00:00The month of greatness, the capital of greatness, the cradle of life, the soul of Makkah, Madinah,
00:10this is what makes a man a human.
00:17Yes, viewers, it is your good day.
00:19Alhamdulillah, today is Jumatul Mubarak.
00:21And today we have taken the 20th fast.
00:24It is a great favor of Allah that He has granted us the month of Mubarak.
00:27And this is the third Friday.
00:29Today is the third Friday of the month of Ramadan Mubarak.
00:32Ramadan is passing by so quickly.
00:35On this occasion, please give us a lot of blessings and salutations.
00:40Inshallah, we will give you blessings and salutations at the end of this program.
00:43But first, with the solution to your problems,
00:46Qibla Mufti Muhammad Aqbal Madani Sahib comes here.
00:49We welcome you and are also waiting for your questions.
00:52As soon as your questions come, Inshallah, we will come to Qibla Mufti Sahib.
00:55Huzoor, I would like to start with the questions that you have.
01:00In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
01:02There was a question that sometimes,
01:04if a relative of a relative passes away,
01:10can the relative go there or not?
01:13See, the question was about the Sunnat-e-Muqadda,
01:17he cannot leave for this.
01:19But suppose sometimes there is such a close relative
01:22that if he does not go, then there will be problems in the future.
01:25He can go, but the relationship will end.
01:27Then he will have to pay for it later.
01:29Huzoor, there is a plot that has been taken on installments.
01:32What will be the method of Zakat on it?
01:37See, for example, I took a plot worth one crore
01:41and I have paid 25 lakh as installments.
01:44So if the year is completed on it,
01:47then the current value of that plot,
01:49first of all, according to that,
01:51the Zakat should be taken out as a total.
01:53Then, because I have given 25%,
01:5525% of that should be taken out.
01:57Then the Zakat will be taken out.
01:59For example, the price has doubled.
02:01I had given 25 lakh.
02:03Now, 50 lakh has been made of the same share.
02:05That is, as much as I had given,
02:07it was a plot worth one crore,
02:09so Zakat will be taken out on 50 lakh.
02:11Let's include the caller.
02:13Peace be upon you.
02:15My question to Mufti Sahib is that
02:17people give me chanda to keep the mosque.
02:20Can I use that on my own?
02:23When they need it, I give it to them.
02:26And I get a little more money for myself.
02:29My second question is that
02:32the Imam Sahib who remembers the three stars,
02:35can he offer Taraweeh prayer?
02:37Okay, let's include your question.
02:39Thank you very much.
02:41Yes, Mufti Sahib.
02:42See, the chanda of the mosque
02:44cannot be used on its own.
02:46It has to be given to the mosque immediately.
02:49Make an account of it,
02:51put it in the account.
02:53Otherwise, if you have established this custom,
02:56you may be very religious,
02:58but if you meet a cheater later,
03:00he will eat the chanda of the mosque.
03:02So keep such a transparent system
03:04that later no finger will be raised on you,
03:06and those who imitate you later,
03:08follow you,
03:09they should not be involved in any cheating.
03:12So this is not permissible.
03:14If the Imam remembers the three stars,
03:16he can offer Taraweeh prayer.
03:18If he does not remember the three stars,
03:20he can offer it with Surahs.
03:22In a mosque where there is an Imam
03:24and Taraweeh is being offered,
03:26there is a Sunnah of the Qur'an.
03:28Some have written Sunnat-e-Muqadda.
03:30The end of the Qur'an is Sunnat-e-Muqadda.
03:32But when there is a Hafiz,
03:34and the one who reads it correctly.
03:36If there is no one who reads it correctly,
03:38then it will not be correct.
03:40And if there is no Hafiz,
03:42then the Imam can do it.
04:13My question is that my brother
04:15has been unemployed for many years.
04:18Now 3-4 years ago,
04:20he got a job.
04:22Now he is almost on the bed.
04:24He has 4 children,
04:262 daughters and 2 sons.
04:28The son is looking for a job.
04:30The other son got married and
04:32settled down.
04:34Now I want to know,
04:36is Zakat obligatory on the daughters
04:38who are getting married or not?
04:40Thank you very much.
04:42Yes, Mustafa.
04:44If someone has not fasted,
04:46then he should not have the right
04:48to celebrate Eid.
04:50But we can't stop him.
04:52If he wants to prepare for Eid,
04:54he can do it.
04:56It is not unlawful or Haram.
04:58But he should be ashamed
05:00that for a whole month,
05:02with the great worship of Allah,
05:04he did Ruh-Gardaan,
05:06Haram and great sins.
05:08In terms of the society,
05:10it is a shameful thing.
05:12But if he wants to celebrate Eid,
05:14it is not unlawful.
05:16He says,
05:18a 11-year-old nephew
05:20can't do Hajj and Umrah with him.
05:22The one who is close to the elders
05:24is called Muraahik.
05:26A 11-year-old child is called Muraahik.
05:28He is under the command of an adult.
05:30If he is a nephew,
05:32he can go to Hajj and Umrah with his aunt.
05:34If he is unemployed,
05:36if he has money,
05:38then being unemployed or
05:40having a lot of money
05:42won't be a hindrance in Zakat.
05:44He will have to pay it.
05:46If he wants to ask
05:48if he can give Zakat to a poor person,
05:50he can give Zakat to his brother.
05:52I will say just one sentence.
05:58sometimes we interfere in this.
06:00I want to give a message
06:02to pay attention to this.
06:04When we get a chance
06:06to earn something,
06:08to study,
06:10to use our abilities
06:12to save for the future,
06:14we waste that time.
06:16Then when the time comes,
06:18we ask our relatives to help us
06:20because we are poor.
06:22It is permissible to give
06:24to such a poor person.
06:26But such a poor person should also think
06:28that sometimes poverty is self-created.
06:30Then we take others' rights and Zakat
06:32but first they don't like to work hard.
06:34They should work hard and become self-sufficient.
06:36They become habitual.
06:38There is no need to do any work.
06:40Now we have questions.
06:42We will include them.
06:44Assalamu Alaikum.
06:46Walaikum Assalam.
06:48My first question is
06:50how much Zakat is obligatory?
06:52The second question is
06:54if a person who does not pray
06:56and does not give Zakat
06:58can he be given Zakat?
07:00My third question is
07:02if such a person
07:04who has to fix his income
07:06to increase his income
07:08can he be given Zakat?
07:10The last thing is
07:12that your program is very good.
07:14Mufti Sahib
07:16guides people very well
07:18and tensions
07:24Yes, sir.
07:26Assalamu Alaikum.
07:28Walaikum Assalam.
07:30Yes, sir.
07:32My question to Mufti Akmal
07:34is that
07:36if the water in the well
07:38goes into the eye,
07:40will the fast break?
07:42It will go into the eye.
07:44Thank you very much.
07:46This brother has asked
07:48how much Zakat is obligatory?
07:50I request you to go to YouTube
07:52and write the reasons for Zakat being obligatory.
07:54By Mufti Akmal.
07:56We have answered this question many times.
07:58It is more appropriate to see it there.
08:00If a person
08:02says bad things about scholars,
08:04Muftis, Maulvis
08:06and the reason is not reasonable
08:08sometimes it happens that
08:10he is saying bad things about a particular person
08:12because of his bad behavior,
08:14thinking and thinking.
08:16But to say bad things about scholars
08:18and Muftis
08:20is to have a grudge against their knowledge.
08:22And there is a need to beware of such a person.
08:24The Holy Prophet said
08:26be a scholar or a scholar
08:28i.e. one who learns knowledge.
08:30Be in the company of scholars
08:32or love them.
08:34Don't be the fifth one or you will be destroyed.
08:36So stay away from the one who is destroying you.
08:38Stay away from such a person.
08:40If Hafiz Sahab decides
08:42to pay for Taraweeh,
08:44then it is forbidden.
08:46Taraweeh is a good deed
08:48and it is forbidden to pay for it.
08:50And it is not necessary
08:52that it is permissible to take salary.
08:54Yes, if Qari Sahab teaches
08:56and the committee
08:58is happy to serve him,
09:00then it is okay.
09:02But if it is forbidden in some cases
09:04like Qari Sahab himself demands,
09:06then Salah will be done for him.
09:08Because the question is
09:10whether Salah will be done or not.
09:12Qari Sahab's own action is wrong
09:14but Salah will be done for him.
09:16And if the water of the eye
09:18goes into the eye,
09:20then it is a nature
09:22that as soon as it feels something,
09:24it releases the water.
09:26And then it comes out.
09:28So as soon as the water of the eye
09:30falls, it will come out.
09:32It will not come in.
09:34That is why it will not go in.
09:36Assalamu Alaikum.
09:38I want to ask
09:40that my mother wants to live in Attaqaf.
09:42She is 65 years old.
09:44She has a problem with her eyesight.
09:46I want to ask
09:48that I am her daughter.
09:50I want to live with her in her room
09:52because she can't go to work
09:54on her own.
09:56Can I go with her?
09:58Yes, it is better.
10:00There is one more caller.
10:02Assalamu Alaikum.
10:04Two questions.
10:06The first one is
10:08that what was the reason
10:10why Zohar and Asr Salah
10:12were not performed in Ujjwad?
10:14Was it because
10:16of the injunctions given by
10:18the Prophet?
10:20The second question is
10:22that if you have to perform
10:24Surahs in the third and fourth Fajr,
10:26do you have to perform Sajdah?
10:28And if you have to perform
10:30Surahs in Nafl or Witr,
10:32do you have to perform Sajdah
10:34or is it compulsory?
10:36Please tell me.
10:38Assalamu Alaikum.
10:40My question is
10:42that I have booked a flat
10:44and its value was around
10:461 crore.
10:48Now I have booked some installments
10:50and its value has increased.
10:52Do I have to pay tax on it?
10:54Thank you very much.
10:56The second question is
10:58that my mother has a problem
11:00and she wants to perform Aitikaf.
11:02Can I live with her in her room?
11:04She can't live with her.
11:06The reason is that
11:08she has to perform Yaksu.
11:10If you are sitting with her,
11:12it is better for you to stay outside.
11:14If your mother needs any help
11:16like going to the bathroom,
11:18she can give you a missed call
11:20or ring the door bell
11:22or give you a stick
11:24and you can go and help her.
11:26It is not appropriate to live there
11:28on a permanent basis.
11:30And the secret recitation
11:32in Zohr and Asr
11:34was introduced by the Prophet.
11:36That is, the Prophet
11:38recited Zohr and Asr secretly
11:40and Zohr and Asr secretly.
11:42Therefore, it is not the invention of anyone.
11:44The Prophet did it.
11:46There are many wisdoms for it.
11:48It has been stated that
11:50the Prophet used to perform
11:52Sirri prayer in Mecca.
11:54At that time, the disbelievers used to come out.
11:56So that they don't attack.
11:58But the truth is that
12:00the wisdoms of Allah are very wide.
12:02According to the command of Allah,
12:04he recited Zohr and Asr secretly
12:06in both prayers.
12:08It is also said that
12:10if we are reciting Surah Al-Hamd
12:12after reciting Surah Al-Fars,
12:14then if Surah Surah Al-Hamd is added,
12:16then will there be Sardar Sahib?
12:18No, there will not be.
12:20In Surah Al-Fars,
12:22reciting Surah Al-Hamd
12:24after reciting Surah Al-Fars
12:26is mustahab.
12:28It is better not to add
12:30Surah Al-Hamd after reciting
12:32Surah Al-Fars.
12:34If you add it,
12:36then there will be Sardar Sahib.
12:38Because adding Surah Al-Hamd is mustahab.
12:40There will be Sardar Sahib.
12:42We have already answered
12:442-3 questions of the plot brother.
12:46You can watch it on YouTube.
12:48We have a caller with us.
12:50Assalamu Alaikum.
12:52Assalamu Alaikum.
12:54My question is that
12:56if two children are reciting
12:58Quran at home,
13:02after two rak'ahs,
13:04can they repeat it on mobile?
13:06Is it permissible for them or not?
13:08So that the mistake is minimal.
13:10If they have adopted this method,
13:12then this method is right or wrong?
13:14Okay, okay.
13:16We include your question.
13:18Thank you very much.
13:20Assalamu Alaikum.
13:22My question is that
13:24if fast is missed
13:26due to some reason,
13:28like Ramadhan,
13:30then if we keep it later,
13:32if we forget to eat something,
13:34will the fast break or not?
13:36Okay, we include your question.
13:38Thank you very much.
13:40What would you like to say?
13:42In Taraweeh, if children are reciting Quran at home,
13:44there can be two situations.
13:46I am including two.
13:48If children are reciting Quran
13:50on mobile,
13:52then Namaz will be corrupted.
13:54In Fiqh-e-Hanafi,
13:56if Imam is reciting Namaz
13:58or even a single person
14:00will be corrupted.
14:02If children are reciting Quran
14:04after reciting two rak'ahs,
14:06then there is no problem.
14:08There will be a little pause,
14:10but there is no problem.
14:12They can do this.
14:14And in any case,
14:16if they eat by mistake,
14:18then there is no difference in fasting.
14:20The Prophet was told
14:22that someone ate by mistake.
14:24The Prophet said,
14:26tell him to complete his fast.
14:28The government has turned
14:30towards Allah instead of mistake.
14:32The meaning of mistake is that
14:34Allah did not make a mistake.
14:36The meaning is that Allah made a mistake.
14:38That is why we should complete our fast.
14:42Respected viewers,
14:44I will include your questions
14:46and would like to take their answers
14:48from Mufti sahib.
14:50There was a question
14:52about how the curtains
14:54are placed in mosques.
14:56Should it be placed inside
14:58or open?
15:02When the Prophet
15:04performed I'tikaf,
15:06there was a tent.
15:08It was probably for privacy.
15:10The same method was used
15:12in our mosques.
15:14But it is true that
15:16it is not obligatory.
15:18And when there is a mass I'tikaf,
15:20then it should not be done
15:22because it disturbs other people.
15:24If there is a need
15:26for people to come and go,
15:28and their worship is being affected,
15:30then they can place a curtain
15:32for privacy.
15:34I would like to thank you
15:36for your visit.
15:38Respected viewers,
15:40you join us with your questions
15:42every day.
15:44This will continue till the end of Ramadan.
15:46Today is Jumatul Mubarak.
15:48Our dear viewers will come
15:50and the gift of salutations
15:52will be presented.
16:52Salutations to the Prophet.
17:02The light that shone
17:04on the day of judgement,
17:06the light that shone
17:08on the day of judgement,
17:10the light that shone
17:12on the day of judgement,
17:14will be presented
17:16in the gathering.
17:18will be presented
17:20in the gathering.
17:22will be presented
17:24in the gathering.
17:26from the beginning
17:28to the end
17:30will be presented
17:32only by him.
17:34from the beginning
17:36to the end
17:38will be presented
17:40only by him.
17:42Millions of salutations
17:44on the best of mankind.
17:46Sadhguru chants Sadhguru chants
18:16Sadhguru chants Sadhguru chants
18:46Sadhguru chants Sadhguru chants
19:16Sadhguru chants Sadhguru chants
19:38Arsh-e-bari tak tak jarcha tera
19:52Shams-o-qamar hai sadqa tera
20:05Ae maag-e-kaamil maus-in-tamaam
20:18Khair-ul-mashay khair-ul-mashay
20:24Sadhguru chants Sadhguru chants Sadhguru chants
20:49Sadhguru chants Sadhguru chants