• 2 days ago
Fazail e Ramzan - Episode 5

Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv

#FazaileRamzan #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv

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00:00Shah-e-Ramzaan, Shah-e-Ramzaan, Shah-e-Ramzaan, Shah-e-Ramzaan, Shah-e-Ramzaan,
00:10Hai Momino Ke Dil Ka Ujana Shah-e-Ramzaan
00:16Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen
00:18Wassalatu wassalamu ala sayyidil anbiya wal mursaleen
00:23Amma baad faqad qala Allah tabarak wa ta'ala fil quranil kareem
00:29A'uzu billahi minash shaytanil rajim
00:32Bismillahir rahmanir raheem
00:35Wala ratbin wala yabisin illa fi kitabin mubeen
00:40Sadaqallahul adheem wa sadaqa rasuluhun nabiyyul kareem
00:45Ladies and Gentlemen,
00:46Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
00:50Ladies and Gentlemen,
00:51You are watching the program Fazail-e-Ramadaan
00:54which is a daily conversation between me and you on ARYQ TV.
01:00Ladies and Gentlemen,
01:01In this program, we talk about the blessings of Ramadan.
01:04In this program, we talk about the blessings of Ramadan Mubarak
01:06which Allah the Almighty bestowed upon the Ummah of Muhammad.
01:13And in this program, we talk about the actions of the Holy Quran and Hadith.
01:17And in this program, we talk about the actions of the Holy Quran and Hadith.
01:21That in this holy month,
01:23through this, a person can attain the pleasure of Allah and His Messenger.
01:27And in this holy month,
01:29can benefit from the blessings of this holy month.
01:33Ladies and Gentlemen,
01:34This month has a special connection with the Holy Quran.
01:37Allah the Almighty,
01:38Allah the Almighty,
01:39By introducing this month,
01:41He named it the month of the revelation of the Holy Quran.
01:44It is also mentioned in the Holy Quran,
01:46That it is the night of the revelation of the Holy Quran.
01:50In this month,
01:51There is also a night which is the night of the revelation of the Holy Quran.
01:53And this is the reason of the night of Qadr.
01:56So, Ramadan and the Holy Quran,
01:58They have a deep connection.
02:01So, our topic today is also Ramadan and the Holy Quran.
02:04Ladies and Gentlemen,
02:05The Holy Quran,
02:06From the side of Allah,
02:07Is a book of guidance for the whole of humanity.
02:10And its guidance is,
02:12Aafaaqi and Alamgiri.
02:14And in this book,
02:15For every branch of life,
02:17There is a guiding principle.
02:19Not only the rulings of Shariah,
02:21Not only the rulings of religion,
02:23Rather, all walks of life,
02:25This book covers all branches of life.
02:29For all branches of life,
02:31In this verse,
02:32There is a guiding principle.
02:34Hazrat Imam Jalal-ud-Din Sayyuti,
02:36May Allah have mercy on him and grant him peace,
02:38Says that,
02:39The Holy Quran is such a book of Allah,
02:41And such a spring of guidance,
02:43That there is no such issue in the universe,
02:46There is no such thing,
02:47Whose solution cannot be found in the Holy Quran.
02:50But, Allah the Almighty,
02:53Focuses on those,
02:54On whom Allah the Almighty,
02:56Gives special grace.
02:57That is, we read the great commentators,
02:59We read the commentaries of great commentators,
03:02We read the great personalities among the companions,
03:05Those who wrote the commentary of the Holy Quran,
03:07They continued to write,
03:08How many issues,
03:09The solution of which,
03:10They continued to tell from the Holy Quran.
03:11And then,
03:12When we look at the modern researchers of Islam,
03:14And we look at the modern commentators,
03:16The issue of the present era,
03:18The solution of which,
03:19They take it out of the Holy Quran,
03:20These sciences,
03:21Imam Jalal-ud-Din Sayyuti says,
03:23Imam Jalal-ud-Din Sayyuti says,
03:25These sciences,
03:26Allah the Almighty,
03:27Focuses on those,
03:28On whom Allah the Almighty,
03:29Gives special grace.
03:30Dear viewers,
03:31Dear viewers,
03:32Hazrat Sayyidina,
03:33Abdullah bin Abbas,
03:34May Allah be pleased with him,
03:35Who is also called,
03:36The translator of the Holy Quran,
03:38And Jibreel-e-Ameen,
03:39Came to the court of the Holy Prophet,
03:41And said,
03:42O Messenger of Allah,
03:43Your companion,
03:44Abdullah bin Abbas,
03:45Is a great scholar,
03:47He is a great scholar of your Ummah,
03:49He is a great scholar of your Ummah,
03:51He is a great scholar,
03:52The translator of the Holy Quran,
03:53Hazrat Sayyidina,
03:54Abdullah bin Abbas,
03:55May Allah be pleased with him,
03:56Explaining the vastness of the sciences of the Holy Quran,
03:58He says,
03:59The vastness of the sciences of the Holy Quran,
04:01Is so vast,
04:02That even if my rope is lost,
04:04I can find it in the Holy Quran.
04:06The scholars of the Holy Quran,
04:07While speaking,
04:09Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas,
04:11Even if my rope is lost,
04:12I can find it in the Holy Quran.
04:14He is pointing towards,
04:15The vastness of the sciences of the Holy Quran,
04:17That the sciences of the Holy Quran,
04:19Are so vast,
04:20In terms of wealth and knowledge,
04:21The sciences of the Holy Quran,
04:22Are so vast,
04:24That there is no such thing in the universe,
04:26Which cannot be found in the Holy Quran.
04:28There is no such knowledge of the Holy Quran,
04:30There is no such knowledge of the universe,
04:32Which cannot be found in the Holy Quran.
04:35There is no such issue of the universe,
04:37Which cannot be addressed in the Holy Quran.
04:41And man cannot find it in the Holy Quran,
04:43Its answer and solution.
04:45The vastness of the sciences of the Holy Quran,
04:47Is being explained by this statement of Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas.
04:50Hazrat Sayyidina,
04:51Abdullah bin Masood,
04:52May Allah be pleased with him,
04:54Whoever wants to acquire knowledge,
04:57He should read the Holy Quran,
04:59Which is the book of Allah.
05:00The one who knows about his creation,
05:02No one else can know about it.
05:04The one who is going to make something,
05:06No one else can know about it,
05:08As much as he knows about it.
05:10Allah is the creator of the universe.
05:12So the one who can know about the creation of the creator,
05:14No ordinary man can know about it.
05:16That is why Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood,
05:19Whoever wants to acquire knowledge,
05:21About any issue of the world,
05:23If he wants to acquire knowledge,
05:25He should read the Holy Quran,
05:27Which is the book of Allah.
05:29Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood,
05:30May Allah be pleased with him,
05:31Did not say that,
05:32Whoever wants to know about the Shariah,
05:34About the religion,
05:35About fasting in Ramadan,
05:37About Hajj,
05:38Or about Zakat,
05:39He should read the Holy Quran.
05:41He said,
05:42Whoever wants to acquire knowledge,
05:43He should read the Holy Quran.
05:45And it is mentioned in the Mustadhaq,
05:47The Holy Quran is the book of Allah.
05:49And people should,
05:51Seek knowledge from the book of Allah.
05:53The reason for this is,
05:55That blessings are decorated on the book of Allah.
05:58Whoever has a book of Allah,
06:00His blessings will be decorated on it.
06:02On the poor's book of Allah,
06:03His blessings will be decorated on it.
06:05On the rich's book of Allah,
06:06His blessings will be decorated on it.
06:08And if there is a great king of the time,
06:10Then his book of Allah will be full of blessings.
06:13So you think for yourself,
06:14What will be the state of Allah's book of Allah?
06:16What is the blessing of the universe,
06:18Which will not be on Allah's book of Allah?
06:20So this is being pointed towards knowledge.
06:22Whoever wants to acquire knowledge,
06:24The Quran is the book of Allah.
06:26There can be no knowledge of the universe,
06:28Which is not present in the Quran.
06:30There can be no problem of the universe,
06:32Which can not be solved through the Quran.
06:36Today, we need this matter.
06:38Today, to improve our lives,
06:40With religious trust,
06:41With worldly trust,
06:42With social trust,
06:44With economic trust,
06:45With all kinds of trust,
06:47If we want to improve ourselves,
06:49With worldly trust,
06:50With all kinds of trust,
06:51If we want to improve ourselves,
06:53Then we need to connect with the Quran.
06:55And connecting with the Quran is not just,
06:57That you finish the Quran six times in Ramadan.
07:00Connecting with the Quran is not just,
07:02That you read the Quran for the sake of high rewards.
07:04Connecting with the Quran is not just,
07:06That you read the Quran with the intention of mere rewards.
07:09Connecting with the Quran is,
07:10That you read the Quran with understanding.
07:12Read with translation.
07:14And remember,
07:15To understand, you will also need commentary.
07:17It will be impossible to understand without commentators.
07:19When the commentators will tell you,
07:21The glory of the revelation of the verse.
07:22Then, while explaining the verse,
07:23They will tell you,
07:24The hadith that the Prophet, peace be upon him,
07:26Then, in which era,
07:27The verse was revealed.
07:28At what time,
07:29The verse was revealed.
07:30What was the incident at which,
07:31The verse was revealed.
07:32What was its glory of revelation?
07:33And then, what did the Prophet, peace be upon him,
07:34Say about it?
07:35Then, how did the companions,
07:36Ask the Prophet, peace be upon him,
07:37About it?
07:38Then, how did the Prophet, peace be upon him,
07:39Answer it?
07:40Then, how did the jurists,
07:41The scholars,
07:42How did they agree on the issues?
07:44How did they address,
07:45The issues of different eras,
07:46With the Quran?
07:49To understand the Quran,
07:50You cannot understand it without,
07:51Explaining it.
07:52It will be very important for you,
07:53To read the commentators.
07:54Because, remember,
07:55The Prophet, peace be upon him,
07:56Is the last Prophet of Allah.
07:57The crown of the seal of prophethood,
07:58Allah has decorated it,
07:59On the head of my Prophet,
08:00Peace be upon him.
08:01So, just as,
08:02The Prophet, peace be upon him,
08:03Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah,
08:04Peace be upon him,
08:05Is the last Prophet of Allah.
08:07The Quran,
08:08Is the last word of Allah,
08:09With the creation.
08:10After the Prophet, peace be upon him,
08:11No Prophet will come.
08:12So, after the Prophet,
08:13Peace be upon him,
08:14The revelation of the verse,
08:15Will be revealed.
08:16Then, how did the companions,
08:47Stop the revelation?
08:48After the Prophet, peace be upon him,
08:49The revelation will be stopped forever.
08:50So, now,
08:51It was important for this,
08:52That first,
08:53The issues of one era should be discussed in one scroll,
08:54Then, the issues of the next era should be discussed in one scroll,
08:55And discussed in one book.
08:56Now, after the Quran,
08:57There will be no book.
08:58The revelation of the verse,
08:59After the Prophet,
09:00Peace be upon him,
09:01After his creation,
09:02The revelation will be stopped forever.
09:03So, now,
09:04It was important,
09:05That for the period of time,
09:06Till the day of judgement,
09:07Every era will be addressed.
09:08The issue of the nation,
09:10That will be addressed.
09:11The reality,
09:12The issue of the nation that occurs in every era, the incident that occurs in every era, the demand that occurs in every era,
09:19should be mentioned in this final dialogue with Allah's creation.
09:23So my viewers, this is what happened.
09:25Allah mentioned the incident of every era that comes to the end of the world in the Holy Qur'an.
09:30He mentioned the issue of every era.
09:32He addressed the most recent issues of every era.
09:36My dear viewers,
09:3750 years later or 100 years later, any research becomes history.
09:42200 years later, we talk about the Stone Age.
09:45The Qur'an has not been irrelevant for 1,500 years.
09:48The Qur'an is the most relevant book in today's era of modern globalization, technology and science.
09:56When our researchers of Islam look for any modern issue from the Qur'an,
10:01they find a solution directly from the Qur'an.
10:04This is also a clear proof of the authenticity of the Qur'an.
10:07My dear viewers, Allah says in the Holy Qur'an,
10:12And We revealed to you the Book.
10:14O my Beloved, the book that We revealed to you,
10:17In it is a clear statement of everything.
10:21Not just the mention, but there is a clear statement of everything.
10:24Then Allah introduces the Qur'an and says,
10:26And in the Holy Qur'an, the Imam of the people of Sunnah, Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi says,
10:33In the Holy Qur'an, the mention of everything is on everything in the universe.
10:40There is no such thing in the universe that the Qur'an does not have a clear statement of.
10:45Then the Qur'an introduces itself,
10:47And there is no dry thing in the universe,
10:54And there is no such thing in the universe that the Qur'an does not have a clear statement of.
10:57Look at the vastness of the Qur'an.
10:59People say that there is a command of solid or liquid in the universe.
11:04Or in solid or liquid form.
11:06Or there will be a command of dry or wet.
11:09The Qur'an says,
11:12There is no such thing as solid or liquid.
11:14There is no such thing as dry or wet that the Qur'an does not have a clear statement of.
11:18And then the Qur'an says,
11:21There is a mention of everything in the Qur'an.
11:24And there is a mention of everything in the universe.
11:26This is the vastness of the Qur'an.
11:28And this is why the Prophet said,
11:31My Prophet, the Messenger of Allah, said,
11:35Until the Day of Judgment, the scholars of my Ummah will be intoxicated with the knowledge of the Qur'an.
11:40But its wonders will not end.
11:42What does this hadith mean?
11:44That every era will go, a new era will come.
11:46There will be new problems of the new era.
11:48Old books will be old.
11:50New books will be needed.
11:52New research will be needed.
11:54New researchers will be needed.
11:55But the Qur'an is such a book that eras will continue to change.
11:59Nations will continue to change.
12:00People will continue to change.
12:02There will be new problems of every era.
12:04But the problems of every era.
12:06The scholars of my Ummah will recite this Qur'an.
12:09They will investigate this Qur'an.
12:11And they will take it out of this Qur'an and show it.
12:13They will be intoxicated.
12:14But its wonders will not end.
12:16People will be amazed.
12:18The Qur'an was revealed 1,500 years ago.
12:21But the Qur'an is addressing the problems of the modern era in the same way as this book was revealed today.
12:28This is one of the evidences of the authenticity of the Qur'an.
12:32It was found that there are exceptions in the knowledge of the Qur'an.
12:35Allah has made the Qur'an a spring of guidance.
12:38And the source of all knowledge is the Qur'an.
12:41And this is the evidence of the authenticity of the Qur'an and the word of the Creator.
12:45This is the reason why Zauj-e-Batool, the lion of God, the father of Madinat-ul-ilm, Sayyidina Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, said,
12:52Let's stand up and challenge.
12:54Ask me anything.
12:58I, Ali, am standing here.
12:59I will take it out of the Qur'an and show it to you.
13:02According to this statement of Hazrat Ali, if someone wants to ask a question about faith,
13:06wants to ask a question about the commandments,
13:08wants to ask a question about worship,
13:10about morals, about deeds, about circumstances,
13:14about the creation of the earth and the sky,
13:16about the creation of man,
13:18about the creation of the universe,
13:20about the jinn, about the angels,
13:22about the world, about the hereafter,
13:24about the sun, the moon, the system of the sun,
13:26about the sun and the moon,
13:28wants to ask me any question.
13:30Ali says, I will sit here and answer it.
13:32And today we, the slaves of Ali, say,
13:34if someone wants to ask a question about science,
13:36about technology,
13:38about medical science,
13:40wants to ask a question about any field,
13:43then today the answer can be given from the Qur'an.
13:45This is one of the proofs of the authenticity of the Qur'an.
13:47That even after 1,500 years,
13:49every 100 years,
13:51the ancient research or 50 years later,
13:53it becomes irrelevant.
13:55But the relevant book is the book of Allah.
13:57Which is the language of my Prophet,
13:59Allah the Almighty,
14:01has stated it.
14:03And that book was revealed to the Prophet,
14:05on the head of the Prophet,
14:07and the Prophet is explaining it.
14:09That is the Qur'an.
14:11The Qur'an is a clear proof of Allah's proofs.
14:13Every verse of the Qur'an is a proof of Allah.
14:15Every verse of the Qur'an is a miracle.
14:17And every verse is a proof of Allah.
14:19The Qur'an's 666 verses
14:21are the proof of Allah's words.
14:23They are the proof of the authenticity
14:25of the religion of Islam.
14:27My Prophet, the Seal of the Prophets,
14:29the Prophethood and Messengerhood
14:31of the Prophet,
14:33are the proof of the truthfulness of Islam.
14:35And the proof of Allah being the Lord of the worlds.
14:37And the proof of the Qur'an
14:39being the book of Allah.
14:41When the Qur'an was revealed,
14:43some people said,
14:45we don't believe in it.
14:47It is the word of man.
14:49It is full of lies.
14:51It is the word of man.
14:53We don't believe in it.
14:55Allah the Almighty challenges in the Qur'an.
14:57Allah the Almighty says,
14:59it is the word of man,
15:01so show me the form of man
15:03in ten forms.
15:05Allah the Almighty says,
15:07Allah the Almighty says,
15:09it is the word of man,
15:11so show me the form of man
15:13in ten forms.
15:15Allah the Almighty says,
15:17Allah the Almighty challenges in the Qur'an.
15:19I will explain it in detail
15:21in tomorrow's program.
15:23Allah the Almighty challenges in the Qur'an.
15:25Allah the Almighty says,
15:27listen, it is the book
15:29that if all the worlds come together
15:31and start helping each other,
15:33Allah the Almighty says,
15:35you cannot bring a form like this.
15:37It is the book of Allah.
15:39You cannot bring a form like this.
15:41It is the book of Allah.
15:43This is the reason why
15:45when the smallest form of the Qur'an
15:47is revealed,
15:49Hazrat Ali writes
15:51the wall of Kaaba
15:53and challenges
15:55the people of Mecca
15:57and challenges those who
15:59say that it is the word of man.
16:01If a man is a child of man,
16:03he should accept the challenge of Ali.
16:05This is what Allah has done in the Qur'an.
16:07Surah Kausar is the smallest form of the Qur'an.
16:09Show me a form like this.
16:11All the ancient people came together.
16:13All the people of language came together.
16:15All the poets came together.
16:17All the scholars of Arabic came together.
16:19But they could not bring a form
16:21like the smallest form of the Qur'an.
16:23Abu Jahl called Lubayb,
16:25who was very famous.
16:27He called Lubayb,
16:29who was a very famous poet.
16:31He was a very famous poet.
16:35He was a very famous poet.
16:41Abu Jahl called him
16:43and said that this is the smallest form of the Qur'an.
16:45The Qur'an challenges you
16:47to bring a form like this.
16:49Ali has written the wall of Kaaba.
16:51Our life is forbidden.
16:53People keep asking us
16:55that if it is true,
16:57why don't you bring it?
16:59Why don't you come forward
17:01and bring a form like this?
17:03The smallest form of the Qur'an
17:05consists of three verses.
17:07Bring a form like this.
17:09Abu Jahl said,
17:11Lubayb, our life is forbidden.
17:13Show us a form like this.
17:15We will give you a treasure.
17:17We will give you gold.
17:19We will give you whatever you ask for.
17:21Lubayb said, no problem.
17:23At that time,
17:25it was written on skin and bones.
17:27He said,
17:29this is wonderful.
17:31He wrote all of this.
17:33Lubayb said,
17:35I have not written all of it,
17:37but I have written one thing.
17:39Abu Jahl was happy.
17:41He said,
17:43bring it.
17:45I will tell you.
17:47He said,
17:49look, I have brought a form
17:51in comparison to your Qur'an.
17:53Lubayb said,
17:55I swear to God,
17:57this is not the word of any human being.
17:59This is the word of the Creator.
18:01This is the miracle of the Qur'an.
18:03The era in which the Qur'an
18:05is the creator,
18:07the Qur'an changes it.
18:09The Qur'an gives victory to the Muslims.
18:11When the Prophet
18:13sent an army through Jabir Tayyar
18:15to Najashi Badshah's court,
18:17he said, O Prophet,
18:19you are sending us to a foreign country.
18:21There are no people of our language there.
18:23May Allah protect us.
18:25The Prophet gave a few verses of Surah Maryam
18:27to Hazrat Jabir Tayyar.
18:29When he recited the verses of Surah Maryam,
18:31Najashi Badshah said,
18:33what Najashi Badshah said
18:35is in front of you.
18:37I have said it many times.
18:39The Muslims found a place there.
18:41And slowly, slowly, slowly,
18:43Islam spread there.
18:45And the flags of Islam began to wave.
18:47So it was found that what is found in the Qur'an
18:49is not found in anything else.
18:51We think that the Muslims
18:53were 313.
18:55The Battle of Badr took place on the 17th of Ramadan.
18:57Ramadan was the 17th of Ramadan.
18:59There were 313 Muslims.
19:01And the victory was such
19:03that they were victorious over a thousand armies.
19:05There were a few Muslims.
19:07But every new sun
19:09would bring them a message of victory.
19:11Wherever the Muslims went,
19:13they would come with their flags.
19:15The economic condition of the Muslims
19:17was the best.
19:19The Muslims were spreading.
19:21Isn't Allah's help with the Muslims today?
19:23There are 1.8 billion Muslims.
19:25There are 1.8 billion Muslims.
19:27There are 1.8 billion Muslims.
19:29There are 1.8 billion Muslims.
19:31There are 1.8 billion Muslims.
19:33There are 1.8 billion Muslims.
19:35But it is still a weakness.
19:37But it is still a weakness.
19:39Dr. Iqbal told him the reason.
19:41He said, being a Muslim,
19:43he is respected in the world.
19:45You have been defamed in the history of the Qur'an.
19:47The Muslims have kept the Qur'an
19:49only as a reward.
19:51Only as an amulet.
19:53Only as a decoration.
19:55Only as the end of the Qur'an in Ramadan.
19:57Muslims, take out the Qur'an
19:59and read it.
20:01Understand the Qur'an
20:03and make it a part of your life.
20:05Then the victory will kiss your feet
20:07and it will be yours.
20:09May Allah enable us in this month of Ramadan,
20:11in this month of Ramadan,
20:13in this month of Ramadan,
20:15to establish a strong relationship with Allah.
