The one who repents in this month
11:36The one who repents in this month
11:39Then he does good deeds
11:40Then he comes to the court of Allah with shame
11:43Then he cries at night
11:45And in the state of fasting
11:46Especially at the time of Iftar
11:47Which is the time of acceptance and prayer
11:49When a person cries in that
11:51Spreading his hand in the court of Allah
11:53Not for generosity
11:54But for the pleasure of Allah
11:55He begs Allah for mercy and forgiveness
11:58Then Allah accepts him
12:01Allah turns his sins into good deeds
12:03And for that pleasure, the Lord of the worlds
12:05The Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad and the Messenger of Allah
12:08S.A.W. says
12:10The one who repents of sins
12:15The one who truly repents of a sin
12:18The one who repents of a sin
12:21He becomes like the one who has not committed a sin
12:24Allah purifies him from sins
12:26As if he has not committed a sin
12:28The first anger
12:30Repentance turns that anger into friendship
12:32The first distance
12:34Repentance ends that distance
12:36The first person who is going to hell
12:38Repentance turns his path into freedom
12:41The first impure person
12:43Repentance turns him into a guest
12:48Repentance makes him such that
12:50Allah becomes his friend
12:55There was a drought
12:56There was no rain
12:57Diseases started spreading
13:01prayed for rain
13:02Allah said
13:03Musa, in your people
13:05There is one person who is so sinful
13:08We are so angry with him
13:10Because of him, we are not bringing rain
13:12And he knows that he is so sinful
13:14That because of him, it is not raining
13:16You gather all the people
13:18And announce that the sinner
13:20The sinner who knows that he is the reason
13:22He should leave
13:24If he leaves, it will rain
13:25Musa S.A.W. gathered all the people
13:27Allah said
13:29There is one person among you
13:31Who is so sinful
13:33Because of him, it is not raining
13:35And he knows that Allah is angry with him
13:37And because of him, the whole area is in trouble
13:39He should leave the area
13:41He looked up to the sky
13:43He said, O Allah, if you keep my veil
13:45O Allah, I truly repent
13:47If you forgive me today
13:49If you make me yours
13:51I will never sin again
13:53Allah accepted his repentance
13:55And it started raining
13:57Musa S.A.W. said
13:59O Allah, no one has left yet
14:01Allah said
14:03Musa S.A.W.
14:05Because of him, it is not raining
14:07And because of him, it is raining
14:09Musa S.A.W. said
14:11O Allah, who is he?
14:13Allah said
14:15When he was innocent
14:17Now he has become a friend
14:19Repentance is such a light
14:21Which takes a person to the true life
14:23It guides a person to the true life
14:25O heedless person
14:27Get up and repent in the presence of Allah
14:29In your life
14:31Before the caravan of life
14:35Before your breath stops
14:37Before the angel of death
14:39Reaches you
14:41Before the book of your life
14:45Before your eyes are closed
14:47And your eyes are opened in the grave
14:49Before that, in these blessed hours of Ramadan
14:51In these blessed moments of Ramadan
14:53In these blessed days and nights of Ramadan
14:55In these blessed days and nights of Ramadan
14:57By the hand of Allah
14:59By bowing your head
15:01By shedding tears
15:03Repent and make friendship with Allah
15:05Repentance is such a power
15:07Which takes a person to the true life
15:09Ibn Qasir is also mentioning this
15:11In the beginning and the end
15:13Great scholars, great Sufis
15:15Are narrating this incident
15:17In a state of intoxication
15:19A person is going on the road
15:21He is in a state of intoxication
15:23While walking on the road
15:25He sees the name of Allah written on the ground
15:27I am just telling you how easily Allah is accepted
15:29And you are trying so hard
15:31To convince the smallest people in the world
15:33You are arguing so much
15:35And still they humiliate you
15:37In the nights of Ramadan
15:39And in the hearts of Ramadan
15:41Try to convince the smallest people in the world
15:43Bishr Hafi is passing by
15:45He is in a state of intoxication
15:47He sees the name of Allah written on the ground
15:49He says, my Lord's name is written on the ground
15:51He picked up the name of Allah from the ground
15:53He cleaned it and placed it on a high place
15:55According to his power
15:57Allahu Akbar
15:59At that time, the saint Zunnoon Misri
16:01Allah revealed to him
16:03Go and tell Bishr Hafi
16:05That Allah loves you
16:07Allah has accepted you
16:09Allah has sent a message for you
16:11People are surprised
16:13That Zunnoon Misri is looking for Bishr Hafi
16:15Who is always in a state of intoxication
16:17Zunnoon Misri goes to Bishr Hafi
16:19Who is in a state of intoxication
16:21He picks him up and cleans his face
16:23He says, Bishr Hafi, Allah has accepted you
16:25Allah has sent this message for you
16:27Bishr Hafi gets upset
16:29He says, my Lord has sent a message for me
16:31He repents
16:33He repents
16:35And he is satisfied with the high status of sainthood
16:37Zunnoon Misri asked, O Allah
16:39The question is that such a person
16:41Allah has said
16:43He saw my name written on the ground
16:45He picked up my name from the ground
16:47I picked it up from the filth of sins
16:49He cleaned my name according to his power
16:51I purified it from sins
16:53He placed my name on a high place
16:55according to his power
16:57I placed it on a high place
16:59according to my glory
17:01My brothers, this is how Allah accepts
17:03Try to convince Allah
17:05Try to get closer to Allah
17:07Try to make a connection with Allah
17:09Dear viewers, I was saying
17:11There are conditions for repentance
17:13There is no time to explain
17:15But Zawj-e-Batool, the Lion of God
17:19Sayyidina Ali says
17:21There are six conditions for repentance
17:23If someone wants his repentance to be accepted
17:25He will have to go through these six conditions
17:27Dear viewers, those who want to repent in Ramadan
17:29Please listen to this
17:31Mawla-e-Kainat says
17:33First of all
17:35A person should ask Allah for forgiveness
17:37with regret
17:39Like I said
17:41Is this a joke?
17:43Or is it a small thing
17:45and you are apologizing to your friend
17:47You don't even apologize to your friend
17:51You should try a little
17:53And you should repent
17:55Mawla-e-Kainat says
17:57First of all
17:59You should see
18:01As a beggar
18:03As a beggar
18:05You should say
18:07Allah is the biggest sinner
18:09in the biggest court
18:11Allah is the lowest in the highest court
18:13Allah apologizes to you
18:15while acknowledging your sins
18:17A person should ask for forgiveness with regret
18:19Then it is said
18:21Those who have left their duties
18:23Do not leave your duties
18:25Do not leave your duties
18:27Do not leave your duties
18:29A person is not completing one prayer
18:31Not completing his duties
18:33This is not repenting
18:35You should leave your duties
18:37You should leave your duties
18:41You should leave your duties
18:43You should leave your duties
18:45and repent
18:47Allah o Akbar.
18:48Then if someone's wealth has been misappropriated, it is not that, O Allah, I have stolen this
18:54thing from him, O Allah, forgive me, I will not steal again.
18:56There will not be such repentance whose wealth has been misappropriated or whose wealth has
19:00been misappropriated, whose wealth has been misappropriated.
19:02Return his wealth and then seek forgiveness in the court of Allah.
19:05He said that again, if someone has been hurt by hand or tongue, then first seek forgiveness
19:10from that person and then seek forgiveness from Allah.
19:12Because in this world and in the hereafter, if you have hurt someone, then your decision
19:16will be left to that person.
19:17And then what did he say?
19:18In the future, Hazrat Maulana Kainat says, make a firm decision not to commit a sin.
19:22And then, just as you used to see yourself busy in sins, now show yourself busy in the
19:27mercy of Allah.
19:28And in the court of Allah, show yourself in the mercy of Allah, so that you know that
19:33you are really going to repent.
19:35Viewers, tomorrow we will meet again on this channel.
19:46Allah Hafiz.
