• 2 days ago
Ilim o Amal - Episode 18

Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv

#IlimoAmal #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv

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00:00The month of blessings, the ship of greatness, the cradle of life, the soul of Mecca, Medina
00:21All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and to Him is the return of those who fear Him, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
00:29I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
00:36I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
00:43Respected viewers of ARYQ TV
00:48Today's topic is Islam is the Religion of Nature
00:58All praise is due to Allah
01:02Today's topic is Islam is the Religion of Nature
01:15Today's topic is very important
01:19Islam is one of the religions of the world
01:25It is a religion that is based on nature
01:29Islam is the religion of nature
01:32For a human being, it is natural to accept Islam
01:42As narrated by Abu Huraira
01:48This is a narration from Bukhari Muslim Shareef
01:50one of the holy quranic narrations
01:52The messenger of Allah
01:54The Imam of the Prophets
01:56The groom of Shab Yasrah
01:58the famous master
02:00The messenger of Allah
02:02has said
02:04Every child is born on nature
02:06Then the parents of that child
02:08make that child
02:10a jew
02:12or a christian
02:14or a jewess
02:16So the child, because in the religion of Islam, there is such a love and understanding that even if there is a commandment, he has the ability to accept it.
02:30Because in this religion, the teachings, the message, is a delusional message.
02:41And what did someone say, that by running the mind, we got tired, we did not find any religion like the religion of Muhammad.
02:52That is, in the religion of Islam, there are such natures, such principles, such styles, that when a person who is born in a religion tries to understand it in the right way, then he develops a desire for it.
03:13In the Holy Qur'an, it is clearly stated, you straighten your face, for the obedience of Allah, everyone is the same, on the basis of which people were created.
03:29Do not change what Allah has made, this is the straight religion.
03:35That is, the one whom Allah has sent according to the principles of nature, now if we understand the religion through understanding, that the true creator, the true owner, is Allah, the One, the One, the One.
03:52That is, worshiping someone other than Allah, worshiping someone, believing someone, this is a false matter.
04:05And it is said that many people do not know this, but the reality is that,
04:20That is, the true creator, the true owner, is Allah, the One, the One, the One.
04:35From the time of the Prophet, to the time of the Prophet, all the Prophets came to erase the religions of falsehood, and all came to give the news of the religion of truth.
04:52And the message of all was the message of the One, the One, the One, the One, the One, the One.
05:12and this is the religion of nature.
05:17The one who is born, his family is taking him wherever they are taking him.
05:24Our jurists have, Hazrat Mujaddid Al-Fisani, may Allah be pleased with him,
05:32accepted the religion of God.
05:35That is, he did not tolerate any mischief in the religion,
05:40and he made the religion of truth.
05:43And all the Prophets who came, all said that there is no God but Allah.
05:49He is Allah, there is no one worthy of worship except Him.
05:54Nor can anyone be worshipped.
05:57We have come as His messengers.
06:00We have come with His message.
06:03We have His message.
06:05We have His book.
06:07And this is the message of the universe.
06:10And the message of the religion and all the divine books,
06:15the words that are revealed in them,
06:18all these things are the religion of truth.
06:21And according to the jurists, the religion of truth means creation.
06:26And it means that Allah has created people with the ability to accept the religion of Islam.
06:35That is, the one who is being created, we have to teach him.
06:40He is being motivated wherever he is being motivated.
06:43But he has the ability to be influenced by the religion of truth.
06:48And naturally, man cannot turn away from this religion,
06:53nor can he deny it.
06:56Because this religion, in every respect,
06:59is in accordance with the right understanding.
07:06And the misguidance of the people will be misguided by the misguidance of the jinn and humans.
07:15The one who turns away from the religion of Allah will be misguided.
07:20And certainly, if you study history,
07:24this is what happened.
07:26And the Prophets kept calling people to the truth.
07:30They kept preaching the religion.
07:32And the shayateen, the hypocrites, the misguiders, kept doing their work.
07:37They kept misguiding.
07:39The Quran has clearly stated that
07:43This is the book in which there is no doubt about anything.
07:54Those who read it, those who translate it, those who read the commentary,
07:58all people will not be guided.
08:01They can also cause misguidance.
08:04But dear viewers, what is necessary for us?
08:08That this religion is such a beautiful religion.
08:12At that time, the Christians said,
08:15The disbelievers said,
08:17What kind of a religion is this?
08:19In which even small issues are being told to people.
08:24The issues of purity are being told.
08:28The etiquette of eating food is being taught.
08:31The etiquette of getting up and sitting is being taught.
08:34That is, in every verse of the Holy Quran,
08:38The whole constitution of life is being taught.
08:42In Surah Nisa,
08:43Take a guess.
08:45From the worship of Allah to the life of man.
09:08Indeed, Allah loves not one who is not proud.
09:14Knowledge of everything is being given.
09:17They said, what kind of religion is this?
09:20And this is the reason that the disbelievers day by day,
09:23People of different religions day by day,
09:26When they get to know the religion,
09:28Then they keep moving towards the religion.
09:31And if we follow the religion of nature,
09:35If we go towards a happy style and the principle of life,
09:40Then I will tell you my own experience.
09:45Ladies and gentlemen,
09:46I was on a Tablighi tour of several Arab Emirates.
09:51So there,
09:52After the gathering,
09:53Where I had an address,
09:55After the address,
09:56I reached my residence.
09:59So I met a person from Uzbekistan.
10:03So I asked him his name,
10:05He told me that my name is Siraj-ud-Din.
10:09And he told me in a very beautiful way,
10:13And in a very good accent,
10:19So I was very happy.
10:21And he himself started talking to me.
10:24He says,
10:25Hazrat, I am the son of an ambassador.
10:32I am from Uzbekistan.
10:37My father was in Pakistan.
10:40We used to live in Karachi.
10:43At night,
10:45I attended a Saheed gathering.
10:49At night,
10:50I heard about the glory of the Prophet,
10:52The greatness of the Prophet,
10:53The greatness of the Prophet,
10:54The greatness of the Prophet,
10:55The greatness of the Prophet,
10:56And the greatness of the Prophet,
10:57And the greatness of the Prophet,
10:58And the greatness of the Prophet,
11:00I heard from the scholars.
11:03I had this thought in my heart,
11:06That how beautiful the religion is,
11:09That the religion of the Lord,
11:11The beauty of the Prophet is being described,
11:13So these are the conditions,
11:16So if I get lost in the depths of the life of that beloved,
11:23He said,
11:24I asked a scholar,
11:25He said,
11:26If you want to know about the Prophet,
11:27Then start reciting the Quran.
11:30He said,
11:31I had not yet recited the Kalima,
11:32I had not yet become a Muslim,
11:33I kept reciting the Quran,
11:34With the translation,
11:36But after a short while,
11:38Allah blessed me,
11:40And the star of my destiny,
11:43And I,
11:44After reciting the Kalima of the Prophet,
11:46Became a Muslim.
11:48But I did not tell anyone in my house.
11:53Time went by,
11:54And slowly,
11:55I started to pray,
11:56And fast,
11:57And Zakat,
11:58And all these things,
11:59That were related to the religion,
12:02and good conduct,
12:04He said,
12:05My wife,
12:06She used to play the Sazina,
12:08And my father too,
12:09One day,
12:10In our house,
12:11My father,
12:12Had also had a drink,
12:13And my sister,
12:14Had also had a drink,
12:15And she was singing,
12:16And I used to listen to her,
12:17And she used to sing,
12:18And I used to listen to her,
12:19And she used to sing,
12:20And I used to listen to her,
12:21And I used to listen to her,
12:22And I used to listen to her,
12:23And she used to sing,
12:24And she used to sing,
12:25And when she came out of the room,
12:28I immediately,
12:29Went ahead,
12:30And picked up my father's shoe,
12:32And put it on my father's feet.
12:36I took a sheet,
12:37And put it on my sister's head,
12:38And put her shoe on her feet,
12:41And she asked me,
12:44That this practice,
12:46Where did you learn it from?
12:51She is not a Muslim,
12:52But this practice is of the religion,
12:53How do they like it?
12:56Where did you learn it from?
12:59I said,
13:00That I have read the Kalima,
13:02Of the Prophet,
13:03At the end of times,
13:05So I have taken this message,
13:06From the Quran and Sunnah,
13:08They said,
13:09The religion in which,
13:10This message is there,
13:11This religion will be true,
13:13The religion in which,
13:17And respect is there,
13:19So therefore,
13:20After reading the Kalima,
13:21I became a Muslim.
13:23Now, dear viewers,
13:24This is a very important point,
13:25That is why I have said it,
13:27That in our lives,
13:29If we put ourselves in this frame,
13:31If we put our habits,
13:32In the frame of worship,
13:34If we don't put our worship,
13:35In the frame of our habits,
13:37Then seeing our daily matters,
13:39The people who live with us,
13:41The people who walk with us,
13:43They gradually,
13:44Fall in love with the religion.
13:46Our saints,
13:47Our scholars,
13:48Have done this,
13:49Ghareem Nawaz,
13:50Moeen ul Haq,
13:51And Deen Moeen ud Din,
13:52Chishti Ajmeri,
13:53Have increased the Kalima,
13:54To ninety lakhs,
13:55On what occasion?
13:57With love,
13:59They called us towards the religion,
14:01They presented the picture of the religion,
14:04The Muslims are angry with us,
14:08From Meherab,
14:09And Mimbar,
14:10We have become victims,
14:11Of taan,
14:14And Iftarag,
14:15My Qibla scholar,
14:16Tajdar Sahoo Chakshreef,
14:17Hazrat Khwaja Allah,
14:18Qalandar Rahmatullah,
14:20From India,
14:21A Sikh,
14:22Came to you,
14:25You placed him,
14:26With great love,
14:27Near you,
14:30You were presented,
14:31The picture of Sangat,
14:33You gave,
14:38To everyone,
14:39Even today,
14:40This is our custom,
14:41Whatever gift comes,
14:42It is distributed among people,
14:44The Sikhs,
14:45There are five,
14:46Six people,
14:50In his heart,
14:51This thought came,
14:54Give us,
14:56Do they,
14:57Take it from us,
14:59Opened it,
15:01After searching for it,
15:03Presented it,
15:04To the Qibla scholar,
15:06Is Great,
15:09The believer,
15:10Should watch,
15:11With the light of Allah,
15:12The believer,
15:13Should watch,
15:14With the light of Allah,
15:15My Qibla scholar,
15:18Don't eat this,
15:19It is sour,
15:20My throat,
15:21Gets disturbed,
15:23If you touch it,
15:24It might be sweet,
15:26Took it from him,
15:28He ate it,
15:30Along with it,
15:31His special servant,
15:35My father,
15:39He is a guest,
15:41Eats the prohibited food,
15:43He should be given,
15:44Raw food,
15:46He should cook it himself,
15:48He should eat it,
15:50This was the practice,
15:52This is the teaching of,
15:53The religion of,
15:55What should we do?
15:56If a Muslim,
15:57Comes to us,
15:58We say,
15:59Send him away,
16:00Send him back,
16:01He is a sinner,
16:02He is so and so,
16:03He is so and so,
16:06Has explained,
16:07This religion of,
16:10He said,
16:12We don't eat,
16:13Prohibited food,
16:16First of all,
16:17Want to read,
16:18The Kalima of,
16:19The Prophet,
16:20In which,
16:21This teaching,
16:22Is given,
16:24We don't know you,
16:25We are being given,
16:26A guest house,
16:27We are being given,
16:29We are being fed,
16:31The thought,
16:32That was in my heart,
16:35Also gained,
16:36The understanding,
16:37Of that thought,
16:40First of all,
16:41Want to read,
16:42The Kalima of,
16:43The Prophet,
16:44In which,
16:46Has explained,
16:47This religion of,
16:50He said,
16:51We don't eat,
16:52Prohibited food,
16:53We are being given,
16:55We are being fed,
16:58The thought,
16:59That was in my heart,
17:01Have gained,
17:03Of that thought,
17:06First of all,
17:07Want to read,
17:08The Kalima of,
17:10In which,
17:12Has explained,
17:13This religion of,
17:16He said,
17:17We don't eat,
17:18Prohibited food,
17:19We are being given,
17:22The thought,
17:23That was in my heart,
17:25Have gained,
17:27Of that thought,
17:30First of all,
17:31Want to read,
17:32The Kalima of,
17:35He said,
17:36We don't eat,
17:37Prohibited food,
17:38We are being given,
18:11The thought,
18:12That was in my heart,
18:14Have gained,
18:16Of that thought,
18:19First of all,
18:20Want to read,
18:21The Kalima,
18:24In which,
18:26Has explained,
18:27This religion of,
18:30He said,
18:31We don't eat,
18:32Prohibited food,
18:33We are being given,
18:36He said,
18:37We don't eat,
18:38Prohibited food,
18:39We are being given,
18:40The best and the most beautiful religion of Islam, there is no better religion than this.
18:46It is the happiness of you and me, we are included in this.
18:49We should live our lives according to the religion of Islam.
18:53May Allah keep us all busy with this.
18:56Till tomorrow, give us permission. Allah Hafiz.
19:10The month of greatness, the ship of greatness.
19:15The cradle of life, the soul of Makkah, Madinah.
19:20This makes a man a human.
19:27The glory of Ramadan, the glory of Ramadan.
19:37The glory of Ramadan, the glory of Ramadan.
